Virility Potion Gone...Right?

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Arnald the noble otter has a problem. He is impotent. As the last male heir of his famously wealthy but dwindling house he has to find solution. Damon's potion shop seems to be his last hope.

Been a while since I wrote. Finally getting back into it.

Damon handed a crystal vial to the wolf standing in front of his shop window. The male wolf was dressed like a farmhand and was covering his head with a cloth wet with blood to what was clearly a wound.

The alchemist rabbit said, "Here rub this tincture into the cut. It should heal up in a day or two. If that doesn't work you can always come back for a stronger potion... although my prices aren't very cheap..."

The wolf grumbled to himself as he tossed a couple of silver coins on the table and took the healing tincture from the table. Damon knew that the wolf had just parted with about a week's wages but business was business and reagents aren't exactly cheap. But the folk out here were usually happy to pay his prices, true alchemists are actually rather rare and difficult to separate from the hordes of petty herb cookers and outright swindlers who sell any foul smelling elixir for coin before moving on to look for new suckers. And he had developed quite the reputation thanks to his work.. Including offering some rather.. discrete services and products.

It was getting rather late out and Damon figured that he should begin to prepare for closing up his shop for the day. He cleared off some of the small potions and herbs he had decorating the window and started to put away some of the ready made brews that sold in high enough volume to warrant constant advertisement.

Damon knew how to brew all manner of potions, elixirs and balms. Most of his potions were medical in some respect, he had healing potions of all kinds, mostly of the dilute variety for treating bumps and bruises. He kept the really potent healing items in the back under lock and key, the only people that could afford his full potency potions were soldiers and adventurers, the occasional wealthy noble would buy them as well.

He was about to close the large wooden shutter to the side of the display window when an otter walked up to his shop. Damon stopped putting his merchandise away when he saw him. The male otter was richly dressed in a fine silk outfit of dazzling purple and orange, his shoes were made of leather so polished that they reflected the setting sun. He was clearly a member of the local nobility. Although the rabbit was surprised to see him walking around the countryside without the usual retinue of servants and bodyguards.

The otter seemed to be nervous about being alone as well and he was constantly looking over his shoulder and resting his hand on his sidearm, an almost obnoxiously expensive looking smallsword on his belt. It was as if the noble was worried that highwaymen were lurking behind every corner.

Damon spoke up, "Umm welcome to my humble potion shop my sir. Err... I mean my Lord. Feel free to come inside if you wish."

The noble looked up at Damon. He was small and lean like most otters, he was a full foot shorter than Damon at least.

The otter said , "Yes. I think I shall."

Damon opened the door to his shop and allowed the otter inside. He didn't bother trying to show him the items on the display window, nobles only came to him looking for special potions that he stored deeper in the place.

The noble otter seemed to relax as he stepped into the shop, the place was well furnished and it was clear that he felt better out of the wilds and inside a place with a modicum of civilization.

Damon said, "What brings you to my shop if I may ask? I have many fine brews, mundane and magical. If I don't have what you seek at the moment I also brew custom formulas on demand for the right amount of coin."

The noble said, "I heard that you offer potions of a.. rare nature."

Damon didn't quite understand what he meant by this, he had an idea but Damon wanted to be sure as to not offend the noble with presumption.

"Indeed I do my lord. But rare can mean many things. May you elaborate ?"

The otter stared at the ground and scraped his shoes on the wooden floor idly, the noble looked embarrassed if Damon had ever seen it.

"All conversations and dealings are strictly confidential I assure you especially for a client of your exalted rank. Feel free to be frank with me so we may get this business done for you."

"My name is Arnald of the house Estdell. The youngest son and heir to House Estdell. I'm... good alchemist you must help me."

"What is the matter sir Arnald?"

"By the divines... I am cursed with impotence. You must help me.. You must or my house will fall."

The otter's paws were pressed against his eyes as he tried to hold back tears. Clearly admitting this was painful for him and Damon was fairly certain that he was the first soul he had ever admitted this to.

"I am newly married. My wives do not know yet for we have not yet shared a bed together. But I can stall no longer, my family expects an heir yet the gods seem to have cursed me and my house with infertility. Apparently my father had the same problem and it was a miracle that I was born. You must give me something to reverse this secret curse in my bloodline before rumors start."

"Ah I see. Well thank you for telling me this. And do not worry, your secret is safe with me. I offer many virility boosters that should help you with siring a new generation."

The otter seemed to perk up with this information. He said, "Really? Can you really help me? Even with the extent of my... condition?"

"Oh I know that I can. But you must tell me. What do you exactly desire? Permanent changes? Size? Vigor? Virility?"

Arnald gripped the side of his sword hilt as if in excitement. Clearly the otter was becoming increasingly encouraged by the prospect of his issue being solved.

Arnald said, "All of it. I want house Estdell spread across the land. I want my loins to be hot and heavy with potential at all times of the day and night. I want the changes to last for as long as I live."

Damon said, "Hmm permanent augmentations to size,libido,virility. I have such a wondrous elixir my lord, but such a thing will not come cheap..."

The otter grabbed a large leather bag from his jacket and hefted it onto the table, it clearly took all of his strength to hold it. It crashed down on the wooden table and a shockingly large pile of thumb-sized gold billets spilled out. Damon gulped at the massive sum of gold. This was more money than a hundred artisans could make in three lifetimes.

Damon's eyes were glistening with amazement but also a bit of trepidation. He said, "Lord Arnald this sum is extraordinary! When I said it would not be cheap this is not what I meant. I cannot accept this entire amount."

Arnald pushed the two foot wide mound of gold towards Damon, some of the precious metal actually overflowing and falling to Damon's feet. There was a hungry desperation in the brown furred otter's eyes.

Arnald said, "I don't care. You will take it all. Consider it encouragement for giving me the most potent potion you can possibly create. Gold means nothing to me if my seed remains still and my manhood shriveled and useless. I want to be the most virile otter who has ever lived."

Damon started to shift the gold into his drawers for now as he listened to the otter hungry words.

"Those are powerful desires my lord. Once given such virile gifts cannot be easily taken back. Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Yes of course. You know it is customary for us otters to have many wives, I have only two for now but I must be ready for more."

"Very well my Lord. I already have the potion you seek. One moment if you please."

Damon went to the back of his shop and locked inside a glass case was a large potion sitting by itself. The container was made of the most flawless crystal money could buy. The actual liquid itself was a deep red with gold flakes swimming inside it, the stuff was giving off a faint glow in the dim light of the case. The rabbit opened the case and took the precious elixir from its resting place. He returned to the front desk and slid the potion towards the otter noblemen.

"This is it my lord. One of my greatest creations. A potion of supreme virility, totally one-of-a-kind. I never thought I would actually manage to sell this as it is perhaps too strong for its own good. But you said you wanted the best so it is yours. Just drink all of this and.. Hey wait!"

Before Damon could do anything Arnald grabbed hold of the potion and removed the stopper. Without a word he tipped the potion into his gullet, chugging the potent magical liquid as if it was cheap beer at the local tavern. The bottle wasn't small either, over a liter of the stuff disappeared into the Arnald's belly. So much in fact that Damon could clearly see the lean male's belly bulge slightly as his stomach inflated with the red ball boosting juice. In only a few seconds he had drained the flask dry and he even licked the end of the opening to lap up any remaining drops of the precious substance.

Damon didn't know what to do. The rabbit said, "S..sir you were supposed to take this potion over the course of a few weeks. You just drank it all in one go!"

Arnald looked at the empty flask before setting it on the table. He said, "Oh? Is that a problem? Surely this just means that the effects will simply take effect sooner."

"Indeed but... the point is to take it slow so you can get used to your growing.. potency."

Arnald started to feel strange. Like the temperature of the room was rising with every passing second. He started to pull at his tight silk shirt as the heat inside his belly increased.

Arnald said, "Did... did you add more wood to your fireplace Damon? I'm... feeling very warm."

"No, it's the potion. It's already taking effect."

Damon walked over to the side window and closed it ,afterwards he went to the door and barred it shut.

Arnald said, "What are you doing? Why are you... ohh.. locking the door?"

"Are you expecting to go back home so soon ?"

"Well.. no not really... w..why."

"Because in a few minutes you aren't going to be fit to go anywhere. My shop is as safe a place as can be for this manner of... transformation. I suggest you take off your pants."

"Take off my pants? My word sir you... ackkk!"

Arnald looked down and saw that a wet spot had started to form around the crotch region of his finely tailored pants. He felt his normally permanently soft dick twitching inside his tight underwear, it felt strangely.. Good.

Arnald started to pant and gasp as his heart was beginning to pound in his chest. His balls felt achy in a way he wasn't used to. He was blue balled for the first time in his life. The otter started to pull down his pants, his embarrassment at being nude before the rabbit vanishing as he desperately tried to figure out what was going on between his legs. He slid his silk underwear off as well.

Damon could see why Arnald was unable to please his wife. His cock was tiny, only three inches when fully erect by Damon's estimation. His balls were clearly suffering from some form of congenital issues, his testicles were pretty much impossible to see inside his sack they were so small. However it was clear that something was happening as precum started to leak from his dick.

Arnald looked over at Damon before covering his loins with his hands.

Damon said, "Well I can see your issues clearly now sir Arnald."

Arnald said, "D.. don't mock me rabbit."

"Oh I'm not sir. And on the bright side your loins will not be so small soon."

Arnald felt his knees give out as a deep heat seemed to infect his loins. His underwhelming cock was rock hard, the jet black member felt like it was filling with molten steel and Arnald moaned in lust as he gently rubbed it. Thick streams of clear pre leaked from his dick as he stared at it. He felt like his balls were aching with need and he stroked his cock sending jets of pre across the floor of Damon's shop.

Arnald gasped, "I... can't stop. I need to... I'm sorry."

Damon said, "I don't mind. It's always good to check out the results of my labor."

Arnald felt like his blood was filling with fire as he jerked himself off. He arched his back as he came, sending a stream of clear fluids across the wooden floor in a series of streaks several feet long. He struggled to stay awake as he stared at the small mess he had made. He noticed that his ejaculate was still thin and translucent as always.

"My... seed.. Still looks the same."

Damon said, "Give it a second. I hope you plan on having many heirs because when the elixir is done with your nuts you aren't going to be able to kiss a female without making her pregnant."

Arnald moaned at Damon's statement. Normally the noble would be appalled by a commoner talking about his sex life so bluntly but his virility potion tainted blood found the idea of his lovers inflating with offspring mind numbingly arousing. Even though he had just cum, his balls felt very heavy, as if they were about to explode. His dick had not even attempted to soften afterwards and he grunted as the ache in his testicles seemed to flare violently.

Damon said, "First my dear otter there is size."

Arnald clutched his balls as he felt them start to expand between his fingers. From the size of shrunken grapes they pulsed with vigor and new flesh as they expanded to the circumference of small eggs. Arnald shivered in lust, vast streams of new precum oozed out of his small dick before pooling at his knees. The otter rolled his newly swollen orbs between his fingers, he was no larger than any normal otter now, but he found the new size intoxicating.

Damon said as he sat down on a chair nearby, "A nice and healthy size for a male otter. But you wanted to be exceptional didn't you? First what is broken shall be made whole, then what is whole shall be made more."

As if obeying the words of the alchemist Arnald's nuts suddenly bloated in size with an audible *Boomft*. The otter gasped as his balls grew to the size of small oranges in the space of a few seconds. His cock started to leak pre that was clouded with white as if the virility was starting to overflow from his nuts.

Damon said, "Fat balls for giving your mate's eggs a thick coating of seed. But you wanted more didn't you?"

Arnald moaned loudly, losing himself in the moment. Surrendering himself to the sweet words of the bunny that was making his deepest desires come true.

"Yesss... please... I want more."

His nuts seemed to heed his words as they churned and trembled before suddenly inflating to the size of grapefruits. His nut sack grew in pace with his burgeoning breeding balls, but only just, his testicles straining his furry sack as they swelled.

The pre that was leaking from his still tiny member became a pure white as virile sperm escaped his sack. His balls were so heavy, he was shocked that he could feel the virility in their fat forms. As if they had their own heart buried within they pulsed and trembled in his increasingly inadequately sized hands. They seemed monstrously dense even taking into account their great girth. Arnald was elated at the size of his balls. He felt so potent, so horny.

Damon said, "When it comes to testicles, more is better."

The otter's eyes went wide as his balls gurgled and inflated, growing from the size of large grapefruits to the size of small melons. Pure cum, squirming with a freakishly high sperm count dripped onto the floor thick as melted chocolate and the air became thick with the smell of male musk. His balls seemed to jump in his sac as they kept growing, this time they refused to stop being larger and heavier. Arnald never felt so blue balled, his dick was so hard that it hurt a bit as the warmth seemed to become a whitehot inferno in his nuts.

Damon chuckled, "You said you wanted to become the most virile otter who has ever lived right?"

Arnald groaned and arched his back as his balls seemed to burst in size in rapid sequence. Melon sized testicles ballooned from small melon to pumpkins as their immense weight actually caused the floor to creak and sag as the noble otter's sperm factories became so immense that they soon dominated his frontal form. The air quality seemed to plummet as oily thick musk filled the shop. As if the reek of his godly virility was too great to be contained by his straining furry ball sac. Cum drooled out of his dick, it was so thick, almost like a thin mortar that fell from the tip of his cock in chunks that reeked of musk and sperm. The noble stared at the creamy product of his nuts and gulped as he saw the puddle twitch gently as if possessed of its own internal impulse.

Arnald said, "Why is my cum... twitching?"

"That's what happens when you have a sperm count about ten thousand times higher than normal."

"So. My seed is fertile now?"

Damon chuckled, "Fertile? That doesn't even begin to describe the breeding paste churning inside your nuts now. Well congrats Arnald. I'm pretty sure your jizz will liquify condoms on contact and send your mates into heat with just the scent alone. If my research is correct your dick should start growing next..."

The otter's balls suddenly started to pulse and heave in their sac. Arnald winced as a sharp pinching sensation in his nuts that quickly faded. Damon watched as his balls doubled in size. No. Not doubled. The rabbit could now see another two curved orbs of nightmarish otter virility rolling inside Arnald's poor nut sac. He had grown another set of pumpkin sized balls. Just as heavy with semi solid sperm leaden gunk as his first pair, they audibly bubbled and groaned as they brewed up fresh product every second.

Damon said, "Oh... oh dear. Well I'm pretty sure no otter has ever had two sets of balls that are nearly two feet across each. You're the most virile otter in all of history for sure now. How does it feel?"

Arnald said nothing. He couldn't form words anymore as a sexual inferno burned inside his soul. Arnald was thrusting his cock into the air, thick ropes of dangerously virile genetic material wildly wiping across the room. He moaned as massive amounts of testosterone surged in his bloodstream due the freakish size of his four glands. Unable to stop himself he roared as a jet of sickeningly dense semen rocketed from the tip of his still undersized cock. The surging volume of fluid being forced through his member caused a bit of pain but Arnald was too horny to care as his balls emptied themselves as they literally voided themselves to avoid being destroyed by their own product. There were no shots or pulses of cum, only a high pressure stream of sperm that splattered across the back wall of Damon's shop. If not for the wall the otter's immense cumshot would've easily traveled another 60 feet at least.

Arnald bucked and spasmed, the magnitude of his release was so great that it was on the verge of breaking him body and soul. He fucked an imaginary lover as the hormonal imbalance short circuited previously undeveloped breeding instincts. Cum rained down from the ceiling like pregnancy inducing hailstones as some of emissions were directed upward by his wild gyrations. His balls clenched and made audible noises, their virility and breeding potential so overdeveloped that one could hear as well as see the evidence of just how potent they were. Arnald's prostate buzzed with fullness as it throbbed with pleasure as it was forced to swell with cupfulls of fluid during his climax. Tears of pure sexual agony streamed down his face. The poor otter was unused to such ecstasy, he was struggling to remain sane as he was forced to endure the sexual needs and capacities of a hundred of the most virile of males at once.

Damon groaned with annoyence as he watched the pile of semen growing against the wall. It was already nearly two feet deep on that half of the shop. He would have to spend hours cleaning tonight if he didn't want it to reek of sex and virility when he reopened in the morning. The growing pond of cum wiggled from the amount of hyperactive sperm squirming within. The air inside the shop was so dense that it was as if fog had rolled inside the building. The reek wasn't unpleasant in the least, but the intensity of it was appalling, it actually burned the inside of Damon's nose with every wiff. Not that the rabbit at all cared, he even enjoyed the scent of hyper virility. Something he was very familiar with indeed....

Arnald's orgasm lasted for over three minutes before the seemingly endless ejaculation slowed down and eventually stopped. The noble otter was left nearly limp and on his knees from the effort of his cataclysmic climax. The only reason he didn't fall over completely was because his quad set of hyperdense sperm factories kept him rooted to the floor with their sheer weight.

Damon walked over to the noble and shook him gently as he shivered from the aftereffects of his orgasm.

"Hey. Are you ok?"

Arnald opened his eyes and looked at Damon. He eventually said, "I'm.... great. Gods I've never felt anything so intense. But.. why is my dick still sma... ahheeeeiii!"

Arnald let out a shout as his dick suddenly became hard. Extremely hard in fact. He was still erect but he felt like his cock was turning into stone as it trembled with unnatural firmless, it felt like it was on the verge of bursting as dozens of angry veins pulsed under the smooth dark black flesh of his member. He watched as his dick started to grow, and grow rapidly. His penis was only about 3 inches when fully erect before, now the inches started to compound and it doubled and tripled in length. It swelled with new girth, filling out until it was surely fat enough to stuff any hole with throbbing otter meat.

It didn't stop growing until it bumped against his chest. His dick was now more than half as long as he was tall. The head drooled more musky cum all over his neck and down his belly. The sight was so erotic that the otter couldn't help but to kiss the tip of his new member, moaning as his dick kissed him back with a small jet of semen that plastered his face with virile white. Finally his cock gave one more vigorous lerch and ceased growing.

Damon hopped up and said, "Oh boy it is done! Let me get the tape measure."

Arnald shivered at the thought of finding out how large he was now. His pretense of nobility had fallen away, now he was just a horny male whose deepest sexual fantasy had come true. He didn't protest when the rabbit alchemist measured the length of his still adamantine hard dick with his tape.

"Lets see what you are blessed with now my friend... ohhhh. 28 inches from the base of your dick to the tip. Very nice."

Damon wrapped the tape around the meat of his pulsing cock and carefully measured the diameter of his dick at the widest point.

"3 Inches wide. Now that should stuff any of your mates nice and full unless they are real size queens. Longer but relatively thin for its size makes for a good breeding dick in my opinion. Too fat and you might not fit."

Arnald stood up. Or at least he tried to. His new equipment was so heavy that he found himself struggling. Eventually he was on his own two feet again but his legs were trembling with effort and his paws felt like they were digging into the wooden floor. His mammoth balls swung like oversized pendulums filled with lead, even now he could see their forms pulsing with virility, the motions of his balls felt like they would throw him to the floor any second. He looked at Damon as if for reassurance.

The rabbit said, "I know. Heavy aren't they. Being this virile has its burdens but your body will adapt overtime to handle them. Especially with all the testosterone they are probably filling you with. I think you will turn out to be quite the stud after a few months."

Arnald gathered his things but quickly realized he had a major problem.

"My.. pants. There is no way they will fit now. I cannot just walk into town naked!"

Damon held his finger up as he opened a chest behind his counter. He pulled out a large robe of fine red silk.

Damon said, "Robes and similar garments will be your best friend now. This one is free of charge, it has some enchantments that will prove useful to you now."

Damon tossed the robe to Arnald and he caught the masterfully crafted silken article. He was dismayed by how large it was. Arnald was short and small and as he tried it on it hung off him like he was hiding under a luxuriously crafted blanket.

"Damon, this one is way too small."

Suddenly robe seemed to contract around his body, the hem and the arms shrinking until they fit his body. The bottom of the robe hovering a few inches from the ground. He shrieked in surprise from the sudden metamorphosis of the robe.

"Sorry. Yeah it adjusts to any size. But that's not the main enchantment I am talking about. Notice how you can't see your balls and dick anymore?"

Arnald looked down and realized that he couldn't feel his newly grown member or his immense balls though the fabric. He groped his groin and in between his thighs but found no sign of them. He couldn't feel his dick even though he could still feel it pulsing against his furry chest somehow.

"What is this? Where did they go?"

Damon chuckled, "I call it a Robe of Holding! It's like a bag of holding but this one is for your mega sized junk. An extradimensional space that only hides your cock and balls. Open the robe to dispel it."

Arnald untied the robe and opened the front. He sighed with relief as he saw the immense balls hanging once more. His cock still there and hard as it leaked cum down his belly. He closed and secured the robe, the outlines of his breeding equipment disappearing under the enchanted silk.

Arnald said, "Thank you dear alchemist. I will take my leave now. I... feel like I must breed. I've never felt so horny... so... potent. I must sire a new line for my house. Do... do you think my offspring will be many?"

Damon simply said, "I hope you have room for so many heirs. Without question."

Arnald shivered before saying, "I must go. Sorry for the mess dear rabbit."

And with that the robe clad otter many wandered into the waning light of dusk. He was clearly slowed by the mass of his hidden sperm tanks, but he moved without the fear and uncertainty he had before. He stood upright like a man on a mission. He didn't rest his hand on his sword anymore, his real sword was throbbing with virility at the thought of bedding one of his wives for the first time.

........... A few months later

The sounds of moaning filled Arnald's bed chamber as he came again. His immense breeding balls convulsed as his cock exploded with another multi-gallon strong slug of dense nut batter into Alissia's already overflowing womb. Unable to contain another drop of Arnald's virility, most of his load gushed out of her pussy as she moaned, her walls clenching around his members uncontrollably in what must have been her eighth orgasm for the night. The pressure from his orgasm was too much even for the seemingly water tight seal his massive cock made in her. A literal waterfall of semen spilled onto the bed which was already soaked through to the wooden frame with otter jizz.

On the love seat in the corner of the room his first wife Sarna lay relaxing with her cunt still leaking huge dollops of creamy cum onto the floor. Her belly was enormous not just from her latest filling but with the record breaking litter she was carrying thanks to Arnald's overly enthusiastic sperm. She was only a few months in and already her belly dominated her slender form. Her breasts were as big as melons and leaked creamy milk constantly thanks to the hormonal havoc caused by her oversized pregnancy. Sarna was his first wife and the first he had lovingly bred, and she showed it. It wasn't long before other distinguished females from the noble otter houses of the region took interest in joining him.

Arnald grunted as he pulled his cock out of Alissa, she grunted with bliss as she felt every curve of his massive cock before he freed himself with a loud pop. A jet of pressurized semen exploded from her pussy but quickly faded. Her eyes were crossed with post orgasmic pleasure. This was the first time he had mated with her.

Sarna said, "Don't worry honey, it gets some getting used to."

Alissa moaned, "I'm... can you do that again?"

Arnold rubbed his balls. He felt them churning between his fingers. At times the enormity of his virility was almost too much to handle. But he had asked the rabbit for this and he had gotten it. No turning back now. Damon was right about his body adapting to the changes. His once slender and underused thighs were now more than twice as thick with corded muscle from the constant exercise of hauling his record breaking balls around. His ass was now immensely rounded and taut from the effort of humping and fucking. They were still difficult to handle due to their volume but he could carry them with relative ease now. Arnald could already feel his prostate swelling with fullness, ready to breed already. His balls gurgled and sloshed, the scent of the two females causing his breeding instincts to burn even hotter.

Arnald said, "Yes but the more I breed you the bigger litter you will have. Soon you might not be able to stand like Sarna."

"I don't care. Make me bigger than her, Arnald."

Sarna crossed her arms in disapproval before she said, "Hey. Is that a challenge? I'm the first Alissa and don't you forget it. Once you are done with her you better get over here and give me another load honey."

Arnald said, "With pleasure."

Arnald's jet black more than two foot long cock plunged back into Alissa's cunt.

Alissa said with heavy halting breaths of pleasure, "Heh.. aren't as fertile as me Sarna. My family stock is the best for two thousand miles. My..ummphff.. Ooooh... womb will make you seem as barren as a...ahheeehhe...desert."

"We shall see."

.............Six months later

Arnald gently rubbed Sarna's giant belly. The dark furred female otter moaned as he did so. The male could hardly believe just how huge she had become. Her belly wasn't the only thing that had grown, so had her entire body, she was nearly two feet taller then he was now. Her thighs were like massive sout hams of solid muscle but with a thick layer of matronly fat. Her rump was monstrously wide and her pelvis seems to stretch impossibly, giving her the appearance of some primitive fertility idol. Her breasts leaked so much milk that she was leaving a trail of dairy wherever she went. She regained the ability to stand several months ago, her goddess-like growth allowing her to once again shift her weight and move about, not easily but comfortably.

Alissa had begun to undergo similar changes. Arnald didn't really mind.. In fact seeing their increasingly fecund forms always aroused him to an almost supernatural degree. They seemed to carry their new heft with an eye wateringly beautiful grace. Arnald would often have to excuse himself from vital functions and meetings in order to flood the closest semi-private area with a few dozen pounds of his unnaturally potent breeding gunk.

He had already flooded a few areas of the garden,having to make that area of the estate off-limits so he could have some relief in peace. Although all of his servants at this point were well aware of their master's almost hazardous virility. They even sometimes bet what place they would find a pool of the noble's cum next. Last winner correctly guessed a kitchen broom closet after Sarna teased him a little too much while they were both watching the preparations of a New Year's banquet.

He had expected this would happen to him. But his wives transformation was making him nervous as well as horny. Arnald had returned to Damon in shock with questions a week after he realized that both Sarna and Alissa were growing before his eyes.

"I didn't think my wives would be affected as well."

"I'm sorry I didn't have time to explain when you ran off. But there is nothing to fear. This is a part of the potion's effects. You are so virile that without these transformations you could harm your mates by forcing them to have litters so huge their bodies might fail from the strain. So instead they will grow larger in order to be able to handle them. It's not easy to combine effects like this, but it is necessary and an ethical thing to do. You will all be fine. But umm... remember the effects are cumulative... the more you breed them the more fertile they will become. I hope you have the resources to take care of so many offspring... I...."

Arnald couldn't hear the rest of Damon's words. The thought of his wives swelling wider with breeding potential was turning him on in a way he did know possible. Arnald was wearing his extra dimensional robe like he always did. Blinded by a sudden overwhelming heaviness is his pumpkin sized balls he threw open his robe leaving his junk exposed. He gasped in sexual bliss as his dick exploded with a barrelful of quivering otter jizz that coated Damon from head to paw. The rest of it hosed down the wall Damon was standing against with the pure reeking white, sperm so healthy they tried to impregnate the oaken beams of Damon's shop vibrated by the trillions in the mess.

Arnald looked at what he had done and gasped.

"Master Damon! I'm so sorry.. I couldn't.. What you were saying..."

Damon wiped the thick muck off of his face before saying, "Stuck a nerve didn't I? I knew you had a breeding kink Sir Arnald, I should have been more careful given your new... prowess."

Arnald looked embarrassed as he looked down at his still throbbing testicles. He had been like this for almost a year and he was still in awe at how achingly full they always felt even after a huge release like this.

Damon continued, "Anyway yeah you will be fine. As will your wives. Now go back home and maybe put a few more litters in them for good measure if that is what you really want."

Arnald grunted as his balls clenched and shuttered at the mere mention of breeding.

"Ple..please good rabbit. Don't say things like that.."

"Things like what? Breeding? Watching your mates bellies grow with more and more of your seed as you try in vain to empty your bottomless balls into their increasingly fertile wombs?"

Arnald closed his robe and turned around. He was literally shaking with need. He thought both of his balls were on the verge of literally exploding. If not for him closing his robe of holding just now Damon's shop floor would already be a mire of otter jizz from simply his idle flow.

"I... damn you rabbit you know me too well. I must go!"

Arnald staggered out of the shop. No so much from the weight of his cock and balls anymore, but from the lust boiling in his blood making him feel simultaneously supernaturally strong yet twitchy and clumsy.

Damon yelled from the open doorway, "Have fun! Come back if you have more questions! Tell your friends about Damon Teli's Alchemy Emporium!"

..........One month later

"Did you say 67 pups midwife?"

The otter midwife looked a bit sheepish before she responded to Arnald, "Umm.. yes my lord. All healthy, and Sarna is fine and in good spirits. I've never seen anything like it. Alissa looks about ready to pop any day as well my lord, although her size is so... vast... none of us are exactly sure of the precise day or week."

"Well that's good. Carry on midwife."

The female otter walked away leaving Arnald in his bedchamber. When he was alone Arnald dropped his robe and stared at his monstrous furry nuts. His four testicles pulsed gently with power every few seconds like slumbering beasts eager to be unleashed. He cupped one of them, cupped was perhaps the wrong word as his paw was tiny compared to even one of his balls.

He spoke to his balls with a soft hungry desire, almost a whisper, "Good work all of four of you. We will make House Estdell into an empire yet..."