More Than Sisters

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#1 of Aubrey and Claire, Sisters and Lovers

A pair of sisters move in together, and soon find out that not only do they love living together, but begin longing to share even more.

This story was written for Aubrey as part of my Patreon request days for February 2020. It contains F/Solo masturbation and fantasies of F/F sex between consenting adults, and incest!

More than Sisters

When Claire got a place at the same college as her older sister, there was never any doubt that the two gyrfalcons were going to get a small place together. After all, they were more than sisters. They were friends. Growing up they'd had their fights, sure, but from as young as the two of them could remember they'd always had one another's backs in all sorts of circumstances. When Claire was getting bullied in middle school, Aubrey had scared the bullies away by threatening to drag them off behind the gym building and peck out their eyes if they ever so much as looked at her sister again. When Aubrey came back home just the slightest bit tipsy after a party when she was sixteen and her parents grounded her for two full months, Claire had voluntarily undergone the same grounding so that Aubrey would always have someone to hang out with. Now though, living alone together, they were discovering whole new levels of love and friendship to one another. While their parents weren't bad people in any serious way, neither Aubrey nor Claire could deny that they'd spent their childhoods being subjected to a lot of suburban middle class ritualistic bullshit on behalf of their parents. A lot of stuff done not in the pursuit of actual good manners or kindness, but rather simply putting on a perfect front for those around them, often full of small hypocrisies and unnecessary complications.

As a result, now that Claire's eighteen year old self and her older sister found themselves together but without all that familial red tape, they were closer than ever. Happier than ever. They sat up late at night watching movies in their underwear, drinking soda and eating take-out pizza or curry or curry topped pizza. They yelled at one another from across the apartment to communicate, they sat together on the couch at dinner-time and barely looked up from their phones even as they chatted. And of course, they were up front in assuring one another that if they wanted to bring someone home after a date, word of whatever they shared together would never reach their family, or anyone else for that matter.

For a couple of months, that was more than enough for either woman. They felt as though life had never been better, and quite possibly could not get any better than it already was. In fact they were so happy spending time together at their apartment that aside from Aubrey occasionally being absent for a night or two a week visiting with a lover, or as she confided in Claire, a pair of lovers who had become very special to her, they really didn't go out or seek to date all that much. Claire knew that sooner or later she would hopefully meet someone, and she couldn't deny that now she wasn't under her parents' roof any longer she did want to experience sex with another person. For now though, she was more than content spending her free time laughing with her older sister and dearest friend, and her mornings and her nights in bed, and her showers enjoying her body alone.

The first time things changed, or at least the first time that Claire was aware that there was even the potential for her and Aubrey's relationship to grow any deeper than it already was, came quite by accident. Claire knew that in her first year of college her sister had taken some of the same general ed classes she was taking now, so when it came time to buy books for those classes, she immediately considered seeing whether Aubrey still had her copies. It was about eleven AM when Claire walked into Aubrey's room, totally not even thinking about knocking due to how open and friendly the two of them were together. Needless to say she'd expected to find her sister working at her laptop, or listening to music while reading on the bed. What she hadn't expected was to find Aubrey sitting at her desk with both legs swung up onto the wood either side of her laptop, spread wide open as she drove a thick rubber dildo in and out of herself while some hardcore BDSM porn played on the screen, silent thanks to the older gyrfalcon's wireless headphones currently wrapped around her head.

The sight only lasted a few seconds before Aubrey saw her sister's reflection in the laptop screen and with a final strangled cry of pleasure and frustration pulled the toy out of herself, tucked her legs back under the table, and turned crimson-cheeked and panting to her wide-eyed younger sibling. Claire bolted out of the room before Aubrey could say anything though, and quaking with shame and frustration at herself for being so inconsiderate, retired to hide in her own bedroom until a gentle knocking came at the door a minute or two later.

Aubrey entered in spite of Claire's awkward, shameful silence, and walked in her bathrobe over to the bed. Claire could smell her sister's arousal. She knew that's what it was because it smelled like her own, though ever so slightly different. She didn't look up though, didn't dare try to look Aubrey in the eye for fear of what her sister might think of her, until she felt a somewhat shaky hand grasp at hers. Then she couldn't help but look up, and it broke Claire's heart to see Aubrey looking just as guilty as she felt.

"Sorry, I... I should have locked the door. Or used the bathroom. Or, I dunno... not been doing that at eleven in the morning when you're home."

Claire sniffed and shook her head.

"No, it's... Aub, it's fine. Really. I thought you'd be mad at me. I... I don't wanna tell you what you can and can't do. I don't wanna make you feel like you're back home with mom and dad. I mean, I... I know how much I always tried to hide it whenever I... because, I knew if they found out, they'd start on about how unbecoming such behaviour was of a young lady..."

Both sisters rolled their eyes. They saw their sibling do so, and snorted with laughter. The tension broke with that expression of mirth, and after that, things were much easier.

"Really though, Aubrey. I'm sorry for walking in on you. But, please. Don't feel like you have to be embarrassed. We both... I mean, I... I masturbate too, obviously. And, that's okay. Right?"

Aubrey beamed at her sister, and they both blushed crimson beneath their feathered cheeks as for just a moment, quite unintentionally, both women pictured their sister lying in bed with their head thrown back, lost in the wildest throes of ecstasy. Nevertheless, after shaking off that thought and lingering only on the consideration that they were both surprisingly unashamed by having such a taboo visualisation pass through their minds, Aubrey concluded the discussion in the most positive manner possible.

"Right. In fact... if you don't mind, I'm... uh... I'm gonna go pick up where I left off. That okay with you?"

Claire giggled, and nodded warmly.

"Sure. Let me know when you're done and I'll ask you what I was gonna ask then. It's nothing important, just wanted to ask about some class books."

The older gyrfalcon nodded again, rose to her feet, and made it about three quarters of the way back across the room before Claire spoke her name. She trembled slightly, already thinking about burying that thick toy in her pussy again and for some reason excited by the idea that someone knew she was about to do it, even if that someone was her sister. Without hesitation though Aubrey turned, and she couldn't help but giggle at the bashful but overwhelmingly joyous expression on her sibling's face.

"Thank you for being so cool about this. Really. I... it's good to know that if we need to, we can talk about this kind of stuff."

Claire added, then giggled, looked around for a moment as though checking to make sure that their parents weren't going to leap in through a window or out of the closet door or something, and spoke four more words that made Aubrey's day.

"Now... go enjoy yourself."


It was less than two weeks later that the aftermath of their experience, of Claire catching Aubrey masturbating and the two of them acknowledging it so openly and without taboos, that their new openness with one another began to manifest more regularly. It began with a question from Claire as the two of them sat eating dinner one night.

"H-hey, Aub... do you, um... do you have any recommendations for... foragooddildoforsomeonewho'sneverusedonebefore?"

Within half an hour the two of them were curled up on the couch together with Aubrey's laptop between them, browsing through a good twenty or so dildos, vibrators and other styles of toy that the older gyrfalcon could unashamedly recommend. Questions were asked which months ago Claire could never have imagined discussing so openly with anyone...

"So, size wise... have you penetrated yourself with other stuff before, or just your fingers?"

...were asked freely by Aubrey, and Claire found herself answering with rosy cheeks, but absolutely no shame as she revelled in her sister's assistance.

"A couple of hairbrushes. And... um... once, a can of deodorant. Well, okay... more than once. Basically until it was empty and mom noticed, then threw the can away."

They narrowed the options down to about four or five, but as Claire was debating between the options and weighing up whether she could afford to get two of the cheaper ones or if one of the more expensive ones might be better value in the long run, she could see Aubrey struggling with something. With a question that was obviously on her mind but reluctant to be asked aloud. Eventually though, in reality just a few minutes later, Aubrey did ask it.

"So... obviously I'll clean them first, and if this is too weird then please don't think about it twice, but... I do have like four of these toys already."

Claire's eyes bulged, but with excitement rather than embarrassment.

"You mean I could... look at them? Before I decide which to buy?"

Aubrey took another deep breath, closed her eyes, and spoke with so much trust in her sister's openness and understanding.

"Or, you could use them. Test them. On yourself."

Claire gasped, and she was glad that Aubrey had her eyes closed in that moment as quite involuntarily one of her hands fell down between her legs, and pressed firmly at the front of the cosy sweat-pants she was wearing. When Aubrey did finally look at her again though, and she saw the gratitude and the excitement and the happiness spread all over her sister's face, she felt emboldened enough to even push things one step further.

"Hell... Claire. There's no point in wasting money you don't need to spend. So, if... if it wasn't too weird for you, I'd be fine, well... y'know... sharing. Mi casa es su casa. Mi dildo es su dildo, sis."


That evening, Claire stood trembling and scarlet-cheeked, the halves of her beak clicking together rhythmically in anticipation and nervousness as Aubrey emerged from her room equally red faced to hand her eighteen year old sister a shoebox full of half a dozen toys freshly washed, rinsed, dried and of course curated specifically to those that Aubrey thought her sister might enjoy. Neither of them could ignore that fact. The fact that these toys had been picked by Aubrey because she knew they made her cum long and hard, and therefore because she also wanted them to be able to make her sister cum long and hard.

After exchanging the toys, Aubrey hugged Claire. She hugged her tightly and whispered that she loved her, and though she knew that by some folks' metrics it was probably so inappropriate to be sincerely wishing this for her sister, she told Claire to have fun. To have fun with those dildos. Those sex toys. To have fun masturbating. Cumming. Maybe even squirting like Aubrey herself did, especially with the wireless massage wand included in that box.

Not wanting to pry even unintentionally, Aubrey spent the rest of that night until bedtime with her headphones in and music or other videos playing from her laptop a little louder than she might normally have had them.

When it came time for her to turn in for the night though, Aubrey couldn't help but hear a deep, distant buzzing sound as she walked past her sister's bedroom towards the bathroom. Nor could she help on the way back hearing a strangled, screeching scream of ecstasy.

By the time she made it back to her own bedroom, even though she couldn't hear Claire's masturbation at that distance with the living room between their rooms in the apartment's layout, Aubrey's heart was racing. She knew what she was about to do even as she pulled off her robe and the long t-shirt which was all she was wearing beneath it. She almost regretted giving Claire the wand, but there were a dozen or more other toys that she hadn't donated to her sister for the night, and within a minute of lying down upon the sheets of her bed, one was inside of Aubrey's pussy.

She told herself that she was masturbating because thinking about using those toys herself was making her horny. She told herself that it wasn't because she knew her sister was doing the same thing a couple of rooms over, and that it wasn't because the same toys that had made her cum and scream so many times were now doing the same to her beloved, dear, sweet little sister too. She was thinking about sex, yeah, but not about her sister having sex. Not about her sister's pleasure. Her sister's screams. How her sister might look naked and writhing, how her pussy might feel with fingers pressed inside it, hot, soaking wet flesh squeezing around them. She...

She tried to tell herself that she wasn't thinking incestuous thoughts about her sister, but honestly, that lie couldn't hold up for long. Aubrey was thinking about Claire sexually. Aubrey was enjoying the thought of her sister's own masturbatory pleasure going on a little way down the hall, and she was enjoying the idea that they were both pleasuring themselves, both stimulating themselves at the same time, and in Claire's case with a toy that Aubrey had not only given her to use, but one that Aubrey had used herself just that morning in the case of the wand.

Even once she acknowledged the taboo and unexpected nature of her fantasies though, Aubrey did at least acknowledge that they would only ever be just that. Fantasies. After all, as sweet and loving and open-hearted as her own sister was, there was no way that she could expect these strange new feelings to be reciprocated. Nor, close as they were, could she ever ask Claire if there was even the most fractional possibility of that being the case.

Though, even as she said that to herself, Aubrey was surprised to feel like that too might have been a lie.

Why couldn't she ask?

Why couldn't she at least float the idea that she'd been excited knowing that Claire was enjoying herself, fulfilling herself sexually?

Was it taboo? Yes, of course. But... was it wrong? Not in the sense of whether it was bad according to society's view of such things, but... for them, for her and her sister, would it be harmful to them for her to share that truth with Claire?

The first orgasm of the night struck Aubrey as she mulled over whether she might tell her sister how much it delighted, and even excited her to know of and be able to assist via the provision of toys her masturbatory fulfilment. She thrashed, she writhed, and as a burst of hot ejaculate erupted from between her legs, the older gyrfalcon croaked her sister's name under her breath.

In Claire's own room meanwhile, the other avian woman buried her face in her pillow and screamed at the top of her lungs as the magic wand hammering at her clit drove her to her eighth orgasm of the evening so far. Her tailfeathers twitched as a hot gush of fluids poured from her pussy and further soaked the already stained sheets, and as her eyes rolled back into her head with absolute ecstasy, Claire was already fantasising about orgasm number nine. The last three climaxes had been brought to her by the wand, and with each one she'd been unable to keep from thinking of how many times Aubrey must have lain in her own room shuddering and writhing and cumming just like this while using that very toy. Now though, she wanted to switch back to one of the dildos. She wanted to feel one of the toys that had no doubt pressed in and out of her sister's pussy on many occasions sliding deep into her instead, and as it fucked her hard to yet another climax with many more still planned ahead no matter how exhausted she already was, Claire was unable and by that point unwilling to think of anything but Aubrey's own orgasms at the behest of these toys. She couldn't stop thinking about how each time they shared them back and forth from that point onward, the more it was like they were practically having sex with each other.

The two of them.

Sisters, but now so much more than sisters, masturbating with the same toys.

Perhaps even masturbating at the same time, with toys that had been inside and pressed against each other.

Screaming. Writhing. Cumming together.

Sisters so open and so free in their sexuality, they might as well have been in the same bed. Lying side by side able to hear, feel, watch one another thrash and beg and squirt.

Sisters so close, they might as well have been with one another, within one another, with nothing and no-one in all the world able to prise them apart.

By Jeeves

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