A Thing of the Past Part 1

Story by XWhitewerewolfX on SoFurry

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A thing of the past


12 December 2010

Just a side note: the story takes place in WW II, first in Russia, than in a German bunker.

22 June 1941: The war is spreading, and we fear that our research to the perfect biological weapon has come to a close. We need to move out from our original "spot of research" to a different location. Let's hope the train makes it that far first. Apparently, there is a base that is behind enemy lines in Germany. I think all our research will be moved over to the actual States, but we are unsure still. Let's hope that, for our survival for one, and that our research comes out good enough. This is our moment of hope, where others don't have any. We will be soon arriving at the train station, where we can complete our research. I will write as soon as we make more progress, describing what the weapon will be able to do, thus seeing that we are still determining what to do.

4 August 1941: We found what we were looking for. Our research has finally paid off. What we have come up with is a way to either break or mutate the double helix in deoxyribonucleic acid. This has been a break through week. So far, all of our human subjects have died, meaning its doing what it's meant to do. And now just to see if it can kill mass amounts of people, an army in the midst of battle. The Germans won't suspect a few people missing here and there we hope. While our private army is busy, we have been constructing a big chamber to fit them all in and fire the weapon at them.

16 October 1941: A misfire happened. None of our staff were killed, but out of 50 German troops, 25 survived and mutated. They didn't mutate in a way of permanent pain or death, but in a way of......... almost benefit. They are all now animal-like. They all changed into a different animal. There is one wolf, one dog, one cat, one of these, one of those, and on. We've locked them up and are ready to do more testing on these beasts, see what went wrong.

3 May 1942: We've made no progress on how they have mutated. Their deoxyribonucleic acid has changed, but that's the same with most of their internal organs. They still look human-like, as in they walk on two legs, can talk, can think, and on, but they also, as I already described, have animal-like qualities. They can have fur, fangs, claws, different eye color, all this. The wolf, if you look at him, the first thing you think is a werewolf. He can stand on hind legs; his body is covered in fur, sharp claws, beautiful yellow eyes, and a long tail. It's almost kike the old fairy tails have come true. We're all exhausted, so its time to get some sleep and take stabs at what happened with the weapon.

12 March 1943: Our fort has been taking a pounding, but we are all okay. We need to finish our research now! Our contacts need a weapon to finish off the war, and they need it now. We have exhausted all our options and are deciding to create the bomb out of what we have done.

P.S: All of the test subjects are now deceased.

16 December 1944: Germanyhas found our location. I was the only one to make it out. I heard a boom when I was running away. I think they have destroyed the compound. I am escaping to Russia in hope to find a way home, to my family.

P.S: We built a prototype bomb. Let's hope the Germans don't find the room we hid it in.

Present day: "Come on monkey! We got to go!" I yelled at Amanda, My sister. "Give me a minute!" she yelled back. I was getting impatient about waiting around, and didn't want to wait any longer. "Ya know how family is with waiting. If ya wait too long, they get worried sick and when you finally arrive, they tear a strip off ya." And she finally came out of her room, dressed like a princess. It made my clothes look like hand-me-downs. "Okay, so you look good, so you take the blame. C'mon, every one is waitin'. And we were finally off. When we finally arrived at the house, all of the family was there. "So I'll go in first and you go second. I'll pin the blame on you, but they will say somethin' like 'beauty takes time' or somethin' like that. Okay?" and she responded with a glare. "I am just sayin'." When we walked in, everyone was glued to the TV. "HELLO!!!" I shouted. No one turned around or anything. When we got into the living room area, we saw what was going on fully. I caught a part of what the news reporter was saying as I entered the room. "....an explosive device was found in an underground bunker in Germany. The device is carefully being flown to the United States and Canada to be identified as a war ornament. This is Christina Cromwell reporting. Coming up..." and then the room was brought back. "What if the plane crashes?" mom asked. "Oh Sharon, your too skittish with this kind of stuff." Gordon responded. The talk went on until supper was served. At nightfall, the party was dissipating, and it was only me, mother, my sisters and my grandfather left. We sat and talked about nothing for a few minutes until my mother asked again "are you sure the bomb will be okay?" and this time, grandpa set off on her. "For heaven's sake Sharon, there is nothing to worry about!" and with that said, I knew it was time to leave. Mom was going to take Jenny and Monkey home and I was going to go to my father's house and get ready for work tomorrow.

On the 25th of December, The 'device' was supposed to be officially here in Canada. I counted the days down until the device was over Alberta. I could recall that day very well too. Mom, our stepfather, John, Monkey Amanda, and Jennifer and even my brother, Robert was there. We were all opening up gifts, laughing, hugging, and having a good time. The next thing I knew, there were choppers, diesel engines and other loud noises. At first we were confused, until the army broke down our door, in attempt to get us out of Canada until a threat was neutralized. When we were out of the door, a flash came from the mountains and quickly consumed all of Canada, United States, Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic and even parts of China, India, almost the whole world. Russia was ¾ consumed. All I could remember was blackness, screaming, my mother, yelling for me. At first I felt really weak, no strength to even open my eyes. It's what happened after that at first confused me, than scared me: strength like no other. Strength to take on the bad, strength to lift a car, a semi even! The strength of something I only dreamed of, watched on movies as it battled its opponent to the death; the strength of a werewolf. At eighteen, I knew better than to think they existed. When I opened my eyes, I saw a bright white light, than everything coming into focus. I saw the tip of my nose, the white that covered it. The guns pointed at me, my mother crying with her animal ears. I let out a low growl, but no one stepped back. The army didn't look changed, but I bet all of them had something that was different. Mom tried to run towards me I brought up my paw to try and reach her. I thought she tripped first when she fell down, but I saw blood pouring from her back into the snow. Rob was roaring and was trying to break free of the cage he was in. I stared at what was left of my mother. I could feel the anger building, and building. Finally, that anger had nowhere to go except for the troops that were around. I unleashed my new side and took out two on my right and three on my left. I ran towards my brother, breaking the lock and bending the door when I hit it. Before he ran away, he took out a few troops and then booked on all fours. I ran the opposite way, just to grab my mother's body and remove it from the scene. I didn't see my sisters there at all. When I got far enough away, I was in a lightly forested area with a small, frozen stream close by, a few bushes and a few rocks, completely untouched by man. This is perfect. I set her down and started digging up the ground, lifting up a huge rock as well. My tongue was hanging out the side of my mouth as soon as I considered it deep enough. I climbed up, picked up my mother's body and jumped down with her, careful not to hit her head or drop her. At the bottom, I placed her down, and said my final good-byes. Before leaving, I brought my tongue in my mouth, and gave her a kiss on the forehead. I climbed up again and started tossing soil on her, tears rolling from my eyes down my muzzle every scoopful of dirt that went down. When I was done burying her, I tried to go down to the stream, but there was no power left in me. I collapsed right before the ice, letting the blackness consume me.

Waking up at dawn the next day, I checked myself over. Completely white with dirt in my fur, sharp claws, no clothes, and still male. I remembered about someone I met a while back. Someone I wanted to call mine, someone who was probably the same as me right now. Someone I could trust. I decided to take a trip down to the states. I knew it was going to be a long trip, but seeing that pretty much everyone here has changed, I thought I had nothing to worry about. Once again, I was wrong. The CF, U.S Army and even the police were all over the place. An upside was that they were all changed, just like me, just like my brother, and hopefully, my friends down in the states. I had a hard time getting used to the whole "human gone superwolf", mostly by being able to run fast and far, jumping the length of about, guessing, 1 Kilometre (0.62Miles) a leap. I was close to leaving Alberta, just out of Lethbridge. I decided to camp out for the night. I remember being in Lethbridge once. It was a bit busy, people in a rush for nothing. Now, the place was quieter than a kid sleeping in their room. As I was dozing off, I had a mental picture of my mother pop into my head and after that, a picture of her. I was getting closer to her, and hopefully she knew me. While dozed off, I didn't hear the snow crunching behind me until......... I was brought up out of the snow quicker than I could swear. "What the... What did I do?" I yelled. The creature's only response was his hand switching from my arms to my throat. "Ack....." the fact that I was losing breath and panicking didn't help at all. I grabbed onto their arms to try and haul myself up a bit. I'm pretty sure he felt me trying to pull myself up, because he squeezed harder. With no air, I felt my whole body lose all its strength, and limp. He tossed me to the ground like a rag doll, and I wheezed and coughed in a fit to get my breath back. I heard his heavy footfalls come closer and......stop. "Why....are you...doing...this?" I asked weakly. He just stared, green eyes boring down at me. I still couldn't identify what he was, or if he was even a guy at all. He just stood there and stared. "I wanted to be a wolf. I DID! Why in the fuck did you get a wolf?" He yelled at me. I squinted to see him better and had to hold in a snicker. I just had my ass handed to me by a cat, a pretty pussycat wannabe, you know, the one with the flat nose. I don't know if I even tried to hold myself back, but I started laughing uncontrollably. One quick leap, a flash of kitty cat fur and I felt the pain of the cut and the warm blood run down my face. I don't know if I held back again, but I made a smart remark. "Awe, is the poor wittle cat angry? Want some milk?" And he sliced my chest almost open. I laid there and just laughed. "What the fuck is your problem? Gotta be a bitch because I'm a cat? I could kill you right here! As a matter of fact, I'm gunna...." And I cut him short by a quick kick to the stomach, and the knee. When he fell, I rose, and I made sure he wouldn't be moving from where he fell anytime soon. I had to leave the area before more company arrived. I knew the neighbourhood I was close to: Riverstone Park. I was betting that I could make it to the Popson Park, right near the river. I remembered that on my last trip, there were two homes over there. I ran as soon as I had a sense of direction. I was only a skip, hop and a small jump from the house when my legs gave from under me. My snout hit the ground before anything else did. Right from there, I was unconscious.

I slipped into the unwelcoming blackness, greeted by the most horrific memories that would haunt me for the rest of my life; the house, the army, my mother, the shot that ended her life, and the burial. I yelled and yelled for it to go away, until I couldn't yell anymore. The memories slipped away, back into the memory banks, and one image came out that reminded me of what I was doing in the first place. "Darlin..." I said weakly, just to be shushed by a soft voice. "You suffered some bad injuries. Your eye will be okay at least, but you're going to have a good scar right across it." She said. I opened my eyes slowly to see a... a fox, fully dressed, and mending my wounds. "Must've been a bad dream you were having, or a bad memory. How you yelled for your mother and the tears..." she said "It must have been terrible." She finished. I saw a tear roll down from her eye and fall on the table. "I lost my son and husband. They couldn't handle the change." And she walked away to the kitchen. I knew that my losses were great, but hers could compare as well. "You're all alone?" I asked. She just nodded, wiping her eyes with a handkerchief. "I saw my mother get shot... right in front of me." I told her. I brought up the whole story, from that morning, to the burial, to the running away. She sat in a chair and listened. When I was done telling my story, she probably noticed my eyes as they started getting heavy. "You must be tired dear. There's a couch over there. I'll pull out the hid-a-bed so you don't open your wounds again." She said before disappearing into the other room. I moved slowly, lifting my upper body first, than moving my legs. I swung them carefully off the table and onto the hardwood floor. Taking it one step at a time, I pushed myself from the table and tied to keep my balance. I was close to falling forward when a paw kept me up. "You should have waited for me dear. You're just going to open your wounds again." She sounded worried. I limped to the bed with her giving me a helping hand... err paw. I sat down slowly, than lay down on my back. She pulled the blanket up to my muzzle. "It's only a sheet, and it's to keep the dust out. The last thing you need is an infection." And before she retired to her own bed, she kissed my forehead. It felt weird to me, but I felt comfortable with her near me, like a guardian angel. I fell asleep, thinking about the states, what I was going for and Mrs. Fox. I slept better than I have for the past two days. For once, I actually slept in. I woke up at about 1:00PM, feeling energetic, but sore. I got up very slowly and when I turned my head to the right, I saw one thing that is probably better than sex: PANCAKES AND SYRUP!!! I knew to be respectful and use manors, but I wasn't sure if I could hold a fork, so instead Isaid screw the table manors. I wolfed down the pancakes faster than a bike stopping after hitting a tree.

After the delicious food, I called for Mrs. Fox, but she didn't answer. At first I was patient, but after, I got worried. I still took it slow just in case, but I pushed myself too hard to get up. I felt the wound on my chest open up a bit and start to bleed, but I didn't give a damn. I wobbly walked to the door and peeked outside; no one there. I did the same to get to the back door and got the same result. I heard a splash in the hallway upstairs, meaning she could be in the tub. I was turned around, hobbling back to the bed when I heard her behind me. "Oh my, you're bleeding!" she yelled. I turned my head towards her and saw her wrapped in a towel. "It's not too bad." I replied until I saw how much it was actually bleeding. "Oh shit" was the last thing I could say before fainting. I woke up to notice the clock saying December 31, 2010, 10:49 PM. "Ugh" I grunted and heard footfalls rushing towards me. "You're finally awake. I was getting very worried that I had lost you!" Mrs. Fox said. I groaned in response. She rushed away for a few minutes and came back with a glass of water. As she held it up to my lips, I drank greedily. When I was finished, she briskly went to the kitchen and she came back with the glass full again. She set it down on the bench and was going towards her room. "I have to... ask you something." I said very weakly. She stopped and looked at me for a while, waiting for me to ask. "How are you so used to the change, like nothing's happened?" I finally asked. She just smiled and ran up the stairs. To pass time, I looked at the roof and made patterns out of the textured paint. I didn't hear her come back beside me until she touched my muzzle. "If you want to know, I wished I was a beautiful fox from the beginning right to when it happened. I always wanted to be like this. Even though the world tried to force me to not believe, I kept faith that it would happen. The day the bomb went off, I was scared at first, but then got used to it after the first day." And she told me the story of her childhood dreams and on. I felt my eyes getting heavier and she noticed right away. "Well, that's it for you. You look like a zombie wolf right now" and she gave me a kiss on the forehead again. "Sleep well dear." And she retired to her bedroom. I fell asleep to wake up at 12:59 PM on New Years Eve. I stared at the clock and waited for the numbers to change. It felt like hours instead of a minute, but it eventually changed. "Happy new years" I said quietly. A smile cracked the firm look I was wearing. "I'll find you eventually darlin', I swear I'll find you, to the end of my life." I said.

"Find who dear?" Mrs. Fox asked. I jumped a little bit and turned slowly to face her. She was in a white nightgown holding a candle. "Find who dear?" She repeated. I was stuck for words for a few minutes, but figured out how to respond. "I met her on the computer, believe it or not. I can't recall her name right now, but I have a clue where she lives." I couldn't bring myself up to saying I fell in love with a girl I hadn't even met yet, but I think she knew. "So you haven't met her in person yet. My guess is that... you like her" she said. I felt my face get warm in a flash. "I knew it. You mentioned her in your dream once. I remember that." And the heat turned up a few more degrees. "Yea" I said. She just smiled "It's okay. I believe anyone can love anyone else from anywhere from any age." She said. I smiled right at her "What's your name miss?" I asked. She wasn't hesitant when she responded "Mary." She gave me another kiss, only this time it was right on the lips. "Sleep now, okay dear?" she said. I nodded, feeling like a spoiled pup. I slept clear through the next day to the day after. When I started stirring, Mary was right beside me. "Sleep well Hun?" she asked. I nodded drowsily. She got up and fetched me a glass of water. "You should start walking a bit, so your muscles don't cramp up or anything." She said. I slowly started to get up, taking it one step at a time. I felt a rush of blood going to my chest and head, so I waited for a few minutes. When the rush left, I got onto my feet and tried to walk around. Mary was right beside me, keeping a ready paw out in case I fell or started to bleed. "Do you want to try and go for a shower?" she asked. I nodded and headed for the stairs. She was right behind me, prepared for me to fall backwards, but I made it with only a few stumbles. When I finally reached the washroom, something hit me. "Did I ever go to the washroom?" I asked. Mary didn't give me an immediate answer, which told me inside yes. "Well... not that I know of" she responded; I definitely knew I did. I was in the small room, getting ready to crawl into the tub, and she followed me in. "I got this" I told her. She gave me a grin, but left without so much as a whisper of an argument.

I set the water temperature to what I wanted it to be and pulled the knob on the tap to redirect the water to the shower head. At first I didn't feel anything until it started to soak through my thick, matted, dirty coat. I watched as all the dirt and blood was washed down the drain. It took me a while, but I eventually moved to wash my back area as well. When that was thoroughly wet, it took some time to figure out what bottle out of about 50 was shampoo. I heard a knock at the door after figuring out which bottle it was. "Is everything alright?" She asked. I fumbled around to get a good grip on the bottle and growled when it fell with a thump. "Hon, are you okay?" she asked again, sounding worried. I had to say something before she came through the door and saw me. "I don't know how to use the shampoo bottle right now." I said quickly. I heard her giggle through the door, take a breath in and talk. "It's just like your human body, only without long fingers." She said and I heard the retreating footfalls. I had to keep trying. I tried to remember how I picked up stuff, which was kind of hard seeing as I just did it without a lot of thought. I flexed my paw and attempted to pick it up. It didn't work the first time and I growled at the bottle of shampoo for a while. The second time, I finally got it right, but didn't know how to squeeze. All I could think at that time was 'this sucks' until I was having a full on conversation with myself and squeezed the shampoo in my other paw and started cleaning my fur. I didn't notice until after I got some soap suds in my eye. At first I let out a loud yelp and kept whining while my eye burned. I heard the heavy footsteps running up the stairs and into the washroom. "Are you okay? I heard you yelp! Did you open your cut?" she asked a lot of questions like a machine gun letting out the rapid fire. I kept whimpering, and she did the unpredictable: She opened the shower curtain. I don't know who jumped further; me or Mary. "I'm so sorry" she said over and over. I kept telling her it was okay while keeping my eye closed. The worried look on her face dissipated and a look of confusion came. "Did you just poke yourself in the eye?" she asked. I shook my head and let out a whimper before talking. "Soap in the eye" I said. She nodded, eyes fixed on one location that I didn't want to mention. "Um... okay, I'm all good. You can leave now." I said. She nodded and walked out, closing the door behind her. I stood in the shower; letting the warm water hit me, wash all the dirt and blood from my fur and down the drain. I saw white, and then a flashback happened. I was home, I was human and it was the 24th of December. I was looking at the gifts at dad's house. They had a big gift for me. We were all happy, excited for tomorrow: The big supper that night with all the family. We were having a good time. The news report said that the plane was in the states right now and the device was being looked at. Another flash and I saw my mother's house, the troops, the light in the mountains, the transformation, the shot that ended her life, and the burial. I woke up in the bed, laying down, sweating (or so it felt like). Mary was right beside me, holding my paw, trying to get me to relax. I felt all my muscles convulse in one moment, and it was all black.

I don't know what happened next, but I felt...calm. I didn't know what to think until I heard Mary's voice. She was calling me, begging me to return to her. I eventually did, and it wasn't very pretty what I saw. She had a cut on her cheek, forehead and another one on her leg. "White, please answer me! PLEASE!" She whined and begged for me to talk. At first I let out a grunt, but finally let out actual words. "W...What happened?" I asked. She sighed, letting out a slight whimper "you freaked out. I heard a thump in the tub and... you were... If I didn't..." she couldn't find the right words to finish the sentence. I turned my head and looked at the clock: 1:42 AM on January the 3rd. I nodded towards the clock and she knew what I meant. "You were out of it for a while." She had tears in her eyes "You must really miss your mother." She said. I nodded. She got up and went to the table, and I saw a gash on her back as well. "Did I do that?" I asked. All she did was turn towards me and nod. "The one on my cheek, forehead and the leg was you. The one on my back was when I was carrying you, I hit something." She said. I was blank out of it as soon as she said that. All I could do was turn around and pray to god she didn't see the tears rolling down my muzzle. "White, are you okay?" She asked. I felt so guilty that I was stripped for words. "You need sleep, Mary. We'll have a long talk in the morning." And she retreated to her room. I was on the brink of falling asleep when I felt clothing fall onto me. "Try these on dear. Let's see if they fit." She said, waiting on the stairs. I got up slowly at first, trying to grasp everything. I took the shirt and tried to get it on, but had no luck. She was giggling from where she was standing. I gave up on the shirt for a while and decided to try and get the pants on. I was doing well, until I had to get up to bring them up the rest of the way. I was doing great for a few minutes, but fell flat on my back, kicking at the jeans. Mary was laughing so hard, she was crying. I finally gave up and had Mary help me with getting dressed. I was in a dark red shirt with fairly tight blue jeans. I had to cut a hole for my tail to fit through though. "You look good like that." She said after a while. I smiled and lay on the bed. "Since you are healthy enough, do you want to go and find your girl?" she asked. I looked at her puzzled for a minute, until she spoke. "You mentioned her in your... moment." She said. I looked at her, not knowing what to think.

She walked over to me and, almost like slow motion; she kissed me right on the lips. I felt the heat from her, and I didn't like it. I backed away a bit, letting her stand there. When she finally came to, she snapped back and instantly looked away. "I'm sorry." She said. I couldn't say it was okay this time, so I had to consult her. "What came over you?" I asked in a concerned voice. She sat on the side of the bed, and confessed everything to me. When her husband died, she was alone. When she found me, she was scared for me, and now that I'm healed, she feels the urge to mate. I didn't like it at all. "In the morning, I'll say my good-byes and be on my way." I told her. She nodded, got up and retreated back to her room. I fell asleep shortly after. When the morning finally came, she was up, preparing the last breakfast I would eat there, at least for a while. I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs, with toast. I turned over to see her putting the plate on the nightstand beside me. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" she asked. I shook my head no. She was about to say something but my stomach spoke first. "Well, listening to you, you better eat before your trip" was all she said before going to the kitchen. I ate up fast and got ready to go back out to find someone. "Before you go..." I heard her soft voice from behind me. I turned around to see what she wanted, and she kissed me right on the lips. I stood there and didn't do anything. "Sorry" she said. I just nodded. "We'll meet again miss, maybe on my way back here" I told her, and ran off into the snow. Mary watched me from her door, tears rolling down her muzzle. I kept running, not looking back. I had my goal set for tonight, and my heart locked onto her human picture. "I'm coming, girl" I said to myself.

My heart raced as I ran up to the boarder of the U.S and Canada. I had a look around to see if anyone was guarding, but it was deserted. My first thought was a zombie movie, just because there was no one in the streets, in the cars, in the surrounding houses. I sniffed the air and scanned the area for any noises or sudden movements. When I determined that the coast was clear, I booked it to the boarder. I was running, and running, and running. Everything was in slow motion to me, and I knew right away something was going to happen. I leapt into the air, doing a spin to avoid anything and aimed at ground. When I hit... nothing happened; no gunshots, no alarms or yelling. I felt silly after doing what I did, but was proud. I turned to the south and headed off to find Tabi. I was in Wyoming, on the boarder of South Dakota that night. After sleeping in a warm bed, sleeping outside was almost impossible, and the clothes didn't help much. I decided the hell with sleep and carry on after getting about one hour of sleep total on the ground. I calculated in my head that I could make it through Dakota and Nebraska and hopefully end up in Kansas or Missouri. I ran most of the day, stopping for water at every stream I found. I didn't run into any others so far, which was odd considering the states had tonnes of people in it. When I made my destination, I looked around for a small town or something. I got as I wished, because within a few minutes, I entered a city. I kept scouting ahead, looking around for anything that could be handy, and before I knew it I was in the middle of the city. All of the houses were deserted, but when I looked into the night air, lights were visible a few miles ahead of me. As I travelled a bit more, I heard something that sounded like...generators...and talking! A bunch of people were grouped up somewhere, and maybe they could help me! I was running toward the light as fast as I could go, and before my eyes, there was a big building, all lit up, all types of smells lingering, from food to others I couldn't identify.

I kept a close eye out for anyone, but couldn't see anything else. I snuck up slowly, looking out for any suspicious activities, but not a thing stirred. I could still hear the voices, but there wasn't as many talking like before. I crept closer and hid behind a wall, smelling for anything. I could smell the food again, and my stomach growled at me. I couldn't hold it any longer; looking around once more and not seeing anybody, I bolted towards the smell. I didn't know where exactly the food was, and I sure didn't know what city I was in, but I kept following my nose, hoping to find the sweet smells. I came up to the door, looked through, not seeing anyone in the artificial light and not hearing anyone over the diesel generators, but the smell was still there. I opened the 1st door quickly and looked around again; nothing. I came up to the second door and looked through again, doing a thorough search and saw nothing out-of-place still. I opened this door very slowly and when I sniffed the air, the smells almost knocked me over. I could smell the old food cooked here from hot dogs right to nachos and beer. I snuck up to the first corner and didn't see anyone, but could smell and hear them, so I kept close to the wall. I snuck around the building, following the smell of fresh food until I hit the jackpot; a small concession area that had a bunch of hot dogs on the stand. I was in heaven, but before wolfing it down, I checked to see if the coast was clear still. When nothing was out of place, I dug in. I ate at least half of them and then I felt a presence behind me, so I turned around quickly to see if someone was standing there, but didn't see anyone at eye level. I looked to my left and right, still feeling the presence but not seeing anyone, until I looked down. I swallowed the last bit of hot dog and a sigh escaped my mouth. At about the level of my knees, a young female cat stood there. I stared at her for a while and she stared back. I didn't hear the voice coming up from the bleacher. "Honey, we can't play hide and seek right...." She stopped suddenly right when she saw me. My ears instantly went down and my tail went in between my legs as mother cat was standing there, either shocked or something else. She wasn't wearing any clothing like I was, so everything was out in plain view. I was thinking of something to say but she broke the silence before me. "Um....hi...." she said. I shuffled a little bit and said hello back. She called her child's name quietly and I watched her run to her mother. "I'm sorry, I must be intruding." I said. She shook her head. "You're not intruding, we don't have many wolves here is all." She said. I stayed silent, not saying anything. "I can tell you were hungry..." she said. All I did was look back at what was left of the food. "Don't worry, we have more..." she said, and I had to ask "We?" She looked toward the center of the building and nodded in the opposite direction. "Yes, we or us, whatever you prefer. We're still trying to get on our feet after the incident, and we are getting there." She finished. I cautiously walked to where she was standing, and saw what she was looking at. In the field, at least hundreds of others, all are battling the same thing. "How long have you all been here, eh?" I asked. "We've been here for quite a while. You must be from Canada if I'm not mistaken." She said. I was kind of shocked that she guessed right the first time. "How did you know?" I asked. She turned her head to me and smiled. "You saying eh kind of gave you away. I'm pretty sure that only Canadians say that after almost every sentence." She said with a giggle. I smiled and looked back toward the animals in the field and bleachers. "Will they be upset at me?" I asked. She shook her head. "You were doing what was necessary to live." She responded. I asked politely if I could go down with her to meet everyone. She said yes.