Family Ties: LoveGame

Story by Judah Vishas on SoFurry

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#7 of Family Ties


A SideProject by Kyuuketsuki

Disclaimer: There be fuckin' in this chapter. If you are easily offended GTFO. If you are enjoying this series and happen to be horny, I invite you to read on.

One hoof on the wavy path set off the old defenses. The war against the hordes had ended fifteen years ago when Manya first left his home, but the Inkwell clan never bothered removing the enchantments that made the lava rise from the basin with every step toward the castle.

Fortunately, Manya was still a shapeshifter. No demon in his right mind would actually try walking up this path. The lava would claim them before they reached halfway. Manya, however, simply changed his form into that of a very large, bat-like creature and flew over the sea of fiery death. At the doors, two empty suits of samurai armor stood on either side. As Manya reverted, they crossed their blades before the door to keep him out.

"Easy, boys." The demon said, laying his paw across where the swords crossed.

"Leave this place, outlander." The ethereal voices echoed from inside the empty suits.

Manya chuckled and shook his head. "Boys, boys boys... You seem to forget who you bow before." The blades morphed into rock salt in his paw. Manya threw some at each of them, causing both suits to collapse as the spirits puppeting them fled. "Do you see that, guardians?" Manya called to the spirits in and around the castle. "Defy me and you'll regret it! I am your PRINCE!" he said, stepping through the doors.

Inside the castle would have been dark were it not for any demon's night vision. Before him was a small room full of suits of bodiless armor standing against the walls. The demon sighed. He glanced around the floor and soon found something to transform. Manya reached down with preternatural speed and scooped up the black rat scurrying past his hooves. He closed his paws around it and squeezed, turning the rat into rock salt. Slowly he stepped through the room. The suits didn't stir, giving the demon time to notice just how quiet it was. The only sound was that of his breathing and his hooves as he walked with his fists full of spirit repellant.

It didn't take long to move through the castle. There were several more hallways lined with possessed samurai suits, but none attacked. Manya chuckled to himself. "Fifteen years later and my word is still law." He reached the door to the throne room on the second tier and put dropped the rock salt on the floor next to the door. The salt darkened and became a black rat once more. He put his right paw against the door. It was warm to the touch, warmer than the rest of the castle. He looked down and saw light flickering under it. Surely King Lokiera would be in the room beyond it. Manya took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

The room was long and rectangular, bathed in the crimson moonlight that flooded its windows. There were no guard suits in this room, its walls lined instead by blazing torches. On the other end of the room as the top portion of a very large, horned demon's skull. "And so... the prodigal prince returns..." Lying atop the skull and staring at the ceiling, he was barely visible. The demon slowly turned over onto his side to look at Manya.

Lokiera was almost identical to his son, appearing only a few years older than him. They had the same pointed face and twisted black horns. He was slightly more muscular than Manya, but Lokiera's forearms and hands were feline and his shins and feet were furred and hoofed like his son's. He had the same bat ears and nose. Also like his son, Lokiera preferred to be nude no matter who was present. The only real differences were Lokiera's blood red eyes and the six inches of height he had on his son. He also had a splash of red ink under his skin that sat in this bands under his eyes like war paint.

The prince took off Anthony's trench coat and slowly made his way toward the skull. "It hasn't been that long, Daddy." The younger demon said, checking his claws in the moonlight.

"Fifteen years seems quite long to me..." Lokiera said, staring unblinkingly at Manya as he approached. The king licked his black lips. "I've missed you, my child." The demon sniffed in Manya's direction. "That's...familiar. Still laying with the Nightsiren, are you?" he asked.

Manya closed his eyes for a moment, his grin widening. "Of course, Daddy, he's my mate."

The king chuckled as he merged into the top of the skull. He stepped out of the bone surrounding the left eye socket. He held out his arms and closed them around Manya once the younger demon was close enough. "Fifteen years and still sleeping with the enemy..." Lokiera joked.

The younger demon scoffed. "As I recall, you publicly apologized to Neirid. And wasn't he the one that ended the war?"

Lokiera smirked and flicked Manya's ear. "Not that I am unhappy to see you... but what brings you home?" he asked, slowly lowering his paws to Manya's rear.

Manya purred, resting his head on his father's shoulder. "Do you remember why I left with Neirid? Do you remember putting our subjects to death for killing his human wife?" he asked, raising his arms and closing them around Lokiera's neck.

"How could I forget?" The memory of watching his soldiers spill ink from their mouths, noses, eyes and ears irked him. The act of contrition had ended the war, but it shouldn't have come to that. His demons acted against the Nightsiren horde against his order to cease all attacks, killing a human woman whom had just given birth. The punishment was carried out as an apology to the Nightsiren demons, Neirid especially. Presented with a direct apology from a demonic king, the bereaved soldier made the choice to forgive and ended the war. Lokiera's commanding word caused the king's finest soldiers to drown in the ink that flowed through their bodies before it spilled on the floor.

"Daddy, you're hurting me..." Manya said, dragging his fangs over Lokiera's neck.

He came out of his thoughts to find his claws digging into Manya's hips. The king retracted his claws. "I remember, why?"

Manya grinned and bit playfully at Lokiera's throat. "Well, that baby of Neirid's has grown up. He's become a handsome devil and he's living with us now." he said, taking Lokiera's horns into his paws and angling his head down. He stood on the edge of his hooves to press his lips to his father's.

"Did he, now?" Lokiera asked, putting his paws on either side of Manya's palid face. "Does he know about the incident?"

"No."When Manya spoke, Lokiera licked at his son's tongue. "He knows she bled to death, but not how. Daddy, I don't mind it, but it's a little hard to speak with your tongue and mine in my mouth."

Lokiera chuckled and merged with the floor, rising from it behind Manya before forcing him against the skull. "You'll have to forgive your old man..." The elder demon said. "It has been fifteen years since I've seen anyone as beautiful as you or Nichelle." The bands of red beneath his eyes swirled away to his cheeks and forehead, forming a tribal butterfly tattoo that encompassed his eyes and nose; the pattern that his consort's ink had been in most of her life.

Manya's heart beat against the skull in front of him. He expected this behavior from his father, but Lokiera had never been this cordial about it. "Mother's been dead for thirty-eight years." He could feel Lokiera's demonhood against his lower back, his own pressing against the large skull.

"Which means for the twenty-three years between that day and when you left, you were the most beautiful demon in all of Otherworld." Lokiera said, kissing his neck and shoulders. "Which means for fifteen years, I've had no one but my own reflection worth looking at. Worth touching..."

Manya cringed a little as his father wrapped his arms around him, paws slowly slithering toward his nethers. Lokiera's body was hotter than the air in the room, which already had Manya sweating a little. Living in the mortal world for so long made it hard to stand in the scorching hot castle. Against his skin, Lokiera's felt like fire. As he grew accustomed to the heat, Manya relaxed in Lokiera's arms. He turned around and smirked, pushing Lokiera off him. "And what if I don't want to be touched?" he asked, folding his arms over his chest.

The king grinned and planted his paws on either side of Manya. "I could just command you."

"You wouldn't dare." Manya said boldly, tilting his head back to look down his nose at his father.

Lokiera's grin turned evil. "Kneel before your king." A ring of bright red light radiated from is pupils, disappearing at the edge of his irises. The ring reappeared in Manya's amber eyes, shrinking into the prince's pupils.

The ink in Manya's tattoos and makeup shuddered and pooled in his knees, dragging him to the floor. The stunned demon looked up, finding himself eye level with his father's dick. "You know... you didn't actually have to resort to that." He said venomously. "You could've just asked."

Lokiera's grin broadened, showing a few of his sharp teeth. "I know. This is just more fun. Now, touch me. "

Forced by his father's commanding word, Manya slowly lifted one of his paws. Resist as he might, it was useless. On the king's order, Manya began stroking his father's length. As prince, Manya had the strength to resist his father's Dominion but only if he really didn't want to do what Lokiera commanded. The king wasn't exactly controlling him, just pushing him to do what they both wanted.

"I'm really not enjoying my visit, Daddy." Manya said, glaring up at Lokiera while continuing to jerk his father's dick.

"You can stop whenever you want, child." The king purred. "In the mean time, lick it. Slowly..."

As if being yanked by the mouth, Manya found himself at the base of Lokiera's nine inches, slowly dragging his tongue along it. He felt his dad's paw between his ears, stroking his hair. Lokiera had given him permission to stop, but he still couldn't find his way off his knees and away from the elder demon's dick. "Daddy, you can lift your Dominion now." he said, irritated now. "If I were going to stop, I'd be ass-raping you for this right now..."

Lokiera chuckled. "I suppose your right. You may stop for now. Follow me now." he said, stepping past Manya and into the skull's left eye. When the younger demon tried to stand, however, Lokiera's voice shot back. "Did I say you could stand?!"

The ink dragged Manya back to the floor and forced him to crawl behind his father. The demon cursed in Blacktongue, not because he was being kept on the ground, but because he couldn't get up. He wouldn't admit it, but he was enjoying Lokiera's little game.

Inside the giant skull, Lokiera took a deep breath and spat fire at torches that lined the interior to lift the darkness. There was a pile of Otherworld animal pelts and black pillows where this demon's brain was. Lokiera fell backward into the soft pile and beckoned for Manya to join him. Manya crawled toward his father. When he reached the demon's waist, he was met by Lokiera's black palm. "Finish what you started now, boy."

The younger demon stared daggers at his father before turning to Lokiera's tool once more. He gave it one more long lick, lingering at the tip before he took the entire length into his mouth. Lokiera wasn't as thick as his mate, so Manya didn't have to open his mouth as wide. Lokiera's dick was, however, longer. The prince had forgotten this in the past fifteen years and was not prepared when Lokiera's cock met his throat.

"Don't die now, baby." Lokiera snickered when he gagged. He looked into Manya's angry amber eyes and smirked. "Oh come now, don't give me that look. If you didn't want to, you'd be able to stop, now wouldn't you?"

Manya blinked and slowly slid his mouth off of his father's member, lapping up a bit of precum that drooled from its tip. "You're right. I do want to do this, Daddy." This time the word was sarcastic and vitriolic instead of playful. "What I don't want is to be forced..." he said before suckling at his father's dick some more.

The king groaned and waved a paw over his son's head, lifting his Dominion from Manya. The prince visibly relaxed and slowly wrapped his arms tightly around Lokiera's waist. Free will restored, Manya sucked his father off more feverishly now as if Lokiera's dick was producing air to breathe instead of copious amounts of precum. He looked up to his dad's face to see his blood red eyes almost shut and his fangs clenched.

"Stop!" Lokiera hissed. Immediately his dick fell from Manya's mouth, spearing his clear pre on the younger demon's chin.

"What?" Manya growled, licking his lips and chin.

Lokiera opened his eyes and released Manya again. "Sorry, baby. I almost drowned you." He chuckled, wiping the sweat from Manya's brow. "You should come back here for a while." Lokiera suggested. "The heat wouldn't affect you as much if you did."

Manya looked down to see his dad's shaft convulsing slightly, dribbling more pre. He gathered some on his paw and held it to Lokiera's lips. Obediently, the king opened his mouth to taste his own preseed. Manya grinned and took his paw back before crawling up to lick at the king's black lips. Lokiera moaned into the prince's mouth, clawing at his waist as he drew the younger demon closer. Manya purred, enjoying the feeling of Lokiera's black claws threatening to tear his skin.

The thought of breaking skin triggered desire in Manya. His fangs longed to plunge into Lokiera's body. Anywhere. Fortunately his father's neck was only a few inches from his mouth. Manya tore himself from the elder demon's mouth and lunged at his throat, kissing and licking at his just above his jugular. Lokiera purred and Manya felt the king's throat vibrate against his lips. He swallowed and Manya felt the muscle there flex. Unable to resist any longer, Manya opened his mouth wide and sank his teeth into Lokiera's neck. The elder demon inhaled sharply and every muscle in his body tensed. He dug his claws into his son's back, drawing blood himself. He shuddered as he let the ignited air leave his lungs, flames licking at his lips from inside his mouth.

Though their blood was black ink, it didn't taste as such. To any demon blood was sweet, but Inkwell blood was the best. Mixed with the salty sweat on Lokiera's neck made it even more irresistible. Manya lapped at the elder demon's throat quickly as the wound was healing fast. He opened his mouth and bit again. A snarl ripped from Lokiera's throat this time, his claws carving deeper into Manya's skin. Still only pleasure came from the ten puncture wounds on his back. Manya's grip on Lokiera tightened as much as possible without breaking his father's ribs as he sucked on the closing new wounds.

"I didn't know... you were into vampirism..." Lokiera said breathlessly, flames still visible at the back of his mouth.

Manya shook his head. "I'm not. You just taste good." He said, licking the ink from his lips. "I want more..."

Lokiera chuckled. "Then you are in luck, baby. I have so much more to give you." He said, rubbing his still rock hard length against Manya's rear.

The younger demon took Lokiera's by the horns again and pulled his ear down to his lips. "Then stop teasing and give it to me, Daddy." He said through his teeth.

"I'll give it to you alright..." Lokiera said, grabbing Manya by the waist. He rolled forward, pinning the younger demon on his back while he pressed his drooling prick against Manya's hole. Lokiera grinned maliciously as he rocked his hips forward, slowly entering the prince.

"Fuck, Daddy!" Manya hissed through his clenched fangs. "A bit of a warning wouldn't have hurt!"

Lokiera ignored him and began bucking his hips wildly into his son's ass. His black grin broadened at the pained expression on Manya's face. The clenched fangs and closed eyes serving as encouragement. He swatted the prince's paw away as he attempted to paw himself off. "I didn't give you permission to touch yourself, now did I?" he asked, leaning down to bite the younger demon's lower lip. Manya shuddered under him and Lokiera let go to give him another order. "Now listen to Daddy. You are not to cum until I say so. Got it?"

Manya whimpered at that as his father kept hammering away at him, purposely striking his prostate to make it that much more agonizing. It wasn't that he had to resist. It meant that no matter how close he got, no matter how his daddy touched him, there would be no release until Lokiera allowed it. Much to his chagrin, this was another thing he didn't want to admit that he enjoyed.

The king pulled out completely, rubbing his dick against Manya's stretched hole before slowly sinking back in. He took his son's dribbing shaft into his paw and stroked it for him now that the prince would get nothing out of it. "Are you enjoying this, baby?" he asked, mocking him with a sweet tone.

"Screw you!" Manya said through his teeth. Truth be told, he was. The younger demon loved every inch of his daddy's hot dick in him. He loved the way Lokiera teased him. Even being denied his release brought him immense pleasure. So much so that he thought he'd burst. Unfortunately, Lokiera would not allow that.

Lokiera chuckled and pulled out again before slowly thrusting back into him. "Come on, baby. Tell daddy you love it." He whispered into Manya's pointed bat ears, licking at the prince's cheek while he continued pawing him off. "Tell daddy how much you love his dick up your ass."

The prince tried to keep his mouth closed. Lokiera was having too much fun at his expense. Sweat stung his eyes, forcing him to close them. Manya didn't see when his father leaned down and bit at his throat. He felt another surge of pleasure all over his body as those fangs pierced his skin, then more when Lokiera clawed at his hips again. Resisting was futile. He sank his claws into Lokiera's back and nearly screamed. "Yes! Dammit, I love it now stop toying with me, Daddy!"

"That's my good boy." Lokiera purred. His grin revealed his own clenched fangs. "I'll let you cum, baby, but not before me." he snickered as he continued mercilessly fucking the younger demon under him.

This torture reminded Manya of why he loved and hated his father at the same time. He was kind enough to let Lokiera take him despite preferring to only let Neirid be inside him and his father always took it too far. However, if Lokiera didn't torture him this way, what was the point of allowing the elder demon to take him?

"Daddy, stop this game! I'm going to explode!" Manya pleaded as his father continue biting, pawing and fucking him all at once. Not even he could be this cruel to anyone.

"You... just... might!" Lokiera roared as he finally lost it, pumping his son full of the scorching hot seed that had created him fifty years ago. When there was no room left, Lokiera hauled his still pulsing tool out of Manya's hole and continued covering the younger demon with thick ropes of black cum. Finally, he waved his paw over his son, lifting his Dominion and allowing Manya the release he so desperately needed.

The younger demon let out a piercing screech as his torment ended and he was finally allowed to cum. Streaks of black matted the dark fur on both their bodies. Much to Manya's dismay, his hair was not safe. When Lokiera's body finally gave out and collapsed on top of him, the younger demon wrapped his arms and legs around his father. He was not amused about being pinned under Lokiera's scorching hot, sweaty body, but he would not complain. His was no better.

"I love you so, Manya." Lokiera panted, licking at his son's black lips as red ink swirled up to his face. Lokiera's ink mirrored the butterfly tattoo on Manya's face.

Manya grinned and pressed his lips to Lokiera's. "I love you too, Daddy, you horny fucker, you."

"I want to meet the Nightsiren's son." The king said, kissing Manya's neck.

"I'll see what I can arrange."