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#1 of Teambuilding

A football team's descent into submissive debauchery. (4 part commission series for Basque.)

(Commission for Basque)

Zack sighed as he lounged on the bench near his locker. Renting out their current gym for training was getting too expensive, and it looked like they'd have to get separate memberships at whichever gyms still had open spots around the city. While not the end of the world, it wasn't ideal. They were already on a losing streak, so this hit to morale was the LAST thing the lion needed.

Clearing his throat, he motioned the other players over, looking out across various faces and holding up the flyer in his hand. "It's half off for group sign-ups. If we want to keep the team together, it's our only option. Are you guys willing to go in on the price? The reviews are a bit odd, but it's the only gym in town that won't charge an arm and a leg for a weekly reservation."

Odd was an understatement. Most reviews were glowing, but almost none mentioned the gym's amenities. Instead, they were all about how accommodating the owner was. It almost sounded like a cult, taken as a whole, describing him as life-changing and a man's man. Of course, Zac couldn't mention that if he wanted the team to agree. What was dealing with some weird fan club if they could stay together and hopefully win a game before the season ended?

Thankfully, no one looked into the place besides Zack. Maybe they were naive, or perhaps they trusted Zack too much as the team captain, but either way, by the end of the week, he held their first month's reservation in his paw. Shouldering his team's losing streak alongside his gym bag, the lion sighed, smoothing back his dark brown mane and stepping up to the front door, refusing to meet his own blue eyes in his reflection. The rest of the team would join him on Saturday, but he thought it was prudent to look over the place before he brought his friends in. After all, half the team was big enough to break most of the equipment.


Zack's first impression of the gym was the smell. It was different than the usual mix of body odor and bleach that he was used to. Crinkling his nose, he resisted the urge to cover his face with his shirt, looking around for the source of the powerful musk and hoping it was just a failure to wipe down equipment. It wasn't a deal breaker, but it smelled like a hamper full of jock straps and well-used cum socks.

Thankfully, the equipment seemed relatively state of the art, with soft leather free of cracks and metal that shined as though freshly polished. Aside from the lingering musk, the place would be perfect for strength training, and better still, Zack could see through the glass wall to his right that there was a grassy field just outside the place- perfect for running drills. There was only one problem. Why was it deserted? There wasn't even anyone behind the Help Desk- just a lone bell in the center of the counter.

Leaning against the counter and flicking his tail as he listened to the hum of fluorescent lights, Zack looked around, tapping the bell tentatively and listening to the echo bouncing around the high ceilings. Had he wandered into a closed gym? It seemed wasteful to have all those lights on if there wasn't anyone around.

The soft tap of flip-flops perked Zack's rounded ear after a few moments. Turning, he opened his mouth in annoyance, ready to ask the gym's owner the reason for his absence, but his words died in his throat, muffled into a squeak of quiet surprise.

Rather than the usual gym bunny that Zack would expect to be in charge of a place like this, an absolute mountain of muscle greeted him. Bulging biceps that could put the most sculpted movie star to shame, a neck thick enough that Zack doubted he could turn his head, and a bulky body clad in nothing but a stretched, loosely-fitted purple tank top and loose, billowing shorts stained by sweat greeted the lion's gaze. A massive bulge held his attention, swinging with every step and threatening to peek from the hem, and for the first time in his life, Zack wondered how another man's dick would look. The eagle had to be stuffing his pants with something- a cucumber, a sausage? Then again, he'd never seen anything THAT big in the produce section.

Clearing his throat, the eagle clicked his beak as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. "You here to stare at me or somethin', kid? I charge by the hour." Speaking in a deep baritone, he chuckled, blatantly flexing his thighs to push his bulge upward, outlining it in the flimsy cloth and leaving nothing to the imagination.

Heat bloomed across Zack's face as he tore his eyes from that monstrous manhood, now convinced of two things. It was real, and that meaty log was the source of the smell or at least one of them. Every step the eagle took sent another puff of musk directly into the lion's nose, marking him with its odor and ensuring he couldn't get used to it.

"Y-Yeah. I'm here- We- Could you open a window or something?" Zack said, shifting uncomfortably as golden eyes stared down at him like a predator regarding its prey. Swallowing a mouthful of saliva that he couldn't quite explain, Zack reached into his pocket, pulling out the envelope with the month's reservation fees and holding it out. "I wanted to reserve Saturday and Sunday for the rest of the month. I-If that's okay." He finished, still stealing glances at the eagle's manhood as though watching a snake coiled to strike. Zack had never been worried about his size, and none of his girlfriends had ever complained, but the eagle's cock made his seem like it belonged on a mouse.

"Can do." Taking the envelope and sitting down in a nearby chair, the eagle counted the cash, unlocking a nearby drawer and tucking it away. Taking out a pen and a piece of paper, he scratched out a receipt, then pressed it forward along the counter. "Hope you enjoy your time here at Perfect Image."

Leaning forward to snatch the receipt, Zack sagged in relief. The sooner he could escape the eagle's presence, the sooner he could leave behind the feeling of inadequacy and the strange tingle in his stomach when he looked at those moist, sweat-kissed muscles. He already forgot what his girlfriend's tits looked like, replacing their soft bounce with the swaying orbs in those shorts, and he was about to have the most confusing fuck of his life when he got home.

"Your dick's hard, kitten." That growling voice echoed in Zack's ear before he could withdraw, and a vicelike grip of one taloned hand trapped him in place, threatening to cut off circulation to his fingers. "Is there a reason for that? You see something you like?" The soft click of the eagle's beak as he enunciated slowly sent a shiver through Zack's body, bringing his attention to the throbbing shame in his shorts. Why was he excited?

"N-No. I mean, I am, but my girlfriend sent me a pic of her tits and-" Trailing off, Zack trembled, his mane standing on end as he stared down the eagle's shirt, watching those sculpted pecs move with each breath, dripping sweat and releasing more of that foul musk. Wait. Was it foul? The longer he spent wrapped in the scent, the better it smelled. It was the smell of hard work, masculinity, and- fuck. Why was he thinking this way? Was he drugged?

"You're a bad liar, kitten." Dragging Zack's paw forward and taking him with it, the eagle kept his beak pressed against Zack's ear, still rumbling with every word. Moist feathers met his fingers, setting them against hard muscle covered in downy softness simmering in a stew of sweat. "You haven't touched your phone since you walked in. The only pair of tits you've seen are these."

"I-I haven't- I'm not." Fuck they were soft. The thin layer of down contrasted perfectly with the coiled muscle beneath, and Zack wanted to bury his face between them. Unprompted, his other paw raised itself to the other side of the eagle's chest, squeezing those perfect muscles. "I'm straight." He finished, swallowing another mouthful of drool as he felt a surge of arousal dampening his underwear. Was it a lie? Guys could still appreciate another guy's looks without being gay.

"Oh, I don't believe that for a second. Look how obsessed you are with my tits. I bet you don't spend this much time on foreplay with that girl of yours." Leading Zack by his arm, the eagle removed the desk between them, welcoming him into an embrace that could easily crush him. "Go on, kitten. Cop a feel. Needy little sluts deserve to feel a real man."

"I'm not-" Zack's cock begged to differ. Each murmured word pumped a pool of pre into his underwear, and his cock surged whenever the eagle spoke. Why hadn't he ever made a move on a guy before? Sweaty muscles smelled so good, and those arms felt like they could throw him over the desk and- No. Shit. "I don't want-" Fuck, but he did. He wanted to bury his face between the eagle's legs, suck on his balls, fuckin' eat his ass. He didn't care what happened as long as he could worship that wall of masculinity.

"That's a lie. See?" Dipping a claw into Zack's pants, the eagle pulled them down enough to release the lion's cock, sending a breeze across the needy length and unleashing gossamer strings of pre to mess the floor below. "You'll cum just from touching my tits, won't you? Just a needy little slut looking for a real man to dominate him. I bet if I lifted your tail, I'd see that pussy clench."

"Mmm. No. No, I-" Unable to articulate a sentence, Zack rembled, his untouched dick bouncing with every filthy word that left the dominating bird's mouth. He wouldn't cum just from touching those big, beautiful pecs, would he? No, Zack couldn't. He wasn't some horny teenager. Even if the eagle's body felt so warm and soft, and that fat fuckin' cock throbbed, begging for his teeth to free it.

"If you cum, I'll let you see my dick. Might even let you give it a nice, deep sniff." The eagle murmured, his tongue sliding over the rim of Zack's ear and one taloned paw gripping the base of his tail, giving it a tug that lifted the lion's ass like a housecat begging for attention, bringing him to his tiptoes. "You'd like that, wouldn't you? Getting to sniff Daddy's fat fuckin' cock."

Struck by the image of himself on his knees, using his face as a towel to dry that sweaty cock, Zack whimpered, pressing his legs together. It was too much. Defeated, his cock bounced, spraying his shame over the floor beneath him and draining him of the will to stand on his own, collapsing against that downy chest. Despite being completely hands-free, it was the strongest orgasm of his life, blanking his mind except for the imprinted image of that twitching eagle cock and the soothing baritone in his ear.

"Good kitten. Daddy Dominic will take good care of you. Why don't I take you back into my office and show you what a well-behaved slut gets?" Slipping a finger between Zack's cheeks, he trailed his claw over the lion's twitching hole after gathering the drooling desire from his manhood. "It's been a while since I've used a virgin pussy."

Too focused on Dominic's cock to answer, Zack whimpered needily, his erection leading the way as groping fingers spread his ass cheeks, threatening to slip inside of him and smearing feline cum over his tingling hole. 'Kitten' had a nice ring to it.


"It's um- It's not much to look at, is it?" Barry shook his head as he looked over the unassuming gym. For a place named 'Perfect Image,' it wasn't trying very hard to live up to its name. Of course, Zack wouldn't shut up about the place, and in all his time as team captain, he'd never steered them wrong before, so Barry wasn't that worried. After all, Zack was the one that brought him into the team. Before he discovered his talent for tackling, he was just the school's resident fluffy fat ass, but Zack never even mentioned his weight, encouraging him to work out and asking him to show up to practice.

The gym's equipment soothed Barry's worries. It looked brand new! Even at their old gym, the seats were cracked and uncomfortable, and most weights had cracks or chipped edges that threatened to cut fingers. He'd never said anything, but it made him anxious to drop the bar after a new record weight because the gym's policy demanded he'd have to pay for them. He could barely afford to eat, let alone pay for a mistake like THAT! If only he had a trust fund to fall back on, like Zack.

"It's so great, isn't it?!" Zack's voice broke through Barry's self-defeating worries, snapping the rabbit back to reality. The lion was unusually excited, and his eyes were dating from side to side as though he were looking for someone. Come to think of it- Zack had also been texting someone constantly. Was there a cute girl working here? Suddenly Barry's decision to wear an old sweat-stained grey shirt seemed like a bad idea. Of course, they'd never look at him with the lion around. Why eat a cheap burger when filet mignon was right there?

"Welcome! You must be the team that Zack loves to discuss. Hopefully, you and I will have the same friendship once we get to know each other." Smirking behind the counter, a bald eagle with muscles that would look at home on an action figure and clothes too loose to contain them winked as he looked over the small crowd, lingering on Barry until he had to look away, scuffling his feet shyly. "My name's Dominic. If there's anything you need, I'll be in my office. Feel free to use the machines, but please remember to wipe down the equipment and rack your weights."

"I'll meet you guys later! Remember! Today's leg day! I have a few things to discuss with Dom." Nearly skipping as he walked, Zack abandoned the rest of the team, tail thrashing from side to side as he bounced with each step. It couldn't be that he had a crush on the gym owner, right? He'd never mentioned being bisexual before, though he wasn't as open with his sex life as a few other team members. It made sense, in a way. Why limit yourself when you're already perfect?

Shrugging, Barry threw a towel over the elliptical machine, then heaved himself onto it, pressing a few buttons to set it to a leisurely pace. It wasn't his business. If Zack wanted to date a guy, that was his decision. Barry had his hands full, trying to keep his belly from growing despite putting himself through every diet he could find. Who knew you could gain weight eating nothing but salad? Were his portions just too big? He'd seen Zack down half a buffet without even softening his abs.

As the rabbit started to puff, already winded after a few minutes of light exercise, his thoughts turned back to Zack. He'd always looked up to the lion, but the more he thought about it, the more jealous he became. Everything the lion did was effortless, and now he showed even more confidence with whatever was going on with the eagle.

Okay, maybe it was Barry's business what the lion did behind closed doors. If he could see what they were talking about, he would have something to ease the knot in his stomach. Some spark of motivation to tell him he needed to work harder and that it wasn't a personality flaw holding him back. After all, even Zack had to lose confidence when talking to someone as intimidating as Dominic.

Fuck, was he that petty? Did he need to tear someone else down to feel better about himself? Still, he did nothing to stop his feet's slow march toward Dominic's office. He'd make up some excuse about borrowing deodorant, listen in, then feel secure in his knowledge that Zack was just an ordinary person.

"Hey, Zack. I know you're busy but could I-" Trailing off as he opened the door, Barry felt his jaw drop as he walked in on something far less innocent than he thought. Stammering, he tried his best to recover, but he felt like he'd pass out, with a strange mixture of awe and a tightness in his throat.

"Oh, looks like one of your little buddies wandered in. You mind if I give him a show?" Voice colored by a heavy pant and tongue flopped out of the side of his beak, the eagle slammed his hips against Zack's ass, tenting the lion's stomach into a clearly defined bulge that left no room for interpretation. Not only was Zack currently being fucked to within an inch of his life, but that fat gut-puncher also looked like it could tap the bottom of the poor feline's lungs.

"D-Daddy." Drool dripping from the corner of his mouth, Zack dug his claws into the desk, tail wrapped around the eagle's chiseled waist and mane gathered in one of the eagle's paws, used as a handhold to work his entire body along Dom's cock. Judging by his wildly flopping cock and its arc of drooling pre, he was enjoying himself. "Please-" He trailed off into a guttural moan, collapsing forward as Dom's hips reached a blurred speed, a wet series of splats announcing his finish as it puddled below him.

Dumbfounded and oddly intrigued, Barry looked from the swinging door to the sight of his friend's wanton desire, feeling his pants tighten as the scent that permeated the gym grew stronger, staining his nose with earthy musk. He knew he should leave and give them privacy, but the butterflies in his stomach wouldn't let him. Jealousy bloomed within him as Barry watched Zack squirm, grinding against the eagle's orgasm, and the bunny felt his tail twitch. Instead, he slid the lock into place, pressing his back against it and looking away from Dom's hungry gaze. He wasn't sure what he was doing, but for once, he wanted to show courage.

"That's it. Clench for me. Good kitten. Lucky you, you get my first cum of the day. I want you to watch while I feed your friend the next one." Speaking in a lusty whisper just loud enough to make Barry's ears twitch, Dom pulled out of the cum drunk lion's ass, revealing a glistening cock that brought a mouthful of drool to Barry's mouth. He'd never imagined himself with another man before, but that cock made him want to drop his pants and slurp every inch of its throbbing majesty. The thought of finally being better at something than his rival/mentor was just the icing on the cake.

Crossing the distance between them, Dom breathed deeply, meeting Barry's eyes and giving him nowhere to escape. Exuding a masculine aura of musk and pure sex, he softened his grip as he reached for Barry's arms, almost cooing his words. "Do I need to force myself on you, bunny boy? I'm a good judge of character, and you don't seem like you'll deny yourself some fun."

"I-I-" Like a feral deer in headlights, Barry froze as Dom's golden eyes stared into his brown ones, unable to look away from the hypnotic wag of the eagle's tongue as he spoke. "No, sir. I-I want to." He started, unable to think of anything else to say.

"Aww. Aren't you cute? Soft little bunny boy." Leaning in, Dominic slid his fingers past Barry's waistband, revealing the bunny's steel-hard cock and smothering it in moist manhood, kissing the mismatched lengths together and letting him feel the heavy pulse keeping that beautiful length hard. "Not going to play hard to get, like your friend?" He teased, beak close enough to set Barry's ear twitching with the vibration.

Melting under the praise, Barry felt his cock throb, the telltale feeling of approaching orgasm threatening to end his fun early. Fuck, Dom was so big. Were most cocks this drippy? Why did the idea excite him? He wanted to taste it, to rub his face in it. It smelled so good as it marked his cock with leftover cum and fresh pre. His stomach growled its approval, drawing him closer.

"Don't waste any time, bunny boy. You made a decision when you locked that door. Do I have to dump another load in the greedy kitty, or will you take responsibility for your choice?" Squirting its approval, his cock coated every inch of the bunny's hooded cock, dressing it in a thick layer of translucent masculinity. Almost as though it were alive, it begged for Barry to use his mouth.

"Yes, sir." Barry swallowed as he dropped to his knees, nearly smacking himself in the face with that beautiful bird dick. Staring down the barrel of that fat sausage almost made him reconsider, but the first swipe of his tongue sealed his fate. Sweet, salty, and so thick that it coated his senses, the eagle's arousal awoke a deep-seated need, disappearing down Barry's throat as he scrambled to open his mouth wide enough to take even part of the eagle's magnificent cock. Even if it hurt, he needed that fat sausage in his mouth.

"Love from first sight, right baby boy? Makes you hungry?" Holding Barry's head in place, the eagle smeared his cock head over the bunny's tongue, threatening to withdraw only to jab inward, working those few inches as though churning his slimy gift in the rabbit's mouth. "Enough with the first kiss, though. We're going for the wedding night."

Stretching Barry's jaw with more of his length, the eagle worked Barry's blurring vision closer to the fluffy, cum-slicked down above the base of his cock, pausing when Barry gagged but never withdrawing an inch. "That's it. Kiss the base. You're getting a stomach full." He cooed as he finished the slow glide, rolling his hips to press the bunny's nose against the sloppy combination of his and Zack's musk, tainting his shallow breaths.

Once he reached the base, Dominic's thrusts grew wild, forcing themselves past every gag and slopping excess fluids to drip down Barry's chin. Heavenly musk overtook the rabbit's senses, ensuring he'd never forget the flavor of cockslime pouring down his throat. Every hard shove only steeled his resolve to take everything Dominic had to give. He thrust his hips forward desperately, adding his meager mess to the copious sloppiness dripping down his stomach to smother his cock, and strangled moans vibrated through that heavy length, begging for more.

Hilting himself and holding Barry in place until his jaw ached, the eagle soaked his cock in the bunny's throat, his expression revealing nothing but approval for Barry's efforts. "That's it. Drink it all down." He cooed as he leaned heavily against the wall, his cock heaving as it bloated with creamy satisfaction. Like a searing hot firehose, it blasted Barry's throat, sending twin jets of cum from his nose and swelling his stomach further.

"Good boy." Softening only slightly as he withdrew, Dominic smeared his dick through the mess on Barry's face, marking his fur with the messy results of Barry's effort. "You've got a great mouth, bunny. How about you come here whenever you're hungry, and I'll give you all you need."

Too hoarse from the rough throat fuck to answer, Barry let his clouded mind guide him to those dripping orbs below that fat shaft, licking the mess with loving care. At least it would be easier to stick to his diet with a stomach full of eagle cum.


Meh. Randy was never all that bothered by where he worked out. It mattered more to his teammates than it ever did to him, and of course, paying less than he had at their old gym was always a plus, but he wasn't really in it for all that camaraderie crap.

Sure, he engaged in small talk, locker room play, and all that shit, but for him, football was less about winning and losing and more about personal improvement. He needed the structure to keep himself from quitting because if he had his way, he'd sit around pissing in a jug and playing video games all day.

It wasn't that he was lazy, mind you. It was just always hard to start things and to stick with them. Of all his failed hobbies, there was only ONE he never managed to stop, and most wouldn't consider it normal.

Since Randy was just a kid, he'd gotten a tingly sort of thrill from pissing in public. The side of the road, bathroom sinks, on the floor next to a toilet, in an alleyway, he honestly couldn't get enough of leaving his mark where he shouldn't. Football was a welcome distraction from his perversion, but even training and running drills weren't enough to keep him from indulging his dark little habit from time to time.

The allure of a clean gym to mark up with his particular brand of perversion was too much to ignore. Even better, it seemed like there was no staff to walk in on him, and as the rat watched the last of his friends leave for the day, he decided to let himself go. No one would notice the stink over the cloying musk that filled the place, anyway.

Rubbing himself as he slipped into the locker room, Randy dropped his pants, biting his lip as cool air kissed his cockhead. Holding in his piss for the last few hours was a struggle, but it was worth it when he stood in the center of the room, taking his cock in one paw and aiming for a nearby bench. Fuck. He never got enough of that soft splash and the steaming warmth blooming from his cock tip.

"Someone's being naughty." A growling voice nearly scared Randy out of his skin, setting his heart fluttering and toppling him to the ground, but a steel-hard grip stopped him short of falling face-first into his piss. "You know it's rude to make this mess for me to clean up. I'm not just the owner. I'm also the only janitor." Digging claws into Randy's shirt and pulling it up, Dominic slipped something soft and heated between the rat's legs, dwarfing his dribbling cock with its length despite its softness. "You're lucky I just finished feeding your friends a load. You deserve a reaming for this mess."

"S-Sorry. I'll clean this up." Terrified of being caught despite his excitement, Randy tried to pull away, thighs unintentionally rubbing against that mammoth member and bladder still screaming at him. "Please don't kick me out. The team will be so disappointed in me."

"Oh, don't you worry, pretty boy. You'd know if I were angry. I'm disappointed someone would make such a mess without inviting me to the party." Trailing his talons under Randy's shirt, he teased the black rat's nipples, cupping his pecs and tracing his abs with his free hand, pressing against the bulge of the rat's bursting bladder. "You're getting off on being watched, aren't you? Don't let me distract you. Piss for me."

Randy had often had a similar fantasy, though the chest pressed against his back usually had a pair of squished breasts, and the voice in his ear was feminine. Still, somehow, those words relaxed his inner muscles, releasing another torrent of golden fluid to add to the spreading puddle of shameful perversion, sending overstimulated shivers through him. Even though Dominic wasn't his type, those paws felt so good, and the warmth of the fleshy log between his legs added something to the experience, cradling his balls and ticking the space between his cheeks.

"Is that all?" Came that soothing voice in his ear as the last drops dripped to the ground, thoroughly coating the bench. "You're not going to mark your territory with that little dribble. I suppose I'd better show you how to claim something." Folding Randy at the waist and taking a firm grip of his tail, Dominic smeared that half-hard cock between his ass cheeks before the rat could protest, its heavy thud stinging his hole.

Steaming heat threatened to open the rat's ass like a firehose cutting through butter, fountaining up his back and staining his white shirt yellow. Caught off guard, all he could do was brace himself, reveling in the new sensation of his asshole spread by stinking liquid musk. Had that gigantic shaft been buried inside of him, he was sure he'd look nine months pregnant, but instead, every inch of his cock, balls, and ass was slathered in piss, overwhelming his senses.

Randy knew he should be disgusted. He wasn't into men, or at least he thought he wasn't, but this disgusting piss bath was the best thing he'd ever felt. It was so goddamn warm, and when that blasting cock aimed lower, bathing his balls in its salty warmth, he pushed his cock between his legs, whimpering as he felt the beating rhythm of rushing liquid battering the sensitive underside.

By the time the eagle finished marking him, Randy had lost himself, helplessly masturbating, spreading the eagle's piss over his dick with every desperate stroke and shamelessly fingering his ass. Any worries about seeming straight disappeared in a world of cloying scent and steaming warmth. Each stroke brought him closer to orgasm, and his nose, inches from the gigantic puddle beneath, twitched, his tongue hanging out as he felt every inch of his lower body dripping.

"Meet me in the showers once you finish cleaning up that mess. I haven't finished marking that ass. It needs a nice coat of cum." Slapping Randy's upturned ass hard enough to draw a whimper from the desperately close rodent, the eagle padded away, whistling to himself.