The Lone Fox (how Sapphire and I met)

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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The Lone Fox

(This story is dedicated to my sweet and wonderful mate.'ve done so much for me since we met...I love you so very much *kisses*)

WARNING: This story does involve me along with my mate Sapphire and shi is a herm, but I love hir for who shi is, not what shi is. Anyone who complains about Sapphire being a herm will be dealt with appropriately.

NOTE: Some of the events in this story are true, which is why I'm withholding certain names.

About 2 years ago I began searching for a female who would be perfect for me as a mate. I was a sweet and loving male fox with two tails, bright blue eyes and a caring personality, searching for a female to love and cherish, to eventually marry and have a family with. For a while, things seemed to go fine as I met a young vixen at a bar one night in late April who seemed to like my personality. However, when I tried to schedule a date for us on Memorial Day, she inexplicably seemed dis-interested in me as I tried calling her several times, never receiving a response.

Eventually, I figured that she really wasn't interested in me, or had found someone else and tried to move on, soon finding another female...this time a young female rabbit, who also seemed interested in me. However, after we had arranged to meet at a pizza place near my house the next day, she never showed up. The two rejections that I had faced left me feeling miserable as I nearly broke down into tears. This wasn't the first time I had gone through things such as this.

Back when I was in high school, I tried to find a girlfriend, thinking ahead to the future shortly after my father had been killed in a motorcycle accident. However, each female I asked turned me down. Most of these females were honest with me (or so I thought), but one female flat out lied to my face, telling me she had to "babysit" when I found out a few days later that she went to the dance with someone else. This didn't only upset me, it also angered me quite a bit, and I held (and still do hold) deep resentment of that female.

From that point on, I basically gave up on dating for a while, to concentrate on my education, and then once I felt I was ready to try again, I'd start looking. However, now that I was ready for a mate again, I was running into the same problems that I did in high school, which made me feel miserable. I wondered if I would ever find the right mate for me, and be able to keep my family's name going for at least one more generation, as I was the last male with my family's name alive.

The misery and sadness continued through June as I tried to rebuild my confidence to try again, not wanting to disappoint my father and grandfather as they both had a proud history to uphold, with my dad being a karate instructor, and my grandfather being a WWII veteran. By the end of June, I finally got up enough courage to try again, deciding to go to the Lone Fox bar in Downtown the next night (July 1), hoping I'd be able to find someone there who I could date and maybe finally find true love. Little did I realize at that point that my search was nearly over, and I would soon find the one that was perfect for me.

The next evening, I went to the bar as planned, ordering a beer and some chicken strips as I watched the baseball game on TV, deciding to have something to eat first before I started searching for a new girlfriend. Still, I sat in the booth, alone and miserable as I sucked down the bottle of beer, hoping that I would find someone who I could love, who also loved me the same way.

Meanwhile, at the front door, a young female (or who seemed female) mewtwo walked into the bar with hir kids with hir. The Lone Fox was a bar and grill, and I was currently in the restaurant portion of the place, so kids were allowed in the restaurant area. In addition to having several kids already, shi also had a very large belly, as shi was pregnant with even more litters from some of hir many mates.

Hir name was Sapphire, and shi had deep blue eyes and brown hair, much like my own, except a bit darker in both cases. Shi also had purple markings on hir body that were unique to hir and hir offspring. Shi was also quite cheerful, loving hir constantly pregnant belly, as shi loved to be pregnant, caring for hir kids just like any loving mother would. With hir oldest son and daughter helping hir mother walk, as shi was so large that it was difficult for hir to do so on hir own, Sapphire looked over to one of the booths and noticed me sitting there...alone and apparently miserable for some reason. Even though shi had many mates, shi always left the door open for more, as shi had a lot of love to give to those who loved hir.

"Hmm...he looks so lonely...maybe I could go over there and see if I can keep him company", shi thought to hirself as shi waddled over towards my booth as I continued to eat and watch the TV. "Excuse me...but I couldn't help noticing how lonely you seemed from across the room...may we join you and keep you company for a while", shi asked me curiously. I looked up to hir and saw a female (or who I thought was female at that time) mewtwo with kids looking to me.

Feeling like I could use some companionship, and wanting to be nice to hir, I agreed to let the family join me, grabbing a couple of extra chairs for hir oldest kids as shi got into the booth across from me, placing hir youngest kids beside hir as shi rubbed hir belly a little. From the way Sapphire rubbed hir belly, I could tell that shi was pregnant, and it made me think about how much I wanted to have a family of my own sometime in the not-too-distant future.

As soon as shi and the kids sat down at the booth, I looked over to Sapphire as shi had some of hir youngest kids sitting in child seats beside hir. I was feeling a bit hungry and I wanted to be polite to Sapphire and hir kids as they sat nearby. "Would you and the kids like something to eat?", I asked hir curiously as my twin tails wagged a little while watching hir.

Shi thought about it for a few moments and then made a decision. "Yes...I would...I would like some shrimp, ribs, and pizza, along with some fries. As you can see, I need to eat for me and a lot of kids growing inside me", shi answered as I called a waitress over. "My oldest kids would also like something to eat, could you get them something as well", shi added as the oldest kids were huddled around their mother. I nodded and gave the mousette waitress the order, also ordering some chicken strips and some root beer for myself, deciding not to drink anymore since I was with the family.

As shi sat down at the table with hir kids while the food was being prepared, I looked to hir curiously as shi began to nurse four of hir kids while we sat there. I didn't mind it when shi did this since they were young and couldn't have solid food yet. While I was sitting there, I was getting curious about hir and began to ask hir some questions about what shi was like as well as how shi had so many kids.

Sapphire looked to me as I asked hir the questions and began to answer them. "Well, first of all, I'm originally from Albuquerque and I like to read and cuddle, and the reason why I have so many kids is because I have several mates. However, they rarely come and see me. I came over here because I saw you sitting alone, looking miserable, so I decided to keep you company", shi answered me as I looked to hir, after hearing about how shi had multiple mates and how they didn't see hir very often.

I felt bad for hir, thinking that the kids must be lonely without their fathers, if I were ever to have a family of my own, I'd want to be there to help raise them. Then, after shi was done talking about hirself, she looked to me curiously. "OK, now tell me about yourself...I'd like to know more about you", shi asked me curiously.

As shi asked to know more about me, I began to tell hir about myself. I told hir that I was from Minnesota and that I also enjoyed to cuddle, as well as draw and write stories. I also told hir that I worked for the local baseball team in the sales department. Shi listened to me as I spoke as shi continued to nurse hir newborns while I was looking at hir. I could see that hir eyes were a deep blue, which is how shi got hir name in the first place. "I can see that you have lovely eyes...I like females with blue eyes", I told hir sweetly while I was sitting with hir waiting for the food to come back.

Shi giggled for a moment and then began to blush a little. "Thank you...however, I'm not exactly female...I am for the most part, but I also have a little something extra. Normally the others find out about this before I mate, but I think it's best that I show you now", shi explained to me as Sapphire lifted up hir large belly and revealed something I didn't expect to find, in addition to traditional female anatomy, I also noticed that shi had a sheath and testicles. "You see...I'm actually a herm, though I can also change into a male or female", shi added as I looked a bit shocked by the development.

For a moment, I wasn't exactly sure what to say or think. On one hand, I had no interest whatsoever in male anatomy (other than my own...and that involved putting it inside of a female's anatomy). However, at the same time, I thought about what I had gone through over the last 10 years of my life, searching for a girlfriend who I hoped would eventually become my mate. There was one female in my life that did love me, ever since I met her when we were younger...but she had moved away a long time ago and I hadn't seen her since then. Aside from her, none of the other females I tried asking out either had boyfriends or had no interest in me.

As I sat at the booth with Sapphire, I thought long and hard about my past and knew that I couldn't dwell on the past any longer, nor could I wait for something that wasn't guaranteed would happen. Though Sapphire wasn't exactly a female, shi did seem a lot like one and as long as shi knew that I didn't really have any interest in male anatomy, I figured that I could try to go out with hir. Besides, if anyone were to make any snide remarks about myself and/or Sapphire, I could always change into my demon fox form and beat them senseless.

"It's alright...I don't mind it...however, I only have interest in female anatomy, at least from a sexual standpoint. But, I've gone through my life feeling lonely, and a lot of the females in my life have mistreated me", I explained to Sapphire while I sat across from hir. "You don't have to change forms for me if you don't feel comfortable with it...I'll accept you the way you are", I added, trying to be polite to hir and show hir that I was willing to date hir as is if shi felt comfortable this way.

Sapphire looked to me and seemed to understand. "OK...I can accept that...I wouldn't do anything that you don't want to do...and I thank you for being truthful about me", shi answered as shi held hir newborns close to hir and nursed them. "Besides, I get lonely often as other mates are rarely around for me, I can understand how you feel", shi added as I looked to hir and whimpered softly.

"You don't deserve to be all by yourself with the're obviously a loving and devoted mom and I can see that your kids love you...if I had kids with you, I'd want to be by your side to help you raise them. It's always best for the kids to have both their mother and father together to help raise them", I answered as I looked towards hir and thought about hir family. "Shi really needs someone to stay with hir and help hir raise the kids...I'm sure the fathers of hir children do love their kids, but they still need someone who will take care of them and their mother whenever they aren't there. I wonder if I can help them", I thought as the waitress returned with the food for us.

As the food was brought over to the table, Sapphire heard what I had told hir and giggled. "Well, I'm sure that some day you will have kids of your own. Who knows, I might even be the one you have them with", shi told me softly as I blushed a little bit, wondering if this meant that Sapphire liked me as shi began to eat. Being heavily pregnant, shi needed to eat a lot and the food that was there would merely be an appetizer for hir. As shi ate hir food, I also ate mine while sitting at the table with hir and the kids, the two of us continuing to eat as we talked. During this time, I thought of something I had with me, something that I figured that Sapphire and hir kids might like.

I looked to Sapphire curiously as shi was eating hir meal as I blushed a little and asked hir a question. "There's something I would like to give you...if it's OK with you...I'm not sure if you'd accept any gifts seeing how we have just met", I explained to Sapphire calmly as I was acting a little shy around hir.

Shi looked to me and smiled as shi stopped eating for a moment to answer. "It's fine by me...I think I can trust you", shi answered as Sapphire was getting more comfortable in being around me as I opened my backpack and pulled out a stuffed fox plushie I had received from work.

"Here...if you like it, you're welcome to it", I told hir softly as I handed the plushie to Sapphire. Shi held hir hand out and took the plushie, cuddling it against hir as shi felt it against hir fur. As shi looked at it, and then looked at me, shi seemed to notice that the plushie in hir hand looked a lot like me...except for the fact that I had two tails.

"'s looks a lot like you", shi answered sweetly, holding the plushie in hir arms as some of the kids were reaching out to their mother, having seen the plushie and wanting to play with it. I noticed the kids acting like this and figured that they wanted plushies as well. Though I didn't have any more on me, I knew where I could go to get them.

"I can see that your kids want plushies as well. If you want, after dinner, I can go get some more for the kids. I know where to get them", I told hir as Sapphire held the plushie and then looked to me with hir kids still reaching out for the plushie.

"Hmm...OK, I think the kids would love that", shi answered before taking a look at me and giving me a smile. "Y'know, you're very of the sweetest males I have ever met. You're going to be an excellent father someday", shi added softly before shi leaned over and gave me a soft nuzzle. "Maybe after we're done here, we can go home and spend some more time together", shi suggested as I looked to hir and nuzzled hir back.

"Of course...I'll be glad to keep you company", I answered as I could start to feel something stronger between Sapphire and I beginning to form. We seemed to have quite a bit in common, including our desire to cuddle, as well as strong parental urges. Ever since Melissa had moved away back when we were young, I had been searching for love, though I had hopes of one day coming across Melissa once again. However, I figured that by now, Melissa probably had a family of her own and had forgotten about me.

In that time, every time I tried to date a female, it ended badly for me. However, I felt things were different with Sapphire. I was beginning to feel the same warmth and compassion I could sense when Melissa and I were kids, making me believe that maybe Sapphire and I were destined to be together. However, it was too early to know for sure if this was the case.

For the next couple of hours, Sapphire and I continued to talk as shi ate for hirself and for hir growing children as the rest of hir kids remained close to their mother, some of them still reaching out for the plushie I gave to Sapphire a little bit ago. Sapphire had to eat a large amount of food to support hir many litters, but I was happy to help hir out with that. I wanted to make sure that Sapphire's growing kids would be healthy and for that to happen, their mother would need to be well-fed and healthy.

After a little while, shi finally felt full as I looked to hir curiously. "Are you ready to go now?", I asked curiously as I wanted to get the plushies for hir kids as well as continue our date. Shi slowly got up from hir seat and stretched for a moment as I left cash on the table for the waitress.

"Yes, I think so...let's go get the plushies for the kids", shi answered as I stood up, trying to keep hir balance as I came over to hir, putting my arm around hir so I could help hir. I was a gentlefox, I had always been one to be sweet and giving to the ladies. Even though I had the natural sexual urges that all males had, my desire to be "the prince" outweighed the urge to be "the frog". Slowly, I walked with Sapphire out of the Lone Fox towards the parking lot with hir kids following, the ones who couldn't walk were floating in bubbles created by their mother for easy transport.

When we got out of the Lone Fox and into the parking lot, I looked to Sapphire curiously as I wasn't sure how shi and the kids got here. "Should we take your car, or mine?", I asked curiously as I held onto hir, keeping hir upright while we were walking.

"Actually...I don't have a car...I flew here with the kids", shi answered as I looked curiously at hir again and noticed hir wings. Hir wings were strong, especially considering that shi was constantly pregnant and had to support the extra weight of hir babies whenever shi flew. However, hir constant pregnancies made hir stronger, especially since shi loved hir kids very much and would viciously defend them if needed.

" that case, we'll take my car", I told hir as I walked with Sapphire towards my car (which was actually a mini-van), continuing to keep hir upright as we were walking. Then, as soon as we got to the van, I opened the side door and let Sapphire and the kids into the van as I helped hir into the seat, making sure shi was comfortable before I closed the door and went over to the driver's side. "We'll stop at where I work first to get plushies and then we'll go whereever you'd like from there", I explained to Sapphire as I started the van and began to drive.

While I was driving, I would have to be careful, knowing that I had kids and a pregnant mother inside the car. Though I didn't have car seats for the kids (since I had none of my own at the time), Sapphire kept them safe using hir powers, making sure nothing would happen to them should something happen. However, I did my best to avoid this and was careful with my driving.

After driving for several minutes, I arrived at the stadium, pulling up to the main office building where I parked the van and stepped outside. It was warm outside, so I left the air conditioning running inside the van for Sapphire and hir kids before I stepped out and went towards the main entrance. Upon entering the building, I went over to the shop at one end of the stadium and found a box filled with the little fox plushies, grabbing it from the shelf before leaving behind payment for the box of plushies at the desk in the backroom.

While I was there, I also noticed that there was also a box of micro-plush blankets there as well, I figured that the kids might like these as well so I grabbed the box of blankets from the backroom and left more cash to cover the cost of the blankets. Then, after signing the after-hours register, letting them know what I had taken and how much cash I paid for the items, I grabbed both boxes and brought them back outside, making sure everything was locked up once again before heading back to the mini-van where Sapphire and hir kids were waiting.

As soon as I returned, I placed the boxes in the back of the van after opening each of them, letting the kids know that they could have one of each. Naturally, they went right to the boxes, grabbing at the plushies and blankets as they snuggled happily with them, all of them thanking me through telepathy as Sapphire leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "That was very sweet of you", shi told me sweetly as I began to murr softly for a moment before concentrating on driving once again, leaving the stadium to head back towards hir home.

With Sapphire helping to guide me, I drove out of the main part of the city towards hir house, arriving a little while later as I parked the van and opened the doors. When I opened Sapphire's door, I helped hir out of the van and kept hir close to me as I grabbed something from the back of the one seat. Inside a plastic bag, was a blanket, which was given to me by my mother, made from her fur from past years (which had been washed and saved until it was made into a blanket for me).

I had saved this blanket for years and now that I found Sapphire, I figured I may finally be able to have a use for it. After grabbing the blanket, I walked with Sapphire, helping hir walk as I held hir upright with one arm while carrying the blanket in the other while the kids came along with us, still holding their gifts in their hands.

As we got to the door, Sapphire's first born kids opened the doors ahead of us, allowing the two of us to walk in first as I guided Sapphire to the living room where the couch was as the kids came in behind us. I slowly walked with hir over to the couch, letting hir down gently on one side of it before I sat down next to hir while the kids followed into the living room close behind, still holding their presents as they were ready to play for a while. With Sapphire sitting next to me, I got the blanket out and wrapped it around both of us while I sat next to hir, wrapping my arm around hir gently as I felt hir do the same.

While I sat next to Sapphire, feeling the blanket over us, I brought my two tails around hir from behind, bringing hir close to me as I felt warm all over. Shi responded by putting hir tail around me and bringing me close to hir so that both of us were touching each other. It felt warm and wonderful to finally have someone to cuddle with as I felt the warmth of hir body next to mine. I had been waiting for a long time for something like this to happen and now it was coming true.

Sapphire also seemed to be happy to feel the warmth of my body next to hir as we sat together on the couch, underneath the blanket...thinking about how long it had been since shi had spent time with one of hir other mates. Shi rarely got to see them and was often left all alone, with the exception of hir kids. Sapphire was almost equally as happy to find me as I was to find hir, it didn't matter if shi had a little "something extra", what mattered to me was that I finally had someone who seemed to care about me and wanted to be with me.

As Sapphire was sitting next to me, hir body began to react to having me next to hir. It had been a while since shi last had sex, on either end and hir hormones were constantly kicking in. Emotionally, Sapphire liked me quite a bit; physically, hir body was beginning to warm up to me as hir hormones began to make hir feel aroused, with hir opening beginning to become a little bit aroused. Of course, I wasn't completely aware that shi was beginning to become aroused to me at that time.

Meanwhile, as I felt Sapphire next to me on the couch, some of my own sexual urges began to kick in. It didn't take a whole lot to get me sexually aroused. I could remember back to when I was a pup when I shared a bed with my twin sister Charlene or when I was a bit older when I had a chance to sleep in bed with Melissa. Though none of those times led to having sex, the signs of sexual desire were there.

The only problem was, Charlene and Melissa were both missing from my life and had been for years. If one or both of them were around, I probably would've lost my virginity long, long ago. All it took to get me excited was to feel the warmth of a female close to me, and while Sapphire wasn't a true female, hir warmth had the same effect on me.

My foxhood began to unsheath inside my pants while I sat with Sapphire, feeling the warmth of hir body against my own as we sat together underneath the blanket. I couldn't help feeling sexually aroused, this happened quite a lot whenever I felt like I did at the moment and having Sapphire actually there with me made my erection even more powerful.

I felt a little shy and nervous about it, wondering what shi might think if shi knew I was getting aroused, however this did not prevent me from feeling my maleness fully unsheath and begin to pulsate a little, eager for some sexual attention. As I sat with Sapphire, wondering what to do about my strong erection for hir, I felt something a bit unusual down there.

Something brushed against the bulge in my pants as I sat with Sapphire, something that felt warm and flexible to the touch. I took a look underneath the covers and saw that it was actually hir "extra part" touching against the bulge in my pants. I looked at hir a little nervously as shi blushed and giggled a little. "Sorry...sometimes it has a mind of it's own", shi answered before I felt it move from my pants, soon followed by a hand actually slipping inside my pants and giving my foxhood a gentle squeeze.

"Though it would appear that I'm not the only one who's horny right now", shi added playfully as I felt hir press hir nuzzle against the side of my cheek before shi planted a kiss on it. Then, Sapphire moved up to my ear and whispered to me. "Do you want to do it?", shi asked softly as my ears immediately perked up and my foxhood throbbed more excitedly.

When shi asked me if I wanted to have sex with hir, I was immediately interested. At that point I was still a virgin and still curious to feel what sex was like. Sapphire already knew that I was more interested in the female portion of hir anatomy, so I felt comfortable enough around hir to want to mate. I soon agreed to have sex with Sapphire as the kids had gone off to their room to play, leaving us alone in the living room as Sapphire got up from the couch.

Shi quickly got on all fours, with hir belly resting on the ground with hir hands and knees, shi probably knew I would've wanted to mate this way, but this was also one of the easier positions for hir to begin with. Either way, I welcomed it, seeing hir opening as it dripped with a little of hir nectar while I slowly took off my pants, revealing my foxhood from within them.

My foxhood stood long and erect, dripping with a little bit of precum as it was fully aroused and eager for its first time inside a female (or at least female reproductive anatomy). Slowly, I approached Sapphire from behind hir with my shaft standing erect, bringing it closer to hir opening as I got on my knees. The tip of my maleness tickled hir outer folds a little, teasing them as I still felt a little nervous about it. This would be my first time having sex, and I wanted to make sure I did it right. Sapphire was patient, shi felt my tip tickle her opening a little and became increasingly wet inside. Shi knew that I was inexperienced and was willing to work with that.

Eventually, I decided it was time to make a move as I placed the tip of my foxhood against hir opening, pushing it forward as I soon felt it slip inside. The moment my shaft entered hir, I could feel the warmth and wetness of hir folds surrounding my cock as it moved slowly forward. My foxhood immediately twitched eagerly inside hir, reacting favorably to the feeling of feminine body parts around it as I could feel hir walls giving my maleness a squeeze. Slowly, I began to climb on top of hir as my maleness pushed inside Sapphire's opening, feeling hir walls squeezing my member firmly from all sides as I was getting comfortable.

I began to thrust in and out of hir at a modest pace, feeling hir wet and warm folds in between my shaft as it moved through hir, making my maleness throb excitedly to the feeling. It felt good to finally be able to put my foxhood inside a warm and inviting vaginal opening, and it felt even better that I was doing it with someone who was genuinely interested in me.

As I moved through Sapphire's folds, my arms wrapped around hir hips tightly while my knot began to bump up against hir opening a little. I leaned over on top of hir, placing my head up against hirs as I could hear Sapphire purr and moan softly to the feeling of my maleness moving within hir. This made my shaft throb intensely and leak precum, knowing that I was giving hir pleasure while I was mating with hir.

Gradually, Sapphire's walls began to tighten around me as well as become hotter and wetter to the touch, making my maleness grow in thickness and causing me to move faster. I could feel hir walls squeezing my cock tightly, massaging every part of it as it moved back and forth, making it burn with sexual passion as I continued to do Sapphire foxy-style. While I was on top of hir, I began to lick Sapphire softly along hir neck and then hir cheek as I felt emotionally attached to hir while I was making love to hir.

Shi seemed to like it as I felt hir walls clamp down harder on me when I licked hir while shi turned towards me and gave me a lick on the nose. This made me feel even more aroused as I increased my speed a little more and gave hir a kiss on the lips.

Sapphire went one step further and kissed me more deeply as I felt hir tongue in my mouth twirling around inside of it. I had never been kissed like this before, but I loved it a lot and responded by returning the favor by having my frisky fox tongue inside hir mouth, returning the deep kiss as I continued to mate with hir. My foxhood throbbed happily deep inside Sapphire's hot and wet folds as it was being squeezed, hir juices made it easy for it to move back and forth inside hir while my knot continued to bump against hir outer lips, wanting to pass through them and enter hir folds.

As I was mating with hir, I felt the pressure inside my nuts growing stronger as my desire to climax inside Sapphire was increasing. While we continued to kiss deeply, I could feel my balls loaded with fresh seed for Sapphire, wanting to deliver it into hir folds while we were bonded together.

In addition, I also had the typical desire that all canine males had to tie hir while I sent my cream into hir folds, wanting to be locked inside hir for a while after I had my initial climax. As I felt the pressure in my balls growing and my foxhood becoming very excited and sensitive, I finally allowed my knot to pass through her outer lips and into hir welcoming vaginal canal. It immediately began to grow inside hir, pushing against hir walls as I felt hir gripping it from all sides. Sapphire's entire tract was quivering excitedly as I felt hir heat grow more intense, it appeared as shi was about to climax along with me.

Finally, the feeling of Sapphire's tightness around my shaft was too much for me to withstand any longer as I came hard and deep into hir, sending my seed splattering far into hir reproductive tract, washing over hir walls and the developing children in hir uteri. Within a few seconds, shi came along with me as I felt hot nectar explode from hir walls, washing over my entire foxhood as shi clamped down very hard onto it, locking it inside hir while hir breasts erupted with milk. Of course, that wasn't the only part of hir body that erupted when shi climaxed, hir cock (which had grown to full-length) as I was mating with hir also went off, drenching the carpet below in both milk and hir cream.

My initial climax lasted about a minute or so until my cream slowed down to a slow and leisurely trickle. Since Sapphire and I were locked together, it would remain like this for a while. We had been kissing deeply for several minutes, but now that I was firmly locked inside hir, I was curious to see if shi would let me tie hir as well. I stopped kissing hir for a moment as I looked into hir eyes and kept my hands around hir hips as I was slowly filling hir with more of my cream. "Sapphire...I was wondering, if it is alright with you...if I could tie you while we're stuck together", I asked hir curiously and somewhat nervously as I was unsure what shi would say.

I soon felt a hand on my cheek for a moment as shi giggled and looked into my eyes. "Of course you can...I would love to be tied by you", shi answered before I felt hir kiss my nose again, which made me murr happily as my arms let go of hir hips and as I slowly dismounted hir, moving off of hir back as I felt my knot being tugged on by hir folds, keeping it in place as I got onto my hands and knees while Sapphire and I were still attached to each other.

As soon as I was on all-fours, I looked back and saw Sapphire behind me while my maleness continued to leisurely pump in more of my seed into hir. For the first-time, I was tied to someone, slowly and happily filling Sapphire with my seed while I felt the heat and tightness of hir walls hold my knot happily within hir.

As Sapphire and I were tied together, while I was slowly pumping in more of my seed into hir folds, I began to wonder about what was going on inside hir. Since no contraception was involved, I wondered if it was possible that my seed would be fertilizing hir eggs. However, I quickly remembered that shi was pregnant already, so this was extremely unlikely...or so I thought at the time. Nevertheless, my balls continued to slowly drain into Sapphire as we were tied together, acting as if shi were receptive to me as I did not spare a drop of my cream within hir.

The tie continued between Sapphire and I for about a half-hour as my balls slowly drained as I filled hir with as much of my seed as I could. It felt quite good to be attached to Sapphire and even better to finally fill someone with my precious seed, even though it would not result in having kids with least not at that time. Once I had finished filling hir, my knot shrunk as hir walls eased around me, releasing my knot from its grip until it finally came out along with the rest of my knot.

After we had finished mating and once the mess had been cleaned up, it was starting to get late in the evening and both Sapphire and I were feeling tired. I went over to hir and picked Sapphire up in my arms, carrying hir to the bedroom where I placed hir down onto the bed. Once shi was in bed, Sapphire pulled the blanket up and patted the mattress beside hir.

"Come lay down with me", shi offered to me as I stood by the bed looking at hir. It didn't take much convincing to get me to climb into bed next to hir, getting underneath the blanket as I felt Sapphire pull me in close to hir body while my arms draped around hir. Shi felt very warm and snuggly under the covers, and I'm certain shi felt the same way about me.

As Sapphire and I lay in bed awake for a few moments, shi continued to hold me close to hir as shi looked to me. That's when I heard Sapphire ask me something I didn't expect hir to ask me so soon. "Do you want to be one of my mates?", shi asked me curiously, blushing a little as I felt hir warm body up against my own.

I looked to hir for a moment as I felt the heat of hir body against me, feeling warm, happy and sexually satisfied. The only two females that made me feel this way (aside from the sex part) were Melissa and Charlene, and I had no idea if I would see either of them again. I had been alone for too long and I needed someone to love who also loved me, and Sapphire seemed to be the one. I agreed to be hir mate and cuddled in close to hir as we rested together, our bodies pressed against each other as we were in bed, gradually falling asleep together.

In the morning, when I woke up, I looked over to the side of the bed and saw Sapphire still asleep next to me. At that point, I realized that what happened last night wasn't just a dream, it was very much real and I had finally found someone to share my life with. As I lay next to hir, I felt something wrapped around my exposed foxhood, squeezing and tugging on it lightly. As I pulled off the covers, I soon realized that hir shaft was wrapped around mine, tugging it gently. Of course, when this occured, I did feel nervous since I still wasn't interested in that particular part.

However, as I woke up, I soon remembered that shi told me hir cock had a mind of its own sometimes and was probably just reacting to hir hormones. Shi probably still had sex on hir mind, as I know I did while I was sleeping, so it was no wonder we ended up this way. This would take me some getting used to, but I knew that being together with a herm would bring up moments like this, and shi did make me feel happy so I would try my best to adapt to long as shi knew that I only wanted the female portion of hir anatomy.

Slowly, shi began to wake up beside me and looked down to see hir prehensile cock squeezing my own gently, making hir giggle and blush. "Sorry about that, it seems that it likes you as much as I do...I hope I didn't make you feel too uncomfortable", shi answered softly as I lay next to hir.

"It's alright...I know this will take some getting used to...but I do like you a lot and I'm willing to adapt to it", I answered as Sapphire looked over to me and smiled, giving me a kiss before we got out of bed together with me holding hir up as shi got up. From the bedroom, I brought Sapphire into the dining room where I made breakfast for hir to let hir feed hir babies before shi returned the favor and made breakfast for me.

Then, after breakfast, I got an idea for a gift for Sapphire. Since shi seemed to like the blanket my mom made for me, I figured I could have one made for hir...this time using my own fur from previous winters. I had more than enough back home to make hir a large blanket and I could bring the fur over to my half-sister's house to have her make it into the blanket. Though it would be difficult to explain it to her that I had selected Sapphire as a mate given hir extra part, but if she didn't ask about it, she wouldn't know about it.

From Sapphire's house, I traveled with Sapphire and hir kids back home for a minute to pick up the prepped and cleaned fur and then drove to my half-sister's house not too far away. When we got to her house, my sister was more than willing to help out since I had finally found a mate, taking the fur into another room to get to work on it right away. As Sapphire and I waited for the blanket to be finished in the living room, I felt hir leaning up against me, with hir tail holding me close to hir while the kids were playing nearby.

While waiting in the living room, Sapphire's maternal instinct seemed to kick in once again as I felt hir hand beginning to brush up against my crotch lightly, making my foxhood begin to emerge. That's when I heard Sapphire ask me another question I didn't expect hir to ask right away after we had just met. "When we get back home...would you like to make some kids with me?", shi asked me softly as I could see a twinkle in hir deep blue eyes.

When shi asked me this, my eyes went wide and I wasn't sure what to say at first. Although, my maleness had different ideas as it quickly unsheathed to full-length and throbbed eagerly inside my pants. I wanted to have kids for a long time, pretty much since the day my father was killed, and now it appeared I had someone who wanted to receive my seed and create life with me.

My urge to have kids seemed to be almost as strong as hirs and I did want to have a litter with hir, but there was one thing that I didn't quite understand. "I'd love to...but, I thought you were already pregnant with kids is it possible for me to make more with you when you're already pregnant?", I asked hir curiously.

Shi giggled and put hir hand down my pants, grabbing at my foxhood. "'s because I have hyper-fertility and I can ovulate many times, even when I'm already carrying kids inside me", shi answered. "So, I'm more than capable of taking in your seed and creating kids with you honey", shi added as I felt hir hand gripping my foxhood tightly as shi looked into my eyes with hirs. " 'bout you want to create kids with me?", shi concluded as I could feel hir squeezing my shaft, making me see that shi really wanted me to add to hir already swollen belly.

As I felt hir hand down my pants, squeezing my foxhood as I heard hir comments, I looked to hir and nodded, wanting to put my foxhood back inside hir again to make a litter together. After a little while, my sister came back out with the blanket that was made out of my fur as I took it and gave it to Sapphire. Shi held it in hir arms, hugged it tightly and then gave me a hug and kiss as we stayed together. "Let's go back home and do that thing I asked you about", shi suggested playfully after the kiss as I quickly agreed and walked with Sapphire and the kids back towards the minivan before leaving to return to my place.

When we got back to my house, Sapphire and I quickly got down to business once again where I climbed on top of hir and mated with hir foxy-style. This time however, when I came into hir womb, there were four fresh eggs waiting for my seed to fertilize. My tadpoles made their way to hir eggs as Sapphire and I were tied together again, finding their way inside and conceiving four brand new lives that would grow within hir womb along with the other kids that were already growing inside.

While Sapphire was carrying our kids, I made sure to be there for hir, making sure to give hir plenty to eat as well as giving hir belly attention on a regular basis. As the kids grew bigger, I began to feel ours pressing up against hir belly, trying to reach out for me as I stayed close to Sapphire's side. It was at that point I knew for sure that I was going to be a father. As such, I felt it was my responsibility to remain with the kids and help raise them with their mother, I had grown quite fond of Sapphire and I wanted to have hir a part of my life permanently.

A few days prior to the birth of our kids, I asked hir to marry me and shi accepted. In addition to having Sapphire by my side, I had also been reunited with the other two females in my life who I knew would be interested in me, which meant that I would always have at least one of my mates by my side at all times and I would no longer feel lonely and depressed. After all I had gone through in my life, I was finally happy and was determined to make Sapphire (along with Charlene and Melissa) as happy as I was.

The End