Always Cry Wolf (Part IV)

Story by Durexia on SoFurry

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The wolf's paw moved over his lubed cock with ever increasingly fast strokes. He gasped and clenched the plug in his tail hole, feeling the penetrating toy brushing his p-spot. At that moment Trevor bit his bottom lip to smother the howl that desperately wanted to escape his muzzle as the warm creamy liquid gushed over his clenched hand. Blowing the hair out of his face, the young cub leaned back onto his bed and let the magazine fall to the floor. "Ass Bash" was not his favorite porn, but Kendal had swiped his only copy of "Fox Jock" and he had not gotten to his favorite smut store because of all the job hunting. Tonight would be his first clock in at the club. Kendal had said they would meet up earlier in the day but the fox was probably still sleeping so Trevor took his time getting up to take a shower.

As the wolf was pulling his shirt on a few minutes later the phone rang. Trevor jumped to it and eagerly answered.

"Hello Kendal is that you?"

"Trevor? Trevor this is your father."

"Oh... yeah Dad?

"I wanted to remind you that your mother and I are going out with my business partners and won't be back till tomorrow afternoon. Will you be ok with that?"

"Sounds great Dad, have a blast."

"Yes son, well, I wanted to also remind you that you still need a hair cut. You don't want to show up for your first day of work looking like a dirty hippy. Please try to get that done today ok?"

"Sure thing Dad."

"I'm not kidding around Trevor, your mother may be ok with this shag look, but I think you and I both know you're old enough now to..."

"Thanks for the fatherly advice Dad, have a great trip."

With that, the wolf slammed down the receiver and rolled his eyes. Stepping over to the mirror he looked at his long mane of silky blond locks and shook his head for the spreading effect. The shower of gold fell over his eyes and he picked up his comb. Maybe cutting it was a good idea.

"KENDAL! Stop jacking off in the shower so I can have a little hot water!"

The fox slipped and nearly fell as he began to climax.

"Fuck you! I'm almost done in here; give it a min... ahh...!"

Cum fired out of the fox as he braced against the cool tile wall. The handsome male was fantasizing about a threesome with Trevor and Jenny. The idea made his tail wag uncontrollably as he leapt out of the shower. The vixen opened the door and steam encircled her half naked body wrapped in a purple towel.

"Kendal, I..."

The soaking wet kit embraced his sister, making sure he soaked into her fur. Then he moved back and shook all over her.

"KENDAL! What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"Just in case I didn't leave you enough hot water; I though a pre soak would help."

He narrowly dodged the towel whip and headed to his room. Jenny had left her door open and as the younger male walked passed he glanced in and chuckled to himself. The dildo was still lying on the bed glistening with her juices. The scent hit him like a truck and he swooned for a moment in the doorway.


He jumped.

"Oh, hi mom."

The matriarch stood behind him with a raised eyebrow.

"Kendal, you know your father and I are off today and need our sleep. Please try to keep it down."

"Yeah, sure mom, sorry."

The vixen moved back down the hall to the master bedroom and shut the door behind her. Kendal sighed with relief and slipped into his own bedroom to get dressed. He hated waking his parents up. It would have been even more awkward to explain the toy in his sister's room that had so captured his attention. The sooner he and Jenny got an apartment the better and at this rate, it would be oh so convenient to share it with Trevor too. Speaking of, it was getting to be time to give that fucker a call. The fox moved to the phone and dialed up his hottie.


"Ello you."


"Yeah, who else?"

"God, my Dad totally called just now to tell me he and Mom would be out of the house till tomorrow."

"Sweet, we're coming to your place."

"Jenny too?"

"Yeah, she said hanging at the club later sounds good, she's also wicked jealous that you're working their now."

"Yeah, I'll get you both in free. Afterwards we can all come back here to crash."

"Cool, but won't your mom freak about having me and Jenny there?"

"No, she won't be around. Besides, we're all adults so it's not like she has a say."

"Ok, whatever, we'll be over in an hour or so."

"Great, see you then. Oh, can you guys pick up lunch?"

"You fucker, that's love."

"Well yeah."

"See you soon."



Two hours later the three were happily situated on the living room floor of Trevor's house eating pizza and enjoying a lazy summer afternoon. Kendal admired his sister's flirtatious outfit, her deep cut tight black tank top and tight jean shorts. He watched Trevor's eyes tracing his sister's thigh along the edge of the fabric and encouraged him by placing a paw on her waist as he moved closer to them. Trevor had no idea what his sibling friends had done together, but he would soon find out. Jenny shut her eyes and swayed back into her brother's arms as his paws closed around her. Trevor moved in and let his muzzle brush passed the vixens ear as he kissed her brother. The vixen put her arms around the wolf and the three merged together on the floor.

Amidst the tangle of fur shirts and pants began to slid off until three naked animals embraced in the sweat and excitement of foreplay. Kendal eagerly stroked the wolf's inside thigh as he lay back to allow Jenny to straddle his face. The vixen lifted her tail and offered her moist cunt to the panting male beneath her. The smiled at Kendal as he went down on the pups stiff cock, licking the tip gently and then sliding his muzzle down to the k-nine's balls. He licked the shaft a few more times until a stifled moan issued from between the vixen's legs. Jenny lifted herself off the male and moved to her brother. Kendal guided her into him as he gave his own cock a few strokes before letting his sister fall against his hardness. She moaned as he moved up and down around her tail hole. Trevor was dazed with lust and smiled at the two foxes in front of him. He moved under the female and offered his shaft to her wet pussy. She slid onto him and cried out as Kendal buried himself in her ass at the same time. The two males braced themselves and began pumping the female back and forth onto each other. Jenny moaned and bucked as she was pinned between two stiff rods. The sensation of double penetration overloaded her senses and she tried very hard not to loose herself completely. Kendal held her up by her arms and moved her up and down on Trevor as the young wolf began to pump harder. The fox remained gentle on his sister as she and his lover began to cry out in unison as their climaxes neared.

The male fox held himself still and felt his sister's hole spasming around his cock uncontrollably as she came. He then let the two fall forward beneath him, pulling himself out of his sister. Trevor looked up at the unfinished male and motioned to Jenny. The two rose on their knees and began licking the fox cock. Jenny's paws fondled his balls while Trevor took the shaft in his mouth and began sucking. Kendal shook with pleasure as the two other's brought him closer and closer to release. Before he could catch his breath he felt an explosion deep within his body. Jenny had slipped her fingers into his ass hole. She was stroking his prostate in perfect rhythm with Trevor's sucking. Moments later the male fox emptied everything into his lover's mouth.

"Oh God! Don't stop! Don't ever fucking... ahh... yeahhhhh... uhhhh... fuck yeahhh..."

The wolf swallowed as much as he could, a little dripped down his lip. Jenny moved to lick it off and ended up kissing the wolf. He delivered a final swallow into her mouth and she moved to kiss Kendal, letting his own seed fill his lips. The fox lapped down his own cum and all three tasted the salty fruit of well spent sexual energy.

The three lovers napped for the rest of the afternoon and at the onset of evening they washed up and readied for an evening at the club. Jenny changed out of her jean shorts and into a pleated skirt that barley covered her ass. She bent over playfully and tickled Trevor with her tail. The wolf tucked his erection and whispered into the vixen's ear. She smiled and followed him into the bathroom. Kendal was busy checking his email. A half hour later the fox felt wet paws on his shoulders. Trevor breathed heavily into the male fox's ear.

"What do you think of my new hair cut?"

The fox spun around in his chair and looked up. The wolf's long golden locks were gone, replaced by a short spiked up rough cut. It took the fox a minute to take in the new look, but he smiled and nodded.

"It's different, but I think you look even hotter with short hair."

Jenny poked her head into the room.

"So, is he going to kill me?"

Both males looked at each other and then, with mischievous grins, they flattened their ears back, turned, and pounced the vixen together. The three fell laughing to the floor and Kendal began tickling his sister.

"You little bitch, you took his virginity and now you've gone and cut off his mane."

Trevor stood up to admire his head in the mirror and ran a paw through his hair.

"I look older now. Maybe I should grow a beard or something."

Both siblings turned simultaneously and cried out in unison.


The wolf laughed at the two foxes and then pointed at his watch.

"Hey, we need to get going. I don't want to be late to my fist night on the job."

A few moments later the three friends were loading into Trevor's car. Kendal had not bothered to change and still wore his lose faded jeans and a simple white t-shirt. Trevor had slipped into a pair of dark olive corduroy pants and a tight black tank top. The two males looked quite handsome together as they opened the door for Jenny. She blushed at the gentlemanly attention and curtsied before slipping into the front seat. Kendal jumped in back and Trevor settled into the driver seat, starting the engine with a quick flick of his wrist. He pulled a cd out of the visor and as they backed out of the drive, Queen blared out of the windows of the small four door and all three furs sang along at the top of their lungs.

Kendal and Jenny headed to a diner down the street from the club to have some dinner. Trevor was too nervous to eat and had declined a quick sandwich. He ducked into the back door of the club just before seven. The main room was intensely lit and many animals were bustling around him with boxes, rags, or brooms. Their was a short badger female near the bar yelling at a pair of German Shepards who stood before her with their heads lowered and tails tucked.

"I told you to ID every body coming through that door. When the cops come around asking questions I don't have time to answer you two haven't done your job. Fuck up again and I'll take this to Gareth and believe me, he really doesn't have time for this shit. You got it?"

The two dogs stood several feet over the badger, but they shrank back as though their accuser was holding them at gun point. She shook her head and waved them off with a paw. Turning, she caught sight of the young wolf and paused.

"You're the new kid. Trevor is it?"

The wolf perked up with surprise.

"Yes, I'm Trevor, and you're..."

"Rachel, your boss. Glad to see you're on time. Come with me."

The female headed through the bar into the back. A large lizard was stacking creats of what looked like alcohol. He didn't stop to aknowlage the two other's until Rachel spoke up.

"Moe, here's your new assistant. His name's Trevor."

The reptile slid a create down from the top and dropped it into the wolf's open arms.

Trevor had not expected this and moves quickly to brace and the weight of the box fell onto him. His arms shook but he managed to hold himself steady.

"The kid's got balls, don't over work him the first night."

Moe nodded with a smile as Rachel headed back out to the main floor. Then he turned to Trevor and flashed his tongue into the air nearly tipping the wolf's nose.

"Hmm... you smell more like a fox, two in fact. Ah well, take that crate to Lori in the bar and ask him how many more cases of Smirnoff Ice he wants unpacked for tonight."

Trevor nodded and moved slowly out to the bar. He saw a sleek tigress polishing glasses in front of him and nervously addressed her.


She turned and a pair of golden eyes looked him up and down. Raising an eyebrow she responded.


"Um... Moe would like to know how many Smirnoff Ices you'll need for tonight."

The tigress moved over and lifted the box like it was nothing. She smiled and turned back to her work.

"Tell him three more and a couple of bottles of chardonnay from the cooler. While you're here a name would be nice."

Trevor had almost turned to go, but he caught the last part of her sentence and paused.

"I'm Trevor."

She nodded and the wolf returned to the lizard. Moe was counting more crates. He showed Trevor the cooler and soon the wolf was busing booze back and forth from the back. Lori pointed out where the bottles were stored and even offered to lend a hand in packing the ice down in the coolers out front. Soon the lights were low again and a trance beat drifted into the back where Moe was finishing his count of the stock. He dismissed Trevor back to the front to find Rachel for another task. The badger was at the front with the Germans taking cash and ID's. Trevor saw Kendal and Jenny in line and waved. They saw him and ushered for him to come over but he shook his head and mouthed the word "work" before disappearing behind the front counter.

Suddenly a stiff paw gripped the scruff of his neck and he was thrown back against a wall. The draft horse stood over him, his teeth flashing a smile as he looked into the wolf's eyes.

"What are you doing boy?"

Trevor caught his breath and looked away from the horse's stare.

"I'm going to find Rachel."

The heavy draft looked over his shoulder at the badger who had not noticed them and then looked back at the wolf.

"I think she's busy right now. If you need a job..."

Trevor cut in.

"No thank you, now if you'll excuse me."

The wolf pushed aside the black horse and tapped Rachel on the shoulder. She turned just in time to stop the draft from moving in on Trevor. The wolf brushed aside the horse letting a triumphant glance fall on the enraged animal before he turned to his boss.

"Rachel, Moe sent me to you. I've finished helping him and Lori."

The female nodded.

"Excellent, return to Lori and be ready to keep the bar stocked for the evening. Tell Moe he's free to go for the night as long as you're sure you know the lay of our inventory."

"Sure thing, oh, Gareth mentioned my friend's could get in free."

The badger looked at the wolf cub with reproach, but checked herself and smiled.

"Sure thing kid, give Herman here their names and we'll put them on VIP status."

Trevor listed off Jenny and Kendal Riley and headed back to the bar where Lori was already flooded with customers. He spent the rest of the night bussing glasses to the kitchen and restocking the bar. Time flew and before he knew it last call was being issued and Lori was closing things down.

"Hey Trevor, that was a great first night. I've got things finished here and I think you deserve an early dismissal. Check in with Rachel and tell her I said you're ok."

The tigress winked and waved the wolf on. He searched the front for Rachel with no luck. Herman had no clue where the badger maiden had gone but suggested Trevor try the back rooms. As the wolf passed the dance floor he felt warm paws slip around his waist. Another body pressed into his side and he smelled his two fox lovers embracing him. Jenny moved in front of him and nuzzled his neck while Kendal nipped his ear. The three swayed in their embrace until Trevor remembered he still had to find Rachel.

"Hey guys, I'm almost off for the night. Give me a second to find my boss to make sure and then I'll come find you two."

Kendal and Jenny nodded and sent the wolf into a spin off the floor. As he walked away towards the back a black form appeared from the hallway and came right towards him. The drafty moved quickly to bar the young wolf's path and even threw out a strong arm to catch the k-nine's shoulder as he attempted to move to the right.

"I think we have some unfinished business kid."

Trevor stood to his full height and met the horse square on.

"Look pal, I've been trying to stay out of your way all night, but some how we keep bumping into each other and I don't think that's my fault."

The black stallion snorted and tossed his braided mane. Trevor shrugged off the hand on his shoulder and faced the draft eye to eye. Another voice from the hallway interrupted the stand off.

"Vince, your wanted in the back."

Rachel stood behind the stallion with her arms crossed. The horse took his time turning to go. He pointed at the boy standing before him and glared.

"You're on my list kid, watch your back."

With that, he disappeared into the hallway leaving Trevor inwardly shaken. Rachel moved to him and put a paw on his arm.

"Hey there, are you ok?"

Her look of concern brought Trevor back form his encounter and he found himself shaking with rage.

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine."

"Good, you should stay out of that one's way. Vince has more that one screw loose if you know what I mean."

She smiled and patted the wolf on the back.

"Well," she said, "looks like you're done for the night. I've talked to Gareth and he says your in if you want the job. $12.00 an hour starting tomorrow and if you stick around and work hard we'll raise you in the fall."

Trevor blinked for a moment and then found his tongue.

"Great! Count me in. Thanks Rachel, I really liked working with Moe and Lori."

"Well that's good, cuz they'll be your co-workers. You'll be on from seven to one Tuesday through Saturday."

The wolf nodded with a smile and the badger patted him again before heading back towards the front. The club would be closing soon and she had to make sure everything shut down properly.

Trevor returned to the dance floor walking on air. He had completely forgotten the confrontation with Vince and wanted nothing more that to feel the relief of his friends' embrace. Kendal and Jenny had found their way to a table near the bar and waved to the blond wolf cub as he scanned the main room. They both congratulated their handsome lover on his new job and the three danced until closing.

On the way home Kendal called shotgun so he could slip a paw into Trevor's lap while he was driving. The wolf squirmed as his fly came down, exposing a fine hard on complete with a little moisture of pre cum dripping down him boxers. Kendal stroked the phallus and eagerly whipped out his own and began pawing off himself and his mate. Jenny whined about being left out until Kendal began spouting poetic erotica centered on what he and Trevor were going to do to the naughty little vixen when they all got home.