Dalmatian Air, Part 6.

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#6 of Dalmatian Air

Dalmatian Air.

Written By: Wolfie Steel.

Part 6.

This story will contain gay furry sex, and the occasional use of strong language, if you are not old enough, (18/21), to read such material, or if there is a chance that it will offend you, please don't continue to read past this point................So, still here I see, well then, sit back and enjoy.

The journey home was an uneventful one, because I had no food in the house, I decided to stop at a local Chinese Restaurant. We pull up outside and then head into the restaurant, when we get to the front desk, I decide that we should get a takeaway instead of sitting in, so Kyle places his order and I place mine.

Ten minutes later the waiter brings out a plastic bag with the foil containers of food inside, I collect the bag and then both me and Kyle head out to the car and complete the journey home. I pull the car onto the driveway of my modest home and then we head for the front door, as I get to the door I see a foreclosure notice on the door, I let out a deep sigh as I unlock the door, Kyle reads the notice.

"Damn Leo, things really are bad, but I thought that your friend Ian was supposed to have sorted this"

I look at my lover and see that he has a worried look on his face, with the bag of food in one paw, I grab a pawful of his ample butt and squeeze it, and then I make my reply.

"Lover, don't worry about it, I'm sure that Ian sorted this out and this was put up before it was sorted, but even if he hasn't sorted it, I still have enough money left from what Ian gave me to make the next payment, and I have three days to make that payment, so tomorrow in my lunch break I will go and see the bank and clear everything up"

Kyle lets out a gentle murr as I grope his butt, and once inside the house I use my footpaw to close the door and we both head into the kitchen to get a couple of plates. As I get the plates from the cupboard Kyle speaks.

"Honey, I want you to pick me up from the bar when you go to pay the next instalment of your mortgage, I'm sure that my bank has a branch in London, so I'm going to withdraw some money to help you out, and don't even think about arguing with me over this, you are allowing me to live with you so I will pay my way"

I let out a resigned sigh, I know that if I don't accept Kyle's help, he will most likely walk out on me, and there is no way on this earth that I want that to happen. With the talk of finances over I begin to empty the contents of the foil containers onto the plates and then I hand Kyle his meal with a fork and then we both head into the living room to eat.


After the meal, I look at the clock on the DVD player and see that it is still too early for bed, so I get up from the couch and head over to my DVD collection. I scan the collection of discs and then I find The Bodyguard, man this movie says everything about my feelings for Kyle, I want him protect me, I want to love him and above all else I know that I can't live without him, so I put the disc into the player and press play.

I head back to the couch and sit next to Kyle; I snuggle up close to my Kevin Costner as the movie starts. Kyle lets out a gentle snicker but even he can't help but get caught up in the moment, and we both snuggle together as we watch the movie.

The movie comes to an end and Kyle turns to me with a loving smile, he then takes me in the most gentle and sensual of kisses. We finally break the kiss with a soft murr, and then Kyle looks deep into my eyes, those pure crystal Rottweiler eyes seem to have the ability to pierce my very soul and melt it completely, he gives me one more kiss and then speaks.

"Sweetheart, remember that night at the hotel, well I couldn't help thinking that you would have just been happy to sleep with me for the night, well as I'm new to this whole gay relationships thing why don't we do that tonight, ya know, kinda break ourselves in gently"

All I wanted to do was hump this beautiful gods eyes out, but I also know that being with a guy is a new thing for Kyle and to rush into sex would be one of the worst mistakes to make, so I gently nod and stand from the couch, I take Kyle's paw and gently pull him up onto his footpaws.

I then slowly lead my new lover up to my bedroom. Once inside the bedroom I gently allow Kyle to sit on the edge of the bed, then I let go of his paw and begin to undress myself, I can see that Kyle is still a little nervous about sleeping with me so once I'm undressed I climb onto the bed and then kneel behind him and I gently begin to massage his beefy shoulders.

Kyle looks back at me and lets out a gentle whimper, but then he begins to get himself undressed. He stands and folds his clothes and then places them on top of mine, he then climbs onto the bed and lays down on his side his muzzle facing me. I pull the blankets over our naked bodies and then scoot up closer to him; I gently speak in whispered tones.

"Kyle, honey please don't be afraid, we can take things as quick or as slow as you want, after all, I'm in this relationship for the long run so if you don't want to have sex now then that is ok by me, we have all the time in the world"

Kyle calms down a little more and then wraps his arms around my body and holds me close, again he kisses me on the muzzle and we both fall into a loving and peaceful sleep.


Kyle and I are woken up early by the sound of the ringing phone, I head downstairs and pick up the phones handset and answer the call, and it's Joe.

"Leo, you and Kyle better get your butts to the hanger in double quick time, I believe that we have been visited by some thugs from Doncaster Freight"

Upon hearing this I drop the phone to the floor and quickly rush back to my bedroom. Kyle is already sitting on the edge of the bed looking worried.

"Leo, what is it, what is wrong?"

I let out a menacing growl and then give him my answer.

"Fucking Doncaster Freight has begun a war against Dalmatian Air, Joe didn't tell me what has happened but you and me have to get to the hanger and quick"

Kyle quickly stands and grabs both sets of clothes, he hands me mine and then begins to get dressed. Once we are both dressed Kyle grabs my car keys from the dresser.

"Honey, I'll drive, we don't want you to wreck your new car, or worse still kill another innocent road user"

Kyle is right, I'm absolutely fuming now and it would have made my driving dangerous. We both head out to my car and get in, Kyle drives us to the hanger, the sight that greets us makes me feel sick to my stomach, smouldering remains are what is left of my trusted old plane, and smashed windows adorn the walls of the hanger. My blood begins to boil and my tail begins to twitch erratically, Joe sees the signs and speaks to Kyle.

"Kyle, you might want to get hold of Leo and hold him tight, because I have only ever seen his tail twitch like that once before, when we were in High School, he'd just had a real bad bout of bullying and he just suddenly snapped, this mild mannered Dalmatian actually put a huge Bull in intensive care"

Kyle quickly takes me in his arms and whispers into my ear.

"Sweetheart, it's just a little broken glass and a plane that was getting towards the end of its life, the insurance will cover the repairs, but one thing the insurance won't cover is you being banged up in prison for attacking Doncaster Freight, and don't tell me that that is not going through your mind because I know that it is. If you retaliate now, you will be no better than that bastard Doncaster"

I try to struggle free from my Rottweiler's grip but it was to no avail, and so I make my reply.

"Kyle, look what the bastards have done, I want them to pay; I want Reg Doncaster to pay"

Kyle kisses me gently and continues.

"Oh don't worry your cute Dalmatian spots hun, Doncaster will pay and pay dearly, but we'll go about it the legal way, we'll show him that despite Dalmatian Air being a smaller company, it is bigger when it comes to business ethics"

My Rottie's words were spoken with true grit and determination, and I knew that Kyle meant every word.


I sit at my desk and stare at my watch thinking about everything that has happened since I drove home with Kyle the night before, not even twelve hours has passed since that time and in that short period, I have driven home with my new mate, eaten my first real meal with my new mate, begun sleeping with my new mate. And now one phone call has ruined my first time sleeping with Kyle, not only that but it has shown me the depths to which Doncaster is willing to sink.

As I stare at my watch, Lloyd walks into the hanger and slowly edges towards me, he then looks at Joe and speaks.

"Joe, is it safe to approach Leo yet?"

I look up and manage a weak smile as I reply.

"It's ok Lloyd, you had nothing to do with this so your fur is safe, now what can I do for you, and why are you up so early?"

The Husky stands in front of me and hands me a piece of paper with the make and registration of a car written on it.

"When I was locking up the bar at just after one this morning, I caught sight of this car as it drove away at speed from the hanger. I knew that none of you guys would have been at the hanger that early so I took down the details of the car, after I got the details I noticed an orange glow coming from your plane, whoever it was in the car had obviously started a fire so I instantly called the fire brigade, unfortunately they couldn't save the plane. I'm so sorry that I didn't lock up sooner, I may have been able to stop any of this from happening"

I stand up and place a paw on the Huskies shoulder and reply.

"Yeah, you could have also got yourself injured or killed, so don't worry, you have given me something that will enable us to find out who was at the bottom of the attack"

Lloyd lets out a deep rooted sigh and then slowly heads towards the door, as he reaches the door he turns his head and speaks.

"Look guys, I know it ain't much, but if you need any help clearing up just say the word and I will be only too happy to help"

With that said he heads out of the hanger and towards his bar.


I look at my watch again and see 7:00am; I hear a gentle knock on the door and head over to answer it, as I open the door a young arctic wolf comes face to face with me. The young Wolf speaks.

"Hello there sir, my name is Ion Proudfang, and I have been asked by Mr Danter, to come and offer my services to Dalmatian Air, I'm looking for one of the owners, one Leonard Townsend"

I offer an outstretched paw to the young wolf and make my reply.

"I am Leo Townsend, please forgive the mess, we had a visit from a soon to be dead Tiger in the early hours of the morning"

The young wolf nods and takes out a cell phone from his jacket pocket and dials a number, he then puts the phone to his ear and after a few seconds he begins to speak.

"Hi Ian, sorry for getting you out of bed, but I just thought you ought to know, the Tiger has mauled Dalmatian Air, one of Mr Townsend's planes has been torched and the hanger is in a right state"

On the other end of the line Ian Danter let's out a huge sigh and makes his reply.

"Ion, please hand your phone over to Leo for me and let me speak to him"

The young wolf does as he is asked and hands his phone to me.

"Hey Ian its Leo, yeah Doncaster did a real nice job of trying to close us down, my old plane is a complete right off, thankfully I believe the guys that carried out the attack were disturbed by Lloyd closing up his bar, otherwise I dare say that my new cargo plane would have been next to get flambéed"

I hear Ian let out a menacing growl on the other end of the phone, and then he regains his composure and continues.

"Ok Leo, I want you to come on pick me up from Jersey, I'm going to sort this out once and for all, plus I will be getting my paws dirty helping with any repairs that need to be done, don't worry about starting the clean up, Ion will take care of that, I want both you and Joe to get aboard your new plane and come to collect me"

I let out a sigh but I assure the Doberman that we'll be there within the hour.