My New Life Ch11

Story by ShadowFist18 on SoFurry

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#12 of My New Life

NOTICE:These are my character, only I can use them. If wish to use them please...

NOTICE:These are my character, only I can use them. If wish to use them please ask me.

In those few seconds I knew he was ment for us, he then went up to Aaron "Are you gonna adopt me too?" he asked. "Hopefully." Aaron said then Coty hugged Aaron as well.

Later we were talking with Miss. Smith. "So how is Aden?" she asked. "He's doing great, he's really attched to Jake and Adrian." I said "And this little guy." I said putting an arm around Aaron. "That's good, he's a good cub." She said "He is. I guess when they went to see Santa, he asked Santa what he wanted for Christmas, I wish we could've seen." Aaron said. "Aww, so who does your hair?" Miss. Smith asked Aaron "Carla, at "Right Look"." Aaron said. "Oh she's good." Miss. Smith said. "Yeah, if you ever want to come in and I can try to get you a discount." Aaron said. "Really? You work there?" Miss. Smith asked. "Yeah, more like I own half of it." Aaron said. "Really?" Miss. Smith and I both asked. "Yeah, I never told you that babe?" Aaron asked "No." I said "Oh, well now you know." he said. So we went to play with Coty, he had a blast. We had to leave around six. "We'll beack tomorrow." I said "Okay." he said then I got on my knees and hugged him, Aaron just had to squat so he could hug him.

"He was so sweet." Aaron said as he wrapped an arm around you. "He was, I hope this all works out." I said kissing him. "So how long have you had ownership in "Right Look"?" I asked. "Not very long, Carala needed money and had it so I gave her some so we could stay open." Aaron said. "I see, that was sweet of you. So are you hungrey?" I asked "Yes, my cousin place please." he said. "Okay." I said then we took off. When we got there we ran into Aaron cousin Alex. "Hey bud." He said to Aaron "Alex." Aaron said then he went up to cousin and hugged him "How can I help you two?" Alex asked "We were out and this was on our back so we stopped here." I said. "Okay. So we've nicknamed your table the proposal tabel." Alex said as he lead us to our table. "Why?" I asked "Well, because each couple that sits there, someone ends up proposing." Alex said "That is so sweet." Aaron said.

So a week later. Jake, Adrian, and Aden got home. "Did you have a good time?" I asked. "Yes, Vegas was fun." Jake said "How was your week?" Adrian asked "Amazing, we've spent all most every day with Coty." I said. "I have a friend named Coty, he was a the home wif me." Aden said. "That's who we're talking about." Aaron said "Really? You is gonna adop him?" Aden asked excited. "Hopefuly. We were about to go see him, you guys want to go?" I asked. "Yeah, just let us put our stufff away." Jake said so they put their stuff away. "Jake, can I ask you somthing?" Aaron asked "What's up man?" Jake asked "Willst du mein bester Mann?" (will you be my best man.?) Aaron asked "Ich würde gerne." (I'd love to) Jake said then "Thanks." Aaron said then he hugged Jake. So on our way out they showed us short cut, it cut out twenty minute, which was better an a whole two hours. When we got there Coty was waiting for us by the door. "I misseded you." he said hugging us. "We missed you too." we said hugging him. "Coty." Aden said "Aden." Coty said then they ran to each other and hugged they were so happy to see each other. Then Miss. Smith came out and we talked with her and played with the boys.

So that month went by so quickly the next thing I knew we were buying a bed and a dresser for Coty, luckly my dad let us borrow his truck and Adrain helped. The next day we were going to officaly adopt Coty, Aaron couldn't stop smiling. Neither of us could sleep that night, I got like an hour of sleep if any I didn't care, I was about to be a dad. Aaron and I took a shower together just to save time. We stopped to get a few Monsters becasue we were both so tired. When we got there it was around ten. Yet again when got there Coty was waiting for us. "I can't believe its already been a month since you guys first came." Miss. Smith said. "Neither can we." Aaron and I both said. "Well, if you guys come with me we'll get this finalised ." She said, so we all followed her to her office. Within an hour we were done. We had a small bag of Coty's stuff. As we were getting in the car all the other furs came out and waved at us as we drove away. "So, are you hungry?" I asked "Yeah." he said excitedly "What do you like?" I asked "Pizza." he said "Pizza it is." Aaron said so we went out to eat. So we went to the store to get some food and to get Coty some new clothes. Then we headed home and showed him his room, which is the room I used before Aaron and I got together. He looked like a cub on Christams when he found out he had his own room, so we put his room how he wanted it and we put his stuff away.

"Want to meet your grandparnts?" I asked. "We can wait if you want, we're not gonna make you go today." I added becasue he started to look nervouse. Just then I got a text from Jake saying they were over at mom and dad's "Who was that?" Aaron asked. "Jake, he was telling me that they were at mom and dad's." I said. "Is Aden gonna be there?" Coty asked nervously. "Yep." I said. "Lets go then." he said. I just smiled. So we put our shoses on then we went to my parents house. When we got there I knocked on the door then we went in, I was holding him and he was clinging to me like crazy. "We're in living room." My mom yelled. As we walked in Coty put his face in my chest, it was so cute. "Hi mom and dad." I said. "What about us?" Adrain asked, I looked around for Aden and found him asleep in Jake's arms, it was adorable. "I see you almost every day." I said. Adrain then got the stupidest smile in his face, I couldn't help but laugh. "Hi Aaron." my mom said. Then Aaron walked over to her. "Hi Nancy." he said then he hugged. "Hey." my dad said. "Hello sir." Aaron said. "Robert, I've told you this before." my dad said laugh. "I know, I keep forgeting." Aaron said. Every time some one talked Coty took a quick peek before putting his face back into my chest. Then we sat down. "So whoes the little cutie with you?" my Mom asked. " "Mom, Dad, this our son." I said, then I whispered in his ear "Its okay, they're nice people." then he slowly turned around and looked at my parents and quickly waved at them. "He's so cute."my mom said "He sure is." my dad said. Coty, then quickly crawled into Aaron's lap. "Why don't you tell them your name." Aaron said. "My name is Coty." he said nervously. "That's a cool name." My dad said. "Thank you." Coty said still nervously. "So how old are you?" my mom asked "Six." Coty said. "WOW, you're a big cub." my mom said. "Thank you." Coty said. After a bit Coty got used to my parents, then abit later Aden woke up when he saw Coty then he asked Adrian. "Can we go play with the toys?" "Of course." Adrian said "Come on Coty, I'll show you where all da toys is." he said, so Coty got out of Aaron's lap and went with Aden. "He's to cute." My mom said. "He is." I said wrapping an arm around Aaron who kissed me then he laied his head on my chest.