Rocky's Rough Party

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#2 of WritingCornerChallenges

Rocky gets an unfortunate assignment. This is a non-canon bit from my Playthings universe for the Writing Corner Challenge.

Challenge: Everyone knew that it was a bold-faced lie, but no one was willing to say it.

Rocky's Rough Party

World: Playthings of the Rich and Famous

This happens later in the story than is currently published. It is not canon, and therefore is not a spoiler. All you need to know about him is contained in the publicly available chapter.

By StripedKittyScribe

I love my job, usually. I know that some of you may not think that's the case, considering how little sleep I say that I get, but it's true. Maybe that's part of how I'm made. Maybe not. Above my pay grade, don't care.

I really do love getting to entertain guests, and crawl around in the engine spaces when I'm not doing that, and spend time with my team when I'm not doing those two things.

But because you're an attentive person, I bet you noted that tag. 'Usually'. There are days.

So this one cruise, we were out during the UnMask Eve celebration. Which meant that the guests got to pick our costumes for the night. The only rules the guests were given were that no one could have the same costume, and that it couldn't involve any kind of implant. So no 'real' demon horns or wings. We had more rules obviously; the whole day was set aside for the party and events, and after our shift was done, the next 12 hours were spent in costume (or partially out of it for the heat of the moment) hosting small events, or participating in other ways.

I would have given my entire trip's salary to see Lei with demon horns and wings. She got this pretty little green leaf-dress thing. It was supposed to be a woodland fairy, I think. I didn't get a chance to ask, thanks to our schedules. Saw pics though, and with the heels they had her in, her ass looked amazing. Probably a good thing that we never ran into each other during the event. I wouldn't have been able to resist.

Kangto got an old timey Punk Rock outfit, complete with slashed shirt and mohawk hair and magnetic piercings. I think he may have had the most fun. Found out that day that he's kind of a metal-head. Usually sings lounge stuff, but apparently he's got a real thing for something called 'speed metal'.

Urujani, Susan, Erika, Kukah and a few of the other women got various flavors of mythological goddesses; victory, bounty, fertility, so forth. The guys got their share of deities, too. Lots of toga-like drapes with props. Bunch of superhero ones, too. Bilatah looked great as the Hypnotic Huntress.

You may have noticed that I haven't said what MY costume was. That is because apparently this particular group of guests either was mad at me for some reason, or just had a sick sense of humor.

Kangto was already halfway into his makeup when I walked in. Urujani was helping him put a few of his 'piercings' on, and Erika had already left. I opened my locker and pulled the costume out and tossed it onto the bed before I shucked my coveralls and shoved them into the laundry chute.

When I got out of the shower, Kangto and Urujani were both standing over the bed, looking at the absolute abomination that I was supposed to wear for the next 12 hours.

The pants had a giant hoop for the waistband, which would keep it at least 10 cm from my body at all times. The suspenders would keep it from falling completely down. The container of spray-on dye for my fur would turn me completely white, from my ears to my tail. Small patches of adhesive fabric were supposed to be applied in "bright" and "festive" colors along my tail and muzzle.

I'm not even going to try to describe the patchwork-quilt-monstrosity that was the shirt. It fit me like a tent, buttoning to the inside of the hoop on the pants. The shoes fit even worse. I'm a big guy, I have big feet. These would have served as swimming aids.

Couple that with the tube of red lipstick that was supposed to go onto my nose, and the plasticy wig of rainbow colors, and I was going to go the entire day without sex. Which wasn't the worst thing in the world, if I were to be honest. I didn't mind the state of 'not getting some'. As we've covered, I'm already pretty damned oversexed.

What I did hate was looking ridiculous.

Like a literal clown.

For just a moment, I thought about trying to call in sick. Or fake an injury. Or even actually giving myself an injury. I could break my arm on the edge of the door and spend the next 16 hours in my pod, sedated and getting healed up.

But I was already on thin ice with Miss Juliet. She would be extremely displeased with me if I pushed too many more boundaries or spoiled her event. So I started with the dye, and then clambered into the pants and shoes and buttoned the shirt to the hoop.

Kangto had been pointedly looking away the whole time. His prop was a guitar and he was tuning it. I could see his shoulders shaking as he laughed. He ran a few riffs off of his instrument, and then walked to the door. "I'll see you both out there." He didn't look back. He looked at the opposite damn wall as he turned down the corridor.

Urujani sat there, and I don't know if I wanted to throttle her for 'being there for me' or not. She looked amazing. She had a wreath on around her horns, and the way her toga-thing fit, she really did look like she could have stepped off of a plinth as a goddess of the harvest. She looked wholesome and matronly, even if she wasn't anywhere close to old enough for a 'matron'.

I bounced on my toes, watching the hoop pant thing sway crazily around my hips, and hung my head. Erika would never let me hear the end of this. Lei might well never even look at me again if she saw pictures.

I pulled the wig on, feeling the way that it clung to my head. It got in the way of my ears, and that was a little surprising. I'd worn all sorts of things from the fabber before, and they always fit perfectly.

I looked at myself in the mirror, and took a deep breath.

Urujani gave me a very weak smile. "You look fine, dear."

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. All characters are a product of the author's imagination and copyright to them, unless noted guest appearances of other copyrighted characters are listed in this notice. Comments may be left (and are encouraged!) on the author's FurAffinity or SoFurry page. If you liked this story, and wish to support the author, please visit their Patreon.

This story is a work of fiction. Any immoral acts included in this story are a fantasy and should not be taken as encouragement to perform or endorsement of these acts by the author. Specifically, because apparently it needs to be said; anything other than expressed consent for any sexual encounter by a legal unimpaired sentient adult is wrong, immoral, and evil. Unwilling subjugation of sentients who have committed no crime is wrong, immoral, and evil.