
Story by Naki_husky on SoFurry

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This was something that Kep had typed up...hell several years ago now actually.  It was just one of those moments where he was feeling lonely and kept thinking about me and how he feels about me.  It still makes me happy and actually made me tear up a bit after reading it.

Cold and shivering, a pup sits in valley on a freezing winter night

Wraped up in the light snowy grass, wrapping his arms around his body

Crying softly into his arms, burying his head into his ice-cold and wet arms

Whimpering and sniffeling loudly, with no one to hear

Slowly, he brings up his head and lays his chin on his freezing fur-forearm

Crying and tearing up, feeling the sadness dripping down his face

The pup slowly looks up in the sky, his eyes watered like a lake

As he closes his eyes, he howls loudly into the night "Heaven...help me!"

Just then, a gentle glint of light shone in the sky

And swiftly, with a strong gust of wind, the wolf disappears

He didn't realize what had, until he recognized a stranger

An angel from heaven, a husky, holding the wolf in his arms as they flew

The wolf thought that his heart had stopped, his body left on Earth

But realized that he was alive, and was in a savior's arms

As the angel look at him, smiling through his black and white fur

The wolf smiled back, and held onto him tightly, not wanting to let go

As the angel slowly comes to a halt, floating gently over a cloud

He lays the wolf down, letting him float on the white veil

Then, gently and carefully, the husky joins him

Laying on his side, petting the wolfs head ever so softly

Then the wolf turns, and holds onto the angel

Then looks up to him, his cheek on the white and black chest

Sniffles softly, shivering still, he opens his lips and asks

"Are you my angel?"

As he nodded and smiled, the husky held the wolf tightly

And in return, the wolf held back, just as tight

Then slowly, the wolf started to feel warm

But what helped him to ease, was his heart being mended

Mended how, you ask? From his beautiful savior

Restored why? From all the hurt his heart indured

This feeling, as it was entirely new to him

Slowly and gently feeling himself, drown into a peaceful slumber

The husky smiled happily, as he kept petting the sleeping wolf's head

As he himself felt tired as well, began to wrap his arms around him

Nuzzling his cheek gently, he closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep

Both sleeping peacefully now, in a special place called...heaven