Morning Glory - 2023

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#6 of Commission - Dexter and Miles (NSFW)

Yanixter owns Miles. I own Joel and Adrian as part of the auxiliary cast!

2023 has seen significant improvement overall. I'll have one from 2021 posted to draw comparison.

Also, a story that doesn't focus on reflections too much.

Morning Glory

The Oceanic subregion of Polynesia had seen a handful of changes according to Dexter. And by a handful, he meant the addition of cell towers, larger hotels, and appealing to far more different cultures. Back in the wolf's younger years, most of the visitors were from the United States, Australia, and China. He could be considered as the only Canadian at the time. Nowadays there's pizza and pasta, which aren't as good; sushi which has been said to be as good as Japan's because it was an island chain after all. Fish of all colors and kinds thrived in its very blue waters. A beautiful tropical paradise with trees full of fresh fruit. But nowadays you have to pay for the fruit rather than get it yourself. Other than that the experience was pretty much the same, he said.

Miles wanted to take a trip here because he saw his father's photo album of the region in his youth. He rented a boat, his own island, and swam with the fishes. Even climbed up trees to get its fruit for a very reasonable price. Now, because of inflation and jargon he could not understand, it cost thrice as much as it did then but at least offered the same experience. And it would be more fun since he was going with his best friend, his army spotter, the one and only Adrian.

"Fucking last minute changes, man," Adrian grumbled as their boat went over fishes that swam underneath the clear waters. It was enough to see their different colors, some that shimmered from the sunlight, though not enough to see deeper into the dark blue abyss. "He would've loved to see this."

Miles sighed, looking over too as he manned the boat's rotor that helped the vehicle skim through the water, leaving a widening v-wave behind it. "Then take another pic," Miles tried to humor his best friend. Adrian's husband, Joel, could not make it due to sudden medical responsibilities back home. He could've used the break too but a doctor's duty does not end in life. Or something along that quote. That bearded dragon would've loved the fishes too.

"I mean, they're no different from the last five," Adrian chuckled, sighing to let that frustration hang in the air and be blown away by the breeze as they glided through the waters. "And you're still on course too."

They had been going in a straight line for the last half hour but with how old and vibrating the machinery was, Miles couldn't let go or otherwise it would veer off. There was no auto-sailing option either. There was a yacht out of their pay grade earlier, and their fame couldn't have reached out this far for a discount for one. "You said that five minutes ago." He said, and commented, "Is this what it's like to hold a machine gun? Newfound respect for the auto-men."

"No kidding." Adrian looked at his hand clutching onto the steering rod tight. "You wanna swap?"

"Nah, I got this. I wish I could've brought my gloves. It's making my hand ache." That sensation coursed through his left hand, and a part of his inner elbow that rested against the motor itself too. At least the surrounding islands distracted him enough. There were large ones that had forests within, and small ones that were basically mounds of sand on water. They only saw one that had an inhabitant who waved back at them, with a yacht parked right behind their island.

"Alright." Adrian shifted his position to the bow of the boat, resting his arms on both edges of the ship. He stretched out his legs as he laid back, grunting in relaxation when he did.

Miles couldn't ignore such a sight but it was nice to know how far he himself, and Adrian, had made it into their careers. However, he was still sure to be the stronger of the two. Not to ignore what the GerShep's guns were like; massive and well-toned. And those abs of his showed through the transparency of his moistened shirt. The wolf's tail wagged, enthused by his friend's display. It wouldn't be the first time he would admire such an impressive figure, having seen him grow since their bootcamp days.

Adrian noticed the attention, flexing his right arm, "Getting jealous there, Milesman?"

Miles scoffed and immediately flexed his free arm back at him, "As if Ad. Keep hopin'." This friendly competition they had was what kept them stronger, and a good swim like his father did would keep him above the competition too. And the idea of taking pics similar to his father crossed his mind, with their phones that were waterproof at certain depths. He ought to do it, and he wanted to tell Adrian who kept showing himself off to him. Maybe the heat of the sun was finally getting to him? A swim once they've arrived would be good. "Hey Ad," he got his attention.

"Yeah?" Adrian paused and crossed his arms, expressing an odd curiosity to what he was about to say.

Miles glanced over the waters, only a large fish underneath them this time. "I'll go swimming once we arrive. Can you set up camp for us?" His eyes went back into the boat, highlighting their ALICE packs, cooler, rolled up sleeping mats, and their fishing equipment.

Adrian looked at those same items too, and back to his phone with a smirk. "Sure, Milesman. Must be getting tired holding onto that thing, huh?" He made a jerking motion in the air.

That gave Miles flushed cheeks, chuckling, his hand holding onto the rod almost sliding back and forth to mimic it. The heat was really getting to him then. "Hah, funny." And perhaps he could sneak some personal time on the other side of the island, or when Adrian's asleep. Nothing but a little bit of noise discipline couldn't help.

Adrian chuckled and rested his hand on his lap, close to the zipper of his cargo shorts. His body tilted to the side admiring the view, but Miles could've sworn he was being side-eyed, almost like he wanted to see the wolf's reaction to this.

Miles was flustered, but he did his best to hide it. His fingers clamped the steering grip with his thumb twiddling around its tip. And his right foot tapped, trying to feign sporting an erection then and there. Suddenly he felt conscious about the more sensitive parts of his body. The slight arousal in his crotch to the perking of his nipples, and even the tightness of his shirt hugging his muscles.

"I really like the view, y'know," Adrian said.

He was unsure if he meant him or the scenery, especially with that low-browed glancing. "So do I," Miles replied, looking to the right, and fair enough it was. There was a massive island with a jungle patch in the middle of it. Didn't seem civilized as it was inhabited by wildlife that swung along the trees, and that his pinpointing eyes saw colorful birds nesting on top of them. He mimicked Adrian's side-glancing too, and saw the GerShep actually looking off this time. Even fetched his phone and took photos for his guy back home. With his phone out, he asked, "How far are we?"

Adrian quickly switched apps, "Two minutes away." He twisted his body facing the bow. "Yep, I think that's it."

Miles scooted up from his seat, slowing the boat down, to get a better view of the island. His muscular friend was large enough to block it from this distance. This rented plot of land had a small hut made of old tree trunks from what it seemed. There was a small jungle, probably forty feet long, and that the island was about a hundred by fifty feet maybe? It had enough privacy for his personal time later, but enough space that wouldn't feel like it's cramped in. Especially at night when tides would rise, at least the hut had stilts. "Ad, I think this was the same island that my dad stayed on."

Adrian laughed, turning to him amused, "Well, y'know what they say: Like Father, Like Son, Like So-"

"No," Miles interjected in a friendly way. 'Like Father, Like Son, Like Soldiers', a joke the GerShep had come up with that reflected his whole adult life. Surely it wasn't like that. Even if the island suddenly awoke memories of an evening where his father showed a photo album after he expressed curiosity seeing colorful fishes as he flipped through its pages. He noted the hut still retaining its structure as it stood defiant against the test of time. The small jungle patch that had expanded more, and with an abundant amount of fruit on their palm trees.

"Sorry." Adrian scanned the island as he took in Miles' initial statement. The latter expressed the same wonder if this was fate or pure coincidence. "You sure? Some of the islands had huts too."

"Yeah, but it had that particular hut. Especially the stilts." Miles steered the boat to the side. The slight momentum, and with the help of the waves, pushed it closer to the shore. His best friend had the rope in hand, glancing at the nearest and sturdiest tree to anchor it on.

"I see someone's flexing more than their muscles, huh?" He turned to Miles and looked him straight in the eye, winking.

Miles felt the heat warm his cheeks more this time, unsure whether he should take it as a jab or as a compliment. Especially that wink straight to his eyes, and to that extent himself. His composure slowly fell, replying, ". . ." with words that weren't there. The boat rocked for a moment from Adrian getting off and hoisting the rope around a tree that after he nudged would not move at all. He watched him strut, a subtle shake to his ass, with those furred-calves taking up bits of sand, and his toned back. The thumping of his tail snapped him out, and he turned the engine off, lest they waste their gasoline.

"I'll set up base here or did you change your mind?" Adrian spoke louder as he approached the boat. He leaned over to get their luggage.

Miles half-listened to what he said, shaking his head because he really needed a distraction. The wolf got off the boat with it drifting a few feet away only to be held back by the rope. He reached out to Adrian for his backpack, trying to avoid eye-contact only to be lured by the canine's strong abs. "Can I have my stuff?"

Adrian passed his backpack to him, "Sure. Ya feeling alright? Looking a bit down are we?"

Looking down he was, straight to the fine molds of Adrian's thin shirt that covered something he was tempted to touch. "Yeah, just the heat." And he looked up with reddened cheeks. His eyes met with him, "Kinda hot." For a while he stayed like that, tail wagged without realizing.

Adrian looked up, and Miles was certain he did not stand under the shade. And he looked back down with a concerned smile, "Yeah, so you should go for a swim, right?"

"Yeah, you're h- right. Right." Miles shook his head and slung the backpack behind his shoulder as he went to the hut while Adrian fetched their cooler. Most of his own body relaxed, save for the tightness in his crotch that was hotter than the equatorial heat. He tried to distract himself with the hut that he saw in his father's photos. The same hut that he and Adrian would share tonight. Their bare bodies would close to each other. Maybe naked, maybe more? Wait, what was he thinking? No, he forced his mind to quiet itself and stepped into the small and barely-covered space. This was enough for two men at most, and even that would be a tight fit for him.

"Do you want some soda? Water?" Adrian called out as he opened the cooler. Subtle frost fogged out from the edges of its opening.

Miles answered, "No need, still got some water here." He referred to the ALICE pack that he just opened. Two water bottles, one half full, beside his compactly folded clothes. He took the one he drank out of earlier and took another sip. Warmth around the opened bottle's tip, followed by a warmer sensation sliding down his throat as he gulped it. This refreshed him, and made it easier to focus on changing his clothes.

"Are you going to go catch fish for us, Milesman?"

Miles peeked out after removing his shirt, seeing the shirtless GerShep presenting two rods pressed against each other. Fishing rods he meant. "I'll give it a shot actually." He said it so fast so he could look away immediately. Though their camping equipment was by the beach, and about to be set up, he already had a tent pitched between his legs.

To make sure Adrian wouldn't look, Miles stepped into the hut and turned himself away from him as he removed his slippers first and unbuttoned his cargo shorts. It revealed his white underwear with pre oozing around its tip. Even the black color of his shaft was transparent enough through the soaked fabric. He hastily removed the shorts and scrounged through the backpack for something decent, and he did so with his tail tucked between his legs. There was no way that Adrian wouldn't have noticed, and in the process of thinking he imagined him peeking over and seeing his conundrum. Almost wanted being caught by him.

"You alright there, Miles?" His tone was light, yet concerned

"Yes I am!" He snapped back in surprise, hoping that it wouldn't draw conversation nor worry.

Adrian only chuckled, to his relief, and said, "Alright, as long as you aren't having a hard time.

Miles could've sworn that his mind was playing tricks on him, because Adrian emphasized 'hard', that made him throb down there. He hurried deeper into his backpack and, after putting aside his army-camo speedos, he found a pair of light blue swimming trunks that were immediately put on within moments. But it was tight, showing off his ass, and his bulge moreso. The island was large enough for him to go in the other direction without arousing suspicion, and that the cool water would make his hard-on go away.

So he stepped out, back turned to Adrian, "I'm gonna go take a dip now, alright?" His head peeked over his shoulder to see if he was looking at him. The GerShep smiled and nodded at him.

"Ease up alright? We're here to have a good fucking time." Adrian said.

"Excuse me?" Miles blinked twice.

"Huh?" Adrian tilted his head in wonder, "I said have a fucking good time." And laughed it off.

Miles laughed along and walked towards the beach. His pre oozed past his underwear, staining the forward pitch of his swimming shorts too. Fortunately, his body would relax as his feet trudged the wet sand. The blue waves washed past his legs, helping ease the tensions not only in his body, but his mind too. He walked towards the open water, his waist leveled to the sea. The white wolf leaned forward and swam in these clear waters.

These kinds of waters were clean enough that he did not need goggles, and could see beauty far more than the images would've shown. The camera used then did not show the justice of very colorful reefs and corals that covered the distant sea floor. Green seaweeds and kelp waving closer to the shore. And different kinds of fish with a range of colors from blue and yellow stripes, to ones that are covered in red spots. Even a large rock-like fish that blended with the reefs.

That aquatic creature thought it could hide from his near-perfect vision. Certainly not, but he himself was not aquatic therefore had to ascend to catch a breath. And when his head dipped above the water, the gasp for fresh air gave him a sense of relief. It wasn't the plane ride, nor the initial hotel stay after it that gave him the true sense of the vacation. Perhaps the boat ride was the build-up and this would be the climax.

And that's when Adrian walked along the beach in nothing but a red and white speedo. Miles had seen him in the buff before. Thick arms and calves that glistened from the showers, and his musk after their hours-long workouts. Somehow, today, he wanted to see him without the swimwear this time while a part of him regretted not cherishing those times he did. The white wolf kept himself low, hovering his arms in front of his chest to try and hide the resurging tent in his shorts. A bit of conversation could distract him, but who knows how that would work.

"That was quick." Miles said timidly.

"Not like we brought an armory with us." Adrian walked over the same footprints he left, even those that were almost obscured by the water. "Saw anything fancy down there?"

Miles looked down to himself, and snapped back up to Adrian who had been looking further behind him. "Yep, corals, reefs, and even a fish that's like a chameleon."

"Oh shit," He hurried into the water and buoyed himself next to Miles. "Where?" Adrian descended where his chin was underwater.

Miles pointed the East in a downward direction, his arm in a gentle decline for it wouldn't be too far. "You'll see it trying to blend in with the seabed rocks but you're a spotter. Go spot it."

"Yes sir," he dipped below the waves.

Miles watched, noticing that he turned his head to him. He tried to catch his attention by waving, hoping that Adrian didn't see what he'd been sporting. His mind delighted in the thought of his best friend adoring him but left him in wonder. The other side of the island hadn't been checked, and maybe there were more interesting creatures there.

As he swam around the small mass of sand and dirt, with some of the fishes joining beside him as he did, he couldn't help but think about Adrian's intentions. His best friend never dropped innuendos of this intensity, or showed himself off in such a manner. And having realized the actual elephant in the room: Adrian was married. Or would Joel be fully aware of this? There had been jokes before where Joel encouraged Adrian to slap his ass, or alluded to them whenever they were together on duty. Thing was, none of their jokes made it this far.

The back of the island was no different than a shellfish and a crab fighting each other on the beach. Miles rooted for the former. And he continued going around to where the boat was that had been beached. Adrian at the other side swam around, and waved at him when they saw each other. He waved back. The excitement had calmed down, replaced by skepticism. And he didn't want to beat around the bush any longer.

Miles swam to him thinking of what to ask him first. 'How're you and Joel doing?' Or maybe be straightforward with 'Are you flirting with me? Does Joel know?' Something in between?

Adrian said, "How're you feeling now, Miles?"

"Much better," Miles smiled, only for it to fade as he asked in a worried tone, "How're you and Joel?" There was no going back to this sort of question so his face matched its tone, concerned and narrow.

But Adrian looked at him thinking it was a joke, "I'm fine, and Joel's fine too."

"C'mon, real talk, what's wrong?" He wondered if he should ask the other question or accuse him of being unfaithful. Regardless, he wanted to set things straight for them.

To Miles' disbelief, Adrian chuckled and approached him, still bemused by all this. "Milesman," he said, "Joel and I have an open-door policy. Provided that we tell each other who we're going to have fun with."

When Miles first heard of that, he thought he meant their home. That he could crash at their place whenever, and no matter what. And the jokes, the subtlety of showing off their bodies to him and his friends began to make sense now. "Ah." His concern turned to flattery and embarrassment.

"Maybe I should've been more straightforward with you." Adrian walked over, sloshing through the water with open arms. "I'm sorry," he kept them up, leaving it to Miles if he would take it.

Miles hesitated at first to register all the information. It took him moments to conclude that it was alright to have 'fun' with his best friend, and with the confidence that Joel would be cool with it. But he had to really make sure, "Joel's alright with all this?" As he leaned in to hug the GerShep.

"He would've been more forward, y'know." Adrian wrapped himself around him, patting the wolf's back and kissing his forehead before a light spat of the saltwater.

Miles' tail wagged at the peck, enjoying the wholesome notion behind it. He perceived this moment as an elevation of their already rock-solid relationship too, and with Joel by extension. This dynamic gave him another question, "So what're the rules?" Leaning back, he crossed his arms. The same heat that had left his lower regions slowly came back in anticipation of what they could do.

"Consent, safewords, and no one getting hurt. Simple as that." Adrian said it simply, winking at the blushing wolf. He glanced down and smirked.

Miles knew exactly what Adrian saw and gave him quite a sight for it. His swimming shorts tented, and he could see Adrian's speedo suddenly stretch forward. Widened eyes gaze upon the hints of dark brown furry orbs with a shade of pink just above it.

"Would you like to have some fun, Miles?" Adrian spoke softly, walking towards him with his sheathed weapon moving side to side with each step.

Miles looked up to meet his eyes. They were much closer now, enough for their muzzles to touch. He felt the GerShep's warm breath, with a subtle sugary undertone from the soda. The brand that he liked. His tail wagged at that, smacking the water behind him. "Yeah, I would." He answered back.

"I'm glad to hear that." Adrian rubbed the top of his head, moving his hair aside to get a better look of him.

Miles moved his body forward, wanting their muzzles to meet. But his stomach growled ferociously, followed by the reminder that he did not eat breakfast at all. The prospect of fishing had him excited. His cheeks reddened in embarrassment for spoiling the perfect moment.

Adrian scoffed for a moment, but well aware of how Miles took it did not tease him further other than saying, "I'm not glad with that." He followed up with, "Let's get us something to eat, alright? Don't want ya doing this on a really empty stomach." Both canines started trudging towards the island. "Didn't turn out so well last time Joel and I did."

He gave him an odd look because he himself was curious. Since he hadn't done it with anyone in the first place. "No energy?"

"Hunger distracts you from cumming." Adrian answered bluntly. They were back on the sand, walking towards their packs. "We did it once before lunch, and neither of us got off."

An intriguing piece of information. Maybe something Miles could apply in the future when he's found someone. If someone would be interested in him in the first place. Or maybe he simply didn't notice. That said why- no, how long had Adrian been interested in him? "So Ad, I know you and Joel mess with me now and then but how long did this go on for?"

"Me? Back at boot camp after our first live firing." Adrian added, "Didn't make any moves at all because your dad would've killed me."

Miles stopped in his tracks, tail wagging. Something warm and sweet pulsed inside him, making him dash towards the GerShep and put him into a big and tight embrace. His erection pressed against his rear cheek but that's besides the point. "Thank you," Miles said with a slight sadness to it. If his father had known, there would've been very serious repercussions.

"You're a role model for some, and a great friend to me." Adrian hugged him back this time, caressing his back.

There was assurance of the many years to come where he would have an amazing friend through and through. He looked up to him, exchanging looks, and back down to resting his muzzle on his neck and nuzzling it. That moment would linger for a while, cherishing it as much as he could. "And you're the bestest friend I could ever ask for."

"And Joel liked you a bit after graduation. But not in the same way as my crush on you." Adrian said, patting his back. "And we started joking around with you to test the waters and here we are." He gestured around at the seawater and the drying wolf in front of him.

Took Miles a bit to understand the joke, laughing moments after with Adrian following too. "I didn't know," he said smiling. "I guess I'll pay you both a visit after we get back then."

To 'reward' his best friend's sincerity to all this, Miles went to the hut and stripped. He heard Adrian wolf whistle at him as he gave him a look of his fine ass, wagging a raised tail at him. Not like something he hadn't seen before either. Given the advances he had been oblivious too, it wouldn't be surprising if the GerShep saw much more of him. Playing along, Miles took a hand to his cheek and spread it, showing his hole to the canine behind.

"Awoo, Miles," Adrian let out a quick howl. And he walked past him, his tent much more pronounced. Smacking the wolf's ass, making him yip, as he went for the fishing rods.

Miles put on his speedo. That mix of green and dark green in a flecktarn camouflage pattern. His bulge was apparent, almost at the same length as Adrian's. He would have to figure out at some point who was more endowed.

"Here," Adrian called out. Tossing him a piece of fruit while lugging both fishing rods to their boat.

Miles caught a banana that was almost fully ripe. There was a bit of green closer to its neck while the rest of it was a ripe yellow. He peeled off its skin as he walked towards the boat. While Adrian stowed the rods into the boat, he whistled at him. "Hey, Ad!" Placing its tip inside his mouth without chewing, in fact licking the fresh fruit.

Adrian liked what he saw, his free hand rubbing his own bulge. "I like what I'm seeing, Milesman. Get on." He urged him over.

Miles started eating his banana as he found himself back on the boat again. Adrian went back to the tree and untied their vessel and pushed it into the water while He manned the engine with a banana lodged between his lips.

They were off to fish somewhere opposite of the hut without venturing too far off where they couldn't swim back to the island. Adrian had been setting up the lures, fake minnows with hooks protruding from its artificial lips.

Miles engaged him in small talk regarding fishing in still water as he and his father used to do it by the river by their home. Adrian had experience doing it in a lake with his family before, and tried it once with Joel too. The latter of which, while not having caught anything at all, ended up doing something more productive in the woods.

"Have you tried jerking off in the woods?" Adrian asked. "Or is the barracks more than enough for that?"

Miles blushed profusely, as if he got caught red handed. "N-no."

"Ha!" Adrian teased, "It's kinda obvious over the weeks we've known each other, Milesman. Your laundry reeks of it. Especially those speedos you're wearing."

Both tenting canines looked at the white wolf's, a slight pink that peeked from the holes of the contrasting greens. Miles reiterated in embarrassment, "I buy a new pair every year."

"That's cute." Adrian winked. "This should be a good enough spot." He peeked over Miles' shoulder, the island was a minute away, and he passed him the fishing rod. "Kill the engine."

"Got it." Miles turned it off, taking the rod in his hand. The muscle memory came back to him, casting his line into the water that slowly became still. Going back to Adrian's statement, "How'd you hide yours?"

"Tissues." Adrian casted his line. Then came the waiting game. "And nightly bathroom trips."

After a while, the fishes came back in schools but none took the bait. Miles looked at Adrian who gestured to him to keep quiet. He nodded back at him, and down to his other hard rod that slipped out of its leg hole. As a courtesy of sorts, the white wolf let his slide out too, and adjusted his body so his best friend could get an eyeful of his own twitching rod.

Adrian gestured a rolled up hand in front of his muzzle, and bulging his cheek on its appropriate side. Miles reached downward to his own shaft and waved it around, licking his lips as he eyed the GerShep's own too. But they both limited their movements, and excited each other with their explicit self-presentation.

Miles upped the ante by discarding his speedo and tossing it at Adrian's thigh. He got his in kind and could smell the unwashed scent of musk wafting from it. Beside the seawater, he could smell the saltiness of his crotch, and a hint of his dick that came earlier this morning without him knowing. His ears flicked at the thought.

Adrian noticed, suppressing a giggle as he put on Miles' speedo. It suited him, almost the same size as his actual size. The GerShep nodded approvingly with a thumbs up. Miles put the simple-designed undergarment and found it a bit looser, but that would be from the excess use of it, already stretching along the waist.

Before the latter could react, their lines simultaneously pulled itself to the water and both canines clutched onto their rod's handle. They grabbed their reels and yanked the fishing rod while spinning the reel's back. Clear but waving waters revealed a large fish on Miles' side, and the lines were strong enough to keep up with his immense strength, but it was not easy to balance on a rocking boat.

Another moment of struggling and Adrian had caught his fish, immediately stowing it under the boards of the boat to prevent it from escaping. He went over to Miles and helped reel his fish in. Both hands on the rod, followed by a harsh pull, and the second fish was on the boat flopping about. They held their fishes down until they stopped squirming, only left with gasping mouths as they laid to a stop.

"Thanks for the help," Miles looked up to Adrian who had leaned in to kiss his cheek. And he returned the favor with his lips landing on the GerShep's nose.

"Love you, Milesman," Adrian said brotherly and rested at the bow of their boat.

"Love you too, Ad," Miles got back to the engine and revved it up, scaring the fish away. They made their way back to their island where Adrian docked the boat and Miles went into the small patch of jungle to collect dead leaves and discarded wood to start a beach-side fire.

The fish didn't take too long to cook and was enough for both canines' late lunch. Late afternoon was spent exchanging looks and showing off. Moments where they got close to touching each other but a fancy sight would interrupt them; sharks lurked around their island, to the beauty of a sunset. And when the golden skies faded into a cool azure, with the stars twinkled high above, Miles searched for the full moon.

Miles' furred body kept him from the cold winds, with the evening hue turning his shade of white to that of a light blue. Adrian sat there by the fire, gazing at him in awe before standing up in solidarity too.

When the white wolf finally found the white sphere that inspired his nights inching closer towards the middle of the sky he took his surroundings in before his ritualistic howl. It needn't be too complex either. All he had to do was feel nature; the slight rise of the waters, the distant seagulls squawk, and his friend's heart beating beside him with his wagging tail gently bumping into his, which made his own tail wag too. The moonlight radiated all over his fur, feeling one with the moon.

"Have I ever told you how majestic your voice is when you howl?" Adrian wrung his arm around him. Looking upward too, though not as passionate as Miles was.

"Thanks," Miles, flattered, knew of it. "You too." At first he said as a proper reply to something that seemed true. But going through his memories, it proved to be more than just that. Adrian was a German Shepherd who could howl as any wolf, and he respected that immensely.

Both canines prepared themselves to let out their inner voice. Miles tilted his head towards the moon and inhaled deep. He closed his eyes to exert his fullest on this vocal release. So much of his heart to put out; the admission of love from his two best friends, to a vacation that was reflective of his becoming. Everything felt right.

The white wolf exhaled, and drew breath in for the howl. And he opened his mouth as he tilted back, then jerked himself forward into Adrian's lips instead. A noise that would've been his howl escaped between them, and Miles rather let himself kiss him deeper. Both canines moaned, held each other's cheeks, and felt each other's erections brush up against their fur.

Miles' body warmed further as his tongue met with Adrian's, the first of any who'd done it with him. His own inexperience didn't hamper the moment, and Adrian's hands explored his back going downward, and massaging those toned cheeks of his. He himself felt what was right and embraced him around his waist, pulling them closer together even as their kiss broke, string between their lower lips. Opening his eyes to his friend's gentle brown, twinkling from the moonlight.

"That was a first," he said to the GerShep. A night of many firsts- first howl interrupted, first kiss, and the first time his shaft was against another. And it was with Adrian. He wouldn't have had it any other way.

Adrian spoke softer, a tone that Miles hadn't heard in forever. It wasn't shy like the first time they met, rather pleased, "Here comes the second." He leaned to him, kissing his lips like they did earlier.

As the night howled away, Adrian kicked sand into the fire pit as he and Miles went back to their hut with locked lips. Miles felt the rest of his body being touched around, in places that had not been caressed in a far more pleasant manner. And his wolf-ears perked when a pair of hands touched his shaft down there. A pleasurable sensation he didn't know was possible as it surged through him.

Miles let out a moan as Adrian's hand gently slid over, their kiss broke as a result. He looked down to see his black shaft caressed by brown hands, opposed to his own white furred ones that he had done for the longest time. And more so the urge for them to reach out and hold his friend's standing at attention and leaking pre. Turning back to Adrian who had been smiling back, "May I? Ad?" His tail thwacked against the hut's wall.

"You're adorable," Adrian caressed his cheek with a musky hand. "Of course you can." Miles followed with a kiss leaning forward, on the lips, as they closed their eyes.

He reached out at Adrian's length, his friend tingling at his caresses. It was different, holding someone else's shaft, unaware of how much it throbbed, pulsed, and grinded against the palm of his hands. Though he'd stroked himself off countless times, he had little to no idea of how to do it for anyone else, trying to mimic the motion he normally did onto himself.

Adrian felt him up more, moving aside the speedo to rub Miles' white orbs. And he moved his hips closer, grinding their shafts together- frotting with their nuts touching. Both canines opened their eyes, chins on each other's shoulder. The former taking care of his sniper, while the latter caught on with how to please his spotter.

This was all new to Miles even though getting themselves off was something he'd already done. Something in him awoke that nudged him to the more intimate aspect of pleasure. After a while, his hands wrapped around Adrian's waist instead. He pulled him closer, "Can we just do this for tonight?" Their heat below pulsed with want, though he had a different need altogether.

One that Adrian would not turn down, ever. "Of course, Miles." His tone sweetened and rubbed cheeks with him, hugged the white wolf tightly as his arms wrapped around Miles' chest and rubbed his back.

It felt better than any embrace he'd felt prior. Miles almost melted on the spot, whimpering and shuddering at the new sensation that he tried to give Adrian it too, who enjoyed it but he knew was already familiar with it. The massages turned to pats, turned to a gentle grip of assurance. And they brought it over to the hut, with their arousals still pressed against each other's thighs, and arms interlocked with each other.

"This feels amazing," Miles whispered as the night lulled him to rest. Easier now that he had someone to hold, who would hold him back too. Warmer than a blanket or a pillow, and sweeter than any 'bro hug'. To feel it underneath the full moon, and being under his best friend cuddling with him. Scenes he had only seen in comics, or read in books, to finally happen to him was such an inspiring sensation.

"It feels different with you too, laying down with a great friend." Adrian said, nuzzling the side of his neck. They shifted themselves some more, finding a better position to be in each other's arms rather than stacking up on top of each other. Both their tails folded between their legs, holding each other, with their eyes gazing and finding it twinkle from the moonlight that peeked through the straw roof.

"Yeah..." Miles was mesmerized, fixated on the warmth building up inside him as he looked fondly and longer. And he followed it with a quick peck on the lips before appreciating the gentle brown fur of his friend, and his white hand stroking his cheek. In a different life, perhaps, this would've meant more. That didn't matter, however, as this moment had a unique feeling of its own. One that he would not trade for another.

He fell asleep but not in the way the real world would consider 'normal'. Miles kept admiring Adrian's cute face, though his friend was first to close those eyes. His was closed long before yet they were wide open. The last day's voices echoed in his surroundings, these assurances and the comfort expressed towards him. As well as the gratitude and the admission of love that he could not help but hug Adrian in his not-sleep.

"Thank you," he mumbled in his subconscious, reaching over to hug Adrian tightly. And he imagined the GerShep experiencing the same thing as his subconscious hugged back, nuzzling even.

The full moon moved faster across the skies during his slumber, along with the stars revolving around them. Subtle streaks coursed through the darkness that slowly turned blue as a new dawn arrived. Another day of golden streaks that emerged from the East, shining upon their almost naked bodies.

Miles white fur turned a slight yellow at the beauty of this morning's glory. Almost like gold himself, still holding onto something far more valuable. "Good morning, Ad," He truly woke up, and his shaft had already moments earlier, still pressed against the GerShep's thigh.

To his delight, Adrian had been sporting one too. Miles' cheeks reddened at how natural it all felt. How his paw went over and caressed it, making his friend murr and gasp with a wagging tail.

Miles marveled at the fact that Adrian enjoyed it, the latter swaying his hips to press it deeper into his delicate hand's cusp. And he kept stroking. Pre oozed, some against his thigh as it found itself closer to his own. He continued last night's motion, sure that Adrian would enjoy it because he certainly did. All the hentai or erotica he'd observed definitely understated how this felt; the warmth and desire in display, pure yet simple. Both canines grunted in pleasure as he hastened his jerking.

"Yeah..." Adrian muttered, still blissfully asleep.

But Miles wanted to take it a step further, in a manner he never imagined of doing with Adrian prior to yesterday. With the limited space of their hut, and not wanting to awaken the sleeping muscle giant of a man, he flipped himself around to where the GerShep's dick was brushing against his muzzle, while his own was just under his friend's chin.

The scent of his friend's dick was stronger, potent, and distinct to his own scent yet retained the musky undertone. And his mind joked that he could smell Joel from it too. Branching to the idea that maybe, at one point, he would end up sucking them both off simultaneously. Which caused his body to freeze as his dick bounced, gently tapping his friend's chin. He looked down in the hopes he wouldn't wake up from it, and when he didn't, Miles gulped as his lips were two inches away. Two inches from doing something to another person, and not just himself.

"I love you, Ad," he mumbled under his breath before opening his mouth. Miles hovered his friend's shaft inside and away from his canine's. And there was that salty taste, like the musk earlier was similar, yet unique to the person he was sucking off. His tongue brushed against the GerShep's sensitive flesh, only to realize that Adrian enjoyed what he did, responding with a twitching cock as those fine legs shuddered from the pleasure.

Adrian moaned, as did Miles with a mouth full of cock. And he leaned his head backward, suckling on the GerShep's shaft, and slid back towards his crotch, with his nose gently bumping against his plump nuts. Even if he wasn't being sucked off at all, he felt the tingles down there, verging itself towards the climax. And he understood the motion of what he had to do, leaning back until his lips reached the tip, followed by taking it all back in.

The GerShep panted in his rest, while Miles reached himself down there and started stroking himself off while holding down his friend's thigh with the other hand. As it went on, Miles found his friend's large shaft hitting the back of his throat, nearly choking himself and pausing while it throbbed inside his mouth. For a few moments it pulsed, and he went back to servicing him.

It was far different than his prior imaginations, or the times he had sucked himself off in the kink club back in Canada. The thrill of the unknown thoughts of your partner, only for them to reveal through action the immense pleasure they felt. Adrian's fast-beating heart, tail thwacking the insides of the hut, and the toes curling as he moaned louder. Surprising how he was still asleep, or was he? Regardless he enjoyed it, and the tingles went through his entire body.

Miles felt himself close to the climax, holding himself back to not leave a mess on his friend's chin. The thought of cumming in his mouth was something he would want to experience but it would be best if he was awake. To which he felt the answer to that question.

Adrian had taken in his excited and throbbing shaft, making the white wolf moan. He thrusted into his mouth, and so did Miles into his too.

Miles' free hand that initially stroked himself was now fonding Adrian's nuts, and Adrian mimicked his movements too. If this was how it really felt, then he definitely knew what he did and it was amazing.

But the GerShep took the initiative for a moment, rolling himself on top to let Miles lay down easy, and they continued on their sixty-nine.

Wordless yet hot breaths against each other's lower regions, coated by the warmth of the sun and their combined musk. Both canines got into the rhythm of thrusting their hips and bobbing their heads, with Miles doing more of the fondling and Adrian with his experienced tongue play.

Miles enjoyed the slithering tongue that wrapped around his moist shaft, enough to send him over and climax into Adrian's mouth. He clamped his lips down against Adrian's shaft, which he then suddenly felt his best friend splooging into his too. Both their bodies relaxed as they tasted each other's seed.

Adrian spread his legs slightly as he lowered his legs, kneeling them beside Miles' head. He kept cumming plenty, painting Miles' throat with a slight discoloration of his fur.

Miles kept spewing his load, trying to thrust but the initial burst had tuckered him out, yet he felt his cock firing copious amounts of his seed into Adrian who gulped all of it down. While his mouth oozed around the GerShep's shaft, unable to have swallowed all his load. The heat from all this had left a slight burn, a good kind of burn, in the back of his throat but he needed to breathe.

He tapped Adrian's thigh that immediately turned, giving him enough room to get on his side facing towards the open space of the hut and coughing out canine milk he didn't drink down. And he coughed a few more, wiping the mess off his lips, but licking his arm once to reminisce on the taste even if it was just a moment ago. "Thanks," he said, and coughed again as he laid down facing the rickety ceiling.

It was soon obstructed by a handsome and smiling Adrian who leaned down to nuzzle. "Thank you too, Milesman." He was very pleased, and humored by what they just shared. "I'll do that to you next time."

Miles embraced him again, pulling him like he did last night. The day had advanced but the glorious feeling lingered if not improved. "Looking forward to it." And came the pleasant scent of his cum, and Adrian's in his mouth. The latter had sniffed it, chuckling, and so did he. "Are you gonna share this with Joel?"

"He suggested it," Adrian said, laying himself down in the white fluff.

That's what he meant by being more forward, Miles thought. Already excited to go home, but they had another two nights here in the island and a few more at the hotel back in the larger islands of the region. And the thought of a proper bed started hitting him with the aching back. Their bags weren't exactly fluffy pillows, and the mat they laid on lacked the '-tress' part. But at least Adrian was comfy, and that's what mattered.

They cuddled, watching as the full sun went over the horizon. Their breakfast would be more picked fruit, done so with less clothing than a pair of speedos. After all, they just sucked each other off so decency isn't necessary. Joel checked in on them while the pair were exchanging suggestive looks while eating bananas. And they surprised him by comparing erections; Miles was longer and Joel did not hesitate to take screenshots of it.

Miles enjoyed the praise, the compliments that followed after. Not only from Joel but Adrian's share of what he experienced earlier. The bearded dragon claimed that it was his idea first, and the promise to the wolf that he would do it to him too.

Joel followed up by showing off his own erection, making Adrian's bounce at the sight of it. He was uncut, leaking pre, and the camera made it seem bigger than theirs, encouraging Miles to pay him a visit. The latter had asked them to send him some of those photos to 'appreciate' in his spare time. Or maybe with the GerShep too.

Adrian nodded and sent them his way, with Miles' phone beeping in his bag, to which the wolf thanked him for and went to check it out.

However, Joel had one more thing to suggest, "Babe, why don't you fuck him while swimming?" There were subtle grunts and masturbatory noises happening in the background, followed by the sound of distinct moaning from his speakers.

Miles' ears perked at overhearing that, imagining being taken by Adrian in the waters, naked and wet. He saw other forms of comics depicting these lewd activities and it seemed interesting. The lack of lube might be an issue though because he knew how important those were. And he went back to finding his phone and browsed through his messages. His father greeted him good morning, and hoped that he had fun and enjoyed the discount.

He greeted him back, thanking him for it too and wanted him to enjoy his late lunch. In the typical father in his 40s fashion, Dexter sent a selfie of himself eating a burger with Chase. Normally he would reply but given that he was nude, hard, and the background was a fine piece of GerShep ass who had an erection too, would not be an appropriate thing to send to his father. The reply back was, "sorry but we r changing into swimming".

"ok have fun" Dexter replied back, followed by a smiley face.

Miles sent one back and switched chats to Adrian's who had the screencaps of Joel and his impressive cock. "Thanks Adrian and Joel," he said loud enough for him to hear. Only to realize the redundancy of saying that even though he had their chats open.

And he overheard him telling Joel, "Miles says thank you for the impressive cock." Adrian received the message in text, as did Joel, and they responded back in kind for being a great friend.

Miles received more risque photos of the Bearded Dragon, some of which were from a private studio, and amateur ones in a park he hadn't been to. The former shots were highly defined, showcasing the detail of Joel's scales, especially around his spreaded asshole that stood on bent knees. While the latter photo had his cock out, and the GerShep's hand stroking him off with cars passing by in the background

He focused back in the studio one, an image that added pink to his cheeks was Joel winking at the camera with his dickhead lubed up in pre, and oozing down to the studio floor. His tail wagged as his tongue lulled out wanting to suck it, wanting to be there to do it where Adrian would've stood behind him, fingering his tight hole.

Adrian loomed over his shoulder, his hard shaft pressing between the shuddering Miles' thighs. "Someone's enjoying them." He teased, kissing the wolf's cheek. "Studio in Edmonton while we vacationed there. I could get you a discount, as thanks for the island rent."

Miles felt the sudden clap of his left butt cheek, making his tail stand and his shaft twitch. Followed by a gentle squeeze that left him panting for more. Turning to Adrian, he said to him with an inviting smile, "How about you and Joel join me." Their eyes met, followed by the GerShep's subtle nod, and not-so subtle kiss.

Joel whistled at them followed by a farewell as they would go on about their day. Both Miles and Adrian blew him a kiss before the call ended, and exchanged another after it did.

Miles had been emboldened by their sentiments, asking, "Wanna literally fuck around?"

Adrian smirked and gestured at the boat. "That's the plan, Milesman."

He turned to it, smiling and tail wagging. "Are we also going to be fishing for lunch?"

"Yep, butt-fucking first."

"But fucking or butt-fucking?"

"Butt-fucking." Adrian pecked his nose. "I'll fetch our drinks, you get our fishing rods," he gestured towards the palm tree with the boat's stowing rope, "and get the boat prepped. Double check our gas too, alright?"

"Yes sir," Miles gave him a fake salute and went to the fishing rods. A quick untie of the boat, and carrying the fishing rods like rifles, he strutted over to the boat, shaking his ass in the hopes Adrian notices. He stowed the rods on each side and went over to the engine to see that they still had just above half. More than enough to get back and maybe one or two fucks over the waves.

He said upon closing the fuelling cap, "We have enough for the trip ba-" His pink face returned, left with an open mouth as Adrian walked over the shoreline wearing a pair of crotchless chaps, a neckerchief, and a brown-black leather hat. With him, rung over his shoulder, was a lump of leather that would be another pair of chaps too. How could he have known? "How did you-?"

Adrian chuckled as he pushed the boat, and boarded it and sat by the bow with his legs spread. His dick in full view but Miles glossed over his articles. "We've been roomies for about four years, Miles. You bought cowboy stuff but only wore Power Rangers during Halloween." He said. "Either it was for roleplay, or a sex thing."

An embarrassed Miles blurted out, "Sex thing."

"Knew it." He tossed him his pair which Miles hastily put on. "And I'm sure this isn't your first rodeo then."

Miles did not register his words yet, busy admiring the quality leather that had been given to him. Surely this would be a gift of sorts. Slightly dumbfounded that he never caught wind of it. And when the words finally reached his mind, his embarrassment remained, "It is, with anyone."


"I've only used toys," Miles felt more embarrassed with that.

"Really?" Adrian perked up from that. "Take us out to water and I'll make your true first time worth your while then, Miles." He procured a small bottle from under his hat.

It was lube, and Miles got a better look of it as their vessel turned away from the island and towards where the sun rose. Fishes went out of their way as they coursed through, but his mind was more preoccupied by the upcoming experience. The lube Adrian brought had its own flavor, cherry, and he couldn't make sense as to why it existed. "What does the flavoring do, the fuck?" He slowed the boat now that they were not too far from the island, and close enough to another should they overdo their fun.

"Smell, mostly." Adrian popped the bottle open and smeared a drop on his finger and reached it out to Miles.

The scent was very artificial, pleasant enough at least. It was certainly better than regular lube, with a slight light red color to it too. His eyes followed Adrian's finger who added more to it, and stroked himself off coating his shaft.

"I'll let you ride me, cowboy," Adrian put the bottle under his seat. "Hat included." He winked and took it off, passing it to him.

Miles gestured for the bottle of lube after putting on the hat, which Adrian tossed to him. He spread his legs enough for his feet to peek over the sides of the ship, giving the other horny canine a good view of his tight hole. Subtle pink covered by pristine white fur. Soon smeared with the cherry-scented lube, and twitching with anticipation.

Adrian liked what he saw, stroking himself at the pleasure of Miles who strutted across the small space between, rocking the boat. The white wolf positioned his rear over the GerShep's erection, and slid it between his toned cheeks to both of their delight.

Miles felt the difference immediately when Adrian's cock throbbed between his white bottom. It wasn't sequential, rather random and dependent on how the stud in front of him felt. Two strong paws rubbed over the chaps on his thighs, and the leather pressed against him was exhilarating, panting and whining as he kept hotdogging him.

"It really is your first rodeo. Sit down and give me a kiss, handsome," Adrian gestured his index finger in a come-over-here-you-deserve-love manner.

Miles eased, sitting down on his fuzzy crotch as he kissed him deeply again. Eyes closed, tongues touched, and Adrian massaged his dick too. Both canines whined, the former mostly moaned and muttered the latter's name.

Adrian leaned away with a saliva string connecting both their lips. He whispered to Miles as he held his cheek, "Love you, dude."

"Love you too." Miles said back, smiling and on the verge of tears. But that went away as Adrian's paws gripped his hips. The flattery turned to fluster when he got lifted, his rim kissing the pre-leaked tip of his cock.

"Ready? Cowboy?" Adrian looked him straight in the eyes.

Miles took a deep breath, followed by a nod as he held onto the hat.

"We'll take it slow at first, and pick it up at your leisure. Okay?"

And another nod, still holding his breath in anticipation of inserting something inside him. Of all things that had gone in him, this was the least painful, yet the hottest as he slid down his cock. The fear of any pain melted into pleasure, letting out a howl far more intense than what he would've made last night.

Adrian howled along too as his entire shaft entered Miles' cave. Both wolves were one that day, and it didn't matter who would've heard. And after their harmonic lovemade noise, they stared into each other.

Miles with renewed vigor raised himself to the rocky boat at the same pace he earlier. Going down again was faster this time, and surprised Adrian too. The latter played along and nuzzled his white furred chest, tongue brushing over his perked up nipples in the process.

With each thrust and ride, Miles let out pleasured noises while holding onto the GerShep's shoulders. Adrian on the other hand had one his side, caressing it, while the other jerked him off.

Their vessel became the epicenter of light waves as their actions intensified, clear waters refracting the late morning light. The sun had almost reached its peak, Miles' white fur becoming a warm glowing beacon of fluff that further encouraged Adrian to hasten his hips while making sure they stayed cool enough to enjoy.

Miles could say for certain that this was far better than horseback riding. Moments longer into their fun, he held onto his hat with one arm like he would in a ranch. The chaps didn't chafe, and his ass being pounded was more satisfying than sored.

But Adrian pushed him gently down while keeping the beat. This time Miles laid down on the boat, and he himself was responsible for the waves this time. His movements were more powerful with water splashing them each time his tip started bumping into the wolf's prostate.

Miles' eyes widened when his sweet spot had been touched. A sudden spark erupted in his chest that spread throughout the body. He lost control of motion as his consciousness fell into ecstasy. The only noise he could hear was the sound of his ass being smacked by Adrian's thighs. It was the first time he had felt like this. The toys, the imagination, and the artwork could never match this sensation and even underplayed it too.

His body was hot in the best way possible, matched by the sun's heat, and his partner who's sweat dripped down onto him. Or it could've been his cum as the pleasure from his ass subsided, it was invigorated by his climax reaching his chin, and everything else in between.

But Adrian wasn't finished, "I'm close too." He restarted his motions, shifting the boat once more.

Miles noticed how slower yet more impactful his thrusts were. And Adrian howled at his own accord, the same time he felt a different kind of warmth fill him. Plentiful as it were, and how loving it felt. He howled along, weaker, with him as he received his love.

After both canines had howled, a momentary silence followed as the waves from their rocking had ceased. Still waters beneath them, with the day having turned into one past noon. Adrian snickered softly, Miles too. The former whispered, "You were amazing, Milesman."

The latter responded in kind, "Thanks for being my first. You're the best." His arms slowly embraced him, only tilting the boat in one way before it bounced weak enough to keep the waters still. A gentle nuzzle, a peck on the cheek, and his best friend pulling out which was pleasurable in its own way. His seed oozed and coated the base of his tail. "I wish you could take a photo of that.

"We can fuck again when we're back, Miles," another hushed chuckle. "As long as you can handle it."

"Well..." Miles tried to sit up but anything below his waist ached, confirming a myth he had read up on before. "Maybe tomorrow."

"You'll be alright in a half an hour." Adrian went back to his spot, fishing rod in hand. "You're a soldier after all."

"Alright. Can you fish for me too?"

"You hold onto the fishes we catch then, okay?"

Miles smiled, giving him a thumbs up.

Adrian's estimate was nearly accurate as Miles found the strength to sit back up at almost an hour. Prior to that though, he caught two fishes that the wolf had hugged with all his might for them to not escape. And two more to account for dinner.

Miles commandeered the engine once more and drove their way back to the island. They outlined their plans over the next few days; they will go home at first light tomorrow. Go island hopping some more but within the reach of modern civilization, and fuck around in the hotel whenever they could.

He still felt unsure how Joel would take all this. Adrian assured him that he was perfectly fine with it, and that his need for confirmation was very admirable. An essential quality that he would need in a future relationship.

That would be something to consider, especially at this stage in Miles' life. Getting closer to his thirties, to realize that there were people in his life who liked him in such a way. Maybe there were more from his old unit, or maybe find someone new. Someone who could give him all the love that he missed out on. All the sex too, especially if he himself was the bottom, which would be a massive plus.

Back on their island, after docking the boat, Adrian prepped up another firepit with fishes impaled on sticks. Miles went over to the hut and sat down nice and slow on the edge of its flooring. "Did you make Joel feel like this before?"

"Remember a month after our wedding and JoJo took up guard duty for five days straight?" Adrian turned two fishes over.

"I thought it was because of a lot of heavy lifting after moving to your new home." Miles empathized with Joel, wondering too if his sore would last for just as long.

"Nope, he got fucked." Adrian chuckled. "I should do that again."

"Has he ever done it to you?"

Adrian tried to ignore the question but his tail wagged. He cleared his throat to hopefully shift the topic somewhere.

Miles caught on though, "When we get back, we'll have you on guard duty then." And they both laughed together.

"With a dick as big as yours? You definitely could."

Miles blushed, giggling at the compliment. He was still spent from their sea-based rodeo, looking down between his legs to see his flaccidity. And then he rubbed his quality chaps, "This is a gift, right?"

"The chaps, yes. Not the hat though." Adrian laid out banana leaves to use as plates. He had scrounged up some more bananas, and even purple yams to be served alongside the fish.

"Thanks. Where'd you get these?"

"Rainforest," he referred to the delivery app. "From Texas originally."

"Nice," Miles appreciated it more. American leather from the State that popularized the Wild West. "Thanks again. For these and for the rodeo."

"And thanks. You were great yourself too, Miles." Adrian looked at him and winked when Miles turned to him too. "Gonna start finding someone when we're back?"

Miles felt the embarrassment again. Surely he was better than Adrian at playing soldier, but Adrian was something else at understanding people. And he used to be the shy one.

"Scouting around at base or are you gonna use Rail-r?"

That popular app for gay and bisexual men. Miles said, "I have it downloaded but haven't used it at all."

"Oho, maybe we could take some pictures of you right now. Use them as your profile advert."

Miles looked down at himself and with the cowboy hat he'd been borrowing. "Like this?"

"Yep, get your phone out." Adrian put the plates down beside him while Miles fetched it from his bag. "You'll have that exotic approach. And when we're in that photo studio, people will lose their shit trying to win you over."

"You think so?" Miles unlocked his phone and opened the camera phone before passing it to an excited Adrian. Not that his shaft was. He was pretty spent too.

"Miles, you're the fucking Halifax Reaper. I'm sure there's more than enough guys in North America who'd fuck your ass." He positioned the phone in landscape. "Actually, I think it'd surprise them that you're a bottom. Now c'mon, make yourself look sexy."

Miles chuckled and licked his lip as he took off his hat. Tail exposed to the side of his body so it could be in the photo. What the camera won't capture would be his shaft being shielded by the cowboy hat in between his spread legs. Bedroom eyes gazed at those three lenses on the back of his phone.

After a few photos, about fifty of them, Miles was enthusiastic for another fifty with the hat on his head. He stood up with finger guns pointing to the sides, head tilted with a wink. Adrian cheered him on, his cock now half-erect.

"You do realize you could add videos to your profile, right?" Adrian said while Miles had been showing his nearly red bottom to the camera.

"Can I add music on top of it later?"

"Yep." He raised a brow, "Is it one of the songs you keep playing over and over? The one that people use a lot when they strip?"

"Y-yep," Miles blushed and scratched the back of his head upon being found out.

"I've seen it a lot of times but mostly by professionals." Adrian said, preparing to record, "And you look ten times better than them."

"Just ten?" Miles raised his arms and folded them into his back as he started swaying his hips, tail wagging along as he showed off his toned ass.

Adrian reconsidered, tail wagging, "Nope, fifty times more."


"Alright, show your stuff!" And he hit the record button.

Miles had the beat of electronic drums playing in his head. Followed by the entry of saxophones, only for a set of trumpets to burst in. And that's when he made his move, swaying his hips to the increased pacing of the drumbeat, and spiking up his tail whenever the trumpets bursted in.

When the trumpets lingered then, supported by a low saxophone tone and the ticking of electronic cymbals, that's when he spun slowly from one side and switched to another. Miles teased his shaft for the next half-minute, and when the instruments had paused, so did he.

There it was, the bass drums at second-long intervals, and the electronic snare. It came rapidly as his next routine would follow, and the trumpet burst, with his front towards the camera. An erect shaft, with his arms crossed, and low-lying eyes hidden behind the dipped cowboy hat. And then a slow sway of hips as only the saxophone followed after. The chaps stuck to him, which made it easier for his legs to move along.

Abs glistened from the sweat of the dance, his arms folded downwards with fingers sliding through his body. And they found themselves gripping the hem of his leather bottom wear He showcased real muscle, the six pack on his abdomen, in between the length of his furred forearms, followed by his dick bouncing upward and a string of pre marking the sand ahead of him.

"And that's it," Adrian stopped recording, "There's a limit unfortunately." He was bitter about it, enjoying what Miles had put out. His face wanted to see more, and it changed to confusion, followed by excitement as Miles walked over.

Miles closed in the gap, the space between them only separated by their lengths. Both men held the other's, but the wolf spoke first, "I could give you more."

Adrian gulped, feeling him rock hard down there.
