Runaway Dream Mining

Story by SIlversheen on SoFurry

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YADA YADA dont own any of the digimon world or char's but dont go stealing mine either ^^

First off my name is James and what you are about to read is my life and how i came to be ...

First off my name is James and what you are about to read is my life and how i came to be where i am today. So lets begin with where i came from shall we? I came from Earth year 2004 there was no such thing as demon's, monsters, faries, anything it was just man and animal. I was just an random guy trying to discover what it is that i wanted to do with my life, its just hell aint it? Well most of my studies were in the feild of medieval arms and armor there construction and the like. Yes i was one of the weirdo's who walked around with daggers swords and the like. Otherwise i was just a normal gamer, so rpg's and manga were my life. But for some reason one day this weird bug crawled up my ass and i started planning for a trip. You see about 3 years prior to this at age 17 on a trip through the mountains with my parents I spotted something from a book i was reading it was what i believed to be a metal deposit, ya know a mine? Well it took about four month's but i had gathered what i wanted with added up to a tent sleeping bag and the usual camping gear with a small portable forge a pair of pick's with spare handles a pair of double headed axes and about 4 month's worth of MRE's. (BTW mre's arent that bad just bland IMHO) But there i was with a massive backpack and a small pull cart to move all the stuff and took off without a care in the world and some stray thought of finding happyness out there in mining and forging.Oh how dreams can be so wrong yet help you discover what it is you truly sought. So we begin from where i leave the car in the woods.

It was about half a day's drive through the woods to where i decided to leave the truck at the base of where i thought the minerals i had spotted on the random mountain in the middle of nowhere but i was happy so i loaded up put the sigh's i had made up on the truck and locked the tool trunk that had the spare gas can i'd need to get outta here later But i took off up the path i could find dragging the cart and hardly moving at all for the nest two dayss untill i reached more rocky terrain. from there i went in random directions looking for my goal. it was another two days later that i'd find the worste and best day of my life started. It was just like anyother morning there so i started moving around soon wanting as much daylight as i could manage but it wouldent last about three hours after i started it began one of this mountain ranges fabled Black Showers.(The black showers being a rain storm that has been traped within the mountains and gotten added to quickly enough that when it finally breaks and starts to rain its so thick it blocks out the sun) The moment it began i picked up the pack looking for some shelter but there was my mistake after about fifteen minute's of walking brought me to a cliff path. I was looking for a way past or somethere safe when i heard the rumble and turned to see this wave of rocks and water rushing over the boulders above me before i flew off the cliff face and blacked out.

I awoke appearently much later strangly hardly hurt except for a few bruses and scrapes. I was laying in a pile of dirt and rocks at the base of a cliff that i could hardly see the top of and even more oddly behind me was this thick lush forest and off a ways was a massive lake that the cliff ran beside. It wasnt long though before my stomach brought me back to reality and i started looking around only to find the cart broken though most of supplies in it fine if still a bit damp it was then that i saw it right in front of me a vein of what looked like iron along the cliff. Having found what i was seeking though drove out all thoughts of what was wrong and strange about where i was, i simply set up my campsight pulled out a pick and went to work i was working there for almost a month before i had dug in deep enough to have a large room about three foot deep inside the cliff had moved my camp inside and had used the rock to build this ever growing stone wall around the entrance and the garden i had started off to the wasnt long after this i was sidding down to have some lunch of the large figh i had cought the day before when i heard someone callout from behind be. When i stood and looked i saw this strange creature walking towards me. Stunned and confused i couldent do anything untill the creature came up and jumped ontop of the wall i had built. Even then all i did was start at this pink and yellow furred rabbit like creature boggled, and it did the same for a couple moments seemingly just as confused before is this sweet voice saying "What the heck are you?" this of course freaked me out and i simply stuttered for a moment before my eyes rolled back in my head and i fainted.

Im still not sure how long it was that i was out but when i woke it was to the smell of cooked fish and i was propped up against one of the logs i used for a seat or table depending on the occasion. I sat there thinking it was a dream as i looked around before hearing a familiar femenin voice behind me say "You arent going to faint on me again are you?" stunned i said "I might if i just heard something that im not sure would be a monster of some kind of forest spirit is talking to me. Both of which by the way dont exist..." The rabbit thing only responded with "Well im neither of those so relax, im a Digimon Lekismon specifically call me Lesk though." she said as she walked into my vision range and sat across form me eating what looked like a baked potato before saying "So ya gonna introduce yourself or do i just call you it?" the insult kinda brought me outta me stupor enough to say "Well my name is James but im called Silver and im human..?" Lesk simply cocks her head and asks "Whats a human?"