Crimson and Clover

Story by Durexia on SoFurry

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Crimson and Clover... over and over

Crimson: Tall (5'8") female red fox. Typical red black and whit markings, black tipped ears, white underbelly from stomach to chin, white tipped tail, brown eyes, slim body, very soft black paws. Day to day dressed in faded jeans and tight gray wife beater. On a night out at the club she's in black leather pants and bra with a fishnet top. Usually wears a black leather collar all the time, it's very broken in, looks like she's worn it for years. Pierced nipples and labret with one tattoo on her right upper arm, a labris.

Clover: Averaged height (5'4") female cotton tail rabbit. Soft brown/gray fur with a white underbelly from chin to tail. Long brown ears usually tied back out of her face. Her blue eyes are set off nicely by the dark markings around her face. During the day Clover would wear a simple sun dress or jeans and blouse. On an evening out she would fem up with a high hemmed skirt and low necked shirt, high heels and light makeup. No body mods for this chick.


Crimson stirred in her bed. The shaft of light piercing through the dark curtains into the almost pitch black room flashed across her face as she tossed the pillow over her face. In a few moments the alarm clock would be signaling the vixen's awakening, the start of another horrible day. Sure enough, a high pitched squeal broke her snooze and she sent the little plastic clock spinning across the room. This time she heard a loud crack as the machine connected with the wall and shattered. Purple plastic shards scattered around the floor.

"Fucking clock, you had it coming."

Rising from the white linins, the fox staggered into the bathroom and slammed the door. Down the hall a male voice called out.

"Crimson, stop fucking around and get ready, we have to be at the office in half an hour and I can't be late again!"

The caution hailed from Nicky, a tight lipped Doberman Pincher dom with a serious leather fetish. He flexed his back and threw on a neatly pressed white collard shirt, then adjusted his black pants. The dog checked the time on his gold wrist watch and glanced in the mirror again to make sure his tie was centered. He picked up his briefcase and headed down stairs.

"Crimson! I'm going to start the car. If you're not down here in three minutes I'm going without you."

The fox heard her room mate's warning and flicked off the mirror as she finished brushing her teeth. She had showered in seconds and slipped into a clean pair of jeans. Finding a fresh shirt would be a challenge but as she stepped out of the bathroom an idea sprung into her head. Moments later the vixen was dashing down the front steps of the house with a warm cup of coffee. Nicky frowned at the neatly pressed tux shirt she was sporting beneath an unzipped olive hoodie.

"My best tux shirt! Crimson, I can't let you ruin another good shirt like this!"

The fox brushed him off with a laugh.

"Nicky, don't get your panties in a twist. I'll keep your shirt clean. I'll even dry clean it before you get it back. Good as new, even better!"

The dog rolled his eyes but knew the fox too well. He bit his lip and pulled out of the driveway.

Commuter traffic allowed the two animals a good hour of shooting the shit before they arrived down town. Nicky dropped the vixen off and continued on his way without any more fuss and the fox headed in to a large black building. In the lobby she glanced around to see if her boss was upstairs yet. Sure enough, the badger was leaning over a desk addressing a helpless security officer.

"Dimmit man, I can't watch the elevators after we've closed for the day. You're paid OT for this!"

The officer, a k9 cross of some kind, nodded at his aggressor in submission even after she had turned and walked away. Crimson scurried to the elevator in hopes of avoiding further confrontation of her own and crammed in behind an elderly horse chap who was busily analyzing the stocks of the day. She heard the loud voice of her employer at the door.

"Hold the door."

Seconds later they had reached the third floor and the majority of the crowed filtered out. Crimson tried to keep her position behind the old equine but he had shifted to the front of the elevator leaving the vixen exposed.


The badger matriarch grabbed the scruff of the fox's neck and gave her a hard shake.

"Crimson Alexandria! You were supposed to lock up last night weren't you?"

The accusation recalled a vague memory of last night in the vixen's head. She tried franticly to remember if she indeed locked up.

"Yes ma am, I mean, yes, yes I did lock up."

The badger threw up her hands and almost struck the poor gentleman trying to ignore them both. As the doors opened on the fourth floor he fled the scene leaving the fox and the mercy of the badger's wrath.

"Crimson there was a break in last night. Someone came up on the elevator and smashed the front door glass. Some of our trial inventory was taken along with my favorite set of air brushes. Tell me you locked the elevator door before you went down."

The fox had no idea there even was a lock on the elevator door but she covered herself quickly.

"I didn't lock it because I was not the last one off the floor. The Wendell Screen Printer's hadn't left yet so I thought I'd leave it up to them."

The badger woman checked herself for a moment and thought about the explanation. Nodding to herself she walked onto the fifth floor and wandered over the events on her own. Crimson assumed she was clear for now and headed in to check the damage.

Sure enough the front door was smashed and several files had been thrown all over the floor. Kendal was on his knees picking up papers while Gail swept up the glass. The two interns greeted their manager with down cast eyes as she stepped through the mess back towards her own office. The door was ajar and as she entered her hackles rose. Red, yellow, and blue ink soaked boards were everywhere. Shattered glass vials of her best pigments were dashed to the floor in front of the desk.

"They certainly didn't mind creating as much mess as possible. I don't understand what they wanted with this place."

Kendal stood at her door with a pile of papers. The young ermine's smile faded as the vixen approached him.

"You want to know what they wanted? Do they have to want? Why not just break into a studio and smash it to pieces? Sounds fun RIGHT?"

She pushed him back and the papers spilled out of his arms back onto the floor.

"Fuck it Crimson, I'm just asking a question!"


She slammed the door in his face and knelt down. The ink was still wet and bleeding over several of her starting sketches. The boards were soaked right through, ruining any chance of salvaging the designs.

As she began picking up, Clair came to the door. The badger knocked gently.

"Crimson, I'm sorry I blew up at you. It's just, this is such a blow. Of all the times the shit could hit the fan..."

Crimson understood. Their small graphic design company, Icon Ink, had only recently got its first big commission from a snowboarding company. They had been struggling to keep up with demand, hiring the two interns last year and then investing in several new materials including a complete computer upgrade. Luckily the lab had not been breeched. At least all the computer designs were still safe. But their company was known for its hand inked graphics, all of which now lay on the floor stained and smudged. Clair had also said their trial inventory had been lifted. This meant all the recently finished logos for the first shipment were gone. Twenty five hand inked decals were lost. They had less than a week left and to complete even half of the order would take two. They weren't going to make their deadline.

The fox stood and put an arm around her boss. The two females stood in the doorway of her office and had a good cry. Suddenly Gail cried out.

"Shit, Clair, Crimson, come look at this."

The two adults rushed over to where the jaguar intern was standing. She was pointing under one of the overturned filing cabinets. Clair swooned and Karl moved to catch her. Crimson stood in disbelief.

"The files... they didn't take the files!"

Sure enough there in a pile lay the missing logo files. The fox reached down and gently picked up one of the folders. As she pawed though the boards a smile came across her face.

"Their all here Clair, we're going to be all right."

The badger struggled to comprehend as Karl, much smaller than his boss, attempted to set her back on her own feet.

"All there? We're all there?" she whispered.

"Yes yes, we're all here, and the order is saved."

Crimson swept up the other folders as Gail righted one of the work tables. They spread out the work and checked to make sure nothing was missing. Soon all four animals were pouring through artwork, checking edges and recounting copies. Amazingly enough, out of all twenty five, only one was bent. Though the first shipment was safe, Crimson knew the other plates she had been working on would need redoing. She walked back into her office to access how many graphics were lost. Four copies had been stained by her smashed ink jars. A few of the black outlines were smudged, but her recent work was still back at the apartment. Thankfully she had taken them home.

The interns were busy picking up while Clair made a few phone calls. The police came and did a half assed report, some paw prints were taken from the scene and other witnesses on the floor questioned. No one had seen anything, it was a cold case. Icons Ink was not the top priority in such a large city, since most of the damage was covered by insurance, Clair didn't pursue the investigation. Instead, she purchased a new door, without glass, and had Kendal and Gail install a security camera. By the end of the week things were back on track and the first shipment was sent without further interruption.

"We're going out tonight in celebration!"

The young jaguar was brushing a set of manicured nails through her fur in the mirror. Crimson watched the other female's grooming and shook her head.

"Fuck it Gail, I've got so much catching up to do, I don't have time to go out."

The cat turned to her manager, tail twitching with mischief. She came closer and threw her arms around the vixen's neck.

"Come on Crimson, it's only one night. Besides, I know a great girl's bar we could go to after dinner. You won't regret it, I promise."

The fox backed up to the wall, pinned by the attractive feline fem whose whiskers were brushing her cheek.

"All right, but I don't dance!"

The kitten laughed and headed back to her work space with a triumphant smile on her face. Crimson blushed and went back to printing out another design. From behind the computer Karl piped up.

"You into girls Crimson?"

What kind of question was that? Crimson didn't date, anyone, male or female. She liked two things, work and organic Sumatra.

"You into keeping this job ass hole?"

The ermine returned to his work as the vixen chuckled. It was a valid question to wonder about. Crimson had slept with a lot of animals, but to choose one gender seemed limiting. What really got her hot was not what they were packing, but how they held up in bed. She was a total slut when it came to sex, and though she was good at it, the limiting prowess of her sexual endeavors left her wanting. More often than not it was a one night stand followed by an awkward hangover kiss and maybe breakfast the next mourning. She didn't care to stick around for commitment. Work was still a pathetic excuse. The fox was getting a little too old for the kiss and run crap of teen hood. Many of her other friends had begun to settle down. The thought of pumping out a few kits really rubbed her the wrong way. She wanted the independence of bachelorhood. That's why she roomed with a gay Doberman.

Dinner with her co-workers was enjoyable enough. Kurt blabbed about computer options while Gail flirted heavily with the attractive tiger waiter. Half way through dessert Crimson was worried that her "date" would be standing her up at the club in favor of a new set of stripes sporting a white tux. Clair announced everyone's raise at the end of the meal followed by champagne. Crimson didn't drink past the toast; she preferred whisky or jinn to the bubbly sweet wine. Good-byes were said and the two younger females headed deeper into the city nightlife that awaited them.

The Velvet Bell was a new lesbian club in the village. Crimson and Gail stepped into the line behind a pair of rather nice looking fillies. The taller of the two turned and recognizing Gail, fell into casual conversation. The other horse looked at Crimson and smiled. They nodded to one another and continued to stand in awkward silence. Suddenly a paw fell on the vixen's shoulder and a voice whispered in her ear.

"Didn't think this was your scene little girl."

She turned in surprise. Standing before her was Sasha, a skunk punk friend from her younger club days.

"Sasha! What the fuck? Gosh, I didn't even know you were still in town."

The two women embraced warmly. Two other girls with the skunk smiled shyly. One was introduced as Malay, a sleek looking otter sub with red silk ribbons in her hair. The other attendant to the dom skunk was Clover. The rabbit confidently shook hands with everyone, her eyes kept falling back on Crimson. The fox was instantly smitten by the young hare's manners and offered an arm as they went in.

The dimly lit room was awash in sweaty bodies swaying in time with drum and bass beats. Crimson recognized the DJ snow leopard Cassidy and waved. Clover motioned to the bar and the two split off from the rest of the group and headed to an empty table. The fox could not shake the image of this new found bunny strapped down in a leather harness. As they sat down, the vixen tried to banish the thought, but as Clover moved to sit, her puffy white tail brushed the fox's hip and the vixen moved forward, allowing her arm to fall around the rabbit's waist as she ushered her to a seat. The touch sent a wave of warm pleasure up both anima's backs and they checked themselves quickly to hide the attraction. Clover spoke:

"This is a nice place, I'm not really a club animal, but I like to watch Sasha and Malay dance."

"You known Sasha long" Asked the fox.

"Oh, a few months. We live in the same apartment complex up town."

The bunny laughed. "Actually, this is my first time out. I recently moved her for work. I'm a massage therapist."

Crimson thought of the rabbit's hands running over her shoulders and forgot herself for a moment.

"I sure wish you'd touch me right now."

The bunny smiled and rubbed her paw down the fox's bare arm. She traced the labris tattoo.

"That's a nice tattoo."

"Um, yeah... I was young and a little idealistic."

Clover looked up in surprise. "Idealistic?"

Crimson shifted uncomfortably and looked away towards the dance floor. Gail and Sasha were together talking; they saw the two women sitting and walked over to join them. The fox sighed in relief as the welcome distraction joined them.

"Hey, I thought you two would hit it off." Sasha slipped into Clover's lap.

Gail pulled another chair over and sat between the two others. "Wow, I guess we switched dates or something."

"Yeah, something." mumbled Crimson.

Sasha laughed and turned to snuggle Clover. The young rabbit blushed at the attention and then pushed the skunk out of her lap. Crimson eyed her friend as she moved to Gail's chair. The jaguar fem purred with affection as the punk chick ran her fingers through the thick spotted fur of her new acquaintance. They looked at each other for a moment and then came back to reality as a third voice piped up from behind them.

"Mistress, I want to play now, come dance with me."

The otter sub stood over the two females with a pout on her face. Sasha rolled her eyes and hopped up to meet her toy's embrace.

"Aw Malay, come with me little girl." She pulled the otter into the crowd, casting one last look back at the cat girl with an apologetic smirk.

An awkward silence embraced the three remaining women seated at the table. Gail eventually returned to the dance floor in search of attention. Clover remained at Crimson's side, still curios about the vixen's past.

"You going to tell me about that tattoo?" She asked.

The fox stiffened, but with a sigh, she launched into explanation.


I was seventeen when I met Veronica. That summer she took my virginity, my hope, and my heart. It was young love, no doubt I was confused, but she loved it. We would stay out all night together just talking, about everything. I knew she'd be leaving to return to school. Veronica was pre-med, smart, beautiful, and a great lover. I was still in high school, stupid, and vulnerable. We talked about a future together. I even got this tattoo to show my devotion. Oh, how our dreams lead us on.

In the fall I wrote her a letter about wanting to drop out of school and come live with her. We had talked about sharing an apartment together. A few weeks later a response;

Dear Crimson,

I wanted you to be the first to hear the great news. I've met a boy. He's finishing med school this year and going to California. We're actually going together. I'll be transferring to Berkley and when I graduate we're getting married. Isn't that funny? I'm going to get married! Thanks for being such a great friend. Keep in touch!



I tore up the letter and never spoke to her again. Many years of drinking ensued. By twenty I had quite a record. Parents threw me out when I was eighteen and I moved to the city. Couch surfing held me up until I got a job. I sold my sketches on the street until Clair, that's my boss, found me. I've been focused on my work ever since. I sobered up, worked hard, and forgot my bull shit past. Well, stopped dwelling on it any way. I like things as they are. Sasha's an old friend. I used to sleep on her couch a lot. Seeing her brings back a time in my life best left alone.

Clover listened, never taking her eyes off the vixen as she related her tail of love and betrayal. When the story was finished the rabbit took Crimson's paw in her own and said,

"I'm sorry about bringing up the past. It's always such a trigger for most furs."

The fox laughed uneasily and pulled away.

"Hey, I shot my mouth off just fine. Sorry for putting you though it."

Clover's eyes dropped.

"Your story was so full of pain. I wish there was something I could..."

Before the rabbit could finish, the fox had leaned over the table. Their muzzles met in a passionate kiss. Clover sat back, eyes wide. Crimson leaned back into her chair and raised an eyebrow encouragingly.

"I was curious." said the vixen.

"And what have you discovered?" said the rabbit.

Crimson shook her head and sighed.

"Well, for one thing, you know how to get into a girl's head."

They both smiled and leaned in closer together. Clover blushed and looked into the fox's eyes.

"I... I want to kiss you again."

Crimson pulled the hare close to her and they embraced in another kiss. The connection was longer this time. Crimson slipped her tong gently under the bunny's upper lip, coaxing the rabbit to let her explore. Clover relented, putting her arms around the vixen's neck for support. She felt the fox's paws on her waist, then under her blouse. She pulled back suddenly.

"Let's get out of here."

Crimson nodded and the two females stood up. Sasha, Gail, and Malay were no where in sight.

"They probably found a back room together." said Clover.

Crimson laughed, "Yeah, I knew Sasha couldn't resist having two play things. I'm actually surprised she left you alone with me."

"Oh, I'm not one of her... I mean, we're just friends." Clover contested.

"That's good to know. I would have a hard time explaining this to Sasha."

The two women slipped out of the club and into the chilly evening. Crimson pulled her jacket collar up and threw an arm around the rabbit for warmth. Clover huddled against the taller female and tucked her ears into her hood. They headed to the metro.

"My place or yours?" asked the vixen.

Clover looked up in surprise. "We're going home together?"

Crimson checked herself quickly. "Um, we could go for a coffee some where."

The rabbit shook her head, "Naw, your place sounds good."

Again the fox paused, "Well, actually, we can't go to my house. I'm kinda in the burbs."

"The burbs?" asked Clover.


"Oh, well, my place is close, let's switch trains here."

The fox followed her new attraction out of car and up a flight of stairs to another train. They moved together quite naturally. Clover slipped her paw into the fox's pocket as they waited on the platform. Crimson drew the rabbit into her and let her hips slid against her companion. She could feel the bunny's tail between her legs. She wanted to reach down under that tail but she kept her arms wrapped around Clover's waist. She didn't want to betray the fact that she hadn't fucked in over a year.

Take it slow; she told herself, you just met this girl.

A few train stops later they had arrived at Clover's block. The rabbit lead her partner to a brown sandstone building four stories high. The warm glow of light poured down on the females as they opened the front door to the complex. They climbed two flights of stairs and came to the end of a hall. The rabbit slipped her key into a door marked 3J. Inside things were dark.

"Give me a moment to get the lights." said the bunny as she disappeared into the blackness.

Crimson waited just inside the doorway. She slipped her coat off and leaned against the wall. Sudden light blinded her for a moment and she shielded her eyes.

"Oh, sorry about that; you can shut the door now."

The fox managed to find the door handle as her eyes adjusted.

"Come on in, can I make you some tea?"

"You got coffee?" asked the vixen.

"Uh, nope, I don't drink the stuff."

Crimson shot the rabbit a look. "You... don't drink coffee?"

Clover smiled, "Nah, tastes yucky, besides, I don't need the caffeine."

The vixen sucked in a breath though her clenched teeth.

"Oh come on, you can deal for tonight. In the mourning I'll take you to my favorite café. You can get great coffee there."

The words "in the mourning" brought Crimson's thoughts to a screeching halt. She was staying over. She watched Clover as she selected a tea from the cabinet. The spice of Chi filled the air as the hot water triggered the steeping. Crimson's mouth began to water and before long she had her own warm mug full of the delicious elixir. The fox thought the tea was nice, stirring the drink with her claw she looked up at the rabbit.

"Do you want to fuck?"

The delivery was a little blunter than she had intended, but the vixen had never been good at beating about the bush, well, she was good with bush, beating it... she shook her head and clumsily upset her mug as she looked to Clover.

The hare fem fluffed her fur and let an ear fall into her face.

"I thought you'd never ask."

Both animals fell onto the couch, tearing at each other's shirts, their mouths locked in another stellar kiss. Crimson worked on the rabbits blouse with one paw while the other wandered up her breast, finding an erect nipple. Clover had pulled the vixen's shirt over her head and was now moaning as her nipple was plucked and twisted. The fox threw open her lover's blouse and took a moment to take in the rabbit's body. The incredibly soft white belly fur was edged in a rich brow like the color of the vixen's favorite organic Sumatra coffee. The pink nipples peeking though the fur called for her attention and the fox eagerly complied.

Clover blushed as her partner continued caressing her with increasing zealous. Crimson's paws began final decent towards the hare's skirt. The vixen caressed the ankles and slowly moved her way up to the knee. The folds of Clover's skirt relented with ease to the approaching hands that continued their journey though the thighs. Hear radiated from between the hare's legs and she gasped as Crimson's paw found the edge of her panties. Instinctively the clothing was shed and without further barriers, both females moaned as contact was made. The fox gently pressed her fingers against the moist opening of the rabbit's cunt. Clover arched her back, throwing her tits up and heaving in anticipation. Crimson responded by tickling the hare's clit with one claw while another traced the edge of her lover's lip, pulsing in for a moment before completely removing her paw. The hare moaned again and sat up, face flushed, wondering why her pursuer had stopped. Crimson stood above the couch, arms crossed with a slick grin on her face.

"What do you want from me?" she asked.

The rabbit looked dumbfounded. "What? I want you mother fucker, now come here."

The fox did not comply with her partner's request, but instead took a step back.

"I can't do thins Clover. I'm tired of one night stands and meaningless sex."

The female hare pricked up her ears.

"I do not understand you Crimson. We just met in a club, now we're here on the couch making out and suddenly you want a meaningful relationship?"

"Yes. Well, I know finding each other in a club is a little typical, but I like you Clover, I don't want to mess this up with sex."

The rabbit combed back her ears and took a deep breath. Then, she motioned for Crimson to come sit with her.

"Hey, I like you too. I don't just let any girl come home with me like this. You're hot, and I think you like me too. Messing around is part of how we come to know each other better. Sex doesn't have to enter into things yet. Let's take it slow. I have not expectations."

Crimson relaxed and looked Clover over for a moment.

"You are a very hot little bunny. Don't think I don't want to take you right now. It's just; I want this to mean something."

"Yeah," said the hare "I know what you mean."

The two women embraced each other and kissed again. They talked long into the early hours of the morning and finally fell asleep peacefully in each other's arms.