The Silver Lining-Part 5
#5 of The Silver Lining
Well after many months of putting it off, and not having any inpiration I FINALLY finished it. Its about time right? Well here ya go. Basic BS warning, if oyu hate gay romance leave now. If fighting gives oyu nightmares best just hit that back button, and if non sexual nudity makes oyur tummy turn you best just cover oyur eyes and hope the images don't burn into oyur mind. Other wise read on and don't forget to leave any feed back, or things you think could have been worded better.
The morning started with a grey overcast, and chilly air. The weatherman said it was supposed to be a great clear day, but as always he was wrong. But to the young she wolf it didn't matter, even warm vibrant rays of sunshine couldn't cheer her mood at all. It was the first day of yet another long year for school, though this time she was a sophomore. Another year of being judged on how she looked, how well she could learn, and how she behaved. Her name was Becca, and she was just another one of 'those' girls as far as any one was concerned.
She had always been an ace student up until she started to hang with the goth crowd. After that she just stopped caring, just doing what she needed and not much more. Because of this her parents started to treat her like a street mutt, making her life that much more difficult, but she didn't care as long as she had a roof to sleep under and food to eat.
She went through the large gate to enter the school, quickly moving over to the back corner where her dark, mysterious friends stood. She set her bag down and huffed. "Was your summer just as bad as mine?" She asked the male White wolf with black eyeliner.
"Probably worse. Parents are being complete tools. Wish they would just die already." He said, his eyes fixed at the ground. Nodding, Becca replied, "Same here. They just really can't understand who I am. I mean, I am not there little fricken puppet to play with."
The male wolf just nodded as he dug into his back pack, looking for something. "Yeah." He simply stated, not really seeming to care.
Becca just sighed as she looked over at the gate, watching the new freshman enter, looking quite lost. She almost smiled, seeing them reminding her of her hopes for a great year, ready to take on the new year. But those days were short lived.
A few more of her 'friends' showed up, not saying much, just saying a few small words about their parents being tools, or slaves to the system. She honestly had very few reasons to even be around them, beside it being the one place people just left her alone.
Only a few minutes passed before she left the silence of the three people. She went to the counseling office, getting in the line to get her schedule. As she stood there she saw a small fox, who looked like her almost when it was her first year. He seemed eager, his eyes darting all over the place as he held a funny grin on his face. His bag, as most freshman had, was a bit too big, making him seem more dorky then he may have been.
Looking around, the fox caught her gaze and smiled and nodded. She smiled, for a brief second before stopping, trying to keep up the look she had on her. His face looked away, a blush being hinted as his ears swiveled back to hide it like most foxes did.
She smiled once more before she went back to looking at the line waiting for her to get her classes. Once finally at the front she obtained it, with ease luckily. Her classes were basic sophomore ones, nothing special as opposed to her freshman year, which consisted of honors classes for four of her classes.
Attending each one promptly, and quietly she watched around, looking for the people she knew in the small group, dismayed that the first four classes had none. She shrugged, knowing that it wouldn't have mattered anyhow. Though she noticed on her math class, which caught her by surprise, was the small fox she saw before. This even more reminded her of her own history, having one class like that, that is where it was an upperclassman class.
The bell rang, alerting the students that it was lunch. Her class mates were already heading out the door, Becca was just starting to pack her stuff. She moved over to the quad once more retreating to the corner with her dark friends. She reached into her bag pulling out a sandwich with bean paste, vegetables and dressing. This interesting mix was due to her parent's absolute disgust in vegetarian wolves. A small way to deal a large blow to their family blood lines pride.
Even her own friends thought it was a little odd but found an odd respect in her thinking. The respect though bothered her in a small way, but she never said anything, not caring too much. The best part of it over all was that she loved her meals, the biggest reason she has been going along with it so smoothly.
Only taking a few minutes to finish the meal she looked up seeing the senior jocks moving in on the small packs of freshman. She was astounded by how quickly they moved in to do their 'rite of passage'. The jocks wouldn't do much, they'd just push the freshman around, the ones that stood up were either pushed harder and let known of where the belonged, or they would show respect, all based on how hard they fought back.
She laughed to herself as she saw that fox once more, finding it odd that she kept finding him and finding herself smiling at him. One of the goth kids made a sarcastic laugh. "Bet that little guy you're lookin at is gunna get it real harsh." One said, with a smirk on his face. And for the first time, she was almost disgusted by the group she felt good around. Especially as all of them agreed.
As the Seniors moved through the crowds they eyed the freshman, looking for the weakest one they could find; they did make sure to laugh at the ones they felt were rather odd. Eventually they spotted the small fox, who once was aware that he was a target curled his tail down between his legs, which marked him for a dead man. Four of the jocks swarmed to him all pushing him as he whimpered quietly. Yelling names, like "Faggot", "Queer", and "Little girl." Other kids watched, not daring make a move.
Normally she would have stayed out, but seeing herself, and the same cruelty that she received made her angry. She clenched her fists tight and growled, moving to them, her friends whispering to one another judging her.
One of the seniors noticed her, and gave a nasty glare at her. "What do you want emo girl?" He chuckled.
She growled lowly. "Back off him..." She said as he fist tightened more. Ready to fight, a maternal instinct almost telling her to just cut the crap and fight.
The bigger male, a bear, looked at her, gathering all of the seniors collective attention. He laughed and spoke, "Aww look little queer, a carpet muncher as come to save you. Too bad. Lucky kid, now you're not going to be in school for a few days." He said as he lifted his paw up, ready to strike.
While he brought his paw up Becca snarled. "Touch him and you'll be the lucky man who will be missing class." She yelled at him.
At this point everyone was watching this crowding around, the teachers struggling to get to them. The bear just laughed before swinging meeting the foxes gut with his fist, dropping him with a single blow. "What now, you gunna bitch at me?" He said with a cruel tone.
She just responded by charging him, sinking her sharp fangs into the bears meaty shoulder, tearing her maw away, as he screamed out, feeling the sudden pain, not at all expecting her to actually do anything. However, before he could even get a chance to counter her attack he felt cold metal snapping around his wrist, his arms quickly jerked together and cuffed. "Looks like someone forgot about their probation." The campus police officer mentioned, another officer doing the same, with Becca.
Whereas the bear was struggling and yelling Becca worked with the officer, not wanting to make any more trouble. Becca however did mention to the fox to meet her at the flagpole after school, wanting to know who he was.
After an hour of cooperating with the principle and campus officer, she was let off, she was suspended for three days, but it would not be marked on her record because of her position. She nodded, accepting the punishment she knew she rightfully deserved.
She left the school, waiting around the corner for the final class to end. After the long half hour she heard the loud bell, and within a matter of seconds, the louder talking and yelling of teens. Moving through the crowd she saw him, with her backpack too. She smiled, this time not hiding it at all, making it very obvious that she was showing how she felt. "So, you're that fox I have been seeing all day." She asked.
He nodded and kept quiet, feeling shy, and just not knowing what to say. Becca just chuckled softly, grabbing her back pack. "So, since you're awfully quite, I'll start. My name is Becca. I don't normally do things like that. And don't let the make-up fool you, I am not really the goth kinda person."
He smiled softly and nodded as he held out a paw. Stuttering as he mumbled. "I-I am Kara. N-nice to meet you...Becca"
Becca just giggled and took the paw in her own hand, shaking it before she rubbed his head and messed up his head fur. "I have a feeling your freshman year will end up better than it has gone to day." She said with a smile as the two started to walk off the campus talking and getting to know each other, dawning the birth of their unbreakable friendship.
Salvador's and Ozwalt's muzzles had finally pulled up. The room was filled with a potent feeling of awkwardness as the two parties looked at one another. Kara and Alex both just blushed, their lips no longer connecting. Their eyes met that of Kara's two other male friends. Becca was looking rather worried to how the two were going to react, not particularly knowing their opinion on the subject.
Salvador took the initiative to speak up, letting the room know his thoughts and how he felt about the two kissing. "What the fuck did I just walk into?! Kara since when were you a fucking faggot! I mean god damn, I never took you for a...a...cock sucking faggot!!"
Almost instantly Kara's eyes started to tear up. To his dismay Salvador was not done yet. "I mean you think you know a guy, then he turns out to be a fudge packer! What the hell?! Bet you two were having profuse amounts of ass sex, all while we were worried sick that you may have died." He slowly started to move forward, approaching the small fox who was clearly upset, his tears rolling down his cheeks and all. "Such a fucking ass hole you know that. Which is perfect because you will be perfect for taking-" He was cut off with a fist, from none other than Becca.
She was growling and snarling as she picked him up by the scruff of his neck, as he screamed out in pain as he is picked by the scruff. "You shut your pussy ass mouth right now! Or I swear you'll wish you were in Kara's condition." She said with a low growl. "You see on the news what some mom wolves would do to burglars who threatened their kids? Now you'll be like the burglar, only...more fucked up." She finished with a sick little grin.
Salvador was somewhat white under his fur, he knew she wasn't kidding, and that she was perfectly serious. He sighed as she released him, letting him drop to the ground, where he sat for a bit to gather himself.
During all of this Oz was just standing quietly blushing. He spoke up softly and quietly. "W-well I am glad you finally found what makes you really happy. I mean, I haven't known you too long, and honestly as Sal said, didn't see it coming...but it doesn't bother me none." He said, his tone being serious, rather than intimidated, though it was still obvious he was choosing his words carefully. "I just want you to know that I won't think of you any less than before."
Kara nodded softly as he wiped his eyes and cheeks, getting the water off of them as he holds onto Alex, holding him rather tight. "See, it wasn't that bad, though it could have gone better. But hey, he was a jerk anyhow." Alex mumbled to Kara.
Kara nodded as he smiles ever so slightly, feeling much better. Alex softly licked Kara's cheek removing the tears that lingered, making Kara blush just enough to see the red tint in his ears. He was feeling better and better as each moment passed by. The room fell back into an awkward silence as no one knew what to say or what to do.
Oz made the first comment to break the silence this time. "H-hey why don't I go get some ice cream for the Kara. After the past few days I think he deserves it." He said as he stepped back.
Kara's face lit up with a smile, his ears perking up along with his whole body as he heard the offer. "Banana ice cream or strawberry if they don't have that!" He said and with his eyes open, staying silent for a moment before remembering his manners. "Thank you!"
Oz smiled and chuckles. "You got it fox." He said as he turned around and head out to retrieve the icy treat.
Almost as if he was invisible Salvador stood up moving closer to the three pulling his arm back and making a hard swing at Becca, lobbing her in the back of the head. Becca just let out a loud scream before dropping to the ground, still as she was unconscious. Sal reached into his boot where a conveniently placed knife was in a quick rapid movement. Showing Kara and Alex the large knife. Kara just froze, Alex pausing in surprise.
Only a second passed before Alex jumped at the larger tiger. Spinning him down and placing a paw over his neck and pushing. Sal just growled and snarled as he easily shoved the Wolf off of him pinning him down as he growls and laughs. But is caught by surprise as the wolf sinks his sharp teeth into his forearm.
After squeezing his teeth further in he shakes his head around violently as he growls and snarls. He only got a second or two to rip at him before he felt the hilt of the knife slam against his head making him let go to yelp. The tiger just grabbed the wolf's muzzle holding it closed as his other paw held the knife, having the tip pointing at the wolf, pulling up. Though just as he goes to slam the knife into his victim he drops the knife and jerks as if he was seizing, the wolf feeling an odd sensation over the areas were the tiger was touching him.
Standing with his arms clutching a gun, Enzo held the trigger down on his taser until it no longer shocked the tiger. The wolf laid there pushing the limp tiger off him after he fell, speaking to the mouse. "Next time show up a few seconds earlier." He said sarcastically.
"Shut your mouth before I shock you too wolf." He retorted, using the same sarcastic tone that the wolf gave him.
Alex stood slowly as he kicked at Sal softly. "What a sissy, can't take a few hundred volts to the back." He said with a chuckle moving over to Becca and looking at the wound. "Poor thing..."
He laid her on her back and grabbed a neck brace, sliding it under her neck and wrapping it around her neck. Picking her up carefully and placing her on a bed softly. "Probably has a concussion, but she'll live." He mumbled as he looked at her. "Won't know till she wakes."
Alex moved over to his fox and hugged him. Kara, once more rather rattled was shaking his ears pinned back as he whined and whimpered. "I-is it over..." He mumbled and held the wolf. Looking over his shoulder Alex saw Enzo lying Sal's hands with a restraint.
Alex nodded as he nuzzled the small fox. "Ya, it's over. He's down to for the count."
Kara nodded as he held him. "I think I've had a bit too much excitement for a single day. I really could use some rest." He mumbled as he laid back in the bed.
Alex nodded as he tucked him into the bed. "I'll come back later and check on you. You just rest and don't worry." He said as he smiled warmly.
Kara nodded as he laid there in the bed, looking at him as if he was forgetting something. Alex titled his head for a moment as he looked at Kara's expression then gasped, moving closer to kiss Kara on the lips softly. "Good napping fox." He said as he walked out seeing the otter walk in looking at Enzo who was struggling to pick the tiger up.
Oz just handed the ice cream to Kara who held it and slowly ate it, loving every bite before he was good and comfortable, ensuring he slept easier. Enzo and Oz carry Sal out to Enzo's office where there was a small barred area just for those who often were a bit too aggressive.
Alex walked down the hallways as he sighed. He didn't want to leave but at the same time he had no where to stay. He knew better than to consider sleeping on a bench or a remote corner. If he stayed, he'd surely be kicked out. If he left, Kara could awaken and possibly assume the worse.
Feeling out of luck he started to head over to Enzo. The mouse tolerated him at the most, but they were far from being best buddies again. However, he was sure that if he begged enough Enzo would find a place for him to rest for the night. He followed the signs pointing to the office where the mouse was located.
Just as he was nearing Enzo's office, he bumped into Oz. The sudden stop only caused Oz to promptly spill heated milk over the both of them. Oz jumped and yelped brushing the milk frantically off him as it was burning him under his fur. Alex reacted the same but was not just flailing his arms across his chest fur, trying to get the burning cream off him.
After several moments of stinging cream on them, Oz looked at Alex. "I am so sorry Alex! I didn't even see you!" He said loudly as he pulled off his shirt and pressed the dry spots f the shirt to Alex's chest. "Come with me to my room, I'll take let you use my shower." He said. "After all it's the least I could do for the guy who saved my friends ass."
Alex nodded quietly as he smiles. "Thanks, I'd appreciate that, though you don't have to!"
Oz just scoffed as he looked at the wolf. "I'd feel like a real jerk off, especially considering that you don't have a room here."
Alex simply tilted his head as he looked at the otter before inquiring. "How did you know I didn't have a room?"
"Well I am quite sure that you aren't living here because we scoured the areas near the resort. So thusly he had to be far away. And since you found him, assuming he was far away, that means you weren't staying here." The otter replied with a bit of an undertone of pride. "I think things through."
Alex nodded, being impressed a bit. He didn't get too much thought processing out of snowboarders. After a few seconds of a quiet silence he smiled and looked at Oz. "So, I guess I will be polite and accept your invitation, which I do sincerely appreciate."
Oz turned around and started to head down the hallway. As the two went on Alex took note of the nasty looks a few of the regulars gave him. His ears splayed against his head. Not wanting to gather any more attention than he knew he had he just kept his head down.
The two eventually arrived at the room, where they stood for a second as Oz fished the keycard out of his backpack. As he tried to find it they both heard a subtle whispering of Fag from a passerby. Alex took much offence to it as he grit his teeth, wanting to breach out of his calmed self. He didn't for the sake that he didn't want to be kicked out of the resort.
Not a moment after the person walking by was around the corner the otter gave a huzzah as he pulled out the card and slid it in the card reader. A faint click emitted from the door and he turned the handle letting the two in. The room was empty, and Sal's belongings were gone. Luckily the room wasn't all torn up.
Oz smiled as he moved over and set his bag down and looked at Alex. "I assume you know the room, so help yourself. I need to run out and pick up some food to eat for me and she-wolf." He finished with a chuckle, finding his comment a bit humorous. "Oh and I don't know when but she should be back."
Alex nodded before he removed his jackets and set them on the floor. He then waved bye at Oz. Alex sighed a bit before sitting himself on the bed to take a breath. "What the hell have I gotten myself into?"
He stood up and moved into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him. He looked at the mirror, seeing his own reflection in the mirror. His reflection was tired and a bit distraught. He had seen much better days, but he has seen much worst. After what felt like hours of self evaluating he finally stepped down from his own stare, pulling his shirt off to break the contact between the two.
He removed the rest of his clothing, then stepped over to the shower, drawing the curtains closed and turned the water on. He turned it to a rather hot temperature, hotter than most could stand. After it was finally tuned to the fine temperature range he preferred warmth he stepped in. Looking at his feet he watched the dirt and filth of the run wash off of him.
He put his paws on the wall and kept his head down, letting the hot water run over him, cleansing him of his troubles whether it was metaphorically or not. He stood there for a few minutes and sighed after the end of the few minutes, grabbing the shampoo. He started to rub it over his body, getting behind his ears and everything.
He stood behind the water, away from its cleansing streams to let the soap set in, further cleaning him. After an adequate time he stepped back in to the water to wash the suds out, along the rest of whatever anxiety he possessed. Feeling a bit better he turned the water off, and shook off.
Stepping out of the shower he realized something. He had not grabbed a spare towel. "Well, shit." He mumbled before stepping over to the door. He figured it was fruitless to ask but he did any way. "Hey?! Is anyone out there? I forgot my towel!" He listened closely and heard no response.
He waited a few minutes in the bathroom, drip drying and shaking off a bit more. It didn't take long for him finally decide that he'd quickly move out and grab the towel. So he moved to the door and grabbed the handle. He took a breath and opened it and head over to the small closet, reaching around for a towel. After finding it he grabbed it only to hear a noise from behind.
Alex was quick to release his grip on the towel and swing around, finding Becca tapping her foot and glaring at him. He didn't know what to say as he just sat there and watched her with his eyes wide open. He then thought for a second, that this just might seem a bit odd so he blabbered out. "This isn't what it looks like!"
"Quick to jump now are we? And yes, I know that you aren't stealing anything. I figure Oz let you borrow the shower seeing as your soaking wet. That is not quite why I am glaring. Now stand up." She retorted, looking very concerned and serious, clearly not messing around. She moved now, letting one foot off to the side a bit as he crossed her arms, seeming impatient.
Alex practically jumped up, and stood there with his tail lowered in fear. He didn't know what she was going to say, or what she had in mind, but all he knew was that she was going to lay it down on him.
She took a deep breath and looked him over. "I will start off by saying how grateful I am that you found him. We all owe you one and, if you need to, you may stay here for the next few nights. With that said I have to say that I was not quite expecting him to turn out as being bi. I was honestly surprised." She started, not quite finished, but now her tone was much more serious as she continued. "And I swear if you ever hurt him, I WILL kill you. You see, my past has been rough, and so has his. When we met, I was like a mother for him, when any one fucked with him, I fucked them up. No one messed with him, my friends, or anyone I was friends with. I suggest you do the same thing." She said before pausing. "Do we have an understanding?"
Alex just nodded vigorously as he tucked his tail between his legs. "W-we do! And I promise to never hurt him! EVER! I am gay and all, but...he's different, I don't know how. Anyone else I have been with has felt the same as the others. But this fox...he's amazing." He said to her, not lying at all.
Sam just looked at him with her eyes staring him over. "Hmm..." She hummed out. "Well I believe you. And for that you are now a good friend. So, anyway grab that towel and go shower up. I think we are on common grounds, and to be quite frank, I am growing jealous of the fox." She finished again this time with a chuckle, though Alex was unsure if she was serious or not.
Grabbing a towel the held it over his waist and head back into the shower, finishing up as he dried off and cleaned up.
Becca just smiled as she watched him walk into the shower. After the door was closed she moved to the bed and just fell on it. Finally being able to relax now that her best friend was home safe, she moved under her sheets and blankets passing out from the fact that she hasn't slept properly since Kara was gone.
Alex stared at the door whilst he stood still, wanting nothing more than for Kara to just burst in, bound full of his cute energy. He knew that it was futile as he had a night to wait, even then it was only if he was a quick healer. Not only that but the little fox would be quite calm seeing as being energetic would be painful. So he moved to the bed and crawled in it.
Just as he was about to pass out the door swung open, waking him up. He jumped a bit as he looked at the door, his heart fluttering. He watched in anticipation as the door was held open, a paw holding it open. Though after a few seconds the Oz popped into the room and closed the door, effectively crushing his hopes. So he flops back down and sighs.
Oz stumbled over to Becca's bed and sits on it, the she-wolf too far gone in sleep to notice. "Good night wolf." He said to Alex before he curled into bed, grabbing a stray pillow, also passing out in moments.
Alex just sighed as he grunted in return, staring at the ceiling as he lays back. "Night...." He mumbled as he closes his eyes, passing out after what seemed like an eternity.