A Shower, or a sexual trap? - Part 1 -

Story by Cursed_Wolf on SoFurry

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As the sounds of birds echo through a dim lit room, decorated with still life, art works, and a computer on stand by, the slight groaning of a young female could be heard under the covers by the computer. Slowly, the covers rose as she sat up, stretching and giving a semi-howl and yawn, rubbing her eyes. As she gazed over her room, she managed to see the time through her barely open eyes, and in red block numbers, read "5:14 am". She gave another yawn before resting her head in her paws once more.

"Stupid birds woke me up again..." she mumbled, before finally standing up and stretching fully.

She was a young adult fox, standing only 5"5, very athletic build and waist length brunette hair with silver streaks in the front bangs of her hair. Her current outfit consisted of a "Green Day : American Idiot" shirt that was tied at the front to just under her rib cage and long baggy pants with camoflague style, but in red, grey, silver and dark blue. Her fur along her face was somewhat of a diamond, starting at the top of her forehead between the two bangs, to her tear ducts down to her chin, which was snow white. Some of her chest could be seen, that too, was white, as with her fingers, elbows and toes.

As she slowly stumbled out her room into the kitchen, passing by her roommates room, she saw that they were still passed out, just a lump in the covers. She smiled softly, and shook her head, moving to the kitchen, and getting a coffee ready. After the kettle boiled, she could hear the shower running, and thought to herself 'Maybe she's gone for a shower already... Strange', but shrugged, got her coffee, and wandered back to her room.

"Bella!" she heard from the bathroom, stopping in her pathway.

"Yes Sasha?" she called back.

"Could you come in here for a minute?" Sasha responded.

"What? While you're in the shower?" Bella giggled, standing by the door "You know I'll say no to taking one with you" she said, holding back a smile by biting her lip, but failing. The door creeked open a bit, showing a Pandas face.

"No, I know that already. Just want to talk to you while I take a shower" she said. She was a standard furred panda, standing 5"7, but with silver toes and fingers with two stripes down from each eye down to her jaw line, also silver.

Bella shrugged, and stepped inside, sitting on the toilet seat, sipping her coffee, blushing slightly as she saw Sasha lower the towel that was covering her slim body holding her 34D breasts and "clean" vigina lips, showing no excess fur. She looked away, slightly red in the face, but acted normal.

As Sasha stepped into the shower, she said "What's your plan for today then hun?"

"Oh, nothing too serious I guess... Woke up by the computer for some reason. Thought I went to bed though" Bella responded, sitting back, closing her eyes slightly.

"Oh, strange. Thought you went to bed too. Coulda sworn you did. Oh well" Sasha said.

After 10 minutes of small talk, the shower finally stopped as Sasha stepped out, showing her wet fur and short red dye hair. She walked over to Bella, and smiled with a slight blush over her face as she leant forward, looking deep into her eyes. Bella blushed deep, looking back, face flustered.

"Y-Yes Sa..." she was cut off with a sudden deep kiss, feeling the water dripping off Sasha's body onto hers, and not knowing what to do. Surprisingly, she was starting to kiss back, didn't know why, but didn't want to stop, slowly closing her eyes. Their tongues started to dance and lick each other, as Bella started to feel the knot on her shirt become undone, feeling wet paws slowly slide up her shirt and cup the under half of her black bra. Her blush grew deeper, but didn't want to stop, the sensation slowly taking over her mind. She felt her shirt go higher than her bra, slowly lifting her arms up as the shirt came off with ease and onto the ground.

Sasha slowly started to drift off from Bellas lips, going down the side of her cheek, down to her neck and collar bone, nibbling and kissing gently. She gave a slight moan, but eyes still closed. She felt Sashas wet paws around her back and sides, feeling her kiss down to her 22B cup bra rim, the top slowly being lowered by Sashas teeth, giving a soft whimper as her breast was being revealed. She looked at Sasha, and blushed deep once more, feeling her nipple being licked and sucked, moaning softly. She gently grasped her hair, biting her own lip, feeling the bra come undone, letting it come off. She could feel herself getting stimulated and wetter between her thighs, not only because of Sashas wet body, but actually getting turned on, even though having no sexual contact or being made horny by any other person touching her.

She whimpered, and gently pulled Sasha away from her breast, and looked at her, before pressing her lips deep against Sasha's, tongue deep into her mouth.

"What is this going to lead to?" Bella thought, before slowly being taken over by her sexual desires that were awoken...

To be continued...