Hands & Hooves II

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Hands and Hooves II

By Grumb

Returning from the library, Ben hurriedly unlocked the door to his apartment. It was late into the night already and the outside cold air contrasted against the warm inside of his flat as keys jiggled and the door finally swung open.

Stepping inside, shivering from the frigid air blowing in, Ben slammed the door closed and threw his keys and phone onto the counter. Slowly tugging off boots and tossing his jacket onto the couch with a loud sigh, Ben was happy to finally be back home and done with finals.

Having dedicated several hours of the day writing a forgotten midterm paper, submitting it just minutes before the class deadline, he was totally exhausted. Ben had planned on finishing sooner, hoping to join Alex at the bars and even find some ladies to bring back tonight. Now all he wanted was a warm shower and to end the day with some video games.

His relief of returning home and the hopes of relaxing though were quickly replaced with disgust upon taking a deep breath of his surroundings. Hit with a nauseating smell, Ben scrunched his nose taking in a murky tang that reminded him of animals and sweat.

"What the fuck is that smell?" Ben shouted trying to cover his nose with a hand.

Hearing no response from Alex, Ben looked around for a cause assuming his roommate was still at the bars or asleep at this point. Empty cans, some leftovers from lunch still sitting on the living room table and random laundry scattered throughout the room. Nothing of which pointed to a cause for the carnal smell.

What the hell happened while I was gone? Ben thought to himself.

Moving into the kitchen, Ben recognized that the funky odor grew heavier as he walked deeper into the apartment. Smelling at the trashcan, sink and even the dishwasher he madly continued to search for a source. Opening up the refrigerator thinking something must have gone rotten, he was still unable to find an origin. Eyes looking over the fridge, still breathing in the surrounding unclean air, Ben decided that food couldn't be the source as it smelled more like some animal got into the apartment more than food going rotten.

Fridge already opened, Ben opted to grab a beer, cracking it open with a loud pop. Bringing the can towards his lips, he gulped the cheap beer down, Adam's apple bobbing in unison as nostrils flared and stung with the wafting scent.

Finishing the beer with a loud gasp, Ben crunched the can and threw it in the sink before grabbing another and walking towards the apartment hallway to keep searching for the cause of the smell. Sniffing at the heavy air, mindlessly grabbing and readjusting at his bulge along the way, Ben strolled towards Alex's bedroom and stopped at the door. Quietly listening for any sounds. With how late it was, he wasn't surprised to hear only silence inside. Standing there though, Ben was almost staggered backwards by the smell, a horrible odor of musk that practically slid out the cracks underneath Alex's closed door.

My god, at least I know where it's coming from. What the hell is that smell?

Feet locked in place, Ben could taste a collection of salt form across his tongue like a strange condensation, the haze sinking into his saliva and coating the back of his throat. All the while continuing to knead at his bulge, Ben absently stared at the closed door taking in the smell with a peaking interest. It felt oddly good just squeezing at his bulge, pent up arousal bubbling to the surface throughout his body. Recognizing what he was doing though, Ben quickly snapped himself out of his lustful stupor, a look of disgust emerging across his face.

Face flushed in embarrassment and praying his roommate wasn't home and didn't hear him, Ben shamefully turned towards his own room. Taking just a step forward, he suddenly heard a loud crash back inside of Alex's bedroom. Glass shattering and furniture falling over resounded across the apartment even with the door closed. Loud thuds clopped across the floor inside as if something heavy was stomping on the floor. Despite his distaste for the smell coming from the underside of his roommate's door, Ben turned back around to listen out of concern.

"Hey man sorry to disturb but...is everything all good in there?" Ben nervously questioned figuring his roommate had in fact returned from the bars.

Hearing nothing but silence, thoughts quickly turned back to the smell emerging from within and his head swam with possibilities and fears.

Did some animal get into Alex's room? Was it a robber? Was Alex in trouble? Should I open the door?

Loud steps, or were they clops, paced towards the door. Ben didn't know whether to turn around and run or assume it was his roommate. Before such questions could turn to any action though, the door to Alex's room was violently ripped off its hinges. Shielding his face, splintered pieces of wood hitting his body, Ben looked up in shock to discover the answer to many of his questions.

Standing before him, its body only illuminated by a cracked lamp strewn across the ground behind, a repulsive fiend in the flesh. So tall its head covered by the transom above, Ben could only see an elongated-furred nose poking out underneath the doorframe. Its muscled chest, covered in a disgustingly greasy coat, heavily heaved pushing hot air across out of nostrils onto Ben's face.

As soon as the door had been ripped open, Ben was slammed with both the shock of seeing this beast and the force of the now unrestricted smell releasing from the confounds of Alex's room. What smelled bad throughout the apartment before, increased tenfold with the source looming just inches away. Startled and terrified, still trying to comprehend the creature before him, his mind grew foggy like the surrounding air. Completely locked in place, unable to find the strength to run away, the two faced each other in an uneasy silence. Red eyes inspecting the human. Brown eyes staring back at the beast. Ben's mind couldn't conceptualize what he was looking at though. An appalling amalgamation that seemed impossible to exist in this world, let alone in his apartment. Grey and white fur, pointed claws, muscles, wings, hooves, a tail that eagerly thrashed about behind in anticipation.

Alex's bedroom was almost destroyed from what Ben could see. Slashes in the walls, furniture crushed, the floor covered in holes from the mammoth hooves that stood close to his own pathetically small feet in comparison. Paired with the destruction, almost everything inside, including the beast before him, was covered in a grime of sweat that reflected from the little light left inside the room.

The air was saturated with a combination of sulfur and sweat. Ben's eyes were the only thing able to move, darting across the body of this creature as he remained paralyzed in place. Looking down towards what sat between the monster's massive-hooved legs, Ben's body shuttered at its appearance. A sheathed cock lazily hanging down to the beast's knees, precum drooling out of its flattened head onto the floor pointed to what covered Alex's room and this beast's body. Swollen balls swinging even lower, coated in a leathery skin that constantly tightened and squeezed with desire. Quickly shifting his eyes back to the creature's head in discomfort, Ben suddenly was hit in the face with a wet appendage that roughly dragged across his mouth and nose, slathering him in a viscous stick.

Taking a staggered step back, too shocked to respond and too scared to resist, Ben could only watch on with widened eyes as the serpent-like tongue of the beast lathered across his face in a horrible one-sided kiss. Snaking across tasting the young man's fear and humanity with each gross slide. Its flesh darkened black and covered in a saliva that coated Ben's face in a fluid that left a horrible taste across his lips and a disgusting feeling on his skin.

The tongue was unnaturally long, able to snake down from the maw of the looming creature above and still find ample length to lather across Ben's face and neck. His face became covered in a thick layer of saliva that stretched across as the tongue moved, long strands of spit pulling and collecting on his skin. Hair growing damp from the tongue, Ben felt the sticky spit run down his chin, slowly dripping down his neck and underneath his shirt.

Ben's mind screamed at him to do something. To resist. To fight. To move. Anything to get away from this assault. Yet his feet remained locked in place. It wasn't until the tongue's tip slowly pushed into his ear, teasing the insides with seductive touches, coating the inside with drool as well, that Ben finally found the strength. Unable to stand the violation on his body any longer, Ben dropped the beer still in his hands and managed to quickly turn away running towards safety, his resistance even surprising the creature.

What is that thing? I gotta get out of here.

Ben's mind swam with panicked questions as his body ran down the hallway towards the kitchen. His progress towards freedom cut short though when something suddenly wrapped around his ankle, violently yanking back and forcing his body to slam heavily into the ground. Managing to get just feet away, Ben looked back to see the monster's tail wrapped around his leg and the beast emerging from Alex's room.

Wings retracted against a wide back to allow its hulking body to fit through the door as the creature bent over and entered the hallway. No longer obstructed by the transom, Ben could finally see the entire thing's face. Red Eyes, hellish red horns that almost cut into the ceiling above, an equine snout covered in fur and black nostrils that breathed in and out hungrily. This thing was not meant to exist in the real world. A demon in the flesh.

Looking to his side, Alex saw his only opportunity of escape. The beast's tail letting go of his ankle to return back behind, slicing into the walls as it did so, Ben scrambled on all fours towards the bathroom. Managing to get inside and slam the door shut just in time to hear the beast step towards him, Ben immediately locked and leaned against the door.

Panting heavily, Ben realized with dread the mistake of his actions. Although he managed to escape, he only succeeded in locking himself within a confined space without any exit. The beast likely standing behind the very door Ben was leaning against. He was now trapped with nowhere to run to. No phone to call for help. No ideas on what to do.

Why the fuck didn't I keep running? He desperately questioned, realizing the seriousness of his situation.

Looking around the bathroom, he searched for anything to help his situation.

A weapon?

What could I possibly do to fight against that thing?

What even was it? Why was it in Alex's room? Is Alex alive?

Eyes bloodshot, chest heaving, Ben barely recognized the heat inside the bathroom nor the smell which continued to assault his nostrils. The odor increasing ever more with the creature standing just outside, suffocating the inside with noxious fumes of perversion.

A crooked smile emerged across the beast's lips recognizing its prey was trapped. Although the demon knew it could rip off the door just as easily, it enjoyed the tease and wanted to edge out the pleasure as long as possible.

Why not let the human enjoy itself for a little.

Using both of its clawed hands, what used to be called Alex, grabbed its lengthy shaft already sliding out its furred sheath and pumped hungrily in front of the closed bathroom door. Pointing its elongated nose to the ceiling, it took in the leftover scent of the human. Recognizing its smell, dull memories of a former roommate and friendship pinged its shrunken brain. Such thoughts quickly shifted to depravity and excitement though in anticipation. Wings fluttered and flattened out in the hallway, stretching across in rippled sensations as pleasure once again grew across its hellish body.

Stepping a hoof forward, the creature carefully pushed its hips into the door. Its shaft already at full mast, it placed two hands on the frame and slowly grinded a slick cock and balls across the door. His member standing vertically up, grinded up and down in needy stimulation. The door becoming covered in a combination of grime and cum with each grind against. Loving the friction, the beast pushed its massive body forward, the door straining against the enormous weight and pressure. A horrible frot between flesh and the wood providing ample pleasure for the demon as it eagerly awaited for its mate inside. Imagining the door it grinded against was the backside of the helpless human inside.

Within the humid bathroom, Ben could only hear the sounds behind the door. Unable to make out what the creature was doing, only wet noises and bodily movements echoing across provided some terrifying insight. Horrible images of that sheath and the animal shaft inside probed his thoughts, unable to get them out of his head. The door shuttering against the weight, Ben wondered why it wasn't ripped off the hinges like before, but was just thankful something separated him from the monster for now. Taking the time to recollect himself, he reached up with a hand to wipe away at the saliva still smeared across his face. Desperately pawing away at it, Ben managed to only collect it across his hands as well. He knew some of it had entered his mouth when that beast's tongue lathered his lips and shuddered at the thought of swallowing any.

He swore he could taste it across his tongue and moved towards the sink to spit out whatever was still inside his mouth. His own saliva thicker than usual, continually leaving a heavy consistency across the inside of his mouth no matter how much he spat. Turning on the faucet, he brought his head down to drink, his tongue sticking out letting the water coat across. No matter how much he drank though, Ben couldn't alleviate the taste inside his mouth and only found himself growing flush and mind swimming with confusion as the surrounding heat and smell started impacting him. Pausing from the water, eyes concentrated towards a collection of gunk laying on the vanity with a pinged curiosity.

Leaning his head up from the faucet, a tongue still low out his mouth from heavy pants, Ben almost completely forgot about the impossibly dangerous creature standing behind the door and instead moved his face closer towards what was splattered on the sink. Thoughts of his roommate quickly replaced fear. Deep down he knew why Alex was in here earlier today for so long and Ben was staring directly at its remnants. The leftover cum from his roommate still sprayed across the vanity, clumsily wiped across and beckoning Ben to move towards it. Almost as if Alex left it just for him. Ben hungrily licked at his lips once again tasting the saliva from the creature and mixing it back into his recently washed mouth.

The lingering musk and spit working overtime in corrupting and pulling at Ben's mind, little was left to resist as he moved his head closer towards his roommates residual cum. Nose hovering just over it, he took a large whiff, sniffing at it like a dog. Thoughts completely without direction except one.


Ben timidly let his darkening tongue push forward, sticking its tip directly into the still sticky discharge. The seed touched at his tastebuds and overwhelmed the corrupting saliva inside his mouth with the new taste of cum. Recoiling at first, only seconds of pause and rationality passed before Ben could resist no longer and slammed his fat tongue back down and licked across the sink. Hungrily lapping at each smear of collection, a flattened tongue slid along desperately tasting for any salted substance to coat his throat. Cleaning the vanity with his mouth, Ben's crotch grinded into the cabinet below, needy for stimulation as primal desires grew from the surrounding contaminating musk.

Completely absorbed in the taste, Ben didn't notice the subtle changes that were growing both inside and out. His tongue, the most altered of everything, already lost most of its pink pigment, shifting black and flattened out across the vanity with new flesh. Its tip lengthened with every lick, hot breaths breathing over its growing saliva coated form. The ear that was violated by the beast just minutes prior, its insides still coated in spit, was beginning to point and darken. Brown hairs emerging on top as its form shifted upwards. Across his entire sweat coated body, similar black and brown hairs sprouted with prickled sensations.

Ben's nostrils expanded with one last long lick, not questioning his heightened sense of smell nor the strange feelings on his growing body. In dismay he looked across the sink, recognizing he'd completely licked the entire surface clean. Devoid of any remnants of his roommate's seed, the vanity was now coated in a shiny layer of saliva. Shifting his head up, tongue hanging across his jaw, Ben stared at his reflection in the mirror. Condensation covering most of his reflection, he could barely make out his face. Swiping at the fog across the glass, Ben took a step back in seeing himself. A wave of guilt and horror flooded back into his brain finally remembering where he was, what stood behind the door, and his past actions.

Staring back from the mirror was an altered appearance gradually losing what made it human. Dusting of hairs on a once clean shaven face. A lengthening tongue that couldn't fit in Ben's mouth no matter how much he tried. A blackened nose and widening mouth that with every minute protruded further out forming a snout. Hairy ears shifted towards the top of a head, pointing straight towards the ceiling. Ben helplessly watching it all, rationality only pointing towards him stuck inside some horrible dream.

Suddenly, a violent surge of flesh emerged atop his right shoulder forcing Ben to look away from his transforming face towards a sinister lump growing upwards. Looking via the mirror, Ben watched with dismay as new flesh swelled. A freakish-muscled mass coated in fur right next to his still skin covered neck. There was nothing he could do but view his mutating body, unable to escape the bathroom and continually contaminated by the thick odor slipping inside cracks of the door from the demon behind. Some of the chambered musk even generated by his own changing body at this point. Pits damp with thickening hair coated in sweat. Abs and chest wet to the touch with a thin layer of grime from the stressful metamorphosis.

The alien mass across his shoulder continued to grow, blackened skin underneath rippling with development. Grabbing hold of the sink with both hands to support his wobbly body as extra pounds added to his frame, Ben shifted his crowded head and followed with his eyes a brand new neck form along his expanding collarbones. Body shifting so fast, little time was given to keep up. His chest heaving, expanding with each heavy breath. Lean muscle growing to support the added weight on top broadening shoulders. Deep down Ben recognized this swollen growth for what it was becoming. A second head.

Growing tired of the endless grind against the door, the monstrous creature outside the bathroom stepped back with both hooves. Hot breaths of frustration and impatience blew out nostrils as red eyes stared at the obstacle that stood between it and the human behind. Unable to resist any longer, lust taking complete control, the equine demon used both of its clawed hands to grab the door and madly rip it off its hinges, throwing it into the hallway behind.

No longer obstructed, eyes glared directly at the raised ass of the human leaning against the sink. Still clothed, Ben barely held onto his weak mortal smell, but the nostrils of the furred beast recognized the change of transformation in the air. If there was anything left of Alex, he might have recognized the body of his roommate standing just in front of him. Little memories outside of depravity though related back to recognizing Ben. In such a precarious state, the human was practically begging to be mounted from behind and the corrupted changed mind of Alex was more than happy to oblige.

Continuing to stare at the bulging mass appearing next to his head, Ben barely had enough strength to react to the door being torn open or face the creature entering the bathroom. He could hardly keep his knees from buckling under the pressure against his body and the heat inside the confined space. Only supporting himself by increasingly hairy arms, Ben simply shifted his eyes back and forth between the horse-like creature stepping towards him with heavy clops and the second head growing from his shoulder.

Panicked thoughts gave some solution to what happened to his roommate. Ben meeting the red eyes of the horse-like creature approaching. There was nothing left of Alex to recognize anymore. Dread realizing he too was becoming similar to his former friend. A prisoner to his own flesh. Wanting to resist the changes but continually sidelined by powerful waves of pleasure and an impossible transformation that wracked his shifting body. He didn't even know what he was turning into. A body shifted to become similar to his roommate or changed into something horribly new all together?

Why is this happening?

Such internal question inside Ben's mind immediately answered by another presence inside his own head. A bestial voice speaking in hellish tongue that Ben could barely understand but shuttered with the depravity of thoughts and suggestions that rattled inside. Atop the new formed neck, thick veins and muscles straining to support the flesh above, another head fully shaped. This head devoid of human characteristics, completely demonic in form.

An elongated snout with dangerously long canines pushing out its maw. Teeth stained a gross yellow and foul breath huffing past its lips. Cropped black-furred ears swiveled on top of its head and flickered to the sounds around. Red eyes piercing back into the mirror staring into Ben's soul. A new presence fighting for control within their shared body. Brown and black fur completely covering its face. A tongue rolling out of its snout matching the one that still hung across Ben's chin. The new head before him was some horrible hellhound. A face of a canine that increasingly matched his own lengthening and furry appearance. The two different faces on one body stared at each other as Ben finally realized what his own appearance would soon shift into.

Just as his second head fully formed, Ben felt the pressure of his altered roommate press up against his lifted ass. Arms still holding onto the sink, Ben was pinned in place and felt himself having to struggle against control of his own body as the new head and its vile brain influenced his hands and feet. The two minds struggling against each other while an equine shaft behind grinded slowly against Ben's pants, coating them in a sickly line of pre.

Dissatisfied with the feeling, needing to feel flesh, the beast behind grabbed Ben's pants with its fingered claws and in one motion ripped them into tethers, leaving strips of clothing falling onto the floor revealing just underwear and hairy thighs. Recognizing what was about to happen, Ben did the only thing he could, unable to move or fight, he screamed. Trying to be as loud as possible in the hopes of alerting a neighbor, he continued to yell desperately for help. Seizing the opportunity with Ben's open mouth, the new canine face next pushed its snout forward into Ben's own lengthening maw in a surprise forceful kiss. Muffled screams absorbed by tongue and spit.

Ben recoiled initially, trying desperately to turn a head away from the hellhound licking against his own face. A wild embrace with a satanic tongue forcing its way into Ben's snout. The two heads locked together, wet tongues dancing and grinding together inside of his shifting mouth. More of that slick saliva generated by both of their tongues coating the insides of each other's mouth in a stickiness that stained Ben's teeth and turned breath foul. Each kiss pushing pleasure into his mind, weakening his will to fight. Two minds connected together within one body in an embrace of passion and corruption.

Blissfully absorbed in it all, even pushing back into the kiss and returning the playful licks to his second face, Ben's muddled brain hardly felt underwear be pulled down to his ankles, an exposed ass without any defense raised to be violated.

As much as the creature behind Ben desired to mount this human right here, its bloated shaft was far too large to penetrate Ben's tight hole, let alone slide entirely inside. The ass in front of him still reeked of human, something it hoped to change soon. Using its clawed fingers, the equine beast spread Ben's cheeks while the human remained preoccupied in its passionate makeout.

Bending down, Alex pushed his elongate furred nose deep into the widened crack of Ben. A forked tongue that assaulted Ben's face not that long ago now slid and teased against his tight hole. Feeling the wet appendage slide into his virgin ass, Ben loudly whined into the open snout of his other head. Rippled pleasure exploding across his form as for the first time his ass was violated. His transformation accelerated by the penetration, new changes erupted across as feelings assaulted any leftover reservations Ben still weakly held onto.

Slipping deep inside the pucker of Ben, the demon took in the shifting smell of the human. Savoring in the taste and feeling the sensations of bliss shutter the altered body. Each wave of lust motivating Ben's body to grow hairier, muscles to swell larger, cock to lengthen with new flesh. In a matter of minutes, his entire body was covered in a new pelt of black and brown. His own face shifted to match his second head. Hands still holding onto the sink grew leathered and black, fingers elongating across and nails shifting a deep amber clicking on the vanity. Feet matching Ben's dark claws tore through his socks as they grew large to support his new frame. Feet widened and shifted backwards, coated in a black fur, reflecting a new canine form.

With each lick plunged deep past rings, probing his prostate and widening his insides, a nub just above Ben's ass grew. Motivated by the pleasure, a sensitive tail emerged and throbbed forward over the equine head of the demon rimming him behind. Using one of its clawed hands, Alex grabbed the tail and stroked at its growth sending more flutters of bliss towards the two minds above as they continued their dance of tongues and spit. Ben needily grinded his ass into the tongue behind, desperate for it to go deeper and satisfy his growing hunger.

One of the last things still remaining human, Ben's cock desperately swollen at this point, finally grew hot in change as prickles of enlargement began to match the rest of his altered appearance. Shifting a bright red similar to his new eyes, the tip of his shaft slowly pointed while a new knot inflated near its base to satisfy the needs of a Doberman hellhound. Thicker skin underneath emerged swallowing a portion of his shaft with a new sheathe to match his fellow demon still sloppily rimming from behind.

Completely canid, its form continued to grow upwards in arousal, sneaking up a furred stomach and leaning over the sink as its heavy form fought against gravity. Balls behind churned in unison with Ben's beating heart, each pulse puffing them larger and filled to the brim of potent demonic seed. The leftover remnants of human cum forcibly discharged from the pointed shaft splattering his new coat and leaking to the floor below.

Removing its forked tongue from the hellhound's hole and releasing a grip from its new bushy tail, the equine beast moved its face back up and grabbed the pointed hips of its former roommate. Swinging Ben to face him, the double headed snouts released themselves from their kiss and stared at matching red eyes in desire.

Little pause given, soon the two demons pushed forward and grinded in fanatic passion. Three tongues intertwined as they admired each other's new transformed selves. Sheathed cocks, one equine one canine, sliding against each other in a foul frot that slathered the other in combination of cum and sweat. Balls squeezing and swinging between furry thighs that strained and flexed in new found strength.

Unable to fight back the desire to mount its demonic brethren any longer, Alex grabbed the swollen ass of Ben and easily lifted the two-headed creature off the bathroom floor and turned to leave the confined space limiting their movements. The beasts continuing their passionate kiss and frot, Alex used his muscled legs to walk into the hallway towards the living room supporting his former roommates new frame. A space better suited for passion and destruction.

Both collapsing onto the floor, shaking the entire apartment complex, they eagerly ate at each other's faces and growled in hungry lust. The two minds of Ben completely saturated in new desires of the creature on top, submitted to its delicious fumes and poisonous appearance.

Finally finding its mark, Alex with a thrust of its widened hips slammed its elongated cock directly into the saliva saturated asshole of Ben. His insides teased by the forked tongue before and shifted to match the rest of his demonic body now easily accepted the equine shaft without resistance. Flesh sliding deep past rings, a flattened hand finding its mark and slamming into the deprived prostate of Ben. Two snouts howling in bliss, tongues hanging out in dumb-wracked pleasure, Ben's new form could only lay there in ecstasy as the transformed shaft of Alex slid in and out over and over, humping deep and claiming this new beast with every greedy thrust.

The two remained locked within their loud fuck, nothing else of concern, the living room growing hot and saturated with the smell of sex. Demonic growls and horny moans that were heard by the entire apartment complex. Wings fluttered as they completely widened open in the living room. Tails of the two beasts slithering and wrapping together matching the locked bodies. Rhythm only quickened with each thrust as the two finally felt their loins hum and pleasure hit unimaginable levels.

A final thrust hitting its mark, infernal orgasms detonated within the two former roommates cementing their appearances and locking them in their new hellish forms. Brains forgetting everything but each other, a wave progressed throughout the two bodies to their altered heads shaking both of their bodies violently in lust. Two sets of balls constricting, the pointed tip of Alex and the flattened head of Ben bloated before wildly releasing a torrent of cum. Wave after wave of seed lining their two bodies, layering the insides of Ben, dripping onto the floor that could barely support the weight of the two creatures.

For what seemed like hours the two remained paralyzed by shivers of their climax. A seemingly endless supply of fluid emptying from their balls in unison completely saturating their already matted furs in the reeking fluid. Hips absently bucking into each other with nerves overstimulated by the brain-melting sensations attacking their grinding fur and flesh.

Finally their vile crescendo ending into a dull cloud of bliss that tingled the heads of the two exhausted creatures. Unable to think of anything but each other, the two remained obsessed over the other with their bodies specifically altered to support the other in passion. Shifting his equine nose upwards, cum stringing from its chin to its chest, Alex looked lazily on with heavy eyelids at their destroyed apartment surroundings. Not recognizing much, red eyes focused upon a large mirror centered in the back corner. A ghostly clawed hand emerging from behind beckoning the two demons to follow it inside.