Madarao's love Quest chapter 2 Hakubi's secret

Story by Draco Fury on SoFurry

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Chapter two: Hakubi's secret

_'Where is everybody?'_I thought as I was walking through the empty house, I heard someone approaching from behind but before I had a chance to defend myself a young voice shouted,

"Madarao what're you doing here?" I turned and smiled when I saw Hakubi's beaming face.

"Hi, Hakubi where is everybody?"

"They're at Tokine's house to plan a means of attack on the Kokuboro and I was sent to tell you what we planned on."

"Yeah, tell me about it!" I said.

Hakubi spent the next half hour explaining our plan of attack which bored the hell out of me and I was very happy when he told me all I had to do was give the signal to attack.

"Do you know where Kouya is?" I asked. "The reason I came back early was so I can speak with him."

"Oh." He said, the smile fading slowly from his face. "He's in Tokine's kitchen eating dinner.

I could tell that he was dejected that I hadn't deliberately come to visit him, but I had no idea why. He was never this thrilled to see me; we always had a love/hate friendship.

"Well since he's busy, how 'bout I hang out with you for a little while?"

"All right!" He shouted in excitement with a smile from pointy ear to pointy ear!

This was strange behavior for him, but hey, I've always saw him as a little brother and he's not as annoying as he used to be.

"Hey! I have to show you my cave! C'mon!"

With that said he took off ahead of me.

"Whoa! Hold up! I'm coming!" I followed behind him, passing some of the other Night Troops that were sent by Masamori as back up like Gen was. They all gave me a surprised look knowing that I should be guarding the site for another four hours. I just waved at them, and kept on going. Reaching his cave we came to a stop.

"Come on in, Madarao." He said, moving a heavy bolder out of the way and switching on the lights when we walked in, I could see we were in a living room.

"Hakubi what's with all the human rooms?" I asked. "I also wanted to ask you how you feel about not having to wear that fucken collar.

"Tokine wanted me to be comfortable in my new home so she used her Shikigami to give me all the comforts of a human home; she also did this for Kouya and will do it for you if you ask, oh to answer your other question it feels awesome, I never would have thought Yoshi would be able to control ayakashi without collars like Tokimori was able to." He replied.

"I like your cave."

"Thanks, Madarao! Here, let me give you a tour!" I nodded and he took me around to the galley where he got me something to eat knowing I hadn't had a chance to eat in a few days, and then he took me to his sleeping quarters. When he opened the door and turned on the lamp, I almost fainted.

"Hakubi, those are all paintings of me!" I said in astonishment.

"Do you like them Madarao?"

"Well, uhh, I'm flattered, to tell you the truth but Hakubi, where did you get all these paintings?" I said looking at them.

"Yoshi's little brother Toshi taught me how to paint!" He replied.

"But what about Kouya ever since you saw him again at the site you hung around him like you was his shadow I would think you would have paintings of him?" I said.

"Humph! He rejected my offer and instead I painted you knowing you wouldn't mind." He said. "These are my favorite paintings."

As I flipped through them, I couldn't help but smile as I saw paintings of me beating the crap out of our enemies, even some of Kouya and I fighting.

"So will you do me a favor?" He asked.

"What?" I ask, confused.

With that he came closer to whisper in my ear, which was hidden by a beanie Yoshimori gave me before he left.

"I want your cock inside of me!" He whispered.

"What?" I shouted, shocked.

"C'mon, Madarao, you and I both know you enjoy that!" he said, pulling out another stack of paintings this time they were landscape paintings, which appeared to be stained, of Yoshimori and myself mating!

"You haven't shown anyone these paintings, have you?" I asked, panicked.

"No, they're for my own private use!" he said smiling.

"That would explain the stains on them." I said, still stunned as I stared at them. As much as I hated to admit it, I was starting to get turned on as the humans would say.

"Are you absolutely sure about this?" I asked wanting him to be sure of what he wanted.

"Of course I am Madarao can't you tell?" he said, gesturing to his hardening phallus. Hakubi crawled onto his bed, laid on his side as I advance towards him and sat down next to him.

I rolled him flat on his back and said, "I'll do this for you but first I want to give you your first blowjob!" I said taking his phallus into my mouth. He moaned my name as I dragged my tongue along his cock; He started to thrust into my mouth a little as I consumed him again and again.

I knew I had to finish this now! I had to know what it felt like to have him release in my mouth! So I turned my head so I could wrap my tongue around his member scraping his tender flesh lightly with my teeth.

That did it. With a hard thrust of his hips, his full length slammed into my mouth, head swelling and shooting my compensation into my mouth. It was incredible, he was so powerful for a youngling, I tried to swallow as fast as I could but it started to ooze out of the corners of my mouth, and over his balls.

Once it was all over, he relaxed his body and tilted his head up to look at me with my mouth still sucking what I could from him.

"Madarao that felt incredible!" He moaned.

I released his softening cock and licked the rest of his cum off his belly and balls.

"Madarao," he said, finally breaking the silence, "You have no idea how much this means to me!" He said. "I love you Madarao, I always have I just didn't know how to tell you so I just decided to annoy you hoping you would take the hint."

"Well guess what, we're not through yet!" I said, still licking him.

"I have a late birthday gift for you how would you like to accept it?" I said.

He turned himself over and propped himself up giving me a clear view of his virgin hole.

"I want you to go wild like the ayakashi we are!" He laughed as he spread his legs wide, further exposing himself.

"Hakubi, you're sure about this? I mean... you really want me rather than someone else?"

"YES! DO IT NOW MADARAO!" Hakubi shouted.

I moved closer to him so that my hard, burning phallus touched his ass. He jumped slightly at the feeling, but calmed down when I placed my paws on him.

"I'll go easy, so I don't hurt you, okay?" I said.

"NO I TOLD YOU TO GO WILD!" He yelled.

"Okay I won't hold back but you don't have to yell at me." I said, with that I push forward, but his hole resisted my entry for a second then I lurched in suddenly.

He screamed in pain and I stopped, thinking I had done something horribly wrong.

"Hakubi, maybe I should slow down a."

"NO!" He yelled interrupting me.

So with that said, I closed my eyes and with one hard thrust, I forced the rest of my length deep within him.

He groaned through tightly clenched teeth. I paused, waiting for him to tell me whether or not he was all right, he looked back at me, smiled weakly and said, "Please keep going Madarao."

I began slowly pulling my phallus out of him until just my head was left. Then I slid it back in. It was only when he began moaning softly in pleasure that I knew everything was okay and started pounding him like he wanted.

Moaning with his head slumping down between his shoulders he said, "Madarao it feels so good to finally have you inside me!"

I laughed quietly and intensified my thrusting even more as my mind was becoming more and more clouded as my true ayakashi self-took over. I quickened the pace yet again, slamming into him harder and harder I had reached the point of no return as I lost all control and I began slamming into him even harder than before causing his hole to bleed a little.

Our bodies were dripping with sweat, Hakubi was now groaning, louder and louder with each thrust of my hips. And suddenly I felt why. His ass contracted tightly around my phallus as he sprayed his cum all over his bed. This was too much for me to take, and I was easily pushed over the edge.

With one final, powerful thrust, I slammed myself into his prostate growling louder than ever before, a growl that was purely ayakashi, as I contracted planting my seed deep within him.

I released, shot after shot for what seemed like an eternity, until my warm cream began gushing out in all directions around my cock, coating my belly and running down my legs until it finally mixed with Hakubi's cum.

After it was finally over, and I had softened enough to easily slide myself out of him, almost as if on cue, we collapsed together into the puddle of warmth we had created just moments before.

"Madarao thank you for your gift!" He said with a smile. I grinned and kiss him. As I pulled back from him I couldn't help but chuckle as I thought about how pissed Kouya would be if he ever found out what I did to Hakubi, as he was very protective of the youngling since they became friends.

Hakubi let out a long sigh as we laid there together on his bed and then he fell asleep with a smirk on his face. I smiled when I saw how peaceful he looked having been given all he wanted, and I realized how much this had meant to him.