lost in the evergreen forest chapter 5 (Caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry

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#5 of Lost in the evergreen forest

this is a story both i and Arca vasnotho have wrote.

sampson belongs to me

and arca belongs to alaster


Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 5

Arca carried Sampson back to the cave, holding him close to his chest, the dog looked up at him and licked him under his muzzle, a sign of both submission and affection.

In the cave, Arca heated up the meat they hadn't eaten the previous day, the dog content with his arms wrapped round the fox, he happily accepted the meat and chewed on it.

The Arctic fox stared at the mouth of the cave in thought then back into the corner where a rusted set of metal sat....Sampson followed the fox's gaze, unable to see what he was looking at from where he was... the fox sighed and looked out the cave again

"is something wrong?" Sampson asked quietly

when the fox didn't answer he asked again "please tell me Arca... I can't help you otherwise..."

Arca didn't reply.... he just sat there until his knot shrank enough, he then pulled out of the dog and walked over to the rusted metal to stare at an axe and a set of old armor.... not noticing the dog as he walked next to you and looked at the armor and smiles "is that yours?"

"it was." replied the fox solemnly

the dog put an arm round the fox "do you want to go back?"

tears appeared in the fox's eyes "they threw me away years back....why would they accept me now?" the dog held him closer

a familiar scent drifts over to the fox and he pulled away in anger and slammed his fists on the armour which was reduced to pieces of scrap. He then stormed out of the cave..... followed by loud crashes which upon following Sampson found were fallen trees.....

"wait! Arca! where are you going?" Sampson shouted after the fox. He watched him throw a stag against a tree, Sampson looked at it sadly as it twitched before becoming still "wait!" Sampson ran after the fox,

he found the fox curled up in a small clearing, he placed a hand on him and whined "just go... this is no place.... to stay forever..."

"forever is more bareable with someone else..."

Arca's ears flattened "but i'm more of a something..."

the German shepherd smiled and laid down against the fox "no you're not... even if you were... you're my something..."

the fox shot up and gripped the german shepherd by the throat and lifted him... "i will not have you throw your life away especially on a......on a monster like me..... no there is to be no discussion. you are going to leave."

tears flowed down Sampson's face as he was picked up "no... please... if i'm going... you're coming too..."

the fox looked at the dog with steeled emotions "no... im not going..."

"then i'm staying!" the german shepherd cried out

"if you wish to not end up like your friends then i said LEAVE!" the fox growled as he exposed his fangs

the german shepherd's heart stopped "you wouldn't... w...would you?"

"do you wish to find out?"

"you wouldn't hurt your little puppy..." said Sampson... almost as if to reassure himself "you said it yourself! you told me i'm yours... forever!"

starts getting temperamental as he dropped Sampson and walked over to a tree and tears off a large branch and starts stalking towards him

Sampson's ears dropped as he started backing away from the fox "please... all i want is to be with you... i want to wake up in your arms... i want to be your pet... and your mate... your shoulder to cry on... please don't do this!"

the fox slams the huge club inches from Sampson's leg...."i count to five you be no more!"

"wait! before you count... if you kill me... i'll be with you forever... physically... and mentally... you'll live with the guilt longer than if you just keep me!..."

"I HAVE NO GUILT!" the fox screamed as he back handed the dog into the stream.

the dog's eyes widened as he landed in the cold water crying, an image popped into his head... one of a stag laying broken on the floor, the floor disappeared and was replaced with water... the dog stared at the fox and shook his head as he drifted down the stream.

the fox stared sadly in Sampsons direction as a great sorrow fell upon him...