Can You Help Me? - Freezing

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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#3 of Survival Series

Can You Help Me? - Freezing

By: DarkSerpent

Well previous story Can You Help Me? Got a dramatic response. But since I kind of sealed it off I decided to write this. It is a similar story line but different characters. I apologize it's not the same story but I've decided to call this the survival series. I plan to write a few more like this.

It was the ski weekend I'd been waiting to have for months. Nothing but the love of my life and myself. We drove through the snow covered mountains. We still had two hours till we reached the city nestled between the hills. I pointed my camera at my boyfriend and he blushed looking away. "Come on Freddy give me a big smile!" I laughed and the wolf rolled his eyes.

"Alright Jeremy," He turned and smiled at the camera. I clicked the button and he quickly turned his eyes back to the road. I smiled and looked through my cameras memory. My big curved horns hitting the ceiling of the car. I was a big horn sheep around twenty seven and this was the last time I'd be with my wolf. "So what are we gonna do first when we get there?" I asked and my wolf shrugged. He sat his hand on my knees and I put my brown furred hand on top of his.

It suddenly hit me that I wasn't wearing a seatbelt. I don't know why I thought about it in that second. Grabbing my seatbelt I pulled it back over myself until it clicked in the slot. I adjusted it and Freddy looked at me. "Sorry forgot it when I got in," I smiled and leaned back. "Guess I should put mine on as well," He reached back to grab it. We rounded a turn and suddenly it started to snow. It's quickly turned from light snow to a complete white out.

I reached over touching Freddy's arm as suddenly our visibility went to zero. We pulled the car to one side and suddenly heard a loud crash. We both jerked forward and the airbags deployed. We were pressed against the bags and we felt the cars weight shift slowly. "Freddy?" I spoke and suddenly the car tilted and we started to roll. We both yelled as the car crunched and bent like a tin can as it rolled down the cliff into a valley. It only stopped with a sudden crash as the car slammed into the boulders at the bottom of the cliff.

The sudden jerk knocked me unconscious. Everything went completely black and slowly everything started to fade away. It was like nothing else mattered in this world. What seemed like an instant later a cold breeze ran across my muzzle. I shivered and opened my eyes slowly. The large airbag had deflated and I was not sitting in the cold car. The windows broken and shattered with bits of glass everywhere. I turned my head seeing Freddy leaning against his door. His window black and water was running across half of his face.

We were lying sideways in a creek and this seatbelt was the only thing holding me in my chair. I reached to him and felt his face. He didn't react and when I pulled my hand back I noticed the thick red liquid on my hand. I started crying knowing he was gone. It shattered my heart in the worst imaginable way. But I knew I wouldn't last long in this car near water if the sun went down. The temperature near the water would drop faster. I turned slowly bracing myself against the side of the seat and unlocked my seatbelt. My weight made me fall slightly. I moved down and gave my love one last small kiss before moving back. I climbed up out of the window getting my hoof onto the door and able to push myself up.

The cold winds hit me and I shivered harder. My thin sweater didn't block against this thick mountain wind moving down from the mountains. I looked up at the trail we made down the cliff. It was a vertical climb all the way back up and I truly don't think I could make it. I looked down one direction seeing a large valley splayed out before me. I could only go left or right, and I knew nothing but more mountains was to the left, but town was towards the right. "To sit here and wait for someone to possible notice we were missing would mean death but also would moving. But if I moved I might get warmer and probably find help.

I took one last look at the car and rubbed the last tears out of my eyes. I started my long walk with one big step onto another boulder. I wrapped my arms around myself and started walking thought the deep snow. My hooves quickly went numb as I walked. It was so incredibly cold that I couldn't feel any part of my extremities. I was shivering soon as I moved through the white powder beneath my hooves. My little scarf fluttered behind me as cold harsh wind blasted by me.

My head still throbbed from being knocked out. I walked off into the distance not hearing any sirens or cars going past. The white out must have covered up any sign that we fell over the cliff. Soon I felt like I was walking uphill as the terrain shifted. I couldn't even see the road anymore. I could only prey that I found help soon. The sun was starting to set and walking through these mountains at dark was a death sentence. I wrapped my arms around myself and shivered harder.

I walked for hours it seemed just following an invisible path between the trees. It started snowing lightly and I sighed hoping it would end soon. But unfortunately it only started snowing harder. Branches snapped around me as they gave way to the weight of the snow. The sun dropped behind the mountains and it only grew darker. Icicles started to form on my nose and horns. I breathed into my hands for the heat and found myself at another cliff. A water fall of ice in front of me coming from a ledge above. I moved up to it and noticed a small crevice behind it where they weren't any snow. It was a god send for someone who wanted to sit for a second.

I crawled behind the wall of ice and did manage to escape the snow at least. Curling up I started to warm a little now that I was out of the wind. I leaned against the wall of the cliff and started to drift off. If I feel asleep I would most likely die. But at this point I didn't care, it was cold and I was sad. "Freddy..." I wiped my face to keep the tears away. I started to drift off now knowing how far I had walked or if I would wake up.

Suddenly a small crunch of snow came from around me and my eyes shot open. I shivered terribly and moved my eyes seeing two shadows on the other side of the ice. My nose was blue as I reached out to them. " me!" I tried to yell but only managed a small mutter. The figures stopped and looked my way. I tried to move but couldn't my whole body was numb. Suddenly I looked up seeing a mitten covered hand grab the ice at the entrance to this tiny cave. It peaked in and I could see steam coming from the inside of a black hood. I started to fade as its hand reached in. By the time it touched me I faded away again.

It was still dark and I felt something heavy on my chest. My eyes opened slowly to see the ceiling of a dimly lit room. The weight on my chest was a massive quilt resting over top of me. It was nice and warm making me sigh softly. I turned my head slowly seeing a wall to my left with a small desk. To my right was a shelf high on the wall with books and pictures on it. The source of light sitting next to me on a small night stand. An oil lamp flickering slightly in as I took deep breath of relief.

I had been saved from a frozen death and now I was somewhere or another. I pushed myself up slowly feeling the thick dry quilt slid off of my bare chest. I blushed and covered myself. With the numbness gone I could feel that my pants and panties had been removed. I slid off to the side and noticed a big shirt folded next to me. I grabbed it and tossed it on letting it fall down over my butt. I slowly moved to the open doorway seeing and looking out in the hallway.

The entire place was made of wood and even the door frame seemed to be hand made. I stepped out seeing a dream catcher hanging from the ceiling. Pushing the door across the hall open I looked in seeing a much larger bed with two big quilts over it. A flat screen on the wall across form the bed. Slowly I moved down the hallway peaking into another door. It was a very large closet which held all sorts of coats and cloths. I turned down the hallway seeing a picture hanging on the wall. It was of two masculine men. One was an all brown horse with a black mane. He wore a flannel shirt and I could see his pectorals pressed up against the shirt.

Standing next to him with his arm around the horse was a black bull. He smiled and his horns looked very sharp. His shirt clung to him but he had more of a chubby belly than a completely muscular build. I turned and peaked into another door seeing it was a nice bathroom. My crossed legs ached and I stepped in shutting the door. I moved to the toilet and let my small member out. I sighed as I relieved the pressure that had built up in my bladder. I flushed and stepped outside moving to the end of the hallway.

I peaked out into the kitchen/ living room/ dining room. This was the biggest part of the house and had the most windows. I stepped out into the room seeing a nice roaring fire place in front of a couch and two nice chairs. My stomach grumbled and I slowly moved over to the stainless steel refrigerator. Pulling it open I shivered at the sudden burst of cold air. It was fully stocked and I grabbed a pop. I down it in under a few seconds then I decided to take a look outside.

I moved over to the door and peaked out onto the screened in porch. I grabbed a big coat hanging next to the door and stepped out into the day light. It was still snowing and the snow had piled up to the bottom limbs on the trees. Two sets of big hoof prints lead out to a cleared off cellar door. There was nothing but trees around and I couldn't hear any cars. Suddenly the cellar door was pushed open and out stepped the large horse from the picture. He wore a big coat and had a bag of food stuffs in his hand. The bull stepped up after him with fire wood under each arm.

I quickly moved back inside and to the bedroom when the door opened. "Here ya go babe," I heard a softer voice speak before much heavier hooves stepped onto the floor. "Thank you," I heard the heavier of the two walk away and then soft clunks of wood hitting the floor. The lighter ones moved back to my room and I ducked back under the covers. The coat lying on the floor as I pretended to be asleep.

They entered the room and I felt a weight fall on one corner of the bed. A hand touched the top of my head softly. "Well you don't have a fever," The brown furred hand moved down to my neck feeling my pulse. "And your awake," He smiled and I turned looking at him. He was a very handsome horse with bright orange eyes. "Hi there," He let his hand rest on my stomach. "," I had no idea what to say to him. "My name is Allen, what's yours," He flipped a long strand of his mane out of his hair. "I'm...Jeremy," I stayed ducked under the covers with just my eyes and horns visible.

"Is he alright?" A deeper voice came from the doorway. "Yes he's awake now," The horse looked back at the doorway. The bull leaned against the door frame and I gulped at the two goliaths. "This is David," He introduced him. "Hi I'm Jeremy," I slid up a little. The bull huffed and turned walking down the hallway. "Don't mind him he's just a grump, what were you doing all the way out here?" He asked and I started to explain everything about Freddy and the crash. "So that was that wolves name, we found the car on our way back down the valley, He had passed away so we buried him further up the mountain," He explained and I nodded. "Why didn't you call the police or emergency or something?" I asked. "Well last night an avalanche took out the road, and there's a blizzard on its way, you're stuck here and no one can make it back this far without a death wish," He explained and I looked down. I sighed and tears began to well up a little. "At least he got to be buried and not eaten by scavengers," I wiped my face trying not to cry.

"How do you two live out here?" I asked and he smiled. "I'll show you," He pulled back the covers and I got up. It was embarrassing to not anything covering my bottom except this shirt. "Well I'm a doctor, and David is a contractor," He led me down the hallway. "We live out here because we like to get away from everything during the winter," He sat me on the couch and I pulled the shirt around my knees to hide everything.

"We ride a snowmobile to town so we could avoid the avalanche," He got me some leftovers out of there fridge. David sat in his armchair reading a very thick book. "Why do you keep telling him he won't be here long enough to need to know," The bull grumbled and the horse swatted his nose with his tail. "Hush we're not going to make him walk back to town," The horse growled and I opened my eyes wider. "You'd make me walk back to town?" I gave him a sad look.

"Yes because now It's too late to go to town, when that blizzard hit's we'll be stuck here, and I don't have enough fire wood to last how ever long we'll be stuck, so unless you can chip wood we don't need you," He grumbled and flipped a page. I sighed not wanting to go to town but not wanting to put these two endanger. "Don't mind him he's just worried," The horse gave me a drink and I started to eat. The bull went completely silent as the horse clicked on the television. "Luckily our electricity wasn't knocked out," He smiled and turned to a soap opera.

I finished just before David tossed two logs onto the fire warming the room further. "I can't cut fire wood," I muttered and he looked back at me. "I know you can't," He sighed and shut the guard. "But maybe I can do something else to earn my keep," I suggested and he looked back at me. "Like what, little guys like you don't belong out here," He moved over and sat down picking his book up. "Um I can cook a little or maybe I up for you," I tried to give suggestions. He sighed and buried his face in his book. "Don't worry honey, he won't send you out in the storm, and you can stay here as long as you need to, I'll just withhold sex until Mr. bull stops being such a grump," He smiled over at me. David growled and taped his fingers slightly.

"That's what I thought," Allen smiled and I giggled. They were just like an married couple, on was dominate but the other knew how to control him. The day passed slowly and the blizzard rolled in just like they said it would. I got comfortable watching TV and dozed off again. I woke up later to a dark home the fire died down to a pile of crackling embers. I could hear their bed creaking and I didn't take much thought to figure out what was going on.

I curiously moved down the hall hearing the horse gasping and groaning. Pushing their door opened I was greeted to an amazing sight. By the light of an oil lamp the horse and bent ove with the large bull's cock buried deep into him. I could see the horses massive cock bouncing under him. It was an intense sight and I felt my member slowly grow hard. "On your back baby," The bull demanded and the horse quickly flipped over onto his back. The bull leaned over his continuing the rhythm they had going.

"We have a watcher," The horse smiled and looked over at me in the doorway. I blushed but was unable to move. David looked up at me and smiled. "I think I know something that he can do to earn his keep," the big bull smiled and motioned for me to come in. I pushed the door open and walked in slowly and blushed. "Take it off boy," He ordered and I nodded. Slowly I pulled my shirt up and off revealing my light brown fur. Allen grabbed my hips and pulled me over.

David pulled out of his lover and Allen laid me across the bed on my stomach. I was unsure if I wanted this but I guess I had to own my keep. I felt the horse bury his nose between my cheeks and softly lick my entrance. "Shit!" I gasped feeling his hot breath run across me. As his tongue pushed into me slowly David grabbed my horns. He lifted up my head and the tip of his cock pressed against my lips. I kissed it softly and licked the head diligently like a sucker.

"Good boy," He grumbled and I opened my mouth. He pushed his massive fat member into my mouth. I let out a muffled moan as he forced in more. I quickly relaxed my throat and he forced it down till my nose rested on his waist. I massaged the gift he had given before he slowly pulled out letting me breath. My tongue hung out of my mouth as I gasped. The horse pulled back and I felt him press the flared head back against my entrance. I pushed my butt against him letting it force its way in roughly.

He kept pushing in more until the thicker base of his member stretched open my ass. "Easy honey, there's a lot inside you," He kissed my back and I bleated softly. David slid behind the horse and slid it back into his bitch. We both moaned as he roughly slammed in making Allen slam into me. We soon built up a rhythm. The bull was fucking his horse and his horse was making love to me. "Fuck! Faster please!" I begged and the speed increased. "Mmm it's so good," Allen muttered softly.

David's strong hands grabbed my hips and pulled the three of us together. He started fucking his lover like a machine, fast and hard. Our orgasm's quickly built and with a small bleat I came onto the bed. Allen above me clung to me and suddenly whinnied and exploded into my ass. I gripped the sheet feeling his warm seed flow into my cold body. David kept going before releasing a triumphant moo and exploded into his lover. They pulled out in succession and I panted hard on the covers. The two of them slowly moved onto each side of me pulling me under the covers.

I blushed as I cuddled into the strong bull in front of me. The horse wrapped his arms around me and kissed my shoulder. David's arms wrapped around the two of us sandwiching me between the two muscular hunks. I was in heaven and a lot of my sadness had faded away.

I never left that little cabin in the woods. I never saw a reason to leave a place where I was loved so much. My parent's passed away a year ago so no one would really miss me. Plus this way I could go visit Freddy's grave in the spring. It disheartened me to know he was gone, but it's almost like he led them to me. I had a protector watching over me spiritually while two powerful men watched over me physically.

The End


Just so everyone know's i don't enjoy killing people in stories. I always feel responsblie but sometimes thats what the story requires. I apologize if that changes your opinion of the story and i promise i won't kill anyone again if no one likes it.