Trish and Robert - ch7

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#7 of Trish and Robert

Stopping just outside my bedroom door, I coughed a few times, trying to make my voice a bit deeper, held one digit to my muzzle and opened the door.

"Hey babe. All done, had an interesting change today." I said.

The sleepy ferret didn't even turn over, just kept tucked under the blankets, "Mmmm." was her only vocalisation.

Being careful, I climbed in behind her, taking off the collar and scooted up behind her back, spooning her neatly, I leaned in a bit closer and my breasts pressed against her back solidly.

I felt her stiffen for a moment before I whispered, "They made a few changes and said I could do some supervised 'out of lab' testing."

She spun in the bed, at the last moment her jaw hanging open at the sight of Samantha, staring at the beautiful vixen.

Samantha giggled and waved. "Hey, Jess. I see you've been enjoying the lab work. I thought maybe I'd get in for a few days too." Shi let one paw gently stroke her slightly-erect member. "But of course, Robert here wanted to see if you'd want to get in on some of the fun."

Hir eyes traced over the lean ferret as she talked. I could see a hunger in the vixens eyes.

The shocked girl turned her muzzle into a grin, grabbing me by the scruff and leaning down and forward, she prostrated the pair of us to Samantha, "You should bow before our queen little vixen." she said, a growl to her voice I had never heard before.

Feeling a slight shock of delight at being man-handled in such a manner and further at being demeaned in front of the lovely Samantha, I let go as my inhibitions flowed free of me, I pressed my face deeper into the padding of the bed, "Sorry your highness, please forgive me."

A petting at my neck from Jess told me she was pleased, but there was only one person left here who's opinion mattered. I waited for the vixen to reply.

A bit shakily at first I heard, "I... I'm not..." but then, shi came back with, "You should be sorry." Shi stepped over and put a finger under my chin, pulling my face up with the threat of her claw. "But you've done more than enough to earn your pardon." hir pronouncement made me sigh happily, but then she turned hir eyes to Jessie. "You, on the other hand, have yet to do anything to prove yourself worthy."

I almost gasped at the scorning assessment of Jess.

"Your highness, I'll do anything! Please let me prove myself!" she begged, removing her paw from my neck so she could grovel properly, "Anything!" she added.

Feeling myself getting wetter and wetter at the prospect of having two of the most beautiful woman I had ever known close at paw at the same time I almost missed the vixens reply.

"Relax," Sam said with a tender yet hard voice. "Everyone gets their chance." Hir eyes cast between the two of us and I saw her paw begin to gently stroke at her penis. "I want you two to fuck each other. Whoever I think is doing a better job will get the pleasure of taking my cock."

Hearing hir first command, I turned my head to look at the prostrated ferret beside me, she had apparently done the same, turning to look at me. Wide grins covered both our muzzles.

I am not sure now who pounced who, but quickly we ended up nose to tail and while I felt her dig straight into my snatch, lapping and licking, I just leaned in close to her, spreading her lips with my paw and blew into her depths.

Feeling her gasp and pause her ministrations, I knew I had taken first point and softly at first, licked at the inside of first one petal, then the other of her flower, even as I felt her get her body back under control, returning to her task and making me arch my back.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Samantha stroking hirself as shi paced around us, eyes fixed on the two of us. Time for a show then.

I was aching to have hir again, but hir order and apparent interest in our work made me redouble my efforts.

Gasping and whining, unable to keep my pace due to the suddenly increased ministrations of the devilishly talented ferret I found myself peaking, losing control and moaning loudly.

As the pleasure peak started to fade I continued with my task, wanting eagerly to return the favour. Jess of course, still working along the slope to her own peak, didn't let up on me, lapping gently at my folds, making my mind go fuzzy with every lick even as I started working my tongue in as deep as I could, again and again, feeling her muscles try to grip and hold me inside. All of a sudden I felt her hips tense, her touch on my own folds cease and a soft gasp from her the only sign she was orgasming.

I was panting now, letting my partner finish her release I was myself back on the road to my own, second orgasm.

Pulling away, bowing myself to Samantha again, "Have you made your choice your highness?" I asked.

"I think I have." shi said, stepping over, gently brushing me aside. Shi sat on the bed, pointing to Jess. "You. I'll be taking your ass. But first, I have a question. You probably have dildos around, yes? Where's a two-headed one? Robert will fetch it."

The ferret tried to say something but I cut her off, "I know where they are your highness."

Shi grinned and pulled the soft-furred ferret on top of her, lining up hir rod with the tail-hole. "I hope you aren't a virgin there," shi whispered. "Because if you are, this is going to hurt." Shi started to push Jess down.

I grinned, knowing Jess had brought some of her toys around a few days ago and also knowing that the item in question had been one of them.

I rummaged through them, sounds of squealing delight ringing in my ears, waving my foxy rear in the air happily, sorting the toys. Eventually leaping up with the double ended dildo the ferret had brought with her, it was a special one, it had a hand pump that inflated knots in both ends if you wanted to.

As I turned I saw a sight that instantly got brought my arousal up another level, Samantha was hilt deep in Jessie's arse.

Managing to wander back over, but unable to take my eyes from the sight I said, "I found the toy your highness."

"Wonderful." shi almost purred.

Hir paw gently reached around Jess's quivering body, running through her soft fur. For a moment, I saw it latch onto one of her breasts and squeezed firmly. "You ever been DPed, Jess?" the vixen asked as the paw released her breast and traced down the to the girls pussy. Shi pressed two fingers in and spread it. "You're going to be now."

Shi looked back up at me. "Fill her up. But put it in yourself first."

I nodded mutely, lost in the sight before me. Within, a little voice screamed in delight at the thought that I was allowed to play too.

Lifting the double ended rod up and against Jess' remaining entrance, I ran my paw over the honey trailing from the ferrets love tunnel, coating both ends of the tool liberally.

Pressing it at my folds, I nearly lost my feet as I slid it in and in and in. Working it around a few times, just loving the feel of it Samantha's clicking fingers brought me from the daze. Muttering a, "Yes your highness." I pushed it in deep, feeling the slight bump of the knot pass into me.

With a grin I reached down and flicked the little valve to one end only and began to pump the toy. Having it just comfortable but not too big, I handed the control over to Samantha's waiting paw.

Pressing the protruding end of the toy to her snatch once more, I leaned on it, feeling it shift within me even as it began to burrow into the ferrets body.

"Alright. Now we can start." Sam said, as hir paws pulled Jess up slightly, pulling her off of the dildo and hir cock. After a little resistance, the motion started pulling the dildo out of my pussy as well. Then, with a hard push, she slammed all the rods as deep as they would go.

Jess let out a squeal, but Samantha seemed to ignore it. Hir eyes flashed at me, "Don't stop fucking her or you'll be punished." I gave a small bow but gasped as the movement changed the angle I was being impaled at.

I tried to keep up with Samantha's long hard strokes, but it was beyond me, but that didn't mean I was going to stop trying.

With every thrust the vixen made I could feel resistance against the phallus I was pushing into Jess, that extra tension meant that it would push and pull more within my own depths, lighting fires all up and down my passage.

I could feel my end approach, the physical stimulation combined with the the thoughts that I absolutely could not go against Hir wishes almost making me weak at the knees.

I watched as one of the fox's paws came up to firmly fondle the ferret's breast. "You feel that? Yeah, you like that, don't you, bitch?"

Sam dropped hir paw and to my horror picked up the pump, pushing several blasts of air into the dildo. The knots swelled almost to the point of locking but just short. Shi dropped the pump and grabbed the small length that was exposed between our pussies. With forceful jerks, shi pulled the dildo out and then thrust it back in time with her thrusts.

My body was on fire with the extra sensation this caused and I was soon a barely functioning mass of feelings, letting myself be fucked relentlessly by this vixen 'goddess'.

"Oh, that feels good, doesn't it?" Sam hissed through clenched teeth.

I whined out in pleasure and pain both, the two mixing into a potent feeling that just made everything turn to fuzz.

Coasting, not knowing if I was at a climax or still approaching it, my whole world focused to the long rod pumping in and out of me, even as it likewise pumped in and out of the ferret behind me.

Whimpering, I found myself begging again and again for release, to be allowed to come, something deep within holding that final pleasure back until Shi said I was allowed to.

Samantha grunted. Suddenly I felt the swollen knot of the dildo grow even larger, gripping tightly to the insides of my tunnel making me whimper softly, unable to believe how much it ached to need release.

But still shi pulled and pushed at it, "Time to cum, my little bitch."

Shi pumped again, expanding the knots even more. Jess gave a mixed cry as the pain of being so stretch mixed with the pleasure of the knot moving inside her even as I felt my body try and crest the wave, but be held back by my subservience.

"Oh, yeah, here it comes." Sam said.

I whined up at last, "Please, your... your highness, can I come?" I begged hir, no longer feeling any shame, just need, even as I felt hir paw still jacking the rod, locked now inside each of us, back and forth mercilessly.

I needed it so bad but didn't dare go first.

"Of course not. Not until I get mine." Sam said, I was not sure if it was to me or Jess, but it set my mind, I would not fail in this.

Shi gave the pump one final squeeze and Jess screamed as her orgasm finally struck. I felt the dildo begin to jerk around, making me whimper in need.

"Oh, yes..." Samantha sighed, hir cock still buried deeply and with sudden certainty I knew shi was cuming, filling the ferrets rear.

I came too.

I lost all focus on the world, even of my two partners in this, I can't even hear my own voice as I am sure it is making all sorts of noises. All I know is I was at the most perfect place, my whole body alight with release. After moments I was wondering when I would come down from the height.

Slowly outside things came back into focus, I couldn't feel the pleasure lessen but it must be, I was almost brain-dead with just being in that state.

I felt Sam heave the ferret girl upwards, pulling her off of her cock. The hole squeezed and started pushing the cum back out. Sam just gave the rump a good slap. She started to slide away, and seemingly as an afterthought thumbed the release to let the knots deflate.

"Well, that certainly was a nice ride. But it seems you have no respect for the rules." the vixen said, glaring, and turned, looking at the tired, shaking Jess. "You came before I did."

Watching on in awe, I could not look away all of a sudden as a gleam seemed to enter the vixens eyes as shi berated Jess.

The girl looked up at the angry fox 'goddess', "I, but... I am sorry your highness. Please punish me as you see fit." she said, hanging her head, seemingly ready to do anything her mistress asked for in atonement.

Our mistress put on a harsh smile. "Well, since this was your first time with me, I suppose I can let you slide." shi stepped over to a chair in the corner and sat down heavily, sex juices dripping onto the fabric. "Clean yourselves up. I'm tired."

Hearing hir gracious pronouncement the ferret let out a happy sigh that quickly turned into a moan as I brought my muzzle against her sex, lapping and nuzzling against the velvety folds.

Ready for some more of my favourite ferret, I lapped and licked and slurped her into a whimpering mess, her voice, shakily said, "Move around, I want some too."

Obligingly I turned and lay down, giving her full access to my tunnel even as I panted and whined into hers, all thoughts of the vixen, still in the room, watching us, lost in my lust.