Velma takes Scooby's balls very seriously in the Scooby nut Mystery

Story by DocIce on SoFurry

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Velma takes Scooby's balls very seriously in the Scooby nut Mystery


"Will you let me do what I want for a change?"

"I know you don't want to upset Scooby and I have been putting up with this for years now but this is our prom and we are going to go one way or another. This is one thing I am not going to miss because you are to scared to ask Scooby to let you go on account that you might hurt his feelings.

"Like Velma you cant understand how Scooby feel when it comes to us being friends."

"Do you love me Shaggy or not?"

Shaggy grabbed the back of his neck and slumped his shoulders.

"Like sure I do Velma, But...."

Velma pointed a finger at Shaggy.

"But nothing."

"I am going in there and I am going to have a talk with Scooby and when I come back out WE are going to make planes for the prom. What I want you to do is site down right there order your tux and leave this to me."

Velma walked out of Shaggy's bedroom and went to the game room. Velma walked in to find Scooby playing video games on the floor in front to the television.

"Scooby I want to have a talk with you please if you don't mind."

Scooby kept playing the game.

"Right after this revel."

Velma took a seat on the old couch at the wall opposite to the door she came in from. Scooby finished the level and paused the game and turned to Velma.

"Rhat's rup?"

"Come here and sit next to me for a minute Scooby we need to talk."

Velma patted the couch cushion next to her. Scooby sat next to her and looked her in the eyes.

"Ris romething wrong Relma?"

"Well not really Scooby I have a favor to ask of you. Would you mind if me and Shaggy went to the prom together?"

"Run uh!!"

"Rhen do you rant rus to rick you rup?"

"No No! Scooby that's the point it's not a we thing it's a me and him thing Scooby you cant come."

"Rhy rot?"

"Well it's a sort of a girl boy thing."

"Yrou wrant a rate."

"Yes that's it Scooby a date me and Shaggy would like to go on a date."

"Rungh rungh no ray."

"Rhaggy's rine."

"Jinkies! Scooby be fair me and Shaggy have been wanting to go to dance at the prom for years now and we been patient. But this is very important to me and him and you need to tell him he can go."

"Ryou want ro still Rhaggy from Scrooby yrou been trying ro do it for rears."

"Re's my ran."

"Scooby don't get smart with me your are not even a human, and he's mine not yours. And I am not going to let him go no matter what you say."


"What did you call me?"



Scooby stuck his tongue out at her.

"I want this date Scooby and you are going to let him go one way or another. So what's it going to cost me."

"Will you let him take me to the prom for a Scooby snack?"


"Do yrou rave 4 Scrooby racks?"

"Yes! Yes! Here you are Scooby 4 Scooby snack's!"

Velma reached into her pocket and handed them to Scooby.

"Reat them."

Scooby said with a smile on his face.


"Reat them reat your Scrooby racks like a rood rirl."


"I don't want to eat these things."

"I never could see what you and Shaggy seen in them. Scooby have you ever smelled them? There nasty smelling. I cant eat them no way.Sorry no way I am going to eat those stinky things ."

"Reat rhem."

Velma could tell Scooby was not about to let her off on this.Velma looked at the 4 treats and knew she was not going to enjoy them, But she was that determined to get to go to the prom that she would even endure this punishment. Velma took a treat and brought it to her mouth holding her breath she stuck it into her mouth and started to chew it. As Velma crunched away on the biscuit the flavor washed over her taste buds. Velma had to admit they did somewhat taste better then she thought at least they tasted better then they smelled. Once Velma popped the last Scooby snack into her mouth and swallowed it down she looked at Scooby.

"There I did what you said now you will let us go right?"

"Rhmmmmgh! Ro!"

"What? I ate the snacks like you said now you have to let us go."



"Resides I never raid yrou could ro if yrou rate them."

"No my ass, I am going to the prom with Shaggy with or with out your permission."

"So this is your last chance. We can do this the easy way or the hard way, But when its over we are going."

"Yrou rhink so do yrou."

"Now Scooby this is your last chance if you plan on coming out of this with anything at all."


Velma wipe the crumbs off her sweater and calmly stood up then turned and said to him.

"This is not over I am going to the prom with Shaggy you'll see and when I get the chance I am going to have you fixed."


"Rugh rugh! Rhaggy rould never let yrou do that."

"Who said anything about asking Shaggy."

"When you lest expect it, It's going to happen Scooby doo you are not going to better me this time you'll see."

Scooby Growled.

"Relma if yrou really want to rate Rhaggy rhat rad Ri guess yrou can."

"Rhis once."

"Rut yrou have ro do something for re."

Velma smiled and walked over to Scooby and hugged him.

"Oh thank you for being a friend."

Velma stood back up and started out he door.

"Well I should get things ready I will talk to you later Scooby thanks."

"Relma! Not ro rast yrou rill rowe me."

"Rome rack here Ri want yrou ro do romething for Scrooby."

Velma walked back to Scooby and smiled at him.

"Oh I am sorry Scooby I was about to forget to ask you what can I do for you."

"Scooby Snacks I have a full box at home we could pick them up on the way."


"What about all the spooky movies you can watch? I could run to the video store and be back in a minute with them."

"Rave a sreat Relma."

Velma started to sit on the couch but Scooby put his tail on the cushion.

"Ro ron rhe rloor in front of Re Relma."

Velma took a seat on the floor.

"Reah rhat's a rood ruppy Relma."

"What about a large pizza from he Pizza Shack with everything?"

"Relma yrou said yrou would get Scrooby rixed and rhat made Scrooby really rad."

"Rhat wras rot rice of yrou ro do rhat."

"I know it was not very nice to say that Scooby but I was mad and I really want to have Shaggy take me to the prom."

Scooby looked at Velma and opened his back legs wide. Velma's eyes almost bulged all the way out of there sockets when she only now seen what Scooby had to offer. Velma did not know what to do or think. After all these years with them as friends she had never once looked at him in this way. Let alone from this position. His balls where huge they would have barley fit in a coffee cup they where like tennis balls and covered in a fin hair like a Keewee fruit. And there was the sheath were it dirty thingy would be hiding from view.

"Ryou row rhem ran apology Relma."

"I am really Sorry what I said Scooby. I was mad is what made me say it to you and I really would have never done it to you you know that Scooby come on be a pal and stop being so silly and...."


"Rhat Ri want yrou ro do is apologies ro rhem."


"Scooby then pointed and said."


Velma looked at Scooby like he was Crazy.

"You want me to say it to your balls?"


"You want me to say I am sorry to your balls."

"Then me and Shaggy can go to our prom no more arguing with you."



"Well I am sorry fellows. I said I was going to have you fixed. You look like a couple of really nice ones. I am sure you and Scooby will have a lot of fun while we are gone."

"There you are Scooby! Happy now? I am off to plan for my prom."

"Nice meeting you guys Velma waved at his balls and stared to get off the floor again."

"Rot ret!"

Scooby growled.

"What is it now Scooby? I have things to do."

"Ryou are not rone ret."

"Yrou a smart rass."

"I rant yrou ro ray yrou sorry and rean it."

"Ok ok!"

Velma sat back down.

"What do you want me to say."

"Rell rhem your rorry!"

Velma looked at him and sighed.

"Look guys I am really sorry about all this I did not really mean it at all I was only trying to make Scooby understand what this means to me...."


Velma moved in closer.

"I really wanted to have this date with...."


Velma found her nose only a couple of inches from Scooby's balls now.

"And when she took a breath she could smell his musky balls and crotch so much she could almost taste it."

Velma started to talk to Scooby's balls again.

"Shaggy and...."

"Rold them Relma rold rhem and rell rhem you rike them."

"Will you stop being an asshole Scooby."

"This is not east as it is you know."

"This is crazy! You know I would never do this if I had another choice."

"But yrou ron't."

"Fine Fine."


"What does a girl have to do for a date around here."

"Is crazy!"

Velma cupped his balls in her hand and felt how heavy there were. They must have been full of that yucky stuff boys are are said to pump out of them. The bag felt almost like Keewee fruits as well. One thing for sure they felt creepy for sure. Velma was going to be so happy when this was over so she could wash. One thing was for sure Velma knew she would not eat with that hand for at least a month after this.

"Well anyway I think your very nice and I am sure I will see you hanging around now that I have met you."

"Not like I will ever forget about you now."

"So I guess I will see you later."

"Rhat was rice Relma."

"Now riss rhem."


Velma yelled.

When she did this, She bit her lip and then covered her mouth.


When she was sure Shaggy had not heard them she looked at Scooby and frowned.

"You think I am going to kiss them?"

Velma whispered.

"No way!"

"There your balls you stupid asshole."

"I am not kissing your balls."

"Rhen yrou rant ro ro rhe rrom."

Scooby fired back.

"Oh yes I am we had a deal."

"Rand yrou rid not keep yrour rend of rhe Rergen."

"Oh yes I did."

"Rhuunh yrou raid yrou would do ranything Ri said."

"So riss em raby."

Velma looked at him and huffed.

Stood up and walked once more to the door and opened it and peeked out to see what Shaggy was doing who was still on the phone and making arrangements.

Velma went and shut the door and crept back to Scooby and got back on the floor on all 4's and whispered to him.


"But this is it!"

"No more take backs if I do this you have to let me and Shaggy do what I want right?"

Scooby could not belive what Velma was saying. He was not fully expecting Velma to go thought with it. In fact he thought it would come to and end there and he would have won there argument.

But this would be even better he had to admit.


"Ryou do rhat Ri rask and Scrooby rill let yrou ro."

"We have a deal now lets get this over with before Shaggy starts wondering what's going on."

Velma took hold of Scooby's low hanging balls and lifted them to her face she was once more over come by the musky sent of his balls Velma was sure if she pressed her lips to them funky fuckers she was going to vomit. But she was determined that Scooby was not going to get the best of her. Velma leaned back and took a huge breath of air did her best to swallow her own lips leaned it and pressed her sealed mouth to his balls and was back out in a flash. Velma retrieved her lips that where clamped between her tightly clenched teeth and sighed.

"There you are you happy now Scooby?"

"Rhat ras rot a riss."

"What are you talking about I kissed them."

"Ro Scooby rants a real riss a rig wet rone. Ryou chreated row yrou rave ro riss rhem until Scrooby rells yrou ro rop."

Velma thought I done kissed them I cant see stopping now. So I may as well see this thought. Velma leaned in and gave Scooby a big wet smack right between the balls. Then pulling her mouth back from the furry sack she ask Scooby if this was more of what he wanted.

"Did you like that Scooby?"


"Relma row riss rhem rore rore."

Velma looked at Scooby doo, Her face red and covered in swear as she panted into his crotch.

"I wouldn't do such a thing... But you made me."



Scooby said.

Velma once more assured she had no say in this situation did what she was told to do with vigor. With the room echoing of wet smacks and slurps. Velma did a nice job of raining a shower of kisses all over Scooby's balls. While Scooby laughed.


"Rat Rickles!"

"Ruck Relma Ruck rem."

"Velma knew she had no say and Slipped one of the huge balls into her mouth and then the other."

"Row rook at re while yrou ruck rhem."

Velma looked at Scooby's face from between his thighs like a Chip monk with his cheeks packed with nuts. As she sucked hard on his balls and her tongue rolled them around as Velma was doing her best to wash them in her warm slobber filled mouth. Velma was starting to savor the flavor of Scooby's stinky balls she could not explain why but it was more and more appealing to her with every passing second.

Now Scooby patted her.

Velma was doing her best to deep throat them. Velma swallowed them and the long balls were now lodged in the back of her throat and she wanted them even deeper if she could.


"Ryou are a rood Britch aren't yrou?"

Velma could only node her head. With her eyes glues to his almost as if she was in a spell.

That was until something else caught her eye.

It was Scooby's sheath she seen clear fluid start to form on the tip and soon there was something pink that was slipping out of the tip it soon became more prominent and longer and longer and ticked. It was what she had not even expected. Scooby was getting a hard on it was his penis. It was slowly growing the length of his body it was no less then 4 inches long and there was a huge knot forming at the base. The diameter looked to be as big as a baseball. All Velma could do was start at it cockeyed as her head was pined in place by Scooby's thighs as well as the paw on the back of her head.

"Ryou like that Relma don't yrou."

"Rfter all rhese rears of reasing re with yrour sort skirt and throng srowning roff yrour rig rass in yrour riny trongs yrou rare rinally roing ro do romething ror re."

Scooby pulled out his balls.

"Ruck it."

"No Scooby!"

"No! I couldn't."

"Scooby... no... don't make me!"

But Scooby was bending her forward with his paw using just enough force to get the idea across. It was odd how Velma let herself be pushed toward that shiny throbbing shaft of dog meat. Like it was a dream. But there she was her lips pressing against the swollen knob. It didn't taste bad really but it was slick and her tongue flicked out as if to push the thing away.

"I'm not going to put my mouth on your dick"

"No... don't make me...."


Velma found her mind was spinning.

Velma was sure she was going to faint. But she didn't.

While Velma sucked the Great Dane's big prick Velma was moaning on his thick dick and the moans made Scooby hump at her mouth.

"Oh Reah, rive re a rum rob. Scrooby really rike rhat."

"Rhen Ryou are rasleep in rhe vran rometimes Scrooby would reek back rnd rift Relma's skirt and peek rat Relma's Russy and rasshole in rer throng. Scrooby wrould move rhe throng rand watch Relma's brown tight rasshole prucker rhen re smrelled it.

Shaggy was now off the phone and thought I had better check in on Velma and Scooby and see what was going on.

It was quit to quit and he wanted to see if maybe Velma had left and he missed her. Shaggy opened the door and peeked in to see Velma in front of the couch and bobbing her head in and out of Scooby's crotch as Scooby lay back with a huge smile on his face as he pushed her deeper with a paw on the back of her neck.


Was all he could whisper.

"My best friend and my best girl and there doing it right in my house what am I going to do."

"This is so hot."

"But man I cant let them see me watching them."

Shaggy leaned against the door frame he knew he was hidden and could get an eyeful if he wanted. But even as he watched Velma suck the huge dog's prick. He wondered if he wasn't having some kind of hallucination. Maybe he was still high from that last marijuana cigaret.


Velma hummed, the sounds of her lips sliding up and down the dog's cock growing louder. The big animal flopped spasmodically as Velma aroused his dong to its fullest extension. As Velma's mouth rode back and she took her lips away from the thing for a moment, Velma put a hand over her mouth to muffle her surprise. That cock had to be over 8 inches long. It was long and thick and perfectly proportioned with a prick tip that made it look like some far out space vehicle. It looked like it was made for one purpose only. To suck.

But what he could not take his eyes off most was Velma's plump ass that was now peeking at him from under the shirt her butt was going crazy as it quivered and danced as she bobbed away on Scooby's dong.

"I have to nail that ass but I will wait until my old pal Scooby is done with her first."

Shaggy went and closed the door and went to the bathroom to find what he would need to do the dirty sex act he planed for Velma when she was done with Scooby doo and it was his turn.

Velma had no idea what her boyfriend had seen and at the moment she did not really care.


Velma hummed, her lips moving up and down the huge prick all the way to his fucking knot. She rubbed his balls as she knelt there over his body. She could feel her drool sliding across his balls into his ass crack.

Velma sneaked a finger under the balls and slipped it into Scooby's asshole.

Witch made him grown.

But soon the pooter relaxed and Velma started to finger the hole.

When Velma did this Scooby humped fasted and faster and soon he was flooding her mouth with his cream and Velma drank it down not wanting to miss a drop in fact when he was done Velma removed his dick from her fucked maw and preceded to lick him clean.

Shaggy was back and had his supply of goodies hide in the small stand next to were he sat.

Velma came out of the room along with Scooby.

Velma walked over and spoke to Shaggy.

"Well me and Scooby had a long talk and we finally came to an agreement."

"Shaggy I am no longer holding you to be my date."

"In fact Scooby is who is going to the prom with me."

"And starting as of tonight Scooby will be living with me."

"Like hold on a minuet Scooby is my dog and I seen what you 2 where doing in the other room."

"And if you try and take him I will tell everyone what you have been doing."

"Fine tell them we don't care."

"Oh come on guys don't do this to me."

"Scooby old buddy you would not leave me over a slut would you."

"Runhun Runhuh!"

Scooby said and then slapped Velma on the ass.

"Fine go then take him I am sure you will be happy together.

"I would rather have a dog that eats me out. Then a boyfriend who only eats me out of house and home."

The End!