Snowy Feelings 2

Story by BobbyThornbody on SoFurry

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#21 of Stories

The night lasted and flew by, before either of them knew, it was morning again. Sunlight s...

The night lasted and flew by, before either of them knew, it was morning again. Sunlight slowly crept through the windows of the wooden house, putting more and more under its' jurisdiction. This included a good seventy five percent of Hunter's body that had rolled out of the blankets. When it reached his eyes, he squinted and mumbled something about another five more minutes twisting around a bit

The husky had awoken to this single murmur and nuzzled against Hunter's fur. He felt so comforted in knowing the events of yesterday had gone so well that he'd almost have wished the previous night wouldn't have ended. However, upon waking up, he pulled his lover closer to him from behind, softly licking at his neck. "Hello there, love."

Hunter mumbled something inaudible again; it was actually quite adorable to watch. He was behaving a little childishly. What supported this, what that he silently clung onto Exile

Exile gave a gentle chuckle as he held the retriever. His fur felt so soft to the touch; ever so slightly less 'hairy' than he was himself, but he loved it nevertheless. Burying his nose into Hunter's neck, Exile took a deep inhale.

Hunter slowly opened his eyes, at the bottom of his range of vision, two ears pricked up. He smiled a very soft smile "...morning"

"Hello, sleepyhead," Exile said, his Russian accent seeming a bit more pronounced now.

"What time is it?" Hunter softly whispered

"Dunno," Exile said. "Is morning. I knows dat at least."

"I praise you observation skills"

Exile squeezed Hunter a little tighter in his hug. "Ha ha, very funny love."

"So, what's Exile the great and powerful got planned for me today?)

"Well, actually, I figured I'd let you decider," he said with a smile.

"Really now?" Hunter though a bit

"What would you like to do, love," Exile asked sweetly.

"Can we go ice skating?"

"Sure, we can do that. I've won many medals. I can teach you." Exile gave a grin

"Oh, aren't you wonderful...*

"Da, I try," Exile said blushing as he got up from the bed and walked to his closet.

"Got any skates for me?"

Exile laughed again and shoved the closet door open, showing about ten different sets of ice skates. "Take your pick."

"Why do you have so many?"

"I like to wear different colors and different styles," the husky answered.

Hunter giggled softly "That sounds like your gay self showing"

"Whose fault is what," Exile asked, taking a pair of silver skates out.

"Well, maybe," Exile blushed. "I have a thing for pretty colors."

"Is gold one of them?" Hunter asked slyly

"As a matter of fact, it is," he said, looking back into the closet and pulling out a pair of gold skates.

"Wow, you do have every color"

"Exile just looked at Hunter with a broad smile.

"You're a strange doggy" Hunter said softly as he stood up

"I'm strange? Neit, my love. I'm not the one who was making noises about the master's steak sandwiches in his sleep." Exile laughed, grabbing a jacket and tossing one to Hunter.

"...I what?" Hunter blinked

"Yep," Exile laughed. "Last night. Da, it was cute."

Hunter glared at the other dog

"What? I'm sorry, but it was funny," Exile glared back mockingly

"Fine, but don't tell anyone, otherwise I'm telling everyone back home about those rainbow earrings you've got"

Exile glared a little deeper; almost as if trying to call the other's bluff, but then shook his head and put the jacket on.

Hunter smiled "Would you put em on?"

Exile nodded and walked over to you. He was careful to put them on properly and laced them up so they were nice and snug.

Hunter chuckled softly and poked the Husky in his stomach "I meant on you silly doggy"

"My earrings," Exile questioned. "Sure, I could do that." Exile left the room momentarily, coming back with the earrings attached to the back tip of his ears.

Hunter smiled and sat with his paws in his lap "You look good"

"Thank you love," Exile smiled, walking over and kissing the retriever on the head. "Shall we go?"

Hunter nodded and blushed "Actually...I don't really know how..."

"Oh, don't you worry about that, my love. I didn't earn gold medals in skating competitions for faking my way through it." He smiled big.

"Coulda fooled me you big lug" Hunter mumbled

"Da, I am a bit big, but luckily I haven't cracked through the ice yet," Exile laughed putting on his coat.

Hunter looked around for some clothes "Um...anything I can wear?"

"Look beside you," Exile laughed, pointing out the jacket he had previously tossed to the dog.

Hunter put his own coat on slowly, albeit a bit nervously, that old feeling from the day before coming back, but for a different reason...he blushed softly

"Are you alright," Exile asked, noticing the blushing.

Hunter nodded softly "Yea...just a little bit nervous I guess"

"Aw, that's alright," he said with a smile. "I'll be right with you to help."

"Not about the skating...about...the second date part" Hunter smiled a soft coy smile

"You'll be fine, love," Exile commented as he kissed the retriever once more.

"Your not going to grope me all the time, are you?"

"No, of course not," he winked.

Hunter glared at the other dog "...Your going to grope me anyway aren't you?"

Exile said nothing as he opened the front door and stepped outside.

Hunter shuffled his way out "Do you know where it is?"

"Where what is? The lake?" Exile asked. "I should, that's where the local competitions are held."

"Your going to brag about it for a while, aren't you?" Hunter said as if he was annoyed, then smiled sweetly "Tell me more, oh graceful dog of ice"

"Perhaps," Exile laughed as he took the other dog's paw.

"I'd love to hear all about my new...boyfriend's talents" Hunter said, blushing just a little bit while he walked along

"Well, let's see. I can build a decent sized igloo in under an hour," Exile smirked.

"By skating? How?" Hunter asked, looking surprised

"No, not by skating, silly. That would be rather hard. You didn't say skating talents, you just said talents." He laughed.

"Wow" Hunter smiled "My new boyfriend is SOOO talented"

"On the ice though," Exile said, "I'm really good with figure skating."

Hunter nodded softly and, deciding to adapt more and since he was still a bit cold, slowly leaned into his mate, resting his head on the other.

His tail wagged gently in the cold atmosphere, keeping it warm he sighed softly. Exile really was warm.

Walking alongside his lover, Exile held him close until they arrived at the frozen lake. "Here we are my favorite skating place."

Hunter blinked "Hmm?" he looked around "Oh, right" He didn't let go of Exile though, staying just as close

"Well what do you know," Exile said as he walked to the ice. "The message I wrote in here last night is still here." He led Hunter to the tip of the ice, and, scratched into it, were the words 'Exile loves Hunter'.

Hunter blinked "When did you make this?"

"Right after you fell asleep," Exile giggled.

Hunter chose to just sigh softly "Guess it can't be helped"

"What? I can't express my happiness at having a lover.

"In ice, where everyone else in Russia can see?" Hunter asked, looking a bit flustered, but breathed out "To hell with it then" And the retriever quickly snatched Exiles lips in a soft tender kiss

Exile leaned deep into the kiss and kissed back just as deeply. His tail wagged behind him happily.

Hunter, out of the corner of his eye, noticed that the kiss was drawing looks, but he didn't care anymore. He was already a half dog, people can get over themselves. Nope, he was just going to live...and love Exile

Exile was so busy enjoying his affections with his lover, he wasn't paying attention and his canine cock tip slipped out a little.

Hunter broke away slowly and smiled "Take that as my expression of happiness as having a lover"

"Maybe I should express my happiness a little more publicly," Exile noted, pointing out that between them, his cock was poking out.

Hunter blinked, blushed crimson red, and shook his head rapidly

"Exile...We-we can't do that...not here anyway......" Hunter looked away "...later, ok?"

Exile snickered. "I was just teasing my love." His cock slipped back into hiding before he separated the hug. "Now, how about I teach you how to skate?"

Hunter nodded softly, slipping on the skates he had been carrying with him

Exile slipped his on as well and slowly led Hunter onto the ice.

"It's like walking but in strides, right?"

"Kind of. Just push one foot after the other very slowly," Exile led the dog along in slow strides to help him along. "Like this."

"Ok" Like most people do, Hunter had a little trouble starting out, but after he watched Exile for a little bit, and let himself be glided automatically around the ring by the other dog, he adapted "...It's not so hard"

Still holding Hunter, Exile continued to slide along the ice. "You get used to it after a while."

Hunter slid along the ice slowly in time with his mate, smiling a smile as gentle as the snow itself "Thanks..."

"See? It's not too hard. Just have to take it slow," Exile looked into Hunter's eyes. "How do you feel?"

"Happy" Was Hunter's single reply

"Want to try on your own," Exile asked his lover.

Hunter nodded

Exile let go of his lover slowly and put a small amount of distance between them, but stayed close enough so that if Hunter were to slip, he could catch him.

Steadily along, slowly and cautiously, Hunter skated solo around the ring: once, twice and thrice around.

Exile skated beside the dog so he was there in case of an accident and smiled as he watched him skate. "You're doing great."

Hunter looked down at his feet, silently contemplating "I wonder..." taking a quick stride, Hunter tried out his power, crouching and soon he was rather rapidly skating circles round the ring...that is, until he lost his balance at the entrance of the ring when he wanted to slow down, and fell muzzle first into the snow, legs kicking and all.

Quickly, Exile rushed over and helped Hunter up. "Love, what were you thinking?" He kissed him on the muzzle. "Never do that on the ice, you can injure yourself doing that."

Hunter smiled comically "I was just trying!" he rubbed the back of his head "Guess I can't stop properly on ice..."

"You'll get better at it," he said, gliding alongside of his mate. "I had a heck of a time learning to skate myself. Not all huskies start off great on the ice, love."

"Oh, THE great Exile had trouble skating, that's silly talk. He's the most awesomest and sexiest dog on the planet" Hunter smiled

"Okay, now you're just being flattering," Exile blushed.

"And he's smart too, by the sound of it" Hunter chuckled

"God, I love you," Exile grinned.

"I love you too" Hunter smiled "Now let's go before I fall again"

"Go home," the dog asked. "You want to leave?"


'I'm all wet from that fall...maybe you can dry me off...and make use of what you wanted to do earlier" Hunter said slyly, giving Exile's crotch a secretive rub.

"Well, if you'd like to leave, we can do that. I'm sure you can think of a lot of things we can do today." He then thought for a second.

"Well, we can go back to the cabin and I can warm you up by the fire."

Hunter smiled "I'd like that"

"You're going to get me all excited again if you keep that up," Exile blushed hard.

"IT was your idea" Hunter smirked, feeling perverted, but not caring

"Come on, you," Exile laughed as he slid the skates off and walked to his lover. "Otherwise I'll have to do our business here."

Hunter giggled and slid his own off, walking along with his mate "Hey Exile...can I ask you something?"

As they walked, Exile nodded. "Sure, love. Anything."

"..." Hunter blushed softly "When did you start feeling this way about me?"

"Um... somewhere directly after the time we learned to walk on two feet." Exile answered, having really not thought much about it.

"what was it about me what made you realize?"

"Do you want my honest answer," Exile asked.

Hunter nodded.

"I guess it was the day we got our first official mission. You were just so heroic.

"Heroic huh?" Hunter though to himself "When it comes to love, your the more heroic one"

"I'm only heroic because I want you to know you're always safe," Exile commented.

"That's amazingly sweet Exile..." Hunter said softly, leaning close again "I'm glad...I'm glad we're together...I couldn't have ever asked for anyone else better than you Exile"

"Da, I'm glad to have you as well," Exile smiled. "I have thought about you for so long. And I've always wondered what it would be like to be mated to you."

"Well, we've got a long future ahead; guess we're both going to find out huh?"

"Oh yeah," he smiled. "Definitely." Exile opened the cabin front door and walked Hunter inside. "After you."

The retriever made his way inside, slowly peeling off all the clothes he was wearing, because they were all wet and sat in front of the fire in the den, which had been lit who knows when. He rubbed his hands together; truth was he was kinda freezing now.

Exile did the same, sitting beside his lover by the fire. "I love you."

Silently Hunter rested his head on the other's shoulder, as if to say 'I love you too'

Exile wrapped his paw around Hunter's waist and pulled him close. "My lover."

Both Hunter's arms circled in return as he looked up into Exiles eyes, finding the massive treasure of care of love inside of them "My Husky..."

"Mmm, so warm," Exile rubbed against the retriever.

"It always is when I'm with you Exile" Hunter replied in a hushed whisper, muzzle inching closer to the others slowly

"God, you're a sweetheart," Exile nuzzled the other's fur.

Hunter soon found his lips laced with Exiles, pressing against them gently, eyes closed in silently pleasure.

"I feel so wonderful when I'm with you," Exile said after the kiss. He relaxed to the point his cock started to poke out again.

"Exile" Hunter whispered softly, tail thumping gently behind him "Will you...take me?"

"I'd love to," Exile softly whispered.

"Bend over, lover," Exile said as he stood.

Hunter nodded obediently, getting on all fours, just like old times, and looking back cutely at his mate.

With a smile, he softly pushed his cock into his lover. "Mmm even warmer than the fire."

Hunter gasps softly, wincing slightly with the pain that was bound to come. He forced himself to relax, letting his inner caverns open up just a little more.

Slowly, Exile slid his cock inside the other dog, feeling the warmth overtake his cock. "Ohhh, I love this feeling. How are you doing, love?"

"It...It hurts...a little" Hunter said softly

"Should I stop," Exile asked.

Hunter shook his head 'No...Just...leave it in for a little...I need to adjust"

Exile nodded and stayed still, allowing you to relax yourself. "Just tell me when."

Hunter took a few easy breathes, waiting for the slight pain to dull. When it did, it was met with the sweet sensation of his inner walls massaged by his lover's cock. He moaned softly, and lightly pressed back.

Softly and carefully, Exile pushed his cock in a bit more, stretching Hunter's ass out. "Oh god, you're so tight."

Hunter moaned in unison, the pain completely gone as his hole stretched, only the sweet pleasure was left, rushing over him faster than his own ability.

Exile pushed even more, now pushing his cock up to his knot. "Oh, god, I love you."

Hunter murred out into the air "I love you too"

Exile began humping softly, working his hard length in and out of Hunter's ass.

Hunter let appreciative sounds break out into the now suddenly overheated air around them. Moans, murrs, grunts, whimpers, one of each came out eventually. His body surged with a wonderful feeling.

Exile slowly picked up the pace, working his cock in and out of his lover. "This is so good... I... I've never felt so wonderful."

Hunter's body trembled with the searing pleasure that burned to his heart and was amplified ten times over, sending the message to each nerve of his body. Each thrust brought new pleasure better than before "Ooo...Exile" Hunter muttered, silently begging for more

Exile began to work his cock in the ass of his lover with a smile. "I'm gonna cum if we keep this up," he murred.

Hunter moaned louder, rocking back ever so gently into the pumps

Exile's humping became more rapid. "Oh, almost... almost there love."

Hunter groaned softly, the humps coming quicken getting to him. His tongue lolled out onto the floor, panting in a horny daze.

"Ohh... here it comes..." Exile groaned as he thrust in harder. He groaned over and over as his seed fired deep into Hunter's ass.

Hunter moaned, the warm seed filling him up. He reached below and began pawing himself

"Yeees... you like that," the Russian groaned.

"Exile...please" Hunter pleaded, gesturing to his own member pulsing

Quickly, Exile reached down and began quickly pawing at Hunter's cock.

"Cum for me, sexy."

Hunter gasped and whimpered, his own load shooting out with a growl, messing on Exile's paw

"Ohhhh yeah, such a good dog." Exile kissed the back of Hunter's neck. "I haven't felt so good in such a long time."

Hunter flopped down onto the carpet that he had just messed on, the afterglow lasting still. Slowly he rolled around; leaving his body exposed to the other, and beckoned him to lie on top of him

Exile did just that, and cuddled the dog. "Hon... Do you have anything you like about me?"

Hunter paused softly, but smiled and nuzzled Exile gently, kissing his nose "You're always Warm Exile...always" burying his nose between Exile's ears, Hunter smiled "Can I get a collar with your name as the tag?"

"Of course you can," Exile commented. "I think it would make you look cute."

"When I get it...I'm keeping it...forever" Hunter said softly, an took a grip of Exile's paw, soft and caring

"Well, I certainly hope so," Exile muttered, giving a soft lick.

Hunter lay there, entwined with his eternal mate, his forever bonded. The fire burned softly in the background and kept them warm even though each other was enough. His grip tightened around the other, and softly, he whispered "I love you, sweet comrade..."

"I love you too," Exile added. "Comrade."