A Father's Betrayal

Story by Merenith on SoFurry

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#1 of A Father's Betrayal

A note from the author...

Hey there, this is my first story upload in what I hope will become a very interesting series spanning multiple chapters. Since this is the first one, it takes a bit to ramp up to the smut, so hopefully it's worth it in the end. I am still working a few things out as far as certain details are concerned, I was sort've hit with a sudden wave of inspiration and wanted to write this before the idea was lost to me. Of course, I am open for constructive criticism, and welcome your opinions as long as they aren't intended to be hurtful or outright negative. Anyhow, enough of this, on to the story!


A loud bang broke the silence of a still night, its echoes carrying through the halls of a large, lonely manor atop a hill which overlooked a darkened, sleeping city. Another bang, and a girl sat bolt upright in her bed, clutching the blankets to her chest, her long lapine ears folded tightly up against the back of her head as she shook with fright, too afraid to make a sound. Minutes past which seemed like hours, and the large house was silent once more, except for the ragged breathing of one bunny girl in her bed. Swallowing heavily, she swung her legs over the edge of the mattress and rose to her feet, still trembling as she tossed the blankets aside. "J-just the wind... I'm sure... n-nothing to be afraid of Alyx..." she said, voice trembling as she smoothed the shirt of her silky pink pajamas over her white-furred tummy. "Just... a bit thirsty... just need a drink of water... and then back to b-bed..." She tried to convince herself there was nothing to be afraid of, but she couldn't shake that fear no matter how hard she tried.

Stepping toward the door, she found herself needing to will her feet to move forward, her body still trembling as she crossed the room with far greater effort than she had anticipated. Her hand shook as she reached for the doorknob, causing it to rattle as she initially touched it before stilling the involuntary quaking once she had established a firm grip. Swallowing once more, she turned the knob slowly, opening the door just a crack to peek down the long hallway to ensure there was no monster waiting to ambush her, only a tiny sliver of light coming from the slightly cracked door of the study. "Daddy must have just dropped a large book... that must have been it, I'm sure... A couple of books, yes... that explains the noise!" Satisfied with that explanation, she opened the door wider and stepped out into the hall, tiptoeing silently down toward the cracked door.

Holding her breath, she swung the door open slowly, expecting to see her father sitting in his favorite chair reading an old book as she had on many nights when had trouble sleeping as a child. With her 18th birthday just a couple weeks in the past, she couldn't help but chuckle at how silly she must have seemed waking at the slightest noises when she was younger, and always coming to daddy's study to have him read her to sleep in a comfortable chair. A wave of nostalgia passed over her as her ears perked up somewhat... perhaps she might do just that tonight, for old time's sake before she went off to college. The door hadn't been opened halfway before she realized that she would do no such thing on this night, as she saw her mother lying on the floor in a rapidly growing pool of her own blood.

"Mom!" she cried out as she burst through the door, wincing at the sound of the heavy wood slamming against the door stopper. She stopped mid stride as she caught sight of her father standing over the body, his revolver sitting on a small end table in the room... closer to her than to him. Without thinking, she ran for the abandoned weapon, the smell of gunpowder still lingering in the air as she gripped it in two trembling hands, pointing it at her father as he turned to her, hands raised as he spoke in a soothing voice, "Alyx... it's not what it looks like. Put the gun down, and I'll explain everything..."

"You mean explain how you killed her?!" She screamed at him, lowering the weapon for just a moment before raising it back up, aiming it as best she could at him with how badly she was shaking. He took a step toward her, her finger tightening on the trigger as tears began to blur her vision, "Not another step Dad! One more fucking step and I'll shoot!"

"Alyx... put the gun down, let's talk..." Wisely, he remained stationary.

"No way Dad, I'm not stupid! You just... just stay right there! I need to call the police... oh my god, how could you kill her?!" She was on the verge of hysterics, the adrenaline beginning to wear off and her mind and reflexes beginning to slow back to normal levels. She wavered for a moment, using one hand to wipe away the tears from her eyes and throwing her aim far off target. Her father used that time to strike, closing the distance between them in three long strides. Two more loud bangs broke the stillness of that night, and a loud crack sent Alyx into still blackness, her father's fist hitting her in the temple, sending her straight to the ground, unconscious before she even touched the carpet.

It would be some time before she awoke to the sound of a door being slammed, her vision blurred and filled with blue and red flashes as muffled voices could be heard through the windows of the squad car she was now sitting in. "A real shame, Senator... It's hard to believe that you have to send your own daughter..."

"Yes officer... it is hard to believe that she would kill her own mother, and then try to kill me when I discovered her with the body, covered in blood." She looked down, her hands were dirty with dried blood, her pajamas covered in it too... "And that's the official story, you hear? I don't want her testifying against me and ruining my chances at re-election this year, this is going to be hard enough to explain away as it is..."

"Err, right sir... It's a real shame that your poor daughter just... snapped like that. It must be hard on you, as her father... But, I'm sure that if this is handled right, your family being broken up like this might end up being to your benefit at the polls..." The officer grinned darkly, just out of Alyx's sight... not that she could see much aside from her bloodstained hands, unable to look away from them as she felt her anger welling up inside.

"You might be right. But enough of this, I have a long day ahead of me, I don't think I'm going to have long to 'grieve' before every major network wants my story. Just make sure this gets handled right, and you'll be well rewarded..."

"Yes sir, I will sir. Mr. Senator sir." The officer turned to walk away, getting into the squad car and slamming the door before starting the engine.

"It's... it's a lie..." Alyx's voice was barely above a whisper as she spoke.

"Of course it is, that's why your daddy is making extra sure that you can't tell anybody that... now, do try to keep quiet. You have the right to remain silent, and if you know what's good for you, you'll exercise that right." The girl stayed silent in the back of the squad car, head hanging low as the car started moving.

She didn't know exactly how much time had passed, or where they were when the car had finally come to a stop, she was in far too much of a daze to notice such things. The sound of her door opening roused her from her stupor, two pairs of rough hands grabbing her by the shoulders to pull her out of the car, "This the senator's daughter? A real shame... heard about it on the news..."

"Yeah, that's her. Clinically insane, I'm sure you'll find her to be quite incoherent, babbling nonsense... nothing that could be taken as evidence in court."

The canine guards grinned toothily as they nodded, gripping her shoulders a bit tighter, "Oh, of course... you just make sure we get the usual payment... and little Alyx here will never have another coherent thought again..." Fear gripped the girl just as tightly as the German Shepherd guards... she wanted to run, but they had her held tight enough to where she couldn't break free if she tried. Perhaps she would have a chance once she was inside? As if in answer to her thoughts, the guards turned toward the large, stone building and walked her up the steps.

The doors closed behind her with a finality that left her shaking with fear, trying to pull away from the guards now, though as she had thought, they were too strong. "Ease up girl, you don't want to go doing anything stupid now... don't want to make any enemies on your first day," the guard on her left grinned, his canine features taking on a more predatory appearance in the fluorescent lighting inside the asylum, "There'll be plenty of time for that, now... We need to get you prepared. Paperwork's already been done, your father has made sure that you'll have the finest care here..." She shook with fear as his words sunk in, she would never forgive her father for this, if she ever got out.

The next hour was spent in humilating misery as she was ushered from one room to the next, stripping naked and having her clothing taken from her before she was hosed down roughly with icy water, leaving her miserably wet and dripping before being taken to the next room where she was dried off with rough towels and rougher hands. Extra attention seemed to be paid to the area between her thighs as the same guard from before dried her off. Each time, Alyx would turn away and attempt to slap at the offending hand, only to receive a vicious backhand in return. Tears would return to her eyes as she was led into the next room, her will to resist mostly broken by then as they strapped her down to an exam chair.

Heavy leather straps were fastened over her chest, forehead, chin, upper arms and wrists, stomach, thighs and ankles. She was rather effectively restrained, and unable to speak more than a few muffled noises through a ball gag they fastened last. A door opened behind her, just out sight for her, and her heart rate increased dramatically, pounding in her ears as fear and uncertainty began to overcome her senses. "Now now my dear... we're going to have to start you on medication very soon... it will help with your... violent tendencies, as well as make you a bit... happier, shall we say?" The male chuckled, still out of sight, his voice laced with malice... "Now then..." She squeaked sharply as she felt a needle jab into her arm... "We shall start you on it, in just a moment... I want you lucid as I explain the rules here."

He walked around to her front, leaning in over her, revealing his fox-like face which she committed immediately to memory, his mouth just inches from her ear as he whispered, "In this building... I am God. You are but one of my puppets, and shall be treated as such. What you think, or what you want... what you could have been... none of it matters here. You are kept here as long as I want you to be here... and there's only one way out, and it's rather permanent... luckily for you, your father wants you rather incoherent... so you will be little more than our little plaything while you drift off into unconsciousness..." His hot breath tickled at her ear, causing it to twitch involuntarily as her heartbeat quickened ever more... "But just this once... you will feel everything... and you will know what will be happening to you while you dream... so remember this... savor it. It will be the last time you ever feel anything real."

Chuckling darkly, the fox shed his lab coat, tossing it aside before turning to a control panel, tapping away at a few controls and letting the chair do the rest. It slowly rose so that his hips lined up with hers, the legs of the chair separating and leaving her legs spread and her virginal slit exposed to him, the front half of the seat folding back to give better access. She felt her face heat up as she blushed from the embarrassment of being in such a position, that blush deepening as he turned back to her, his cock already having slipped out of its sheath and rapidly growing, bobbing up and down in time with his heartbeat. A muffled protest came from Alyx as she strained and tried to close her legs with no effect.

"Oh my, a bit unwilling are we? No matter..." He chuckled as he grabbed a bottle of lubricant, squeezing some out and rubbing it on his length, and then smearing it over her slit, one finger slipping in and teasing at her inner walls for a moment as it spread the lube around. "Wouldn't want this to hurt more than it should, after all..." He grinned as he wiped his hands off on her chest, kneading her moderately sized breasts and teasing over her nipples with his thumbs, "Now then... you're going to feel a prick..." Laughing at his own joke, he pressed the pointed tip of his length at her slit as his hands teased down her sides to grip at the bunny's hips, licking his lips as he looked straight into her eyes before burying the majority of his length inside her in a single thrust.

Her eyes opened wide as her shriek was muffled by the gag in her mouth, tears welling up almost immediately as she felt almost as if she were being torn in half as he held himself inside her for several long moments, whispering in her ear once again, "Savor this pain Alyx... remember it... remember everything that is about to occur... it will be the last thing you ever experience clearly." Fingers dug into her hips then as he drew his length out slowly, his canine shaft coated in the blood from where he tore her hymen. It was just more lubricant to him as he began to thrust into her once more, rocking his hips back and forth rapidly as he took her roughly, without any regard to her own feelings. She writhed in the chair, trying to squirm away as best she could, but it didn't make any difference, she couldn't get away from him... the best she could hope for was that he would be quick with it.

There was something to be said for her luck, as he continued pounding into her tight pussy, her inner walls gripped to his cock tightly, her heartbeat able to be felt through those moistened walls as he fucked her so viciously. His pace increased rapidly, balls slapping wetly against her rear, moistened by the excess lube and his spurting pre which escaped around her tightly stretched outer lips. This continued for no more than a couple minutes, as he felt his knot expanding far more quickly than he would have wanted, but that tight cunny felt far too good, he couldn't help but pop his knot in and out once... then twice, grunting each time as she squealed through the gag. The third time he forced his knot in, it held tight, a long groan escaping him as he tried to pull out one last time, finding himself thoroughly tied to her as the first streamer of his white-hot seed would paint her inner walls before several more spurts of his thick cum would pump into her freshly deflowered cunny, his knot ensuring that not a drop would escape.

Still grunting as he emptied his seed into her, one of his hands would leave her hip, turning a valve on the IV connected to her arm and letting the fluid within begin draining into her, "Goodbye Alyx... hope you enjoyed yourself... I know I did." He grinned darkly once more as she felt a burning sensation spreading up her arm, eyes rolling back in her head as her muscles tensed up sharply, biting down on the ball gag with strength far greater than she knew she had as she tried to pull away from those restraints, her inner walls gripping the fox's cock even tighter as they seemed to try to milk his shaft for every last drop of his seed. His head tipped back in a low, pleasured moan as her vision blurred, and then faded to black, his face quickly faded from memory as she was overcome by a sensation of falling endlessly into darkness.