Vore to Your Door

Story by lukesnowcat on SoFurry

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"Oh, come on. Not another flyer for a Chinese restaurant."

A tan-colored note fluttered on the doorknob as a gust of wind blew past. Sighing to himself, Zander reached out and detached the rubbed band from his front door. He didn't even bother to read it as he unlocked the front door and stepped inside. The door closed with a heavy thump when he pushed it shut and continued to the kitchen. Flicking his paw to one side as he passed, the golden leopard attempted to deposit the unwanted flyer on top of the garbage can.

The paper seemed to protest being disposed of. It landed at the rim of the can and hesitated a moment before it drifted to the floor. His ears perking at the sound, Zander turned back. His eyes fell to the offending folded advertisement lying at the foot of the garbage receptacle. He muttered quietly as he turned back and stooped down to retrieve it. As he scraped it up from the floor, he glanced over the cover. The large font of the name caught his attention.

Vore to Your Door.

"Huh? What's this?" The leopard's interest was piqued as he opened the flyer. Inside, the flyer looked much like a menu from any restaurant the leopard had visited. A key difference stood out to him, though. Instead of featured dishes, the items listed were various species. Each had a brief description, as well as a price. He couldn't help but notice that prey and predator alike were featured on the "menu."

Curious, Zander flipped the pamphlet over to read the back, which had a brief synopsis about the business being advertised.

Tired of spending hours looking for the ideal meal, or a fitting predator to satisfy a special itch? Having a special banquet, but you can't seem to find the perfect dish? Why waste time looking, when you can have it delivered right to you at any time? At "Vore to Your Door," we keep a healthy selection of participants, catered to satisfying predator and prey alike -willing or not. We're constantly on the hunt to maintain top quality, to ensure that you get the best meal every time, guaranteed. Visit us online to view our current selection, delivered directly to you anywhere, anytime! A smirk crept over the leopard's muzzle as he read, pondering the possibilities. He'd visited restaurants where live prey was served as the main course, but he'd never had it delivered right to him. It certainly opened up plenty of opportunities for foreplay and sexual activities, which were often frowned upon in public restaurants.

Zander's belly growled hungrily to remind him that it was nearing dinnertime. He glanced down at the flyer with a grin, shrugging his shoulders. "Might as well give it a try," he mused.

The leopard strolled casually to the bedroom and placed the pamphlet next to his keyboard. He browsed over the menu items, pondering what he would have for dinner as he waited for his computer to boot. When it loaded he browsed to the website indicated. The title screen depicted a handsome calico feline sitting on a silver platter, wearing little more than a thong and bowtie. Chuckling, Zander navigated onward to the main page.

A collage of portraits with the title "Catch of the Day" caught the leopard's interest. Various species were represented, the subtitle indicating that they were new "items" that had recently been acquired by the company. His eyes reflected the light of the monitor as he leaned closer, inspecting the special menu that popped up when he clicked on the group.

A snowy white lapine immediately caught the leopard's attention. His belly rumbled again as he inspected him, purring quietly at the thought of tucking down such a delicious-looking bunny. His tail flicked side to side as he debated, browsing back to look at the other special catches. While the white rabbit would make a delicious meal, it wasn't quite filling enough for what Zander had in mind. Perhaps he could splurge a little and find something to accompany the bunny.

Zander tapped his desk rhythmically as he browsed the menu. Many of the featured items were prey, but far too small to catch his interest. The last item, however, caused the leopard to perk up. A handsome equine stud was posing invitingly, flaunting a well-defined body. Chocolate brown fur covered his body, with exception to a white blaze that traveled the length of his muzzle from nose to ears. The leopard couldn't help drooling somewhat as he scanned over the description. The handsome stud was prey, but more inviting to the leopard was the fact that he was willingly placing himself on the menu.

The feline's mouth watered at the sight before him. He could only imagine how bloated his gut would be after ingesting the stud, a thought that made him shift eagerly in his chair. His was tail almost wagging side to side as he impulsively added the stud to his "shopping cart." Having made up his mind already about the white bunny, Zander returned to include him in the order. His chest rumbled noisily as a paw absently drifted between his legs. The leopard idly groped himself as he thought about the full belly he would have, imagining what it would feel like to have a handsome stallion and a little white bunny squirming in his gut.

"Mmh, maybe I could fill more than just my belly," Zander mused quietly. His fingers squeezed the growing sheath beneath his pants as he pondered. Nothing made him happier than being filled in every way possible. The leopard was a glutton for being absolutely stuffed, and the best way was to ensure every major orifice of his body was occupied by a squirming meal.

Zander decided to browse through the rest of the menu, hoping he would find something else that stood out to him. He skipped the predators section entirely, as it wouldn't suit his dinner plans. Perhaps when he was feeling adventurous, though...

The spotted cat paused when he came across a purple-colored fox in the prey section of the general menu. Even though the vulpine was listed as unwilling, Zander was certain that he could coax the fox into a compromising position that would allow the leopard to take advantage of him. He quickly added him to the menu and went in search for another meal to finish off his dinner plans. When he glanced up at his cart, however, he paused.

The order was already getting rather pricey. Even though this was an opportunity to indulge himself in the best way possible, Zander didn't want to break his budget doing so. Frowning at this, the leopard reluctantly decided to restrict himself to the three prey boys already added to his order; one willing and two not. He felt disappointed that he wouldn't be able to experience being as full as he'd like, but at the same time he knew it would be a pleasant dinner regardless.

Purring in anticipation of the meal to come, Zander entered the necessary information to check out. Once he was finished, a message popped up indicating that the meal would be delivered in roughly 30 minutes. The leopard's eyes trailed down briefly to check the time. He made a mental note as he slid away from his computer. He rose from his chair, back arching as he raised his arms above his head. The spotted feline stretched with a soft growl, his mind still focused on the meal to come.

"Think I'll slip into something a bit comfier for dinner," the leopard chuckled. He strolled casually to his dresser and fished out a pair of cotton pajama pants, tossing them over his shoulder. His mind continued to wander as he slipped out of his jeans, flinging them into the laundry basket once they were removed. He stepped into his pajamas, resisting the temptation to masturbate despite the fact that his member was quickly becoming erect. The fabric bulged distinctly in the front as he adjusted it, chuckling quietly.

The leopard's ears perked when his phone rang. He plucked his cell phone from his desk and answered it, though the number displayed was unrecognized. A friendly voice introduced himself as Frosty and verified the leopard's address. The male indicated that he would be making the delivery, which would be ready shortly. The leopard's tail flicked excitedly as he ended the call, grinning to himself.

"Might as well get comfy," Zander mused. He made his way to the living room and flicked on the TV to find something to watch while he waited for dinner to arrive. A paw absently rubbed over his belly as he flipped through the channels. Minutes ticked by as he hopped from one show to another, though his mind seemed more preoccupied with the prospect of food than what was on TV.

The leopard was off the couch in a blur when he heard the doorbell a short time later. His tail flicked anxiously as he pulled the front door open. He was greeted by an attractive white cheetah wearing a white button up shirt and slacks. Draped under one arm was a translucent blue bag. The name "Frosty" was embroidered on the shirt, as well as the company name. The cheetah smiled brightly and offered an invoice on a clipboard to the leopard. Zander signed where indicated, then watched as the cheetah turned and gestured to a small group standing immediately behind him.

A handsome equine stud nickered softly as he stepped forward. He was shirtless, his muscles rippling as moved. He was wearing a red thong which did little to conceal a respectable bulge, but nothing else. Slung over each shoulder were the other two "meals" that Zander had ordered; a white bunny and purple fox. Both were bound at the ankles and wrists, struggling and squirming futilely. When the stud turned, the leopard noticed that a ball gag was preventing either of the bound males from calling out.

"This is my dinner?" Zander thought to himself. A predatory gleam appeared in the cat's expression as he stepped to one side and beckoned them in. The stallion carefully maneuvered his way through the door to avoid bashing into the frame. The spotted cat followed behind, stealing a glance at the handsome leopard that was partaking in his company's services. Fortunately, Zander was too distracted with the three meals presented to him to notice that the white feline was checking him out.

"Is this your first time ordering with us?" the cheetah inquired as Zander closed the door.

The leopard nodded. "I just got your flyer today."

Frosty smiled brightly. "Very well, then. Attached to your invoice are a few helpful tips and important reminders regarding our service. You're free to do as you please once an order has been fulfilled. The only important thing to remember is this." The cheetah reached into his pocket and extracted a small device that looked like a hospital wrist tag. "These must be returned to the company, otherwise you'll be charged an additional fee. Those can get quite hefty, too, so don't forget to do it."

"Do I remove them first?" Zander inquire curiously.

The cheetah shook his head. "No, sir. Those tags are designed to survive anything you put them through, including you. When they've passed through, simply place them into this bag and send them back, and we'll take care of the rest." Frosty reached beneath his arm to extract the blue medical bag, which contained a pair of latex gloves.

The leopard's eyes glanced briefly over each of his meals. They were all wearing similar tags on their right ankles. Each tag had information imprinted on it, though Zander couldn't make out what from where he was standing. He returned his attention to the cheetah, though he snuck a quick glimpse down at the cat's legs. Sure enough, the white feline was wearing a similar tag, though it was colored differently to indicate that he was a delivery person, not a menu item.

Temptation immediately crept up to include the cheetah in dinner. Perhaps Zander could sneak him into the meal somehow. His tail flicked as he pondered, returning his attention to the cheetah's face. Frosty suspected what Zander was pondering, but he didn't share it. He removed the invoice from the clipboard and offered it to the leopard, smiling politely as he tucked the clipboard beneath his arm.

"Do you have any questions for me, sir?"

Zander considered the question with a grin. "I do, actually. Would you care to join me for dinner?"

The cheetah raised an index finger with a knowing smirk, wagging it at the leopard. "Associate-client relationships are strictly against policy, though I'm flattered at the offer."

The leopard chuckled and shook his head. He slipped around the cheetah as he pushed the door closed, standing between it and the white feline. "I wasn't offering you a date, kitty. You're being included with dinner." The bolt lock clicked shut ominously as Zander spoke.

"There's an additional fee for adding the delivery boys as menu items," Frosty warned. Despite the word of caution, though, a subtle blush spread over his muzzle. It wasn't uncommon for the cheetah to be taken advantage of in this manner.

"I don't mind," Zander grinned. "It will be worth it, in the end."

Shrugging lightly, the cheetah placed his clipboard on a table near the front door. He made a gesture to the stud, who nodded understandingly. The brown stallion leaned forward and placed the other two males on the floor, allowing them to stand. The fox immediately clung to the taller male, but the lapine attempted to hop away. The white bunny didn't get far with his ankles bound together, however. He gave a muffled shriek as he stumbled, then fell forward to the floor. He was fortunate that the leopard had plush carpet to pad the impact.

The sudden motion triggered a predatory response in the leopard's brain. He immediately crouched and lunged at the struggling bunny with a growl. He landed on top of him and pinned him down, making the rabbit struggle even more violently. Loud protests were muffled by the rubber gag wedged between his lips.

"Oh, this won't do at all," Zander chuckled. "I suppose we'll have to take care of you first."

Keeping the rabbit pinned beneath his weight, Zander peered over his shoulder at the lightly muscled equine. "Think you could give me a hand with him? It'd make things much easier."

The stallion smirked at the request and nodded. Frosty slid closer to watch with interest, looping his arms around the purple fox to prevent him from attempting a similar escape. The vulpine whimpered, his ears pinned back with a bushy tail clinging tightly against his rump. A soft purr accompanied a gentle nuzzle as Frosty observed the two, trying to keep the fox at least somewhat calm.

As the stud approached him, Zander rolled to one side. He snuck a brief lick over the lapine's cheek and purred. The rabbit's fur was somewhat matted and distinctly salty. He was crying and pleading for his life, though his words were stifled by the gag. Zander moved into a kneeling position as a pair of strong brown arms wrapped around the bunny's midsection. The stud lifted the squirming rabbit with ease and hugged the slender lapine against his body, the rabbit's back to his chest.

"Say 'ah,' kitty," the stud chuckled, his voice smooth and deep.

Zander did as he was told without hesitation. His jaws gaped open smoothly, revealing the fleshy interior. Strands of drool connected the leopard's jaws, dripping from the top and forming a glistening layer of slickness. The stallion grinned at the sight and lowered the bunny, letting the oversized paws ease between the cat's offered maw. A hungry growl escaped Zander's throat when his tongue came in contact with the soft paws.

The spotted cat's lips closed snug around the lapine paws and began to suckle hungrily. The leopard's tail swayed quickly through the air as the taste of the rabbit's body greeted his tongue. He growled as he slowly nibbled his way toward the bunny's knees, keeping his jaw clenched to prevent the lapine from kicking. His teeth nibbled over the leather cords that bound the white rabbit's legs together, enjoying the distinct taste they added to the male's natural flavor.

Leaning forward, the stallion began to lower the struggling rabbit toward Zander's jaws. Wet slurping accompanied a soft gulp as the leopard drew the rabbit's feet into his throat. The oversized lapine paws formed a subtle bulge as they began to descend into the slick flesh of the cat's gullet. Zander's eyes closed as he savored his meal, though his growling belly encouraged him to hurry things along. Even though he wanted to lap and suckle over every inch of the rabbit's body, the desire to fill his belly was more pronounced.

Frosty's fingers kneaded over the fox's soft belly, trying to ignore the fact that he was becoming aroused by the sight. The vulpine, on the other hand, was whimpering and trying to distract himself from what was happening. The cheetah found himself unable to take his eyes off the bulges that slid deeper into Zander's body with each greedy swallow. The leopard had little trouble working his way up the rabbit's legs, steadily approaching his thighs.

Zander reached up to squeeze the bunny's hips, guiding them toward himself as the stud's grip on the bunny relaxed. The stallion was having a similar issue as Frosty, though the cheetah had proper clothing to conceal the fact. The stud's sheath swelled beneath the thong he was wearing, making the thin covering stretch. He tried not to draw attention to it, though, focused instead on ensuring that the whimpering bunny continued to glide smoothly down the hungry predator's gullet.

The leopard's nostrils flared when he detected the stud's growing arousal. He sniffed at the air lightly, grinning around the rabbit's hips. He pretended not to notice, however. His tongue lapped over the rabbit's rump as he swallowed again, drawing the curvy hips toward his dark throat. The rabbit was still struggling, but he was quickly beginning to tire. With the leather cords binding his wrists together and his entire lower body sliding down the leopard's throat, there was little he could do to escape.

Nickering quietly, the equine pushed on the bunny's shoulders to aid his descent. The rabbit was forced to kneel in the predator's belly as the strong muscles squeezed him down. Slick drool and juices clung to the rabbit's fur in the sweltering chamber as Zander worked to finish the first portion of his meal. The leopard's tail swayed quickly back and forth as he growled around the rabbit's chest, his belly gurgling with a similar tone.

The bunny gazed up at the stallion with a pleading look as the leopard's jaws crept swiftly up his shoulders, his arms pinned to his sides by the cat's slimy throat. The front of the leopard's body bulged out around the squirming rabbit, the cat's gut swelling as more of the meal squeezed into the warm chamber. The stud leaned down and gave the bunny a parting kiss on the muzzle, followed by a firm push that squeezed his shoulders back into Zander's jaws.

The brown equine was quick to remove his fingers from the cat's jaws. He didn't know what the male had planned for him yet. His fingers trailed down the front of the cat's body to feel the squirming bunny through his stretched spotted pelt. He kneaded gently as Zander crooned, watching the bunny's head slip quickly down into the cat's gaping maw. The leopard kept his jaws deliberately spread to give the stallion a good look, as a wet gulp caused the lapine head to disappear into the cocoon of rippling flesh.

The stud's fingers followed the bunny's head down the leopard's throat as the feline swallowed. A few more wet gulps finished the deed. Growling in satisfaction, Zander's paws kneaded over his bloated gut. The bunny wiggled and squirmed helplessly inside, but with his ankles and wrists bound tight there was little he could do.

Zander reveled in the sensation of another creature squirming futilely in his belly. He crooned happily when the stallion's fingers joined his own, the two pairs kneading and squeezing against the struggling rabbit. The leopard's eyes rose up to briefly meet the stud's gaze before he glanced toward Frosty and the purple fox. The white cheetah was still embracing the vulpine against himself, who was shivering fearfully.

The leopard's tongue flicked over his lips as he pondered what to do with the fox. He already had plans for the stud to be the final course of his meal. That left the other two, to fill in the gaps. The spotted feline's tail flicked slowly as his paw idly kneaded over his stomach in thought. He removed a paw from his belly to beckon to the pair, inviting them closer with a soft purr.

"Come closer, foxy. I have an itch that I'd like you to scratch."

The fox whimpered softly, but didn't budge. An encouraging push toward Zander made the fox reluctantly step closer, his tail pinned fearfully against his rump. The cheetah walked with him to ensure that the purple vulpine didn't change his mind. His arms remained looped around the fox's waist as the two stopped at the bloated feline's side. The vulpine whimpered again and gazed to the side, avoiding eye contact with the predatory cat.

The leopard chuckled at the fearfully submissive fox. He reached up to lightly pet the male's hips, rumbling deeply as the stallion continued to rub his squirming gut. "Don't be afraid, foxy. You get one of the fun jobs. That first meal got me a little riled up, so I could use a little special attention."

With a bit of help from the muscled stud, Zander moved himself onto all-fours. The weight of the rabbit's body caused his belly to sag heavily, an outline distinctly visible through the stretched fur. The leopard's tail lifted, flicking invitingly as the feline gazed toward the two males. Frosty was noticeably interested in what the leopard was offering. The fox, on the other hand, was still avoiding eye contact.

"Come on, foxy," Zander cooed. "Don't be shy. A kitty's rump just needs some love. Put that tongue of yours to use."

The purple male was still hesitant, though a creeping blush beneath his fur showed building interest in what the leopard was offering. Perhaps if he was compliant he wouldn't suffer the same fate that the rabbit had. He couldn't shake off the nervousness as he glanced over the leopard that had presented himself to the pair. A subtle wiggle of the cat's hips drew the fox's attention to his rump. As nervous as he was about becoming leopard food, he couldn't deny the growing interest in the cat's suggestive request.

Frosty gave the fox another encouraging bump to help the vulpine make up his mind. It seemed to succeed as the fox gave a soft whine, but reluctantly stepped closer to the swollen leopard. The fox's tail flicked back and forth lightly as he knelt behind Zander, his paws shaking noticeably as they reached for the leopard's hips. With his wrists bound together, however, the best he could do was rest his paws on the cat's lower back. The feline gave an approving growl paired with another inviting wiggle of his hips to encourage the nervous fox.

Giving in to suggestion, the purple vulpine leaned down to nuzzle the feline's rump. The cat growled softly, arching his back to present himself lewdly for attention. The purple fox nuzzled toward the musky pucker that the leopard was offering, letting his cool nose pass directly over it. The cold touch sent a chill up Zander's back that made him hiss.

"I said tongue, not nose," the leopard growled. "I suppose you can't be blamed for that, though. Let's take that gag off so you can properly do your job."

Frosty nodded softly at the request, having been observing the proceedings while resisting the urge to grope himself. He knelt down next to the purple fox, sneaking an occasional glance at the leopard's backside as he unfastened the gag. He removed it front the purple fox's jaws and set it aside, nuzzling the vulpine's cheek.

"Thank you," the fox said quietly.

An impatient wiggle of the leopard's hips drew the male's attention back to his rump. "Less talking, more licking, foxy," he chuckled.

The fox whined softly, but leaned toward the cat's rump once more. He nuzzled softly along the root of the leopard's tail before the tip of his tongue poked out to brush over the warm, puckered entrance. The soft touch caused a shiver to travel up the feline's back, his rump clenching. His hips ground back to encourage more from the purple vulpine as Zander groaned quietly.

Frosty, meanwhile, slid to the stallion's side to cuddle up to the male while they watched. The cheetah snuck a peek at the stud's bulging thong, but he kept his paws to himself. He didn't want to distract Zander from enjoying himself. The leopard, however, had other plans. A smirk spread over his lips as he made eye contact with the cheetah, groaning when the fox lapped over his pucker again.

"Not gonna let you just stand around and watch forever, kitty. You...rrh...get to help, too," Zander purred.

The cheetah's face was already flushed from the sight of the fox licking gently at the leopard's gut. That blush grew deeper at the mention of being included somehow. He nodded to acknowledge the leopard's statement, but he didn't say anything. The stud absently rubbed over the cheetah's hips, giving him a teasing squeeze that made Frosty jump.

The purple fox was beginning to warm up to the idea of pleasuring the leopard now, encouraged by the cat's gentle groaning. His tongue slowly circled the cat's warm entrance, feeling it flex against his tongue each time he licked it. He could smell the leopard's scent growing stronger as the cat grew more aroused, stirring his own excitement. Zander could sense this eagerness through the fox's actions, grinding his hips back against the vulpine muzzle as it tended to his needs.

Growing a bit braver, the fox pressed the tip of his tongue against Zander's twitching entrance. He leaned against the leopard's rump to apply a bit more pressure until his tongue slid smoothly inside. The penetrating motion caused Zander to croon in pleasure, his body tensing as the fox's tongue gradually slid deeper. His bowels clenched around the fox's tongue as it probed deeper, the tip curling to flick along the smooth walls.

"C-come here, kitty," Zander growled. He beckoned the cheetah close with a paw, balancing himself on his other.

Frosty curiously knelt down before Zander, his white tail flicking as he nodded to the leopard. "What would you like?"

The leopard's back arched as he rose up, his front paws resting on Frosty's shoulders. He managed to remain on his knees as he did this, allowing the purple fox to continue tonguing his rump despite the sudden movement. The weight on his body caused Frosty to fall forward, catching himself on the floor with his front paws. He found himself looking directly at the leopard's erect member, throbbing mere inches in front of him. On top of that, the weight of the bunny's bulge was pressing against him.

Zander grabbed the cheetah's waist now that the feline was under him and pulled Frosty toward himself. Frosty gasped when he was pulled, but his surprised noise was muffled when the other feline's shaft pushed right into his muzzle. A lusty growl escaped Zander's throat as he mounted the slender white feline's head, grinding his hips forward to work his shaft deeper into the cheetah's mouth. Frosty attempted to wiggle away at first, but the flood of musk that overwhelmed his senses coaxed him into submission. The cheetah's whimper of protest melted into a soft murr, accompanied by quiet slurping as he began to suckle the leopard's pulsing length.

A smirk spread over the stud's lips as he watched Zander drag Frosty beneath him. His long tail flicked approvingly at the sight of the predatory leopard asserting himself over the smaller feline. A paw absently drifted down to caress the bulge in his thong as he took in the sight of the three males on the floor, debating whether to join them or simply enjoy the show until he was invited to do otherwise. His eyes drifted to the white cheetah's hips as they wiggled, accompanied by a lewd slurp from beneath the leopard's body.

The purple fox began to lightly push his tongue back and forth, unaware of what the leopard was doing in front of him. He pressed the tip of it against the warm walls, seeking out the places that caused the loudest moans. The spotted hips began to rock softly, grinding alternately between the fox's tongue and the cheetah's lips. The vulpine did his best to follow Zander's motions, ensuring that he kept his tongue at least partially embedded.

Zander growled hungrily, his rounded gut bouncing lightly as he worked himself between the two eager males. When Frosty's muzzle fully engulfed his length he growled and squeezed the cat's waist. His rump clenched similarly around the fox's tongue, but this time it didn't let go. The purple vulpine didn't seem to mind at first, trying to squeeze his tongue as deep into the warm passage as he could manage. When his lips touched Zander's slickened pucker, though, the leopard pushed his hips back.

The purple fox yelped in surprise, but his noise was quickly silenced when the leopard's backside slurped over his muzzle and clamped it shut. Startled, the vulpine attempted to tug his muzzle free, but it seemed to be locked firmly in place. A hungry growl rose from Zander's lips as he flexed, tugging the fox's snout deeper into his bowels. He seemed to have little trouble squeezing the fox in despite the purple male resisting his advances, his flesh rippling to squeeze him in.

The white cheetah seemed oblivious to the fox's predicament, dutifully tending to the leopard's aching shaft. His ears perked up lightly when he heard the male yelp, but a dominant growl from the leopard focused his attention back to that musky feline length. His hips wiggled excitedly, his tail flicking back and forth as he worked himself down to the base of Zander's shaft and back up again.

Drawn in by the sight of the eager cheetah, the stallion couldn't help himself. He moved to his knees behind the cheetah, rubbing his fingers over the cat's feminine hips. His sleek tail flicked as he nickered approvingly, then reached under Frosty to relieve the cheetah of his belt. The white feline didn't seem to notice this, too engrossed in his task. The belt slipped away smoothly and was tossed aside. The stud returned his fingers to the cheetah's hips, caressing softly before he tugged the cheetah's pants. They slid down effortlessly and bunched up around Frosty's thighs, causing the cheetah to perk up and emit an inquisitive, but muffled chirrup.

Zander didn't seem to notice what the stud was up to, focused on squeezing the struggling fox's head deeper into his bowels. A lewd squelch followed another tug, drawing most of the vulpine's skull inside. The male's paws tugged away from Zander's lower back and pushed against the cat's rump. When the leopard flexed, however, the leather-bound paws dove into the warm bowels. The fox attempted to push at the slick walls to extract himself, but he only succeeded it squeezing his arms deeper into the leopard's rump. He whined as he struggled, realizing that the request to lick the leopard's rump was likely only a clever trick to get him into a compromising position.

With the fox slipping into his rump, Zander wasn't sure how long he'd be able to hold out. He was nearing his peak quickly as the cheetah diligently slurped and bobbed over his shaft. The leopard tried to hold back, though. He wanted as much of the fox's body tucked inside of himself as possible before he burst. He clenched his bowels possessively to draw the fox deeper, his stretched pucker relaxing to ease over the vulpine's shoulders.

The brown stallion reached down as he watched the fox disappearing deeper into the leopard's bowels. He tugged down the front of his thong and extracted his swollen member, letting the cool air greet it. His fingers curled around the semi-erect black flesh and began to stroke it, grunting softly. The soft noises caught the leopard's attention, lifting his head as he continued to tug the fox deeper into his bowels and hump the cheetah's face.

Meeting the leopard's gaze, the stud winked. "Hope you don't mind if I...squeeze myself into the action."

Licking his lips at the sight of the stud's growing black shaft, Zander grinned. "Help yourself, handsome. The end result will be the same, either way."

The equine nodded as he lowered his black spire, lining himself up with the cheetah's wiggling hips. When the flared tip nestled itself between the cat's fuzzy spotted cheeks, Frosty tensed up. With the leopard buried in his muzzle and the fox tending to Zander's rump (to his knowledge), he knew exactly what was probing his backside. His cheeks flushed deeply at the thought of the handsome stud stuffing him. He'd had a crush on the male for some time, but he'd been too shy to admit it.

Zander watched with interest as the stallion rolled his hips forward gently to smear slick pre over the cheetah's backside. The leopard was curious to see if the stud would manage to fit that entire black spire in the slender male. He was momentarily distracted when the purple fox gave an especially determined wiggle, sending a rush of pleasure through his loins. Zander thrust his hips forward firmly, unable to hold back any longer.

Frosty blushed intensely when he felt the leopard's length erupt into his muzzle. He let the creamy load splash over his tongue, murring as he let his lips settle around the base. He only had a moment to enjoy the taste of the cat's warm seed before he was snapped to attention by a firm push from the stud's hips. The cheetah's tensed backside resisted the forward thrust, but the stallion was determined to tuck himself in. He rolled his hips back and forth as Frosty swallowed the leopard's load, slowly stretching the white feline's opening.

Lost in climax, Zander closed his eyes as the fox wiggled pleasantly in his bowels. The male was helplessly trapped as the leopard's moist walls rippled around him, steadily dragging the purple-furred vulpine inside. The fox was already up to his waist in the leopard's rump, making lumpy bulges that added to the bunny's curled body. Even though the cat was relatively clean, the smell of musk was still strong as the cat's insides kneaded over him.

A muffled groan directed the leopard's attention back to the pair immediately in front of him. He felt the cheetah clench over his shaft as the stud eventually succeeded in stretching the cheetah enough to squeeze the tip of his shaft inside. The equine paused, ears perked as he listened to soft whining that was muffled by Zander's member. He grinned to himself, though, when he realized that the cheetah was squirming with excitement.

Zander watched the stud's ebony length begin to disappear between those spotted white cheeks, even as the purple fox's hips disappeared between his own. With the majority of the fox's body tucked in the leopard's bowels, the remainder of the task was almost effortless. Rhythmic kneading continued to tuck the struggling fox inside, adding to the mass that the rabbit's body provided.

Frosty tried to ease his muzzle off the leopard's length as the stud began to thrust, his whimpers of pleasure muffled by the feline shaft. Being pinned between an aroused stud and a feeding leopard made it exceptionally difficult, though. His body bounced softly each time the stallion pushed forward, gradually working his shaft deeper into the white cat's backside.

Zander peered back briefly to watch the last of the purple fox's body disappear into his rump. The pair of vulpine paws twitched in defeat before they were sucked into the leopard's rump with a lewd slurp. The tip of the fox's bushy tail followed moments after, sealing the male completely inside the leopard's body. Zander shivered at the sensation of a new meal wiggling within, tucking his head with his eyes closed to bask in that pleasant sensation.

The stud's pace began to pick up as he slid deeper into the cheetah's rump, the majority of his thick equine shaft stuffed into the white feline. The sensation was almost too much for him, the cat's bowels clenched tightly around his pulsing spire. His fingers squeezed Frosty's hips possessively, sinking into the supple flesh as he humped harder. The smell of sex was heavy in the air, rising from the three males that remained.

With two males settled nicely in his body, the leopard was only halfway finished with his intended meal plans. The fox was already beginning to tire out, his struggles weakening as the seconds passed. The cat returned his attention to the two males that were making love in front of him. The cheetah's muzzle was still nestled against the base of his shaft, the length fully erect despite Zander's recent peak.

Frosty chirped in surprise when the leopard's hips drew back, slipping the throbbing flesh free of his lips with a wet slurp. The leopard held his position for a moment to watch the stallion's thick length slide into the cheetah's rump with each passionate thrust. With his own shaft free of the white feline's lips, soft moans began to rise freely from the cheetah. Zander slipped a paw beneath the cheetah to grope the pink erection hanging between Frosty's thighs. The touch caused Frosty to gasp loudly and involuntarily clench, which in turn drew a similar groan of pleasure from the stud.

Grinning to himself, Zander slipped his paw away from the cheetah's dripping member. His fingers brushed slowly up the white cat's chest until he reached Frosty's neck. With a soft growl, Zander thrust his hips forward once more while his paw cupped the cheetah's jaw. Instead of stuffing himself into Frosty's lips, however, the wet tip of his member met the feline's nose. Frosty wiggled his muzzle as it was smeared with the leopard's musky spunk, trying to get it to his lips.

Zander growled deeply when a firm thrust of the stud's hips pushed Frosty against the end of his length. Instead of being pushed away, however, the tip stretched open and slurped lewdly over the cheetah's muzzle. It took Frosty a moment to process this as the stallion's pace became quite rough, his body rocky quickly to the increasing rhythm of his thrusts. The slimy tip continued to glide over the cheetah's muzzle, the slick flesh stretching easily to draw the white feline in.

A renewed crimson blush spread over Frosty's face and ears when he realized what the leopard was doing. In his position, though, there was little he could do to avoid it. He was trapped between a rock and a hard place, or sorts. The leopard's hips began to lightly grind against him, adding to the rocking that the stud's rough thrusts created. With a firm push, the tip of Zander's shaft stretched wider to slip over Frosty's entire face.

The brown stud's fingers tightened on Frosty's hips as his thrusts deepened. He wasn't yet aware of what the leopard was doing to the white cheetah he was plowing. The stallion was only interested in getting off. He could feel the cheetah's bowels shifting to accommodate the length of his thick member, allowing him to bury his shaft to the base. The deep penetration caused Frosty to clench tightly around his length, though the cheetah's moan of pleasure was almost entirely muffled by Zander's advancing shaft.

The leopard's progress was halted momentarily when the tip met Frosty's slender shoulders. His hips rocked in a steady rhythm to stretch the shaft wider, the cheetah's head grinding along the slippery passage of his urethra. Zander's effort was unknowingly aided by the equine's deep thrusts, pushing the cheetah toward his destination. Eventually the leopard's tip stretched over Frosty's shoulders, stuffing the bulge of the feline's head deeper into his member.

The equine's thrusts began to shorten and grow more rapid as he neared his peak, driving the last few inches of his member in and out of the cheetah's bowels. The feline's stretched hole squeezed the base of his shaft each time he buried himself completely inside. The blissful kneading of the slender cheetah's bowels pushed the equine quickly to orgasm. He let out a deep groan as his tip flared, pushing against the walls deep inside of the cat's body. His hips jerked as a rush of hot seed spilled into the cat's body, causing the cheetah to whimper and shiver.

Zander rocked forward with a determined motion and a lusty growl when Frosty squirmed. His length slid over the cheetah's chest, matting down the shirt he was wearing. With more of the cat's body being introduced to his shaft, Frosty's head was forced deeper until it slid into a slimy chamber. The inside was rich with the scent of the leopard's musky spunk, much like the rest of the slick passage that lead him there.

The stud fingers brushed over Frosty's waist tenderly as he continued to empty himself into the cheetah. Slick seed was beginning to leak around the base of his shaft, the cheetah's insides loaded with the stallion's warm spunk. With a heavy, satisfied sigh, he reluctantly began to withdraw himself from the cheetah's rump. He gazed down to watch his ebony spire slide free, making the cheetah's hips squirm. He paused when the flared tip tugged at the cheetah's worn out ring, grunting quietly as a shiver traveled up his spine. The tip popped free when he tugged back sharply, causing the cheetah's rump to produce a lewd slurp.

Zander chuckled at the sound of the stud freeing himself of the slender cheetah. His grip tightened against Frosty's waist now that he didn't have the stud to counter his forward thrusts. The leopard's bulging shaft steadily claimed more of the cheetah's body, the cat's arms pinned against his waist. There was only one more obstacle to overcome: the cheetah's alluring hips.

The stud gazed down once more when Zander adjusted his position. The leopard sat back on his rump, letting his swelling balls settle between spread thighs as he lifted the cheetah's legs into the air. Had the stallion not just experienced a satisfying orgasm in the cheetah's rump, he likely would have begun masturbating furiously at the sight of the cheetah's legs hanging from the end of the leopard's swollen shaft.

"Looks like someone's been busy," he observed with a chuckle. His fingers lightly caressed the bulges in Zander's sac, admiring the view.

Zander would have replied if he could. The sensation of the spotted white feline wiggling in his shaft made him groan and shiver with excitement. He tugged the cheetah's hips until they squeezed into his shaft, leaving only the cat's legs free of his body's clutches. The stallion gripped Frosty's ankles to prevent the cheetah from unintentionally kicking, grinning as he helped Zander stuffed the feline down. With the cheetah's hips gliding smoothly down the fleshy passage, the remainder of the leopard's unusual meal disappeared at a hurried pace.

The leopard's gut pressed against Frosty's legs as they slipped down, indenting the soft pudge that surrounded the current occupant. His sac grew steadily larger as the cheetah was forced to curl up in the slimy pouch. Zander watched as the stretched tip of his length crept up the cheetah's legs, until only the feline's paws and the tip of a flicking tail remained. The stud's fingers lightly brushed over the cheetah's pads, making the cat squirm violently as he was tickled. The struggling made Zander clench and growl deeply, his hips thrusting at the flurry of motion that sent a rush of pleasure through his body.

With a well-practiced flex, the leopard's bulged shaft drew in the cheetah's paws. They disappeared with a soft slurp, carried along by a pulsing motion that kneaded them toward their destination. A trickle of creamy spunk leaked from the tip of Zander's length as the cheetah slid into his sac, claimed as yet another meal by the greedy feline. With three meals tucked into his body in various places, Zander was beginning to look less like a cat and more like a spotted beanbag.

The leopard panted quietly, quite riled up from studding the cheetah down his member. His tail swayed rhythmically back and forth as he watched his grotesquely swollen sac squirm and twitch as the cheetah inside pushed at the slimy walls. The stallion reached down and began to knead over the bulging sac, making both Zander and the cheetah inside purr pleasantly. Leaning forward, Zander licked over the stud's muzzle with a soft growl.

"Don't get too cozy," the leopard warned with a chuckle. "You're next."

The stallion smirked. "You sure about that? I don't think you've got the space left."

Zander grinned knowingly. "I'm sure I can find some. Are you willing to put that to the test?"

The stud's well-groomed tail flicked behind him as his smirk grew wider. His paws rose from Zander's sac to knead over his belly. "I am curious, yes."

The leopard's tongue flicked over his lips as he sized up the equine. He leaned toward the taller male and licked over his muzzle a few times, getting a taste of his fur. Even though he'd already packed three meals into his body, the thought of adding the willing equine to his bulk made Zander drool. He licked the stud's muzzle several more times, smoothing down the fur and leaving it glistening with saliva. As he was doing this, Zander reached up and lightly squeezed the male's wrists. He lifted them away from his chest as he gave the male a final lick.

"Time for the last course," Zander grinned.

The leopard licked over the stud's fingers, letting his tongue brush over each digit before he tucked them into his maw. He suckled lightly on males digits as he slowly eased the two hands inside, letting the stud feel the rough texture of his tongue. Strands of drool dripped onto the stallion's hands as he stuffed them back into his slick throat. The stud shivered lightly as he felt the cat's gullet tug his hands in with a rippling swallow. More of his arms disappeared as the feline began to swallow rhythmically.

Zander's eyes closed a she savored his willing meal, gulping steadily to drag the stud in. His cheeks bulged around the muscled stud's arms as he slid past his elbows, creeping toward the male's shoulders. The brown equine curled his fingers in the leopard's throat, feeling the slick flesh ripple each time Zander swallowed. It didn't take long for the spotted feline to reach the male's long muzzle, giving him a messy kiss on the nose before drawing it in.

The stallion enjoyed the view of the leopard's maw creeping over his vision before he closed his eyes. He was surprised at how easily the cat was able to work him in. The leopard seemed to have little trouble squeezing the stud's head into his jaws between his outstretched arms. He still wasn't fully convinced that the cat would be able to pack him into that swollen gut, however. Zander, on the other hand, seemed determined to prove him wrong.

The leopard's paws reached down to rest at the male's sides, tugging the stud toward himself. With a few more wet gulps, the equine's nose was greeted by the slippery folds of Zander's throat. The hot flesh tugged insistently at the male's face to pull his head into the dark depths. The leopard's jaws were stretched impossibly wide now, strands of drool dripping from the corners of his lips as he slurped over the well-defined chest. The horse's head made a distinct bulge in Zander's throat as it was squeezed deeper.

Encouraging the greedy leopard, the equine gave a push forward that squeezed his chest back into the fleshy tunnel. He was forced to hunch forward as the cat's jaws crept steadily down his body. The heat surrounding his body grew considerably as he was squeezed down, hearing the steady thrum of the feline's heart as well as a distinct gurgle from the chamber below. The next gulp pushed the stud's hands down into the sweltering gut, pressing them against the unconscious body of a slimy rabbit.

The stud grunted when Zander gulped firmly to drag his chest into the tight embrace of his gullet. Despite the stallion's stature, Zander seemed to have little trouble devouring the willing meal. The leopard's jaws welcome the male's toned abs with another swallow that forced more of the stud's arms into his belly. His tongue traced over the toned muscles, flicking between each one while his paws squeezed the stallion's hips.

At this point, there was little the stud could do except enjoy the ride. His head was quickly approaching the cat's swollen gut, more of his arms pressing against the precious occupant. He simply relaxed and allowed the cat to have his way, though he still had his doubts that the spotted cat would be able to finish the deed. His thought process was broken, however, when a rough feline tongue slid over his spent ebony shaft. He groaned sharply as his body gave an involuntary jerk, his sleek tail whipping through the air.

The leopard crooned happily as he tasted the equine's natural musk, enhanced by the recent orgasm that the stud had experienced. His tongue lapped back and forth over the thick length, making the stud twitch and jerk helplessly. Despite the fact that he'd just gotten off, the leopard's persistent lapping was bringing his black flesh to attention. His semi-erect member quickly became rigid as the cat slurped over it.

As much as he wanted to taste the stud's seed, Zander was more interested in finishing his meal. The stallion's powerful legs dangled from his jaws as he hunched over him, the bulges in the leopard's throat shifting and wiggling. Reluctantly, Zander drew the stud's length into his throat. The thick equine shaft made a distinct bulge of its own as it descended ahead of the male's hips. Grunting as he hefted the stud's meaty legs into the air, Zander resumed his meal eagerly.

The stud nickered softly as his head and shoulders found their way into the leopard's slimy gut, which had already begun to fill with hot juices. He eased his arms around the rabbit to help himself in, hugging the lapine's body to his chest as his torso began to curl into the slimy chamber. The rabbit was unresponsive, though, due to the shortage of fresh air in the leopard's cat.

Zander tipped his head back to straighten the stud's path to his belly, growling softly as the toned equine began to curl into his gut. The already-swollen belly continued to grow as the meaty frame squeezed inside. Being this full was a sensation that the leopard rarely had the chance to experience. He felt disappointed that he wouldn't be able to hold onto it forever, though. Eventually his body would run its natural course and break down the meals that he'd tucked into himself.

Then the stud's belly and hips slid into his gut, Zander's body began to lean forward. The added weight pushing against the inside of his belly was throwing off his balance, making it difficult to remain upright. Despite his best attempt to remain in his kneeling position, his body rolled forward until he was sprawled on top of his enormous gut. The stud's hoofed feet scrambled lightly outside of Zander's jaws as the leopard weighed down on him, making the cat chuckle softly.

Clutching the hardened hooves in his fingers, Zander gulped firmly to tug them into his jaws. His tongue lapped quickly over the stud's feet to slicken them for the descent before another swallow pulled the last of the stallion from view. The bulges traveled quickly down the leopard's throat to join the male in his slimy accommodations. Zander closed his eyes as he relished the sensation of a new occupant. His paws kneaded and squeezed firmly over himself as he crooned, his tail flicking triumphantly back and forth.

"Told you...urp...I could do it," Zander chuckled. A wiggle from within his belly was the only reply that he received.

His belly gurgled softly around the new addition, followed by a heavy belch that echoed through the leopard's apartment. The escape of air caused the slick walls to tighten around the stud, who embraced the small bunny protectively against himself. With the increased tightness, there was little room for the male to move. The walls squeezed over him, rubbing heated fluids into the stallion's pelt that made him tingle all over.

Grunting loudly, Zander attempted to roll to one side. With the four meals weighing him down, though, he found it exceptionally difficult to move. He chuckled to himself as he eventually gave in, lounging languidly on top of his belly that was easily the size of a large beanbag now. The swollen girth of his sac weighed down against his belly, forcing him to keep his legs spread. A deep, satisfied sigh escaped the leopard's lips as the wiggling gradually died down, until each of the four meals was peacefully calm inside his body.

Zander took a moment to admire his body once more before he closed his eyes, using his own body as an unusual mattress. "Definitely gonna have to do this again sometime," he mused. "I think this food service is going to bankrupt me, though."

A heavy yawn escaped the spotted feline's lips as his body began to gurgle and churn softly. The quiet sounds calmed the leopard's consciousness, and before long he was sleeping peacefully on top of a gurgling mound of meals...