Lost Souls - Chapter 2

Story by ScareCrow613 on SoFurry

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Fear and Self Loathing in Lost Souls

Okay, so here it is, Lost Souls Chapter 2. I'm not entirely sure I like the way this one came out, it feels wrong in some indescribable way, I can't quite put my finger on it. Ultimately though, the story is for you guys to judge. As usual please comment, rate, and enjoy!


Lost Souls - Chapter 2

Your parents are dead. Those four echoing words shifted and roiled in hir dark unconsciousness. Your parents are dead. Shi could see their faces, hir mother and father smiled sad, warm smiles at hir from somewhere very far away. They were beautiful as usual, hir father's features were thick, strong and proud, while hir mother's were softer and possessed a thin, caring elegance about them. They loved hir so much, and shi loved them back. They tried their best and shi knew that.

Then why did they leave you the way you are? came a vicious whisper from some other corner of hir mind. Why did they doom you to a life of pain and exclusion, of doubt and insecurity? They could have fixed you from birth. You could have been beautiful like them. Instead you're a freakish, mutated thing, and it's all their fault. The caustic words of hir private resentment continued to pour and burn like acid.

"No, I'm just different. I'm sure there are people out there somewhere who accept me. I'm not a freak..." Shi tried to argue to hirself but even as shi said them, the words sounded hollow and frail, and shi found that even shi didn't believe them.

Oh yes, yes you are. Pretend otherwise all you want, but at the end of the day, you can't fool yourself. Who in their right mind would accept you? Look at you! You're an appalling mess of nature. Shi stammered and stalled, desperately searching for some defense against this brutal assault. The image of hir parents gradually shifted and faded away, replaced with something lithe and sexual, something white. That was hir answer, hir pale lover would save hir.

"Izzy knows what I am, she wasn't too bothered." Maddening echoes of harsh laughter rebuked hir statement instantly.

The dragoness? Really? Are you really so naive to think that you're anything but a sex toy to her? She doesn't care about you, the only thing that slut wants is that baseball bat you keep tucked away in your pants.

"But we love each other. She loves me, she told me so last night after..."

After what? After you whored yourself to her? She can't love you, nor can you love her. It's impossible to love someone you don't know. Think about it, you don't even know her last name! And just because she was your first doesn't mean you two love each other. Besides, a degenerate monster like you cannot feel love. You can only know shame and hatred.

This had to stop, there was no winning against the impregnable wall of hir own self-loathing. Shi had to wake up; to prove to hirself that this was all some sick dream and that shi would just get out of bed, walk downstairs, and begin another awful day in hir regular, boring life. Hir parents were fine, shi was asleep in hir bed while they were downstairs going through their morning routine. Mom was making breakfast, humming lightly to herself, while Dad was reading the paper and drinking some coffee. There was no Lost Souls place, Izzy did not exist, there was no accident. Now just get up so you can see this for yourself. Come on, wake up. WAKE UP!!!

Sheila's sapphire eyes snapped open and shi cringed beneath the harsh whiteness that greeted hir. The ground beneath hir was cold and hard, and hir joints were aching and stiff from sleeping on it. The faint smells of water and soap lightly twinged in hir nose, but there was something else too, something dark and terrible. The deep, heady stench of stale sweat and sex assaulted hir as hir eyes adjusted and the realization dawned on hir. Something was horribly wrong, and shi knew it. When hir eyes finally focused, shi looked around in horror to find hirself in the showers of the Lost Souls home.

"No no no no, please no..." Sheila whispered to hirself. The strange mental detachment of the previous night had worn off, and shi was now terrified. Despair, pain, anger, fear, loneliness, they all thrashed about inside of hir like some horrible rampaging beast, threatening to overcome hir senses and reduce hir to a quivering husk. Shi rolled over, hir fur stuck lightly to the tile by dried fluids, and scooted back a bit on hir rump. And what shi saw then just made things worse. On the floor before hir was a sleeping white dragoness, her agonizingly familiar back-side staring Sheila in the face. Hir eyes roamed the naked form and every inch recounted another small piece of what had happened. More thoughts raced across hir already overused nerves, thoughts of moans and slurps, grunts and squishes, wetness and warmth. Shi turned away from the appalling scene and crawled on hir hands and knees towards one of the shower stalls. Hir head reeled and spun as shi continued to move slowly forward and hir brain worked overtime to try and handle everything. Shi was alone, in this strange place with these strange people, hir parents were dead, hir situation seemed utterly hopeless. By the time shi was in the stall, a thick, disgusting pressure had built up in hir guts. Shi knew immediately shi was going to vomit, but tried to hold off for just a bit more. Pushing back against the weight of despair, Sheila rose up slightly to try and turn the shower handle.

"Please..." shi pleaded to the cold metal as shi reached out. Shi enclosed it with a quivering hand and pulled down, releasing a torrent of steaming water. Sheila was aware that it wouldn't really help at all, but maybe hir childhood comfort could distract hir for a while. Shi flopped hard onto the floor, entirely- drained from the exertion of even simple actions, and just lay there. It was only quiet for a moment though before hir vision blurred and darkened. Sheila gagged and wretched as shi released the foul cocktail of bile and digestive juices. Brownish liquid whirled and spun around the drain as the putrid sludge was sucked down the pipes. The disgusting aftertaste hung in hir mouth while shi rode out the last heaves and let hir head slap back down onto the slick tile again. Burning water fell mercilessly onto the poor herm but shi didn't care, hir body meant nothing anymore. Shi felt so empty. Shi was just a hollow, malformed vessel for a mind. A mind that was bruised, beaten and scarred. Sheila sobbed silently to hirself, the crushing weight of hir dark depression grinding hir into nothing. But once more, shi didn't care. Mentally and spiritually, shi was already dead, why not just let the world finish the job? Hot tears mixed with even hotter water and were all swept away into the drain. Sheila merely stared a thousand yard stare into the white tile, wishing shi would die.

The soft, rhythmic static of falling water entreated gently at the door of Izzy's sleeping senses. Water? What? Oh...Right. Izzy drifted back to consciousness with a protracted yawn and a long, feline stretch. She kept her eyes closed and rolled onto her back, a smile parting her lips as pleasant memories passed through her head. She reached out gently with her left hand and felt for the warm fur of her newest lover. She was surprised though when all she managed to grasp was the cool air. The sound of the water registered again and she made the connection.

"Bit slow on the uptake there, Iz?" she mumbled to herself as she retracted her hand. "Morning, stud," Izzy called out, "You're up pretty early. And you're taking a shower without me? I'm hurt. I was hoping I could give you a nice rub-down." Izzy snickered slightly as she envisioned Sheila's reaction to her latest flirtations. She waited to see what Sheila was going to say, but when no response came, she tried again. "Did you hear me in there, or were you too busy playing with yourself?" Once again, nothing. Izzy opened her vibrant eyes and sat up, splaying her arms behind her as supports to lean against. She turned her head to the left as she focused in on the location of the noise. She found Sheila laying in the fetal position in the bottom of one of the stalls, a blank, catatonic expression frozen on hir face as steaming water rained down on hir. She knew immediately something was wrong and rose quickly to her feet.

"Sheila?" Izzy asked concernedly as she half-jogged over to the stall. "Sheila can you hear me?" she inquired more forcibly as she reached a hand out to shake Sheila from hir daze. She came close to touching hir, but a searing jolt of pain shot up her arm as her skin came in contact with the burning water. Izzy's hand recoiled in an instant with a small yelp of pain and she shook it furiously, cursing as she moved around as fast as she could to shut off the water. With a quick push of her scaled hand, the lever was forced up into the "Off" position and the harmful cone of agony dribbled to a halt. Izzy dropped immediately to her knees with a small splash to tend to the unmoving Sheila. Swirling motes of steam rose from the horse's body and shi trembled almost imperceptibly in the absence of the heat. Izzy ran a hand through hir drenched fur, exposing the skin beneath. It was an angry red and had obviously been burned. "Oh shit," Izzy whispered in exasperation as she viewed the damage Sheila had caused hirself. She paused for a moment, unsure of how to handle the situation. "Hang on," Izzy said, leaning over to look into Sheila's blank eyes, "I'm going to get you out of here."

From somewhere very far away, Sheila heard a familiar voice. Shi was only dimly aware of the dragoness in hir current state; her words barely registered. And even when she touched the burns, the pain seemed so unimportant that Sheila had no reaction. Just leave me alone, shi thought to hirself, just go and leave like everyone else. Hir request was denied as shi found hirself moving and, if shi had been paying any attention, would have found Izzy half-walking, half-dragging hir out of the showers and down the halls. Down the multitudinous paths they went, Sheila's still-dripping body leaving a wet trail behind them as the pair approached the entrance hall. Izzy stopped just short of the giant room and peeked her head out around the corners. It was dim, with dusky pre-dawn light offering only a gray-blue illumination. The place was obviously empty given the earliness of the hour and Izzy proceeded swiftly across its wide breadth, making for the second hall from the right. Silently Izzy crept, her every movement deliberate and slow so as not to wake anyone as she approached the door to their room. She removed one hand from Sheila's arm and turned the gold doorknob softly. The similarly golden room number, 30, shimmered in the hall lamps as she pushed the door in. Izzy dragged Sheila the last few feet in and laid hir down as gently as possible on hir bed.

"I'll be right back," Izzy said to the still unresponsive herm as she quickly threw on some old clothes and all but ran from the room, leaving Sheila alone on the bed. Shi lay alone in the quiet, with only the clock's steady rhythm to keep hir company, an almost exact replica of the night previous. Shi couldn't move, couldn't think, couldn't do anything really. The leaden weight of hir despair held hir in place both physically and mentally. Hir entire body, hir chest especially, ached with the depressing pain of hir shattered heart. Shi longed to be back home with hir parents, where everything was sane and everything made sense. Instead shi was here, where shi had sex with strangers and told them shi loved them. Why did I do that? Why did I let that happen? Sheila curled up slowly into a ball again and fresh tears began to run. What's wrong with me? Why can't things just be normal? Why does everything in my already screwed up life have to get even worse? Sheila continued to cry noiselessly to hirself for a short while more until the door opened again and Izzy entered the room, several small bottles and a towel in her arms. Izzy placed the bottles on the nightstand by the bed and began gently toweling Sheila off, taking great care to avoid causing hir more pain. When she felt that Sheila was dry enough, she tossed the towel carelessly into the heap of clothes at the foot of her bed and opened one of the other bottles. Izzy squeezed a blob of its contents into her hands and worked it into Sheila's fur and down to hir skin. Sheila felt the tingling coolness on hir skin as Izzy massaged hir, and dimly shi recognized that it must have been something to counteract the burns. Shi lay quiet and still as the mixture soothed hir and Izzy, obviously satisfied that that had worked, reached and grabbed another small bottle. She twisted off the cap and the crisp rattle of pills on plastic destroyed the fragile silence of the dim room. She dumped two of the small round things into her palm and set them down with a bottle of water on the nightstand by Sheila's bed.

"Take some of these, they're painkillers, they should let you sleep and help with the burns," Izzy said softly to the horse, who gave nothing in response. Izzy stared at hir for a short while more before undressing and sliding into her own bed. "Just get some sleep, Sheila, please." Izzy offered her final plea and then rolled over and fell asleep, leaving Sheila to nothing but silence and the forbidding blackness of hir thoughts. The painkillers on the table seemed to call to hir, begging that shi release hirself from this hell. No, you must suffer, it is all that a monster like you can do. The terrible darkness in Sheila's head fought with all it's might, hungering for hir pain, feeding like an awful mental parasite upon hir self-inflicted misery. Shi was powerless against hir own mind and just lay resigned in the dark room, wallowing in the excruciating consciousness that shi was doomed to. Several long hours passed and, eventually, Sheila's body shut down, too full of pain and too drained by sorrow.

Sheila laid in hir bed for what seemed like an eternity as hir sense of time slipped away. Sleep came sporadically, and only in short periods when it did, although it was not the temporary sanctuary shi had hoped for. It was instead a haven for hir nightmares, where all the madness that couldn't plague hir in the waking world would strike. Strange and terrible visions ran through hir head, some worse than others, but all of them terrifying. There would be scenes of fire and smoke, with dead bodies fornicating beneath blackened skies. Other times, shi would find hirself falling helplessly into a great nothingness, forced to watch as everything shi had ever known faded into oblivion. It came to be that Sheila almost feared sleeping, preferring instead to lay awake and suffer through hir grief. Again shi felt loneliness, pain, despair. But mostly, shi felt fear. Shi was afraid of this new life shi had been forced into, afraid of hir situation with Izzy; shi just felt afraid of the world and everything in it. Why me? Why, of all the people on this planet with less problems, does this happen to me? And Mom and Dad...Why did they have to die and leave me alone here? Sheila cried softly into the darkness, pleading for some way out, but nobody would answer.

Some while later, when the weeping had stopped and the pain had subsided just enough, Sheila made an effort to leave the room. Blearily, shi sat up and rubbed hir eyes, trying hir best to prepare hirself for life outside of hir isolation. Shi reached over and turned on the light on the nightstand, revealing again the place that had so quickly become hir home. More like a cell, Sheila thought as shi looked over to the other bed to find that Izzy was not present. She's probably out revealing your dirty little secret to the entire populace of this miserable place. Then they'll all hate you. The vitriolic bile of Sheila's insecurity and fear bubbled and foamed like a violently heated concoction. Shi pulled hirself from bed with a resigned sigh and set off to find something with which to cover hir loathsome nakedness. Shi was surprised to find the clothes shi had worn the other day resting on top of a foot locker, neatly folded and apparently clean.

"Better than nothing," Sheila muttered to hirself as hir apathy got the better of hir. Shi donned the gray t-shirt and jeans, not caring much for hir appearance, and clopped out the door. Sheila quickly walked down the hallway and out into the entrance hall, absently pondering how long shi had been in hir room. The place was drastically different in the sunlight, the massive windows let in a deluge of clean illumination, and where once it had felt like an inescapable tomb, it was now a thing of beauty. But still something was amiss, everything seemed different now. The stairs, the long carpet, the pillars, even the doors and the windows. They all just seemed uglier, as if marred by some universal and invisible imperfection. Sheila couldn't tell if this was hir actually observing things for the first time or if it was just a distortion cast by the warped auspices of hir own tortured soul. As shi looked around though, shi noticed the presence of several other furs standing or sitting about, some of them talking, others eating. Shi walked over to the large staircase at the center of the mammoth room and sat on one of the lower steps, trying to draw as little attention to hirself as possible. It appeared to be working, none of the other furs spared hir more than a passing glance before returning to whatever they were presently engaged in. Shi felt invisible, safe almost. That was why Sheila nearly jumped out of hir skin when shi heard a deep voice behind hir.

"I don't believe I've seen you around before. You new here?" Sheila turned hirself around slightly to address the speaker. Standing on the landing of the staircase was another dragon, though this one was drastically different from the one shi knew. He was about hir height, and his jet-black frame was packed with bulging muscle. His hairless head instead sported two short gray horns that swept back and then up. He wore a simple white t-shirt and khaki shorts, which were stretched relatively tightly across his rippling form. The dragon walked down the several steps that separated him from Sheila and had a seat next to hir.

"Yeah," Sheila responded quietly as the dragon settled into his new position.

"Gotcha. Well, sorry for whatever happened to put you in here, but it's good to see a fresh face. My name's Jack Parson," the newly identified Jack said as he flashed a toothy grin at Sheila. Ordinarily, Sheila would have at least attempted to smile back, but now it just seemed like an unnecessary gesture.

"I'm Sheila Mallari," shi replied, forlorn and withdrawn, not even bothering to look Jack in the eyes. Jack's smile gradually faded as he sensed something was wrong. The ensuing silence was awkward and strained, and the dragon reacted as quickly as possible to keep the conversation going.

"So...who are you rooming with?" Jack inquired, trying to force some form of communication. Sheila finally decided to turn hir head and look at him through the curtain of hir hair, which shi hadn't bothered to tie back. He stared at hir with brown eyes set into a strong, blunt face. He was, in fact, rather handsome, but Sheila had too much on hir mind to even be thinking about that.

"I'm rooming with Izzy...," Sheila paused as shi stumbled over the fact that shi didn't know her last name, and Jack's mood seemed to sour slightly at her mention. "Do you know her?"

"Yeah, I've seen her around," Jack said, the faintest edge of annoyance in his low voice. "Are you looking for her?" No, you don't want to see her, what would she want with you anyway, freak? And besides, even if you were to see her, she would just use you. Sheila paused as shi considered the thoughts that ran through hir head, and how strangely true they sounded.

"No, I was just wondering," Sheila muttered. "Is there anywhere where I could just kind of hang out and sit around?" Jack reclined his head for a moment as if thinking.

"Well, aside from right here, anywhere else you want really. Although, up the stairs to the right is a common room, they have some couches and TV's in there," Jack offered with a shrug as he continued to stare at the ceiling of the great room. Sheila promptly thanked him, stood up, and began climbing the velvet-lined stairs. Shi wandered over the landing and up the set to the right, still lost in hir miserable thoughts. Izzy didn't want me, she never did. What am I to somebody like her? So absorbed in hir thought was Sheila that shi almost missed the first door on the second floor balcony. Faintly, shi heard music and conversation coming from the other side and concluded that this was, in fact, the common room Jack spoke of. Sheila breathed deep in preparation for any conversation shi may have to partake in, and opened the door.

It swung inward silently on its hinges, and Sheila was able to view the room for the first time. It was wide and spacious, with multiple couches, tables, and televisions. The left wall was composed entirely of windows that looked out into some courtyard, and allowed the fresh sunlight to spill in. Several series of track lights illuminated the room, brightening the areas the golden sun couldn't reach. The greenish walls and bright hardwood floors contributed an almost calming sense to the place. There were more people in the room than Sheila had initially expected, groups of furs sat around talking with their friends, watching TV, playing cards, and just generally enjoying themselves. Shi swept hir gaze from left to right, taking in the crowd. Hir eyes settled on two in particular, a lion and lioness, that held each other as they leaned up against a wall. Sheila watched as they kissed one another, their passion all too evident. Look at them, see how happy they are? You will never be like that, ever. You will go through the rest of your life alone, and it will hurt. Because with your parents gone, who's going to love you now? Sheila forced hirself to look away from the pair, feeling tears in hir eyes already. Shi took a step inward and rubbed hir eyes, looking down as if to make hirself less noticeable. Sheila looked up as shi wiped the last remnant of hir pain away, and the sight that greeted hir practically made hir burst out again. A white dragoness sat on a couch, a kangaroo and a bat sitting in chairs surrounding the small round coffee table in the center. They were obviously very engrossed in whatever conversation they were having and Sheila hoped they wouldn't look up and notice hir. Shi closed the door behind hir, and regretted it.

Sheila instantly cursed hirself as shi saw one of the bat's heavily pierced ears twitch as it registered the faint sound of the door closing. She, for it was obviously female, looked up from the others and stared at Sheila from behind a slender pair of glasses. Sheila froze immediately, knowing exactly what was going to happen next, or at least fearing the worst. And sure enough, all the others followed her gaze until shi found hir blue eyes matched almost unavoidably with Izzy's green ones. Sheila felt all of hir insecurities rise against hir again, all of hir fear, all of hir pain, all of them brought to the front by the mere sight of the dragoness.

"Sheila?" Izzy said with a wave of her hand, as if checking if shi was actually conscious. Sheila shook hir head softly as the sound got through. Shi snapped back to reality to find everyone in the small group staring at hir. Shi walked towards them as hir emotion ate away at hir. I wonder what she's told her friends about you. I wonder what that vile creature has said. Normally, Sheila would have tried to suppress hirself and at least put up the pretense of normality, but with all that had happened and all shi was feeling, shi simply didn't have the will keep everything down. Izzy scooted over on the couch and patted the cushion next to her, indicating that Sheila should sit. Shi finished hir short journey and had a seat on the tan suede, hir posture clearly showing that shi was uncomfortable.

"Guys, this is Sheila, my new roommate. Sheila, this is Jen and Morgan." Izzy gestured to the kangaroo and the bat respectively as she spoke, and Sheila took them in one after the other. Jen was a beauty, long tresses of golden hair hung immaculately from her head in a glorious angelic curtain. Her blue eyes, the light brown of her fur, the flawless proportion and curvature of her every feature, she was perfect. She beamed a radiant smile at Sheila as if unspeakably pleased to see hir. Oh my, isn't she pretty? Does it hurt? Does it hurt to know that that could have been you? You could have been beautiful Sheila. You could have been, but you aren't. You have your parents to thank for that. Sheila turned from the paragon of womanhood to examine the bat next. She looked up to regard Sheila for only a moment, black eyes filled with a professed disinterest that was contained by the thin metal outline of her glasses. Her pointed, fragile-looking features returned their attention to a large, leather-bound book that was clutched in her tattooed hands. Her hair and clothing were much like the rest of her, dark, strange, and forbidding. And Sheila was given the distinct impression that she wanted it that way. So shi returned hir eyes to Jen, who promptly stuck out her hand in a greeting.

"Sheila, right? I'm Jen Sanders, nice to meet you," Jen said in a rather girly voice, the smile still on her face. Sheila looked at her hand for a short while. Just as perfect as the rest of her, and so unlike you. Finally, she took Jen's hand and gave it a quick shake before returning to hir stiff, awkward-looking posture. Shi folded hir hands in her lap and just stared down at them, unwilling to look any of the others in the eye. There was a brief pause before Jen began to speak again, but Izzy cut her off.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt you Jen, but I'm going to go get a drink. I'll be back in a sec." Sheila felt Izzy get up and wander off, but took a quick peek over to make sure she had gone anyway. Subconsciously, shi let out a tiny sigh of relief that Izzy was no longer present.

"She seems to like you," came a voice much sharper and more clipped than Jen's. Sheila looked up at the other two to find Jen still sitting there and Morgan with her attention still on her book.

"What?" Sheila asked.

"Izzy. She seems to like you," Morgan said, not bothering to look up at Sheila.

"Oh. Yeah, I guess," Sheila responded, slightly agitated by the bat's overt dismissal.

"Did she get you in bed yet?" The horse was stopped dead in hir tracks by the question. She told them, I knew it, I knew it! How the hell could you have ever trusted her? Meanwhile, Jen took on a shocked expression and turned towards Morgan.

"Morgan! What is wrong with you?!" Jen asked, completely exasperated. The bat finally put down her book and looked over at Jen.

"What? I'm just asking a simple question," Morgan explained before returning her attention to Sheila, who had still not answered. "So did she?"

"No, what would make you think that?" Sheila did hir best to sound convincing. Morgan didn't buy it for a second, and snickered slightly before speaking again.

"That's a yes. Wow, I'm truly impressed at how good at that she is. Well, chalk up another one for our girl." Sheila cursed hirself again for always being so obvious as shi felt hir face go red.

"Aww, don't feel bad though, you're on par with plenty of others. She got the beauty queen over here on her first day too." Morgan jerked a thumb over at Jen, who promptly responded with a middle finger.

"Fuck off, Morgan," Jen said loudly. "I'm sorry about her, Sheila. All those years of having her head shoved up her own ass have made her a tad short on people skills," Jen finished with a pointed glare at Morgan, who merely smirked in response. Sheila was silent for a moment as the implications ran through hir head.

"Is that true?" Sheila asked quietly. Jen cocked her head slightly at the question.

"What? About me and Izzy?" Sheila nodded, and Jen sighed before continuing. "Yes, it's true," she said resignedly. "It's not something I'm proud of, but like Morgan said, she is very good at that." There was a lull in the conversation as Jen read the concerned look that was creeping onto Sheila's face. "See, the thing you have to understand about Izzy is that she's kind of..."

"A manipulative sex-addict," Morgan interjected, speaking from behind her book once more. Jen stopped to cast her another hard look before resuming.

"Don't listen to her. Izzy can definitely be very persuasive, and she does tend to be promiscuous. That doesn't make her a bad person though, she just has her flaws like the rest of us," Jen finished calmly. Sheila felt a sudden flash of violent anger rise withing hir at Jen's statement. Flaws?! Fuck you! You don't know anything about 'flaws', you perfect little cunt. Live with my shame for sixteen years and then come talk to me about flaws! Hir rage subsided as quickly as it had come though, replaced by a familiar leaden despair as shi again realized that any glimmer of hope she had for Izzy had just faded before hir eyes. Sheila choked back the tears that shi knew were coming, trying to hold them until shi could be alone at least.

"I-I have to go, I'm sorry," Sheila said as she stood up and moved towards the same door shi had come in, clopping off at a brisk pace.

"It was nice meeting you," Jen called after hir. Sheila just ignored her and moved through the doorway, eager to resume hir isolation.

No more than a minute later, Izzy came back into the common room with her drink in hand, humming softly to herself. As she walked towards where her friends were seated, she immediately noted Sheila's absence.

"Where'd Sheila go?" Izzy asked as she approached the other two. Morgan said nothing and Jen merely shrugged. "Hmm, that's weird. I guess I'll find hir later," she said as she laid out on the now-vacant couch.

"Is everything alright with her? She seems kinda...off," Jen asked.

"Yeah, shi's kinda going through a rough time right now. Hir parents were killed in a car crash and shi's pretty shaken up about it, spent the last five days in our room just sleeping and crying. Besides, shi's really shy to begin with, or so shi says, so please try to be nice to hir," Izzy said. Jen nodded with a smile in response.

"Oh by the way, good work on that one, Izzy, " Morgan said. Izzy sat confused by the statement for a moment, her face screwed up as she wondered what Morgan meant.

"I'm not sure I follow you," Izzy replied, rather puzzled.

"You bagged Sheila already. Your skill never ceases to amaze me," Morgan said with a mock bow. Izzy's brows arched in surprise at the bat's knowledge, and a small smile found it's way onto her lips.

"Shi told you that, did shi?" Izzy inquired, with almost no belief that Sheila had done so.

"No, I asked her. She just happens to be a terrible liar," Morgan said with a laugh.

"Shi doesn't seem like shi would be a good one. I didn't even have to do anything really, I was just being myself. Shi wanted it so bad, and I wasn't about to pass up on the opportunity, so I just made it happen. I told her I loved hir when we were done, makes it stick better that way," Izzy explained as she sipped her beverage.

"With a body like that girl has, I can't blame you. She's like a work of art. Great rack too," the bat said. "How was it?" Morgan asked, now very much attentive. Izzy closed her eyes as she recollected all the wondrous memories, all the sweet ecstasy Sheila had brought her.

"Incredible," Izzy said finally. Her eyes remained closed and a large grin had spread across her face. "Especially considering it was hir first time." Morgan said something in response, but Izzy didn't hear it. She was far too busy watching the replay of herself getting pounded by Sheila's cock. She felt herself grow wet, and her omnipresent sexual urge flare. "I'm afraid you guys are going to have to excuse me; I think I'm ready for round two," Izzy said as she opened her eyes and stood up. Morgan laughed as Izzy downed the rest of her drink and proceeded to leave.

"Ready or not, here I come," Izzy muttered under her breath as she began the hunt for her latest lover.

Sheila laid alone in the expansive green field that lined the long driveway before the palatial-scale building. Lost Souls, as Sheila discovered, was not a single entity, but rather a compound comprised of four separate buildings. The first and foremost was the one in which shi now lived, a kind of general purpose home. Shi had no idea as to the point of the other three, but at the moment shi didn't really care. Shi felt so betrayed, so alone. The only people in hir life that seemingly been there for hir had vanished, and the first person shi had ever gotten intimate with had stabbed hir in the back. First, hir parents had left hir alone, dying selfishly and dooming hir to this place. They never loved you in the first place, they had only lied. Then, the horse shifted hir irrational fury to the next item in hir head, Izzy. The dragoness had gone from friend, to lover, to traitor in the span of a few maddeningly short hours. You knew shi was bad for you. You knew shi was using you. You knew she would tell her friends all about you. You have no one to blame but yourself. Sheila wanted to scream, to cry, to do anything to vent hir emotions. Alas, no tears would come, and the only sound shi could produce was a whisper. And so she laid there in the field, brooding quietly.

Shi was alone for some time, eyes closed as shi let her mind wander. The sun beat down on hir, warming hir fur and skin beneath it. Every now and then a gentle breeze would roll over hir, keeping hir from getting too hot. For a second, Sheila almost felt calm. That is until shi heard something move in the grass near hir head, and hir light was suddenly eclipsed. Sheila opened hir eyes to find Izzy standing over hir, green eyes boring deeply into hir own. Again shi felt the familiar sensation of being peered into, hir most private feelings seemingly no longer so.

"What do you want?" Sheila asked dourly.

"I just came to check on you. I know things are probably pretty rough. I wanted to make sure you were okay," Izzy said.

"Like you care," Sheila retorted, breaking eye contact with the dragoness. Izzy sighed and sat cross-legged by Sheila's head.

"Why wouldn't I? You spent five days in our room either sleeping or crying. You didn't eat or drink anything. That would be enough to concern people who don't even know you," Izzy explained. Sheila absorbed this information absently. Had shi really been there that long? It was strange to think it. But still, five days of isolated suffering, and hir pain had hardly eased.

"Izzy, just drop the act. I know that you don't care. You only want my body." Izzy looked puzzled at Sheila's accusation.

"Where did you get that idea?" Izzy asked.

"Oh, your friends and I had an enlightening conversation while you were gone. They told me all about you and your little escapades, the kinds of things you're into. I still can't believe you told them about what we did. But I suppose I shouldn't have expected any different from a manipulative sex-addict, should I?" Sheila glared back up at Izzy as shi finished the thought. The dragoness was quiet for a long moment before she spoke again.

"Listen, Sheila, I..." Izzy halted herself mid-sentence, as if she didn't quite know what to say. "Look, you don't have to like me, but please just let me help you. I know how you must be feeling right now, how much it hurts. Just let me try to take the pain away," Izzy said softly, gently placing a hand on Sheila's shoulder. Sheila went to move away, or to make another pointed comment, but found hirself strangely unable. Distantly, shi recognized what was happening. The warmth of her touch, her dazzling eyes, the sensual melody of her voice; everything about Izzy was still just as intoxicating as it had been the previous night. Sheila could practically feel hir resolve crumbling. Primal urges swirled half-manifested through hir head, and hir body reacted in kind. The bulge in hir jeans was growing a bit too quickly, and Sheila harnessed all hir will to try and contain the steadily-growing arousal. By this point in hir life, shi had become more than familiar enough with hir body to know that once shi got all worked up, there was no going back without some release. I have to get out of here before I do something stupid. I'm not going to be able to take much more of her.

Izzy's eyes roamed the horse's body hungrily, and she allowed herself a small grin as she watched Sheila's crotch expand slowly. The herm's eyes were snapped tightly shut as if shi was concentrating on something. Izzy merely smiled wider and rubbed her hand through Sheila's fur. She bent down next to hir ear and cooed sensually.

"That's right, baby, get nice and hard for momma." She leaned in over Sheila, ready to plant the kiss that would assure that she would be fucked silly on the spot. But just as their lips were about to meet, Sheila's eyes flashed open, and shi rolled out of the way and hastily shoved hirself up. Without so much as a word, the horse turned and walked off at a swift pace, obviously eager to be leaving.

"Sheila, wait!" Izzy called out after her, but if Sheila heard her, shi gave no indication. The dragoness sat disappointed and watched her prize walk through the field towards the manor.

"Ugh, damn it," she muttered to herself, eyes still fixed intently on Sheila's diminishing form. "Oh well, the 'hard-to-get' thing has never stopped me before." And with that, she picked herself up and began her trip back, swearing all the while that her biggest toy would be paying for this later.

One of the large front doors swung closed with a low, moaning creek as Sheila shut it behind hir. Shi paused for a moment with her back to the old wooden door and closed hir eyes again, taking a moment to compose hirself. Shi was managing to keep hirself in check, but just barely. How could you have been so weak? You almost gave in to her. Are you even trying? Shi cursed hirself for what seemed like the thousandth time today, and sighed when shi heard a voice call hir name.

"Sheila? Sheila are you okay?" The words were spoken softly, but with a definite sense of force, calm and maternal. Shi recognized it instantly.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Jane." Sheila looked out to see the vixen striding towards hir. Shi left the door and met Jane in the middle of the room. She regarded Sheila from behind her spectacles, looking hir over as if she was checking hir for injury.

"Well I'm glad you're okay, I saw you standing there with your eyes closed and I thought you might have been ill. How are you holding up in other regards? I know this must certainly be a trying time for you." 'Trying' was a definite understatement. If that had come from anyone else, Sheila probably would have laughed at them, but Jane's sincerity held hir in check.

"I'm trying to deal with it. I've definitely been better though."

"I know it's hard, dear. It'll get better with time, I promise. If you want someone to talk to, I can put you in touch with our staff psychiatrist. She's really very good." Sheila raised an eyebrow at Jane's suggestion. Shi had never really thought about ever seeing a professional for something like that. Still, it probably wouldn't hurt hir to try.

"I'll think about it," Sheila said. Jane smiled at hir, obviously glad to be of assistance. "But, could you tell me how to get to the girls' showers, please?"

"Of course. Take the third corridor on the left side of the room, follow it all the way down and take the last right. It should be on your left about half way down that hallway. If you need anything else, you know where to find me," Jane concluded. Sheila thanked hir and set off for the showers, following hir directions through a clog of mental focus. Sheila was still attempting to keep hirself in control as shi walked the hallways. The conversation with Jane had provided a momentary distraction, but within seconds, shi found hirself once again fighting for dominance over hir own body. It was really a decently short trek, but in hir current condition, it seemed like an eternity. Shi wrestled with hir subconscious as shi kept putting one hoof in front of the other. Finally, she reached the vast white room that served as the unpleasant backdrop to part of hir present situation.

"Why the hell do I keep ending up here?" Sheila asked hirself, as shi entered the room and looked about. It was silent save for the occasional drip of water, and there appeared to be nobody else there, but shi took a walk through just to be sure. Satisfied that shi was alone, Sheila began to undress. Hir hands moved with deliberate slowness as shi stripped hirself naked, focusing on the routine and the individual actions that comprised it. First the shirt, slowly and deliberately, was removed. The jeans came next, pulled from hir form in much the same manner. When shi was finished, shi stood bare and closed hir eyes. The cool air shifted gently around hir body, grazing hir over-sized balls and sheath with thin ethereal fingertips, and whispering chill breaths upon hir massive breasts and the nipples that now stood at rigid attention. Sheila took a deep, cleansing breath and opened hir eyes as shi started walking. Left, right, left, right, holding back hir mind for just a little longer, just until shi could wash away the plague of madness that had befallen hir. Sheila moved with growing anticipation into the stall and placed an almost shaking hand on the gleaming metal of the handle.

Shi steadied hirself for just a moment, and then turned it with a loud squeek. A torrent of steaming water gushed from the shower head and bathed hir in a haze of calming warmth. Sheila sighed in relief as the water did its job. Hir cares and concerns melted beneath the heat as they had for all sixteen years of hir life. Shi ran the water through hir fur and mane, grateful for the mental absence that allowed hir such peace. The soothing static noise of the water on the tile was only broken by the occasional soft clack of a hoof as Sheila shifted positions, and for a while it continued that way, until at last some little worming thoughts found their way back in.

"I love you..." From somewhere deep in hir head, Sheila heard those three echoing words. The more shi thought about them, the louder they grew until at last shi could swear that Izzy was standing right there speaking to hir. Izzy. The very thought of the dragoness caused Sheila to grow weak at the knees. "I love you," shi heard hir speak again, this time accompanied by the image of the mewling dragoness, writhing in orgasmic ecstasy as she lay impaled on Sheila's cock. Shi felt hir dick swell in its sheath and hir pussy clench and unclench in anticipation. Instinctively, hir hands began to drift downward towards hir genitals but shi held them in place, shi had to stop this, shi had to stop being a slave to hir emotion. But the thoughts of Izzy would not leave, hir warmth, hir feel, hir scent, and Sheila felt the animal lust that had gripped hir so readily take hold once more. In vain shi tried to keep hirself in check for the last time. Don't do this Sheila, you're better than this, you can hold on. Shi never stood a chance.

"Ah, fuck it," Sheila relented and slumped down to the floor with hir back to the wall, the water still pouring over hir. Hir hands immediately shot to hir aching privates and encircled hir sheath, trying to free hir rod as quickly as possible. With an alternating combination of soft squeezes and slow, loving tugs, Sheila had hirself pulsing and throbbing with sensuous bliss as shi grew towards hir full size. Shi watched it happen too, watched the black, stiffening thing snake its way out of the confines of hir body, urged on by the expert work of hir well-practiced hands. Sheila stared with a familiar mix of amazement and disgust as hir cock continued to swell, and again shi wondered if it was ever going to stop. And when finally it did, as so often before, Sheila was left with a foot-and-a-half of thick, veiny, throbbing onyx flesh, begging for hir affections. Shi paused for a moment, unsure how shi wanted to go about it this time. Absently, Sheila began to massage one of hir boobs while shi thought, and inadvertently gave hirself the perfect solution. Shi grabbed hir turgid member and pushed it in towards hir chest, its rock-hard state resisting against the force, and then wrapped hir titanic knockers around it in a warm, soft embrace. Gently shi started to thrust into hirself, clear gobs of precum slathered the inside of the newly formed canal, providing all the lubrication shi would need. Shi proceeded to relax hir body and concentrate on the feeling as shi closed hir eyes and pretended that it was Izzy shi was humping. Visions of the dragoness kept dancing through Sheila's head. She was on her knees, slurping on Sheila's dick while staring up at hir with those shimmering emerald eyes. The sounds of whorish moans through a mouthful of cock echoed in the heavy darkness of hir head, and they only served to make Sheila harder.

Bit by bit, the everything fell away until the all that remained in the lust filled haze was Sheila and Izzy. Their position shifted suddenly; now Izzy was on her back, moaning and squealing with Sheila slamming into her. Back in the real world, the horse grunted with pleasure while shi continued to tit-fuck hirself, increasing hir pace in time with hir fantasy. Shi was almost kicking hirself now for not coupling with Izzy again when shi had the chance. As experienced with hir own body as shi was, nothing that shi could do could compare to that sweet draconic flesh. Orgasmic pressure built rapidly throughout Sheila's body and shi felt hir climax approaching. Shi responded by wrapping one arm around hir breasts to keep them secure, and allowing hir other hand to drift down to hir neglected cunt. Shi slid hir fingertips back and forth across the engorged lips, teasing hirself as shi was sure Izzy would. Sheila squirmed and groaned under hir own touch, trying to control hir orgasm until shi could get it just right. A short while later, when the teasing had become enough, shi slipped hir fingers into the dripping hole and shoved them in and out of hirself in sync with hir thrusts. Hir nerves blazed with sublime energy and chills shot up hir spine. Shi screamed for release, but shi needed to hold on, just to restrain hirself a little while longer. Shi returned to the dark warmth of hir brain, to the phantasmal Izzy, who was on top now and riding hir hard. Izzy moaned a last couple of ragged gasps before slamming herself down on Sheila with an orgasmic finality. Her pussy clenched tight around Sheila's burning rod, squeezing and clamping as she rode out hir orgasm. Then she leaned down next to her lover's head; her short, halting breath hot in the horse's ears.

"Cum for me baby," the ghost Izzy whispered, and that was all the permission Sheila needed. Shi plunged in and out of hir seething box as fast as shi could while shi released hir cock from the embrace of hir bosom. Shi stroked furiously around the flared head Hir chest heaved and hir eyes rolled back as twin heats finally merged and erupted, shooting up and out of hir mammoth appendage in wave after glorious wave of hot, thick cum. Shi shuddered and mewed while hir cock pulsed and throbbed in hir hand; the orgasm continuing strong. Muscles clenched, hips thrusted involuntarily, and each internal spasm unleashed a fresh torrent of bliss. Almost a minute later, when shi finally stopped cumming and all the contractions ceased, Sheila opened hir eyes to find a generous portion of both hirself and the walls of the stall to be covered in jizz. What was worse though was that even after all that, shi was still maintaining a monstrous erection, and it didn't seem to be subsiding in the least. Sheila stared as hir dick throbbed softly, still just as hard, if not harder, than when shi had started. Shi was dumbfounded at how uncontrollably horny Izzy made hir. Shi had never encountered anything that affected hir so adversely, and only barely being in control was a very uncomfortable feeling. As unsettling as all of that was though, Sheila was still aware that there was no way shi would be leaving with a hard-on like that. Shi reached down to wrap hir hands around hir cock, and let out a sigh of pleasure as shi started stroking hirself again. After all, if this was how hir body was going to react to Izzy, then shi supposed dealing with it wouldn't be so terrible.

Izzy put her book down and looked over at the clock that hung on the wall. It was just about 10, and she finally had somewhere to be. She promptly exited the room and started walking towards her destination, thinking about how generally disappointing the past few hours had been. The dragoness's day had been very uneventful up until this point. After her failed attempt to coerce Sheila, Izzy returned to their room and violently fucked herself with the largest dildo she had, but it failed to give her the release she desired, so she switched to reading some trashy novel, hoping instead to just take her mind off it. That was just about as successful as her first attempt, so she went back to the dildo, which predictably failed again. She went on switching on and off like that for the rest of the day, even going so far as to skip dinner to try and get off properly. But now, it was time, and maybe she could finally relieve the day's worth of tension. She took a left out of the corridor and walked down to the first hall on the same side. Strolling her way up to room 8, Izzy fussed with her hair and clothes a little, wanting to look her best before being greeted. She knocked twice and waited, and it wasn't long at all before the door swung inward. Morgan stood in the doorway, dressed in an outfit comprised almost entirely of leather and latex, and holding a riding crop down by her side.

"Hello, Izzy. I'm glad to see you here," Morgan said with a smile. "My pet and I have missed you at the past few of our...playtimes." She stood aside and motioned for Izzy to come in.

"Yeah, sorry. I've just been a bit preoccupied as of late," Izzy said as she walked past Morgan and into the room. The door clicked shut behind them, and Izzy viewed an all too familiar scene. The beds had long since been pushed together to allow for more surface area, and a naked kangaroo lay on top of them, chained to the posts by her wrists and ankles. Morgan stalked over to the side of the bed and snapped her crop across the prisoner's thigh.

"We have company, slave. Address her!" Morgan commanded. The kangaroo raised her head, golden hair flowing behind it.

"Mmmf, mmfmf," Jen attempted to speak around a ball gag that had been placed in her mouth. Izzy snickered as Jen looked her in the eyes, a sense of desperation and helplessness plainly visible.

"Still the glutton for punishment, eh, Jen?" The kangaroo winked and tried to smile before lowering her head once more. Izzy had always been amused by the relationship between her two friends, they seemed to almost hate each other in public, but alone, they shared a deep, practically deranged, passion.

"I was just punishing her for mouthing off to me in front of your new friend Sheila today, wasn't I, you little whore?" Morgan explained with a few quick slaps from the crop across Jen's exposed pussy. Jen nodded emphatically in response. "So what would you have her do for you?" the bat asked as she walked over to one of the dressers and began stepping into a studded strap-on. Izzy mulled it over for a second and then started undressing herself.

"Why don't we lose the gag, and I'll put her mouth to good use," Izzy said as she removed the last article of her clothing. Morgan grinned and removed the gag from Jen's mouth. She looked down at her with a savage grin and slapped her face a little with the dildo for good measure.

"Be a good girl for our guest, and maybe I'll fuck you in the ass later. Would you like that, slave?"

"Oh yes, master, more than anything," the now unrestricted Jen said as Morgan moved over and Izzy climbed on top of her. She knelt down over Jen's face, and thrust her eager pussy into the kangaroo's face. Jen immediately started lapping and nuzzling at the sweet lips of Izzy's sex, dragging her tongue in circular patterns through the folds of flesh. The dragoness moaned and ground her hips back against Jen's working mouth. Normally, she would relax to enjoy the sensations as they built, and the appreciate the uniqueness of her partner's style, but tonight was different. She had no patience tonight; she needed something to shove her over the edge, and hard. Izzy reached down to grab the back of Jen's head, roughly forcing her deeper. Jen worked overtime to try and satisfy her lust-ridden friend, but no matter how she licked or nibbled or sucked, nothing seemed to be working. Izzy closed her eyes, trying to visualize anything that would help her out. She was surprised when the first thing that popped into her head was her kiss with Sheila. She remembered how broad and strong and elegant hir tongue was, and how good that might feel exploring her nethers. Jen's was nice, but Izzy doubted it would compare to it's equine counterpart. Izzy's eyes snapped open as she realized the fruitlessness of Jen's endeavor. She stood up off of Jen's face and got off the bed.

"Do you mind giving me the once over with that thing?" the dragoness inquired of Morgan, who up until this point had just been watching. Morgan smiled and grabbed some lube off the dresser.

"Bend over," Morgan said, and Izzy did as she was told, leaning over the bed and resting her head on Jen's soft breasts. Morgan applied a generous amount of lube to the studded thing and threw the bottle on the floor. She walked up behind Izzy and roughly shoved the studded prosthetic deep into her dripping pussy. Izzy gasped as Morgan took control of her, forcing her head down with one of her hands and pounding away at her. The studs prickled and stimulated Izzy's insides as Morgan thrusted in and out at a rapid pace. Now this is more like it, Izzy thought as she received her fucking with relish. Pleasure grew and mounted with each passing second, and it wasn't long before Izzy was tensing with orgasmic anticipation. Morgan hilted and started grinding up against the dragoness, studs rubbing and stinging her clit. Just when finally it seemed as if she would be able to cum, Izzy hit a plateau. No further pleasure would come to her, and no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't bring herself to orgasm. The only thought in her head was how hard she would be cumming if this were Sheila's cock, if she were being pounded and stretched by that monstrous horse dick, and if hir huge balls had been slapping her ass. Izzy finally decided it was no longer worth it, and moaned and screamed; using her best fake orgasm to fool her friends. When she was done with her theatrics, Morgan pulled out and Izzy stood up off the bed.

"Thanks guys, I needed that," Izzy said as she dressed herself again.

"You're not sticking around?" Jen asked, before being smacked by Morgan for speaking out of turn.

"No, I'm kind of tired. I think I'm just going to go and get some sleep," Izzy lied. "See you two tomorrow." Morgan immediately set to work on Jen, and the sounds of leather striking flesh and gagged moans followed Izzy out the door as she closed it behind her. As she walked back to her own room, Izzy considered what had happened. Never before had she been so thoroughly unable to be pleased. Sure, Sheila had been the initial cause of her arousal, but that shouldn't have meant that she needed hir to get off. She was confused and frustrated as she entered her room and flopped down on her bed, grumbling to herself. Izzy noted that Sheila was still absent, and blankly pondered where shi might be. She had seen neither hide nor hair of the horse since the afternoon, and it was now almost midnight. "Whatever," she said to herself. "Shi's not here fucking me, that's for damn sure." And with that, Izzy rolled over and went to sleep, not even bothering to shut the lights off.

Sheila stood in front of the door, noticing the light that spilled from the cracks. That meant that Izzy would still probably be awake, and shi would most likely face another seduction attempt. The horse opened the door as gently as shi could, cringing when it creaked slightly on its hinges. Shi poked hir head in to find Izzy sleeping on her bed, the lamp on her nightstand still on. Sheila blew a sigh of relief and entered, closing the door quietly behind her. Shi walked over to hir bed and took hir clothes off, getting ready to go to sleep hirself.

"Where were you all day?" Izzy asked, sounding half-asleep. Sheila jumped a little at the question, having believed the dragoness to be out.

"I took a shower and went back out to the field. I just wanted to relax and try to clear my head today," Sheila said, conveniently leaving out the part where shi masturbated a total of three times in the shower.

"Oh, okay," Izzy said, eyes still closed. Sheila seemed to be in a better mood tonight, but Izzy didn't really feel like trying for hir again. "Could you shut the light off, please?" Sheila clopped over and turned off the lamp, plunging the room into darkness. "Thanks," Izzy added. There was silence and stillness once more, and Izzy was just about to fall into sleep again, when Sheila's voice issued from the dark.

"Hey, Izzy?"


"What's your last name?" Izzy considered the strange question for a moment before realizing that she didn't actually know Sheila's either. She was unsure of what it meant for her plans though, was this hir attempting to reach out and get to know her? Or just a formality? Either way, she supposed there was no harm in answering.

"It's LaVey," Izzy said at last.

"Okay. Mine's Mallari," Sheila responded. After that, no words were exchanged through the darkness. Izzy and Sheila had both fallen fast asleep, but the gears in Izzy's head were already turning, thinking, planning. The future was going to be very interesting.