Thomas Cartoon Series Double-Length Episode #2: The Pirate Adventure (ALT Cut No. 2) Part 2
Audio adaptation is available here:
When Thomas and his Friends are sent to Dartmouth to help out. Their railferry gets caught in a storm. The engines think all hope is lost until they're rescued by a gang of treasure hunters called "The Dread Pirates". Can Thomas and his new friend Mila join forces to find the treasure of the missing coins?
This version syndicates what would happen if Darious was killed off but Morgana and Leeko survived the voyage. Unlike the other ALT cut, there aren't much many new characters in this.
Written by Joseph Morley
"The Pirate's Fate" developed by volkenfox and T.F. Wright
The Pirate's Fate (if you wanna find out for yourself):
© Gullane (Thomas) Limited 2021, 2022, 2023
All rights reserved.
Part 2
Voice-over: Previously on Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends™...
*Shows shots from Part 1 of The Pirate Adventure.*
Thomas: It's not over yet, folks. We only have four coins from the last adventure. This is going to be a VERY tough ride...
*End of Pre-Intro*
Scene 1:
*Episode opens with drawings of the first part of The Pirate Adventure.*
Narrator: If you remember last time, Thomas and The Steam Team were sent to Dartmouth to help out. But during the voyage, their railferry got destroyed in a storm.
The engines thought they were lost forever until they awoke to find themselves rescued by a gang of pirates known as "The Dread Pirates". After many days at sea, attempting to find
magic coins and suffering dangers of the world, such as hippogriffs, animal magic and temples of beauty, the engines and the pirates were on their next adventure to find the
fifth coin. But back on the Island of Sodor, things weren't going quite so well for me...
*Episode opens on the Island of Sodor, Joey is gloomily working with Diesel, who's pulling a local passenger train on Thomas' branch line.*
Narrator: ...because there was still no sign of Thomas' whereabouts, I had to work with Diesel. But I still felt depressed over the disappearence of my friends.
Diesel: Are you still bummed out about the whereabouts of the steamies, Joey?
Joey: *sighs* Yes, Diesel.
Diesel: I can relate... without the steamies around, I haven't got anyone to torment on a daily basis.
Joey: You and me both, Diesel. You and me both.
*Diesel pulls into Ffarquhar station. Mavis is already there, dropping off some workman in Henrietta.*
Mavis: Afternoon, you two. *notices Diesel and Joey feeling down* Oh dear, you look down in the mouths. What's wrong?
Diesel: Apparently, Joey's still miserable after the steamies' disappearences. And not gonna lie, I'm starting to feel that way too. What's the point of working on this railway if there's no
steam engines to make fun of?
Mavis: You can always go back to work on the Other Railway.
Diesel: Nah, I don't think they do much with me since they rebranded themselves. I'm pretty much better off here nowadays.
Mavis: Oh, I wouldn't get too upset if I were you, guys. The Steam Team did bring their phones with them, I'm sure they probably might have not got Wi-Fi.
Joey: It depends, Mavis. Thomas is the only engine who actually HAS a SIM card on his phone, but it's not strong enough to work in a place that doesn't have good Wi-Fi.
Mavis: Oh, fair enough.
Joey: Anyway, Mavis. We have to go, our next journey leaves shortly.
Mavis: Oh, goodness! You're right. I'll catch you two later.
*Mavis honks her horn and departs from Ffarquhar and up to the quarry.*
Joey and Diesel: Bye, Mavis.
*The guard blows his whistle, Diesel honks his horn and eventually departs with his train bound for Ulfstead. Meanwhile, the ship is currently out at sea, voyaging for its next destination.
Edward is busy putting bandages on Henry and Gordon's wounds from his accident at the temple, whilst Leeko and Morgana wash Thomas, Mila, Tam-Tam, Percy, James and Toby from
being stuck in the trapdoor.*
Narrator: Meanwhile, out at sea, the engines were enjoying their life on the ocean waves. All except two, Henry and Gordon weren't feeling up to their usual standards. They felt depressed and were still getting
over their accidents at the temple.
Edward: *wraps a bandage around Henry's brakepipe.* There you go, Henry. You and Gordon should be alright in a few days.
Henry: A few days? But how am I supposed to rig the sails now?
Mila: Trust me, Henry. It could be difficult, you need some rest.
Henry: All in good time too. Having to actually climb up to the top of the ship just to rig a single certain sail is a deathtrap.
Thomas: I feel exactly the same way too, buddy.
Leeko: Look on the bright side, Henry. At least you'll be doing easier jobs like navigating maps with me.
Henry: I know that. And another thing, Leeko. Trying to cut my brakepipe open to retrieve the coin wasn't that helpful. Now I'll have to find some newspaper and a leather bootlace to fix my problem.
James: *sighs* Welcome to my world.
Mila: You know, guys. These coins have certainly done a number on us, haven't they? First Oliver and now, Henry and Gordon.
Tam-Tam: What about me? I was crushed by a huge locomotive.
Gordon: You weren't as badly injured as I was, Tam-Tam. My body kinda stopped you from being crushed under that statue.
Morgana: You're barely recognizable, No. 4! Is something crazy going to happen to me next when we find the next coin?
James: *scoffs* I hope so, then maybe you'd learn a little thing about empathy.
Morgana: *chuckles* Empathy? Oh, come on, No. 5! One of these misfortunes is like having a peg leg or a hook hand. You just have to grin and bear it.
Nothing I say is going to make things any better.
Thomas: Says you...
Tam-Tam: Well, I can't argue with Morgana on that last point, Thomas.
Thomas: Don't worry, Tam-Tam. If anything DOES happen to me or Morgana next. I'm sure we'll toughen it out better than anyone. Lead by example, am I right?
And speaking of next time, *turns to Mila.* Mila, as soon as you and I have been cleaned, I need you in the captain's quarters.
Mila: Erm... okay, Thomas.
*Scene changes to Mila and Thomas inside the captain's quarters. Thomas is talking to Mila.*
Thomas: Mila, I've started looking through Darious' diary, forgive me for doing so. *holds up Darious' diary for Mila to see.* He wrote down this place somewhere
in Lynton, along with the name of someone he knew called "Luprand". I think he seems like our best lead, don't you?
Mila: Thomas, you know Darious has been dead for a few days and now you're just reading his diary?
Thomas: Well, I would say I'm the captain but... you get the idea. But so what?
Mila: Well, you certainly took some time into reading his diary.
Mila: *smiles* Do you really miss him? You can tell me.
Thomas: *gulps* You know, it feels weird even to stand in this room on his own ship without him, and it feels even stranger going through
his things, reading his thoughts like... I'm messing with his privacy. I know he's never coming back, but... *sighs* Yes, Mila. I do miss him, by every
Mila: *pats Thomas' buffer.* Look, Thomas. We obviously didn't know him as well as Morgana and Leeko have. But I miss him too.
Thomas: Thanks, Mila. Anyways, this Luprand fellow is supposed to be a collector of rare artifacts. If Darious thought a coin might be there, that's good enough
for me, what do you think?
Mila: I agree, we should landfall in a few...
*Just then, a thunderstorm sound is heard.*
Mila: That wasn't me, was it?
Thomas: Squall's coming, Time to rig the storm sails.
*Thomas and Mila race out of the quarters where the others are working.*
Thomas: Mila, Oliver, take port. Tam-Tam, James, starboard. I'll try and navigate us through this.
*Just then, Thomas notices the ship's sails aren't rigged.*
Thomas: James, Tam-Tam? What's taking so long? Having a little trouble rigging?
James: Of course not!
Tam-Tam: Face it, red guy. Neither of us really have the GUTS fit for this, do we?
James: If only there was someone on this ship who DID have the guts to steer.
Voice: Up here, y'all.
*The others turn to find that Percy has called shotgun.*
Percy: Chloe's swabbing the deck so I volunteered to fill her position.
*The others turn to Thomas.*
Thomas: Well, it's either that or nothing at all.
*Just then, Donald and Douglas arrive to help rig the sails.*
Donald: Dinna fash yourselves, James and Tam-Tam. We've got this!
Douglas: Och, it's not that hard!
Thomas: Right, sorry Donald and Douglas. Sometimes, I still think of you as mysterious backdrop characters in my head. You'll do the honours, right?
Donald: Ach, we can do the sails in each hand and coupling!
Thomas: Splendid!
Tam-Tam: Show offs...
*Donald brings out a knife towards Tam-Tam's chin.*
Tam-Tam: Erm... What I meant was, it's totally fair that you've got the muscles whilst I've got...
Douglas: The embodiment of a moron? Yeah, real fair, laddie.
James: You wanna switch places, guys? Because...
Thomas: *whistles* Oh shut up, both of you! Haven't you four even LEARNED a thing or two? The last time you squabbled like that,
the coins were actually listening, they DON'T EVEN HAVE EARS! Just imagine if they granted your wish this time around.
Mila: I don't think that's exactly how the coins work, Thomas.
Thomas: Well, who knows how these things work, Mila? All I'm asking for James, Tam-Tam and the twins is to at least TRY and LEARN from your
James: *sighs* No, cap'n.
Thomas: Good. Now get up there and rig the sails. PLEASE!
*James, Tam-Tam and the Scottish Twins puff away to rig the sails.*
Thomas: Now then, where were we?
Percy: About to plunge into that thing...?
Mila: What thing?
*Percy points towards the horizon, for the ship is heading towards a BIG whirlpool.*
Thomas: Oh... crud...
Percy: Don't worry, I know how to ride a boat. Have you ever rode in a speedboat?
Mila: No...
Percy: Well, what you're about to witness is going to be a VERY bumpy ride. For earlier at Doniford, Bertha managed to fix up the ship and gave us these cool accelerators for a speedy trip. When us engines are driving the ship, we will use our steam
and power the ship whilst running, our wheels will being moving on these rollers which will the power the ship, like a treadmill.
Thomas: Percy, I don't understand how that is going to...
*But before Thomas can reply, Percy revs up the accelerators and the ship suddenly starts at full speed.*
*The Dread Pirates and the Steam Team are taken by surprise at this sudden force, they rock and roll violent on the ship.*
Percy: Yo-ho-ho and bucket of... er... bum! We're gonna ride this whirlpool in fine style. YEEEHAAA!
*The ship enters the whirlpool and spins around in it. Meanwhile, the engines are being bounced about like peas in a frying pan. Edward slips on the deck, Holly spins around really fast and Molly goes sliding past.*
*Mila and Thomas hold on for dear lives.*
Thomas: I regret everything I do here, I really do!
Mila: Oh... I don't feel so good! *goes green in the face and nearly vomits.*
*The ship eventually flies out of the whirlpool and rocks and bounces as it hits the waves.*
Percy: This is better than double overtime on the North Western Railway!!!
*Suddenly, a sharp wave hits the boat and Percy is sent, flying off. Thankfully, he has a rope attached to his foot that Thomas and Mila grab on to.*
Thomas and Mila: PERCY!
*As the ship shoots through the waves, Percy rockets underwater with the rope attached to him. Percy gurgles and screams at the same time. Just then, he passes SpongeBob and Patrick.*
Percy: *gurgles* Oh hi, you guys!
*Percy continues to rocket pass whilst gurgling and screaming. He eventually flies out of the water with the rope attached to him, like a big catch. He falls back on the deck and accidently lands on Leeko and Oliver.*
Percy: Sorry! *races back to the ship's wheel and regains control.* Now then, to get us outta here and fast!
*Percy steers the ship through the rough waves in hopes of getting the Dread Pirates and the Steam Team out of high seas. Gordon and Henry are holding on for dear lives.*
Henry: I guess they didn't show the engines how to control in ship in wet weather.
*Suddenly, a large crate slides along the deck and crushes Gordon.*
Gordon: AAAUGH! Tell me about it.
*The ship continues to rock and roll between the waves before making it's way out of the storm and into sunnier, safer seas.*
Mila: Phew! The storm's cleared up...
Morgana: Yeah... But we all had a near-death experience.
Thomas: That was scary indeed. Percy, you should be careful driving a ship like that in the future.
Percy: Sorry, Thomas.
*End of Scene 1*
Scene 2:
*Scene changes to the ship docked at Lynton. Thomas and the Dread Pirates are talking to a woodsman (who's a kangaroo) and a L&B 2-4-2T locomotive called Lyn.*
Narrator: The next day, the engines and pirates arrived at Lynton, for Thomas knew there could be another coin somewhere.
Woodsman: Luprand, eh? Never 'eard of him.
Thomas: Look, sir. You're talking to Thomas T. Tank Engine, Steam Team leader and new temporary captain of the Dread Pirates. We can do this the easy way or...
Woodsman: You could call yourself a fictional character in a children's book but I still don't know who you're talkin' about.
Thomas: Listen, pal. My new pirate friends will tear you in half if you don't start talking!
Woodsman: Really, mate? You think I'm scared of a few talkin' trains? I've killed more than my share, believe me.
Lyn: Please, sir. Thomas is only asking for help. You don't have to be so rude.
Woodsman: Quiet down, missy. I know what I'm doin'!
*Thomas looks at the Woodsman and Lyn, dazed.*
Thomas: *sighs* Alright, fine. Get outta here.
*The woodsman leaves and Thomas steams over to Lyn.*
Lyn: Woodsmen indeed, Thomas. I'm quite glad you and your friends want to change the world. But take my advice, split your group
and talk to the rest of these folk around Lynton and Barnstaple. Somebody must've heard of this guy. I have, but I don't know his whereabouts.
Thomas: Thanks for the information, Lyn. I do hope you can come and visit Sodor anytime soon!
Lyn: I will, Thomas. See you soon!
*Lyn blows her whistle and chuffs away.*
Thomas: Alright, guys. You heard Lyn. Let's go around Lynton and interview many people there about Luprand.
*The engines all split up and look for people to ask. Percy and Tam-Tam are busy searching the valleys when they see a sort-of horse person walking pass.
Percy blows his whistle to attract the person's attention.*
Tam-Tam: Hello, my good man.
Horse: Well, hello yourself, young lady. What can I do for you?
Percy: My friend Tam-Tam and I are looking for a certain man, do you happen to know him?
Horse: Why would you look for another man when I'm right here? Randy's the name. And I mean, really. Do you have any idea how gorgeous your friend looks?
I could just stare all day.
Percy: Sir, that doesn't answer my question...
Tam-Tam: Well, thank you Randy. But long story short. You could do a lot more than look if you were able to help us find Luprand.
Percy: Yes, THAT is the man we're looking for.
Randy: Luprand, you say? As a matter of fact, I DO know that chap. Lives in a big house at the top of a hill.
Percy: Really? Oh, thanks Mr. Randy, sir! That's all the info we need! But there's one problem. Which hill? Lynton is FULL of hills.
Randy: That's enough talk, steam train. Come lady, give us a taste, love...
Tam-Tam: *realises what Randy is doing.* Ummmm... P-P-P-Percy?
*Just then, a whistle sounds in the backdrop and Oliver races into view with Leeko on his footplate.*
Randy: MY GOD... I... I was just...!
*Leeko climbs down from Oliver's footplate and runs towards Randy.*
Leeko: You were about to assault my crewmate!
Oliver: And my friend! Now then, Mr. Ass! Tell us where Luprand is NOW! Or Mr. Oliver's going to do something VERY ILLEGAL...
Randy: *squeals* Okay, okay! He's got the biggest house on that hill back there! That's all I know! Just... please don't kill me!
Leeko: Just get lost, you creep.
*Randy gallops away to prevent causing any more confusion. Tam-Tam walks up to Oliver.*
Tam-Tam: Oh, I wasn't doing just fine on my own. I needed that big burly wolf engine to come to my rescue.
Oliver: Tam-Tam, your sarcasm isn't doing anything to impress me. I was just trying to help! Besides, I got him talking, didn't I?
Tam-Tam: Yes, I know, wolfie. I know. You know, you do sound more and more like Morgana every day, don't you?
Percy: Not exactly. Oliver's not really the badass furry that Morgana is. Oliver WAS supposed to be our most wise and good-gracious engine.
Oliver: That is SO low, you guys. Even for you and Leeko.
Tam-Tam: I'm sure I'd have got HIM talking, if I had a few more seconds trying it MY way.
Percy: Yeah, now he might be warning Luprand that we're coming.
Oliver: Oh, puh-lease! Nobody should be allowed to talk to you, or ANY woman on this crew, like that! What's the use of being a sagacious engine
if I can't stand up for my own friends?
*Just then, Mila arrives back with Thomas.*
Mila: Oliver, we've heard everything. Tam-Tam and Percy didn't want our help. It's up to US to respect that.
Thomas: And Tam-Tam, you should know that Oliver's heart WAS in the right place. Both of you are trying to adjust those realities of
this mission... and Oliver's new body and lifestyle.
Mila: I know it's not that easy, guys. But I'm sure if we work together and respect each other, we'll be just fine.
*Just then, Morgana arrives back on James.*
Morgana: I hope you guys had more luck than we did. All me and No. 5 got was some joke about Luprand living in a haunted house.
Nobody seems to know who we are or where Luprand is.
James: Exactly, are people in this county allergic to this information or something?
Thomas: No, they're not. If they were, they'd be dead from their constant skin rashes.
Oliver: Oh, real clever, Thomas.
*Just then, Edward arrives.*
Edward: And I found his place, over there on that hill. I just passed it earlier.
*Edward points to a big hill where the house is located.*
Percy: Oh, boy. This'll be a long drive...
Morgana: How would you know that, No. 6?
Percy: Well, me and Tam-Tam asked a man called Randy for the information and he gave it to us. Simple as that.
Thomas: Me and Mila tried to ask the engines of the Lynton and Barnstaple Railway, turns out their rails aren't gauge-appropriate for
engines of my kind...
Morgana: Fine, fine. Don't tell me that, No. 1. Let's just...
*Just then, a dragoness walks over to the pirates and engines.*
Dragoness: Excuse me? I overheard someone say you were the Dread Pirates.
*Thomas steams forward.*
Thomas: Well they are, not us engines. We're the Steam Team. Besides, who wants to know?
Dragoness: Hey! Sounds like somebody needs a pint of rum. I'm Anora, I'm an envoy from Her Majesty's Navy.
Oliver: So... you're associated with the Royal Armed Forces?
Anora: No, that's something different.
Thomas: Anyways, Good to meet you, Anora. I'm Thomas T. Tank Engine, and I trust your visit isn't law-enforcement related, right?
Anora: Nope, I was sent here by Queen Nakhta.
Thomas: Queen Nakhta? You expect us to believe she sent you? How? Why? And Who?
Anora: Wow, lots of questions from a ton of steam-powered railway engines today. But I was sent here anyways, Nakhta de Renaud is the queen of Kittering Castle
in Vulland, Redwick, in case you're wondering, and I'm also here to help you find the coins.
Thomas: Help us? *scoffs* We don't need help from the likes of you!
Leeko: Now wait just a minute... A representative of the Queen?
Anora: That's right, little man. The Queen's interested in learning more about how those coins work. I was asked to find a crew who's
looking for them, and learn what I can...
James: You know, now that you mentioned it, They might be useful to have them around, maybe we could even ask the Queen's navy to look out for Rourkie.
Anora: Of course, red one. That can certainly be arranged.
Morgana: No, no, no. She's lying! She's not working for the Queen!
Anora: You saying I'm not? That's news to me...
Morgana: Can the act! You're a dirty thief. I can smell it on you. You AND all the rest of your thieving kind can take my sword and shove it right...
Thomas: *whistles* Alright, we get it! *sighs* Morgana... mind if I have a word with you in private?
Morgana: Ummm... sure, No. 1.
*Thomas and Morgana turn around so they're not facing the others.*
Thomas: *whispering* Look, Morgana. I know it's our job to complete this quest and everything but I think Anora's a lost cause. *gulps*
She's obviously made up her mind. Why don't we just cut our losses and get out of here?
Morgana: Oh, come on! That's nonsense, No. 1. We've never given up on a job so far!
Thomas: Fortunately, we've never lied or stolen, have we?
Morgana: That's different, we're better than that kind of trash. We're on a mission.
Thomas: Yes, I know that. But even if Anora's just another thief looking for a cut of some action, what's the big deal?
Morgana: In case you haven't noticed, No. 1! Our ship doesn't have room for anymore misfits who think it's fun to play pirate. You and your friends
have taken all the spots.
Thomas: What's that supposed to mean?
Morgana: Well, what would you think?
Thomas: Well, what good are the others around here? Mila found one coin, Percy found the second and Tam-Tam found two coins with the help
of Oliver, Henry and Gordon.
Percy: Are you done yet, Thomas? We CAN hear you!
Leeko: Both of those acts you mention were kind of a team effort.
Tam-Tam: Thomas clearly doesn't want us on the team either, isn't that right? What a great judge of character our fearless leader really is.
Mila: No, Tam-Tam. Thomas is right. Something about that story sounds fishy.
Percy: If it's fishy, she didn't mention any sharks.
Mila: It's a figure of speech, Percy.
Percy: Either way, it's still rotting away in my brain.
Morgana: Well, damn right it does.
Anora: You might not like me, but that doesn't mean you should just turn me away. Two wrongs don't make a right. And if you don't want my help.
I'll go and give the Queen's blessing to one of your competitors. Doesn't really matter to me which ship I'm helping. Maybe I'll pay this Rourkie fellow a visit?
Morgana: Yeah, you go do that. I'm sure one of you will rip each other's heads off. That's what I call two wrongs making a right.
Edward: Morgana, if they are ripping their heads off. That doesn't make two wrongs a right, let alone THREE wrongs!
Anora: Well, either way. I'll need to schedule an inspection of your ship for contraband before you can be on your way.
Oliver: Contra-wha?
Thomas: Hold up, now YOU think I'm going to let a thief on our ship. How stupid do you think I am?
Anora: Well, too freaking bad, Thomas. You can be paranoid about me all you want. There's no law against that. But I AM the Queen's emissary,
and that means you do have to let me take a peek at your cargo to check for contraband items.
Thomas: But...
*But before Thomas can reply. Gordon blows his whistle onboard the ship.*
Gordon: Just let her, little Thomas. We don't have anything to hide, anyway. Not even Oliver's curse or me and Henry's crutches.
Anora: Of course you don't. It's just routine maintenance, but I like to do things by the book.
Thomas: And when can we schedule one of these inspections?
Anora: Sundown tonight would work just fine.
Thomas: Alright, fine. We'll see you then. Anyways, guys. Let's go, we've still got to find that Luprand.
*The engines and pirates make their way to Luprand's manor at the top of the hill. Scene changes to the outside of a manor house where the Steam Team and the Dread Pirates are there outside.
Thomas is ringing the doorbell. The butler answers it.*
Butler: Oh, dear. More would-be guests? Whoever or whatever you're looking for...
Thomas: Sorry, sir. We don't have the time for chit-chat. Is this where your master Luprand lives?
Butler: Luprand may be the steward for this manor... but he doesn't entertain guests, except on business and you don't have any business with him.
Mila: Actually, we do. We're looking for some rare coins...
Butler: Oh... You're not getting it, are you? You don't have any, and I mean, ANY business with him. Please leave immediately...
Thomas: Sir, we've come a long way to find this guy. And we're not going to turn our tails and buffers and leave now ALL because a rude butler says so. Now, you let us in!
Butler: Listen to me, sir. You have to...
Voice: Is everything quite all right out here? I heard shouting.
*Just then, a German Shepherd in 17 century clothing walks out. For he is known as Luprand.*
Luprand: Hello, I'm Luprand, steward of this manor. How can I be of service?
Morgana: Finally, your butler here was trying to give us the runaround.
Luprand: I'm dreadfully sorry to hear about that. Charleston, please leave us to conduct our *clears throat* business.
Charleston: Yes, sir.
*Charleston goes back inside the manor, Luprand walks up to Thomas, Mila and Morgana.*
Luprand: Now then, who are you and what can I do for you?
Morgana: We're the Dread Pirates, and we want the coins.
Luprand: Pirates, you say? Oh my... please pardon my surprise. But I'm usually expecting merchants, not pirates.
Thomas: Well, Mila and Leeko were merchants before they joined. Of course, we're completing this quest on behalf of our former captain Darious. He said
he knew you, right?
Luprand: Darious? Well, I'm honored to meet you then. Any friend of Darious will be a friend of mine too. So how is the old fellow? My word, It's been 20 years if it's been a day.
Morgana: Ah... well... he's...
Mila: Long story short, he's dead.
Thomas: He got shot by Rourkie.
Luprand: Shot? By another pirate? Oh dear, I'm dreadfully sorry to hear about that. If I may trouble you to ask, what led you to seek me out?
Morgana: I already said. We want those coins. The wizard's last treasure? You're a collector of artifacts, aren't you? You must've heard of them.
They look like this.
*Morgana takes the coin from Mila's neck and shows it to Luprand.*
Luprand: Ah, yes, thank you. I believe this explains everything. You see, I too have been searching for those coins and my master, the lord of this manor, Lazerby V. Godforoth, is very
elderly and in quite poor health. He believes that a coin is the only thing that can grant him a reprieve from the inevitable.
Edward: Well, old chap. You never know what these coins might do. Us engines and pirates have certainly learned that the hard way.
Luprand: I can imagine, sir. But I didn't want to say anything for fear of pressing a sore subject, but... *clears throat* You certainly bear
all the marks of being touched by their magic. *points to Henry, Gordon and Oliver.* Especially from your three friends over there.
Gordon: Tell us about it.
Henry: Touched? More like groped. Last time around, two of us got crushed by an avatar of lust, can you believe that?
Luprand: Well, I suppose it must've been hard on your wolf friend here.
Oliver: What? Me? No, no, no, I'm Oliver. It was Henry and Gordon who that happened to, why would think it would be me?
Luprand: My apologies, Mr. Oliver. After all, you were the one who was wearing the fur around you, and combined with your impressive physique, I
naturally just assumed that you were... well, you know.
Oliver: Nope, Henry and Gordon suffered far worse, not me.
Luprand: Of course, and which of you is Henry? And Gordon?
Gordon: Wow, really? *chuckles* You just made my day, Mr. Luprand, sir. For your information, I was the one who got crushed by the statue. Henry over here
not only got crushed by the statue too, but also had a coin lodged in his front brakepipe which we cut open to retrieve it.
Luprand: I'm aware of that, Gordon. But in any event, my master Lazerby, is desperate for a miracle. If one of you can find it in your hearts to at least show him the coin
that you've found, I'm sure he'll be most grateful.
Thomas: Well, I'm no doctor, Mr. Luprand... But we'll see what we can do!
Luprand: Thank you. In return, I'll be happy to tell you about the leads I have on the coins, there are several promising locations.
Mila: Of course, we'd be happy to help, and we'd certainly like to know where the coins might be.
Luprand: Excellent, but first things first. I don't want to disturb Lazerby with such a large party. Why don't just two of you go in with the coin? Maybe, Leeko and Oliver, perhaps.
If it's not too much trouble?
Oliver: Uh... me? *gulps* Do I... have to?
Leeko: Come on, Oliver. You've still got me.
Tam-Tam: Honestly, Is someone feeling like more of a fraidy cat than a big bad wolf? Well, not to worry, wolfie! I'm here to rescue you.
Oliver: You know, now that you mentioned it. Tam-Tam, you can come too.
Tam-Tam: Thanks. *turns to Luprand* You heard the engine, send me in.
Morgana: Not so fast, I wouldn't trust you not to steal anything. Mila, you're a proper crewmember. You should go.
Mila: Me?
Thomas: Morgana, I'm the captain. So if Mila can come in, I should come too.
Luprand: Like I said, only two. But I think Mila and her friend would be most auspicious in finding the coin. I'll get the door for you two.
After I come back, I've got a fantastic story to tell the rest of you. If you've got the time, of course.
Thomas: Oooh, I'd love a good story.
Luprand: Of course. Now, Thomas, is it? Have you ever heard of the aquatic city of Atlantia?
Thomas: You mean Atlantis? Sure, I've heard of that place numerous times. But tell us about it later, me and my first mate have a coin
to search.
Mila: Alright, you lot. Could you remain outside?
Edward: Ah... yes... Not a engine-friendly house... We can live with that.
Percy: But it's so dark... and cold... and musty.
Henry: Yeah, We're the Steam Team, and we...
Luprand: I'm sorry, I must insist. There is a matter of much delicacy I must speak with your captain about... Alone.
Thomas: Crew, remain outside please. This shouldn't be long. In the meantime... Morgana and Percy will be in charge.
*Morgana and Percy high-five each other.*
Percy: Us in charge of the fleet, I can't wait.
Morgana: Tell me about it, No. 6!
*Thomas blows his whistle and enters the house with Mila and Luprand on his footplate, the door closes behind them.*
*End of Scene 2*
Scene 3:
*Scene changes to Thomas and Mila inside the manor, with Luprand seeing them off.*
Luprand: Now then, you two. Lazerby should be right with you. Thanks again for providing the candle of hope to my master in his final days.
I'll just go outside and make sure your crew is alright.
*Luprand leaves the room and closes the door behind him. Thomas and Mila are left all alone in the manor.*
Mila: Ummm... hello? Mr. Lazerby? Is anybody there?
Thomas: Oh, bust my buffers... This place is so scary!
Voice: Don't be frightened, Mila and Thomas...
*Thomas suddenly lets off steam in surprise.*
Thomas: OH, CINDERS AND ASHES! What was that?!
Mila: Who are you, and how do you know our names?
*Just then, an elderly stag walks into the room.*
Stag: Yes, Thomas... and Mila, I've seen you so many times in my dreams... to actually meet you two in the flesh, so to speak... is extraordinary.
Thomas: Are you... Lazerby?
Stag: Yes, Thomas... and proud. I'm the lord of this manor. Luprand told you I was on the brink of death, but in truth, I died decades ago.
Thomas: Oh... how did you die?
Lazerby: Natural causes, Thomas. And like you, Mila. I was also a treasure seeking merchant in life. What you gained by the sword, Thomas gained by the gun and I gained by the
pen and parchment. I built up a fortune that would make royalty envious. And yet... I eventually found that nothing was worth my money. I could trade coin of the realm for sparkling
gems, fine works of art, or antique statues...
Thomas: What about railwayana?
Lazerby: That... I cannot remember. But to what end? I outlived my wife, and even my own children. My own life was quickly running short. We all had to die, or so I was told.
And none of my riches and rubies would go with me. *sighs* In my dying days, I've realized my entire life had been wasted. Mila and Thomas, you were like me. Mila and I were
merchants - and our lives were spent chasing money. Thomas and I were both always stationed in one place, with dreams of wanting to go and see the world.
Thomas: Those dreams have become a reality, Mr. Lazerby, sir.
Lazerby: Only for you. But now you two have become part of the Dread Pirates - and yet, you still chase coins, don't you?
Mila: Well, I'M a member of the Dread Pirates, Thomas is only a stowaway that was only out at sea just to go to Dartmouth. I mean, sure, we're still chasing gold, but
we have different purposes in life.
Thomas: Indeed, Mila is now a first mate. I used to be stationed in one place until I proved to be a really useful engine.
Lazerby: Yes, I can relate too, Thomas. But now that I'm dead, I too, have a new purpose in life. Mila and Thomas, we were brought together for a reason.
The coins... they yearn to be found. When I discovered them, I realized they could prevent my soul from departing. They've kept me between life and death.
You and I both know the power of the wizard's last treasure, and I have a good use for it. When we gather all of the coins, we can use their power to finally
conquer death for good. If you two pledge to help me, we can make sure we never have to lose anyone ever again. Mila, give me that coin you're carrying
and I might live once more.
Mila: Okay...?
*Mila gives Lazerby the coin from her neck.*
Thomas: Wait... Mila, are you nuts?
*A blue glow forms around Lazerby.*
Lazerby: That's it, Mila!
Mila: Hey, I can't move!
Thomas: Neither can I! My axles are jammed!
*Just then, Percy and Leeko barge through the door.*
*Percy stops in the nick of time.*
Percy: Thomas, Mila, are you two alright? I thought I saw...
Thomas: Ummm.. yes. We're alright...
Percy: Oh, well I'm glad you're okay. Charleston the Butler said an evil ghost might try and trick you two. Come on, let's get back to the...
*Percy tries to pull Thomas back to the ship. But he won't budge!*
Percy: Thomas? Are your brakes on?
Mila: His brakes are alright, Percy!
Leeko: Mila, how come you're so positive about this?
*Just then, Luprand, Morgana, Tam-Tam, James, Oliver, Toby, Abigail and Jade arrive on the scene.*
Luprand: I... I was wondering when to see you back so soon. How are you doing, Mila and Thomas?
Thomas: I'm fine... Just allay your worries, guys. I've never been better.
Luprand: Fantastic news, I'll go get ready.
Percy: But Mr. Luprand, sir! Thomas doesn't really look fine! His brakes seem to have jammed.
Morgana: Did he find what we came here for?
Leeko: Not that I know of...
*Tam-Tam peers out from Thomas' cab.*
Tam-Tam: I've tried all sorts of controls and gimmicky stuff inside of him. But they don't seem to work.
Jade: Thomas? Mila? What's with those smiles? You don't exactly look like yourself.
Thomas: We've got the coin, and why does everyone keep asking me how we're doing? I'm more than fine, I feel terrific. Never felt so alive!
James: If I ever sound that cheery, do me a favour and slit my smokebox...
Morgana: Will do, No. 5, will do...
*Just then, Jade pulls out a gun.*
Jade: They're not alright, I can see it in their eyes. *becomes teary-eyed.* They're not the spice merchant and No. 1 tank engine we know...
Thomas: What're you talking about, Jade? We're perfect...
Mila: You don't have to be so naive, Jade.
Jade: I'm sorry, you guys! But I HAVE TO DO WHAT'S RIGHT!
Thomas: Jade... wait...
*But before Thomas and Mila could reply, Jade shoots them repeatedly. They both fall to the floor.*
Percy: OH MY GOD... THOMAS... MILA...
Jade: *sniffs* I'm sorry, it was the only way to end their misery.
Percy: You're right... truly they were... really useful.
*Scene zooms out from the room where the engines and pirates are looking at the dead corpses of Thomas and Mila. Percy and Jade are huddling each other and crying.
Leeko takes off his hat in rememberance, Morgana pats James on the buffer and Tam-Tam hugs Toby. The scene zooms out to reveal Thomas and Mila sitting on a sofa (couch)
watching the scene together.*
Thomas: That's it? THAT'S how they end this episode? That's just another goddamn way of trying to cancel me!
Mila: Honestly, people these days don't learn. Don't they?
Thomas: I couldn't agree more, Mila. Where's that Joey? I need to talk with him!
Mila: He's over there, I think he's dead...
Thomas: Oh crud...
*Sure enough, Joey IS dead! He lies on the desk with his brains blown out, and flies buzzing all around.*
Thomas: *sighs* Knew something like this was going to happen.
*Thomas picks up a note that's next to his dead corpse and reads it.*
Thomas: "I. O. U. Joey's brain. Signed, a troll" *groans* God dammit. Happens every time!
*Thomas picks up Joey's dead corpse and throws it out the window, where it lands on the other dead corpses of Joey.*
Thomas: That's 160, 453 Joeys we've lost already. Well, time to get the other one out.
*Thomas gets out a box that reads "Spare Joeys" and pulls out another Joey.*
Thomas: Alright, buddy. You're next to write this down, please don't screw up.
Joey: I won't, buddy.
*Thomas puts Joey down, he walks over to the desk and starts writing.*
Mila: Now then, where were we?
Thomas: About to confront Lazerby and his wish of erasing death.
Mila: How are we going to do that?
*Joey hands Thomas and Mila a whistle.*
Joey: Use this, it's one of Mr. Conductor's spare whistles. Use it wisely.
Thomas: Good thinking, Joey.
*Thomas blows the whistle and the scene changes back to where Mila was about to give the coin to Lazerby.*
Lazerby: Mila, give me that coin you're carrying and I might live once more.
Mila: Okay...?
*Mila gives Lazerby the coin from her neck. But as Lazerby tries to reach it, Mila snatches it out from his reach!*
Mila: Sike! You're not taking my coin, boomer!
Lazerby: What? Why not?
Mila: We've already had some unexpected reactions with these coins.
Thomas: And sometimes we just wish that we DO want to be dead. I mean, look what's already happened to you. You're a ghost!
Who knows what will happen if Mila gave you another coin!
Mila: Thomas is right! For your own sake, I cannot do this!
Lazerby: You're pathetic, You're worthless, You caused your captain to die! And you think you have more of a right to live
than me? Surrender, give me your bodies now!
*A blue glow forms around Lazerby.*
Mila: No! Stop this!
Lazerby: Not until I have what's mine!
*Suddenly, some ghostly chains wrap around Mila's body and Thomas' wheels.*
Thomas: Hey! I can't move!
Mila: What's happening to us?!
Thomas: Oh, we'll see about that!
*Thomas blows his whistle really loud. So loud that it shakes the room, leaving Mila and Lazerby shaking in a daze. Just then, Percy and Leeko barge through the door!*
Leeko: Wait! Grab the coin on his chest first!
Thomas: *struggles to get free.* I... CAN'T... MOVE!
*Just then, James arrives on the scene.*
James: Hey, what am I missin-
*James suddenly bumps into the back of Thomas. The chains break from his wheels and he's sent darting across the room, Thomas plunges straight into Lazerby's spirit and
knocks the coin from his chest.*
*Thomas suddenly crashes into a wall. The room shakes and a bookcase suddenly topples over, right on top of Percy and Leeko. Whilst Leeko gets out of the way in time,
Percy isn't so lucky...*
*The bookcase crashes right on top of Percy! Thomas, Mila, Leeko and James look at each other in shock.*
Leeko: What just happened?
Thomas: Lazerby's ghost... I think he was trying to steal our bodies.
Mila: Oh, James. If you hadn't burst in when you did...
James: Well, I can't take all the credit. The butler took me aside and told us you were in danger. Percy and Leeko decided to fight back, but I knew
I was bigger and stronger than the two...
*A couple of books fall from the shattered bookcase pile, revealing Percy's face.*
Percy: You should jolly well take that back, James. Now thanks to your fine example of "being a hero", I'M the one who's in crutches now!
James: Yes, I know... But still, at least I don't have to feel like a coward for letting this place giving us the creeps, right?
Mila: Darious once told me bravery means being scared but setting sail regardless. But you aren't a coward, James. And neither are the others, far from it.
James: Thanks, Mila. I mean, even with my poutiness and splendidness. Sometimes, I'm still not sure about it. But it really helps to hear that.
But anyway, let's get you guys back to the ship! You deserve a rest!
Thomas: Thank you very much, James. Much obliged!
*Scene changes to outside the manor where Morgana, Tam-Tam, Luprand and other engines are waiting. Thomas leaves first with Mila on his footplate and James follows behind
hauling Percy who's completely battered after suffering a fallen bookcase on him.*
Luprand: I... I didn't expect to see you back so soon! How are you doing, Mila and Thomas?
Thomas: We're doing fine, Mr. Luprand, sir! Better than we've ever been in a long time. If you know what we mean... *raises eyebrows*
Luprand: I believe I do. I'm glad to hear it, Thomas!
Morgana: Well, I certainly don't.
Thomas: You just go on down to Lynmouth Harbour. Tell them that you'll pay for a full complement of food, ammunition and supplies for our ship, The Pirate's Fate.
Luprand: Whatever for?
Mila: Well, let's just say, we've got a long trip ahead of us. When you're finished, you can return to the manor until we need of you!
Luprand: Of course, whatever you need! Glad to be of service, you lot. Cheerio!
*Luprand goes back into the manor and closes the door behind him.*
Morgana: Mila... No. 1? You want to tell me what the HELL is going on here?
Thomas: Ah... yes. You see, Morgana. Lazerby was a ghost, and he wanted to possess me and Mila's bodies.
Morgana: WHAT?! You're joking!
Mila: Yeah, but Leeko and Percy busted down the door and saved us...
Thomas: Well, it was James who saved us. He accidently bumped into me, I ran into Lazerby and got the coin in the process, but I crashed into a wall and it shook! Which resulted
in the bookcase falling over, right on top of Percy.
Morgana: First you're asking me to believe in ghosts, then No. 5 as a hero? That's just too much to ask, No. 1.
James: Oi! That's not fair!
Mila: Well just now, we let Luprand think he HAD succeeded, so he'd pay for our supplies.
James: Wow, smart thinking, you guys.
Percy: Could he also pay for my repairs? PLEASE?! I'm desperate!
Thomas: Wait until we get back to Sodor, Percy.
Percy: Gosh darnit!
Morgana: Well, I'd rather slit his throat, but I suppose robbing him is a little better for the mission.
Thomas: Anyways, let's get back to the ship. We've still got coin-hunting to do!
*The engines and pirates make their way back to the ship.*
*End of Scene 3*
Scene 4:
*Scene changes to back on the ship where the engines and pirates are talking about Lazerby's ghost.*
Oliver: You know, I never really believed in an afterlife, until today. I mean, whenever anybody talked about it, I always thought "Where's the evidence? Where's the proof?"
Now I've got it, bloody curse really.
Morgana: What proof is that, No. 11? He was using the magic of the coins, right?
Oliver: Yeah... I know that...
Abigail: So that pretty much explains it, then. It doesn't mean seeing one ghost is proof of the afterlife. Believe me, I witnessed the ghost of a Grange class one time.
Tam-Tam: Believing in the afterlife isn't a matter of proof. My religious beliefs are a matter of faith.
Edward: You know, I was kind of skeptical about how James and Thomas managed to fight off a ghost in one puff. I would've just used my holy cross and shouted "Be gone, demon! Be gone!"
Always works like a charm.
Morgana: How would you know, No. 2?
Edward: Well, Morgana, old chap. If you were a Christian engine like me, you'd understand.
Morgana: *facepalms* Oh, here we go! *turns to Tam-Tam.* And after what you've been through, Tam-Tam, shouldn't you see how religion is so stupid and dangerous.
Tam-Tam: My beliefs are neither stupid nor dangerous. Besides, I've been through far worse.
Edward: Exactly, questioning the chosen one won't get you this far.
Morgana: Yeah, like when?
Edward: Well you see, Morgana and Tam-Tam. This isn't my first life, but it won't be my last.
Morgana: Oh yeah? Who were you in your past life, No. 2? A royal knight or something?
Edward: *sighs* Well... actually...
Morgana: *scoffs* I knew it, Religion is a lot of nonsense. Just lies we tell ourselves so we feel special.
Tam-Tam: Oh, how can you be so certain that they're lies? For someone who claims not to be religious, you act like you know everything.
Percy: *whistles* That's enough, guys. Me, Thomas, James, Mila and Leeko have seen proof of a ghost today, But I suppose that doesn't really translate into proof about
any particular belief system.
Leeko: Percy's right... Hey, Thomas, Mila, you two have been quiet. What do you believe?
Thomas: Well... sure, as anyone could take a leap of faith. As Tam-Tam says, the issue isn't proof. Instead, there's a more important question... like, why should we take the leap?
Oliver: That's easy, you take the leap because you feel it in your heart.
Morgana: So I'M supposed to just let my feelings decide what's real and what's not?
Mila: I wouldn't put it like that... but what's the real value of faith?
Thomas: It gives hope, meaning and purpose.
Percy: Well... to some people and engines.
Mila: Sure, but it's just that, for me... well, I'm still looking for a belief worth believing.
James: Reincarnation? *scoffs* All the hope you could ever want, mate!
Thomas: But James, if I can't remember any of my past lives now, then why would I expect to remember this life in the next one? It's NO different than if death is just the end.
Morgana: So that's the only problem you've got with it, No. 1? The deal isn't good enough? So you'll just keep waiting until a particular fairy tale hits your fancy?
Thomas: Nice try, Morgana. But that's just what we all do every day, isn't it? Look, why are we even out here?
Leeko: To get the coins?
Percy: And get to Dartmouth like we should've done in the first place?
Mila: It's to fulfill Darious' quest, Percy. Which was itself based on a fairy tale, right? We've already committed our lives to this quest. Because we 'believe' we can
make the world a better place by gathering the coins, even though we don't have hard evidence. Where would we be right now, if we didn't believe in that?
Percy: Hmmmm... maybe you're right, Mila. It's been a long day, witnessing ghosts. I think I need some rest.
Mila: I think we all do, Percy.
*Scene changes to the ship out at sea during the daytime, Thomas and Mila are in the captain's quarters, talking.*
Narrator: The next morning, the sun was shining and the clouds were drifting softly by as the voyage for the next coin continued. But Thomas had to discuss some
very important matters with Mila...
Mila: You wanted to see me, Thomas?
Thomas: Yes, of course.
Mila: So... where are we going next, Thomas?
Thomas: Well, Mila. Anora mentioned that the Queen was interested in the coins. Why'd she pick someone so dangerous if it was just a completely made up story, I'll never know.
Well, it might be worth sniffing around here and seeing if the rumour is true. Even though The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt) told me "If the engines are wrong, then I shouldn't listen
to rumours". How about you?
Mila: Maybe, but clearly something's bothering you, Thomas. I'm sure you'll feel better if you get it off your chest... I mean, buffers.
Thomas: *sighs* Alright, I have to address the elephant in the room. I... failed the crew today, Mila. I'm sorry, I didn't see the danger right before our eyes and I nearly let both of us
get killed.
Mila: Oh cheer up, Thomas. I'm sure you did your best today. Nobody could've foreseen...
Thomas: Oh, please Mila! Don't sugarcoat it. Not even Darious wouldn't have let this happen. Me and Morgana have been thinking about him A LOT today.
Mila: You have?
Thomas: Darious did have a coin with him when he died, so why didn't he become a ghost?
Mila: That's a good question, I don't know...
Thomas: But you do think he's dead and gone forever, don't you?
Mila: Yes, Thomas. But there's no reason to think otherwise.
Thomas: I've been keeping this room the same for so long now. I just... *sighs*...never wanted to accept that he's not coming back to it. But after today, well...
It just doesn't feel right to try and hold onto the past anymore. When we get the chance, I'll sell everything. And I suppose if it's time for me to get rid of them,
then it's probably time for Morgana to move into the captain's quarters for herself.
Mila: Well, if you two are ready, Thomas.
Thomas: Yeah... of course, I'm ready! Mila, will you help us?
Mila: Sure, Thomas. I'll do what I can!
Thomas: Thank you, Mila. It's great to have a friend like you.
*Mila blushes with pride.*
*Scene cuts to SpongeBob-style Time card.*
French Narrator: Two Hours Later...
*Scene changes to Thomas, Mila and Morgana, inside the captain's quarters after redecorating it with Morgana's personal belongings.*
Thomas: There we go! What'd you think, Morgana?
Morgana: Looks pretty good, if I do say so myself. Thanks for doing this, Mila and No. 1. Really appreciate it.
Thomas: No problem at all, Morgana! Always happy to help.
Mila: Same here...
Morgana: Hey, you guys. I know this isn't easy for me to say this, since I know things haven't gone so well lately, but I just wanted to let you know...
*Suddenly, an explosion is heard somewhere outside.*
Thomas: What was that?
*Suddenly, James comes hurtling through the captain's quarters after being shot by a cannonball.*
James: Owww... That's NOT a five gun salute, guys! There's a battle going on! Get out here!
*Thomas, Mila, Morgana and James rush out to the ship's deck. Where Tam-Tam, Leeko, Gordon, Percy, Edward, Oliver and Toby are watching something in the distance.*
Leeko: I got a bad feeling about this...
Morgana: Move us in closer, Leeko. We've got to know for sure! No. 2, what's happening?
Edward: Cannon fire in the distance off of the starboard bow, Morgana! One ship is attacking another, smaller vessel.
Percy: It's Rourkie, he's firing on another ship! And after all this time, vengeance can finally be ours!
Mila: I think for now, we should observe the battle at a distance, Percy. I don't want any of us to get hurt.
Percy: *disappointed* Oh, alright, Mila.
Tam-Tam: I have to agree with you, Mila. This isn't really our fight.
Thomas: It isn't our fight? Guys, haven't you forgotten they killed Darious?!
Mila: We don't know what's happening here, Thomas. For all we know, a greater villain than Rourkie might be on the other ship.
Thomas: Or this could be a trap... Perhaps Rourkie controls BOTH ships. We can't be foolish and fight just because we're angry.
Morgana: But we can't be a bunch of cowards just because we're afraid of what-ifs either, No. 1. We're moving in to attack.
Percy: Morgana, it feels like you've read my mind.
Morgana: Sure has, No. 6. Now, open fire!
*Percy shunts a cannon to the starboard.*
Percy: Take THIS, ya lazy excuse of a pirate.
*Percy fires the cannon. Meanwhile on the ship, Rourkie, Mary and Brock are watching and also attacking.*
Rourkie: Ha! Those fools approach us like lambs to the slaughter.
*Mary clears her throat.*
Rourkie: Yeah... figure of speech, idiot.
*Suddenly, a cannonball hits Rourkie's ship.*
Rourkie: ARRGH! Fire back at them, you fools!
Brock: But... boss, the shark might get away.
Rourkie: We've got bigger fish to fry.
*Brock fires the cannon. The engines and pirates watch in horror. Just then, Henry arrives onto the deck.*
Henry: Hey, guys. What am I miss-?
*Henry gets hit with the cannonball and gets thrown over the starboard.*
Thomas: DANG IT! We've been hit! Well, Henry's been hit!
*Edward and Rebecca immediately steam over to the starboard with a sort of crane to lift Henry out.*
Edward: Engine overboard!
Henry: *Getting craned out of the water.* Yes... I guessed that.
Oliver: Other than that. It's a minor glance against the bow. We're alright.
Morgana: No. 6! Keep firing, again!
Percy: On it! *notices something* Wait a minute, his ship's turning around. He's retreating!
Leeko: I don't know, Percy. It could be a trick!
Thomas: Could be? It IS a trick, Leeko! Stay on his tail! I'LL get to the bottom of this!
Edward: Sounds like someone from the ship Rourkie was attacking!
Morgana: We don't have time for this, No. 2!
Gordon: Are you just going to let her die? What kind of pirate fools are we?
Morgana: Well, we're the Dread Pirates, No. 4! And we're not going to let Rourkie slip through our fingers just because of one little
damsel in distress.
Thomas: Morgana's right, Gordon. We've got to finish off Rourkie first! He killed Darious first, so we'll kill HIM and see how he likes it!
Gordon: But... that other ship...
Thomas: OTHER SHIP NOTHING, GORDON! Rourkie will kill again if we let him. Should we save one just to let another die in her place?
Gordon: Oh, alright, Thomas... Percy, ready the cannons! And don't stop firing until his ship's at the bottom of the ocean.
Percy: Isn't Rourkie hunting the coins, too?
Morgana: So what?
Percy: Oh, never mind. I'm sure it'll be easy to take the ones he's found after we've let his ship sunk.
Morgana: This isn't about booty, No. 6. It's about Darious.
Tam-Tam: Oh, nothing like a little quest for vengeance to cloud the old judgement.
Morgana: How could that "cloud" anything? Getting revenge for Darious is what I want most in this world.
Oliver: Putting revenge aside for a moment, Morgana and Tam-Tam. If we've got the chance to beat Rourkie now, we've GOT to take it! You weren't even there, Tam-Tam.
You don't even know how dangerous he is. I'd rather those coins wind up at the bottom of the ocean than let him have them.
Mila: I know! We can still defeat him without risking the coins if we board his ship!
Thomas: You want to board? Why?
Mila: Even if it's riskier, we've got to do everything we can to take his treasure. If it sinks, who knows who will wind up with it eventually?
Perhaps a greater fiend than Rourkie. The people I trust with it are the people on this crew, and THAT includes the engines too.
Thomas: You know, you're right! Let's board!
Edward: But how will you do that?
Thomas: I've got an idea. Percy, get another cannon out!
*Percy shunts a second cannon besides the one he's using.*
Percy: What for?
Thomas: Trust me, you'll get the idea.
*Mila puts gunpowder inside the cannon and climbs in. Thomas also puts gunpowder in his cannon. After that, he gets out a match from
his cab, lights it against his wheel and ignites the cannons' fuses before hopping into his cannon.*
Thomas: Oh... and Mila. You're going to need this.
*Thomas puts a pot on Mila's head.*
Mila: Why?
Thomas: Trust me, you won't want a concussion. FIRE IN THE HOLE!
*The cannon fires Thomas and Mila, they get send flying all the way towards Rourkie's ship.*
Rourkie: WHAT THE F-?
*Thomas and Mila punch Rourkie which hurtles him towards the port bow.*
Rourkie: Oh, you wanna fight, huh? Well, COME GET SOME!!!
*Rourkie attempts to attack Mila, but she hisses and scratches his face with her sharp claws. Rourkie tries to punch Mila but accidently punches Thomas' bufferbeam. Rourkie looks up in
shock as Thomas punches him really hard. Rourkie tries to attack Thomas but Mila immediately grabs him by his coat.*
Mila: Now, Thomas!
*Thomas steams forward and chokes Rourkie hard.*
Thomas: Prepare for your demise, feeble rabbit...
*Thomas drops Rourkie to the ground, Rourkie is all purple in the face after being suffocated by Thomas. Suddenly, Thomas notices Mila is about to be struck by a cannon that Brock is firing.*
Thomas: MILA, LOOK OUT!!!
*Thomas races forward and pushes Mila out of the way in time. Brock fires the cannon which sends Thomas flying back into the sea!*
Mila: THOMAS!!!
*Mila goes red in the face with anger. She charges towards Brock and kicks him really hard in the groin.*
*Mary, knowing that she will be next, immediately abandons ship. Scene changes to back on The Pirate's Fate at dusk where the engines and pirates are all looking anxiously around Thomas.
Whilst Thomas is unconcious, some voices start floating around his smokebox.*
Mila: Is he... is he dead...?
Morgana: I wouldn't judge it, Mila. He's just a machine, he probably wouldn't have a heart.
Mila: HE DOES HAVE A HEART, MORGANA! You just don't know that. Thomas... wake up.
*Mila hugs Thomas whilst tears stream down her face. The coin from around her neck suddenly glows. Thomas eventually regains consciousness and wakes up.*
Thomas: *groans* My head... what happened...?
*Suddenly, Mila pops up in front of Thomas.*
Mila: Thomas! You're alive!
*Thomas freaks out and nearly jumps out of his skin.*
Mila: Oh, sorry. Did I scare you?
Thomas: Oh... Mila, it's only you! What happened? Where's Rourkie?
Tam-Tam: Well, looks like the coins worked a little of their magic on you, darling!
Percy: Oh, Thomas! We're so glad you're okay!
Henry: It was horrific!
Mila: It was lucky I pulled you back on board. You kinda saved my life back there.
Oliver: Yeah, this is the craziest sacrifice yet! I mean, you saved Mila from a cannonball. A more braver act than me. I didn't even know it was possible
for a little tank engine like you to stop that thing.
Thomas: Yes, I know that, but what happened to the battle?
James: We saw you got blasted by a cannonball, you were knocked out cold and you landed right in the ocean. You're feeling okay, right?
Thomas: I'm alright, but it would take a whole passenger train to put a dent in me. I'm more interested to know what happened to Rourkie and his crew.
Mila: Well, you suffocated Rourkie and unfortunately he's dead, 'cos you kinda snapped his neck, but Mary and Brock got away. I couldn't unfortunately fight Mary,
but I was able to kick Brock in his nuts.
Thomas: Woah... awesome move back there, Mila.
Morgana: So, sleeping beauty's finally up, eh?
Thomas: Yes, but while I was out cold, you let Mary and Brock escape! Including a dead Rourkie with a broken neck!
Gordon: Sorry, Thomas. But our sails were ripped. So we couldn't catch up with them.
Thomas: And what about the ship he was attacking?
Leeko: We doubled back, Thomas. But we were too late, the woman on board was already dead.
James: I tried my very, VERY best to give her CPR. Maybe I'm just not cut out to be a paramedic.
Edward: But here's what we found from her. Two coins and a scroll, with some very interesting information...
Thomas: What does it say?
Tam-Tam: It's not special, Thomas. It's only a recipe for cherry pie, of course.
Thomas: What?
Tam-Tam: I mean... it's an invitation to see Queen Nakhta.
Thomas: Oh... alright. Big shame really, I wanted to try my hand at making cherry pie.
Morgana: If the Queen's looking for the coins, we're in a tough spot. She'll hang us on the dot. That woman HATES pirates.
Tam-Tam: Well, then, we'll simply disguise ourselves.
Percy: As what?
Tam-Tam: Oh, it's obvious, isn't it?
Morgana: Well, not to me...
Tam-Tam: Well if you know what someone looked like, would you need to give them an official invitation to see the queen? All we need to do is
present this and pretend that's us.
Morgana: That's... that's... Not a bad idea, Tam-Tam. Let's do it!
Thomas: Oh really, like hell we will. How long do we plan on keeping up this ruse?
Tam-Tam: Long enough to steal whatever coins she's got.
Thomas: Guys, it takes courage to try and con the queen. But don't we have a reputation as pirates?
Mila: I've got a really bad feeling about this.
Oliver: So do I, We already HAVE a reputation. People in the castle might not be able to recognize that woman, but they might recognize who these pirates are.
Tam-Tam: Yes, and our ship might be too conspicuous if we're trying to impersonate a merchant... Let's go someplace a few hours away, like that tavern in Watchet where we all
first met, then we'll rent a smaller ship and bring it to the dock.
Thomas: Tam-Tam, you're impersonating someone you know NOTHING about. And you're making a hasty escape that's much harder on yourself by having to come back to get the ship,
and the winds might not even be blowing the right way.
Tam-Tam: Oh, you're right, Thomas. Your idea was so much better. Oh, that's right, you didn't present one, did you?
Mila: I'm sure a monarch that paranoid keeps her valuables in her room, rather than in some vault. We send in one person or engine, in the dead of night. They scale the wall, climb to the
queen's tower, bust down the door and steal what she's got. Then rope down to the coast and we leave before the alarm is even raised.
Oliver: Quite risky for that one person. Who is our "climber" going to be, I wonder?
Thomas: I'll go! Mila can come with me and keep a close eye.
Mila: What? Me?
Morgana: Ummm... let me make sure I've got this right, No. 1 and Mila, first you storm onto Rourkie's ship so No. 1 can strangle him and snap his neck? Then, he takes a cannonball to his face and lives to
tell the tale whilst Mila kicks Brock in his no-no square, and now you want to scale the walls of Kittering Castle, steal the Queen's treasure and escape, with each other?
Thomas: Yep, sounds about right.
Morgana: I like your style, No. 1! Nos. 6 and 11, Rig the sails and let's drift a little bit closer to the castle.
*Thomas and Mila smirk, they know what to do next. Eventually Thomas and Mila are attempting to climb the wall of Kittering Castle, where the queen's royal bedroom is located. Whilst the queen is in the shower,
Thomas and Mila look carefully around, and there's the coin! Sitting on the queen's bedside table. Thomas quickly nicks it and he fistbumps Mila. Back on the ship, the Dread Pirates are waiting anxiously for them. Suddenly,
they hear groaning and chuffing noises.*
James: I see something, Thomas and Mila are pulling themselves on board!
*Thomas pulls himself onto the ship and pulls Mila on board too.*
Percy: Thomas! Mila! You made it!
James: So... did you?
Thomas: Yes, James. It's done, I've got the treasure.
Morgana: Wow, Mila and No. 1, you did it! I can't believe it!
Thomas: Come on, Morgana. You never doubted me for a second.
*Just then, Chloe pulls up.*
Chloe: Wow, I can't believe you were once the shrimpy little wimp Morgana wanted to throw overboard.
Morgana: What's the matter, No. 40? Jealous of No. 1 and Mila, aren't you?
Chloe: No, it's not like that, I'm just saying...
Morgana: Oh, who cares what you say! We've got to celebrate, where's the nearest tavern?
Tam-Tam: Oh, what a great idea! A leisurely stop for a drink is just what we need. It's not like we just commited a serious crime or anything.
Morgana: Fine, fine! We'll booze later. Leeko, raise anchor. No. 56, rig the sails!
*As soon as Leeko, Tam-Tam and the other engines go back to work, Mila walks up to Morgana and Thomas.*
Mila: I found this next to the chest. It's a bill of sale for some kind of magical artifact related to the coins.
Thomas: A lead you say? Splendid! I can't wait to smash down their doors!
Mila: You know what? Neither can I!
Morgana: *chuckles* Oh, Mila and No. 1, you truly are a man and woman after my own heart.
Thomas: After your own heart? Well, that's true, in more ways than one.
Morgana: I don't know what you're talking about...
Thomas: Oh... okay. If you say so.
Morgana: What's that supposed to mean?
Thomas: Hey, I just...
Morgana: You know what? F**k it, I'm going to my quarters for the night, don't you dare follow me.
*End of Scene 4*
Scene 5:
*Scene changes to back on the Island of Sodor where Diesel is at Crovan's Gate with Annie and Clarabel, exhausted from doing all of Thomas' work as well as his own.*
Narrator: Back on the Island of Sodor, things still weren't going well without the Steam Team.
Diesel: *pants* This... is... exhausting... I miss the blue puffball, I miss the unrevolutionary, I miss everyone.
Joey: So do I, Diesel. But there's nothing we can do about it.
*Just then, The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt) walks onto the platform.*
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Quite right indeed, Joey. Without the Steam Team, I've been having to work in overdrive to get their trains up and running.
Joey: You know, guys. I'm sick to death of doing all this extra work. I miss the engines really badly, I think it's high time we formed a search party.
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Hmmmmm... But what about the passengers?
Diesel: Couldn't a bus service take over? I mean other buses, not just Bertie, Bulgy and Algy.
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Seems like a fair idea, Diesel.
*Just then, The Thin Controller (Mr. Percival) walks onto the platform.*
The Thin Controller (Mr. Percival): Good morning, you lot. Still peeved about the loss of the Steam Team?
Joey: As a matter of fact, Mr. Percival, sir. Yes!
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): And as a result, Diesel and Joey are going to be forming a search party on the mainland.
*Diesel and Joey look at each other in angst.*
Joey: Us... sir? On the mainland?
Diesel: I don't know, sir. It's been an AWFUL long time since I've been on the mainland.
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Yes, I know that. But you're not going alone, I'm coming too.
*Just then, Amy and the Female Furries walk onto the platform.*
Amy: And so are we!
Joey: Hey, girls. What're you doing here?
Amy: We were on this train for ages, we were waiting to go to Crovan's Gate.
Sandy: It's been so boring, not having the engines to torment on a daily basis.
Fifi: I really miss monsieur James.
Fidget: And we're all going to help find them too!
Lilac: We do come from different universes and we must stick together.
Darlene: Even if we make out alive or not.
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Excellent. I knew I could count on you girls.
*Just then, Neville pulls into the station.*
Neville: What about me, sir? Can I come too?
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): I don't know...
Joey: I wouldn't mind, sir. Neville hardly hasn't had any work to do. I think he'll work perfectly with us.
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Very well, then. Neville. You can come!
Neville: Thank you, sir!
*Just then, the Skarloey Railway engines all pull into the station.*
Skarloey: Are you sure you want to go? We want to come to...
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): I'm sorry, Skarloey. You and the others are much too small in gauge to help with this big mission.
The Thin Controller (Mr. Percival): Alright now, Topham. If my engines want to join, they can. Considering the Skarloey line is need of a HUGE major repair and there might
not be enough work for the engines whilst the repairs are being carried out.
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): But how? They are narrow gauge and they possibly can't fit.
Joey: What about the special haulage wagons you've specially built for the engines? They haven't even gotten to use those yet.
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Hmmmm... I guess that could work, I mainly just planned on using them if one of the smaller engines on the NWR breaks down and I haven't
any spare engines.
Joey: *turns to the Skarloey engines.* Well, guys. What'd you say?
*The Skarloey engines all whistle and honk in delight.*
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Very well then, it's settled. Tomorrow, we all go the mainland and find the Steam Team!
*Everyone cheers know that their plan will work.*
Narrator: So it was sorted. Tomorrow, me and the citizens of Sodor will travel through England to find the Steam Team...
*Scene changes to The Pirate's Fate at sea in dawn.*
Narrator: ...Meanwhile, out at sea, the sun shone brightly over the Pirate's Fate as the engines and pirates awoke for their days' work.
*Morgana wakes up to find Thomas and Mila in her bed. She yelps in surpise.*
Morgana: What do you guys want? I told you not to follow me, didn't I?
Thomas: *yawns* Probably not, Morgana...
Morgana: *gets out of bed.* Hey, that doesn't mean I don't appreciate having you around. I mean, choking Rourkie and snapping his neck like that?
A real work of art if I ever saw one.
Thomas: Thanks...
Morgana: *brushes her hair.* You know, No. 1, I was jealous, REALLY jealous! Heck, I was even jealous when you and Mila carried off that treasure from Kittering Castle
all by yourselves. It's just... you've got to remember who's in charge here.
Mila: *yawns* Well, not only did we conquer Rourkie and Kittering Castle, but we also defeated Circe and Lazerby, remember?
Thomas: Indeed. The world has placed a thousand obstacles in our path, and Mila and I together have knocked them all down.
Mila: You think you're in charge here, Thomas? *chuckles* I could become captain at any moment if I wanted.
Thomas: So, you think you could make a better captain than me, is that it? Is that why we came in here? To tell me and Morgana that you think you're better than us?
Morgana: You've got some nerve... No. 1, and I like it!
*Scene changes to the ship's deck where James is arguing with Tam-Tam.*
James: ARRGH! TAM-TAM! I should've thrown you overboard when we had the chance!
Tam-Tam: Oh, please! If it wasn't for me, you'd have never made it this far in the first place.
James: Say that again and I'll cut your...
*Just then, Edward blows his whistle as he and Oliver arrive on the argument.*
Edward: Now what's all this going on here? Why are you two at each other's throats all of a sudden? I can hear the commotion from beneath the deck.
Oliver: Yeah, Can you keep it down here! Some of us engines are trying to sleep, especially me even though I'm a night wolf.
James: No, I will NOT keep it down, Oliver! Not when we've got a thief on board! Tam-Tam had the nerve to steal my porno!
Tam-Tam: Oh, calling me a thief! What are you, a caretaker at an orphanage?
Edward: *whistles firmly* Alright, alright. Cut the back chat. Darious said to us engines that we're...
Tam-Tam: Treasure hunters, I know, oldie, and I was hunting me some treasure. Mila and Thomas just pulled of the heist of the month, didn't they? Pehaps they can explain
to you...
James: If you think they're going to be on your side, missy. YOU THOUGHT WRONG! You've got another thing coming.
*Just then, Thomas, Morgana and Mila arrive on the scene.*
Thomas: Oh puh-lease, we're on Oliver's side.
James: Oliver's side?
Mila: Well, either settle this with a good, clean deathmatch, or put an end to all this noisy yammering. SOME folks want to have some lie-in.
Oliver: I don't exactly recall when I said that... I really don't.
Morgana: A nice, clean deathmatch, you said? Sounds good to me!
Edward: Nobody's fighting anybody. Tam-Tam, just give whatever you took back...
Tam-Tam: Oh, I'll return it to him. Right after we turn this ship around and we give the queen back her coins.
Mila: Tam-Tam, what are you talking about?
Tam-Tam: Oh, come now. What makes you think you're all so much better than me?
Morgana: Do you really want me to list all the reasons? I've always known you were a s**tless thief.
Tam-Tam: If I'm going to be treated like a thief, why shouldn't I act like one?
Thomas: *whistles loudly* Oh, shut up! You two plus James have to learn to get along. We say that to Donald and Douglas all the time.
Edward: If not counting Bill and Ben at the Clay Pits as well...
Mila: You're right, we all do.
*Just then, Leeko walks up.*
Leeko: We're docking in a few minutes, in case anyone's wondering.
Morgana: You and the others wait whilst we go inside, Leeko. I don't want Tam-Tam to be left alone on this ship ever again.
Mila: So, where are we now?
Leeko: If my standards are correct, we're arriving near this love merchants shop in a place called Porlock Weir. Our next lead on the coins should be there.
Mila: How'd you know?
Leeko: The queen's bill of sale came from this place.
Thomas: Alright then, this is where we'll go. Mila will be coming with me, as with Morgana and Tam-Tam.
Morgana: Welcome to hell.
Tam-Tam: Oh please...
Thomas: *gazes crossly at Morgana and Tam-Tam.* And just to keep you two out of trouble, I'm also sending Donald and Douglas to keep an eye on you.
Tam-Tam: Oh, those Scotsboys? I don't think they'll last minutes in there...
*Scene changes to a merchants shop in Porlock Weir where Thomas, Mila, Morgana, Tam-Tam, Donald and Douglas are going.*
Donald: So... Thomas thinks there could be another coin hidden in here?
Mila: Well, I suppose he's right, Donald.
*The sextet enter the building carefully and quietly as they could.*
Mila: So... are you sure we're in the right place?
Thomas: Hopefully. The note we found in the Queen's chest said she was here. She HAD to be looking for these coins.
Douglas: That... or the Queen came here to fulfill... other needs... I suppose.
*Just then, two matchmakers (one rabbit and one cat) appear out of nowhere.*
Cat: Oh, hi there! Welcome one, welcome all, to Sherry and Threyon's love imporium! We have everything you could want for your most intimidating needs...
Douglas: Och, your what now?
Sherry: We sell trinkets to help fill the hole in the heart...
Morgana: You're doctors?
Donald: No, they're not, lad. They don't even have medical licenses.
Tam-Tam: Don't interfere, Scotsboy. Obviously, just look around. They're clearly doctors. Why didn't you figure it out earlier?
Threyon: We'd prefer to think of ourselves as doctors of love.
Morgana: Mila was right, this is the wrong place. Let's get the hell out of here.
*But before Morgana can leave, Donald grabs her by the collar.*
Donald: Now wait a minute, laddie! Thomas said we had to be here, whether we like it or not.
Tam-Tam: Morgana's right, A little window shopping will just kill us, won't it?
Morgana: It just might if you keep pushing me!
Sherry: She's so grumpy... maybe she's beyond even our ability to help.
Threyon: I'm sure she's just acting reprehensive 'cause she's so shy at heart.
Donald: No, she isn't. In fact, she'd make a great substitute to use as a log for the true Scottish Caber toss championships.
Douglas: *chuckles* Good one, brother!
*Morgana groans in embarrassment.*
Threyon: Cupid just needs a helping hand sometimes, lady. There's no shame in that...
Morgana: Cupid can mind his own goddamn business, thank you very much.
*Just then, Cupid passes the sextet out of the shop with a bag.*
Cupid: I 'eard that!
*Cupid leaves the shop in annoyance. Morgana turns back to the others.*
Tam-Tam: Personally, I've never understood what's so romantic about being shot in the heart by an arrow.
Thomas: I don't find it romantic. That actually sounds kinda painful, you know.
Mila: How'd you know?
Thomas: You ever been shot in your bum by a bow and arrow before?
Mila: No...?
Thomas: Well, that's how I feel about it.
Sherry: Well, it's a legend that has roots in...
Morgana: A history lesson? Okay, that's it! We're leaving now. As in, right now!
*But when Morgana tries to leave. She finds that her foot has been chained to the counter, Douglas has the key in his hands which he puts in his running board.*
Douglas: Try explaining that, lassie.
Tam-Tam: Thomas, weren't you the one that said the Queen's bill of sale lead here? But, no, no, no. I guess it's more important to avoid annoying shopkeeps
than follow up on a lead on those coins.
Threyon: The coins? Why yes, of course! The wizard didn't conjugate them for nothing, you know.
Morgana: The wizard? No way!
Thomas: See? I TOLD you we're in the right place!
Threyon: You sure are! I know love will be in the air soon.
Morgana: *clears throat* We don't need any help in that department, if you catch my drift.
Sherry: Oh, everyone could use a little help now and then.
Morgana: Oh, shut up...
Threyon: Shut up? But we haven't the chance to admonish one of our love questionaires yet!
Morgana: We're not just on some pleasure cruise. We're the Dread Pirates! We're not going to take anything from a couple of lovesick merchants.
Douglas: We are taking coins, lass.
Threyon: Well, we're not just merchants! We're matchmakers! Love gurus! Romantic enervators...
Thomas: Well then, If you are the love-making duo... Do you know how to talk people into having *leans over to Threyon and Sherry and whispers.* S.E.X?
*Threyon and Sherry look at Thomas in disbelief and blush.*
Threyon: Ummmm... You're going to have to find out for yourself...
Sherry: Anyways, what could be better than a world in love, right?
Morgana: How about a world where I don't have to fight the likes of you to get what I want?
Sherry: Have you ever heard the phrase "Make love, not war"?
Mila: Sounds quite overrated.
Tam-Tam: And here I thought being a pirate would be fun. Do you two have an opening?
Sherry: Sorry, team of two over here...
*Douglas and Thomas gape nervously at the fact that Sherry's breasts are digging into the back on Threyon.*
Douglas: Dang... these guys are a proper wee lovey-dovey...
Thomas: Tell me about it...
Donald: Tam-Tam, just go back to the ship. After the way you and Morgana acted this morning, you two don't get to have fun.
Tam-Tam: Fine, Scotsboy. It'll be more fun keeping Leeko and the others company than spending time with you anyway.
*Tam-Tam leaves the shop in a huff. Morgana turns to Sherry and Threyon.*
Morgana: Alright, Give us the coins and nobody gets hurt.
Donald: Yep, except Morgana 'cos she's a b***h.
Morgana: HEY!
Douglas: Och aye, and Thomas and Mila here can kill you two with cat claws and six small wheels, in case you hadn't noticed.
Mila: Alright, Douglas. Let's get them to talk, too. I want to know what they know about these coins.
Morgana: You think these jokers know what they're doing?
Thomas: Only one way to find out... *steams over to the counter.* How exactly are you using these coins to... um... do whatever it is you do?
Threyon: You know, it took us quite a while to contemporize and figure them out... But it turns out there was a clue written on the coins all along!
Thomas: There was?
Threyon: Yep. It says "Become What You Seek".
Thomas: Hey, Mila's got one of those... It's around her neck.
Sherry: The coins amplify, among other things, desires. Normally, your own... But how is that going to help your love life?
Threyon: Maybe if you're in love with your own refraction...
Thomas: I never said I was.
Sherry: With the aid of the coin, we managed to capture the desires of others into talismans. So you can become the perfect fit for your ideal partner.
Morgana: So, you use the coins to give people... what, an extreme makeover? What a waste...
Donald: Och aye! Says you, Little Miss Backchat.
Mila: That's enough, Donald. Function is far more important than form. We've already heard what we need to hear. Give us the coin, or me and Thomas will tear this place apart.
Thomas: What... us? But I thought we only attacked Rourkie and that's it.
Threyon: How aggressive! No wonder you're so unlucky with love. You know, I'm getting a thought, what about that goat horn?
That'll really take the edge off her.
Sherry: Perfect! I'll go get it from the back! *huddles Threyon.* You should come with me. I don't want to spend another second away from your beautiful face...
Threyon: And I don't want to extirpate myself from your beautiful... well, you know...
Thomas: *whistles* That's enough! We don't want any of your stupid trinkets. Besides, Mila's perfect the way she is, so am I! Just get the coin... now! Please...
Threyon: Okay, okay, we hear you, young tank engine. We'll go get it.
*Threyon and Sherry both walk to the back room, huddling each other.*
Morgana: Why are you lot wasting time chatting them up? I say we follow them in back and then jump 'em right now.
Donald: Ach, Can we say "OwO What's this" while we can?
Thomas: No... Donald, you can't.
Mila: I like the idea!
*Just then, Sherry and Threyon arrive back at the counter.*
Threyon: Sorry about the delay, folks. We got exactly what you need.
Thomas: Delay? You were gone for only a few seconds! Just give us the coin PLEASE, before things get VERY BLOODY!
Sherry: The coin's in the bag, catch!
*Sherry throws the bag towards Mila, Morgana and Thomas.*
*Donald catches the coin in time.*
Donald: Phew! That could've been alot worse. Now where's that coin? *puts his hand in the bag*
Douglas: Donal', no! Don't do it! It's a trap!
Donald: Ach, hud yer weesht, Douggie. What's one small bag going to do to me?
*Donald rummages through the bag and pulls out a small bottle of fragrance.*
Donald: What's this? A bottle of fragr- *sprays the fragrance in his face.* AAAARGH! MY EYES! THIS ISN'T FRAGRANCE, IT'S PEPPER SPRAY!!!
Mila: What did you b*****ds...
*Just then, Percy and Leeko enter the shop.*
Percy: Hey, guys. Tam-Tam said to us... *notices Donald bawling his eyes out* Oh my God, what's wrong with Donald?
Sherry: What do you think? He's sprayed yourself to be lucky in love.
Donald: Lucky in love? LUCKY IN LOVE?! You give me a f**king pepper spray and call it "lucky in love"? *sobs*
Sherry: I was aiming for Mila and Thomas, but I'm more than pleased with the outcome.
Leeko: *climbs down from Percy's footplate.* Tam-Tam said you two were going to do something crazy, but I never thought...
Thomas: We know, Leeko. *turns to Sherry and Threyon.* But YOU TWO better hand over the coin, now, or else...
Morgana: No. 1, No. 6, are you two trying to stand up for me? That's so adorable.
Percy: Not for you, for Donald. He's fractically in deep s**t right now.
Morgana: Oh come on, it's obvious that they were only trying to be kindly and helpful! No need to get upset.
Leeko: Ummm... Morgana, are you feeling alright?
Morgana: Never better, Leeko. How about you? Need a little shoulder massage?
Leeko: Ummm... I think I'll pass...
Morgana: No need to be shy, you know. It's no bother!
Donald: What about me, lads? I thought you were trying to help people look PRETTY!
Threyon: Oh, you're very pretty!
Donald: I don't look any different, I've just sprayed my own eyes with pepper spray and YOU'RE SAYING I'M F**KING PRETTY?! *sobs*
Sherry: As you can see, Donald. There are some side effects, the goat who created this talisman for us was quite friendly.
Leeko: Meaning...
Threyon: Donald's personality has been completely recombobulated!
Donald: WHAT? Och, you're telling me I have to be friendly all the time?! *sobs* I never wanted to be honest with people! Oh crikey, lads! I'm already doing it. Morgana, Douggie. Let's just get the coin and go, okay?!
Morgana: He's been what now? Speak a little slower, hun!
Percy: If Donald is not the same engine anymore, can you really claim that you've helped him? You could argue that you've just overwritten who he really is, and...
Sherry: Try not to think about it too hard, Percy.
Morgana: For once, I actually have to agree with Sherry. I wouldn't want you to get a headache or anything, No. 6.
Percy: Oh... thanks. *whispers to Leeko.* Really, it's NO thanks...
Thomas: Well, whatever you've just done, please undo it! That's our ninth mate you've just sabotaged. It's even caused Morgana to break her own savageness bone.
Threyon: Sorry, no refunds, exchanges or subzidations.
Thomas: Well, too f**king bad! You're going to make an exception whether you like it or not or me and Mila will blast this place to dust.
Douglas: Please don't look so frightened, lassies. We wouldn't really. Mila and Thomas are just being a tad too dramatic.
Sherry: Sorry, we couldn't change Donald back even if we wanted to, that's just how the coins work.
Mila: Give us that coin, quickly. Thomas and I are running out of reasons not to tear this place apart.
Morgana: Guys, no. How could even say such a thing. A beautiful place like this? It's got be responsible for a lot of smiles.
Threyon: You've got that right!
Mila: *facepalms* Morgana, you were the one who said us pirates should respect the chain of command. You talked the talk, now walk the walk! I don't care
if the whole world is grinning and laughing. That coin belongs to us.
Sherry: You can't take that. How do you expect us to help people without it? Giving people advice? Creating a safe space to talk about their problems?
Threyon: We'll go broke. We might as well declare bureaucracy right now.
Thomas: Don't you mean bankruptcy?
Threyon: Yes, that.
Thomas: Oh... whoops.
Morgana: How awful! I just can't imagine them living in a box on the streets.
Threyon: At least we'll get to snuggle!
Thomas: I don't care what you do. We're the Dread Pirates and we don't take NO for an answer!
Douglas: Don't mind Thomas, lads. I'm sure he doesn't mean to shout like that...
Thomas: Actually, I do! And so does Mila. Give us that coin, now! And NO tricks this time!
Threyon: Okay, okay! Take it! You win!
*Thomas takes the coin and puts it in his running board.*
Thomas: Now to finish what they've started.
*Thomas aims a gun at Threyon and Sherry and opens fire at both of them.*
Thomas: There we go. If James can do it, so can I. Now, Douglas. Give me the key to the footlock so we can get that coin and everyone's happy.
*Douglas gives Thomas the key so he can unlock Morgana's footlock. Morgana feels more than happier to be free.*
Morgana: *sighs deeply* Thank you, No. 1. That footlock was causing a pain on my ankle.
Thomas: Don't mention it. Now then, Douglas, Morgana. I want you to take Donald back to the ship. Mila, Percy and Leeko can stay and help me raid the store. *leans over to Mila and Percy.*
Trust me, you guys are pirates and pirates do steal from whom they've killed.
Mila: I'm not sure about this... but okay.
Morgana: Are you sure, No. 1? I wanted to get outta here as soon as possible.
Thomas: Morgana, we're pirates. Stealing is fractically within our blood.
Morgana: Oh... alright. Makes sense when you glance at it.
*End of Scene 5*
Scene 6:
*Scene changes to back on the ship where the engines and pirates are boarding, Tam-Tam and the other engines are waiting.*
Tam-Tam: So, you guys! How did things go after I left?
Leeko: Ah... well...
Gordon: Things went straight to hell in a handbasket right away, did they? Oh, don't tell me something happened to Thomas...
Percy: Thomas is alright, it's Donald you've gotta worry about.
*Donald steams onto the ship with two eyepatches on his face.*
Donald: Something sure did happen to me, laddies.
Tam-Tam: Oh, my! Scotsboy, you're...
Mila: We'd thought you'd be surprised and I was right. Didn't I tell you all that...?
Thomas: Yes, Mila. You said it like ten times.
Tam-Tam: Me? Surprised that things went wrong back there after I left? Oh, please.
Morgana: They have been right you know. You see, I've been thinking about how you stole No. 5's porno from him this morning.
Tam-Tam: He's still upset about that, eh? Why am I not surprised?
Morgana: Well, you're damn right he's upset, about how he acted that is.
*James steams up.*
James: Look, Morgana. There was no reason for me to be this mad. I just didn't take the time to look at it from your point of view, that's all. How silly of me, right?
Morgana: My point of view? You just wanted to dress like me because you look down to me, don't you?
Tam-Tam: Oh please, tell me you're joking.
Morgana: Okay, I AM joking. But I'm only telling you because you said please.
*Tam-Tam and James look at Morgana, stunned.*
Morgana: Of course, you two were trying to copy me. I think there's a well-worn saying about it. Copying someone to show that you like them, you know?
Tam-Tam: What's that phrase again, green one? Be a dear and help me out, won't you?
Percy: Um... I believe imitation is the highest form of flattery.
Morgana: Ah, yes! Thanks, No. 6. What would I do without you?
Percy: Ummm... good question. I don't know...
Tam-Tam: I didn't steal your porno to read it, red guy. I thought it was a fashion magazine.
James: *through gritted teeth* Well next time, get glasses, woman!!
*Thomas and Mila look at each other in a nervous, edgy sort-of way. Scene changes to back on the Island of Sodor. Joey and Diesel's search party are waiting at Vicarstown, ready to go and find the Steam Team.*
Narrator: Back on the Island of Sodor, The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt) sent me and Diesel's search party plans into action.
Diesel: Okay, once more, sir. Where are we going?
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): To South West England.
Diesel: And why are you and the Female Furries in the coaches?
Amy: We're gonna help locate the whereabouts of Thomas and the Steam Team.
Diesel: And why is Joey here?
Joey: I came up with the idea.
Diesel: And why am I here?
Sandy: Because you know the Other Railway better than we do, Diesel.
Diesel: And why are the narrow gauge engines here?
Skarloey: Because we couldn't find Duke to look after the railway.
Diesel: And why is Duke here?
Duke: 'Cause Bertram didn't wanna come by himself.
Bertram: *On a flatbed* Hi!
Diesel: And why is everyone else here?
Joey: *sighs* To be honest, Diesel. I think everyone else on Sodor had the same idea.
Diesel: *chuckles* Okay, fair enough.
*Just then, Salty and Porter arrive at Vicarstown, with Cranky, Carly and Big Mickey on the flatbeds. The two engines are quite out of breath.*
Salty: Ahoy... me hearties... *pants* You're not going to believe what I just found!
Joey: What is it, Salty?
Porter: *pants* Salty found a message-in-a-bottle, floating near the quay at Brendam.
Cranky: And I've told you multiples times, it's just rubbish. That should be at the waste dump.
Whiff: Now now, Cranky. Let's not jump to conclusions. Salty could be right.
Salty: Arrr... indeed. But the only thing is... I don't have a bottle opener.
Mavis: You can borrow mine. *gives Salty her bottle opener.*
Salty: Aaargh, Thank you Mavis.
*Salty uses the bottle-opener to open the bottle. He looks inside.*
Salty: I don't think there's any paper. You have a look, Joey.
*Salty gives Joey the bottle, Joey shakes the bottle upside-down and a piece of paper falls out from inside.*
Joey: *gasps* Salty, you're right. This IS a message-in-a-bottle!
Cranky: So he WAS telling the truth.
Diesel: What does it say, Joey?
*Joey reads the message and gasps again.*
Joey: It's from Thomas! HE'S ALIVE!!!
*The other engines all cheer and whistle.*
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Alright, settle down, everyone! Let's not get carried away! Joey, what did Thomas write to us?
Joey: Well, he wrote...
*Scene cuts to Thomas in a cabin on the Pirate's Fate, writing a letter back to Sodor.*
Thomas: *thinking as he writes* Dear Joey and all my friends.
Me and the Steam Team are doing alright, all 21 of us engines are together.
Unfortunately, we didn't arrive in Dartmouth as our railferry got destroyed in a storm.
But luckily, we were rescued by a group of treasure hunters known as the Dread Pirates.
They're currently on a hunt for some magic coins that can change almost everything in the world.
We have found seven coins in the process as of now and we're currently finding the eighth and final one.
But I hope you guys are doing fine. The Dread Pirates have promised us that we'll be home
on the Island of Sodor once the rescue mission is complete. Unless we take a turning to Dartmouth...
But my condolences go out to all the engines and friends who have managed without us.
Yours truly
Thomas and the Steam Team
*Thomas puts the letter in a bottle and throws it out to sea.*
Thomas: I hope they get the message in time.
*Scene cuts back to Joey reading the note.*
Joey: Well, won't you look at that? Thomas is alright, he's just been rescued by friendly pirates.
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Well then, We better go to the many seaside lines we can find.
Joey and Diesel: Yes, sir!
*The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt) climbs on board Clarabel.*
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Right then! Off we go, everyone! We're on a treasure hunt too, to find the Steam Team.
*The cavalcade sets off from Vicarstown, on their way to find the Steam Team.*
Joey: *singing* Come on everybody, let's hit the rails
We know this mission's never gonna fail.
We're gonna save Thomas and his Friends
from the dreaded pirate's end.
We're going to locate their whereabouts
I hope their fires haven't been put out.
We can all either bounce or jump or flip
'cos we're on a crazy railway trip!
Diesel: *singing* Come on everybody, and ride those trucks
I know this mission's never gonna suck.
Those silly l'il steamies are lost at sea.
And they're all suffering without me.
We're all going to work just like a team
Hoping this is never like a dream.
I hope we can all stay strong and hip
'cos we're on a crazy railway trip!
*The cavalcade cross over Vicarstown Bridge and on their way to the mainland.*
Joey: *speaking* We'll find the Steam Team and get them home before they know it!
Diesel: *speaking* Indeed we will, Joey!
Bertie: *singing* Trust me if we know who's lost out there.
We can show that we can always care.
Harold: *singing* Nothing ever stops us going on.
As we're only starting to have fun.
Skarloey: *singing* We'll all work together at all ends
and try and find our really useful friends.
Female Furries: *singing* We're going to help find our friend Thomas.
And we'll all behave so good, we promise!
Neville: *singing* Come on everybody, and run so fast.
We know our rescue's never gonna last.
Whoever really thought we'd work a ton?
'Cos we're on a supersonic run.
Murdoch: *singing* I'm hoping this long trip can stay quiet.
I don't really want to cause a riot.
Joey: *singing* But don't worry if we let one slip 'cos...
Cast: *singing* We're on a crazy railway trip!
Rheneas: *singing* The southbound seas are not so good.
Our friends could be surviving without food.
Annie: *singing* They might not live long, they're frail and old.
Clarabel: *singing* And the weather is really quite cold!
Mike: *singing* It could be a nightmare, I'll tell you this.
Frank: *singing* I wouldn't want to hear some possums hiss.
Sir Handel: *singing* Then why don't you stop being such old drips?
Duncan: *singing* 'Cos we're on a crazy railway trip!
Diesel: *speaking* Come on, you guys! The quicker we do this, the sooner things will be back to normal.
Joey: *speaking* And that's a fact!
*Diesel honks his horn.*
Cast: *singing* Come on everybody, let's hit the rails
We know this mission's never gonna fail.
We're gonna save Thomas and his Friends
from the dreaded pirate's end.
We're going to locate their whereabouts
We hope their fires haven't been put out.
We can all either bounce or jump or flip
'cos we're on a crazy railway trip!
Come on everybody, and ride those trucks
We know this mission's never gonna suck.
Those silly l'il steamies are lost at sea.
And they're all suffering without me.
We're all going to work just like a team
Hoping this is never like a dream.
We hope we can all stay strong and hip
'cos we're on a crazy railway trip!
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): *singing* Come on, all my engines! I'm counting on you!
We know some missions might even take two!
Joey: *singing* The Steam Team will be calling for heroic acts
And we'll all be switching on the right tracks.
Diesel: *singing* Those silly l'il puffballs, they can see
That their lives were never meant to be.
Annie and Clarabel: *singing* Oh please! Shut up, Diesel and get a grip.
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): *singing* We're going to find the tearaway...
Joey: *singing* We'll be going that-a-way...
Diesel and Joey: *singing* We're on a crazy railway trip!
Cast: *singing* We're on a crazy railway trip!
Joey: *singing* Yes, we're on a crazy railway trip!
*The engines all blow their whistles and honk their horns whilst they make their way to find the Steam Team. A map shows the cavalcade at Dalton-in-Furness, it pans out to
reveal the engines are far away near the Bristol Channel.*
Narrator: Meanwhile, on the other side of the continent, the engines and the pirates were on their way to find the last coin. It had been a long and crazy voyage, but it was almost done all the same.
*Thomas makes his way up to the deck and meets Mila. Just then, James steams up with a small microchip in his hand.*
James: Thomas! Mila! I found this hidden under the coal inside my tender! It's a microchip one of us formerly used.
Thomas: Wow, what does it do?
James: Do you realise that this chip can be inserted into a GPS that can enter into someone's brain that...
*But before, James could reply. Percy steams up to the trio.*
Percy: Or it could be inserted into the mouth manually, and digest it. So we can battle hunger and taste good.
Thomas: Wait... Percy.
*But Percy ends up swallowing the microchip.*
James: Ohhh... man.
Thomas: Tell me you just didn't eat that f**king...
Percy: Hey, James said it was a chip. So where's the ketchup? Or am I looking at him?
James: OOOOOH! You did not even just do that! *chuckles* You are so dead! OOOH NO, you didn't! *laughs* Oh my God!
Thomas: Yeah... right.
*Later, Percy is sitting on a bucket. Mila gives him a drink in a beer mug.*
Mila: Alright, drink this.
Percy: I'm not thirsty.
Mila: I said drink it.
Percy: Well, what is it?
Mila: It's a mixture of mustard, vinegar and oyster sauce.
Percy: Oyster sauce, oh hell yeah!
Mila: You see that chip you ate. It's coming out of you, one way or another.
*Percy drinks the mixture.*
Percy: A little weak but you can fix that up a little half and half. But it was cool, so give me another.
*James steams up, quite jealous.*
James: I get it, they badmouthed you and they make delicious sugary energy shakes. And I open my mouth in a helpful way and I get slapped. We must be in topsy-turvy world.
*Just then, Thomas arrives with another drink for Percy.*
Thomas: Here's another, Percy. And I think I may have peed in this one.
James: NO WAY!
*James yoinks the drink out of Thomas' hands.*
Thomas: James! Wait, what are you doing?
James: I am now in training. *drinks the mixture.* It's kinda fruity when you...
*James vomits over Thomas, Percy and Mila. Percy covers the bucket over his face to stop James from puking on him. James stops vomiting, the others take a closer look to see if he has. But then he vomits
James: *groans* Yeah... that was GOOD! *coughs* My teeth feel goody! And I'm gonna drink some water.
*James steams off to drink some water and Thomas follows. Percy sits back on the bucket.*
Percy: Well, not bad. Get some of that in a keg. That body needs nutrients...
Mila: ...and Thomas needs that chip, Percy. One way... or the other.
Percy: Oh, okay. Fecal matter. Stool sample.
Mila: Don't talk about it, just do it.
Percy: Well, I don't do it, Mila. Like most engines, My body consumes all waste material. It's like the Thunderdome in here. Only, two men enter... no man leaves. Rated R.
Mila: *stunned* No!
Percy: Starring Mel Gibson, and Tina Turner.
Mila: Are you serious?!
Percy: Yep.
Mila: You don't...
Percy: Don't what?
Mila: Uuuhh...
Percy: Come on.
Mila: You... you know...
Percy: Look, Mila. We're all adults here. You can say it. I promise I won't laugh.
Mila: Uh, poop?
*Percy calls out to James from the forecastle.*
Percy: Hey James, Mila said poop out here!
James: Poop! *laughs before he vomits again.* Poop!
*Just then, Tam-Tam calls from the bottom deck.*
Tam-Tam: Hey, darlings? What's going on here? *notices the vomit that James has made.* Ohhh... I'll see myself out.
*Later, Thomas, Mila, Tam-Tam, Leeko, Percy, Molly, Abigail, Duck and Jade have gathered in the captain's quarters with Morgana. Leeko is holding up a map.*
Leeko: You're all going to want to see this... *holds up map.* You see that X on the map there?
Mila: Yeah, I see it.
Thomas: So do I.
Molly: It's a very pretty X, Leeko. Did you draw it yourself?
Duck: Don't be silly, Molly. If I know Leeko, his penmanship is usually awful. Hence why he's the cartographer.
Tam-Tam: Well, who invited captain sunshine over here?
Morgana: Leeko did, he said we all wanted to see his drawing. And I think...
Leeko: I didn't make the X. Duck's right, my penmanship is awful. It just... showed up on its own. After we got that last coin!
Thomas: You're right, Leeko. This must be a signal of some kind. We must be getting closer to the end of our journey. Let's chart a course.
Leeko: Right away, Thomas. Where shall we go?
Thomas: Well, it looks like somewhere near... Woolacombe? Where is that?
Leeko: Well, I have to warn you, Thomas. Woolacombe is one of those places in South West England that doesn't have a rail network. So just be mindful about where you're
Thomas: Oh, thanks for the heads-up, Leeko!
*Thomas and the gang head up to the deck. Mila is looking through a telescope.*
Percy: Do you see anything, Mila?
Mila: I do! We should be almost there. I can see the shore in the distance.
Jade: Well, you better look in the other direction, Mila. I think I can see another ship coming...
Mila: Oh no... is it Rourkie?
Thomas: Oh bother! It IS Rourkie! Damn, their map must've led them here too!
Jade: Wait... Rourkie? But he's dead! How come his ship's still intact?
Mila: Scratch that, Jade. It's perfect, we'll finally get to finish off what remains of that crew. Ready the cannons, guys!
Edward: Cannons? You just want to shoot first and ask questions later?
Mila: That's kinda the idea, Edward. You've got a problem with that?
Edward: Why, yes, Mila! Of course I do! We can't just kill them. We've got to try and talk out our differences. Walk a mile in each other's shoes.
Mila: Edward, you don't wear shoes. You're an engine, you've got wheels.
Edward: I know, I know. Figure of speech, young chap.
Mila: Edward, you've lost your mind. They're the same people who made Morgana's life a living hell, remember? And we're going to totally destroy them.
We're the Dread Pirates, remember?
Edward: We can prove who we are without having to kill anyone, you know. Obviously, Mila, you and Thomas have some anger issues to work, but...
Thomas: *blows whistles* Stop arguing, we don't have for this. If we don't attack now, there'll be no Dartmouth trip for anyone. We've got to load the cannons, NOW!
Edward: If you load them, I'll stand in front of them! Violence should be a last resort.
*Just then, Jade blows her whistle in anxiety.*
Jade: WAIT! I'm sorry to interrupt this civil and very productive argument but Tam-Tam's just alerted me. That ship... It isn't Rourkie's!
Thomas: What? How could you tell?
Jade: It's far too big... and I think it's heading straight for us!!
Henry: Goddamn, that thing is HUGE! Who could it be?
Holly: We'll know soon enough, love. Looks like they're sending over a raft.
Edward: Jolly good! I'm sure we can straighten this whole thing out.
*Just then, the raft pulls alongside the ship and who should climb onto it but a very familiar dragoness...!*
Thomas, Mila, Jade, Holly, Henry and Morgana: ANORA?
Anora: Greetings, you lot. I knew I'd see you again, Dread Pirates and Steam Team.
*Just then, Brock and Mary pull themselves onto the ship.*
Thomas: Brock? Mary? What're you doing here?
Brock: It's a long story... Anora?
Anora: I arrested these two here on suspicion of piracy, and I realized the two of us had not one but two common enemies, the Dread Pirates and the Steam Team! Though I'm a little
disappointed not to find your leader, Morgana. Where is she?
*Just then, Morgana walks onto the deck in front of the engines.*
Morgana: I'm right here. It's kind of a long story, you see...
Anora: Enough! The treasure belongs to the Queen!
Oliver: Oh, I'm sure as soon as you have it, you'll turn it right over to her, won't you?
Anora: Hey! Would you dare to question my loyalty to the crown, Oliver?
Oliver: And would you dare question my resource and sagacity to the railway? Touche, missy! I kind of just did!
Anora: You know what? It's not really any of your business what I do with those coins, is it? All you need to know is that giving them to me is the only way you're getting out
of this alive!
Thomas: WHAT?! Are you out of your mind?
Anora: As you can clearly see, Thomas. Your ship is vastly outgunned. If you don't hand the coins over, you will be totally obliterated.
Chloe: I'm not totally sure what that word means, but it sounds just a little dark...
Mary: This is dark! Surrender or die. It doesn't get any dark than that!
Edward: You really think that you'll kill us just to get your own way? I think what we need is a nice cup of tea and we can sit and talk this out, get to know each other a little better...
*The engines and pirates look at Edward, confused.*
Edward: Well, that's what I would do.
Brock: Are you sure Morgana really taught you any of this?
Anora: It doesn't matter who she is, Brock. All that matters is that they cooperate.
Thomas: Too bad, that ISN'T going to happen.
Anora: So you have chosen death...
Thomas: You can't kill us without killing yourself first!
Brock: Um... what do you mean by that? I mean, I'm pretty sure we can...
Thomas: You're on OUR ship, aren't you? That makes YOU our hostages.
Edward: Hostages? That's an ugly word. Thomas, these people are our guests.
Mila: Edward... have you ever read a pirate manual before?
Edward: No... why?
Mila: I think now is a good time to read one...
Anora: If these folks give the order to fire while they're still here, they'll blow themselves up and we're not going to let them leave!
Brock: Wait... you're... you're not?
Mary: Anora, I don't mean to be a bootlicker but... this isn't how you said it would go.
Anora: Stop whining, Mary! They can't prevent us from leaving. I've already given my men the order to fire if any harm comes to me. They're watching us from
a spyglass right now. It doesn't matter if I die or not. My ship will still be standing, whilst yours will be nothing but driftwood. What remains of my crew will
complete the mission without us. If you surrender, we all live. If you attack me, we all die. Either way, we win. Only question is, do you want to be alive to see it.
Oliver: Well, I guess this is it... We tried our best...
Tam-Tam: A lot of good it did...
Morgana: Brock, Mary... I know you'll try and do the right when it comes to deciding what to do with the coins. Deep, deep down, I know that...
Anora: Oh, enough with this pathetic sniveling! Hand them over, my paitence is wearing thin.
Thomas: No... Never! I cannot accept defeat.
Edward: Thomas, we've lost. There's nothing we can do!
Thomas: Nothing! NOTHING?!
Percy: Pride goes before a fall, isn't that right? I know this isn't what we wanted to happen, guys. But one day, we'll look back on this and...
Thomas: NO! We won't yield and we won't bow!
Anora: You can, you will and you must, Thomas!
*Thomas and Mila get out their daggers.*
Thomas: You wanna fight with the Steam Team? We'll show you how to fight!
Anora: Oh, a fight is it? Well, then. You got your wish, Thomas!
Thomas: Alright missy, let's do this! Steam Team! Dread Pirates! ATTACK!!!
*The engines and pirates all charge toward Anora. But Anora's henchmen all start charging towards the engines. The engines all start fencing with their daggers and shooting with their guns. James fences three henchmen
with one arm whilst he drinks a beer bottle with the other. Edward fires a gun at several of the henchmen whilst covering his eyes in angst. Thomas, Percy and Mila stand a few feet from Anora, Brock and Mary.*
Thomas: Alright, Anora! THIS ENDS NOW!!!
Anora: You stupid pathetic little tank engine, I'll DESTROY YOU FOR GOOD!
*Thomas and Anora charge toward each other and start punching each other in a JoJo-style. Meanwhile, Brock and Mary start charging towards Mila with swords in their hands, but Percy steams in front of Mila and lets off a lot of steam.*
Percy: *clicks his fingers.* Time for some hardcore ass-kicking, Avonside style!
*Suddenly, some royal guards catapult an explosive towards the Pirate's Fate, it lands directly onto the ship, as the ship explodes in the process, the screen turns to black.*
*End of Scene 6*
Scene 7:
*Scene changes to the Sodor search party at Bury Bolton Street Station on the East Lancashire Railway.*
Narrator: The next morning, me and Diesel's search party were staying at the East Lancashire Railway whilst on our big search party tour.
*The Sodor Engines are sitting at the platforms of Bury Bolton Street talking to Jimmy the Jinty No. 47324, Lanky the Class 27 No. 52322, Belson the Class 28 Co-Bo Diesel No. D5705 and
Gothenburg the MSC 0-6-0T Engine.*
Joey: ...and so that's how it's been. So you see, Jimmy. We've travelled a LONG way to find our friends who've been lost at sea.
Jimmy: Yes, I can see that. But how do you know where they are in the UK?
Diesel: That's easy. They're sailing on the Bristol Channel, Joey's homeplace is right near that sea.
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): It's going to be a very long railtrip but it's going to be worth it.
Belson: Quite so, sir. But, brother... are you really sure you want to go out on the main line again? Us Metrovicks aren't as popular as we used to be.
BoCo: Oh, we'll be alright, Belson. It's only South West England they've gone to.
Belson: I suppose.
Lanky: I'm worried for my cousin, James. I hope he's doing alright, I shouldn't like to see his paint grubby.
Amy: I don't think anyone does, Lanky. But we're doing our best.
Sandy: We've tackled long trips like this before. We can definitely do it again!
Gothenburg: Well then, good luck if you need it.
Sandy: Couldn't agree more myself, Gothenburg.
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Well then, thank you for letting us stay the night. We have to be on our way.
Joey: Oh, yes. Thanks for all your needs, guys. Really appreciate.
Jimmy: Don't mention it.
Gothenburg: Happy to help.
Belson: Be good!
*The search party depart for their next destination on finding the Steam Team.*
Diesel: So, Joey. If we can't find the steamies, what will be the last place we'll look before we give up hope?
Joey: I say we should look into Dartmouth. The engines there still need help with their work done.
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Quite right, Joey. *turns to the other engines.* Alright, you lot. Get your pistons pumping and boilers bubbling. We've got some steam engines to find!
*The search party makes it way down the line in hopes to search for the Steam Team. Meanwhile, the Steam Team and the Dread Pirates have been washed up on shore after battling Anora.*
Narrator: Meanwhile, several counties away, Thomas, Mila, The Dread Pirates and the engines had all been washed up on shore after a long and hardcore battle with Anora and the royal guards.
*Thomas wakes up and rubs his smokebox.*
Thomas: Oh... my head... This is the third time this month I've been knocked unconcious.
*Mila and Leeko wake up too and rub their heads.*
Leeko: Where are we?
*Tam-Tam and Percy wake up after regaining conciousness.*
Tam-Tam: Looks like the imperial palace, obviously.
Percy: Oh, we were just there last week!
Leeko: The joke that never gets old, right?
*Just then, Morgana walks over with Oliver, Edward and Toby.*
Morgana: Guys! You're alright. I'm SO relieved and full of joy AND so completely totally...
Toby: *sighs* Morgana, the new you is certainly optimistic, don't get me wrong. But have you ever heard the phrase "you can have too much of a good thing?"
Morgana: No, but I'm not sure if I have, No. 7. But anyways, it doesn't stop me from being totally grateful that...
Edward: Alright, I'll be the first one to say it. *takes a deep breath.* Thomas and Mila, what on EARTH were you thinking? I know, I'm happy that we're alive, but we could've ALL been killed!
Mila: Surrender wasn't an option, Edward!
Toby: Yes, it was, Mila! You and Thomas might not have agreed that it was the right decision, but it was literally an option. One that all of us wanted to take except you.
Morgana: Please stop fighting, it hurts my ears...
Thomas: It hurts your ears?
Tam-Tam: We don't know where we are or why we're here. We don't even know if we're still in danger, but no, no, no, bickering comes first, am I right?
Percy: I don't see any sign of Anora's ship in the distance.
Leeko: This is supposed to be the place where X marks the spot, right? Why aren't they here?
Toby: Speak of the devils...
*Suddenly, Brock and Mary walk towards the engines.*
Thomas: Alright. *gets out sword* PREPARE TO DIE!
Edward: THOMAS, NO! Haven't you killed enough people for one day? You and Mila's actions have got us all into trouble! *turns to Brock and Mary.* So, you two. Where are you going?
Mary: Away from that crazy engine, that's where!
*Mary and Brock run away.*
Thomas: What are you doing?! We have to fight them!
Oliver: What possible threat could they be? They're clearly marooned here too, just like we all are!
Mila: So?
Tam-Tam: So learning where we are and figuring a way might be easier with six instead of four.
Edward: And we can let them know we engines don't mean them any harm earlier.
Thomas: Our ship was destroyed and we were nearly killed and now you want to make nice with the b******s that are responsible?
Percy: Are you even listening to yourself, Thomas? You and Mila were the ones responsible for what happened!
Mila: HEY! How dare you! We were doing that just to save your bloody life, thank you very much!
Edward: *whistles* Alright! Calm down, you lot. I'm sure deep down, Brock and Mary didn't want to hurt anyone, just like deep down Mila didn't want to get us all killed, right?
Toby: Oh, I couldn't have said that one better myself. Were you really serious about that, Edward?
Edward: Yes, Toby. I was.
Morgana: Leeko, Nos. 2 and 6, find us some shelter, Tam-Tam, Nos. 7 and 11, scout the rest of the beach and see if you can find the others. Be sure to apologize
to Mary and Brock if you find them.
*The engines split up to do their work. Morgana turns to a very pouty Thomas and Mila.*
Morgana: Mila? No. 1? You upset because I didn't give you a chore? Well, not to worry, I...
Thomas: No, Morgana. We're just... angry, alright?
Morgana: *sighs* There's that anger thing again, you guys wanna talk about it?
Mila: Talk about it? No way! I'd rather much bathe in Mary and Brock's blood. We must have our revenge!
Morgana: Mila, you and No. 1 already got your revenge. You two killed Anora and you killed Rourkie. Right? Do you really have to kill
everyone that's ever worked for them too?
Thomas: Yes. We do...
Morgana: Well, I guess I'm next. I mean, I did serve with Rourkie for years, didn't I?
Thomas: *sighs* Morgana, we didn't mean...
Morgana: But then, after that, you and I became good friends, right. So why can't you two befriend Mary and Brock?
Thomas: They deserve to die, Morgana. Our way was easier...
Morgana: It sure is, you could choose to kill Mary and Brock pretty easily, couldn't we? But why not we find a way to get us out
of this without hurting anyone? I bet we'll feel better for it!
*Thomas says nothing, he just sighs*
Morgana: What's wrong, No. 1? Aren't you up for the challenge?
Thomas: Mila, Morgana, I'm always up for a challenge. It's just... *sighs again* What the engines said about me... I think they're right. I got us all into this mess, it's all my fault.
I've been a really silly engine. I was hoping I'd be a really good captain of the Dread Pirates, only for me to go completely mad with power. Maybe I'm just not cut out to
be a pirate. I've always been an engine and I always WILL be an engine.
*Thomas looks so sad that Mila suddenly feels sorry for him.*
Mila: *pats Thomas' buffer* I understand, Thomas. It was my fault too, after we attacked Rourkie. We ended up deserving nothing. If we're really up for a challenge, why not we prove it?
*Thomas looks at Mila and smiles.*
Thomas: You know what? You're right, Mila! I'll prove it! I'll do what we need to do to get out of this without hurting anyone.
Mila: That's the spirit, Thomas!
*Mila and Morgana climb onto Thomas' footplate.*
Thomas: We got ourselves into this mess, and now we're going to put things right!
Mila: Well done, Thomas!
Morgana: No. 1, we're so proud of you. Learning to be non-violent...
*Thomas sets off to find the others and fix his mistake.*
Mila: Just think, Thomas. You, me, Brock and Mary could all be good friends before we know it.
Thomas: Please don't talk to me like that. Why do you need to be all friendly anyways? Can't Leeko, Tam-Tam or the other engines do it?
Mila: Because I saved your life, Thomas, and you saved mine. We must do what we can in return. And sure, they can help. But Thomas, it's you who's the most important.
Thomas: Me? Why?
Morgana: You were the one that killed Rourkie and Anora. You killed two of their bosses in just one week, haven't you?
Thomas: Hmmm... I hadn't looked at it that way.
Mila: They must really want you dead.
Thomas: Then why do you want me to talk to them?
Morgana: Because, No. 1... that's what friendship is all about, overcoming differences. Darious and I were once enemies. Then we became the best of friends, and you and I didn't like each other
very much when we first met, didn't we?
Thomas: No... Morgana, we didn't. It was mainly Mila that I had the most care for.
Morgana: Then you two became the twosome I trusted most in the world. That's what we need to do with Brock and Mary. Where do you think they went, anyway?
*Just then, Toby and Oliver arrive with Tam-Tam and Leeko all worried.*
Toby: We've got terrible news to tell you!
Mila: Don't say it like that, Toby. Maybe the bad news is just good news we haven't thought about the right way yet.
Oliver: Nope, it's still terrible news. There's no sign of Brock or Mary or any other members of Anora's crew or Anora's ship or ANY other ship or ANY SIGN of civilization of any kind!
Tam-Tam: We checked the entire coastline, TWICE!
Leeko: And what's worse is that the entire coastline we're on is an island. A very SMALL island...
Toby: Let me see if I have this right... We're trapped on a island with Mary and Brock and all the other engines. We have no ship and no way to leave? Did I leave anything out?
Tam-Tam: Well, at least two members of this crew have a jump start on going crazy, can't forget that.
Mila: Now, now, let's try and avoid the namecalling. Tam-Tam, Toby, what did you find?
Toby: We could take shelter in a series of caves. From the footprints I found, I think Mary and Brock are already inside.
Tam-Tam: There were also tracks left behind, I think the other engines are there too!
Morgana: Fantastic! I can't wait to get re-acquainted.
*Thomas, Toby and Oliver, along with Mila, Morgana, Leeko and Tam-Tam, all rush off to find the nearest cave. Scene changes to inside a cave where Brock and Mary
are sitting inside, talking to Bertha, Nia, James, Edward and Percy.*
Percy: ...And that's why libraries use newspaper rods.
Mary: Wow, lots of weird stuff going on back on your own home, Percy.
James: Well, that's Sodor for you, Mary. Things appear when you least expect it.
*Just then, Toby's bell and Oliver's whistle sound in the distance.*
Nia: Ah, that must be Toby and Oliver.
*Thomas' whistle sounds in the distance.*
Nia: Oh... and they've brought THOMAS along...
*The others groan. Thomas, Toby and Oliver pull up to them as Mila, Morgana, Leeko and Tam-Tam climb down from their footplates.*
Morgana: There you are, Were you trying to hide from us? Well, there's no need for that. We've decided not to kill you, isn't that great?
Mary: *sarcastically* Oh yeah, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Toby: Yes, we know. But we've got to find a way to work together and find our way out of here.
James: Even if there IS a way out of here...
Morgana: What do you mean, No. 5?
James: I mean, for all you know, Morgana, we could be stuck here for the rest of our lives. Remember? I got us all lost in the caves at the Cursed Coast because I kept
you going in circles over 50 times.
Mary: Whoa, you really did that?
James: Yep, not my brightest move.
Brock: Hold it, Jimbo. I still can't believe that's the same Morgana...
Mary: Yeah, it's hard to imagine the coins being that cruel...
Morgana: Oh, I get it. You don't recognize me because of my personality, right?
Brock: Uh... yeah, your persona. That must be it...
Morgana: Well, here's the thing, Brock. I used to be the badass, cold-hearted criminal you once knew me as. But that's all changed, after No. 1 and Mila fought tooth and nail to fight Rourkie, well...
I honestly must admit, that was the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life and I owe it to them. But since this is a small island, we're going to have big hearts, mind if we join you?
Mary: We're going to sleep outside. You want to play nice with us? Why not start by leaving us the hell alone?
*Mary walks off in a huff and Brock follows.*
Thomas: Well, we tried...
Morgana: Yeah. We should get our sleep, too. It's been a long day...
*Mila settles down beside Thomas.*
Thomas: Whoever thought life would be so hard?
Mila: We'll think of something, Thomas. Anyways, goodnight.
Thomas: Goodnight.
*Thomas and Mila settle down to sleep and so do the others.*
Narrator: A few hours passed, but poor Thomas just couldn't sleep. He still felt bad for what he did and was desperate to make amends with Mary and Brock.
*Thomas gently nudges Mila.*
Thomas: *whispering* Mila... I can't sleep, can you?
Mila: *whispering* No, Thomas. I can't... *turns to Percy and Tam-Tam, who're gazing at her.* Percy? Tam-Tam? Can't you sleep too?
Tam-Tam: Of course I can. I'm sleeping right now, actually. This is all just a dream.
Thomas: Nope. *tries shaking his hand in front of his eyes.* It's real, but I wish. Anything but being stuck on this rock with Brock, Mary and the others. *gulps* I can't even
LOOK at them without wanting to wring their necks.
Percy: Because they killed Darious?
Thomas: Him and who knows how many others. They have to pay for their crimes one way or another. But me and Mila made a solemn promise to Darious and broke it...
Mila: Yeah, But I wonder... Do you believe all criminals have to pay for their crimes, Thomas?
Thomas: Are you saying Mary and Brock don't deserve to suffer?
Percy: Sure, they might deserve to... But are all thieves and killers irredeemable. You know, Thomas. I didn't have the cleanest past before coming on board and neither did you.
But if you're going to punish everyone, I might end up in that wicked camp myself.
Mila: I don't know what you're guilty of, Percy. Other than a bad joke or two.
Percy: Well, you haven't heard the full of me, have you?
Mila: Why would I need to? You didn't play any tricks on me, did you?
Percy: Well, no. Not you, after all, I quite like you.
Mila: Then so what, Percy?
Percy: I see it now. So you only care about something if it affects you personally, same goes for Thomas?
Thomas: Percy, I didn't say that! Are you trying to p**s us off?
Percy: What? No! I'm trying to make you think clearly, Thomas. What's bothering you? Why are you so desperate to prove yourself?
Thomas: I just... *sighs* I let Darious die, and so did Mila.
Mila: WE did?
Thomas: They killed him whilst we just stood there and watched. We were so weak that we couldn't do anything to stop it.
*Percy steams forward and Tam-Tam follows up behind him. Tam-Tam pats Thomas on the buffer.*
Tam-Tam: Nobody could do anything to stop it, Thomas. Nobody, at all. That's just how life is sometimes. You don't have to keep
trying to make up for what you did or didn't do that day. I mean, nobody knows how things might've turned out if you acted differently.
Thomas: That's true, Tam-Tam. I know the rest of the crew is thinking about how things would've turned out if I just surrendered to Anora.
Tam-Tam: Maybe you made the right call there, too. Maybe Anora would've tried to kill us anyway, and she'd have all the coins.
Percy: Or maybe Edward would've talked us into all sitting down with that tea he suggested. Maybe afterward, we'd play spin the bottle. You know what I mean, don't you?
Thomas: I do, Percy.
Percy: There you go. You're starting to get the hang of it! I'm just glad the two of us are best friends!
*Thomas smiles grandly, for he knows Percy is right. Just then, Toby wakes up.*
Toby: What time is it?
*Thomas checks his watch.*
Thomas: 11am. It must be daylight outside.
*The others get up.*
James: Well then, we better be on our way!
Bertha: The only problem is, how do we get out?
Thomas: Leave that to me and Mila! I'll find a way out.
*Mila hops onto Thomas' footplate.*
Mila: Alright, Thomas! Lead the way!
*Thomas blows his whistle and he puffs away to find a way out of the cave, the engines follow behind.*
*End of Scene 7*
Scene 8:
*Scene changes to Mary, fishing near some cliffs.*
Mary: "You are? Oh my, I've always wanted to serve someone just like you." Grr... slice, hack, die! *laughs*
*Just then, Duck pulls up to her.*
Duck: What're you doing?
Mary: What does it look like, idiot?
Duck: I... uh... I'm not really sure why I bothered to ask.
Mary: Alright, I'm bored, so I'm remembering some more exciting times.
Duck: More exciting times? What exactly was going on in your time?
Mary: You wanna hear about it. Well... I never usually tell them to enemies but... oh why not? So there was this baker, she seemed nice at first, really excited to meet me
and then she played this terrible prank on the boss. Boy, was he mad? *chuckles* Which was great, you know?
Duck: Okay, why was that great?
Mary: 'Cos it meant I got to slit her throat, of course.
Duck: *gulps* Oh... sorry I asked. You carry on now...
*Duck races away sheepishly.*
Mary: What a weirdo...
*Just then, Thomas' whistle is heard in the backdrop.*
Mary: Oh God... not him again. *turns to Thomas.* What do you want now?
Thomas: Look, you don't even know who I am, do you?
Mary: Just let me fish and stop bothering me.
*Just then, Edward pulls up.*
Edward: And how are you two doing this fine morning?
Mary: Hungry, that's how I'm doing.
Edward: Well, there's nothing I'd like more than to fix you both a hearty breakfast. But unfortunately, we don't have any food. But I'm sure that'll change soon, Mary.
You'll probably get lucky and catch a fish any minute now.
Mary: I wouldn't count on it, Edward. Unless you like the idea of starving to death.
Edward: Of course not, Mary. Who would LIKE such a terrible thing?
Mary: Then you might be waiting a while...
Edward: *sighs* Times like this, Mary. Do you ever get homesick?
Mary: Now that you mentioned it... I do miss my ship if that's what you mean.
Edward: No, I meant... do you miss your family? Your castle? Morgana told me you had a royal lifestyle.
Thomas: Royal lifestyle?
Edward: Thomas, Mary was a princess before she met Rourkie. I bet you could've just clapped your hands and had any food you'd like brought
to you a silver platter, huh? That beats fishing any day for me.
Mary: I don't miss anything about that, Edward. I'd rather hunt my own fish than be coddled by servants.
Edward: Well, I know I'd never have given up being a princess to join a pirate ship. Morgana told me you were very brave.
Mary: What do you know about it? You're like all your friends here, a locomotive with a face.
Edward: I know. But I've never known what it's like to be royal, But I've thought about it a lot. You see my builders' plate?
Mary: I know what builders' plates are and I don't need to hear them again, Edward. Just leave me alone, will you?
Edward: Alright, if that'll make you happy.
*Edward puffs sadly away, Thomas steams quietly over to Mary.*
Thomas: I noticed you haven't sent me away yet.
Mary: Would asking you to go do any good?
Thomas: Eh... probably not.
Mary: Well, there you go then.
Thomas: But tell me, what was it like to serve Anora?
Mary: Well, about the same as serving Rourkie, that's how it was.
Thomas: Well, would you find another crew to serve with, now that she's dead?
Mary: I'm not joining your sorry lot, Thomas. If that's where you're headed. I'm still mad at what your Scottish friends did to me in the bar. Those clothes
were very expensive, I tell you.
Thomas: Hey, it's not their fault they walked into you.
Mary: Or what? If you're going to kill me, just do it quick and clean. Don't talk me to death.
Thomas: No... Mary... I'm not going to kill you.
Mary: I don't see why, Thomas. If I was an engine like you and you were a lamb like me. I'd gut you like a fish.
Thomas: Well, I made a promise to someone and I'm keeping it.
Mary: Let me guess? Goody two shoes Morgana? If I knew there was a chance I'd end up like her, I'd never have hunted for those stupid coins.
Thomas: Is she really that bad?
Mary: God, yes. Have you heard her? Happy all the time? Wants people not to get hurt? I became a pirate so I could hurt people.
Thomas: You did?
Mary: Is that so hard to believe, Thomas? Nothing makes me happy except seeing others suffer. Nothing gives me pleasure except watching
others in pain. When I was little, I'd practice on feral mice. Cutting off their tails, slicing out their hearts. At home, they didn't understand.
The servants even called me "Scary Mary". Once I met Rourkie, I knew I'd found my tribe. I knew I'd be given a lifetime of joy. I'd be happy
if you killed me right now. I'd die knowing you felt bad about breaking your promise to Morgana, and that would please me. So don't pretend
we can be friends. We'll always be in two different worlds.
Thomas: So you like to hurt people? Why should that matter to me?
Mary: It matters, Thomas! It matters a lot! Aside from Rourkie, everyone I've told that story to has looked at me like I'm messed up in the head.
Thomas: Just think how differently your life might've turned out if you had looked for another person who wouldn't judge you. Mila doesn't judge me and neither
do the other engines.
Mary: I... oh... I never thought... Could you leave me some time to think?
Thomas: Sure thing.
*Thomas puffs away, leaving Mary to think about life. Scene changes to back in the cave with Tam-Tam, Brock, Nia and Percy.*
Tam-Tam: Think you'll find it?
Brock: Find what?
Nia: Find whatever it is you're looking for.
Brock: Erm... probably not. I mean, I don't even know what it is I'm trying to find.
Tam-Tam: That does tend to complicate things, darling.
Brock: But there's got to be some secret to this place, right? We couldn't just be here for no reason.
*Just then, Thomas arrives.*
Thomas: Maybe we're here so I can smash your head against the wall.
Tam-Tam: Thomas, we have talked about this.
Brock: Ah... Morgana wouldn't like that, right? Because she's just gone so nice all of a sudden.
Thomas: I could tell her you slipped on some wet sand, and that it was an accident.
Brock: But... Tam-Tam, Nia, you'd... you know.
Tam-Tam: Oh, I'd swear by Thomas and Mila's story any day of the week. Hey, I know what side my bread is buttered, if you know what I mean. *raises eyebrows.*
Thomas: Sadly, no. I don't know what you mean. Besides, the caves are pretty deep. I don't think anyone would even hear you scream.
Mila: Or better yet. You whistling, Thomas.
Thomas: Touche, Mila.
Brock: Thomas, Mila? Why are you so mad at me, anyway?
Thomas: For one, your captain killed Darious. And two, you shot a cannon at me. And that really hurt!
Brock: So? We're just pirates fighting. Isn't that just what we do?
Tam-Tam: I admire your elegant simplicity, Brock. And we'll leave you be. Come on, African...
Nia: Oh... okay, Tam-Tam.
*Tam-Tam and Nia leave the cave, leaving Thomas and Mila alone with Brock.*
Thomas: So you're down here, not knowing what you're trying to find?
Brock: Well, we don't have any food or water. And Mary says there's not enough wood around here to build a new ship. So I was hoping to look for another coin.
Mila: Oh... so you think the map was leading us to the last of the coins?
Brock: Coins? Oh sure! Heck, I'd even take one of those fancy, wish-granting genie lamps. You know, some kind of magical, snap your fingers and we're out of here kind of deal?
Thomas: But where would you go?
Brock: Good question, Thomas. I'm not really sure. Guess I should've thought of that first. Morgana invited me and Mary to join your crew, but then again. That's not gonna happen.
Thomas: Why not? We're not good enough for you?
Brock: Actually, well... You don't have a ship, for one thing.
Mila: True enough...
Brock: And Morgana's just so... I mean, we used to HATE each other, all the time. Back on Rourkie's ship, we were always fighting.
Thomas: About what?
Brock: Oh, different things. Rourkie kind of encouraged it. That's just how it is on a pirate ship, you know? But when I saw Morgana today... *shudders* She tried to give
me a hug, can you believe it?
Mila: Are hugs that bad?
Thomas: Don't be silly, Mila. Morgana hugged me after I was griefstruck over the loss of Darious.
Brock: Actually, I'm more of a love at a distance kind of guy.
Mila: So, is that why you joined Rourkie's crew?
Brock: Oh, you want to know THAT story? Fine, It's not like we've got anything better to do.
*Scene changes to Brock's flashback.*
Brock: I was working as a busboy at this little cafe. Making barely enough to avoid living on the streets. After Rourkie shook down my boss and left, I dropped a glass.
You know, it happens, right? And then the guy starts wailing on me. Yelling, screaming, calling me every name in the book. Just because I dropped a glass. Then he says
"Thanks to Rourkie, he won't be able to pay us for this week. Of course, he could afford new shoes for himself, but not..."
*Scene changes back to Thomas and Mila.*
Thomas: Hold on, just a moment... Is there a point to this story? 'Cos I don't get it...
Brock: Yeah, yeah, I'm getting there. Anyway, after that I thought "What the hell am I doing? I'm just working for a pirate captain myself, aren't I?" He screams at us, he steals our
money. He cares about himself more than anyone else. The only difference is Rourkie's just better at it.
*Thomas and Mila look at Brock, stunned and confused.*
Thomas: Wow... just wow... Better at what? Being a complete b*****d who makes himself feel better by screaming his lungs out at people who didn't do anything harmful to spite him?
Brock: You got that right, Thomas! But it takes a tough soul to take the pressure, doesn't it? Maybe that's why Morgana joined your ship, and then went nutso on you guys.
Mila: You say Morgana's nuts because she's kind? Morgana's kindness is the only reason why you're still talking. Without her, you'd be dead silent.
Thomas: Exactly, you should be grateful about who she is.
Brock: Grateful to her? No thank you. I'm probably more grateful to you two.
Thomas: What... us?
Mila: You really mean it?
Brock: Well, if Morgana asked me not to kill someone, I'd have done it anyway just to spite her. But you two? *smirks* You must really care about her, huh? And that's what I'm
grateful for, and nothing else.
Thomas: Wow... er... Thanks... I guess?
Brock: Hey, no problem. Thomas. You're quite a nice guy to talk to.
Thomas: Anyways, me and Mila still have to find our way out of here.
*Mila climbs onto Thomas' footplate.*
Mila: And we better hurry, we don't have much time.
*Thomas steams out of the caves.*
Brock: Good luck, you guys!
*Scene changes to outside of the cave and on some clifftops where Thomas and Mila find Morgana and Edward.*
Thomas: So, what's the situation, guys? Found any significant sources of food or fresh water? Any materials to build a ship?
Morgana: Not yet, No. 1. But the good news is that, thanks to how difficult things are now, we'll be very grateful, relieved and happy once
we do find a way out of this.
Mila: If we DO find a way out, that is...
Edward: Yes, but your situation is far more important. Thomas, how's things gone with Brock and Mary?
Thomas: Well, we tried, Edward. We really did, we talked AND listened. And we didn't punch them once. Even though they were really asking
for it.
Edward: Oh, fantastic news. I'm so overjoyed, Thomas.
Thomas: But I'm not sure if it made any difference to them...
Morgana: To Brock and Mary? No, of course not. It will take time to heal them from all the wounds they got serving Rourkie. I know that because it took me
a long time, too. One chat can't put a smile back on their faces, not right away.
Mila: Then why did you act like it was so important?
Edward: We didn't ask you to simply play nice with Brock and Mary to help them, Mila. We did it to help you and Thomas.
Thomas: What...?
Edward: Thomas, look at you. You've been quite angry all this time. Wanting to solve every problem with violence.
Thomas: So? Morgana used to be like that too.
Morgana: I know, No. 1, and I'm afraid I may have been a bad influence on you and Mila, but... if you two followed in my footsteps once
before, you can do it again, right? You two have to learn to stop fighting.
Mila: Stop fighting? How and why? We're pirates, aren't we?
Thomas: Mila, We ALL know we're treasure hunters. Nobody wants to be a pirate, not all the time anyway. Just look at us, Mila... I could've been angry at you for taking us on that voyage because
we were desperate to go to Dartmouth, and Sodor's the only real home I've ever known.
Mila: Yeah... and I could've been angry at you for destroying The Pirate's Fate as it's the only real home I've ever known too. It's the only thing we have left of Darious...
Thomas: But now, it's gone. But I'm not mad. I know we were hurting in our way. That's why we did what we've done. *gets the idea* We're not angry because we're doing illegal business out
at sea, we're angry because we're scared. So, I don't want to fight you, You helped me and my friends, and I want to help you!
Mila: *sighs* Thomas... I'm sorry we ruined your plans...
Thomas: And I'm sorry I destroyed the ship.
*Morgana walks over to Thomas and Mila.*
Morgana: No need for apologies, guys. All I need you to know is that we all care about you.
Thomas: Thanks, Morgana.
Mila: Really appreciate it.
*Just then, Percy, James, Duck, Oliver, Nia and Bertha arrive with Leeko, Tam-Tam, Mary and Brock.*
Percy: Guys, a storm might be coming in outside!
Edward: Storm? What storm? I don't feel anything.
Percy: Sorry, guys. That's a way of saying "Mind if we join you?". Mary told me about it.
Mary: Percy, shut up...
Percy: What? I'm just trying to state facts, Mary.
Morgana: We'd love to have you as our guests!
Oliver: These aren't exactly our rails, so we technically aren't... You know what? F**k it. We're just happy to be here. Satisfied?
Edward: Yes, Oliver. We are...
Thomas: You know, guys. I got us into this mess, and I'm going to get us out of here!
Mila: How would you do that?
Mary: Trust me, it won't work!
Thomas: It's easy, we must find a way in which we can get off this island. But in order to do that, we must work TOGETHER!
*The others gasp and stutter in shock.*
Percy: Together? But, we've been at each other's throats for a day or two, Thomas.
Edward: Sure we have, Percy. But there must be some sort of way we can make it out alive.
Mary: How would THAT work?
Nia: Like Thomas said, If we work together and find different ways off this island. We can still complete the mission together.
Morgana: Indeed, No. 18! But are you sure it will work?
Nia: Of course, Morgana! Like we often say back in Kenya, Friendship and Teamwork is the key to completing our missions together!
*singing* When we are all in alot of trouble
Here's a little thing that won't make it double
If you don't want things to go so wrong,
then why don't you sing to this special song?
Squabbling won't get you any further
Being all alone doesn't really help either.
Here's something you'll learn right from me is that...
Friendship and Teamwork is the key!
Tam-Tam: Are you sure that'll work?
Mary: Shanties won't make things any better, Nia.
Edward: Don't be silly, Mary. You just haven't found out yet. Let me show you how it's done...
*singing* Sometimes the things can get so prickly.
Even now and then can be quite so tricky.
But you will learn once that you're done,
you'll finally be away with everyone.
Engines like me, we lose our puff
when suddenly the going gets quite so tough.
But we all learn that what we see is...
Friendship and Teamwork is the key!
Edward and Nia: *singing* Friendship... and Teamwork,
they're the keys to get us out of here!
Friendship... and Teamwork,
it's certain the coins are near.
Friendship... and Teamwork,
is what we have to be.
Friendship... and Teamwork,
that is the key!
*The engines and pirates set off to find a way off the island.*
Leeko: I don't like where this is going at all, I really don't.
Edward: *speaking* Patience, Leeko ol' chap. We're getting there.
Duck: I still have second thoughts about that, you know?
Tam-Tam: Me too...
Mary: *singing* Being stuck with you is not we wanted.
Stranded on a island is really quite so haunted.
Brock: *singing* We can make it out whatever the weather,
when we all work together.
Percy: *singing* Being all alone, that's just our luck.
something's gonna tell me this will really suck!
Mila: *singing* Try and work things out, that's what we'll see...
Thomas: *singing* When Friendship and Teamwork is the key!
Thomas and Mila: *singing* Friendship... and Teamwork,
they're the keys to get us out of here!
Friendship... and Teamwork,
it's certain the coins are near.
Friendship... and Teamwork,
is what we have to be.
Friendship... and Teamwork,
that is the key!
Mila: *speaking* I think I'm getting the idea now. If we work together in harmony, we can all get off the island and STILL find the last coin!
Morgana: Nos. 2 and 18! How did you manage to figure this all out?
Nia: *speaking* Oh, it's just what we do for a living, Morgana.
Thomas: *speaking* Friendship and Teamwork is also a vital thing back on the Island of Sodor, you know!
Mary: *speaking* For some reason, I feel a little... tingly inside.
Edward: *speaking* Well, that's Friendship and Teamwork for you, Mary. We're all helping each other and finding a way off the island.
Mary: *speaking* Well, I like it! And I'm just glad to help too, you know!
Oliver: *singing* I can see that now we're working together!
Leeko: *singing* Something tells me now we'll all be friends forever.
Toby: *singing* Whoever really thought that this is fun?
Tam-Tam: *singing* Well, let me tell you, trammy. That we have won!
Morgana: *singing* Being stuck out here would've been so tragic,
Bertha: *singing* Thanks to these coins they'll all work like magic.
James: *singing* Now's the perfect time to get things serious.
Duck: *singing* 'Cos we're all doing this, FOR DARIOUS!
Engines and Pirates: *singing* Friendship... and Teamwork,
they're the keys to get us out of here!
Friendship... and Teamwork,
it's certain the coins are near.
Friendship... and Teamwork,
is what we have to be.
Friendship... and Teamwork,
that is the key!
Friendship... and Teamwork,
they're the keys to get us out of here!
Friendship... and Teamwork,
it's certain the coins are near.
Friendship... and Teamwork,
is what we have to be.
Friendship... and Teamwork,
*Suddenly, a vortex opens and it sucks the engines and pirates inside.*
*End of Scene 8*
Scene 9:
*Scene changes to outside a library in Woolacombe where the engines and pirates find themselves.*
Oliver: What the... where are we?
*Just then, a shark librarian walks out.*
Shark Librarian: You're outside the Library of Forbidden Knowledge, Woolacoombe.
*Just then, the other Steam Team engines including Emily, Henry, Gordon, Donald, Douglas, Rosie, Rebecca, Molly, Abigail, Jade, Chloe and Holly all race out to greet the engines.*
Gordon: An outstanding effort!
Henry: Even I wouldn't have thought of that!
Molly: What a comeback!
Chloe: You were FANTASTIC!
Mila: That doesn't explain how we got here...
Emily: Indigo Jack? Could you explain?
Indigo Jack: Very simple, you passed the test.
Thomas: Test? What test?
Mary: What are you talking about?
Indigo Jack: You were just trapped inside a magic book. It was a test. That's what this library is. Books for testing people, to see if they are worthy of the coins.
*Emily steams forward.*
Emily: The book you were trapped in is supposed to measure comaraderie, but how much of that did you lot have, really? Me and Indigo Jack weren't sure if Mila
and Thomas' real motivations were to try and change or maybe prove a point to Morgana.
Indigo Jack: But, the book said you passed, so... I guess that's that.
Thomas: But what about our ship?
Emily: Sadly, the ship was destroyed and all of us washed up on shore. I was the only engine to survive without getting knocked out cold,
I spoke to Indigo Jack about the rough voyage and whilst you were unconcious, he placed some of you inside one of the books called "The Island".
James: But... how could we fit in one of those tiny things?
Mary: Forget about that, James. What happened to Anora and the rest of our crew?
Gordon: Unfortunately, Emily told me they gathered up the coins from the wreckage of The Pirate's Fate, then they came here. Emily and Indigo Jack placed them into a book
too called "The Infinite Cafe". But luckily, they didn't pass.
Nia: Oh, those guys? I'm not surprised. So, when do they get a redo?
Indigo Jack: I'm afraid you don't understand. They're trapped inside that book, forever.
Edward: Forever?! How awful!
Brock: Wow... Morgana. You... you took me and Mary in, didn't you?
Morgana: *smirks* Hey, if Darious could take me in. I'm pretty sure I could do the same for you.
Edward: But what about Anora? I'm still worried for her...
Mary: Hey, look on the bright side, Edward. We all got out of here together. Less shares for that treasure, right?
Mila: Actually, that treasure isn't meant to be shared between us. Darious wanted to use it to help everyone.
Thomas: And when we say everyone, we mean the world. But between us, we have all the coins now, don't we?
*The other engines agree.*
Indigo Jack: I believe you do, yes. Your journey is at its end. Gather them all here. *gets out an orb.* Now... change the world.
Bertha: But how, exactly, do we do that?
Holly: That... is for us to decide for ourselves. It's our money, isn't it?
Bertha: But, I...
Indigo Jack: What she said, farewell...
*Indigo Jack vanishes in a puff of smoke.*
Tam-Tam: Well, I'm glad he gave us such precise instructions.
Morgana: We don't need instructions, Tam-Tam. We're supposed to stay true to the captain's plan.
Brock: Right, and that would be...?
Morgana: Helping people! Getting rid of worry, pain, suffering and fear...
Oliver: Getting rid of them? Completely?
Morgana: Yes, No. 11.
Mary: And I heard legend says that once worry, pain, suffering and fear is vanquished, probably Oliver wouldn't look so fuzzy.
Oliver: Are you saying these coins can lift curses if brought together?
Mary: Yes, Oliver.
Henry: What about me and Gordon's crippled crutches?
Morgana: That too.
Bertha: Hold on, one moment. Ever heard of the phrase "Necessity is the mother of invention?"
Mila: I don't think we have, Bertha.
Bertha: Well, if people don't have any problems, why would they need to better themselves?
Edward: What's wrong with that? Sounds like a great world to me.
Bertha: I... um...
Mila: I think what Bertha is trying to say is that people need a little darkness if they want to seek the light.
Thomas: Why would they need to seek the light if we can make it bright out all the time?
Leeko: Because there could be terrible consequences that we can't even imagine.
Thomas: Well, that's fear, isn't it, Leeko?
Leeko: What?
Mila: You don't want to get of rid of fear because you're afraid, or worries because you're worried, or even pain because of all the pain it might cause. See how myopic you are?
Thomas: Mila, I'm sure the Dread Pirates and Steam Team don't mean it. I mean, we surely don't, do we?
Mila: I suppose you're right, Thomas. They need to hear this. People can go their whole lives being burdened by feelings of shame, guilt, rage and regret. We suffered that too, didn't we?
Thomas: That's right, Mila. But no more! Today, we heal everyone, now and forever!
Morgana: That's the spirit, No. 1! The world is waiting, you know what you must do!
Thomas: Right on it, Morgana! Come on, Mila. We've got work to do!
Mila: Okay, Thomas. I guess I won't be needing this anymore.
*Mila takes the coin off her neck and places it along with the other coins in the orb. the orb begins to shine right in front of their eyes.*
Narrator: All pain, suffering, worry and fear were banished from the world forever, creating a new era of eternal happiness for all. But just as light cannot shine without
the darkness, so it is that joy cannot be fully appreciated without sorrow.
*The screen turns to black, only to reveal the orb had just gone out.*
Thomas: Well... we're done. Now what?
Morgana: Well, the most important thing is, we all did this together. Darious' lifelong mission is complete and it's all thanks to you, No. 1, and all your engine friends. Without you lot,
none of this would've been possible.
Leeko: You know... she's right, Thomas. Maybe you are a good pirate.
Tam-Tam: And a heroic engine.
Mila: But most importantly, a good friend.
Thomas: *smiles broadly.* Thanks, Mila. You too.
*Thomas wraps his arms around Mila and gives her a hug.*
Percy: Well, now that's THAT taken care of. We should be on our way.
Edward: Exactly, I've texted Joey and told the engines we're making our way to Dartmouth.
Brock: Excellent.
Mary: What're we waiting for? Let's set sail!
Thomas: Ummmm... guys. Haven't you forgotten? We don't have a ship anymore.
*The others groan in disappointment.*
Tam-Tam: So we're just stuck here? All on our own, with nobody to find us?
Thomas: No, Tam-Tam. We WILL find our way outta here, together!
Mila: How will we do that?
Thomas: Good question... I don't know.
Mary: Hey guys! I don't know if you've seen this but... there's another ship in the distance.
*Mary points to a ship that's been docked on some rocks.*
Mary: Just floating around on its own. It looks like the ship that Anora owned.
Morgana: My God... it IS Anora's ship! She must've left it here!
Thomas: And the fact that she's trapped in a book forever, which means... We can find a way out of here!
Mila: Thomas, you're a genius! Come on, guys. Let's hijack that ship...
Edward: Hold it, Mila... Are you sure it's in a stable condition to get us somewhere? It's looks awfully battered.
Leeko: I think Edward's right, we might still be able to board the ship. But it might not take us far, probably goes as far as Somerset.
Mila: That's fine, Duck told me there's railways in Somerset. We can always use the ship to get as far as whichever place has a station.
Thomas: Sounds fair to me.
*The Steam Team and the Dread Pirates all board the ship.*
Morgana: Yep, this is Anora's ship, alright. Same hellhole it always was.
Toby: Don't be silly, Morgana. Nothing like a fresh coat of paint can't fix.
Thomas: If we're all not happy with this ship... Well, that's just fine with me. I'm sure our dissatisfaction will motivate us all the more to get to Somerset.
James: Indeed, Thomas.
Thomas: Leeko, please chart a course for whatever place we reach in Somerset.
Leeko: I'm on it!
Thomas: Chloe! Set sail for Somerset.
Chloe: Ay-ay, Thomas!
*Chloe steers the ship off the shore and into deeper waters, ready for their expedition. A map shows the ship sailing towards Somerset.*
Narrator: It was a long and tough voyage to get to Somerset. The ship unfortuntately sank outside Watchet. But luckily, the old railway station
at Watchet was still there, and it didn't take the engines and pirates long to find themselves on the rails again.
*The Steam Team disembark from the ship and places themselves onto the tracks.*
Thomas: Oh, it's so good to be back on the rails again! *whistles* All aboard! Next stop, Dartmouth!
Engines and Pirates: Ay-ay, captain Thomas!
*The engines all whistle and cheer as they make their way down the line. The engines speed through the West Somerset countryside.
Thomas: *singing* Everyone will tell you how most pirates, they don't care.
They'll find a way to rob you and they'll find a way to scare.
But these young pirates, they won't make you slightly very glum.
As the Dread Pirates are the ones we call chums.
Mila: *singing* It's been a long, long voyage to find all those magic coins
We've only had six members and some engines who have joined.
Whilst all of us have only thought this mission was a dream,
but now it's been completed all thanks to the Steam Team. 'Cos...
Thomas and Mila: *singing* We're the Bestest Friends, by rail or sea!
The finest treasure-hunters that you have to agree.
Everywhere you go, you'll follow our minds
You'll never often know what you might find.
We're the Bestest Friends, that's what we are!
We'll always be together quite near or far.
Whatever the weather, or the railside ends
'cos you'll always have the really Bestest Friends!
Percy: *singing* I had a sudden feeling we'd all get ourselves quite stuck,
but we managed to succeed all thanks to proper sheer luck!
Morgana: *singing* I must admit, that challenge put our crew up to the test.
But thankfully, we all did our own best!
James: *singing* Sometimes, things are always left to better be untold
but nevertheless, we fought with all our hearts as grand as gold.
Tam-Tam: *singing* I always thought that we would never succeed on this quest.
But now we've finally finished and we all can have a rest. 'Cos...
(Chorus feat. Percy, James, Morgana and Tam-Tam)
Mary: *singing* Sometimes there are places in the darkest pits of hell...
Brock: *singing* They'd always make you suffer or you'll have a soul to sell.
Leeko: *singing* But luckily, we never gave up with our sword and gun.
Thomas: *singing* With the Steam Team engines-
Mila: *singing* -and furry Dread Pirates!
Thomas and Mila: *singing* We've all helped everyone. That's because...
(Chorus feat. Mary, Brock and Leeko)
Gordon and Henry: *singing* And now we're finally riding down the blummin' railway line.
Edward and Toby: *singing* We're all going to Dartmouth so it'll be our chance to shine!
Duck and Oliver: *singing* Let's all hope things won't go down to another bloody hell!
Donald and Douglas: *singing* For we have lots of sailing tales to tell!
Nia and Rebecca: *singing* We're already en route to a nice railway by the sea.
Rosie and Emily: *singing* It's going to be so much fun, that you'll have to agree.
Molly and Jade: *singing* Our treasure hunt's been worth it, and we have the right of way.
Bertha, Chloe, Holly and Abigail: *singing* Because we're on our mainline to our Dartmouth holiday! 'Cos...
*The cavalcade steam through Exeter St Thomas station, people on the platform cheer and wave as they pass before continuing down the Bristol-Exeter line.*
(Chorus feat. Cast repeated three times)
Thomas: *speaking* And that's a fact!
*The engines all cheer and blow their whistles as they puff down the track, it isn't long before they immediately pull into Paignton station.*
Thomas: Well, we've done it! After weeks of being absent and tons of delays, we're FINALLY HERE! Dread Pirates, welcome to the Dartmouth Steam Railway!
*The Dread Pirates climb off the engines' footplates and look around.*
Morgana: There's not really much here.
Tam-Tam: We should probably turn back, there's no one there.
Mila: *looks up.* Hang on... What's that?
*The Dread Pirates and the engines look up. In the sky, they see a helicopter, coming towards them.*
Leeko: It's just a helicopter, nothing special.
Thomas: Wait a minute... That helicopter looks familiar.
*Sure enough, The familiar looking helicopter hovers into view. Thomas knows who the helicopter is right away and blows his whistle in delight.*
Thomas: Is that who I think I it is?
Percy: Yes, it is!
Steam Team: Harold!
Harold: Aha! Great to see you again, chaps! We thought you were never coming, and on time too!
Thomas: Thanks, Harold. But we couldn't have done it without our new friends.
*The Dread Pirates all smile and wave.*
Harold: Splendid! Now then, chaps! Follow me to Kingswear station at the end of the line. The others are all waiting!
Thomas: Alright, Harold. *turns to the pirates and engines.* Come on, everyone! We're going to Kingswear at the other end of the line!
*The pirates all board the engines again, Thomas blows his whistle and follows Harold down the line with the Steam Team following behind him too.*
Narrator: Eventually, after their long voyage and a free trip down the Dartmouth line. The engines and pirates made their way, safe and sound into Kingswear Station on the Dartmouth Steam Railway.
*Scene changes to the engines racing into Kingswear station. Mila suddenly points to Thomas.*
Mila: Thomas! Look!
*Thomas turns to see, the Sodor search party and the Dartmouth engines all whistling and cheering under a big banner that says "WELCOME BACK, THOMAS & FRIENDS!".
Thomas pulls into the station platform, followed by the other engines. Joey, Diesel and The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt) all rush over to greet them. Joey throws his arms
around Thomas and hugs him.*
Joey: Thomas! Oh my goodness, we were so worried sick! I'm so GLAD you've made it back alive!
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): We heard everything, Thomas. Being lost at sea must've been very frightening for you.
Diesel: That was really cool, working with pirates. You must be very lucky engines.
Thomas: Thanks, guys. But I couldn't have done it without the help of my engine friends.
*The other engines look at Thomas and smile. The Dread Pirates disembark from the engines and come forward.*
Mila: *shakes The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt)'s hand.* You must be Sir Topham Hatt. Well, nice to meet you. I'm Mila, and I just want to say
your Steam Team have been quite excellent in completing our treasure hunt.
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Indeed, I assume Thomas and the engines were well-behaved whilst they were with you?
Mila: Oh, we had a few issues, sir. But they were very helpful to us and they're what I'd like to call "really useful".
*Thomas blushes with pride.*
Morgana: Most certainly, thanks to your fine examples of famous steam locomotives, We finally achieved our lifelong dream of finding the wizard's magic coins and making
the world a better place.
The Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt): Splendid! Well then, Now that everyone's here. We'll all get the work done faster here in Dartmouth. Goliath, I want you to show the Steam Team to
your sheds.
*A GWR 5205 Class No. 5239 called Goliath steams up.*
Goliath: Consider it done, sir.
*Scene changes to the engine sheds at Dartmouth where Thomas and the Steam Team are talking about their BIG adventure.*
Narrator: And that night in the sheds, Thomas and the other engines told everyone about the greatest adventure they had with the Dread Pirates.
Thomas: So that's what it was all about. It wasn't an easy trip but we managed to get it done in the end.
Mila: It's been a very long voyage. But I have to hand it to Thomas, he and his friends saved the day.
Tam-Tam: I agree. He's a great adventurer.
Morgana: Yes. But since we don't have a ship anymore, we can't go around roaming the channels for the rest of our lives.
Leeko: Yes. We need a proper place to stay so we can be altogether again.
Mila: *gets idea.* I know... Thomas? You said you're from the Island of Sodor, right?
Thomas: Yes, and... *realises what Mila is saying.* Oh... what a perfect idea! Of course you can.
Joey: What's the idea, Thomas?
Thomas: Since Mila and the Dread Pirates have no place to live other than their own ship. How about they live with us, on the Island of Sodor?
*The Steam Team all agree in delight.*
Joey: Alright, it's settled! Once our two weeks on this line are up, you can move in with us on our little island.
Mila: Fantastic! Thanks, Joey. I'm really looking forward to all of this.
Leeko: So am I!
*Scene pans out from Dartmouth Sheds at night. Scene changes to back on the Island of Sodor where Thomas is travelling to Arlesburgh Harbour with Annie and Clarabel, he passes Mike on the way.*
Narrator: Several days later, Thomas was back on the Island of Sodor, doing all his jobs once more. He was glad that things were back to normal and hoped nothing
would stand in his way this time.
Thomas: *sighs* Such a fine day to be going to Arlesburgh Harbour. Nothing can ever go wrong on such a beautiful day. Right, Annie and Clarabel?
Annie: I couldn't agree more myself, Thomas.
Clarabel: Most certainly indeed.
*Thomas steams into Arlesburgh Harbour. But as he pulls up by the lighthouse, he hears something... familiar.*
Voice: So... THIS must be the Island of Sodor. Hello, Thomas!
*Thomas looks around and gets a very big surprise! For there, standing at the harbour, right next to the lighthouse, are Mila, Morgana, Leeko, Tam-Tam, Mary and Brock!*
Thomas: Guys! You made it! I thought you'd never find us!
Mila: Well, it was a long voyage and a very tough sea to fight. Your friend Skiff helped us. But still, it's nice to be here, Thomas. So, which place is this?
Thomas: Why, you're in Arlesburgh Harbour, which is at the far end of Duck's branch line, The Little Western.
Mary: Interesting.
*Leeko is looking at the views of Arlesburgh when he sees something.*
Leeko: Hey, look! They've got a Maritine Museum.
Morgana: They do? That would be a PERFECT place to keep our treasure.
Thomas: Glad to hear it. Hop in, I'll show you my branch line.
*The Dread Pirates all board Annie in excitement, Thomas blows his whistle and sets off. Scene changes to Thomas puffing through the countryside with his two coaches.*
Mila: You know, Thomas. I had a thought, Maybe the pirate's life isn't as exciting as we thought it'd be.
Thomas: You think?
Brock: Why, yes, Thomas. I don't want to be a thief anymore. I think I'll just be a fisherman, I've always loved a spot of fish and chips.
Tam-Tam: And I think your home on the Island of Sodor is very colourful.
Thomas: Well... when you live on Sodor, it's the bestest place for an engine to live.
Mila: You really think so?
Thomas: Yep, there's an old song that us engines always brighten up to, and we all know that it's great to be an pirate! *whistles*
*singing* Oh yes, it's great to be an pirate and go sailing along
Yo-ho-hoeing along, Rush, rush, rushing along.
All the cannons firing as you speed along
Yo-ho-hoeing along all day
We're all so proud to be famous pirates
And travel through the ocean waves
We're always brave when there're storms to climb-
Thomas and the Dread Pirates: *singing* No rough sea is too high!
Oh yes it's great to be an pirate as you're sailing along
Yo-ho-hoeing along, Rush, rush, rushing along.
Fly along the ocean as your sails go high
Splash, splash, splashing around all day
Mila: *singing* It doesn't matter come rain or shine,
Tam-Tam: *singing* There's always things for us to do.
Brock: *singing* And in the cold-cold wintertime
Leeko: *singing* We're ready!
Morgana: *singing* When you hoist the sails and...
Mary: *singing* Lift the anchor and-
Thomas and the Dread Pirates: *singing* we'll be there for you!
Oh yes it's great to be an pirate as you're sailing along
Yo-ho-hoeing along, Rush, rush, rushing along
Feel the wind around you as you push along
Yo-ho-hoeing along all day! (Thomas: One more time!)
Oh yes, it's great to be an pirate and go sailing along
Yo-ho-hoeing along, Rush, rush, rushing along
All the cannons firing as you speed along
Yo-ho-hoeing along...
Thomas: *singing* Rush, rush, rushing and a Yo-ho-hoeing along and a-
Thomas and the Dread Pirates: *singing* Sailing around all day! Arrr!
*Scene freezes on a old sheet of paper with the words "The End" above it.*
*End of Scene 9*
*Scene opens in a royal courtroom where a pheasant called Priscilla and a tigeress called Jackie are talking to Queen Nakhta, who's hidden behind her own throne.*
Queen Nakhta: Let one repeat you once again, why didn't you stop those Dread Pirates from obtaining the coins?
Priscilla: We tried, your majesty. We really tried...
Jackie: But a crew of locomotives known as "The Steam Team" came along and fought tooth and nail to get the coins first.
Queen Nakhta: Steam Team indeed. Just wait until one catches them...
Priscilla: But... won't they be able to attack you first, your majesty?
Queen Nakhta: No, they won't. *turns her throne around to officially reveal herself.* For I AM QUEEN NAKHTA... *evils laughly*