Bonding: Apple of my eye

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Okay so it's been a while since I've posted anything (yet again -_-) so I decided that I -would- write something. Plot bunnies burrowed in and all the sudden I have an awesome-sauce series planned out. At least one or two more stories will be written in this set before I drop it and I will admit, yes this is as close to plot-less smut as I can get. >>; That said, Enjoy!


"And so on this day as we do once every generation, we join these four cubs to each other. To preserve balance between the species and to unite the clans!" A wolf exclaimed over a crowd. This was a happy day among the masses of the twin tribe, one of wolves and one of foxes. It represented the mixing of the tribes that kept both sides in line. The unions bonded to each other and they then became the middle ground for the tribes. Any disputes in power were settled by these four.

"Kuru and Kari of the wolf tribe." the elder said while motioning to the twin wolves standing on his left. "Will be paired with Sen and Sayel of the fox tribe." the elder motioned again to a pair of foxes next to him as well. One female, one male. Before long the cubs were ushered off of the stage as the festivities began.

"I don't get it mom why do I have to be mated to a male?" Sen grumbled at an elder fox leading them away from the hub of the festival.

"Because Sen. It's tradition. My parents did the same with their first litter and my next litter will do the same as I do now." she explained softly.

"Then why didn't you put up Sariel with Sayel?" Sen asked while splaying his ears and looking away from Sayel.

"I'm sorry but the custom says the first two born. Sariel is our third. That's all there is to it Sen." She said in a semi-harsh manner. Sen's ears splayed further as he was led towards a recently built pair of huts. Once they reached the huts Sen's mother turned and hugged them both before standing again. "I love you two..." she said softly. "Good bye my cubs." she said softly.

The elder fox turned and walked away as the vulpines were called inside. Sayel remained quiet as she looked over the wolves standing behind the two elders. "You two know Kuru and Kari, the wolf pack's first litter." the vulpine elder said softly. "You will be bonded with them today, Sayel to Kari and Sen to Kuru." the vulpine continued.

"I don't want to be bonded to a male." Sen said while glaring at the twin wolves.

"You don't have a choice." The lupine elder said while looking at the vulpine male.

"Kael, we agreed. You would speak with those of your tribe and I would work this out with mine." the elder vulpine said before readdressing Sen. "Sen. I promise you if we could change this we would have but I'm afraid there is nothing to be done about it. Your mother already tried." he said softly.

"Right then. To business. Sayel if you would come here." he said motioning in front of him. "And Kari, here." he said motioning a bit to the left of where Sayel had moved. "You two will be bonded before the tribe, for the purpose of keeping balance between our people." he said while holding up a fruit between the pair. "This fruit is known as the wolx apple. It induces a high libido in canines. You will both take a bite of this apple and go to your hut." he said handing the pair the apple. The same was done between Kuru and Sen.

Begrudgingly the males both took a bite of the fruit before being sent to their hut. Sen and Kuru to one, Kari and Sayel to another. Night was falling quickly on the area. Sen sighed softly to himself as he sat in the hut on the bed, Kuru laying nearby on the ground. "You feeling anything yet?" Kuru asked softly.

"No dammit now leave me alone." Sen snapped, the fur on the back of his neck raising a bit as a shiver ran down his spine.

Kuru sighed to himself, "Look I know how you feel." he said softly, his ears splayed as he sat up.

"I said leave me alone." Sen said while scooting back.

"Easy Sen." Kuru said softly. "You've known me for years", he said in a calm, quiet tone. "You know I'm a friend", he added while carefully moving to seat himself on the bed.

Sen shot him a glare as his lips pulled back to reveal his teeth. "I don't want to talk, I don't want to do anything with you now leave me alone." Sen said in a snarl.

Kuru gave a soft sigh and moved closer, reaching out for the fox gently. "Look Sen, I'm the same as before. The same as when we used to play together." he said softly.

"I don't care." Sen shot back. "I didn't want to be mated to a male and now I'm stuck with you while your brother is probably mounting my sister right now. Leave me alone or I'm going to rip you to shreds." Sen said while drawing his knees to his chest. Everything about this day was wrong to him. He had never heard of this before from his parents and today was the first they had spoken of it. True, he still looked at Kuru as a friend but it was still angering that his parents would allow this to happen, with a male he didn't want anyway.

While Sen was lost in thought Kuru reached a little further and put his paw on the fox's shoulder, perking his ears as he locked eyes with the fox. "Sen..." he said softly while scooting closer. His arm crept around the fox and pulled him closer. Sen would have protested but it felt nice to have someone to comfort him at the moment.

"Kuru..." Sen said softly while curling against the wolf's chest. His ears splayed as his nose caught the scent of the wolf's sweat. It wasn't the pungent odor he had expected but it wasn't pleasant either. It was a sweet scent laced with a sharper tone to it.

"Relax..." Kuru said softly near the vulpine's ear. An urge rose in his mind which he obeyed happily. His tongue flicked over the fox's ear once, causing the vulpine to shiver lightly. He continued licking softly over the fox's fur with a soft rumble. He was vaguely aware of the male's tongue brushing through his chestfur as his washed over the fox's headfur. The pair remained huddled on the bed while only yards away Sayel and Kuru were curled together, doing the same thing.


"What do you think our brothers are doing?" Sayal asked quietly while nuzzling gently against the wolf's chest.

"Well my brother is a submissive if I had to guess." Kari said while lightly rubbing the fox's back. He let out a quiet groan as he felt Sayel's fingers dancing across his sheath again. "And if you keep doing that you're going to get me worked up." He said while leaning down to lick her headfur again.

Sayel smiled up to him and swayed her bushy tail a bit. "Not a problem to me Kari." she said softly while licking his chin lightly.

"Wow hun, heat must be hitting you hard." he said softly while pulling her above him. His member was beginning to poke out of his sheath as he lightly ground it against her. Above him Sayel began panting as she ground back. Normally she would have been much more timid, controlled, but now she was ravenous. Her heat combined with the wolx apple's effects were driving her insane. Still, what little sense in her mind was telling her this was wrong. She moved herself to the floor instead, getting on her hands and her knees while arching her tail, occasionally fanning her scent as she swayed it back and forth. "Wow..." he said softly as he looked at her. Already he was fully unsheathed, his knot beginning to form as he watched her.

"Kari..." she said in a lustful voice. The wolf needed no other cue than that. He moved forward, taking her hips between his paws as he leaned over her, giving her a soft rumble as he humped against her in soft thrusts. Both of them panted in the growing musky scents filling the hut as their mating began. Kari's thrusts finally found purchase as the first few inches of his throbbing member slid into her moistening folds. Kari let out a soft sigh as Sayel groaned beneath him.

It wasn't long before Kari began to build into full thrusts, his length slipping in and out of her as he panted into her fur. Her caws dug into the ground as her tunnel squeezed and held his member, every time his forming knot kissed her body a soft gasp would escape her. Chills ran along the pair's spines as he held himself to her, his knot pushing, almost pleading with her body to be inside where it felt like it belonged. A whine built in her throat as she clenched her teeth, she was so close to her peak and she wanted him so badly.

Finally she couldn't stand it anymore, she pushed back harshly and growled as he pushed forward harder. Finally his knot slipped in with a bark from both of them, Kari in relief and Sayel in pleasure as his knot ground against her clit, pushing her over. Her passage clamped down around his member, squeezing and massaging it as his balls pulled close to his body. His seed began to pour into her, filling her to the brim as she panted happily beneath him. The fire of her heat was doused in his creamy seed for the moment as she began to feel her muscles giving out.

Kari saw this coming and wrapped his arms around her, holding her to his chest as he stood and stumbled back onto the bed. He laid his head on her shoulder and rumbled softly as he ran his paws over her body. "Th...thank you...Kari." she said between pants before the pair laid back on the bed, Kari holding his bonded mate to his chest as she slipped off to sleep, still tied to him.

"You're so pretty Sayel." he said softly as he licked her cheek once before falling off to sleep as well.

* * * * *

"Do you know what your brother is doing to my sister right now? What the village is expecting us to do right now?" Sen said softly as he held himself to Kuru's chest.

"Yeah I know. But is it really so bad?" Kuru asked quietly. "I mean. I like you. And we are friends." he said while splaying his ears.

"Kuru...I'm not...I mean...I didn't want to be mated like this without having a choice." he said softly.

Kuru sighed softly and nosed the fox lightly. "I know but we have to and...well I sort of want to." he said quietly.

"I don't want to Kuru. I want to just lie here and wait for this all to be over." he said quietly. He was beginning to feel light headed as he laid there, his nose burrowed into the wolf's fur as he murred softly.

"The tribes need us to bond Sen." he said softly.

"I...could we..." Sen sighed softly.

"Once." Kuru said softly. "We would only need to do it once." he said quietly. "I promise you I would be gentle." Kuru offered.

"I...don't know." Sen said softly. His mind was beginning to blur as he laid there. "I don't..." he said softly, his tail lashing back and forth as he curled slightly. Kuru's nose twitched once as he looked at the fox.

"Sen?" he asked softly, he began to reach for the fetal curled fox but stopped once the vulpine uncurled.

"Kuru..." he said in a low tone as he sprawled out on the bed. He could smell the wolf's arousal, caused by the apple and it was hazing his mind which was also clouded by the apple's effects. "I need you...." he said with a soft whine. His hips pushed up slowly as his tail lifted. Kuru blinked to ensure what he was seeing wasn't a hallucination. His ears perked as he set his paw on the fox's back, a low moan escaping the fox's muzzle as he arched his back into the wolf's touch.

Kuru didn't question his friend's sudden change of heart. Instead, he moved himself, his paw staying on Sen's back. "You're sure?" he asked quietly. Sen's head dipped in a small nod as his tail lifted higher. Kuru nodded and leaned in, his nose nearing the fox's rear. He was thankful that customs dictated that the cubs be cleansed thoroughly for this day. A slight scent of musk rose to meet his nose as he neared the vulpine's tailbase. Sen's claws dug at the bed as he whined softly with need. A shudder ran down his spine as he felt the wolf's tongue swipe across his sensitive hole.

Kuru meanwhile rumbled softly as he prepared Sen thoroughly, his tongue working his saliva into the fox's bud as he murred. Once he was satisfied that Sen would be able to take him he moved again, turning the fox onto his back as he leaned over him. Finally the wolf scooted closer, shakily taking his already throbbing member and placing the tip at the fox's entrance. "Ready Sen?" he asked quietly. Sen gave him no reply, choosing instead to wrap his legs around the wolf's hips. His mind was a blur, all he knew was that he needed this.

Kuru carefully pushed forward, the tip of his member sinking slowly into the fox's depths as they both moaned in pleasure. After a moment even Kuru's forming knot was inside of the fox, his balls pressing lightly against the fox's tailbase as he moaned softly. He pulled back slowly, savoring the feeling of the fox's body trying to pull him back. He sighed softly as he pushed himself back in, loving every delicious clench, every squeeze the boy's tailhole made driving him forward. "Kuru..." Sen moaned softly.

The wolf's thrusting picked up as his need built. In moments he was growling softly with each thrust, driving himself into the fox as he buried his nose in the vulpine's fur. Sen's world was still a blur, pleasure replacing the confusing haze that the apple had caused. His need was growing every second, his arms wrapping around the wolf's body as he clung to him. Kuru's knot was swelling rapidly with each plunge he made into the fox's depths.

Sen moaned out in need as his member throbbed against the wolf's stomach. Both of the males were nearing their peaks as their lust-filled sounds grew more and more desperate. Kuru's muzzle clamped down tightly over the fox's shoulder as he growled like a feral, his hips grinding his knot against the fox's hole desperately. Sen's mind cleared briefly as a pain bore down on his shoulder, his whole body going limp in submission as he whimpered softly. With a wet popping sound the wolf's fully formed knot pushed past the stubborn barrier, swelling out fully as the fox's body squeezed around it.

With a happy bark Kuru released his seed into the fox, his member throbbing with each rope of cum he shot into the boy. Sen's body locked up, his claws digging into the wolf's back as he whined softly. His member throbbed in time to Kuru's shots, spitting equally white cum against the boy's tummyfur as he groaned out. Spent, the boys went limp against each other, the wolf making the only other move to pull the fox onto his chest. The pair shared a shaky kiss, Kuru's tongue making it's way slowly past the fox's lips as he murred softly.

"Thank you Kuru..." Sen said softly as he pulled away from the kiss. Moments later his head rested against the wolf's chest as he drifted off to sleep.