Flying Mile High Chapter 16 Part 1

Story by dolphin_dreamer on SoFurry

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#9 of Flying Mile High

19:00. Adelaide Time: TA177 has been flying for two hours straight and is currently cruising over the middle of South Australia. Janice was in the bathroom crying to herself. 'There is no way this could be happening to her'. She thought.


It was late at night when Janice was walking home alone in the rundown streets outside the hospital. She walked solemnly down the footpath, grieving over the loss of her lover. Leaning on a lamppost, she broke down into tears. Brian had been her hero. He'd saved her and mended the broken fragments of her heart, and now he had been taken away. Janice felt a violent tug on her arm before being dragged into a dark section between two buildings. She tried to scream but she felt a paw cover her mouth, finding herself staring face to face with a lion that had a rugged scar on his cheek.

"Do exactly what I say, or you will not be walking out of this alley. You will be carried out!". He whispered in here ear.

Using his other free hand, he took a knife from his pocket and cut open her clothes, leaving her naked in front of a complete stranger. The lion dropped his knife and undid his zipper, unveiling his cock, placed it directly in front of her face.

"Behave yourself Bitch!. Suck it!".

The lion removed his hand from Janice and stuffed all 17cm of his penis into her mouth. Tears trickled down Janice's cheeks as terrified, she did what she was told.


Janice placed her hand in her pocket and found a safety pin. She was sick of living in humiliation. She was sick of living a life where everything got taken away from her. She could take the end of the pin and fight back after all these years of living in silence.


"Janice you have to not move!. I poke almost your death!".

Janice's ears perked at the acupuncturists remark. She had been experiencing some back pains, so she had visited a Chinese reflexologist during her trip to Beijing.

"How is that possible?". Asked Janice.

The tigress put the needles down and grabbed a poster from the drawer.

"You see this point?. I poke needle and nervous system shut down. You die instantly!".

"Has someone ever murdered a victim using this method?". Queried Janice.

"Yes, a man once killed girlfriend after learn acupuncture from monk. Police don't believe she was murdered for 3 years. One day monk summon police and point out possible murder. They had found needle puncture hole on that area, but had dismissed it".


Janice looked at the safety pin; she has never killed someone in her entire life. She grabbed a set of disposable gloves from the bathroom closet and got ready for action.


20:32. ACT Canberra time: Jonathan and Sarah were both naked in the bedroom of the G6 as it cruised over the capital of Australia. Jonathan ran his paw behind Sarah's back, causing her to purr with pleasure.

"How did you do that sugar cakes?".

"I once dated a cat". Smiled Sarah.

Jonathan smiled; Sarah thought he looked cute with that grin.

"Are you a member of the mile high club?". Asked Sarah.

"No. Are you?".

"Not yet. Let's enroll ourselves Felini.... I promise I won't pass out this time". Whispered Sarah.

Sarah reached under the blanket ran her finger around the opening of his sheath. Jonathan twitched from the tickling sensation and the tip of his member emerged. She gently pulled his skin back to unleash the remaining length of his flesh and Jonathan sat up positioning himself on top of Sarah.

"Shall we begin our registration?". Teased Jonathan.

Jonathan placed his penis into her eager hole and penetrated her with his full length. The thought of being knotted ran through Sarah's mind. Would it be as painful as last time?. Would she get injured from the stretch?. Sarah closed her eyes and tried to relax herself. Jonathan's knot was beginning to form as it stretched her canal from the expansion. He was finding it more and more difficult to thrust into her because of the amount of resistance caused from the knot increasing in size.

Sarah bit her lips as she tried not to scream. She felt an immense amount of pressure build up through each stroke, as she was being stretched by the second. Jonathan gave one final thrust and released his seed into Sarah. His knot had grown to its maximum size, leaving the two locked together. Sarah screamed in ecstasy as her entire body spasmed from the change of excruciating pain to a mind blowing orgasm in a split second. This lasted for around 15 seconds before everything died down. Sarah panted as she pulled Jonathan towards him for a kiss, while they were still knotted to each other.


Janice closed the galley curtains and peered into the first class cabin. The cabin lights were off to give the passengers some time for shut eye before landing into Sydney. Janice walked into the heated cabin and kneeled beside her prey.

"Excuse me Sir. The Captain wishes to see you". Whispered Janice to the lion, without distrubing the passengers next to him.


"I'm afraid I'm not too sure. He says there's a special message for you".

The lion unfastened his seatbelt and stood up from his seat. He followed Janice who took him away from the rest of the other passengers. When Janice took him to the closed cockpit door, she stopped in her tracks. She turned around and faced the lion one last time.

"Sir, your shirt collar looks a little messy. Allow me to help you".

Janice walked behind her prey and took ouy the safety pin in her pocket. She took the sharp end of the pin and stabbed it into the deadly pressure point at the back of his neck. The victim's legs went weak as he spiraled out of control. The lion fell back into Janice's arms and she dragged the lifeless body into the bathroom. Janice locked the door behind her and the lights lit up the small room. Closing the toilet lid, she dropped the dead lion on top of the toilet seat. She felt her knees go weak and she fell on the floor, at the corpse's feet.

She had finally put an end to one part of her pain that had haunted her for the past two years. Yet she had taken the life away from another living soul. Janice now thought herself the worst flight attendant in the history of aviation. Her job was to serve and protect every passenger in her command. Now she has defied the purpose of her job. Janice's heart was racing in-between her ribs as her body injected adrenaline into her system. Janice breathed in heavily as she was about to exceed the verge of insanity until she bit her finger which brought her back to reality. Her work wasn't over yet. She still had to fool any witnesses who found him dead.

Janice undid the lion's tie and hung it off a hook on the ceiling. She then tied a knot to the hook and took the other end of the tie to the dead body. She wrapped it around the lion's neck twice and tightened it firmly. She finished the job off by pushing the corpse off the toilet seat, causing it to swing like a pendulum before becoming still again. Sneaking out of the bathroom, she locked the door behind her with the bathroom key, taking off her disposable gloves, she placed them into her vest pocket.