Terratyx Chapter One - Resurrection

Story by delta9 on SoFurry

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A villainous bishop trying to abuse an ancient spellbook for his own selfish desires accidentally unleashes a long-dormant magic ritual. What happens when a princess finds herself transformed into the scion of a long-lost, all-male reptilian race? Contains: FtM /tg, TF's into odd reptiles and oddles of mostly gay sex between the transformed and transforming. Chapter 1 of 2!

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Accompanying Art!

The mating: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5718005

Geralt's Transformation: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5718023/

The new, happy couple: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5718030

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This was a hell of a lot of fun to write. Much credit goes to Foulfrost, my partner on this incredibly sexy project. He and I designed the race and most of the story together; he did all of the art! Also, thanks to my sweet Sovandar, for general editing assistance and brainstorming on nonhuman societal development :)

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Terratyx Part One: Resurrection

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"I can see it all so clearly still. Feel it. You know, with proper divining technique, it is almost like you were actually there? Ah, but such details do not matter much to those without The Gift. It is impossible to describe with mere words, so I am left groping for apposite metaphors. I shall do my best.

The tomb was cold and still that day, as it always is in places so far beneath the earth that light is an unnatural thing. Day and night felt meaningless in a tomb that had seen the passage of centuries in silent darkness. The air bore the stale smell of death so ancient that it had forgotten itself, and everything that had once made the tomb a proud symbol of its inhabitant's lives was mere dust. In a way, even the presence of human interlopers in what had once been a place sacred to the Deepfolk was hardly an act of defilement. There was nothing left to be defiled.

Thirteen people were inside the long, low-ceiling tomb. One of them was Bishop Rellick Varren, the man who would later became known as the Bloody Bishop. Once the spiritual leader of the church and advisor to the king and his heirs, Rellick Varren was a man who cared only for power. Unlike the skeletal, sinister, sneering pictures that would later fill the history books of the Kingdom, he was a fat and avuncular man at the time of his disappearance. Despite being away from civilization for the better part of two weeks, he had managed to maintain both his sharply trimmed beard and his paunch. Necessity had forced him to put away his grand robes of office, though; he was wearing a simple garment that might have once been gray, but was stained black with grime, dust and ash.

Also present in the tomb were twelve others. They had come to bring the Bloody Bishop to justice, and none of the twelve were particularly opposed to the idea of dragging Varren's dismembered corpse back to King Lennar XV. Least of all was Princess Aliciana Lennar, the king's third daughter and commander of the royal guard. Though the position had traditionally been a ceremonial one, the young woman had already reshaped the office radically during her short tenure. It was her calm but ardent voice that had calmed the worst of the food riots, and her personal intervention that had saved her father's life from the bishop's earlier assassination attempt. Though she was dwarfed in size by the royal guardsmen around her, Aliciana's steely demeanor and keen intellect had earned the respect of her men a long time ago. Even Commander Alrec- who had watched over the girl since her thirteenth birthday- had accepted her leadership by now. She was also beautiful at the time, for what that is worth.

The twelve royalists also disappeared on that fateful day.

It was many years before the truth of what happened was known, and it was so shocking that the Royal Diviner was declared insane for a short time. But two other diviners following his research confirmed the poor man's barely-coherent account in nearly every detail, and the truth was finally known... before being suppressed by the King. But listen carefully traveler, and I'll share the tale with you. If nothing, it shall pass the time while we drink, yes?"

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"Princess Aliciana... to what do I owe the pleasure?" Bishop Varren asked, smiling. The torchlight in the moldering crypt cast a flickering glow across his soft face, but hardly seemed to illuminate the folds of his blackened robes.

"You owe my presence to your traitorous actions and your inflated sense of self-worth, you bastard!" the young woman replied, voice barely holding even. "Surely Varren, you did not think you could hide from my father's retribution forever? Even down here, in the bowels of the earth? Not after you nearly brought the kingdom to civil war, for your own bloody profit!"

Varren's smile broadened. "Ah... is that why you think I did it?" he said, bridging his fingers together and cracking his knuckles. "As ever, your ignorance is both appalling and amusing. Tell me, princess; if my aim was mere acquisition of money, don't you think I could have persuaded the faithful to part with more of their gold? I had thought you more intelligent. Did you actually believe that?"

"No," the princess said, drawing her sword. The rasp of sharp steel leaving a sheathe seemed to loose the tension in the room, and her compatriots brought their weapons to the ready as well. "With you, it is never that simple. But I do not intent to interrogate you here, cur. You are going to come with us to stand trial for your crimes... or you are going to die. Make your choice."

"I've already made my decision, dear. You are rather arrogant to think that I would let myself be cornered if I wasn't fully prepared to deal with the possible consequences," Bishop Varren said, chuckling to himself as he sauntered forward a step. From out of the folds of his robe, he drew a book bound between two solid pieces of smooth, clear glass. Each page was a thin, delicate layer of crystal, with spiraling symbols embedded in each page...

Aliciana's fierce expression dimmed slightly as she considered the significance of Varren's words, but the steel in her voice held firm. "The... Deepfolk book? You stole that..?"

"Indeed I did! During the middle of the food riots, actually," Varren giggled. "I bet your father wouldn't have left this in his vault if he knew what it was actually worth. Did you know that there are other forms of magic, besides divinations? Did you know that the Deepfolk- despite failing to prevent their own extinction- mastered most of them? Did you know that this tome may well be one of the only examples of their art left? Ah, well, now you do! The salient points are the fact that I have it... and the fact I have deciphered most of it, thanks to the fragments of their script left in these sad little tombs..."

"No..." the Princess said, swearing under her breath before quickly barking an order. "Shoot to kill!"

As three men loosed their notched arrows, Bishop Varren raised his right hand up and spoke four words that held no known meaning. The air in front of him crackled with power and then stained as if it was frosted glass. A trio of arrows aimed for his heart hit the frozen air with sharp cracks and splintered into pieces, as if shot against a steel wall.

"Yes. I'm afraid to say that I'm the one springing a trap on *you*, dear Aliciana. You and your lackeys aren't going to stop me this time... or ever again."

"Princess! Be careful!" Stannich Gregson, the unit's Diviner shouted. He brought his bow up and prepared to fire another arrow, but couldn't find a crack in the half-tangible field. "Quick, your grace! Run!"

"No! We have to strike quickly!" Aliciana protested.

The two knights closest to the princess picked the young woman up and began to spirit her from danger, despite more protests from Aliciana herself. But egress was soon denied them. The bishop cast a short spell that made the tomb's door slam shut behind the royal forces, sending an unnatural gust of fetid air blowing over the now-trapped princess and her guardians.

"I'm afraid you're not going anywhere!" Bishop Varren said, gleefully laughing. "No, I'm afraid that I have use of you. There are still several spells in this book that I haven't managed to figure out properly. Live test subjects shall speed this research considerably!"

"Get that door open!" a knight shouted.

"Protect the princess!" another said, moving to position himself in front of his young charge.

The bishop raised his hands and intoned another chant that made the world's strings twitch. One by one, each one of the proud knights let out a half-strangled cry and fell to the cold ground, their muscles sapped of all heat and strength. Only Princess Aliciana remained standing, hands fixed tight around her blade.

"What... what evil is this..." Aliciana stammered.

"Yes, it is quite impressive, isn't it? I could have put them all to sleep as well, but I want them to see what I'll be doing to you," Varren said.

Aliciana cast her eyes around the room and cursed, glaring defiantly at Bishop Varren. She stepped forward without further hesitation and swung her sword at the ghostly barrier dividing the room in half, cursing yet again when the full force of the blow was redirected back into her arm. "Damn, damn you! You... you psychopathic, evil, smug, bloody-minded, crazy son of a whore!" the princess spat, pacing back and forth along the seemingly-invisible wall's perimeter.

"Don't... goad him..." Commander Alrec warned, barely able to wheeze out his words.

"Your other mentor is right, child. If you remembered your clerical studies under me, princess, you would know young ladies shouldn't curse like that!" Varren replied, laughing at the two of them. He hummed excitedly to himself as he pulled the glass book back out of his voluminous robes and carefully turned it to a distant page. "Now Aliciana my dear, let's see... ah, yes. The first spell on my list to test was the most complicated of them all. I don't know what it does, but the result is sure to be informative!"

Varren began to chant his spell quickly, holding the glass book with both hands. Not knowing what to do, Aliciana squinted her eyes and raised her sword, as if to parry a blow. But the Princess could feel each word tug on her very soul, making her feel weak and pained as the old man continued to weave the Deepfolk's magic around her. "Damn you Varren... you'll not win. I'll not let you win..." she said, shuddering and trying to stay on her feet.

The former priest smiled and wiped his brow when the last of the arcane verse had been intoned, but was soon thrown into a fit of coughing. Varren's coughs grew more violent, until little flecks of blood were wetting the dust of the tomb's floor.

"Ahh... that one... took a lot out..." the bishop muttered, still coughing. "In case you idiots were wondering... I am not ill. Magic is... not quite as easy to use as the old stories might have said."

"Would you... stop your mad... babbling... for once? Are you not... content?" Aliciana asked, shaking her own head and dropping her sword as weakness overcame her. For a brief moment, the princess felt as if her heart had stopped. She fell to her knees but was able to catch herself before collapsing completely, and was left staring up at Varren right as he overcame the last of his coughs.

"Why should anyone ever be content with what they have? It is that very attitude that divides the weak from the strong, and thus the stupid from the wise," the Bishop said, wiping the blood from his pale lips and thick neck. "Now my dear, would you be so kind as to describe what is happening to you? I don't seem to see any effect from that spell, and I assure you that it was cast properly."

Aliciana shook her head from side to side, before brushing some of her hair out of her eyes. She then picked her sword up from the ground and arose. "I feel... perfectly fine," she said, the defiance in her voice stronger than ever despite the fact she could barely hold her blade aloft.

"Oh? Is that so?" the Bishop asked, malicious excitement in his voice.

"Yes!" Aliciana said, rubbing her temples. In truth, her head was aching. Her muscles were aching. Her very bones felt... wrong. It was as if a fire was smoldering in the marrow...

Aliciana took a few unsteady steps back from the barrier and turned away from Varren, but couldn't bear to see the knights immobilized on the ground before her. She had planned everything so carefully, directed their pursuit with fanatical dedication... and she had failed her men and her father none the less. But the princess was still able to swallow her emotions and turn back toward her sworn enemy, breathing slow and deep to calm herself. She looked downward and felt along her lower chest and face, searching for some visible manifestation of the magic making her feel so weak and disoriented...

"Ah, ah! I think we're about to get results! Any of you soldiers want to take bets on the spell's effect? Don't take this stake as an insult, dear princess, but I'm hoping it sets you on fire. Nothing personal; I've just always wanted a spell that could do that..." Varren said to the Princess, his eyes never quite leaving hers.

"Damn... ahhh... you damned... ghng..." Aliciana choked out, suddenly covering her face with both of her palms. The pressure building up in her temples was becoming too much; her mind felt like it was inside a squeezing vice...

The princess quickly pulled her fingers away from her head when it pained her to hold on. Her vision was shot with red and black blotches that spread out from the corner of her sight. Aliciana felt her head throb with painful aches as her sight dimmed, but could do nothing but grit her teeth and steel her mind against the agony. Her hands quivered uselessly at her sides as the pressure inside her head grew, and began to spread all over her scalp like a fire. Aliciana felt her eyes water with tears from the pain and strain; it felt as though her brain was about to burst...

The pain strengthened for a second as Aliciana's temples felt a powerful, painful pinch. The princess brought her hands back to the sides of her head and groaned as the pressure became too much to bear. Strangely enough, she could feel her skin twisting and pulling in the most awkward fashion around her temples...

Surprised, Aliciana pulled her hands away quickly and felt painfully bright-lit sights hit her around the top of her vision, completely blanketing the where the red-tinted darkness had been. Aliciana felt sickened shudders around her temples as she tried to close her eyes, but only part of her sight left her...

"I... what... what have you..." the young princess stammered, holding her cheeks carefully. Her whole head seemed to be slowly stretching out painfully in both the front and the back, and worse of all she didn't know why her eyesight was so distorted. She pushed her fingertips back and felt them brush against thick lids- lids grown around a second set of eyes. Surprised, as if not believing what they felt, her delicate fingers twitched away. Princess Aliciana blinked both sets of her eyes and let out a pained, unsteady gasp as she felt the spell's power grow. Whatever was happening to her had only begun.

"G-gods above!"


"No... no!"

The chorus of pained whispers from the paralyzed royal guard grew to a doomed murmur as Aliciana's trembling fingers felt around the top of her temples, and saw them in her slowly-adjusting second vision. The forces stretching out her head were growing stronger, but most of the power had moved down into her chest. Princess Aliciana trembled and fell backward, twisting slightly away from a smiling, watchful Bishop Varren.

"Eww. Oh... well, that was unexpected," the bishop said, smiling as he watched the princess suffer. "Think of things in the positive, Aliciana; at least no one is going to marry you off to some half-witted prince looking like that."

"V-Varren! S-stop... stop it! Arghh!" the princess yelled, closing her four eyes and shaking her head. Aliciana's face was tensed into a shaking, involuntary grimace as her mouth was pulled forward, and it became too difficult to talk. But, mercifully, the pain quickly faded into numbness.

"I can't. I don't even know what this spell is! I couldn't possibly reverse it!" the bishop laughed, shrugging his shoulders.

And the changes continued. Princess Aliciana whimpered and began crawling away from the forcefield and her men, seeking shelter near a line of sarcophagi along the far wall. The light there was only slightly dimmer, though; all could see the way the back of her head was pushing upward, the way her face was twisting into a sharp, contorted point. Aliciana was still in utter disbelief as she covered her mouth with her hands. No power could do this. She had dislocated her jaw twice before, but she had never felt the bone and muscle *push* itself forward; she had felt the painful, fuzzy swelling of a concussion, but she had never felt the rush of blood that came as her head *grew*. The princess felt the tingling, burning feeling in her scalp grow in strength as the pressure grew, until long, brown hair began to flutter away from her misshapen head...

"Oohhh... this is getting pretty bad," Varren commented with insincere sympathy. "But I don't think it is going to kill you, dear. This is either an exceptionally sadistic curse or... hmmm... possibly a transfiguration... maybe even a full transformation. I'm going to re-read my notes..."

The bishop began to hum again as he thumbed through the crystalline pages of the stolen artifact. Princess Aliciana could not bear to look at her men- and most of them were trying to do her courtesy by not watching- but she did not want her back to Varren. He was the only one who could see that Aliciana's brown irises were fading into a stained yellow and her pupils were growing into large, slitted crescents, though he was paying more attention to the spellbook than its first victim.

The magic flared up again, even stronger than before. "Aaargh!" the princess cried out, her voice now quaking and timorous as her entire body burned with the draining force. It was an unfamiliar feeling for Aliciana, who had taken her combat training very seriously indeed. Her muscles were well-developed and she had always been an endurance fighter, but the magical burn moving through her now was unlike any other strain she had ever been forced to bear. One second, she felt so exhausted she could hardly feel her limbs; the next her muscles felt swollen to bursting with power. The feeling kept seeping right down into her bones, and forced them to grow as well. The only place in her body that felt like it wasn't going to burst with power was her breasts. Princess Aliciana could feel her armor hang looser around her upper chest as the firm flesh of her womanly features softened and sank into her...

The princess fell down to the ground shaking as her nose melted forward into her elongated face, by now looking more like the crude beginning of a muzzle. She began to whimper as her teeth grew numb. The spell's effect was still accelerating, forcing them to grow larger and curve into points. It felt as though an electric current was running through them, a steady flow of raw magic that forced the hard enamel to grow as quickly as the living tissue under it. The energy buzzed up into her ears, and they began to burn with similar power. Aliciana felt them stretch upward and outward and moved her hands there in utter panic. Feeling her small ears thicken into leathery, pointed fans was the end of the princess's stoicism; Aliciana began to sob and whine in husky, distorted snorts. She buried her lengthening muzzle into her hands and closed all four of her eyes, trying in vain to cover up the worst of her transformation. Each one of her eyelids twitched unsteadily as Aliciana held them tightly closed, but she did not- in fact, could not- cry.

Looking up from his spellbook the bishop saw what was happening to his rival, and was shocked. Varren opened his mouth as if to speak, but was speechless. For once, no comment seemed appropriate to the vituperative bishop. The others watching had been stunned into complete silence as well. The fourth in line for the throne of Lennaria, the brave young woman who had led them without fear, the royal heir they had sworn their lives to protect was turning into a monster in front of their very eyes.

None were more distraught than Commander Alrec and Knight-Errant Geralt. The first had known the princess her entire life, and had trained and advised her for most of it. The second was- unknown to all save Aliciana and her personal servants- the princess's lover. Geralt's heart was shattering in his chest as he watched his beloved mutate into a wholly inhuman form; though none of his comrades saw, the young man was quietly crying and shaking his head in disbelief.

Dazed and disoriented, Aliciana was lying nearly flush with the ground. The core of her body was growing steadily, adding muscle and forcing her skin to thicken. She could feel more of the strong, burning transformative heat that she knew brought the most drastic changes building up, travelling all the way from her chest into her legs and feet, and then her arms and hands. Each beat of her strained heart sent more of her magically-corrupted blood pumping into her unchanged extremities, until Aliciana felt the tingle that had presaged her other changes move down all the way into her fingers and toes. Involuntary cramps made her hands clench into fists and her toes curl inward, leaving her lying helpless on her belly.

Lying on the ground, Aliciana blinked her eyes open and could see the front of her muzzle in her field of vision, as well as the two small slits of her snout. It was long and pointed, with the profile of a bird's beak but the smoothness of a lizard's scaly face. The princess could see her snout flex ever-so slightly whenever she breathed. Aliciana temporarily forgot her fear as she watched and felt her changed body work. To breathe through it felt sort of like using her old human nose, but it felt... wrong. Cool air took longer to travel down the elongated length, though its passage was quick and steady...

No, no; that wasn't right at all. The princess opened her new muzzle to take in a deep breath; it felt a lot closer to normal, though her lungs were deeper and more developed. But other things were strange and different; the princess swirled her tongue around in her mouth and carefully felt for her changed teeth. The ones far in the back were still a little dull, but most of them had become sharp and curved. They lined her muzzle in jagged, neat rows that rested together smoothly, but could be locked together when she adjusted her lower jaw and bit down...

Feeling her changed body operate brought strange feelings of horrified realization combined with relief to Aliciana. Instinctively, she knew that her body was not mutating randomly, but rather undergoing a very deliberate metamorphosis. While the princess was still terrified of her increasingly-alien body, the fear that Varren's magic might simply have been twisting her to shape into nothingness had been a far worse prospect. As the last of the princess's long brown hair fell from the top of her graying, flattening scalp she breathed deep and steady, trying to calm herself and focus her thoughts. An itch was growing in the back of her mind, like a thousand words at once had come to the tip of her tongue...

"I'mm... oookay... donn't... worry," the princess growled softly, her voice almost unrecognizably deep and guttural. The tightness in her throat made it hard to speak, but Aliciana felt she owed herself and her knights the defiance.

Aliciana growled more as she felt the tightness in her limbs and extremities built, and knew that she had to get up from the ground. She felt so lightheaded and exhausted that it seemed an impossible task, but the princess knew from her previous changes that unless she let her muscles and bones change the way they wanted to the process would be excruciating. The increasingly-reptilian princess summoned what strength she could muster and threw herself up onto her elbows and knees, steeling herself for the change...

Huffing and snorting slightly through her snout, Aliciana was surprised when the process reshaping her became less strenuous. Her mind felt light and fuzzy, a bit like being drugged and asleep all at once... but it was not the dull and ponderous thought process of a beast. The feeling was closer to one of calm and... equanimity? In fact, Princess Aliciana felt more lucid than she ever had in her life, even through the cloud of confusion and change obscuring her thoughts. Peace came even easier to her as her arms and legs tensed and grew; the lean muscle building there felt pleasurable, like the draining euphoria of strenuous exercise. But the feeling of her skin thickening, changing to scales like the gray coat covering her snout... that was truly bizarre.

The princess could feel her mammalian heritage grow ever more distant as her skin began to morph into scales. Little prickles of warmness tickled her tickening hide, making her body hair fall out as every last follicles on her skin squeezed shut. The warmth bloomed into a tingly fire across her crotch, and the reptilian girl felt the front of her silk panties fill up with the remains of her once-dense pubic hair. Two sinking sensations tugged on the princess's nipples- her breasts had already lost all of the voluptuous definition they once had- and pulled the sensitive points into her body. Half of a yowl escaped the woman's muzzle before another feeling- quite similar but in reverse- sealed up her bellybutton...

Before Aliciana could get comfortable with the thick, leathery hide replacing her skin, the feelings of deeper and more powerful changes in her hands and legs drew her attention away. Aliciana could see her growing, gray scales push her thoroughly-bitten nails clean out from where they were in a bizarre- if painless- process. But her fingers continued to swell up, pinching near the tips. Aliciana's fingers twitched in pain as the tips grew, but involuntary little contractions kept pulling her ring and pinky fingers closer together even as she tried to spread them apart...

...and the leathery skin between them was sealing together. Realizing that she was about to lose a finger, the princess yowled in protest and braced herself for the pain. She was only dimly aware that the same process that had removed her fingernails was also pushing her toenails off her feet and into her socks...

'It's getting closer... it's going to be over soon... this hardly even hurts... you can take this' Aliciana thought, fortifying herself as both sets of her lower fingerbones squeezed together inside her hand. An immensely powerful *squeezing* feeling compressed her ring and pinky together, and the stunned princess saw her scales meet, melt, and merge together in the span of seconds. As if by magic, the pinching tension in her other fingers seemed to release as well, and Aliciana felt the front of her numb fingerpads peel slightly away, followed by the emergence of her sharp, bony clawstips. The tiny but growing points broke off a few of her freshly-grown outer scales as they stretched outward, strengthening in slow, gentle throbs...

Aliciana growled, her attention quickly shifting to her feet. She had been too focused on her fingers to notice the changes to her feet earlier- and she couldn't exactly see them- but she could most certainly *feel* how snug her boots had become. The princess could feel her thighs, legs and feet swell up with power as they grew larger, forcing her hips to spread further apart. Already, the tendons in the back of her thighs, legs and feet were pulling in ways and directions that they never had before; in fact, the strain was becoming downright painful. Aliciana realized that resting on her knees was simply too awkward with her changing stance. In a lurch of movement, the increasingly-bestial princess rose to her hands and the front of her feet...

Yowling as she put weight on her massively swollen toes, Aliciana was relieved that the change in stance eased some of the immense strain on her arches and tendons. She felt her legs stretch out pleasurably as they grew at this new, bent angle and her feet continued to swell. Both of her broadened lower legs twitched as the bones in her feet shifted around and three thick, sharp points began pushing out from the tips of her toes. Unlike her hands, the princess's feet didn't stop growing at this point. Aliciana growled and flexed her toes as the hot burn of growth flared up, hearing her footwear creak under the stress...

A rush of gasps echoed in the tomb as the princess's feet burst through her boots, splitting them down the sides with their expanded width. Aliciana lifted her freed feet and kicked the ruined footwear out of her way, before turning her head around to see how her feet had changed. Though the strained black fabric of her stretched socks still covered much of her scaly toes, Aliciana could see four of them remained. The princess's pinkies hadn't grown much; they were recessed into the side of her raised, saurial heels, forming a dewclaw. But her three front toes had become massively stronger and larger, thick enough to support her full weight as well as the curved claws that had torn through her socks...

Aliciana gave a soft, almost animalistic warble as the growing talons gave a pleasurable sensation quite similar to the gentle throbbing in her still- lengthening claws. More bony protrusions pushed out from the side of her muzzle, forming a set of swept-forward spikes. The princess felt two hot, sharp pricks dig through the back of her skull, and it was not long before a third such feeling bloomed, relieving the last of her headache. Out of the very corner of her upper-back eyes, she could see the feeling came from a pair of horns growing from out behind her head...

"Awwwrrr..." the princess moaned, flexing all of her digits at once and shaking her head. The weight of her earfins and horns was an usual addition to the simple movement. It was strange enough she heard little pops of static in her ears as the range of her hearing grew. So many pounding, heartbeats; so much fear. She had to reassure the men she was alright...

...but something was wrong. Her throat didn't feel right and her tongue was swollen; when she tried to speak a simple 'I'm okay', the only sound she made was a whistling bark.

"Awk! Awk?" the princess cawed, confused. Breathing was deep and easy with her changed throat and lungs, but the subtle vocal manipulation of speech was too fine...

Knowing she couldn't talk made Aliciana feel a pang of worry, but it felt more like a minor inconvenience than a major problem. Instinctively, she felt it wasn't something to be afraid of. But the stunned spectators to her metamorphosis did not know this.

"You... you... t-turned her into a b-beast?" one soldier asked, incredulous with horror.

"Oh... dear," Bishop Varren said. "I think I might have."

Aliciana turned her head to bark at the bishop in annoyance, but the growing transformative fire in her belly drew her attention away from the others again. After outgrowing her boots, the princess knew that her clothing and armor didn't stand much of a chance. Both groaned ominously as she hunched on all fours, her new claws and talons splaying against the hard stone to support her weight. The princess felt the softness of her shapely ass shrink away as her hips grew and spread still further, making her belt's clasp snap off. Similar pings rang ominously down the length of her chainmail as her pants began to slide off her raised rump, and then...

Aliciana let out a bestial howl as a sudden, intense transformation wracked her backside, the strongest feeling she had felt yet. Her rump burned with warmth as it squeezed downward and pulled up into her gray-scaled body. Seconds later, powerful convulsion marching down her spine made each one of her vertebra snap upward, shaking the princess from her snout-tip to her toes. She clutched at her chest as her back arched further and further into an even more pronounced hunch, until finally her tailbone pressed out from above her ass. The heat and pressure there was immense; the stretching tailbone quickly became the center of Aliciana's attention, and began to grow her tail.

It was a slow, uneven process; growing an entirely new limb was unlike any of the other changes Aliciana had felt. The new muscle and bone took shape one vertebrae at a time deep in her backside, making the whole region burn with heat and tightness until it was fully formed. Then, with a wet, tingling, immensely pleasurable feeling of relief, Aliciana could push her tailstub out further. Even when it was just growing in, the princess couldn't help but flex the new muscles that connected it to her back and rear, trying to stretch the kinks out of the tender new appendage between pushes. Aliciana felt the stubby, leathery protrusion twitch out from below her panties and armor padding as it gained length and girth, pushing her pants down even further...

Aliciana was so absorbed in growing her tail she was surprised when she finally outgrew her armor. The straps pinged as they burst, and the princess heard the metal links fall to the ground with a sad tinkle as its weight fell from her. She scrabbled at her undershirt and her empty brassiere with her claws, tearing the useless garments away and revealing her scaly, naked body in the process.

"No... I... I... this isn't possible! I c-cannot believe it!" a knight cried out, voice straining to fight his paralysis.

"I can't believe she was wearing silk panties under all that armor," Varren said, shaking his head in dazed disbelief even as he tried to sound flippant.

Most of the Lenarian forces quickly averted their eyes, but considerations of modesty proved quite unnecessary. Her smooth, reptilian chest didn't have nipples, let alone breasts. The princess's round, feminine ass had melted into her sleek, muscled haunches. While her anus remained, the thick, still-growing base of her tail covered it completely. Much the same could be said for her vagina; all that remained of that was a barely visible slit in her gray scales.

Unsteadily, Aliciana rose to her talons, standing up properly for the first time. Whatever resemblance she bore to a young human woman was long gone, replaced by the sleek gray bulk of a reptilian predator. Her tail- now several feet long, but still growing- flickered awkwardly as she took baby steps on her massive raptor-like talons, while her lean, long-clawed hands drooped quite near to the ground in her natural posture. Her four eyes swept the tomb erratically as she breathed in deep lungful of air, expelling it through her snout in long, loud huffs. Her metamorphosis was bringing a strange sense of calm to her as it progressed to its final stages, but the knights of Lennaria- friends, comrades and family alike to her- looked desolated. Despite this, the princess knew that she was almost... whatever she needed to be. And she accepted it.

Aliciana felt a curious sensation- a combination of an itch and a tickle- begin at the back of her neck. She reached one clawed hand around to scratch at the irritation, but the feeling was spreading further down her back, past where her claws could reach. It was also growing far more intense. Howling in frustration, Aliciana dropped to the ground and rolled on her back, desperately trying to rub her scales against the hard stone as they crawled with the strange change. It was much like the odd tightness that had accompanied her skin's transformation into scales, but much stronger. Fresh layers of dense, hardened scales pushed out from inside her body, forming wide bands of scale that felt nearly as thick and dense as bone. Aliciana felt the armor plates spread all across her back, cascading a little over halfway down her tail before ceasing to grow. Two similar sets of plates were also growing in on the sides of her arms and the front of her legs, but Aliciana quickly forgot about the forming, natural armor as greater changes surged through the inside of her body...

It began as a tingling spreading through the inside of her femslit. The princess shivered and yowled as she continued to roll on her back, squeezing her thighs close and pawing at the tight entrance as her dulled sex drive suddenly roared back to life. Aliciana growled as she felt her female sex close together in a series of rippling, involuntary contractions that nearly brought her to an orgasm, but before she reached a climax her female sex was gone. What replaced it was nothing like the slow, sweet and sensual warmth that came with making love or pleasuring herself. It was a fiery, insistent, growing need that demanded something *more*...

The saurial princess felt her tailhole tense reflexively as two brilliantly strong blooms of wetness, warmth and... fullness... began to fill her slit. She flexed her inner muscles instinctively, helping the new growths push out from her sensitive flesh, growling louder and higher in pitch. Aliciana had to suppress the desire to thrust her muzzle or tail into her slit; feeling the twinned sex developing inside it dwarfed even the pleasure of growing a tail. There was no doubt in her mind that the growing, turgid organs hidden under her scaly hide were penises, growing one atop the other. Though only the princess herself knew it, she was now female only in name and thought.

Some vestigial feelings of the sexual shame that had been drilled into her mind since she was young made the princess feel vaguely revolted as her genders blurred, but she quickly dismissed her reaction as irrational. Why should sex embarrass her, or anyone else for that matter? It was a silly notion, and the two hemipenes felt quite nice as they occupied her slit in a comfortably-snug fashion. Geralt had been her one and only lover, but even their inexperienced lovemaking was enough for her to know that having a cock was at least as pleasurable as being filled by one...

As the now-male princess rolled back onto her belly, she felt her tongue swell up in her mouth. It grew to a long, smooth point and then puffed up, making the princess's muzzle fill with slimy drool. She coughed and spit some of the clear fluid to the tomb floor, and felt more drool from past her sharp teeth. Experimenting with the slimy organ while it was still changing, the princess pushed it from her muzzle with a slurp and tried to lick the front of her snout. It was surprisingly easy, though Aliciana was surprised to see that her tongue had also turned a deep shade of blue.

"What... what have you... d-done to her, you monster..." Commander Alrec wheezed, pained tears in his eyes.

"Uh... I think... best guess is, she is... a Deepfolk. Possibly. I'm not entirely sure, to be honest..." Bishop Varren responded, eyes open in shock as the creature that had been his greatest rival's daughter continued to drool onto the ground. "Hm. By all accounts they were one of the greatest races to have ever lived on- or under- the earth... but it would seem the details of their exact appearance do not *quite* match the gentle little elves of period art. I was certainly expecting something a bit less... nightmarish..."

Aliciana let out a low, confused croon as she stood back up on her talons, one viciously-clawed hand at her side as she inspected the other with her eyes. She felt... odd. Disjointed. Completely and wholly wrong... and yet... not in a bad way.

Her mind was still trying to catch up to what had happened to her body, but the space in her head felt... bigger. Stronger. Thoughts flowed together with natural ease, elegantly combining with the prick and tease of foreign sensations and unusual instincts. The most unusual change of all was being able to *feel* the minds of the others in the room, tiny eddies and whorls of consciousness that were like hers... but not quite right. They felt small and weak; almost cold. Fragmented, too. Verren was the worst of all; his consciousness was like muddy ball of sludge and ice. Her tail twitched with revulsion as her thoughts brushed past the traitorous bishop's mind, but none of the others felt right either. Why weren't they right?

The former princess gave two polite barks as she looked around, trying to talk to her men. She wanted to tell them that she was fine and that the situation was under control, but they didn't even get the gist of her simple commands. Well, that made perfect sense; they couldn't speak the guttural language she had inherited with her metamorphosis, and they didn't have telepathy either. Their thoughts were isolated and lonely, little islands in that great and empty sea of nothingness where thoughts couldn't form. Hers felt like a torch in the darkness, bright and warm but alone in casting light...

Aliciana suddenly understood the bishop's actions, which had confused her human self for so long. Only someone with a crippled, stunted sense of empathy possibly commit the evil that Bloody Varren had wrought. But death did not feel like the right punishment for the man; his actions could hardly be entirely his fault. He was only human.

Varren did not understand the consequences of his actions. But Aliciana- with her rapidly-developing reptilian brain- saw it all. She could see the full web of relationships and individuals that made up her father's society. The mystery unraveled in her growing mind like a child's toy. She saw how crude it was, how uncivilized, how hypocritical, how needlessly painful. Why were there so many people who did nothing for society, by right of noble birth? Why would life-mates ever choose to work apart from one another? And why did they raise children themselves? Wasn't that the responsibility of all elders? Why did her men follow her so zealously; why would anyone pledge their lives to *anyone*, just because of their blood lineage? For that matter, why were there so few women like her in power? Did gender really matter that much? The former princess could tell the alien instincts apart from her own thoughts and experiences, but they just made so much *sense*...

Information continued to rush into Aliciana's mind, as if she was walking up from centuries of sleepless dream. It was the consciousness of a long-dead race, combining with the young woman Aliciana had once been. But no one else in the ancient ruin knew; they couldn't see the flickering fire of reason in her reptilian eyes, because they only knew how to see it in the eyes of other men. And so while the princess quietly came to terms with her a vastly expanded intellect and alien outlook, Bishop Varren was thumbing through the spellbook again without a care in his mind.

"Well... that was an interesting spell, but I don't think we need to see that again. I think we better let the princess have a little sleep after all that excitement..." the man said,

The bishop quickly cast his sleeping spell, and the gray-scaled reptile that had been the princess of Lennaria felt a buzzing tingle run over her thick hide. But nothing else seemed to happen. Aliciana shivered from the ticklish feeling, before turning her head towards Varren and hissing a warning. Each time one of her four eyes blinked, at least one eye on each side remained open, watching him carefully.

"Hmm... odd..." Varren thought aloud, reopening the ancient book. "That should have worked. Maybe these things don't need to sleep."

Aliciana hissed at Varren again. The man was an utter fool. If there hadn't been ancient reserves of arcane power in the penumbra of the tomb, the heretical priest would have killed himself twice over. He was using the wrong ritual focus, the crudest of binding-words, and worse of all was twisting the subtle and beautiful power of magic to serve his own selfish whims. It rankled Aliciana to the very core; instinctively, her long gray tail twitched upward and began to whip back and forth in a tense, tight arch behind her head.

The bishop did not seem to take the implied threat seriously. "Why are you so excitable? Hmm... I think there's one very angry princess somewhere inside that monster. Ah, Aliciana... I'm going to have to show you to your father before I kill him. I bet that'll be worth a good laugh!"

Such puerile bluster! Aliciana growled in response and flicked her slimy tongue into the air. The former woman's four slitted eyes narrowed as she stalked forward on the front of her digitgrade, taloned feet, gray tail swaying as it counterbalanced her careful steps. She paused in front of the barrier and sank down on her haunches, digging her powerful talons into the stone. It felt tremendously good to use her massive feet to their full potential, flexing them down *all* the way into a rock-hard surface that was just barely weak enough to yield to her sickle-like talons...

"And just what do you think you are doing? You stupid beast; I know that wall looks intangible, but it is made of pure force magic. Jump and you're going to break those cute little horns into..." Varren began to say.

His words were cut off when Aliciana pounced on him, feeling a stinging but temporary burn on her gray-scaled bulk as she passed cleanly through the magical forcefield. The heavyset priest let out a high-pitched, terrified shriek as Aliciana pinned him to the ground with her scaly paws, hunching low down over him until her snout was mere inches from his forehead. She snorted once, blowing warm air into his thick hair...

'Can you hear me, bishop?' Aliciana asked through her mind, flexing her telepathic powers. It was a bit like shouting mentally; it felt good to finally be able to *speak* again, even if the precise method was alien.

Immediately, groans of mental anguish shot through the tomb. The bishop's eyes rolled back in their sockets under Aliciana, while the still-paralyzed knights twitched and shuddered behind her.


"Ahh... my head!"


'Apologies.' Aliciana's pointed muzzle curled into a bestial facsimile of a frown as she lowered the output of her mental broadcasting. 'There... now... as for your stolen magics ...'

To the immense surprise of both her men and her former mentor alike, Aliciana stood atop Varren and began to cast a spell. With a simple wave of the princess' curved claws and a few crooning, singing caws, the knights of Lennaria were free from their paralysis. Seconds later, a second spell sung in the hissing, barking language of the ancient reptiles made the wall of force protecting the evil bishop fade.

"How... how... did you..." Varren stammered, shocked and enraged yet too frightened of Aliciana to move a muscle. He could feel the hard weight of the stone-rending talons resting atop his belly, squeezing against his paunch just enough to remind him he could be disemboweled in a split-second. "How can you know their m-magic? T-that is not p-possible!"

'Why do you not believe your own senses, Varren? You might not have known what you were doing when you loosed your borrowed power, but I think you are intelligent enough to know what it did,' the gray-scaled reptile broadcasted telepathically.

The royal forces were back on their feet, though if anything they were more shocked than the bishop. "P-princess... is what he said true? Are... are you one of the Deepfolk..?" Commander Alrec asked, speaking as if afraid his words would somehow make the horrible truth even more real.

'Yes... though I think our proper name is the Terratyx. _The magic... it has taught me many things, except it feels more like... remembering. Yes. I... I think we created that magic a very long time ago. Powerful magic; magic to transform the body and teach the mind, to imbue the wisdom of the Terratyx to another race. It would resurrect the Terratyx from their extinction." _ Aliciana thought-spoke. _'That is the essence of what I know, but there is so much...' _

One could hardly blame the royal knights for their stunned silence. Magic and monsters were the remit of fairytales and myth, and not even the most fantastical story told of a beast that could think and reason better than the race of men.

"Bishop! Is... is she speaking true?" Alrec asked, nervously fingering the half of his sword.

Varren's reply was eagerly given, despite the talons pressing against his robe. "How... the blazes... should I know!? Have you... t-taken leave of your faculties, Alrec? 'Her grace' just turned into... a... a four-eyed tunnel lizard; I would call where we are now unexplored territory, you boorish oaf..!"

"Then... what else? Might she be possessed by a demon instead?" the Commander asked, voice growing colder.

"Oh, please! Do you *actually* believe what you hear in church!?" the exasperated bishop replied, eyes twitching between Aliciana's deadly feet and Alrec's watchful eyes. "Demons are very real, but they are like... a force of nature. Not the sort of thing you can just... turn into. Well... I think-"

Alrec cut off his next words with another shout. "Then think quickly, betrayer! Has she been possessed?"

"No, not a chance! If you knew a thing about demons, you would know they tend to announce their presence by... by flaying people alive and burning them to cinders, not by giving history lessons!" Varren spat back, still carefully watching Aliciana's countenance for any sign of displeasure.

"Shut up, bishop; I've had enough of your tongue to last a lifetime! I would like you to bear in mind that your life is already forfeit, and the speed and mercy of your death are entirely contingent on telling us how to turn this... thing... back into Her Grace!" Alrec sneered, marching forward.

Six of the Lennarian soldiers closed ranks behind their commander while the three armed with crossbows readied their weapons; only Stannich the diviner and a still-stunned Geralt held back.

'Hold! There is no need for any more violence, Alrec!' the princess thought-spoke toward her former compatriots. She was confused; hadn't she just explained what had happened? 'This poor man does not understand what he did, but I do... and it was certainly no crime. I have become one of the Terratyx, the race you know as the 'Deepfolk'. Can you not hear my thoughts clearly?'

"Listen, princess, please stop doing... whatever that is! You are one who is confused! We have to get you back to the temple and see if the magic can be purified from your body before it becomes permanent or changes you into something even more vile. Now, please step off the bishop and let me take care of him!"

Aliciana gave a low churl, more annoyed by Alrec's intransigence than Varren's acidic wit. The Commander had been more of a father to her than the king ever had; surely Alrec could see she was still herself! Why did he not trust her? Why were his thoughts so sharp and angry?

Alrec approached Aliciana and Varren with his sword drawn, but was stopped by a bark from the Terratyx. 'Stop, stay your hand! I am afraid I cannot let you have this man, Alrec.' Aliciana said telepathically, trying to project calm with her words.

"You cannot!?" Alrec and Varren said as one, the former angry and the latter relieved.

_'No. He is completely defenseless, but you want to hurt him very badly. It would be wrong.' _

"G-gods above, now I'm *sure* she's telling the truth..." Varren moaned, scooting up slightly as Aliciana removed her feet from his chest.

"What!? Princess... you are speaking of... utter madness!" Alrec said, gritting his teeth in frustration. "We are your sworn guardians, but even we must hold the king's wishes in the highest regard and I am *absolutely* confident he would never allow this! We are taking you back home this instant, and Varren will be dealt with as I see fit! Now, stand down!"

'No. You cannot tell my father about this. He would not understand. He would only see the Terratyx as a threat to be wiped out.' Aliciana protested telepathically.

Alrec stepped forward undaunted. "My liege, no one is going to resurrect that abominable race..."

Aliciana cocked her muzzle to the side, bemused. 'What do you mean? We are...' she broadcasted, feeling her hemipenes start to stir inside her slit...

**** ****

"I can see it in your eyes, traveler. I've seen that look so many times before; it is as regular as the visit of the tax man and about as welcome.

You don't believe me.

Well, I sympathize. I didn't believe it at first. The others certainly didn't. But divination magic is not the same as the bastardized 'translations' of Deepfolk script you might have heard in this ignorant little backwater. What pass for learned men here talk of the other kingdoms less than a hundred miles distant as if they were myths; what do you think they truly know of the ancient life that came before us?

Bah; what do I know! Why should you trust a desperate old drunk? Why not believe those garish pieces of 'Deepfolk' art that enjoy space in the royal museum next to the tributes to Lennian narcissism and brutality? Isn't it nice to think of them as a race of perfect, black-skinned elves that dressed in gold and lived in vast palaces under the earth? An entire race of kings and queens? Tell me then; who where the servants in this glorious empire?

As far as I could tell, the truth is this: the Terratyx probably evolved from tiny, blind, ugly lizards that swam in fetid pools of water and ate insect eggs for sustenance. Because of massive exposure to the sorts of nasty things that rest deep in the bowels of the earth- magical and mundane alike- these little lizards mutated quite a lot. Split off into dozens, hundreds of bizarre offshoots, some of which would haunt your every waking moment if you ran into it in the cold darkness below. Just imagine the sorts of conditions those things lived in, that far beneath the surface...

But I'm rambling again. As us storytellers often do, sometimes I mistake it for loquaciousness. Another round of drinks? That usually fixes the problem.

Anyway. Back to the real story of the long-lost Princess Aliciana and her brave knights...

Can you possibly imagine what that must have been like for her? To have one's body and mind changed so drastically in the span of mere minutes? I certainly cannot. I can only tell you what I saw...

**** ****

Bloody Bishop Varren might have been an evil man, but he was not stupid. Far, far from it. And, lying on his back with only Aliciana's mercy to stay the executioner's swift sword, he was under considerable pressure to keep her feeling merciful.

"Uhm... princess, perhaps it would benefit the dialogue if your subjects were enlightened vis-à-vis your exact intentions," the bishop asked innocently.

The scaly princess kneeled down a little on her haunches and burbled, happy someone- even if it was for selfish reasons- had asked the right question. _'That is... a complicated matter, but I shall attempt to explain it as best as I can. We have been given, one in the same, a gift and an enormous responsibility. We are to bring the Terratyx back to life. Their art, their culture, their knowledge, their magic... there was so much lost when they went extinct... I... I can see some of it in my mind, but it is vague and fleeting. Images. Memories. Things I cannot understand, but are now mine...' _

Haltingly, Stannich Gregson stepped forward. The royal guard's diviner, he had held his tongue as long as he could in deference to the young regent, but now he felt compelled to speak. "No, princess; they are not yours. That magic... it might have made you *think* you are one of them, but it is falsehood! Listen to the commander, recall your duty to your father and your people! That man behind you- the one you guard- is your mortal enemy! He tried to kill you mere minutes ago!"

Shaking her muzzle to the side and crooning in sorrow, Aliciana replied 'No. It is you do not understand, Stannich; the magic... it gave me the memories... what I choose to do with them is of my own will. I... I felt the anguish and sorrow and despair of millions of souls, knowing that their civilization- their species- was utterly doomed. But the last act of the Terratyx before... before the skies were burned black and the very earth crumbled... it was not to rage against fate or bemoan their own failure. They created magic that could carry their wisdom into distant epochs; a gift to life they could never know. It just happens to be us...'

"You know, I think I'm about ready to take here at her word. Have any other chilling secrets to share while you're feeling truthful and loquacious?" Bishop Varren asked bitterly, dusting the worst of the gravedust off his robe.

'Well... I did want to build the royal guard into my own personal fighting force so that when father died, I could seize power from my brothers and sisters. You were part of those plans, Varren. Pursuing you was less about justice and more about acquiring a blood offering to appease the noble's appetite for strength and order, and thus make my later rule more politically acceptable...' Aliciana said, casting her muzzle downward.

For several long seconds, the entire tomb went quiet save for the drawing of breath.

"What!?" Knight-Commander Alrec sputtered, mouth open wide in shock. Similar expressions of outrage ran through the ranks of the knights, albeit mixed with desperate disbelief. "Princess, that is..."

"Wow. Is it odd I am actually proud of how well you read the political climate?" Varren replied. "I would ha-"

Alrec cut him off. "Varren! One more word from you and I will cut your tongue from your mouth! Now, princess, stop talking such nonsense! You have to listen. To. Me. You have been cursed by a terrible spell that has robbed your mind of reason and replaced it with... confused nonsense!"

"Sir? Maybe... maybe it's not really her?" a knight proffered.

"Impossible. We all saw it happen. She went from woman to beast before our very eyes..." another interjected.

"But it was magic; real magic! Who the blazes knows what the sorcery..."

Alrec tried to restore order by raising his voice. "Shut up, all of you! I am declaring the princess unfit to lead by virtue of demoncraft! As the commanding officer, my orders are to..."

"I thought it wasn't demonic? What about..."

"She's gone stark raving mad, that's what..."

"She was going to kill Varren and use him, now she's protecting his life? It's not something a sane..."

"Maybe it's sane for the Terradons or whatever she is..."

"That is the Princess of Lennaria you are talking about! You can't talk to her like..."

"Does that *look* like a princess t'you?"

"Looks!? We swore oaths to the death to..."

Aliciana milled about the tomb listlessly as they argued, seemingly without point. It was getting harder and harder 'talk' with all of the other minds in the room sucking up her thoughts without projecting any themselves, and the volume of their shouting was beginning to hurt her sensitive hearing...

An urgent whisper buried in the discord caught Aliciana's attention. "Commander, I have a shot on Varren. Shall I take it..?"

"Yes." Was the quiet reply.

'No!' the Terratyx shouted mentally, as the guttural, scratchy barks of an incantation surged from her muzzle...

Before Knight-Errant Andy Mercan could pull the trigger on his crossbow and make good on his promise, a roiling wave of quasi-real force magic boiled up around the Lennarian knights, sweeping the men off their feet and slamming them against the tomb wall. Before the dust of ages could settle, Aliciana conjured a bubble of transparent, solidified force around them, trapping all save one of the soldiers within its bounds. Quickly, the Terratyx princess created a second, smaller bubble of force around Bishop Varren, leaving her alone.


Knight-Errant Geralt Caine remained uncaged, standing in a daze surrounded by the weapons not carried away by Aliciana's blast.

"Aliciana?" he asked, like a man addressing his lover's tombstone.

'Geralt... I am sorry. For everything. I am sorry for the selfish, ambition-haunted woman I once was, I am sorry I never once said I loved you even though the words chocked in my throat a hundred times... I could fill the walls of this mausoleum with my regrets, but please...'

Coughing on dust and disoriented from his sudden relocation, Commander Alrec nonetheless understood Aliciana's psychic broadcast with perfect clarity. "What... this... you betrayers! Both of you! Aliciana, you... you abomination! You would spit upon your birthright!? And you, Geralt! You *slept* with a princess!? Do you know what the punishment for corrupting the blood of the Lennarian line is? Death! And your family will..."

Aliciana barked and gestured towards the half-bubble of force energy, and the commander's voice faded away as the force bubble flashed soundlessly and filled with silence.

'I thought that I was acting as I did for good reasons, but I was wrong.' the princess said simply, slowly walking toward the stunned Geralt.

Geralt was beside himself with confused grief. Tears welled up in his eyes and rolled down his cheeks as the scaly beast who had once been his lover approached him on her talons. "Please... Aliciana! Think about what you are doing! We have sworn our lives to defend you and protect your kingdom! What do you want from us? I... I don't understand!"

Aliciana barked at him as her earfins twitched downward in dejection. 'I am sorry, Geralt. This might not be what I intended to do with my life, but this is more important than our petty little political squabbles!' she earnestly pleaded to her lover. 'That spell was not a trap; it was a gift. We have an obligation to resurrect the Terratyx, but it is hardly a bleak burden..."

"Aliciana, please; listen to yourself! I... I am afraid that the magic has... twisted your mind! You are not making any sense!" Geralt pleaded.

'Oh... Geralt, please, just trust me and you'll understand! I... I may be different, but I am myself. I want to fulfill the prophecy; I choose to do so because I think it is the right thing to do...' Aliciana said, pushing her muzzle forward and nuzzling her lover's jawline. 'Don't make me choose between you... and what I must do. Help me."

Geralt was utterly torn. He shuddered involuntarily as he was nuzzled, and his breathing became strained. The sharp-toothed muzzle rubbing against him and the four reptilian eyes that never quite left his own were frighteningly inhuman, but he could feel warmth rising in his chest and loins as Aliciana's mind mixed with his own. Feeling her love in such a pure form- unguarded, unaltered thought - was overwhelming. To deny it felt sick and wrong...

'Please, Geralt. If you truly love me- not just as a woman or your sovereign, but as I am- stay with me. Help me. Join me," Aliciana pleaded, cautiously, carefully pressing her massive, four-fingered, scaly hands into the young knight's palms, mindful of his thin skin and her sharp claws.

The knight bit his lip with worry as he felt the length of the sharp, saurial claws. He and Aliciana had been going to extraordinary lengths to hide their relationship from the others. There had been days when the two young warriors had made love for hours all morning long, then talked of poetry and swords and food and dreams... but then, on duty, the two had to pretend to make no note of the other's presence. It was improper for a common soldier's seed to mix with royal blood, after all. Geralt had known- no, *believed*- that all his life, but in the darkness of the Terratyx tomb the taboo felt inglorious and meaningless. His hands trembled as they cautiously hugged the former princess around her plated back. The soft skin he had once stroked tenderly in the warm darkness of their shared bed was now thick, indurate scale...

Geralt's fingers trembled as they closed around Aliciana's heavy, scaly hands. He felt tears pour from his eyes and his heart thud in his chest as the world outside their embrace dimmed and their thoughts grew closer together. "I... sometimes thought you weren't serious, Aliciana. I don't know how to explain it; it's not that I didn't trust you when you said you loved me. I... just thought you didn't realize... it would be impossible to..."

'Shhh... those are not the rules by which life must be lived. Those are narrow paths chosen blindly by a developing society groping for truth in the vast darkness of ignorance,' Aliciana said with simple confidence.

Her four, yellow, slitted eyes met his again. Geralt couldn't see in them any of the emotion he felt coming from his lover's alien mind and felt like crying. "I... I can't... this is too much..." he began to say, without a trace of conviction. "I can't l-look at..."

'...Then don't look at them; don't think about the way I Iook. Just... listen to my thoughts...' Aliciana said, pressing her smooth, scaly forehead against Geralt's hot, sweaty skin just above his nose...

Geralt's breathing grew strained as the stiff top of her snout squished his nose slightly, but he was frozen. With their foreheads so close together, even thought their minds were not alike Geralt could feel her thoughts as if they were in his own mind. He remembered the frisson of tension and sick worry and sudden, soaring release that came when they first kissed; he remembered the feeling of her soft, honeysuckle-scented hair and the warmth of her breasts. The words he had murmured to her the first time after they had made love came back to his lips; he remembered how he had pledged his love to Aliciana, only to be met by awkward quiet. Only... now he knew how much her heart had burned to say them, forsake her title and family and go live somewhere they could be free and...

The soldier swallowed deep and closed his eyes, hugging Aliciana back. "I love you... I really did. I... I still do..." Geralt said with quiet sincerity.

They held each other for several long moments; slowly, Geralt's hands familiarized themselves with his love's plated back and scaly skin.

'Can I kiss you?' Aliciana asked, sliding her muzzle away from her lover's face.

The knight looked at her sharp, curved teeth and felt his instincts sent pangs of fear and doubt shooting through him. Was he really about to kiss a bestial lizard, a reptile armed with talons, claws and teeth? Had he really accepted an invitation to join her in that terrible form?

"Aliciana... you'll be careful, right? I-I'm not scared of you... this is all just so strange..."

A soft purr rolled out of Aliciana's muzzle as she replied. _'You will never be safer than in my arms, Geralt...' _

Geralt's eyes glanced over the thick plates on Aliciana's forearms, almost unconsciously. "O-okay..."

Geralt smiled and closed his eyes in surprise as her massive blue tongue licked up his left cheek and forehead, leaving a noticeable trail of reptilian saliva on his face. Aliciana paused for a second to withdraw her tongue, and then painted two more licks against his warm flesh. A lick quickly ran down Geralt's nose, and then Aliciana began to slather his right cheek in affection. Though the Terratyx's maw was too dangerous for his liking, the knight was thoroughly enjoying what she could do with her tongue. A long, sensual lick across the breadth of his bare throat made him gasp, an opportunity the former princess used to push her huge, slimy tongue straight into his mouth. Aliciana's weighty, blue-colored organ tickled the roof of his mouth and pinned his own tongue against the bottom of his mouth, but Geralt was past the point of caring.

By the time the kiss broke, Geralt's mouth was completely coated in slimy reptilian saliva and his erect penis was feeling quite snug inside his long underwear. Though he did not know it at the time, Princess Aliciana was in a similar state. Her twin members were swelling with arousal, making the scales just outside the tight folds of her male-slit warm and moisten with leaking fluid. Geralt could smell the rising heat of the pungent, pheromone-laden musk in the air. Each breath he took in through his nose made his arms feel week, his heart beat faster and his cheeks blush deeper.

"Awrk?" the eager Terratyx chirped,'Are you ready?'

Geralt smiled silent assent at Aliciana as her four yellow eyes tracked his unsteady movements. He unbuckled his armor and let it fall to the ground without ceremony before slowly, sensually removing his padded undercoat and shirt. He turned around as he unbuckled his belt and kicked off his boots, moving unsteadily but incessantly, like a man possessed. The knight groped the sagged bulge in his underwear and squeezed his hardening maleness through the fabric, proud of his member's size. Geralt had a lot of quiet doubts in the back of his mind about what he was doing, but none of them concerned his ability to please his lover, reptile or no.

Except, when Geralt slid his underwear down and turned back towards Aliciana, he saw something unexpected enough to break his sensual trance...

Churring happily, Aliciana was running the scaly backside of her hand over and between a pair of rubbery, smooth, hardening penises that protruded from the slit between her legs, one atop the other. Geralt's jaw dropped in shock as he stared at the inhuman hemipenes, brain short-circuited. The princess's topmost penis was thin and upward-curving, with a shaft almost completely covered in small, swelling ridges and a head that tapered off to a spear point. The male organ under it was thicker and straighter, with large but smooth ridges on the underside, a pointed but prominent head and a smooth, crimson ball of flesh at the base that formed an animalistic knot. Each member was half-again the size of Geralt's already-impressive cock, drooling with clear slitfluid and cloudy preseed...

"P... princess!?" Geralt stuttered, feeling his own erection flag as Aliciana's stiffened. "Aliciana... w-what happened to you!?"

'All the Terratyx are... mostly male...' Aliciana said, giving Geralt a lustful croon while proudly displaying her hemipenes. 'And as much as I am still yours... you are still mine. Don't you agree?'

Geralt bit his lip and held his hands over his naked crotch as he watched the very obviously male reptile stalk towards him, the swing of her- his?- tail now neatly complimented by the bobbing of two long, half-hard shafts. His penis began to shrink, something Aliciana took notice of.

'Aww... Geralt... you're anxious over nothing! Love, sex... they are beautiful things. You and I have nothing to be ashamed of!' Aliciana replied, chirping happily and licking his face again. It was beginning to glisten with her thick saliva.

Again, Geralt's heart and mind warred with one another. Commoners and royalty could not look one another in the eyes too long, let alone mate and marry. Men could certainly not have sex with other men- a prohibition that, until now, Geralt had thought infinitely more sensible. But the simmering, ineffable love Aliciana projected into him knew no such boundaries. Her desire was like that of a strong male, a blurred need for sexual release, to savagely take her lover and yet caress him gently; the kind that Geralt knew very well... but had never felt directed towards him.

"Oh... uhm... s-should I c-call you... Prince Aliciana..?" Geralt stammered, unable to keep his eyes away from the pair of large, erect of cocks in front of him.

The very obviously male Terratyx cocked 'her' head to the side in confusion, before giving an amused 'awk' and leaning forward to lick at the side of Geralt's burning-red ears. 'Titles... gender... meaningless. Call me what you always have, Geralt. In my heart, I am still your princess. What could matter more than that?' the reptile replied, continuing her bestial kisses.

Geralt shivered as his lover's massive, slimy tongue swirled around inside his ear for a spine-tingling second, feeling his own penis throb back towards erection. The desire to rub his face in the slimy, musky, hard poles of masculine flesh that bobbed between his lover's legs surprised him, but he still possessed the self-awareness to will that odd fantasy away.

"N-nothing..." the knight finally replied, meeting Aliciana's four slitted pupils his own green eyes and a dazed, drunk smile. "You're right, my sweet princess; I don't care. I just... don't know quite how we shall consummate our love later, but I'll delay no further. Cast your spell and change me; l-let us begin our lives anew..."

That response drew an amused bark from the Terratyx. 'Ah... Geralt, I'm afraid the two are one in the same. The Terratyx magic is no longer quiescent in the tomb's walls; it is in my body. If you are to accept the change into your body, you must also accept my seed...'

"What?" Geralt replied blankly. Sweet emotions and heady musk had not dulled his mind, but it had certainly formed quite a distraction.

'Shhh... just turn around. Haven't I always said you have a cute, sexy ass? Did you not love it when I rubbed it and kissed it and told you how beautiful it was?' Aliciana asked, amused at her boyfriend's reservations.

"B-but... but princess..." Geralt continued to protest, flustered. "Surely you don't expect me to... to..."

The Terratyx was unmoved. 'Geralt. Turn around.'

"Aliciana I love you but I have never so much as a single finger inside my-"

'I know. But there must be a first time for everything. Do you not remember the night you deflowered my womanly virginity? How you held me tight and told me the pain would not last long? This is your moment, Geralt...'

Geralt felt a powerful, clawed hand take hold of his arm and guide it against a fallen boulder. Aliciana then took hold of her lover from behind, pressing her cool, scaly bulk forward until it was flush with his warm skin. The Terratyx growled behind him- a feral sound that sent shivers up Geralt's spine- and began to lick him between his shoulderblades.

'You're so warm... you feel good...' Aliciana said, huffing hot, warm air against the back of Geralt's head while giving the mental equivalent of a happy sigh. Slowly, she began to hump against the back of her boyfriend's thighs...

The hot, erect Terratyx-members left trails of viscous preseed against Geralt's skin and made him shiver unpleasantly. The knight felt revulsion as the twin hemipenes roamed over his lower body, and tried to turn around to protest. Aliciana was having none of it, though; the muscular, male Terratyx put more of her weight on Geralt's back, forcing him to lean against the boulder and raise his rump lest she push him onto his bare belly.

"Aliciana! W-wait, please! S-stop... I mean, g-go slow..." Geralt stammered, trying to find the right words to calm the princess. A lick against the back of his neck, followed by a low, lusty croon just next to his ear made his skin break out into goosebumps...

'Shhh... trust me... let your mate take care of you, Geralt. Stop with all of this silly, childish timidity. Spread your legs. Present yourself.' Aliciana replied, playfully jabbing his right buttcheek with the stiff head of her lower cock. The kiss of flesh left a tingly, warm spot on Geralt's ass...

Geralt whimpered as the former princess pushed him down still further, using her claws to keep his hands on the boulder and her muzzle to keep his head forward. He squirmed and tried to slip away, but Aliciana's strength was immense and every licking kiss against his back or neck made his resolve weaken further. Words trembled on his lips, but Geralt knew that no protest he could make could possibly quell the fires of lust burning in the psychic reptile humping his backside...

Aliciana continued to strengthen her embrace as she spoke into her lover's mind. 'Say the words, Geralt. Stop hiding true self from me. I know it is not easy, but you must let go of the past... abandon your inhibitions... embrace this gift... '

Geralt felt warm breath blow out from his lover's snout and wet the back of his head; he could feel the steady beat of her powerful heart in the twitch of her members and he could feel the weight of the scaly chest pressed against his back. Aliciana tightened her embrace and began to rock her saurial hips back and forth, pulling and dragging both of her hemipenes inside the warm valley of flesh formed by Geralt's rump...

...and then, very slowly, the hard, fleshy head of Aliciana's lower cock began to circle his tensed anus...

That feeling was what finally broke Geralt's will. The gentle touch of another male's throbbing member against his backside- the rubbery, reptilian member of his transformed lover- it was so alien, forbidden, and sensual it made his toes curl and his stomach flutter. His flagged erection stood nearly straight out from his bowed hips, smaller than the hemipenes pressed against him but no less eager. "Do it," Geralt whispered. "Please, please... be gentle..."

'I will, Geralt. My sweet little male, I'll always be gentle...'

Aliciana's long tongue bathed Geralt's face in strong, possessive licks as she rocked her hips back and forth, beginning to work the thick head of her lower member into her mate's virgin ass. At the same time, the upper half of her hemipene rubbed against Geralt's back, coating it with generous spurts of preseed. The sinfully-rough ridges that he had gawked at earlier were now grinding against him, stimulating his warm skin. All the poor knight could do against such pleasure was submit to her, spreading his legs apart as she had once done for him. Again and again, Aliciana pushed the tapered pink head of her breeding cock between the human's firm, fleshy cheeks, gently poking against his tensing entrance as Terratyx slick fluids began to wet it...

"Ohhh-hhngh... s-stop teasing... p-put it in..." Geralt gargled, letting the excess saliva in his mouth drool down his chin.

'Yes... but savor this moment. You only lose your virginity once...' Aliciana replied, lustfully growling as she grabbed Geralt's chest and began to press against his slickened anus...

Unlike earlier, the pressure did not fade into a teasing kiss of flesh on sensitive, wet flesh; the Terratyx pushed forward into the smaller male under her without relent. Geralt's lips quivered with stomach-churning anxiety as the head of Aliciana's cock began to squeeze past his anal ring. Despite a truly heroic effort to calm his nerves, Geralt felt his virgin ass squeezed down hard and try to fight the unnatural penetration...

'Oh... Geralt... y-yes! H-here it comes...' Aliciana said, the clarity of her thoughts disrupted by the sheer pleasure of the moment.

Shaking his head and groaning helplessly, Geralt felt every ridge and vein on the throbbing Terratyxhood as it spread his anal passage wider than it had ever been before. "Ahhh... arh... ghrng... ahhh!" he gargled, feeling the thick, slimy length fill his rump centimeter by slow centimeter. The bizarre, burning weight of a male's breeding tool pushing into his ass made him feel sick, and yet it also brought a strange, tingling, inescapable feeling of pleasure as well...

"Aaaaaahhhh.... oh.... g-gods... Aliciana... m-my... my... oh-fgngh..." Geralt's cries became overstimulated gibberish as his ass burned with pain and pleasure alike. His clenching hole and tensed passage desperately tried to force the slimy invader out of his ass, while the aching, insatiable throb of his prostate quivered as the very same hemipene filled his body with tingles of electric pleasure. Geralt's vision blurred with the strain and his mind went numb; the only thoughts he could form wondered if Aliciana had felt the same agonized ecstasy when he had taken her virginity.

'Oh, Geralt... you're s-so... warm... and tight... do you feel how good this is? Ohhh... let me show you what it feels like...' Aliciana burbled warmly, freely sharing the sensation over her telepathy.

Geralt shivered as the odd feelings crawled around his mind; each little trickle of warm feeling from Aliciana's mind poured into the stream of sensations from his own body, forming a froth of emotion that mixed so fine the human could hardly tell the experiences apart. Not only could feel his hole unwillingly part around Aliciana's cock as it forced itself into his ass, but he could feel, bizarrely enough, the feel of her cock being squeezed deliciously by his own hot, tender anal muscles...

The human felt his maleness re-hardening in stiff jumps he felt his anal virginity being truly taken, his lover's thick lower cock penetrating the last of his resisting body centimeter by laborious centimeter. Geralt could sense Aliciana's steady thrusting was slowly pleasuring his ass into submission; his tension was fading noticeably with each throb of precum deposited in his bowels and each hilted grind against his prostate. As humiliating as it felt, the knight couldn't deny that it also felt *good*. Geralt's erect penis leaked preseed almost constantly; the fluid formed fat beads on the head of his cock, beads that fell to the cool stone with small splashes that were quickly growing in frequency. It was matched by the warm trickle of Terratyx preseed rolling down the crack of his back from Aliciana's second member, pressed tight between her belly and his back. It's throbbing warmth was yet another reminder of his former girlfriend's bestial virility, now far beyond the knight's own.

Aliciana's thoughts were slowly becoming a steady link between their minds as she continued to thrust into Geralt, though most of their content was disturbingly inhuman. 'Yes. Yes, yes; you can feel it. This is my love for you, my appreciation for your fine body, the care I have for your gentle soul. This is what I feel when I look at your sexy, naked body and hear your kind words, Geralt; this is what makes my cocks hard and my lust growl, my mate. This is what makes me want to fill your cute ass up with my seed and hold you in my claws forever...'

"Oh, A-Aliciana... yes..." Geralt replied, his voice a shred of shamed lust.

'Yes, yes! Yes, this is... something we must share...' Aliciana said, before barking, growling, and gesturing sharply at the two opaque bubbles of force that held Geralt's former unit and their quarry.

"P-princess..?" he gasped, moaning shamefully as Aliciana's thick hemipene throbbed inside him as they gestured. Through blurred vision and the intense, inescapable pleasure flowing into his own maleness, Geralt could see his fellow knights slowly turning towards them, horror dawning on their countenances when they caught sight of what was happening to him. "P-please... n-no... d-don't let t-them s-see!"

_'Shhhh... this is a good thing, Geralt. You are a beautiful male, even as a human. You do not need to feel shame as we mate; you should be proud! This is so beautiful we must share it...' _ Aliciana thought-spoke, yowling happily as she humped into Geralt's backside a bit harder.

"Aaaah...!" he cried, turning away from the now-transparent magical field. A wave of horror strong enough to chill his erection poured through his blood like icewater, and made his anus clench tight. Aliciana let out a surprised but happy yowl as the involuntary contraction squeezed the base of her lower cock, and she began to drag the length of her slick, embedded cock back and forth through the erratically-squeezing ring of muscle. "Gods, no! Ah-hh... s-stop! D-don't l-let them s-see me... n-not like t-this!"

The soldiers on the other side of the soundproof bubble all slowly looked up at the mating males with horror on their faces; none more shocked than Commander Alrec. He began to pound on the transparent force wall with one of his plate-clad fists, face red as he tried to shout at Geralt. Geralt turned his face away and tried to pretend they couldn't see, only to catch sight of Rellick Varren. The bishop was reclining against the wall of his prison, an old-looking book in his hands. Slowly, bishop Varren lowered his book and cocked an eyebrow, smiling awkwardly at Geralt before averting his eyes uncomfortably.

'Oh... Geralt... your shame is unnecessary, but so cute.' Aliciana spoke, her telepathic words growing muddled with thick and gooey thoughts of love for her boyfriend. 'My love... my mate... mmm... yes... you're going to look lovely with a nice, big clutch of our eggs growing in your pouch...'

Geralt shivered under her as words slipped into his mind between bestial, snorting huffs. What had she said!?

Looking down with a violent combination of sexual ecstasy and slowly-dawning horror, he saw that his achingly-hard maleness was more than just aroused. His penis was deforming with every throbbing release of preseed that Aliciana's cock coaxed from his prostate. Lengthening... swelling... the folds of stretched skin melting into rubbery smoothness...

It was beginning. She was transforming him. Right in front of Varren and his fellow soliders, he was turning to a Terratyx...

'Yes... trust me... let the changes happen. It feels so good if you don't fight them...' Aliciana cooed, each mental word dripping with sultry heat yet perfectly, innocently honest. 'Abandon your shame. Tell me what you really want...'

The knight could no longer deny what his emotions demanded. "H-harder... yes... p-princess..."

'Yes... you want my seed...' Aliciana thought-spoke, happily burbling between long licks down the side of his collarbone. 'You want to join me... remake the Terratyx...'

Vivid, shimmering, half-real images burned through Geralt's mind like a telepathic orgasm. He saw his fingernails twisting into claws and a tail slowly sprouting from his back; he saw an image of himself hunkered on all fours in the darkness, a drooling, psychic, scaly beast like his lover; he saw himself lying on his back, belly swollen with eggs while Aliciana licked his tailhole with her long blue tongue; he saw caverns full of others like them, adult, transformed humans and newly-hatched Terratyx alike...

"Oh, p-please... y-yes! Uhhnng" Geralt moaned aloud, laughing wildly as the powerful vision overcame him.

His breathing grew quick and erratic as Aliciana's breeding cock thrust inside him again and again, while a single powerful, long-clawed hand held his abdomen firmly in place. Her engorged knot pushed against his anal ring with sloppy squishes that made his eyes water, while her second hemipene had covered most of his lower back in warm coat of reptilian preseed that dripped down the back of his sore, spread thighs and toned backside like lewd waterfalls. Geralt was stimulated far beyond reason, beyond even simple lust. His girlfriend- the third princess of Lennaria- was a mighty, masculine, scaly Terratyx savagely fucking his ass as though he was a common whore-boy, and the knight could do nothing but softly, urgently beg for more. His testicles throbbed with their fullness, and his changing maleness ached for release. Even though the proud knight knew he was about to join the princess in scaly beasthood, even though his commanding officer and comrades were all unwilling voyeurs to his taking and transformation, he could not deny what he wanted...

The knight cried out twice as his changing cock twitched upward and began to grow Terratyx ridges, swelling with the last human seed it would ever hold. Hot, electric tingles ran over every inch of Geralt's bare skin as Princess Aliciana's swelling knot pressed against his prostate, bringing him closer and closer to his first anal orgasm. The heat in his blood became unbearable ecstasy. For one brief, flickering, transcendent moment, it felt as though their very souls had been made one. She was holding his vulnerable, naked body with her strong claws; her majestic cock was hilted in his innermost depths; she was licking his face and sharing her deepest, most intimate passions...

Geralt moaned shamelessly as Aliciana's knot throbbed right against his prostate, inflating to the size of a small apple and locking her in place inside his body. "A-Aliciana... oh... Aliciana..." he panted, eyes closed and twitching as he whispered his lover's name. 'Geralt... yes... yes...' Her thoughts joined his words, while a burbling roar rose from deep in her throat. "Aawrrrk!"

The two lovers came as one. Geralt felt a burst of hot, thick cum shoot big enough to fill a small glass shoot deep into his bowels, while own his mutating member loosed massive strings of sticky seed against his hand and the boulder he was propped up on. The human felt waves of orgasmic ecstasy roll through him as the twitching, spurting hemipene locked inside his ass brought him to ever-higher peaks. Geralt froze, paralyzed from the intense, still-building pleasure until his screams of unabashed ecstasy joined her roaring. Knotted by her cock, held firmly in place by the muscled lizard-beast's claws and pinned down by his weight, Geralt could do little but surrender his anal virginity to the liberation of sexual release. A continuous stream of human semen spurted from his stiff, transforming cock as Aliciana continued to fill his ass with hot seed and paint his back with thick, magically-tainted breeding fluids...

Geralt could feel the base of his now-hairless penis swell up as it grew a fat knot- identical to the one twitching against his prostate and keeping his lover's virile seed from escaping his loosened hole- and felt the powerful Terratyx magic spread deeper into his body. The changing knight gasped as he felt a trickle of rich, filling reptilian cum pour deeper into his bowels and drip into his belly, shivering as the last of his resistance crumbled. Geralt opened his mouth and panted for air, revealing his stretching, purple-pink tongue as the transformation grew in strength and intensity, fueled by the seed filling his lower body. He felt his emptied testicles pull upward into his body and gave a quiet cry, only to feel Aliciana's slimy tongue push into his mouth as it opened.

'Yes Geralt... it is happening...' Aliciana sighed into his mind, hugging his thoughts tightly with happiness and pleasure.

Geralt smiled as he swallowed the excess saliva, before pushing out his own transforming tongue to lick at her sensitive organ. Even as the tied lovers licked tongues together, the stunned observers near them could see Geralt's metamorphosis progress rapidly. Gray scales spread out from his crotch and knotted ass in shivering waves of change, while the human's ears stretched out into leathery points and his eyes blinked yellow. Newfound strength pulsed into the knight's arms, and he felt his face start to push outward into a muzzle. Nuzzling his nose against Aliciana's snout even as it faded into the blunt curve of a proto-muzzle, Geralt felt the fullness and warmth of Aliciana's cock throb in his changing innards and began to growl happily...

'Change... become my mate... yes... join the Terratyx...' Aliciana thought into the mutating knight's mind, reaching a hand down to stroke the glistening, rubbery tip of his engorged hemipene.

Geralt yowled through his proto-muzzle as the deformed spearlike head of his cock was stroked. The stimulation of mating and changing all at once was overwhelming. As Aliciana stroked his cock and licked his face, the former knight felt twin spots of wet warmth bloom around his temples. Suddenly, he felt them rapidly blink open, granting him blurred sight that sharpened to clarity along the edges of his peripheral vision. Geralt's hands tensed in the air as his nail twisted into powerful claws and his thighs and feet shifted in pleasured spasms, and he felt scales deepen and spread all over his skin. Deep in his mind, he knew with absolute certainty that he was turning into a Terratyx, leaving behind all that his humanity was, woe and weal alike. He and his mate, the strong, virile, sexy Terratyx who had once been a mere human princess would resurrect their great, wise, ancient race, guided by their human lives but no longer beholden to them...

The changing male twitched and shivered as two of his yellow slitted eyes met his lover's pupils through the brown hair that shagged over them, purring and licking Aliciana's snout. Aliciana's licks met his tongue again, and soon both of the reptilies were drooling thick saliva over one another's muzzles. All the while, Geralt twitched and flexed his body, reveling in the power of his developing muscles and hardening scales. He felt his spine grow heavier around his backside and growled in surprise; the swelling of his growing tailbone squeezed on Aliciana's knot, pushing it into his prostate...

"Arrrliiciianr..." Geralt rumbled, gritting his sharpened teeth in pleasure.

"Awwrk? Awwwr..." cawed the Terratyx mounting him. 'Oooh... what is this..?' Aliciana cooed, grinding her upper cock against the growing leathery stub. 'A nice, sexy tail to go with your tight, cute tail-hole..?'

Geralt felt his muzzle tremble as a bestial reply came to his throat. "A... awwrk!" he called back, shocked for a full second by his own warbling voice. The changing knight felt his rump twitch and clench around the hemipene still stuffed in him as the male princess's second member rubbed his new appendage, making the freshly-grown scales there tingle with delight. Willing his tail to grow, Geralt pushed with the developing muscles in his backside and felt more of his tail slowly, pleasurably emerge from above his ass. Each time he squeezed, he felt Aliciana's knot push against his swelling prostate, making his internalized testes tingle delightfully. Each time he felt that sweet male pleasure, his growing tailstub wiggled in erratic twitches against Aliciana's cock, lengthening and gaining even more weight...

A sudden spike of pleasure from deep inside the base of his twitching maleness made Geralt howl. He squirmed inside Aliciana's embrace, tail swishing back and forth madly against her flat, scaly chest as the hot pressure swelled up in his groin. The former knight felt his cock twitch against Aliciana's fingers as the bulging pressure in his maleslit grew to the force of a full orgasm, and felt something inside his body *give*.

Geralt cried out with a sharp "Awk!" as the second half of his hemipene pushed out above his erect cock, swelling up with unsteady, pulsating, quivering twitches. Growing the second cock made his mind blank in pleasure; Geralt could do nothing but breathe through his snout and watch the sexy, second Terratyx member harden between his gray, scaly legs. Ridges popped up along it in regular intervals, and it curved as it lengthened, until terminating in a tapered point that glistened with slitfluids and oozed thick preseed. A sensitive, playful cock, well suited to marking territory and mates alike. Geralt could already imagine himself licking or sucking on one just like it, or rubbing his against the sensitive ridges on other hot, reptilian members...

'Yes... my mate... now you're a proper male, like me...' Aliciana broadcasted, thoughts swollen with arousal and pride. She picked Geralt up by his sides and twisted him off the rock he had been propped up on, pushing him down onto his still-growing claws and talons. 'Show them... mmm... our pleasure...'

Geralt chirred and closed his four eyes as Aliciana began to thrust into his backside again, this time with unrestrained, bestial fury. But now that his tailhole was leathery and built to stretch- and his talons and haunches could easily support their combined weight- Geralt was able to take it. He grinned at his former humans through his jagged teeth while letting his tongue loll from his muzzle. Every hard thrust from the male behind him made Geralt's hemipenes spurt preseed on the tomb floor, but his pleasure came from more than just simple sexual pleasure. It was feeling the intimate, truly touching connections of their minds, knowing that he and his mate were forming two halves of one perfect, male whole. Proudly, Geralt watched the horror-struck humans gawk at his swelling hemipenes, the most visible signs of his fertility, submission and Terratyxhood. But even the numb burn of horns burrowing through the back of his head the sides of his muzzle felt good to the new reptile...

"Awrrk!" Aliciana cried, and her mind was saying much the same.

"Awww-awk-awk!" Geralt replied out, feeling his new members swell with new seed.

Synchronicity. It was eerily perfect, the way their sexual climaxes peaked together. Geralt howled as he came, blasting two erratic fountains of white seed against the floor, the back of his arms and the underside of his muzzle, while Aliciana's upper cock rained hot sperm on his back and coated the underside of his tail in musky fluids, and her lower cock re-knotted his ass and filled his guts anew with sticky breeding fluids. It was too much for the submissive Terratyx male; he whimpered in pleasure and sank down to the ground, steadied by his mate even as Aliciana continued to steadily pour cum into his overfilled guts...

Slowly, the Terratyx males calmed as their first mating came to an end. The new Terratyx pair-bond shared the constant thrum of each other's thoughts and experiences and desires and dreams, licking and cuddling mindlessly while their thoughts danced together. Geralt felt a clawed hand wrap around his side and pull him close to his mate's scales, sliding his gray bulk through a puddle of their mixed semen. Their pheromones were mixing nicely in the air, Geralt noted with a huff from his snout. But scent and taste were not nearly as tantalizing as the sensations coming from his changed mind...

'Aliciana...' Geralt thought, feeling out his new telepathy for the first time.

'Geralt...' She responded, almost simultaneously.

'...my love...' They thought together. A wave of psychic warmth tingled on the skin of the nearby humans, the force barrier surrounding them no impediment to the ripples of two Terratyx minds singing as one.

'...thank you for this gift...'

'...thank you for accepting it...'

'...your maleness... feels so good in me... my virile, sexy mate...'

'...as nice as your rump feels around it... my fertile, sweet Geralt...'

'...mmm... the promise of the Terratyx... we must keep it...'

'...more minds, all in harmony... a renewal of what was...'

Again, the Terratyx minds thought as one. '...a new tribe...', the two scaly males telepathically broadcasted, leaving a simmering, hot tingle deep inside the pit of the unaltered humans that remained.

'Soon...' Geralt promised them.

'Yes...' Aliciana confirmed, tugging on her softened knot. It popped out of Geralt's tailhole with a wet squelch and a small gush of sticky cum, before his ring of muscle flexed and sealed the rest of his lover's thick juices inside his ass.

Both Terratyx leap to their talons, spent seed dripping off their scaled bulk. What had once been a dry, cold, dusty tomb was now hot and humid, alive with passion and sex and magic. Geralt flexed his claws and hissed in excitement as he felt his new strength while Aliciana's yellow eyes looked over the trapped humans near them, a feral smile coming to her muzzle...

And thus, the first of the resurrected Terratyx race came to be. But those two young males would not be the last; far from it...