Lucardevoir's Gift

Story by Lucardevoir on SoFurry

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Story written by my mate:

Lucardevoir's Gift.

Lucardevoir walked down the hall, his appearance was that of a normal Lucario, except that is, for his colors. The blue fur upon him was a different shade. The normal dark grey parts of him were a lighter shade of grey, nearer to being white than anything. The fur on his chest was a greenish color, and the spike in his chest, along with the ones on his paws, were red. As he opened the door to the living room, his blue eyes widened to the slight and sound of all his friends saying, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCARDEVOIR!!!"

Lucardevoir smiled seeing all his housemates and a few close friends, including a familiar light blue and white furred feline sitting in a chair, "Hey Jeri." Lucardevoir said with a big smile to the feline, "Glad you could make it." Jeri smiled and set his gift on the nearby table, "How could I miss my mates birthday?" Lucardevoir smiles and sits in the empty chair, then everyone starts handing him gifts. Lucardevoir opens them all finding all sorts of things, bath supplies, books, and of course a few sextoys. He playfully licks a few of the toys and sets them aside as he looked as Jeri's gift. Jeri simply smiled and handed the small box to Lucardevoir, "I wonder what my mate could have gotten me?" Lucardevoir says as he lightly shakes the box. The sound of the wrapping paper seemed to echo as he ripped into it, and inside was a small necklace, a simple heart shaped charm with only a blue jewel in the center, "Thank you Jeri, it's beautiful." Jeri smiles, "I'm sure you'll love it. It's just swell." Jeri winked as he said the word swell, which made Lucardevoir grin and chuckle.

A few hours later the party came to an end, they all cleaned up the paper, food crumbs, and not to mention the cum that was splattered all about. The friends that were invited hug Lucardevoir and leave as they say goodbye, and the housemates made their way to their rooms. Jeri and Lucardevoir shared a passionate hug and kiss before Jeri stepped back and put the necklace on Lucardevoir, "Well Lucardevoir, I need to be headed home." Lucardevoir nods and blows Jeri a kiss, " Okay, thank you for the necklace." And with that Jeri giggled as he made his way out the door. Lucardevoir looked at the clock and saw that it was getting late, so he headed for his room to get some sleep after the rather exciting birthday.

The night was peaceful and Lucardevoir slept very well, he woke up with a big yawn and felt around his neck, the necklace was gone, but somehow, he felt that it was still there. He shrugged and sat up and was instantly greeted by his morning wood afflicted cock, "What? It's, bigger?" he said puzzled as he looked at his cock which stood at twelve inches long, which it was usually eight inches. As he scratches his head it hits him, the necklace from Jeri must be the cause. He smiles and chuckles, "Ahhh, Jeri, you know JUST what to get me. He wrapped his paw around his new length and moaned feeling its new size in his grip, "Now I just have to test this gift."

He layed on his back and lifted his legs into the air, he had done this before, but with his new length, it was going to be much easier. He craned his neck forward, and pushed his butt towards maw which was drooling in anticipation of tasting his new larger cock. As though it were an easy task for him the tip of his cock was already inside of his maw, and being licked furiously by his tongue. It wrapped and swirled around the tip of his cock, wanting to soak it all in saliva and get the taste of every inch. He pushed harder, taking more of his length into his maw, but as he did he could feel his cock throb. Now it wasn't a normal throbbing, as it felt as though it was getting larger with every pulse. He moaned as he could feel that it was indeed getting larger, soon adding an inch to its length, but this did not stop him. The sucking of his cock did not stop, in fact it intensified gaining more speed. The taste of his precum now flooded his maw making his moans loud and deep as he swallowed down the warm canine pre.

After a few minutes of sucking, and a few inches added to his length and width, his cock erupted a huge orgasm. The large white ropey strands coated his maw and throat, it was so much in fact that cum leaked from the sides of lips coating his neck in cum. After a full ten seconds of cumming he pulled his cock out of his maw, and the remainder of his orgasm rocketed up to the ceiling and back down upon him. He moaned as his orgasm came to an end and he was now able to get a good look at his cock once again. It now stood erect at eighteen inches, "WOW! This is just amazing!" he says in awe as he runs a finger down the whole length. He looks at himself covered in cum and chuckles, "Well, I guess I better take a shower."

He smiles as he gets to his feet, his cock still at its full erection. He struts a little as he heads down the halls to the shower, just in case any of his house mates decide to come out of their rooms as he walks by. However though his walk to the shower was without distraction or witness, he simply shrugs and heads into the bathroom. He gets inside the shower and turns the hot water to the perfect tempurature that he always sets it to. He then grabs a bottle of the new bodywash he received just the day before and began to clean himself. But as he did he noticed that the water beating down on his still erect cock was highly stimulating, so much so that his cock started to grow yet again. It was slow, but it was noticeable to him as it added a few inches to his length. He cleaned everywhere on his body, that is except his cock. He worked up a lather on his paws and started to stroke his cock up and down, making sure to 'clean' it. His cock with its new size also had increased sensitivity, so much that his pair of paws felt like ten pairs of paws running up and down his growing length.

He stopped himself before he orgasmed as he was, for the most part, done with his shower. He stepped out of the shower and grabbed a nearby towel and dried off his body, as well as his cock. When he finished he looked at his now four foot long cock, "MAN! It's so huge. But it still feels like it can get so much bigger." He licked his lips at the mere thought of how big he could get, or rather, how big he wanted to get. His mind was racing with so many thoughts of size he couldn't, and didn't want to hold this back any longer. He teleports himself to a large empty field and licks his cock, "Okay big boy, it's time to see how big you can get." Lucardevoir gets onto his knees and places his paws on his cock and sends light sparks of elecrticity through his length, a visible surge in size could be seen as it added a whole foot to his cock. But of course he had far more moves that could aid in stimulating his cock, for instance, all of his psychic moves. A light hum could be heard as he made his cock and balls vibrate with his psychic powers, this now making ten feet of canine cock throb and pulse on the grassy field. "YES!!! Oh this feels so good!" he howled and drooled as his endowments vibrated, "But it CAN get better!" He places his paws together and uses [Extrasensory] on his whole body, given his abilities this makes his cock, as well as everything else, five times more sensitive, thus he begins to grow even faster.

The tiny canine layed on his fifty foot cock as it throbbed, vibrated and grew , his mind rushed with pure pleasure wanting more and more of this. It still wasn't fast enough to satisfy him though, but he knew of one way to speed things up. He summons a [Bone Club] and licks it, "Hmmm, a little small." he giggles and uses [Psych Up] on the on inch wide club, making it six times thicker. Lucardevoir moaned and his cock surged as he simply looked at it, just imagining his tailhole being stretched by it. Without wasting any time he had already placed the knot like end right at his tailhole and began pushing it in. Lucardevoir yelped in pleasure as he heard the satisfying pop of the knot end going inside of him, this indeed made his cock surge in growth as he could feel the tree five hundred feet away being brushed aside by his cocktip.

But as though a creature with an unsatisfiable hunger, he wanted this to never end, he wanted his cock to grow forever. And grow it did, as he now made his boneclub vibrate as his cock was. In the distance he could hear the crashing of houses being smashed by both his balls and his cock, "Gah, I must be over mile long now. But I still want more!" Minutes later buildings and skyscrapers began to topple over as Lucardevoir's cock grew through the nearby city. Mile upon mile of canine cock crashed through it all now making the entire city flattened under his growing length. He was in pure ecstacy, and wanted more of it, he looks back as the boneclub in his tailhole and uses [Psych Up] once again, it became a massive three feet wide. He howled and thrusted forward as best he could as his cock splatters the country in a huge spurt of precum. Half of the country was covered in Lucardevoir's cock, and soon it was completely covered as his growth surge was that great.

Lucardevoir moaned as he felt his balls, and his cock, dip into two seperate oceans, even the feeling of the water on his colossal endowments was arousing, making him grow bigger and faster. Thousands of miles of canine cock sat upon the planet, making it look as though the Earth was shrinking, and soon it was dwarfed by Lucardevoir's ten thousand mile long cock. He could now feel the coolness of space, but it didn't feel like anything to his godly cock. He looked at the moon and chuckled as he knew it wouldn't be around much longer, and indeed it wasn't as soon it was knocked aside by Lucardevoir's ever growing cock. He was now free of Earth's gravity, as he now was gaining his own gravitational field. A bright light made him close his eyes, it was almost annoying to him, "Gah, the sun? Hah, we'll see about that." Lucardevoir coursed the most powerful psychic blast he could though his cock, sending his growth into overdrive. With speed rivaling a comet his cock raced through space making a mad dash for the sun. Vanus and Mercury were hardly even pinpricks to his gigantic cock as he crashed through them. But those pinpricks were enough to cause two massive spurts of precum to gush forth from Lucardevoir's cock. The first spurt doused the sun making it into a black hole, the second spurt was so big that it destroyed the black hole sending all the energy of the dead sun into Lucardevoir's cock.

Three hundred million miles of pure canine cock pulsed and surged through the solar system, making it look smaller with every passing second. Mars and Jupiter were added to the list of decimated planets, soon followed by the remaining planets. The entire solar system was now but a grain of sand to Lucardevoir's cock, as now the galaxy was soon to be a but a grain of sand as well. He moaned and made his boneclub bigger once again, making it now a solid ten feet wide. Star after star was snuffed out as Lucardevoir's perpetually growing cock made its way through them, Lucardevoir could hardly believe what feelings of pleasure he was experiencing. Now growing beyond light speed, Lucardevoir's cock was now its on force in the universe, challenging all physical limitations that were thought to be concrete. Lucardevoir could feel the galaxy orbiting his cock, feeding him with more power. But that galaxy like the solar system before it was outgrown by Lucardevoir, and now he was free to grow into other galaxies.

The very balance and order of the universe was being altered as his cock continued to grow, galaxy after galaxy was sent into disarray and absorbed into Lucardevoir's cock. Suddenly he hit a wall with both his balls and cock, "What? What could be stopping me?" Thanks to the untold levels of power he had acquired, he now had omniscience, and thanks to that he was able to verify what it was. His eyes widened at the realization, "I've hit the ends of the universe. The very barrier that holds it all in." he grins and chuckles, "But that will not stop me." He raises his arms and lets forth a blast of pure psychic energy upon his cock, in that instant his cock became ten times the size it was, completely shattering the barrier that once held him in. This blast had had a secondary effect, as it made him orgasm, and hard. Lucardevoir's cum started to fill the multiverse that he was now growing into, the cum having such trejectory and power it crashed through other universes eliminating them in mere seconds. He chuckled as he saw the tiny universes crashing against his cock, only feeding him more power making his growth all the more unending. But this was something he did not mind, in fact, he wanted it.

Just as before with the universe, he could feel yet another barrier, but it was unable to hold up against his omnipresence, as it soon was shattered by Lucardevoir's omnipotent cock, now letting him grow into the colossiverse. Lucardevoir's cock was now growing so fast that even the next plain of existance was dwarfed by him in a matter of minutes, the colossiverses barrier was soon met, and shattered. What layed beyond, only Lucardevoir knew, and he aimed to grow into it, time, space, existance, infinity, he was outgrowing it all, and not stopping. He simply grew bigger and faster, always cumming, "Jeri, I love you so much. Thank you for the greatest birthday ever."