Aqua massage therapy

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#1 of Bryn and Val

An older short from the Bryn and Val stories. This is my first discovery of Tryne, a curious and absolutely perverted minded otter who is friends with Bryn. He helped her start up a small massage parlor, her dream of owning her own business. She still charges him for the sessions, as any good business owner would. But he certainly gets some perks to go with his friendship.

Aqua-massage therapy

23/05/2019 - WhisperingVoid

A short from the Bryn and Val Collection


Bryn, red-panda, male

Tryne, otter, female

A sigh of pure relaxation slipped from Bryn's mouth, the noise covered by the thrumming hum of water jets, as the machine he was laying worked all the tension from his body. His body was just an outline under a thin rubber sheet that hugged all of the naked curves under it. Around him, from neck to toes, was a horizontal tube which held the body-sized bed he was laying on. Between the clear tube walls and the layer of rubber, a series of rings slid back and forth, twisting and rotating, while spraying firm jets of hot water against the rubber. The resulting warmth and pressure caused Bryn's body to melt into the lightly cushioned bed while the pulsating water spray worked away at his his muscles, loosening weeks of stress.

He stared dreamily up at the black tiled ceiling, cooing aloud as the water rushed around his thighs, blasting any remaining tension away. Even though he was perfectly dry, it felt like the machine was washing away layers of his stress. As Bryn imagined his stress being washed off his fur like soap, slowly circling the drain of a shower, he moaned again as the jets of water turned into a heavy waterfall. The pressure of the water across his chest and lower legs was delicious. Even though he was being held in place by the lightly pressure-sealed rubber divider, Bryn squirmed in delight as he felt his body respond to lighter focused jets dancing around his hips.

"If you keep moaning like that", a high pitched, playful voice said, "I'm going to keep you in there forever."

"It's your fault you little tease", Bryn huffed, biting back a heavier moan as those playful jets started to obviously focus on his erection. "Oh... oh yeah, that's so good. How do you program this thing so damn well?"

A lightly colored face of an otter appeared in Bryn's vision, smiling coyly down at him as she bit her lip. Tryne was the proprietor of the massage parlor and a good friend of Bryn's. She had similar interests though she opted to work with the public while Bryn preferred to be a recluse. Bryn could see the gears of ideas turning in Tryne's eyes as she continued to smile down at him. He started to ask what she wanted but Tryne reached down and placed a hand on each side of his head just as the aqua-massage stopped playing and started to focus heavily on his erogenous zones.

"What do you w-w-whaa!"-his words were cut off with the sudden rush of water. His body twitched and squirmed under the assault but the bed held him in place. He knew she could control the vacuum pressure, but normally he noticed before she could surprise him. Tryne was getting better at her craft, which wasn't a bad thing in Bryn's mind. He welcomed the approaching orgasm, keeping his eyes locked on Tryne's while letting his moans and gasps cause her to blush. As his toes curled into the rubber and his breath caught in his throat the water suddenly switched over to the lightest of rain showers, barely able to be felt except for the heat.

"Damn you are beautiful when you're about to blast your load", Tryne said, giggling while rubbing her hands along the sides of Bryn's face and ears. She leaned closer to him, lips almost touching his, and drew in a deep intake of air through her nose. "Beautiful and so fucking sexy. All mine too, so what ever shall I do with you?"

"Tryne", Bryn started, but Tryne again interrupted him by slipping her thumbs into his mouth and pulling his jaw down.

"Don't speak, panda boy", she commanded, whispering in his ear with a heavy voice. "Just moan for me like the horny little edge slut you are."

Tryne's words could have been the command to the massage machine for how perfectly timed they were to the next cycle of quick, heavy pulsating jets dancing up and down his trapped erection. Bryn felt his back arch as he tried to pull his legs up. There were two firm streams of hot warm circling lazily over his balls while the other nozzles focused on his shaft. Tryne's eyes were all he could see when he looked up and his voice carried over the purr of the machine as she held his mouth open. Again, near the brink of another orgasm the focus of the water shifted away instantly. This time hard, steady streams worked their way up and down his chest and legs, feeling like hands rubbing him as he squirmed.

The cycles continued, with smaller and shorter pauses between them, as Tryne continued to play with his mouth. She would whisper sexual thoughts and dirty compliments between the pauses, then stare intensely into his eyes as the machine worked him closer to the edge of an orgasm only to stop before he achieved it. After almost a dozen cycles, the water would only run for a few seconds against the outlined tip of his cock before he was screaming for it to continue. In the blur of the experience, Bryn barely registered Tryne's own voice squeaking out as her eyes squeezed shut and her grip tightened against his jaw.

When the water stopped Bryn was able to take a deep breath for the first time in what felt like hours. He blinked away the tears in his eyes. The vacuum of the bed was still tight against his skin, maybe even tighter, and he couldn't squirm enough for any friction against his throbbing, aching erection.

"Tryne", Bryn gasped, turning his head to loosen her grip and feeling the drool run down his cheeks. "Tryne, please! I need to come, please please let me come." He continued to try and squirm as Tryne just stroked his face, leaning down to plant a chaste kiss on his forehead.

"Aw, the poor little red-panda is begging to have a machine get his rocks off", Tryne cooed, voice still breathy with her own orgasm. "I could get myself off again just listening to those sweet little whimpers of yours, you know that? But, you need some water, to drink that is, and I need to take this vibrator out so that I can ride your face while you cool down a bit. We got all night, my edge puppet. We're gonna put the new sensors I installed in this beast of a machine to the test. I want to see if you remember your name by the time the sun comes up. If you do, I might even let you get off."

Bryn groaned, whimpered, and tried helplessly to move any part of his body caught in the bed's firm grip. It was no use though, and deep down he knew that. The aqua-massage bed had never been so good at keeping him from orgasm before. It was Tryne's personal goal to calibrate the sensors enough to keep a client writhing in pleasure as it was Bryn's goal to help her. Even as he whined, wishing he could move his hands just a little bit, he couldn't help but look eager as Tryne reappeared in his vision. She still had her loose fitting top on her slim body, but her pants were gone and Bryn could see just how excited she was. She fed him a long drink of water from a straw and then started to mount the bed. While Tryne hummed, pulling herself up to kneel over Bryn's face, he couldn't help but feel completely satisfied with paying for the extra long sessions.