Marked [Feral TF/TG]

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#1 of Transformation

"Megan has to take care of her childhood pet after her parents passed away, but she realizes this mutt might be more than she bargained for."

First story I'm uploading one of my stories! I've started writing several but I haven't really been able to muster enough motivation to finish any of them until now. Female humans turning into male animals has always been a favorite of mine, glad to finally translate it into something good. Hopefully you enjoyed it! If you liked reading and you have any story requests feel free to ask.


There goes the leash... Megan had been taking care of Sweetie for a few weeks

now. Sweetie had been her parents dog before they both passed away, and so Megan

was given the task of taking care of their estate until the will was settled.

This included taking care of her childhood dog Sweetie.

Sweetie was, plainly put, pretty much a mutt. Her parents said she looked like

what happens when a boxer crossed with some kind of retriever, but Megan always

thought she looked like what happens when a brother and a sister got together.

Sweetie was kinda ugly in a not so cute way; with a muddy brown fur coat that

was thick with curls, slobbery jowls, sharper teeth, and an annoying habit of

peeing on things she shouldn't. As a kid Sweetie used to pee on Megan's dolls

which would infuriate her. It always seemed like Sweetie did everything possible

to annoy Megan.

And now she's running away. Megan took her to the nature trail so she could have

some fun and frolic around, but her collar broke and now she's running straight

through the woods. And Megan had no choice but to run after her, which she was

definitely not dressed for.

Megan had on her favorite white sweater, her skinniest pair of blue jeans, and a

long brown trench coat to keep herself warm through the cold. She was wearing a

pair of Doc Marten boots which were not really made to be worn while chasing

after a rabid dog. Plus, Sweetie was a big dog and Megan was pretty short. Megan

never really made it past 5 feet tall (though she tells people she's 5'2'')

while Sweetie was over two feet tall. Sweetie was also a lot faster than Megan,

so you can understand why this chase was a struggle.

On top of all that, Megan needed glasses to see, but figured she didn't need

them for the visit to the trail, which might be the reason why she didn't see

that large tree branch on the ground perfectly placed for the next unsuspecting

jogger to trip on.

Megan fell face forward with a hard thud, smashing into the dirt and dead leaves

before rolling onto her back and blacking out.

snnff sniff

Megan's eyes blinked open to a smell, a dog smell. She peered up towards the sky

only to see nothing but dog butt. Specifically, Sweetie's dog butt. Even more

specifically, Sweetie's dog vagina. Before Megan could really wake up to realize

her situation the floodgates had opened. Sweetie raised one leg and started to

piss all over Megan. Drenching her soft white sweater turning it urine yellow,

getting all over her face and in her eyes, up her nose.

She felt a moment of frustration, then anger, and; so used to immediately

yelling at the mutt when she did something wrong; opened her mouth to speak.

Bad idea.

In a twist everyone saw coming apart from Megan, Sweetie's piss poured straight

into her mouth and down her throat. Reflexively she slammed her mouth shut, but

then something waved over her. This dog's piss was strangely... tasty? It was

very salty but almost sweet, like a chocolate-covered pretzel or salted caramel.

She didn't understand why it tasted so good, but she wanted more. So in a fit of

momentary lust she opened her mouth wide to accept this gift. The golden stream

coated her tongue, filling her mouth like a waterfall. Sweetie just continued to

pee, keeping her leg hoisted high in the air while she relieved herself.

As the last of Sweetie's piss rolled out of her, Megan woke out of her trance.

Pushing her dog aside she stood up in terror. What had she just done? Is she

some kind of creep who likes drinking dog piss? She didn't even really think

that was a thing. And what would her friends think if they knew what she just

did? And oh my dog was there anyone around who saw that? She knows there were

others walking the trail but paid it no mind.

Thoughts raced in her head as she stood there looking down at the dog who just

marked her. Even while her mind spiraled she started to appreciate Sweetie's

looks a bit more. Maybe she was harsh on her appearance, her slobbering maw is

kinda cute after all. From here in the woods her fur coat looked brighter, more

of a shining blonde that really complimented her body shape. Speaking of, she

really was built well with a thin but strong body, her long straight tail, those

strong hind legs and that big, juicy, thick pu~

ACK!- Where did that come from!? She's a dog? Is she crazy? Did that knock on

her head cause this, or was she just dropped on her head a lot as a child? Why

is she drinking dog pee and fantasizing about dog cunts? And why in the world is

it so hot out here? It's February!

Flustered and hot, Megan throws off her trench coat, although it doesn't help

much. She looks through her surroundings, no humans in sight and it seems the

trail is long gone. Sure of her privacy she strips her dirty sweater off

revealing the basic t-shirt bra she was wearing. Her feet grew uncomfortable

too, so sitting down she ripped her boots and socks off and let her bare feet

rest on the ground.

So there she was, sitting on the ground leaning back against a tree after taking

a golden shower from a dog she's known since she was a child. All she could do

was huff while watching the dog walk around the forest clearing they had found

themselves in.

While watching Sweetie sniff around, she herself smelled something of her own.

It was musky, smelling nutty and strangely masculine. As she sat there she felt

something in her pants, her skinny jeans feeling tighter around her crotch.

Carefully she unzipped, revealing her panties to the cool forest air and

exposing the slight bulging coming from them.

Pulling off the rest of her clothes while still lying against the tree she

discovered to her horror she had started to grow a sheathe. Thick, black fur

covered her groin and down her thighs. She had a pair of furry balls larger than

any man's she had been with, and she could see red poking out from her new


A panic flew over her for a moment while she took in this new change, but there

was more to come. Her hyperventilating turned to panting as her tongue flattened

out and grew in length, flopping out of her mouth. Her teeth grew sharper as her

face and nose started to stretch out into more of a muzzle.

Her ears grew longer until flopping down, covered in more black fur. As her face

and body grew more fur her natural hair started to thin out as new fur took its

place. Her chest heaved, her breasts seemingly shrinking as they were enveloped

by her growing fur. Her ribcage slowly rounded out, from her already human shape

to more akin to a canine's.

Her body ached through the changes, but they strangely aroused her more and

more. Thoughts of pleasure blew through her head as her cock revealed itself: 9

long inches of thick red with a rather huge knot. Through the pain she stared at

her new musky cock, and couldn't help herself.

Using both of her hands she started to stroke her new member, slowly from the

tip to the base. She let her fingers explore her new appendage. With one hand

she took to sliding up and down, caressing the tip, rubbing and then moving down

the shaft. With her other hand she took in her new testicles and started to

fondle. She gripped her sack sending a tingle through her, groping her nuts ever

so carefully. She grabbed enough to arouse herself but just enough not to hurt.

Her legs started to change. Her feet grew pads right on her soles, they thinned

and contorted into dog paws. Her legs grew orange and black while her paws were

a dark pink. In between her legs she could feel a tail popping out, short and

thick. Her asshole puffed out, growing pink while more orange fur grew

underneath her black stubby tail.

While she was still masturbating her hands began to transform. Her fingers

shrunk, her nails turning into hard black claws while she grew thick pads on her

palm and fingers. Her arms themselves started to turn more doglike as well, her

arms' muscle definition grew while they became covered like her hind legs in

black and orange fur.

Her new paws prevented her from stroking off anymore, so she resigned to try and

take a taste. She pulled her face towards her cock, but while doing so her neck

elongated and her jaw realigned, her snout almost fully forming with a large set

of teeth and a dog's nose. Unfortunately for her with her new size she couldn't

quite get her head out far enough to reach her throbbing cock.

By now the transformation was fully complete. Megan had become a massive,

smelly, muscled and ugly male rottweiler.

Meanwhile, Sweetie continued to sniff at the ground. She crawled against the

floor of the forest before coming to a stop in front of the monster that had

just been created. While the mutt lay prone on its back in front of her she

couldn't help herself. Sweetie put her snout up against the hound's dick and

started to take large whiffs of its musk. She had been in heat for sometime now

and ran off into the woods to try and find of mate, she's very lucky she found

such a man out here.

She took its large cock into her muzzle, her tongue gripping and sliding all

over. Megan growled and roared in lust as her dog slobbered on her new cock. It

didn't take long before she came close to bursting. With Sweetie's mouth

gripping against her red rocket, her teeth slightly nipping and pulling, her

slobber completely covering her thick shaft, she hit her breaking point.

With a big twitch Megan came inside Sweetie's mouth, a load of cum spilling out.

To Sweetie it tasted delicious, a savory thick liquid coating her throat. It

reminded Sweetie of when she'd get the leftovers from breakfast, sweet maple

syrup and scraps of bacon and ham.

For Megan it was a snap in her brain, her mind totally gone and replaced with

that of a common dog. He was now nothing but a mutt, a Rottie, focused totally

on breeding. And this load was only the first course. He could smell Sweetie's

heat and rolled over, standing up on his legs. He clearly stood above her,

massively tall compared to Sweetie.

Sweetie could tell what was about to happen, her doggy instincts wanted him bad.

She leaned down propping her ass up in her mating posture. Rottie took his snout

and shoved his maw into her large pussy. Taking in her pheromones his long,

thick tongue rolled around inside her. He pushed it in and out as the pup winced

with anticipation.

Sweetie smelled the same as she had tasted; sweet and candy-like. Rottie could

tell from the way her insides felt around his snout that she had been

unsatisfied for a while now. Her old owners would lock her away whenever she

started attracting the local males, meaning for the past years she had never

been bred. Her pussy felt tight around his muzzle, dripping moist and wet, ready

for action.

Pulling out his face he stood over the dog. Rottie started to frot against her

cunt, pushing in slightly before pulling out. He grinded against her as she

whined more and more, waiting for this big hound to make her his bitch.

He adjusted his stance, leaning down before he thrusted in.


With a large thud Rottie slammed into her pussy, pushing his cock all the way in

to the base of the knot, making sure not to tie her yet. Sweetie yelped, howling

in pleasure, left only to take the abuse from the mutt above her.

His cock slammed harder and harder into the poor dog. Both canines were

slobbering, globs of spit landing on Sweetie's snout. The two panted in sync

with the thrusts, bang, bang, bang. They were almost one. Megan, that young girl

who had to take care of the mangy mutt she hated most, was now nothing but

Rottie, and hound who wanted nothing more than to make Sweetie his mating bitch.

Rottie bit down on the back of Sweetie's neck as he shoved harder. The thrusts

quickened before slowing down once more. Rottie pushed in slowly... and pulled

out. In, and then out. With one more slow push he let her feel every inch of his



The two howled as they tied together as one. Rottie had fully pushed his knot

into the pussy of Sweetie. Her caves clenched against his knot, tightening as he

shoved himself in. The two pounded together, Rottie's balls slamming against her

ass now. His stub of a tail wagged back and forth as he grew closer to climax.

Rottie bit down on Sweetie's neck just a bit more. As she quivered he released,

almost like the valve to a gardening hose turned all the way open. He emptied

his cum deep into her as the two lovers embraced. He let go of her neck but

continued to slightly thrust, pulling in and out slightly while his massive load

of semen found its way into her womb.

After an hour of the two being tied he finally was able to pull out, the excess

cum dripping out of her used pussy. The two mutts laid next to each other in the

leaves and took a nap.

Rruff! Ruff!

Several months had passed by at this point, the two living in harmony in the

forest. Rottie barked in excitement as he played in the grass and flowers.

Sweetie watched from a ways away while she nursed their newborns, they had a

litter of 6 beautiful kids with coats of blonde and black and brown. They had

gotten used to living out alone in the forest, not caring about the world they

left behind.

When Rottie was done playing in the spring air he panted his way back to

Sweetie. Looking at the dehydrated rottweiler she yipped and stood up, letting

her babies crawl around on their own. Rottie of course took the hint, and rolled

over onto his back. Standing over the large hound, Sweetie raised up a leg and

pissed straight into Rottie's mouth, the same delicious taste as always.

When he was done lapping up her fluids, Rottie stood back up. The two dogs

walked together side by side as they took their little ones through the forest

and back into the den they had made. They had grown fond of each other as two

lovers and parents. Settling into the den for the night the two slept next to

each other in an embrace, their children in between them both.