Life Cycle of a Jock - Mature Student - Practice

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#3 of Life Cycle of a Jock - Mature Student

Following Eric's injection and initial transformation, he is now beginning to embrace the new mindset of being a Jock, from eating to training and competing. Eric now has to face his initial practice with his new team mates and look to build a comradary with them, in closer ways with some....

Based of the amazing work of Transformation_Guy_3

The smell of the cafeteria had made my stomach twist when I finally entered it, the feeling of hunger was unlike anything I had felt before and I put it down to the after effects of my changes.

I made my way over to the counter and drooled at the options available however as I reached for a tray to grab my usual favourites I felt my body freeze, my hand halfway towards a wrapped burger.

A sudden flash in my mind told me to stop and at the same time a wave of disgust flooded me.

Feeling scared, I looked at my other regular favourites, pizza, hot dogs, chips...all of them began to turn my stomach in a different way, it was if the very sight of them was causing me to feel ill, even the smell, that would usually draw me like a certain cat to lasagne, made me feel like I was going to wretch.

I moved past them, averting my eyes before I found myself in the section I usually avoided...Salads.

My stomach turned again, but this time it was in anticipation and it growled.

Gulping I got closer, the smell of greens filled my nostrils and I felt my mouth water all of sudden and thoughts seemed to rush into my head.


Images of foods flashed through my mind, food that would strengthen me.

Improve my performance

Make me a better jock

Absentmindedly I piled my plate high with greens, baked potatoes and grilled chicken available at the counter and when I reached the till to pay I was holding back from digging in then and there with my bare hands.

"Healthy lunch today, and good portion too" the lady behind the counter smiled

"Yeah...I'm starving" I replied, my stomach giving another growl.

"So I can tell" the lady smiled, "Paper or Plastic?"

"Errr I have this" I replied and held out a small card from the pack that had been given to Trent for me by Mrs Ellory.

Taking it from me, the lady examined it and smiled.

"Ahh I should have guessed, one of our jock boys" she smiled, swiping the card on the till, "All done sir, please enjoy"

"Thanks" I smiled taking the card back and began weaving my way through the cafeteria to an empty table.

The moment I sat down, I dove into my plate, the immediate reaction of my body was relief as I tasted the first mouthful.

I must have looked and sounded like someone out of those cheesy food shows with the bliss I was feeling and out of the corner of my eye I was sure I was beginning to get some stares from some of the other students.

"I'll have what your having bro!"

I choked slightly through a mouthful of chicken as I felt a thump on my back and followed by the thump of two people sitting themselves in the chairs either side of me.

Turning I found that they were two men, both students and both ripped, their broad shoulders filling out their varsity jackets.

One was taller with short blonde hair and dark green eyes, the other stockier, with black hair and very white teeth.

"Enjoying your first meal as a jock bro?" the black haired man asked, putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Hard to get over those first urges" the blonde grinned, "Don't worry though it passes"

I chewed hard for a moment and eventually managed to swallow my food and cough.

"Yeah...But..Sorry bro's, who are you guys" I gasped.

The two boys laughed loudly.

"Shit dude, what are we doing?" the black haired one snorted, holding out his hand, "Max Carter and my friend there is Paris"

The blonde smiled and raised a hand in greeting.

"We're both on the Jock program too" Max continued as I shook his hand absently, "Wrestling team seniors"

"Seniors?" I muttered, my eyes widening as turned this way and that, sizing them up and they both laughed.

"Looking for signs of degeneration?" Paris asked jovially.

I smiled innocently and nodded.

"Yeah everyone does when they find out" Max smirked, "But we haven't started it yet, we check ourselves twice a day, anyway first things first though dude, name?"

"Eric Fulham" I replied, taking Paris's offered hand now, "Swimming team freshman"

"Hah I knew it!" Max cheered, "I heard a rumour the swim team got a new recruit, so its you is it Eric?"

"Y..Yeah" I stammered, a bit overwhelmed, "I got my shot this morning"

"And you're already out and about?" Paris asked surprised, "Fuck me bro, I was out for a whole day after my shot"

"Same" Max agreed, "I guess they buffed it up"

He winked at me and I felt myself blush.

"Yeah I did struggle to walk after it" I added, "My roommate helped me back to my dorm though"

"Respect there bro!" Max nodded, "Gotta look out for our fellow bro's in the program"

I nodded and felt myself relax a bit with the two dudes and our conversation eased into our majors and interests and we began to smile and laugh like we'd known each other for years.

I wasn't sure how long we talked but I realised that my plate was empty by the time the conversation circled back around to the program.

"Can't believe your studying Law ontop of all the training" Paris sniggered, "I don't envy you bro"

I shrugged, "I didn't really have a choice dude, my employer made me"

Max raised an eyebrow, "Oh yeah you were sponsored dude, what did your employer think about you joining the program"

I bit my lip at this.

"I..err...haven't exactly told them yet" I replied sheepishly, "I guess they'll know though now that I'm actually in the program.

Paris let out a short whistle.

"Have fun with that convo bro" he chuckled, "Bet they're gonna love the fact their rep is gonna end up as....what are ya hoping for bro?"

I gulped.

"Hoping for?" I queried innocently, knowing full well what he meant.

Max cocked an eyebrow.

"C'mon bro, y'know what we mean, what do you wanna end up as?"

I gulped again.

"I really haven't given it any thought really" I replied honestly, "I only got my shot today...did you know that early"

"Hell yeah bro!" Max grinned, unzipping his jacket and exposing a blue and white spandex singlet underneath, "I wanna be a singlet! Always loved the feeling of spandex so it's a no brainer for me bro!"

I felt myself blush again and my cock throb in my pants and I turned to Paris who was also blushing slightly.

"I wanna be a pair of wrestlers boots" Paris smiled, shuffling his feet.

"Or a mat" Max added with a sneer, "dude's got a huge foot fetish"

"BRO!" Paris yelled his face now scarlet, "Shut the fuck up!"

Max laughed loudly, smacking the table.

"Like it ain't the truth bro"

Paris scowled and looked around at me.

"So come on bro! What do you wanna be, off the top of your head"

I felt my own blush deepen, put under the spot like this.

"I..well I... guess" I stammered, my eyes darting around, "I guess I'd wanna be..."


The three of us all wheeled around and I let out a sigh of relief as I saw Trent making his way between tables towards them.

"I've been looking everywhere for ya Eric!" Trent smiled as he reached us and bumped fists with the two wrestlers, "Hey Max, hey Paris"

"Sup Trent" Max smiled, "Back from training?"

"Nah team meeting" Trent replied, patting my shoulder, "Coach was letting us know about Eric here joining us and giving us our rota"

He smiled down at me.

"The others are eager to meet ya tomorrow at practice bro!"

I nodded back up at Trent as Paris and Max got to their feet.

"We better head off dude" Max smiled holding out his fist, "Look forwards to seeing you around Eric"

"Yeah man, you too" I smiled, bumping his fist.

"See ya round Eric" Paris smiled, patting my shoulder before he and Max turned and headed away and Trent sank down into Max's empty seat.

"They're great guys" Trent smiled, "always have your back"

I nodded.

"I thought that bro" I replied, "So that was all the coach wanted? Just to inform the team that I had joined?"

"And to give us our training rota" Trent added, rolling his eyes, "seriously he could've given that to us earlier with the doc"

Trent's eyes fell on my empty plate and he looked around at me knowingly.

"Haha your first meal" he smiled, "What did you go for, pizza?"

He winked and felt my now full stomach twitch.

From the look on my face, it seemed to answer his question and laughed.

"Gets us all bro!" Trent smiled, "you'll be eating super healthy for a day or two, then you can enjoy pizza and then at least"

Part of the anxiety I had felt earlier seemed to fade at this.

"So its...its all part of the changes?" I asked.

"Yep, all part of being a jock, we gotta look after our bodies while we got 'em" Trent replied posing like a teacher giving a lecture but he still smirked, "but don't worry bro, part of being a jock is drinking, fucking and partying so it ain't all green and grilled."

"I'm glad to hear it" I smiled, "Don't think I could ever give up pizza for good"

Trent's face fell slightly as I said this.

"Sad to say will happen eventually"

I felt a slight sense of foreboding as I was reminded of my imminent fate and I cast around wildly for a change of subject.

"When does training begin?" I asked quickly, remembering the earlier statement.

Trent smirk returned.

"Six in the morning bro, before class"

I let out a long groan while Trent just watched on in amusement .

"Seriously Bro!"

No Pizza and early starts!

I was beginning to question whether this had been a good idea after all.

The early morning chill was about as welcome as Trent's jabbing when the alarm clock went off at five in the morning.

"C'mon Bro time to go" Trent had smiled, pulling on a shirt and snatching up a pair of dry bags.

"Coach won't pull his punches if we're late" he added, hurling one of the bags at me as I sat up,

"I've already packed Barry in for ya, looks like you and he had fun"

I felt myself go scarlet.

I had forgotten to wash the blue spandex shorts after my short pleasure session and it occurred to me that it would still probably be damp and reek of my cum.

Trent winked at me.

"Don't worry dude" he smiled, "again we've all been there, if we hurry you can dive into the pool and no one will be able to tell"

That above everything was what roused me out of bed and into my baggy clothes.

Emerging out of the dorms, the morning was bright and crisp.

A few people were milling around, some out for an early morning jog, others returning after all night revision sessions at the library.

"C'mon bro, warm up time" Trent smiled before setting off at a jog towards the university complex.

"Wait up dude" I cried, chasing after him and falling into step.

I expected to start wheezing within the first few minutes, as my experience had been up to that point with my previously unhealthy figure. my body felt invigorated, a deep heat was rising within me with each step I took and made me feel empowered.

My body was working like a well oiled machine and I found myself wanting to push it further.

I began to lengthen my strides, knowing somehow that it wouldn't hinder me.

Increasing my breath and the power of each step, I grew swifter, pulling ahead of Trent, not missing the smirk he was giving me as I went.

"That's how it is huh bro?" Trent called, increasing his own speed to match mine, "How about first one to the pool gets the first round tonight!"

Something shot through my body like lightning at the challenge, a burning impulse to prove myself, to win...


My eyes flashed with determination and I grinned.

"You're on bro!" I called and I let my impulses take charge and I raced ahead again.

This was easy.

Trent couldn't keep up with me, he was smaller, he was weaker.

I was going to win!

"VICTORY!" Trent cried, panting, arms raised over his head in celebration.

I meanwhile was on my hands and knees, wheezing and spluttering about ten feet from the goal.

I didn't know what had gone wrong.

I was winning, my body was burning with energy as we had raced across the quad towards the sports centre, it was like I could not fail.

Yet as soon as the pool buildings door came into sight, I felt a sudden tightness in my chest.

My breathing became haggard and before I knew it I was on all fours panting like a dog.

Trent dropped his arms and smiled, walking over to where I was trying to regain composure.

"Sorry bro, first rounds on you" he smiled, holding out a hand which I took thankfully, allowing myself to be pulled to my feet.

"I...I don't...don't know wha...what happened" I panted, wiping my sweaty brow vigorously with my free hand.

"One moment I was pumped, next I'm fucking wrecked"

"Bet it kicked in the moment we made the bet" Trent grinned.

I nodded, already seeing another revelation coming.

"Jocks love to be number one bro!" Trent continued, "We're the fucking best and love to win, you'll see when you do your first match"

He laughed.

"At the same time ya gotta learn ya limits, we ain't on the Running team bro, but don't worry we'll build that stamina up"

I cocked my eyebrow at him as Trent turned and held the door to the pool building open.

"C'mon bro, time to dive in"

I sighed, still feeling strangely drained before I followed Trent through the door and along the familiar corridor to the changing rooms.

The moment we entered I could smell the scent of the chlorine wafting in from the pool next door and I felt a tingle shoot up my body causing me to grin and restoring a little of my lost energy.

Besides me and Trent, the room was completely empty and there were no signs of anyone being there before us.

Trent headed over to bench and set down his bag before beginning to strip off his shirt, revealing his muscled chest and causing me to blush again and my cock to throb in my pants.

God he so fucking hot.

Setting my bag next to his I began to strip off my own clothes, stealing glances at Trent whenever I could, watching him kick off his trainers and pull down his shorts to reveal his bubbly ass held tight in a jockstrap.

"Fuck" I though wildly, turning away as I felt my cock throb harder and knew it would show.

Tossing my shirt onto the bench I took a moment to examine my own body in the mirror on the wall, watching my bicep pop as I pulled it into a flex.

The serum still seemed to be altering my body, my pecs stood out further, looking firmer and more defined, my chest now a definitive v shape and also brighter.

Narrowing my eyes, I ran my fingers over my chest and realised that the skin was smooth.

Letting out a gasp, I quickly kicked off my shoes and pulled down my sweatpants and boxers to stand naked in front of the mirror and my suspicions were immediately confirmed.

All my body hair below the neck had gone.

I traced my hands over my body, with particular focus over my now erect cock, feeling the lack of a once substantial growth of pubic hair around its base.

" hair?" I gasped.

"Yeah you better check your bed when we get back to the dorm" Trent said, stepping up beside me.

"What do meaaaa..."

My question turned into a gasp as I realised that Trent was now standing stark naked next to me, admiring his glorious in the mirror, although I distinctly saw his eyes drift towards my throbbing cock as he began to pose.

"I mean your hair probably fell out in bed bro" Trent smiled, flexing is chest, "you should change your sheets later, trust me"

"I..err..." I stammered, flabbergasted, my eyes fixed on my roommate.

I had seen him in a speedo and he had been hot, but now that I saw him in all of his glory he was divine.

Every muscle on Trent's body was toned to perfection and with each flex he pulled it only accentuated his physique.

The new detail was a his semi hard 6 inch cock waving freely as he struck each majestic pose.

"Helps us glide through the water" Trent continued, "We basically loose it all, well below the neck anyway"

I gulped as he reached down and stroked around his hardening cock, lifting it up to expose his smooth balls.

"Having it smooth here takes a bit of getting used to though", he added with a wink releasing his shaft and letting it bob tantalisingly.

Trent smiled, seeing my red face and hard cock that was leaking slightly.

"I think I better stop teasing ya though" he grinned, moving back over to his bag and pulling out a blue speedo, "Hard to swim with fin"

I let out a indignant splutter at this and Trent fell about laughing.

"You're too easy bro" Trent chuckled, pulling on the silky garment and letting slap against his skin, "But I'm glad you enjoyed the show"

He winked at me.

"Too bad its over"

Trent and I gave yells and whirled around to see Ambrose standing by the door to the changing room, wearing a broad smile clearly trying not to do anything about the throbbing bulge in his jeans.

He looked strangely odd, the black neoprene of his skin emerging from the sleeves of the short shirt giving the impression he was wearing lycra.

"Really dude" Trent scowled, "Not cool"

"Ahh lighten up Trent I've seen you swinging it around more than once in here" Ambrose smiled walking into the room.

"I'd hope you'd be here so I could get a good look at our new jock"

Ambrose's eyes wondered over to me and I blushed as his gaze ran up and down my body, pausing noticeably on my cock, causing me to realise I was still buck naked in the middle of the room and I quickly turned and yanked Barry from my bag.

"Shit" I thought madly, realising too late the sudden smell of cum rising from the garment as it was pulled free only caused my cock to throb harder.

"Well, well Fulham" Ambrose chuckled, "Coach wasn't lying when he said you got all the best bits, you look fucking hot bro"

That deep sense of pride filled me again and I felt the grin reappear on my face as I stepped into the blue speedo shorts and pulled them up, feeling the silky material caress my smooth legs and throbbing cock as they snapped into place.

Turning, I found both Ambrose and Trent admiring me, both with wide grins.

"What?" I said sternly.

"Just wow bro" Ambrose smiled, continuing to look me up and down while the bulge in his Jeans throbbing noticeably, "I'm looking forwards to putting you through your paces now".

He winked and Trent rolled his eyes and I felt the familiar .

"Keep it your neoprene bro" Trent chucked and stepping up next to me, "C'mon Eric we gotta hit the laps, you think running was good, just wait till you hit the water"

Putting a hand over my shoulder, Trent pulled me around and marched me past Ambrose towards the doors to the pool.

"Get yourselves warmed up good" Ambrose called after us, "Coach really wants to test you both out today"

Ambrose's words followed us through the doors and as we emerged onto the side of the pool I was hit by a different kind of rush.

Rather than arousal, this was a sense of anticipation, the rich smell of the chlorine filling my nostrils and the heat radiating off the pool causing my skin to tingle.

My bulge faded as though my body was preparing me for the exercise to come and my focus went from my naked roommate, to the challenge ahead.

The rush caused me to sway slightly but I didn't stagger.

"Fuck...this serum really is kicking me" I muttered as Trent grinned.

"Yep that's one of the last surprises bro" Trent explained, "When its crunch time, we jock's know what's important and our bodies"

He pulled a flex

"Make sure we're ready for it"

In the strange rush I was feeling I flexed with him, the action increased my pride but also infused a feeling of power in my muscles.

The veins in my biceps pulsed with energy, ready to face the challenge.

"C'mon Bro, let's get to it" Trent grinned stepping towards edge of the pool and beginning to stretch.

Following suit I moved to the marked lane next to Trent and began to follow his movements, once again finding to my own amazement, the extent to which my body had changed.

Where once I had struggled to touch my toes, I now found myself bent right down, chest to my knees hands gripping my ankles as the stretch ran up my legs and back.

Rising back up and twisting into the next stretch I felt my body surge with energy again.

That competitive urge building.

"Right bros, Ya ready"

Turning I saw Ambrose, now dressed in only his swim shorts, his neoprene body drawing the eye as he fiddled with his clipboard and stopwatch.

"I'll count you in and I wanna see 20 laps, Ready?" Ambrose continued, stopwatch in hand.

"YEAH BRO!" Trent called.

I nodded too in response, giving a wave.

"OK!" Ambrose called, "ON YOUR MARKS! GET SET!"

My body suddenly tensed, my mind razor focussed.


I dived.

The moment my fingertips touched the water I felt another new sensation, one of absolute bliss

The feeling rolled up my body it passed into the water until I was submerged and I felt as though I suddenly found my place in the world in that infinitesimal moment I knew, I belonged in the water.

Then like an instinct my body moved, the moment was over and my face was above the water before I kicked out, my arms striking forwards into a front crawl, powering my way through the water.

I could sense Trent behind me, feel the slipstream of his kicks as he drew ahead.

The competitive instinct drove me onwards, kicking harder, trying to keep pace as the two of us rocketed down the pool, the only sound being the splashes and the gasps as we took breath after each third strike of our arms into the water.

The end of the pool was soon in sight and I robotically followed the urges of my body, inches from the edge I flipped gymnastically in the water, planted my feet on the pool wall before launching myself back down the way I had come.

"That should have bought me time, I should be catching up" I thought gleefully.

In a short moment I managed to glance ahead and I felt my stomach drop.

Trent had increased his lead and was almost already half way down the pool.

Ambrose had been right, he really was good at freestyle.

I pushed on and raced on, trying to make up lost time, regaining my focus and forging onwards.

On and on we went, up and down the pool.


The laps continued to pile up and yet I still seemed to fall further behind.


"Why wasn't he tiring" I thought maddeningly, my own body beginning to strain from fatigue yet he was barely breaking his pace.


I was almost floundering as I made my way back down the final lap and when I finally touched the pool wall and trod water I gasped for breath, my muscled chest heaving when I suddenly heard the sound of clapping.

Looking up I saw Trent sitting on the side of the pool smiling down at me with several other members of the team who had arrived during our warm up, Ambrose was also there smiling down at me, clipboard in hand.

"Awesome work bro!" Trent cried, offering his arm which I grabbed and allowing him to help me out of the pool to sit beside him.

"Excellent Fulham!" Ambrose smiled, "What an improvement!"

I smiled and nodded to him, still panting slightly and also hearing the odd mutter from the other team members.

"Fuck he did that after one day"

"Shit they must have boosted the serum"

"Damn he looks hot"

"He keeps that up he could win gold bro"

The comments both ignited the flame of competition again in me and made me blush from the admiration.


The booming voice of Coach Anderson echoing around the pool drove all further and I jumped up beside Trent and got in line with the other team members.

Coach Anderson marched along the line and stopped in front of me.

He looked me up and down and gave a gruff nod.

"How'd he do Ambrose" he asked loudly to Ambrose who stood behind him.

"Above average Coach" Ambrose replied, showing his clipboard, "Good times and finished three laps shy of Abercrombie"

A strange pang of shame hit me at these words.

Coach Anderson's eyes scanned down the clipboard and he nodded.

"Good start Fulham" he growled, "But not good enough, you've got a lot of training ahead of you and not a lot of time, do you hear me"

I gulped.

"Yes" I replied, quietly.

"YES WHAT!" Coach Anderson barked, putting his face inches from mine.

The jock impulse surged.

"YES COACH!" I bellowed back.

Coach Anderson's expression remained hard but I had the impression that he had almost grinned.

"Good!" he barked, turning and marching up and down the line.

"20 Laps for everyone for warm up, relay style by year, change every four lengths, Understood?"

"YES COACH!" came the resounding cry from the team,

"Freshman front and centre!" the Coach barked, "Sophomore's on deck"

Trying not to roll my eyes, I stepped up to the edge of the pool with four others, all of them smaller and significantly younger than me but just as muscular.

"ON YOUR MARKS!" the coach bellowed and my body stiffened again.


Coach blew his whistle and once again I dived.


The whistle echoed again around the hall and I crossed my arms on the edge of the pool, gasping.

"ALRIGHT BOYS THAT'S ENOUGH!" Coach Anderson called, "Hit the showers!"

There was a collective moan of relief from all members of team many of whom seized towels and wiped their faces.

"Need a hand bro?"

I looked up into the boyish face of one of my fellow freshmen, Peter.

Slender but muscled, he looked the part of a teenage heartthrob that would have the girls running at him, his short spiky black hair also added to this handsome appearance.

I had him pegged for the diving squad but as his body developed from the serum it was hard to tell where any of us would end up.

"Thanks Bro" I grinned, taking Peter's offered hand and allowing him to help me out of the pool, my muscle feeling just as jellylike as when I had gotten my shot.

I got steadily to my feet, stretching out to relieve the fatigue of the intense practice.

After the initial warm up we had gone onto a series of drills.

Different swimming styles to relay contests between the different year groups, the Juniors and Seniors coming out on top as was generally expected.

Peter tapped my shoulder.

"C'mon bro, lets hit the showers and get outta here" he grinned, "I heard the teams gonna head out for food after"

The grumble in my stomach seemed to answer for me but I nodded.

"Yeah lets go bro"

As we moved towards the changing rooms I heard a strange clapping from behind us and turning I saw another teammate, dressed in his speedo but also appearing to be wearing large black rubber socks that extended his feet by several inches and causing him to take long wide steps.

"Sup' Mitch" Peter asked, turning to the man who looked up and smiled.

His eyes were large and bulbous, giving him the rather comic appearance of a cartoon character but he smiled kindly as he approach.

"Nah bro I'm good" he said, making his way forwards a few more steps, "Still getting used to my newwww feet"

As Mitch spoke his lips seemed to pause in an o shape when making the motion but he shook his head.

"Sorry" he added, flexing his jaw and lips, "I think my mouth is changing too, never expected it to be this early"

"How does it feel?" I asked curiously, the question slipping out.

Mitch looked at me in equal curiosity before holding out his hand.

"You're Eric aren't you?" he asked, "We met about a week back? Trent's roomie?"

I nodded.

"Nice bro" Mitch added, "Welcooooowwwme"

Mitch's mouth made the same motion and he shook his head again.

" answer your question bro....awkward"

He held up one of his feet and I got the first good look at it since the night we had meet.

The skin of his feet was entirely black from the tips of his toes until just above his ankle except for bright blue streaks that ran along the bridge, the entire length of his foot and his toes had begun to lengthen so that his foot look clownish but I also noticed that his toes seemed flatter towards the tips.

"Started getting my flippers about two weeks ago" Mitch explained, "Have a feel bro"

I felt slightly uneasy and a flashback to Ambrose in the changing rooms a week prior only made me blush.

"Don't be shy bro" Mitch grinned as Peter already had reached forwards and felt his foot, his expression surprised.

I followed suit, running my hand across Mitch's foot and I gasped.

Instead of the fleshy feel, I felt the smooth texture of rubber and plastic.

Our expressions made Mitch's smile widen.

"Yeah bro, my feet are already rubber or plastic or whatever" he chuckled, lowering his foot with a clatter, "Haven't been able to wear shoes since, not that it matters since I can barely feel anything through them now, makes walking a bugger though"

He took another long step as if to accentuate his point.

"Then my mask started to come in a week ago" he added, gesturing to his face and his bulbous eyes.

"Mask?" I asked curiously and he nodded.

"Yeah, Coach reckons I'm becoming diving gear" Mitch replied, "Mask, flippers and from moooooouth maybe some kind of breathing equipment"

He didn't react to the pause this time, merely ignoring that it happened.

"Knew it was going to happen sooner or later though" Mitch continued, "But gonna enjoy the time I have left, speaking of I better get sorted, my gals meeting me in a bit"

A new smile on his face, me and Peter walked with Mitch into the changing rooms where most of the team had now left the showers and were in the process of dressing themselves.

I tried to avert my eyes but the sight of so many naked men was beginning to get me riled up and Barry seemed to twitch around my hardening cock as though to tease me.

"There ya are bro! Hey Mitch"

Trent came marching over, a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Hey Trent" Mitch smiled clapping hands with his teammate, "Didn't mean to hold up ya roomie, just havin' a chat"

"No bother dude" Trent chuckled, "Just thought Eric here would have liked the full show in there"

He gestured towards the showers where more of the team were exiting the showers drying their hair, letting their cocks swing exposed.

Mitch raised an eyebrow and grinned at me.

"Ohhhh so you like it that way huh" he sniggered, his eyes dropping to see the now obvious bulge in my speedo shorts.

"Trent Why!" I gasped, my face flushing but both Trent and Mitch were laughing.

"Too easy bro" Trent laughed,

"Yeah don't worry about it dude" Mitch added, wiping away an abnormally large tear, "loads of guys here like dudes"

Peter looked stunned looking around at the conversation and also blushed.

"You gay bro?" he asked rather loudly and causing a few of the team to look around curiously.

My face was now beet red and I tried to hush Peter before he said more.

"Well...yeah I am...but c'mon bro don't yell it out" I spluttered

Peter looked around and gulped.

"Sorry bro, didn't meant to...k'now" he simpered, "Just yeah its no big deal bro!"

He scratched his head embarrassedly and looked away.

"I'm gonna get sorted" he added quickly, "See ya in a bit dudes"

Me, Mitch and Trent watched him grab a towel and disappear into the steamy shower before I saw the other two shake their heads.

"Typical freshman" Mitch shrugged, "never know what they want"

"Yeah its so adorable" Trent chuckled, "Anyway Eric c'mon shower up then you owe me a drink remember."

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah yeah" I groaned, grabbing my towel and heading into the steamy shower area.

Turning in I found most of the showers were empty and I could just make out Peter's dark hair near the other side of the room.

Hanging up my towel on a hook, I quickly stripped off Barry and wrung him out.

"Thanks for today" I muttered at the shorts, "I'll reward ya later"

Knowing I must look stupid, I hung the blue spandex shorts on another hook before picking up a bottle of shampoo and stepping up to a free shower.

The warm stream running over my naked body felt like bliss after all the exercise, the warm water washing away the fatigue of my muscles as I rubbed them and felt my cock grow harder.

Hearing footsteps near me I quickly bowed my head under the stream and began to rub some of the shampoo into my hair, feeling the gritty texture of the chlorine get washed away.

Lost in the blissful sensations I didn't notice the footsteps stop behind me and I head a pair of voices whisper gleefully.

"Fuck I never though a Freshman would fill out so well"

"Yeah they really got the serum right for him"

Whirling around I blinked through the streaming soap, seeing two blury naked figures standing cross armed behind me.

"Woah dude, didn't mean to make you jump bro" one of them chuckled as I frantically wiped my eyes.

"Mind if we take these spots" the other asked, his deeper voice radiating in my ears.

Before I could protest, the two men took the showers either side of me and I heard the water start up as I finally cleared the soap from my vision and I looked at my two neighbours.

Both men had a hard firm swimmers build and looked older than Trent, making me think they must be Seniors.

The one on my left was taller, his short brown hair flattened by the water but his bright blue eyes were piercing and he was looking me up and down with a slightly hungry expression and I could tell by his impressive seven inch cock, which was already throbbing at half mast, that he liked what he was looking at.

"How are you bro?" the man asked, proving he was the deeper voiced of the two and holding out his hand, "I'm Caleb and this is my best bud Miguel"

I looked around at the other man after taking Caleb's hand and he gave me a mischievous smile and a wink, his bright teeth standing out against his walnut brown skin and emerald green eyes, his black hair was longer than most on the team, falling to his mid neck and he had a stubbly beard giving him a rugged look.

"'Sup Bro" Miguel smiled, shaking my hand too as his eyes raked my body, "Man you are muy caliente"

I blushed madly at the comment, almost swooning from the Spanish edge in his accent.

"T..Thanks bro" I smiled, not able to stop myself from looking over his form which while muscular, was lither than Caleb's but no less attractive.

"You look awesome too" I added not bothering to hide my arousal as they obviously weren't.

Usually I would have been a quivering mess, two hot naked jocks cornering me in the shower and admiring my body, however the jock impulse inside me was telling me to roll with it and let them see.

I raised my arm in a flex and I saw Miguel lick his lips.

"Damn Bro" Caleb growled from behind me and I felt a firm hand caress my bicep from behind.

The feeling was a blissful explosion, having Caleb examine my muscles and I watched as Miguel pulled a flex too, showing off his muscular chest and causing my cock to bounce in clear excitement.

"Like what you see bro?" Miguel grinned, "I thought I saw you sneaking a peak earlier"

It was my turn to lick my lips as I nodded, the jock impulse driving me on as I felt Caleb draw closer and I gasped as I felt something hard prod at my bubbled ass.

"Well bro" I head Caleb whisper into my ear, "Fancy some fun after the meet, me and Miguel never say no to a little company"

Miguel moved up close too, sandwiching me between the two men and my cock frotting up to Miguel's making us both quiver and moan.

Leaning back I felt Caleb pull closer, his cock now pushing against my eager hole.

The impulse within me was urging me on and I was ready to give in, to let the two men take me.

"YOU DONE YET BRO!" came Trent's voice suddenly from the corner.

It was like shattering glass, the spell was broken.

Both Caleb and Miguel moved away quickly as Trent's face appeared around the corner.

"C'mon dudes were heading out" Trent smiled, "Bars waiting!"

He pulled his head back and there was hurried footsteps as Peter ran by, his scarlet face turned away as he ran back into the changing room.

I smirked and turned back to Miguel and Caleb and reached out taking their cocks in my hands and feeling them both pulse and moan as I stroked their hard shafts and watched as Miguel reached out and took mine.

It was a blissful moment, the three of us there in the steam and the jock impulse returned in full measure, filling me with strong emotions and desire.

"Later bros?" I grinned with new confidence.

Both men grinned broadly and nodded.

"Fuck yeah Bro!" Caleb chuckled as I released his shaft, "Meet ya there"

Miguel winked and nodded.

Smiling back at them I turned and grabbed Barry and my towel from the hooks before following Peter into the changing room, beginning to dry myself off as I went.

"Miguel and Caleb getcha bro?" Trent asked, pulling on his shoes.

My eyes went wide and my blush returned as I looked at him but Trent merely smiled and winked.

"Told ya bro" he added cheerfully, "Enjoy yourself while you can bro, and those two have a rep for havin' a good time"

My blush deepened and I turned away to dry myself fully and pull my clothes on.

Trent didn't tease me further but there was a knowing look in his eye as he waited for me to finish.

"Right bro, lets head out, you owe me two drinks now" he said cheerily.

"TWO!" I cried incredulously, "WHY TWO?"

"One for the running race" Trent smiled, holding up a finger, "and the warm up"

I spluttered in indignation before he leaned in, "And for tipping those two in your direction"

My jaw dropped.

"Y..YOU?" I gasped.

"Two drinks then Bro?" Trent grinned.

I spluttered for a moment and then hung my head in defeat before laughing.

"Fine Bro" I replied, wrapping my arm around his shoulder and following the last of our chattering teammates out of the changing room.

"Two drinks"