Robert and Trish - Ch 10

Story by Sorin on SoFurry

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This is a continuing co-authorship project between myself and my good friend Damaged. If you wish to read the other chapters, the link below will take you to the first chapter. From there, you can link to whatever chapter you may have missed.

The concept of the LGD was created by nek0gami. We are simply borrowing it. The following link goes to his homepage. Check him out.

And now, on to the story. I hope you enjoy it.

Robert walked in a week later and smiled at Samantha. "Hello, your highness." She even gave a little bow. "How are we this week?"

Sam giggled lightly. "I'm doing well, thank you. And how are you doing? You seem happy."

"Very happy, although I have to have some words with Trish. I was sore for a few days, but I guess I got used to things," she said. "Speaking of, is she ready for me?"

"Um... I think so. You should be in room 12 today." The vixen looked at her computer and turned back after a moment. "Is there something going on with your tests?"

"Nope. Same old, same old," Robert said, mindful of the agreement she had signed. She didn't know if she was allowed to talk to Sam about it, so she thought it best to be safe.

Sam remained silent, but let it go. "Alright. Whenever you're ready..."

"My thanks, my lady," she said bowing low now, badly. "Once more unto the breach!" she called, striding down the corridor in the direction indicated, posing like a fool.

Trish opened the door and stepped out as she got closer. "What are you hollering about?"

For the first time, Trish wasn't wearing her usual one piece. Instead, she was sporting a green tank top and very tight miniskirt that barely got past her hips.

She sighed. "Trish, I am not completely sure with that agreement. Am I even allowed to talk to Sam about it? I wasn't sure and tried to cover by acting the fool. I would rather seem a bit of an idiot than break my word."

Trish nodded. "Well, on the one hand, you didn't spill. No, Sam can't find out. No one can. So... good job." She turned back in, not bothering to make sure Robert followed. "On the other hand, acting like an idiot will only draw more attention to yourself."

She laughed. "I am known to be a bit of a fool sometimes. It comes with my race, so that's not too far out of form. What's up for today?" she asked, walking along dutifully and closing the door behind.

The room they were in was slightly different from the others. Mainly, one wall was almost entirely taken up by a large mirror. "Today, we're going with phase two of the LGD tests: tentacles and control over them."

Robert's eyebrows could not get any higher. "Tentacles? What like those bad Japanese movies?"

The feline giggled. "Sort of. The LGD's tail is supposed to be a fully-functioning tentacle. Even their cock has some tentacle-like properties. So, we're testing it out. Go ahead and strip."

As she took her clothes off, she was aware of the mirror, almost putting on a show for herself. When she got to her panties, she realized she was somewhat moist. "OK, Trish. Ready when you are."

Trish came over holding a vial of tracer fluid. "First step, we're going to regrow your penis and alter your tail so that it fits a better appearance." She pressed the needle in just above Robert's clitoris and pushed only half of the fluid in. Her hand took the fluffy tail and pressed the rest of it into the fifth appendage.

Robert sat through the first ministrations, the slight pinch of the needle no longer bothering her at all. If anything, taking needles tended to excite her now. She giggled at the thought of the fetish. "You know, Trish, you bring out the oddest things in me," she said as she lay down, preparing mentally for what could be a rather odd set of changes soon.

"Really?" Trish said as she filled a needle with flowing blue serum. "You mean besides breasts and cocks?"

She grinned. "Really, I am trying to come to grips with the fact that in three short weeks you've managed to make me get turned on by getting needles. So, whenever you're ready," she told her, head turned to the side with a smile.

Trish pushed the needle, this time rather deeply, in just below her waistline. But before she actually pushed it in, she froze. "Oh, shit!" She took Robert's hand and gently wrapped her fingers around the syringe. "Hold that for a moment."

The needle made her tingle a little, causing feeling to radiate out from the metal. She was getting more and more wet just thinking of the serum being that close, being just there and not actually in her. "What's up, Trish?" she asked, breath short at the feelings in her.

Trish tore open a food bar packet and took the needle back. She handed over the food bar. "Almost forgot to give you this. We wouldn't want the serum eating you to make your cock."

Robert nodded and quickly munched it down. Trish waited until he had consumed the entire thing. "Ready, then?"

"Yup. All down."

After waiting just a few more seconds, Trish glanced over at the mirror. "Right." Her finger pushed down the plunger and flooded the vulpicine with the serum.

Robert gasped, like she always did, when the serum hit her. This time it focused on two points seemingly all at once. At her groin, a pressure started even as she felt the heat move from her stomach downwards. She felt as her penis pushed forward and outwards, gaining length and girth and new nerves linking it all up. At the same time, her tail felt very, very odd.

As the serum worked down it, the hair along the tail began to pull inwards. Matter from her stomach was pulled in, making the tail thicker and longer until it was almost a yard long and six inches around. A single stream was cut down its center that tied down to hir new testicles. Nerves all along it completed the process.

Trish watched carefully as the process changed it. The whole procedure took just over two minutes. The tail went limp as the serum died and vanished. "How you feel?"

Hearing her question, knowing it more than just simple conversation, Robert began to feel around. "Most of me, normal. That was a fast change, by the way. My cock feels... about what it was when you made it oversided. My tail..." Shi felt out hir knew length and realized there was a lot more of it down there. "There's a lot to my tail now."

"How's it feel?" she asked again. She took one hand and wrapped around the massive thing as best she could. "It should feel something like your penis does." Her hand began to stroke gently.

Shi cried out lightly, gasping at first but ending up in a happy moan at the attention. Managing to pull on top of the feelings, shi said, "Yeah, yeah you could say that."

"Perfect." Trish took her hand away. "In that case, we're ready for the second serums." She pulled out two vials this time, one dark purple and the other a slightly lighter shade of purple. She also took out another food bar and handed hir half of it. "This one should give you full muscular control over your tail and a good deal of control over your penis."

Nodded as shi ate the bar, something occurred to hir. "Trish, you seem a lot more confident with this test," shi started, hoping she would continue the musing.

She gave a little shrug as she prepared the syringe of dark purple fluid. "I guess I shouldn't be. But last time, seeing you have pretty good control over yourself took away most of my fears. Like you said, the sooner we do this, the sooner it gets out." She turned to him. "Plus..." She blushed gently. "Well, you'll see." Two steps brought her next to the bed.

Knowing what was coming, shi wiggled in place. "What's this one do?" shi asked again just as she was going to put the needle in.

"You'll see." Trish pressed the needle in and emptied it. As the serum mixed in, it almost instantly began re-altering hir tail. What had been simple tissue was now becoming specially-designed muscle groups. A new type of nervous system grew and connected to hir spine. After a minute or so, she gave the tail a little flick. "Try moving it."

Her words and feelings from hir tail made hir want to and shi felt all the new muscles start to flex. Shi started working at them, finding some that would cause it to twist, others to bend, some to flex. "Hey, this is pretty cool," shi said as shi slowly was getting used to the new controllable appendage.

Trish came back with the lighter fluid and carefully emptied it into hir penis. A similar process soon occurred, but on a much lesser scale. When it was done, shi could bend it slightly even when fully hardened, although it didn't have near the amount of control hir tail had.

Robert was soon playing with both members, twisting them and seeing what was possible. Hir tail seemed the most amazing and shi had it almost under control. "So, what tests are we doing for these?" shi asked the feline.

"Sit up, please." When shi was, Trish walked around behind hir. "Try pulling your tail inwards. You should be able to shorten it and extend it slightly."

Shi did as instructed and felt hir tail doing all sorts of odd gyrations. "I can't really see what I'm doing back there, but boy can I feel it. How does it look?"

"It looks good," she replied with a little eagerness. She stepped back around front and grabbed several soda cans. She set them down on a table in front of hir. "See if you can lift these."

Shi curled hir tail around to the side, lengthening it as much as possible, and wrapped the end around a can. With another motion, shi picked it up and handed it to Trish. "Hey, they're cold. You could warn me next time."

Trish took it with a smile. "Sorry. I'll try to give you better warning."

The next can was heavier and the last was heavier still. Hir tail shook a little with each successive weight. After a few minutes playing with each of them, shi realized it wasn't the weight that was the limiting factor with it, but hir control of the different muscles.

"Good," Trish said, setting the cans down. "Now, for some fine control tests." They went through a small set of instructions, having hir wrap her tail in spirals, twist it between each others arms, curl it there, each time getting slightly more complex.

Robert found hirself enjoying it on several levels. Intellectually, it wasn't too tough, but at a physical level, hir brain was wiring in for a whole new type of body movement and it was quite stimulating.

Stimulation being, of course, the other. The thing was just as sensitive as hir penis and the without the ability from the last set of tests to be able to deaden sexual stimulation, shi was quite worked up by the end of the little games.

Trish finished writing down her notes on her pad. "Good. That finishes the control tests. Now, we have the, uh... Usage test." For a moment, she paused and looked over at hir, blushing lightly.

Seeing hir blush, Robert had a pretty good idea suddenly of what "usage" she wanted to see. "Well, for any test we must propose a desired outcome. What exactly would you like to see happen as a result of any... test?" shi asked.

The feline paused, tapping the clipboard with her pen. "Actually... This one doesn't have a set of outcomes. It's really just to see the... range of uses it has." She set the clipboard down. "It's really up to you."

Getting up, shi stepped closer to her, but made sure not to touch her with anything but hir tail, which wrapped around her leg and began to massage her thigh lightly. "I think I have some proposed outcomes in mind," shi breathed, still not touching her in any way but with hir tail.

Her face changed at his words. The hard sternness of the science professional melted into that of a gentle female. A haze passed through her eyes that could only be recognized as long pent-up need. Her shoulders shrugged and the lab coat fell to the floor. "Robert, I don't care what you do or how you do it. I just want it."

"Mmmm..." shi replied, biting her lip. "Good answer."