
Story by Yure16 on SoFurry


?We should get all this sand

out of our fur,

we aren't people to

be smacked down.

We are going to fight,

we want to break it apart,

we fight for complex cause...

We invaded the wrong house!

Isn't because you labeled us

as perverts or zoophilies

that we should be silent and let you laugh;

we have the right resist.

We are people like you and

we don't need to hide.

We are standing, taking the ride

until death defend our pride.

Normality is irrelevant.

It's a way to live demanded

by groups of merchants.

We must be ourselves

in order to live!

Why should we lower our heads?

Why should we accept our own death?

We know what we are, what about you?

What do you know?