River's River (omorashi story)

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I have just written my first story, and a friend of mine suggested I make an account and post it here, so here you all go! I had a LOT of fun writing this and I hope you all enjoy!

Warning: heavy omorashi and a bit of watersports at the end


River hopped out of bed and sleepily, yet hurriedly walked to his toilet, giving his crotch a small squeeze through his pants. He hated his small bladder as it always made him uncomfortable at the most inconvenient times, especially every morning. He swung the bathroom door open and made his way right up to the toilet where he dropped his pants and let loose, sighing with relief as the pressure finally left his body. River was a short otter, with a slender build, a big thick tail and some tiny webbed feet, all wrapped up in a dark brown fur with little pale blue stripes going down his back. He continued his regular routine of getting himself prepared for work, in which he threw on a pair of baggy sweatpants and an oversized hoodie, making himself a bowl of cereal with a tall glass of orange juice for breakfast. He always liked to stay hydrated, and always kept some sort of drink with him at most times that it was possible. Such a mentality made an unfortunate combo when paired with his small bladder, often getting him into some sticky situations. After finishing up his meal he grabbed his water bottle, a 1.5 liter bottle that he took to work to sip on everyday, he filled it up and left on his way to work at his gas station job. It was one job that had its ups and downs, being near a highway it almost operated as a truck stop, but was too small to be considered one. As a result, it had some very busy days and some other very relaxed days. He was lucky that his manager, a big red white and black wolf, was pretty chill and would let him leave early on the dull days.

River arrived at the gas station on time and unlocked it to let himself in. He sat down on the stool behind the counter and pulled out his phone, idly scrolling and waiting for something to happen, slowly taking sips from his water bottle. A car pulled into the lot and up to a pump, a husky got out and began to fill their car with gas as River watched the cameras to ensure there was nothing suspicious happening. Once they had left, the little otter continued scrolling on his phone, which was not too successful at keeping him from noticing that the orange juice, in combination with the little bit of water he had drank to this point, had begun to work its way through his body. He was about to get up and let go, but noticed as another car pulled into the lot, this time taking a parking spot in front of the shop. He settled back into the seat and waited for the small cat to come through and walk their way through the store. They seemed to be taking their time, but he was not worried as he had only just started to feel it, and he could simply go when they finished up. The feline customer grabbed a few drinks and snacks and brought them up to the counter, where River checked them out with a smile. Once they cleared out, he got up and made his way to the only bathroom in the place that allowed workers and customers alike. Not feeling too urgent, he casually walked in and upon reaching the toilet, he pulled down his sweatpants a bit, enough to let his tip poke out to aim at the toilet. Despite it being a private bathroom even with a lock, he took a moment to mentally prepare himself, carefully listening to make sure nobody was entering the shop. Once he felt sure he was in the clear, he comfortably let his stream flow into the toilet. He did not have to go much, so it was a quick pee, and he returned in just around a minute even with his shy hesitation. In this time, another customer had taken a spot at one of the gas pumps. River took a couple big gulps from his bottle after realizing how dry his mouth was from the hot day outside, the cheaply built gas station had terrible A/C and it always left him to sit in the dry heat.

As it got further into the day the gas station seemed to only grow more busy, with several cars pulling in at a time and several other people opting to come in and shop.

"Ugh..I hate the busy days."

He grumbled under his breath at how frustrating it was that he had to actually do his job, checking out customer after customer and occasionally glancing at the small screen displaying the various cameras outside and inside the shop. He smacked his lips a single time, realizing he was feeling thirsty again, reaching for his bottle he hesitated, seeing as how he had already drunk half of it by now, and he was not even halfway done with his shift yet. Now that he was conscious of it, he definitely could feel a little pressure growing in his bladder, and he only hoped that the wave of customers would die down soon, or that by some chance he could get his manager to show up and help take over for him. Though again, he wasn't too worried, all he needed was a few seconds of free time and he would easily have a moment to excuse himself. When he was still quite new to the job, he wanted to make sure he'd be able to deal with his bladder without much issue, so he asked his manager what situations he could excuse himself in. The wolf explained to him that he should always stay behind the counter as long as there are customers physically in the shop, but it would be less necessary if there were only cars at the pumps..so long as he made it quick. Thinking back to this was great and all, but it did not help River in the moment, as yet another customer walked in and he let out a muffled grumble...

Customers came and went, some being quick and easy, in and out, others taking their sweet time. Usually when River was not tending to a customer, he would lean backwards on the stool, allowing his back to rest on the wall behind him, and his legs slightly spread just enough to keep himself comfortable. But as time went on and the pressure increased, he slowly became less relaxed and kept to a more upright position, opting to have his legs at a more closed angle. He knew he wasn't in trouble yet, but that did not keep him from becoming a tad worried, as nobody could hold on forever, especially him and his below average sized bladder. A customer walked up to the checkout and dropped their items on top, ready for him to make the sale. He leaned forward and felt a slight pressure increase down below, though nothing too bad yet. He checked the items out and bagged them, sending the customer on their way, quickly returning to his previous pose before he became too uncomfortable. River counted the amount of customers left in the shop, 3..that is good, he checked the cameras, only a couple cars at the pumps, no cars pulling in and only the 3 customers cars in the spots in front, soon enough he would catch his break. He reluctantly took a considerably smaller sip from his bottle, trying not to feel dehydrated, and at the same time trying not to over-do it and cause future embarrassment. The next 2 customers completed their sale and went on their way, all the while the last one could not seem to decide what they wanted. "It's a gas station! There can't be that many options!" He thought, hoping they could just hurry it up and get it over with. Several minutes after the last customer made their way out, the final one bunched up everything they had and brought it up to the counter. River sighed in relief and realized his right leg was bouncing in anticipation, he straightened himself out and greeted the customer with a smile. He leaned forward again and his smile vanished, turning into more of a pained expression. Not too much time had passed, but his bladder could make any amount of time go by considerably slower. He quickly scanned all the items and bagged them, ready to send the customer on their way. He was waiting for the customer to pay, when he heard them say something to him, so he looked up and smiled again.

"Thank you for shop-"

He noticed they were not leaving just yet, and instead were pointing to a pack of cigarettes on the wall behind him, now taking on a face of slight disgust as they did not seem to appreciate his eagerness to get them moving along. He turned to face the wall of cigarettes as he cursed himself for the silly mistake. The exact pack they wanted was on the top and just out of reach for him if he were to try from where he sat, so he stood up, immediately feeling the consequences. While he was sitting he was able to stay quite comfortable, but now standing had the added effect of gravity, pulling the pee down and closer to the exit. He took a moment to sway in place and then reached up to grab the pack, careful not to add any extra unwanted pressure. Fortunately he succeeded, quickly hopping back up on the stool and adding the pack to the total sale. Finally they paid, and just as they collected their things, he heard some loud music coming from outside. He looked up at the cameras and watched another car pull into a spot out front, his face sunk as he watched a car full of teenagers step out and make their way into the shop. A few minutes ago this would have been fine, but since that customer forced him to stand he was beginning to have his doubts. He gave his crotch a squeeze and shifted his weight on the stool before they could see him in such a vulnerable state.

The group of teens pushed right past the previous customer, almost creating a disaster and a mess that River would have had to clean up. Any unnecessary obstacle right now would have been fatal for him, he could feel he was really filling up, and really hoped these kids would make it quick. He resorted to leaning forward where he sat, legs pushed together, just trying to at least keep himself together as long as he could, hoping they could leave before then. They seemed to be taking their time, strolling through the store, grabbing random various items. A couple must have understood the objective, as they only grabbed a few things each, coming up and checking out, proceeding to idly wait for their friends to decide what they wanted. River felt a little more relaxed, the urge had subsided for a moment, but he was still well aware it was not gone, and that it would likely come back soon enough, only stronger than before. Just as he was finishing checking out the third teenager at the counter, he saw the fourth walk out. He knew he saw that one grab things yet never buy anything.

"Hey, sir! You need to buy that!"

River watched as the kid did not even hesitate, still casually walking out to the car. He thought about it for a moment, but knew he had to, hopping off the stool again and freezing. Taking a moment and shifting his weight from foot to foot, he thought, "Do I really wanna do this?!" He gave his crotch and long, hard squeeze and gave himself a boost of confidence, "I can do this." As he began walking towards the one teen in specific, with quick, tight steps.

"S-sir, if you don't hand me whatever is in your pocket I will have to call the police."

The 4 friends looked at each other, all mumbling to each other, words that River did not care to hear right now, he really had to go, his bladder felt full, almost to its breaking point, and it was taking everything he had to not dance before this group. Whatever they said, they must have convinced their friend to give up whatever it was, as River was now handed back the almost stolen soda.

"T-thank you, now if you could please leave..."

The teens all hopped back in the car, speeding off, River looked around and saw no cars in the lot, no cars incoming, this was it, he could go-


The otter doubled over, a sudden wave of pressure coming through him as he almost dropped the soda trying to grip himself. He felt the first drop of wetness break itself free from the waning restraints of his bladder. He had to move, and quickly. The pause had bought enough time for another vehicle to pull into the lot, only taking up a spot next to one of the pumps, perfect. He did not care to look casual, he just needed to get inside and pee. Grabbing his crotch as hard as he could, he began waddling towards the toilet inside. Through the doors, past the counter, door handle, open the door, close it, lock it. Finally, he made it, sweet relief. He got up to the toilet and pulled down his sweatpants, even in his desperation he still could not just go. He listened and heard nobody nearby and nobody in the shop. River tilted his head back, ready to get his well deserved pee break.


River froze. The door!? Nobody was outside! "Come on COME ON!" This was the worst possible moment to be pee shy, he was locked up, he could not release. He felt it so close but it was not going anywhere.

"Hello? I could use some help."

He heard a deeper voice come from inside the shop, he could not wait any longer but he had no other option. He pulled his sweatpants up and tried his best to put on a face of determination. Walking back out, trying but completely failing to look calm, legs pressed together, he walked up to the counter, not sitting on his stool, no time for that.

"A-and how may I help you..s-sir?"

Looking up, he could see the customer here was a big polar bear, with dark, warm markings scattered on his body..but he had no time to ask what happened.

"Oh I was just coming in to put $20 on pump 4."

"Can't this guy tell I have a bit of a situation here?!" River hopped from foot to foot, wiggling his slim body the best he could, as he used his one free hand to sloppily take the cash and put it in the register, sending the charged amount onto the pump.

"There you go, s-sir, sir?"

River watched in helpless terror as the bear walked to the door..the bathroom door, and walked right in. Normally, he would sit and wait at his stool for a customer to do their business, but he had no room for politeness or patience right now, this bear needed to hurry up. He stood at the door, listening in jealousy as the bear got his sweet release. Bad idea..the sound itself caused another wave, this time with even less luck than before..a spurt came shooting out without restraint. River was lucky that he was even able to stop himself just now. He could not pee yet, he just had to wait a few more seconds. He looked around, seeing his water bottle still nearly half full as he had completely paused drinking it at that point. Usually when he drank half his bottle he would pee twice by now, he could not even go once yet! He saw no escape to his situation, he could only rely on the speed of the bear. River could hear the sink running, so close. The otter was openly dancing in front of the door, jumping up and down, wiggling side to side, grabbing on tightly with both hands, he had no choice but at least nobody could see. He watched in excitement as the door handle began to turn, the door began to swing open, the bear started to step out.

"Look out!"

River yelled and squeezed right around the big bear, whether he was shy or not he could no longer wait. He fumbled with his pants and saw the toilet right in front of hi-


As he rushed into the bathroom, he tripped, landing on his front just before the toilet, catching his fall with his hands out of instinct. Only suddenly letting his guard down was all his bladder needed to finally get what it had been demanding for too long.


He screamed as he felt his sweatpants begin to flood, helpless against the strong river flowing out from between his legs. He tried to grab on and cut off the flow but it was no use, he was defeated, lying there on the floor in a growing puddle of his own pee. Though having such a small bladder his explosion only lasted a short 40 seconds, and he lay there panting, looking to his left he saw the bear standing in the doorway, having just witnessed such an embarrassing display. The bear took a couple steps towards him and got down on one knee, extending his hand out.

"Hey buddy, it's no problem, I won't sit here and judge you, let me help you up."

'U-uhh..really? My hands are soaked, I-I'm soaked!"

The bear nodded, insisting it was alright..it was a little strange, River expected to be laughed at right now, but this bear seemed a bit more caring. He grabbed the bear's hand and got back on his feet.

"Why don't you just close up shop the rest of the night? I'm sure your manager will understand."

"I..uhh, yeah. I don't want anyone to see me like this."

River walked to the front door of the shop, opening it for the bear to leave and go pump his gas, but the bear hesitated and instead stopped walking.

"Well, if I'm being honest, watching that was..kinda hot. My name's Reese, I was thinking we could just stay here and chat a bit..heh."

"O-oh? Umm, hey Reese..I'm River..y-you really found that hot?"

The otter felt a bit flustered, knowing he had managed to excite someone else, even if it did mean he had to suffer quite a bit. He ultimately decided that idea would not be so bad, he locked the door and went behind the counter, hopping up on his stool and flipping the switch for the closed light. Reese leaned on the counter and the two of them continued on talking for hours, becoming good friends quite quickly. Reese did not get in the way of the otter taking several more pee breaks throughout the night. In the end, River considered that maybe holding was not such a bad thing after all..