Leaky Buses
I wrote this about a year or so ago, before I became the good writer I am today, so this story is not as good as some of the others. I'm just re-submitting it here so readers get a bit of an introduction to who my fursona JT is.
Leaky Buses
2: 34 a.m. It was 2: 34 a.m. in the morning. Not exactly the perfect time to be walking the streets at this hour, but when you arrive to a new city without a guide to show you where your own hotel is located at, you tend to get lost. It was JT's sorry lucky that he was currently lost in the city right now. JT was a brown wolf, wearing nothing but a pair of black shorts. His eyes were dark yellow and his pointy ears, maw and tip of his tail were red, courtesy of a genetic defect. JT had been walking for the past couple of hours after he spent the rest of his money on a cab fare and was unable to find an ATM.
"Man...could this night get any worse?" moaned JT.
Immediately after he said those words, it started to rain. JT looked up into the dark sky and sighed heavily, walking further down the road.
Half an hour after walking, it stopped raining and JT arrived at a local bus stop, waiting for a bus to arrive. A few other people were standing at the bus stop with him: two skunks with blue fur instead of black, a stout rat in a grey sweater, and two different colored wolves. JT wasn't sure who the one with red was, but he could vaguely identify the other one. He had grey fur and was wearing light blue shorts. The tip of his tail, his ears and maw had black fur however, similar to JT having red ears.
"Hey, don't I know you?" JT asked.
The gray furred wolf turned to his left and glanced at JT.
"Probably. You might've heard on the news about the wolf who peed on an art painting and on a beach. I also invented Wolf Piss Beer; wanna taste?" asked the wolf, offering JT a bottle of the yellow urine.
"Uh, no-no. I'm uh...I'm good. You're Thedarkwolfzearoth right?"
"Just Zearoth, but yes. I take it you're a tourist?"
"How'd you know?"
Zearoth shrugged. "You just have this faint aroma of 'tourism' surrounding you. Plus, you're soaking wet so I'm guessing you weren't able to find any shelter during the last rain which means you're not familiar with the area."
"Yeah, I am sort of a dead giveaway."
Before JT or Zearoth could say anything, a large blue bus appeared from down the road, the sound of its engine slowly decreasing as it stopped at the large white and red sign. With a loud hiss, the bus stopped at the sign and the doors opened up, revealing a bulky rhino wearing a gray uniform. Some of the pedestrians got onto the bus while JT dug in his pockets, realizing he was out of money.
"Damn! Hey, you wouldn't mind-"
"Of course not." said Zearoth.
JT and Zearoth traveled onto the bus and Zearoth paid two dollars instead of one, covering JT's bill for the bus ride. JT looked left and right around the bus to see where he should sit at, but many of the seats were filled or had gruff, menacing looking furies sitting next to the window. With no other option, JT went to the back and sat down next to a couple of deer wearing green sweaters. Realizing JT felt discomfit, Zearoth decided to sit down next to him.
"Hey! Go find a new seat wolfie!" said one of the deer.
"You know, it's not really smart to try and muscle a wolf who just ate four cheeseburgers with bacon a few hours ago."
The deer chuckled to themselves. "What are you gonna do, piss on us?"
"...Not exactly."
Zearoth put his arms behind his head and relaxed in the bus seat, before passing gas loud enough to wake up a sleeping passenger. Zearoth smiled widely and glanced over at the deer. One of them started coughing and the other was plugging his nose and groaning.
"That stinks!"
The deer got out of the bus seat and moved up further down the aisle, coughing more violently than before. Zearoth and JT had the seat all to themselves.
"So what brings you to the city um...?"
"JT. My name's JT."
"So what brings you here JT?"
"I won this contest back at home for a full week of rest and relaxation in what was described as paradise. But so far, I haven't been having fun lately."
"Why's that?"
"I got mugged the second I got off the plane, so until I find an ATM, I'm broke. I've been asking random strangers where my hotel is with no avail, and I did just get rained on a half-hour ago."
"Hey, it could be worse."
"Yeah, I suppose so."
JT sighed and got more comfortable on the seat while Zearoth continued to relax, with his feet propped on the back of another bus seat. Zearoth glanced over to JT and noticed his bulky exterior. He wasn't bloated with muscles and steroids, but it was hard not to see JT's abs.
"So do you work out or...?"
JT cocked an eyebrow. "What?"
"I couldn't help but see your rock hard abs so I'm just guessing-"
"Dude are you hitting on me?" asked JT, feeling major discomfiture.
"What? No! No, I'm engaged already!"
"Yeah. My mate would kill me if he thought I was hitting on another guy, let alone eye-balling one. Anyway, I was just wondering because there's this gym not far from the hotel you're going to right now. I usually go work out there in the morning so maybe I can give you a tour in the morning."
JT yawned loudly and stretched out his arms, looking fairly tired. His eyelids were drooping and JT started swaying forward, almost falling down onto the floor.
"You look tired. Why don't you get some sleep? It won't be another hour or two until we get there so I'll wake you up before then."
JT laid down on the bus seat and turned around, slowly shutting his eyes and getting some sleep.
About an hour and a half later, JT groaned and woke up, drowsy and unaware of what was going on. Half of the passengers got off the bus at previous stops and there was nobody sitting anywhere near Zearoth or JT. JT looked forward and saw the Zearoth was also sleeping, with his nostrils planted directly onto JT's paws. Zearoth snorted twice before he sneezed and woke himself up.
"That's a nice smell to wake up to." said Zearoth.
"Sorry." said JT, planting his feet on the floor of the bus.
"I know my feet don't smell like roses...let alone smell good at all...but I try not to make my foot odor obvious, y'know? Hope they didn't stink too badly while you were sleeping."
"You gotta lighten up JT. If there's one thing you need to know about this city, it's that no one really has any need to be embarrassed anymore. Whether it's farting or scat or stinky paws or piss or foul breath-it doesn't matter. Hell, some of these guys don't even care if they crapped their own shorts. They'd just shrug and go right about their business with a huge load glued to their ass. Point is, you've got nothing to be embarrassed about so if you wanna wave your foul paws for everyone to sniff, you go on right ahead."
JT leaned back and planted his paws next to Zearoth's face, wiggling his toes and sighing contently.
"Ugh, you know, I love smelly paws as much as the other guy, but perhaps I should teach you a valuable lesson before we depart." said Zearoth, shoving JT's stinky toes aside.
"What's that?"
"Everyone says the buses smell like piss. You wanna know why?"
"People piss on 'em."
JT laughed out loud and started chuckling to himself.
"I take it you're one of these people?"
"Obviously. I got this game I play with some of my friends called 'Stream' where all the challengers compete to see how far they can pee down the aisle of a bus without moving from their seat. You wanna play a round with me?"
JT started to shift uncontrollably in his seat. "Now that you mention it, I do suddenly have the need to use the bathroom."
JT and Zearoth unzipped their shorts and aimed forward, straight down the aisle.
"Ready? GO!"
Both Zearoth and JT sighed contently and started urinating right down the hall like it was a common latrine. Despite the fact JT had a full bladder, he couldn't help but marvel at how long Zearoth's trail of urine was. Any longer and it'd hit the front window. And if that wasn't enough, it was at a perfect arch, looking like the rim of a protractor. JT on the other hand, had a weak arch that only went to the middle row of the bus. Zearoth looked at JT and smiled widely. JT grunted really hard to squirt out even more urine, but the arch only got a little bigger in diameter, nowhere near as big as Zearoth's. He grunted once more, but sighed with exhaustion and stopped urinating. Zearoth stopped as well, confident that he won the match. Both wolves zipped their pants back up before anyone noticed their privates. JT looked at the floor and realized the whole aisle was doused with urine, completely yellow and sticky.
"And that's why buses smell like piss." said Zearoth, concluding his lesson.
The bus began to decrease in speed and eventually stopped near the corner of the hotel JT was supposed to arrive at earlier that day. JT, Zearoth, and a few others passengers (who were looking down at their paws wondering why they were covered in urine) got off the bus and stepped outside.
"Well, I guess this is my stop. So I'll see you tomorrow at the gym?"
"Yeah, I'll be there. Goodbye JT."
"Later Zearoth."
The two wolves walked in opposite directions, disappearing into the night as though they were never there.
Back on the bus, one of the deer in green got up when the bus stopped at the bus stop right after JT's and Zearoth's. The minute he stepped into the aisle, he slipped on the urine and fell flat on his face with a splash, and his sweater and fur quickly absorbed all the urine around him. The deer lifted his drippy yellow head and his eyes grew wide with anger when he realized what he fell in.