The Guardian Chapter Three

Story by SnowWolfe on SoFurry

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So here we go the third chapter. Again sorry these are taking me so long. I'm trying to get these out faster and I feel I'm getting better at finding time to write them. Comments and suggestions are always welcome and sorry if there are a few grammatical or spelling errors. I was really trying to get this one out soon. All characters are copyright of SnowWolfe. Please enjoy.

The Guardian

Chapter Three

By SnowWolfe

"Man that was a weird dream" thought Jace as he slowly awoke. His eyes were shut and he was just relaxing, enjoying the warmth and softness of his bed. But running his fingers through it, it felt wrong. The bed felt like soft furs. His bed was just simple sheets and blankets. Curious and a little worried he opened his eyes to confirm this. Sure enough he was lying on furs.

But how...

Looking around he saw this wasn't even his room. It was a cave. It was the cave in his dream. Jace jerked forward sitting up realizing it wasn't a dream. He looked around, everything was the same. Wait, where was the large wolf? What was his name? Kayden, where was Kayden?

Jace practically jumped out of his fur as a large paw landed on his shoulder. Spinning to the left he saw it was Kayden's. He had been lying on his side about a foot to his left. He was leaning up on his right paw and his left was resting firmly on Jace's shoulder. Jace couldn't tell if he was more afraid or relieved that it was Kayden's paw.

Jace's breathing had been panicked and deep. He closed his eyes trying to calm down and relax his breathing. After a few seconds he opened his eyes and looked over to Kayden, trying not to seem as panicked as he felt. He knew though that it probably wasn't working. His ears were flat against his head and his tail nervously twitching behind him.

Kayden seemed fully awake, his eyes unblinking and his ears perked straight up. Jace was still unable to read his face but he saw concern showing through. "You alright" he asked Jace softly, while gently rubbing his shoulder.

Jace found himself feeling embarrassed being so close to Kayden. It looked like he had slept next to him the entire night. "Uh... ya, just a little surprised is all" he answered trying not to let the slight pink his face was turning show through his fur. Kayden nodded in response and just watched Jace carefully. Jace tried to focus on something else than those icy blue eyes as they studied him. His eyes traveled down Kayden's strong body. His muscles showing clearly through his snow white fur. Each muscle perfectly curved and built. He followed each curve as they covered his body. He hadn't covered himself in a fur. God, wasn't he cold.

Jace knew his face turned bright red and froze looking stun. He turned away but it was too late. His roaming gaze had caught the fact that Kayden wasn't even wearing the loincloth he had seen on him early. He was completely naked not even a foot from him. Jace even in the quick glance saw this man was well endowed. Even in the cold he had a massive set of balls and a sheath already 7 inches.

Jace tried to hide his face. He focused on his hands which were fiddling nervously in his lap. His tail twitching nervously behind him. This didn't help as in a few seconds his face turned an even brighter red. He was sure it was practically glowing through his fur as he looked down. He realized he still wasn't wearing anything over his chest. His pants were on and he thankful for that but his chest was completely bare. Jace couldn't figure out why this was bothering him so much.

He had a good body, not amazing, but strong and had muscle definition. He could not figure out why he felt this way around Kayden. Maybe it was just the fact Kayden wasn't wearing anything that made him so nervous. Jace trusted him but was still uneasy about it all. Jace's thought shifted quickly and he became very nervous, his ears picking up.

"Um, where's my jacket?" he asked nervously but also sounding urgent, looking around the cave for it. It was obvious he really wanted it and not just to wear.

"Over here" Kayden said as he moved over to one of the crates. He opened it up and pulled out the torn and bloody jacket. His tail was still against his back, covering his other end. Kayden turned his head around to look at Jace but kept his body facing away. Jace was thankful he had done this so he wouldn't feel awkward again about the view.

Jace stood up and walked nervously over to Kayden. He reached out the jacket and Jace took it quickly, trying not to seem rude but he really wanted needed to get the jacket.

Jace checked the inside of the jacket, looking for a small pocket on the inside. It was hidden in the lining of the jacket to keep it safe. Finding it he felt a small object inside. Good, it was still there. This set Jace at ease, his tail swishing behind him calmly. It was the one thing he wouldn't be able to stand losing and that was why it was hidden in the jacket. Jace turned around and walked towards the fire, pulling out a small necklace from inside the jacket. It was a small gold chain with a small red stone at the end. It was a strange little thing he'd had for as long as he can remember. He did not know why but his father had given it to him when he was just an infant and trusted it with him always. Whenever he had to travel he hid it inside the jacket lining, not wanting to risk someone yanking it from his neck. The jacket was old and worn so he never really worried about someone stealing the jacket and then the necklace. Taking the necklace from the jacket he put it in the pocket of his pants. Not sure if he wanted Kayden to see he had valuables on him. Even though if that was his intention he would have already found it and taken it.

He stopped dead in his tracks. He was standing up and moving and yet nothing hurt. Just the other day he tried standing up and the pain was excruciating.

He looked over to Kayden. He had started walking towards him from the crate but was now thankfully wearing a tan loincloth. This helped Jace relax a little but his tail still twitched nervously. Jace looked at his hands and arms, moving them around, examining them. "How... I mean..." he tried to say still a little shocked for words.

"I covered your wounds in a special herb. It's really good for healing and for the pain"

Jace nodded his head, almost not buying it. From what he felt like yesterday to today that must have been some powerful herb. Jace nervously diverted his gaze to the fire and then to the cave entrance. A tiny bit of light started to filter through as he could see the sun start to rise out of the corner of it. The rising sun already set the land below them in a beautiful whitish glow as all the snow from the storm reflected the light everywhere.

"The storms passed, we can leave soon if you like" Kayden said all of a sudden much closer to Jace. He jumped slightly not realizing how close he had gotten until he had spoken. Jace nodded his head; glad he could make it back to the village soon. If they left around sunrise they should make it there before dark.

By the time Jace got out of his own thoughts Kayden was back to one of the crates. Pulling out several pieces of dried meat, a loaf of bread and a cloth he walked back to the fire. He took out two pieces of the meat and ripped off a piece of bread and packed the rest in the cloth. He handed the meat and bread to Jace and just took one piece of meat for himself. Jace sat down next to the fire and watched as Kayden moved around the cave.

There was a small water skin next to the fire. Jace picked it up and sniffing it took a drink. The water was refreshing and he took a bit of the bread and meat. He finished his small breakfast by the time Kayden had finished packing for the hike. He had grabbed the food, a knife, some tinder, a spark stone, some extra cloth for bandages, two pouches of water and a fur blanket and packed them into a small pack. Kayden had also grabbed his large sword and had it strapped across his back. The large white hilt extending over his left shoulder.

Jace was now standing up as he watched Kayden grabbed the small bag and throw it over his back. Jace wanted to offer to carry something but he already knew Kayden would say no. The look on his face already telling Kayden what he was thinking. Kayden merely gave him a small smile to tell him I've got it.


They set out just as the sun came over the mountains. It reflected beautifully off the fresh snow. Shining o brilliantly it was nearly blinding. The sun was high in the clear blue sky as they had been walking for several hours now. There wasn't a cloud in the sky as it seemed a beautiful day after the storm. Neither of them had spoken much during the journey. Jace had come to the conclusion that Kayden wasn't the type for talking and well as for himself; he had no idea what to talk about to this mysterious wolf.

The only words spoken had been about stopping to take a rest. Traveling through the thick snow was hard and Jace's body was still healing. They had made several stops, much to Jace's protest and all to Kayden's insistence. Jace knew what Kayden was doing. Kayden didn't look even a little tired by the journey. He looked like he could have run the entire journey and still felt the same as he did now. Jace knew Kayden was stopping for him and he didn't want him to. Yes the breaks on his feet were good but he wanted to get home as soon as possible. He felt like pushing on as hard and fast as he could but Kayden was holding him back. Keeping him from pushing himself too far. Jace while slightly annoyed by being treated like a child, still thought it was sweet. He was glad Kayden was around.

"Here's some food" said Kayden pulling Jace from his thoughts. Kayden was holding a piece of dried meat and half the bread. They had stopped again, but this time Jace hadn't complained. He was hungry and realized no matter what he said Kayden would make him take a break.

"Thanks", Jace responded as he took his arms out of the blanket to take the food. Very quickly after they had started Kayden had wrapped Jace in the tan fur blanket he packed. It had kept Jace perfectly warm the whole trip. Kayden gave him a small smile and turned back to the pack. It was lying on a rock a few feet from them.

Jace watched him for a second before taking a bite of the bread. It was cold but atleast not frozen. It also was very filling. Jace watched quietly as Kayden tied the bag shut. Kayden then stood still as he looked over the forest. Even though we were at the edge to the forest it still sloped down enough that we had a view for miles out in front of us. It was beautiful on such a clear.

Somehow though Jace thought that Kayden wasn't admiring the view. Even though Jace still couldn't read Kayden it did seem as though he was worried about something. The way he was watching the land carefully. He took deep whiffs of the air through his nose. Apparently smelling something that Jace couldn't. Jace had seen him do it before during their trip. He seemed to test the air every time the wind shifted. The further they got the more he did it. Jace had tried but still couldn't smell anything but the trees and the cool crisp air.

Kayden's fur ruffled slightly in the cool breeze as he stood motionless, except for his tail which swayed gently back and forth. His fur blending perfectly into the snow to where it seemed they were one in the same. He barely even seemed to be breathing as he looked out over the land. Jace didn't realize how long he had been staring at Kayden until all the food had disappeared from his hands into his mouth without him thinking about it. He stood there for a few more seconds. Wrapping himself back up in the blanket and thinking about what he should say to Kayden.

Jace knew something was wrong. As he walked up to Kayden he thought about what to say but all he could come up with was "is something wrong".

Kayden looked down to his right to look right at Jace. Jace wasn't surprised by the look of seriousness across his face that hid everything else. Jace felt like looking at him he should be afraid. He didn't know why but that look said there was something wrong that he didn't want to tell him. "No, nothing is wrong" he said. His face immediately turned into a soft gentle smile. The attempt to ease Jace's worries was nice but didn't really help him. As Jace thought about it the only thing that made him feel like there was any safety was just standing next to Kayden.

Jace was uncomfortable thinking about this. He felt so strange around Kayden and something told him it just wasn't normal. He pushed the thought away as Kayden turned around to face Jace.

"We should probably get going" he said adding another small, more genuine feeling smile "If you're up to it"

"I'm good"

"Ok" he said turning around to grab the pack as we continued walking. Jace walking slightly closer to Kayden, feeling it was safer.

They had walked for several more hours now and they were getting closer. They had already made it pass the edge of the valley and were now making their way through. Jace however was very worried. Jace now completely recognized the landscape and knew they were almost to the village but it was Kayden that was making him nervous. They had taken less stops after their break for food. That alone wouldn't have really bothered Jace considering how bad he wanted to get home but there was more. Kayden had been sniffing the air more and more as they got closer. Jace still couldn't smell anything out of the ordinary. Kayden's ears had stayed perked high, on guard the whole time and he had more times than Jace could count looked behind and all around them. As if there was someone following them or something just ahead they should be worried about.

Jace's body was getting tired but being so close it didn't matter and now he really didn't want any breaks. He kept trying to reassure himself that everything would be fine. He'd get home safely. Everyone would be there safe, looking for him and so happy that he got back. He'd probably be tackled to the ground by Ralph and Jaren, his younger brothers a few years younger than him, who always found new ways to annoy him. Having been away from though he started to miss it. But then what would they think about Kayden. They'd definitely at first be wary about this large wolf from the mountain. Although after explaining what happened they'd probably make a huge deal about him. Jace thought though that Kayden wasn't the type to want the attention.

The sun was getting lower and it was getting harder to see but Jace could still make it out. It was a large tree with branches that twisted in and out of each other, splitting apart and growing back together in random spots. It was a marker for the path to their village. Jace had always loved climbing the tree when he was young as it was such a strange tree. Now he felt his heart jump as he saw it. It meant that he was but minutes from the village.

He could still make out the path in low light and started running down it as fast as he could. He didn't stay on the path long as he started darting through short cuts in the trees he found when he was younger. Kayden was following right behind but slowed down slightly as he had to work to fit through the small gaps in the trees I ran through. Jace knew these woods and even though he was slower because of my still healing body he was keeping ahead of Kayden. The tight trees started to spread wider apart.

Jace could see a faint glow out in the distance. The village. He could smell smoke. They must be having a bonfire. It's probably a prayer ritual to the spirits from one of the older village members.

His feet moved faster and faster as with almost childish joy he ran closer and closer to home. He heard Kayden yell something to him but he didn't hear it. All he could think about was getting home, the warning from Kayden blew right over his head. The trees were thinning and he could make out the clearing and a building.

"I'm ba..." he screamed running into the clearing with the biggest smile on his face. His call and his smile evaporated to nothing as he saw his village.

He dropped to his knees as he saw his village. The glow and the smoke, it wasn't a bon fire, it was the village. It was the burning embers of his village. All around the buildings had been reduced to piles of ash or gutted skeletons. There was nothing left, everything was gone. His jaw hung open, his whole body shaking as the reality crushed in on him. Kayden came running in after Jace. Standing now several feet behind Jace. Jace barely noticed and didn't even care.

Was it an accident? Someone's fire got out of control during the blizzard and burnt down the village. Were they attacked? Was there anyone left alive? Tears were streaming down Jace's cheeks as he jumped up, running into the village. The thick black smoke hung to the ground and choked him with every breath and burned his eyes. He ran through the streets pass pile after pile of destroyed homes until. Until he stopped at his. It was no longer burning. There was barely a structure left. All that remained was a few pieces of thin chard wood where walls and a roof should have been.

He ran through the remains off the house. Now standing in the center where the table for meals had been. There was nothing. Not the table, the chairs. He spun around. Looking where the bedrooms had been, the kitchen, the wash room. Nothing. No one. They weren't here. They could still be alive. Even if there was a fire there would be something left of them if they died here. They weren't here. They could be alive.

He felt the excitement and joy run through him as he realized his family might still be alive. No they were alive. They were alive. He kept telling himself. But where were they? What about the others? The hope and excitement left him as quickly as it came. No longer crying he ran through the village, looking through ever house. It was the same, there was no one. No dead bodies. They were alive. It was just an accident then. A simple fire, they all got out and they're alive somewhere and he just has to go find them.

He just needed to find Kayden. Maybe Kayden would help him find them. Jace ran around now, trying to see what happened to Kayden. Hoping desperately he hadn't left him. Coming around a corner he saw him. His white fur in complete contrast against the black ground in the moon light. He was kneeling in the middle of the street his back turned to Jace. Why was he...? Jace then saw, two brown legs were sticking out from behind Kayden, lying deathly still on the ground.


Jace ran up to Kayden as he turned back to look at him. His face for once wasn't hard to read. It was clear, he looked upset, and looking at Jace he seemed ten times more worried. Jace stood over the body, unable to breathe. He kneeled down, unable to stand. The tears came rushing back as they gushed across his face. He looked up and down the body, stared at the face, not wanting to accept it. No.

It was his Father, a brown wolf a few inches tall than Jace but more lean. His bright amber eyes were lifeless and stared off into nothing. His face was frozen in death as incredible fear. His body wasn't burnt. He didn't die from the fire. He died from the Gash nearly severing his neck. The blood had poured out, staining the road and his fur.

It wasn't an accident. They were attacked. And they killed him. Jace couldn't stop himself as he curled up and cried, burying his head into his father's chest. He sobbed uncontrollably. His body shook uncontrollably. He couldn't take it. WHY? WHY?

He didn't know how long he stayed curled into his chest. He didn't know how long it took him to regain some control and sit back up. He looked into his face and saw the person who raised him for so many years and taught him so much. He looked at those eyes. The once strong and gentle eyes now only had the last moments of fear and life left in them. He couldn't take it as his shaking hand slowly closed his eyes.

He looked up from his father and saw Kayden still kneeling next to him. He seemed sad too, almost like he could cry but he still seemed strong. He just stayed there looking into Jace's eyes giving him comfort. Jace's lower lip shook as he could felt more tears coming. He looked away from Kayden and held them back. He had already shown too much emotion, he couldn't show any more. He wasn't supposed to. He was going to be a man. He couldn't cry.

Jace stood up. His body felt like it would collapse. The blood rushed from his head and he was about to fall over. Just as he was leaning Kayden grabbed him. He held Jace gently as he adjusted and stood on his own. Kayden let go as soon as he was steady. Jace figured he knew he didn't want him to be near him right now. "Wow, this guy really seems to read me" he thought nastily. Jace was angry.

Angry his father was dead. Angry his family and village was gone. Angry his home was destroyed. Angry he wasn't here. Angry he didn't know who did this.

Right now his anger had no outlet. He had no idea who did this and no one to blame. Except Kayden. He did keep him from returning the day before. If he got here sooner maybe he could have helped. Saved his father. It was Kayden's fault his father was dead.


"What?" Kayden asked in surprise. What now he decided to not read my mind thought Jace.

"I said leave. IT'S YOUR FAULT HE'S DEAD!!!" Jace screamed at Kayden. He couldn't take it. His anger was boiling over. He couldn't control it. He saw Kayden's hurt expression. The first time Jace really saw the emotion in him. Jace didn't care. His anger mad him hate Kayden. He couldn't stand him being here.

His rage burned in him. Kayden could see it. The pain, the fear, the anger that had nowhere else to go but him, Jace was feeling it all. But all he thought he showed was the anger. He didn't realize he showed so much more to Kayden. Jace didn't know whether he saw the anger or the pain. Whatever he saw he was hurt by it. His eyes were no longer strong they looked like severally hurt. If it wasn't for the anger he would have beat himself for hurt him like that.

Kayden turned his back to Jace. His head hung low. He walked slowly, not looking back. He slowly disappeared into the woods in the darkness. And then Jace was alone.

He must have spent hours digging through the snow and then the earth. He had finally dug a two foot deep hole for his father. He was barely able to see it but the light from the moon was enough to work by. The moon was high in the sky and the stars were beautiful on this clear night. His eyes watered again as he laid the body in the pit. Crossing the arms over his chest. He found some water from a nearby stream he had played in when he was young and used it to clean the blood from his neck.

He looked over the body. In the low light he could barely make out the face. He wished he could see it clearly one more time but this would be enough. Carefully he buried the body making a slight mound over top with the dirt. Finding rocks from around the remains of the town he covered the dirt and stuck one in the ground to act as a make shift head stone. Jace rested on his knees and looked up to the stars.

He thought back to something his father always said. Every time a soul leaves this earth it enters the next and shines down to us as another star in the sky. And that in the night the moon protected them and the ones they left behind. And shooting stars were a soul coming back to the earth as a new life to finish what they once started.

He took out his necklace, almost forgetting about it, and placed it around his neck. It was the last thing he had of his father and he would protect it forever. He held the small jewel in his hand and looked down at the grave. He wanted to say a prayer but nothing right came to mind.

He finally settled for a moment of silence.

"Be careful, and don't worry. I will find them and keep them safe from now on. Just like you always did for us". He could feel the tears coming back now. The anger was gone and he was just sad. He couldn't believe what he had done to Kayden. He had helped him so much and then he blamed him for the death of his father. He knew he hurt Kayden and knew he would never forgive himself for what he did.

It was then he knew someone was behind him. He didn't hear anything or see anything move. He just felt the comforting presence. He turned around and sure enough ten feet from him stood Kayden, watching over him.

"Y... You came back"

"I never left"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..."

"No, you don't need to say anything, I understand" Kayden said genuinely. He walked towards Jace, kneeling by his side.

"Have... Have you ever lost someone?"

"In a way", he answered softly. The answer was confusing to Jace. He didn't understand if there could be a middle ground to this. He was just glad Kayden was here and still talking to him. "I don't know if I lost someone. I don't remember. I don't remember anything before three years ago. I might have lost someone, I don't know. But I feel like I have so I know how you must feel"

"How can you not remember" Jace asked before he could stop himself. He was confused. Was he being serious, did he really not remember anything before then? His whole life just disappearing.

"I don't know". It was now when things seemed to make more sense. Why he seemed so strange, didn't talk much, hid his emotions so much. Essentially he lived his whole life alone. Jace looked away from Kayden and focused on the ground thinking. He wanted to ask more, but it seemed an uneasy topic. They both seemed emotional and this might not be the best time to discuss something like this. Jace however felt closer to Kayden. He had just told him something incredibly personal, had trusted him. Jace was relieved and glad his actions before hadn't destroyed their relationship.

Jace relaxed just sitting there next to Kayden. Feeling his gentle steady breathing. It was hard not to be at ease by it. Jace hadn't realized it until now but his body felt destroyed and tired. He was cold and warn down kneeling in the snow. He looked to Kayden and without saying anything Kayden knew what he meant.

"Is there anywhere we can stay for the night. You need the rest"

Jace would've argued but he knew it was true.

"There's a small hunting camp not too far from here. It should be enough shelter for us"

Kayden nodded in response and stood up, gently pulling Jace up with him. Jace lead the way through the woods, Kayden not letting go of him. After some walking they came across a small one room wooden shake. It couldn't be more than eight feet by six feet. The ceilings were low and Kayden had to duck to get through.

There was a small metal stove across from the door. There was already wood and kindling in it. Kayden took out a knife and a spark rock and got the fire going. Stoking it well he got a fire going to warm up the whole room. Looking around near the stove there was a small crate, most likely filled with some food and cooking supplies. There were Bows and Arrows of all shapes and sizes hung along the walls. The floor was covered in soft furs.

Jace sat down near the door as he watched Kayden work on the fire. His gaze fell to the floor again as he thought about his father. He'd been holding back the tears but now all he wanted to do was let them go. He felt secure around Kayden. He had shared something incredibly personal and now he felt like crying over his father's death was not a big deal.

Slowly the tears came back and ran down his face. He sobbed quietly, not wanting to pull Kayden's attention. He still couldn't believe he was gone. They were all gone. Jace started to feel alone. He felt incredibly alone. The tears were rushing down again and his breaths were as uncontrolled as his breathing.

He let out a soft yip as he felt two paws take hold of his shoulders. He looked up and saw Kayden staring down at him. Instead of the emotionless face he hid nothing. Jace could see his pain, the pain he felt for Jace. The concern, the sadness, the comfort that was coming from them. Jace didn't know if he leaned in or Kayden pulled him close but he ended up in Kayden's chest.

Kayden wrapped his strong arms around his smaller body and firmly held Jace's head in the crook of his neck. Jace could feel the soft warm fur surround him. The comfort, the fact he wasn't alone anymore. He felt himself being rocked gently back and forth in those arms. He kept crying. But now the pain was gone. They were tears of joy as he realized he wasn't alone and Kayden was here for him. He had proven that.

Jace felt himself being leaned down to the ground. His side resting on the furs, his back to the fire and the rest of his body surrounded by Kayden who hadn't let go for a second. His tears streamed into Kayden's chest fur. Jace could smell his scent all around him. It was as powerful and comforting as the warmth. He felt each gentle but powerful breath. The steady beat of his heart. Feeling his own pulse slow down and match it. He felt his whole body relax as the fatigue set in. He didn't want to go to sleep but he had no choice. Within minutes of being held, hearing the soft, soothing crackle of the fire, he fell asleep in those arms. Feeling safe, secure, cared for and something else. Something he'd never felt before but made his whole body relax and feel, almost happy.