[COMM] Business & Pleasure; Sneaky Sneks Seks

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Nycea is working as primary negotiator for a contract for her mother, Tai. Unfortunately for Nycea, Tai is very distracting with her teasing. Things get out of hand during a recess in the negotiations.

Featuring Tai, hermaphroditic redtail boa, and her hybrid daughter Nycea.

written as a commission for user erta-wanderer on SoFurry - https://erta-wanderer.sofurry.com/

Business & Pleasure

AKA Snkeay Sneks Seks

by OttersInTrousers

Nycea is working as primary negotiator for a contract for her mother, Tai. Unfortunately for Nycea, Tai is very distracting with her teasing. Things get out of hand during a recess in the negotiations.

Featuring Tai, hermaphroditic redtail boa, and her hybrid daughter Nycea.

written as a commission for user erta-wanderer on SoFurry - https://erta-wanderer.sofurry.com/

A small herd of nobles and business-creatures file through large double-doors into a brightly-lit office to gather around a heavy oval table. Along the three walls not occupied by the doors, floor-to-ceiling curtains have been pulled aside to allow sunlight in through windows that offer a stunning view over the Wandering Winds grounds to the bay beyond.

At the head of the table stands a tall, relatively fit redtail boa woman, hypomelanism giving her scales and eyes a much lighter, pinkish hue--the merchant lord of the Wandering Winds trading company, Tai. Nearly seven feet tall, and with an air of dignity and charisma, she cuts an imposing figure, back turned to the entry gazing out the window at one of her favorite views. Today, she is wearing an airy white blouse, the neckline cut low and unlaced, and a pastel-blue skirt. As the visitors find their way to their seats, she spares a glance and an encouraging smile to her daughter, standing beside her--another of her favorite views.

Tai turns to greet the room.

"Good morning. Before we begin, I would like to formally introduce you all to my daughter, Nycea, who recently turned nineteen. It is my belief that to safeguard our futures, we must care for and train future generations to take our places; thus, she will be leading today's negotiations. I ask that you show her all the respect you would show me, and do not address me at any point in this discussion, as I will be here solely as an observer. Thank you all."

When Tai finishes her introduction, she takes a seat in an unexpected location--the front and to the side, turned fully facing Nycea, her back to the rest of the room. The young hybrid quirks a scaly brow, but files this away for later. Now is time for business.

"Thank you, father."

While Nycea calls Tai her mother in private, Tai is her sire, and so--idiosyncrasies of the nobility being what they are--she refers to Tai as 'father' in official spheres. Just another plate to spin, another ball to keep in the air.

All eyes in the room turn to Nycea. She smiles. Just the way she wants it.

As primary negotiator, it's her duty to ensure that all parties leave this chamber satisfied, each representative believing they made the least concessions and the greatest gains, all while securing that her mother is the most satisfied--the real winner. It is a delicate and dangerous balance to strike, but Nycea knows she can do it--she was practically raised in her sire's office, and has spent more than enough time watching Tai work her magic to have learned the art of the deal, and how to play to her own strengths--charm, guile, and using her beauty to get_exactly_ what she wants.

Nycea is much smaller than Tai, only just over six feet tall and with a thinner, more lithe frame. She makes up for it by fitting just as much beauty and charisma into a smaller package. She is a hybrid--snake and avian--giving her a crest of vibrant feathers atop her head and talon-like hands and feet on her otherwise-serpentine body. She's wearing a blouse similar to her mother's, but with the front laced enough to hide her cleavage and provide only the barest hint of exposed collarbone. Instead of a skirt, she has opted for high-waisted trousers that help emphasize her figure.

Barely fifteen minutes into negotiations, Nycea realizes the reasoning behind her mother's choice of seating. The matronly boa shifts in her seat, the plunging neckline of her blouse falling away and giving Nycea a private glimpse at the heavenly expanse of Tai's large breast and the hardening cap of her soft pink nipple. Nycea thinks at first to warn her mother, before noticing that her location was a tactical choice--no other eyes in the room can see this slip. And Tai is looking at her with a knowing smirk.

Nycea presses on, and so does Tai. Barely thirty minutes later, under the pretense of scratching an itch on her snout, Tai lifts her hand to her face, then while holding eye contact with her daughter, splits her index and middle fingers and flicks her tongue out between them.

Her feathers ruffle.

Two hours into discussion, Tai shifts in her seat, uncrossing her legs, and--good gods. Her mother is wearing _nothing_beneath her skirt. Lifting her leg reveals the half-hard pair of cocks she's had pressed between her thighs as they slowly rise to attention, and the large plump testes that sit below them.

Nycea stutters--actually_stutters_--mid-word, so caught off guard by the sight. She clears her throat, refocuses on the task at hand and not the obvious tent in her mother's skirt.

"Perhaps," she begins, voice peaking soprano, "a recess is in order. I'm sure we could all use the chance to freshen up, have a stretch, reread documents. Remember that the kitchen staff are at your disposal, in the case you would care for something of greater substance than snacks, before lunch is served."

At the chorus of agreement from the visitors, she calls for the servants to throw wide the double-doors, and the assembled visitors make their way out.

As soon as the door closes, leaving Nycea alone with Tai, she drops the cheery facade and whirls on the older snake with fire in her eyes.

"Mother! What do you think you are doing?" She stalks forward until she's nearly snout-to-snout with Tai, using the rare height advantage she has while standing before her seated mother to glare downward.

"What do you mean, my daughter?"

"Is this not an important deal to you?"

"Of course it's important," Tai soothes, reaching out to caress Nycea's cheek. "But I have the utmost faith in you. And darling, so far, you have proven my faith well-founded. You have them all eating from your palm."

"I do, don't I," Nycea preens.

"I dare say that lecherous hare from Dove's Tail would lick the sweat from your ass and call it the finest wine if you but told him to." She trails her clawed fingers along the side of Nycea's face, brushes gently over the mane-like fringe of feathers around her head. "Of course, I would never allow_him to." Her hand finds purchase at the back of Nycea's skull, gently pulls her in closer to whisper in her ear. "The only one licking you today will be _me."

"Mother,please. I'm already_soaked_."

Tai slides her hand from her daughter's hip to dip her fingers down the front of her trousers. At this angle, she can do little more, but even that is enough to feel the truth of her claim.

"Oh my, so you are. Well, we shall have to do something about that--you can't very well close this deal if all you can think about is how wound up you are."

It is easy work for Tai to draw her daughter forward onto her lap, straddling her twin shafts where they rise proudly into the air, having lifted her skirt up and away. And it is _no work at all_for Tai to get her to start grinding against them once she's there.

"Mother," she breathes out like a prayer as she grinds in hard. "Please."

"My beautiful daughter, so clever." She trails kisses along the side of her daughter's face. "How I would love nothing more than to make a mess of you, give you everything you want right now, everything you_need_. But right here, right now? When at any moment one of our visitors may return and find us, together, intimate? What would our guests think if they were to walk in on our copulation?"

Nycea freezes.

"Oh, Mother, I hadn't even--" Nycea gasps as her eyes alight upon an option. "The curtains! Come, Mother!" She's up in a flash, tugging her mother to stand and follow her.

"Oh, clever indeed, Nycea," Tai all but purrs as her daughter tugs her along by her hand.

The curtains--wine red velvet and so thick as to be heavy--hang from rods at the ceiling, their bottoms mere millimeters from brushing the floor. Gathered to the sides of each window, their plush confines made an excellent hiding place for a much younger Nycea "spying" on her mother, and it turns out they still make an excellent hiding place now.

As the darkness and quiet envelop them, Nycea presses in anew.


Her pants hit the floor, joined quickly by her underwear. Then both struggle one another out of their blouses and surge into a passionate kiss, hands wandering over one another's scales. Nycea's make their way to Tai's hips, then to her pair of penises.

"I need you inside me, Mother."

"All in good time, my darling," Tai coos, already working towards lining up.

It is a somewhat awkward arrangement--Tai stands nearly a foot taller than Nycea, and her hemipenes are quite long. But between Tai crouching and Nycea practically climbing her, they make it work. Tai holds one of Nycea's legs up by the back of the knee, Nycea grasping at both her mother's shoulders, and Tai lines up. Nycea moans her relief when, at last, after hours of teasing and subtle looks, she is penetrated.

Tai's free shaft presses between their belly scales, the tip caught between their breasts and slickening them with her precum.

And oh! To be penetrated by Tai. Her penis is monstrous--_large in both length and girth, enough to rival a forearm. If Nycea weren't already _experienced, it might be too much for her, but as it is it's exactly what she needs after an entire morning of teasing.

Nycea lifts herself up and down on her toes, gyrates her hips, marvels at the feeling of being so full of her sire.

"That's it, my daughter, take what you need, I have plenty to give you," Tai croons, matching Nycea's gyrations with her own.

"Mother, I'm already close," Nycea admits.

"Oh, did my teasing get you that riled? Are you going to cum already, darling?" Tai delights in the way Nycea's motions become more frantic in response. "Mmmm. A few looks at my breasts, a peek of cock, and you're at your limit already?"

Nycea bottoms out with a moan and a nod.

At the sound of one of the doors creaking open, Nycea freezes mid-grind, eyes wide with terror at the prospect of being caught. Hard heels clack across the floor to the other side of the table and a voice mutters as pages are ruffled. Tai looks down at her daughter, fear and pleasure both so obvious, and grins. She slowly rolls her hips in and up, completing their thrust and fully filling her daughter, whose face contorts in barely-restrained pleasure.

Nycea's hands slip from her mother's shoulders to clamp over her own mouth, eyes rolling back, as orgasm takes her. A folder snaps shut as Nycea shakes silently in her mother's arms, tail winding around and around her mother's. The boots retreat from the room. As soon as the door closes, Nycea buries her face between her mother's breasts and moans as she gives herself over to bliss. Tai cannot help but laugh.

"Oh, yes, my daughter," she goads, delighting in Nycea's sounds. "That's it, ride it out."

Helpfully, she grabs at one of Nycea's breasts, squeezing it for added stimulation, and gives a couple more rolls of her hips. Nycea's leg shakes under her, whole body twitching.

When Nycea comes down, she sags against Tai.

"Mother, what were you thinking, we were nearly caught!" Her admonishment is somewhat dampened by how wet the scales of their groins are, how out of breath she is.

"I was thinking that I very much wanted to know what my daughter's climax would look like if she were trying desperately to hold in her voice," she purrs. "You were gorgeous," she adds.

Nycea just presses her face further against Tai's breast to hide her blush.

"Now, I am afraid I am close myself, however I believe it would be imprudent for me to arrive while this shaft--" to illustrate her point, she presses her bosoms more firmly into her daughter's "--remains free."

"Oh, yes, of course," comes Nycea's reply, but she can make no move towards adjusting, barely standing on her one leg. Tai smiles down at her.

With practiced fluidity, Tai pushes from the wall to plant herself further under Nycea, then lifts her up--earning a surprised squeak--and spin them, using her tail as counterbalance. She presses her daughter to the wall, held up by her thighs with legs spread wide.

"Ready for round two? It promises to be furiously quick."

Nycea can do little more than nod breathlessly.

Tai's spare shaft, slickened by her precum and Nycea's runoff, presses insistently against her anus. For a held breath, they stare into one another's eyes, love and lust intermingling in the charged air between them. Tai surges forward into a kiss and fully penetrates her daughter with the same motion. Nycea moans into her mouth as she is doubly filled by her mother's hemipenes.

When they break apart to breathe, Nycea drops her head to Tai's shoulder.

"Mother! It's so much!" For all her experience, Nycea is always surprised by the feel of taking both.

"And more to come, darling! Hold tight!"

Tai sets into a rapid, vicious pace, hips slapping into Nycea's ass as scales met wet scales, balls swinging back and forth. She grunts with every full-length thrust, all the way out to both tips then all the way back in to the hilt.

Nycea just throws her head back and groans, long and loud, voice interrupted by each hump.

"Aaa--aaa--ahhh--hh! Mo--oo--ther--rrr!"

"Here it comes, darling!" Tai's pace breaks, becomes off-kilter. "Here I cum!" Two last, final, desperate thrusts in, to the hilt, and she lets go.

An explosion of wet warmth inside Nycea announces Tai's orgasm. Her large, productive balls clench up in time with the rhythm of her cum pumping in, blasting into Nycea, filling her vaginally and anally. Nycea can hardly breathe from the pleasure and the fullness.

She cums a second time, crying out as she is overflowed by Tai's semen. Clenching down on the twinned shafts within her in flutters of climax only seems to draw out Tai's orgasm, more and more pumping into and right back out of her to splatter to the floor and begin a small puddle behind the curtain.

Spent, Tai sags against her daughter and the wall. Slowly, as her penises flag, she lowers Nycea to her own feet.

"My daughter, my precious." Tai kisses against her neck. "Thank you, dearest." She pulls back enough for them to lock eyes. "I am so proud of you."

"Thank you, Mother. I--" Nycea interrupts herself when Tai's cocks retreat from her, and a flood of fresh cum follows them. She moans and clenches. "Mother, you've still made a mess of things."

"Calm down, darling. No one will notice our puddle here, hidden behind the curtain, until the servants come to clean the room. And by that time, our guests will be long gone, and you will be with me in my bed as I_congratulate_ you on such a wonderful job today."

"Thank you, Mother."

"But of course." She smiles down at her daughter, all pride and love. "Now spread your legs," Tai commands while tapping Nycea's inner thighs, "let me clean you up before we dress ourselves again and you seal this deal."

Nycea watches from her place standing at the head of the table as the other representatives file out of the office, each having a word with her mother at the door as they go. The afternoon passed in a rush of endorphins, and now she finds herself in the unenviable state of being exhausted and wired at once.

As primary negotiator, it was her duty today to ensure that all parties left this chamber satisfied, each representative believing they made the least concessions and the greatest gains, all while securing that her mother is the most satisfied--and Nycea has more than accomplished that duty.

The glowing, proud looks Tai sends her every chance she gets are more than enough evidence of that.

The last negotiator to leave is an old badger whom Nycea has known all her life. He's a bit of a grump whose voice is never above a growl, but has always been kind and fair when dealing with Tai and her company--likely why he's always sent along with any delegation to Wandering Winds. No wonder he's the last to leave--he and Tai are having a conversation. Nycea tunes in while busying herself with gathering her things.

"She did an excellent job today, Tai," he's saying as he shakes her hand and waves a fistful of loose pages towards Nycea. "She's a natural--truly impressive. You must be pleased."

Tai smiles down at him and turns her attention fully to Nycea, who realizes she's been caught listening in. Tai's smile turns mischievous, and her eyes flick downwards.

"Oh, yes," Tai says, voice a purr. "She has pleased me quite_thoroughly_ today."

Nycea follows her mother's eyes down her own body to notice--she's_leaking_. As she has relaxed after the meeting adjourned, she has released the tide of cum still inside of her to begin trailing down her legs.

Her feathers ruffle.


The old badger huffs a chuckle on his way out, leaving Tai and Nycea alone together again.