The Waterbed Man

Story by onewhoknew on SoFurry

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A sequel to Shower Repair!

This time, sandy wants a good, comfortable night's sleep. This story contains, inflation, sex, and inflation through sex, so if that's not your thing, you may want to turn away now.

Chris was cleaning when he heard the knock on the door. Sandy had made it clear that she did want to spend any time in a run down mess, and right now, what she wanted was what he wanted. His small flat was cleaned as much as he could, all the mess that had built up over time shoved into bin bags, carpets hoovered and tiles scrubbed. He dropped the duster he was polishing a shelf with, and ran to get it.

Sandy didn't look at him as she slumped over the threshold. Her long blond hair was tied back in a pony tail, and the mink was wearing an apron over a uniform with the name of a well know supermarket chain on it. She dropped her overnight bag, and said "Urgh. I can't believe I let them talk me into pulling a fucking double shift."

Chris lead the tired girl to the sofa, and sat down, giving her a reassuring hug. "I'm sorry," he said, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Are you all right for..."

She pulled a face. "Later! After I've had some sleep. I know you've spent ages cleaning, but I can't do shit right now."

The wolfhound nodded. "Okay, sure." He'd been dying to have Sandy do something perverted to him again, ever since last weekend when she had turned him into a shower unit. She'd been on the verge of breaking up with him, but now he was going to be a better boyfriend. They hadn't had time to meet up and do anything since, and now he was disappointed, but he knew there was nothing he could do. "Is there anything I can do?"

"Not unless you can get me 'bout twelve hours sleep."

"Why'd you even bother working, anyway? I mean, can't you just magic money out of the air or somfing?"

Sandy rolled her eyes. "No! Well, yeah, I can, but if I do people'll notice, an' then I'll get in the shit. So I don't."

"Huh. So magic's not as good as it sounds?"

She flashed a cheeky grin. "It can be fun."

She stood, and went through to the bedroom. "Wow, you have cleaned up in here. I can see the floor!"

"Yeah." He hung about in the doorway. "I'll stay out here. Let you get to sleep before I turn in."

The mink sat on the bed. New sheets, she noticed. And then: "Actually, there is one thing you could do for me."

Chris perked up. "Yeah! Sure, whatever it is."

She poked at the mattress, one long slender arm pressing the surface. "Well, your mattress ain't that comfy. The spring're wearing through, see? And I've always wanted to sleep on a waterbed."

"A waterbed?" Chris looked nonplussed. "But, I haven't got one, and I dunno if I'd even be able to get one in..."

He trailed off as he saw her grin and realised what she was talking about. "Oh." A pulse of erotic energy lifted his penis in his trousers. "What do you need me to do?"

She slapped the bed. "Get this mattress out of the way, and make sure there's nothing water damageable under the bed. I'll get my stuff."

Chris leapt to shift the mattress. The bed was a large, wooden framed one, with the mattress sunk into the frame so that it formed a ledge around the edge that could catch an occupant as they climbed in or out. He'd clipped his knee several times in the past, but since the flat was rented furnished, he'd never thought to change it or buy another. He wrestled the mattress out into the living room, and joined Sandy in the bedroom.

"Okay, get on the slats, in the middle."

He hurried to obey, but she grabbed his arm. "Woah, you need to be more naked than that. Unless you wanna rip all your clothes."

"Er, yeah," he said, and stripped off. Naked before his girlfriend, his cock sprang up, waving about as he climbed into the frame of the bed, lying on the slats. The mink joined him, still dressed in her work uniform, and squatted over his legs facing him, one hand carrying her bag, the other holding onto a long hose she had unrolled, leading back into the en suite bathroom. She grinned, and asked, "Where d'ya want it?

"Erm." Half of the pleasure of the freakish abuse his body had undergone last time was that he wasn't in control of it, and didn't get a say in what happened. Suddenly given a choice, Chris froze. "Surprise me."

Sandy, giggled, and ran the end of the hose over the head of his dick. Already hard, a drip of cold water ran over the head and down the red length, making him thrust up ever so slightly. And then she shifted, and roughly jammed it into the centre of his stomach, the flesh of his belly button warping out and fusing around the rubber. She let go, and Chris raised trembling hands to the join. Tugging on it felt like pulling on fur, the skin not giving - yet. The seam was undetectable, just a smooth area where flesh became rubber. "Oh god," he moaned, a drop of pre-sum edging down his dick. "I fort it might just a dream, but fuck, it's real, it's fuckin' real..."

She touched a clamp further up the hose. "You should never doubt me," She whispered, and slipped it off.

Cold water rushed down the tube. It hit Chris' guts like a bucket of ice, and he gasped, rolling his head back for a second, so he couldn't see the bulge that rippled out from his belly. He groaned, and ran his hot hands over the chill in his stomach.

Sandy climbed off his legs, letting him writhe and thrash in his helplessness. There was nothing he could do to stop the flow; and Sandy watched him pull and grab at the hose ineffectually as she stripped. She tossed he uniform out of the room and stretched for a second, working the kinks out of her long, thin body. Meanwhile Chris let out a moan as his body cooled. He was starting to worry; the last time he'd been heated unbearably, but the cold was something else. There was no pain from the swelling of his belly, but the cold - his insides weren't meant to be that cold. "Awww," said Sandy, climbing back alongside him. "What's the matter big dog?"

His teeth chattered, and he started to shiver. The motion set his rounded belly juddering, the skin so stretched that pink flesh showed through the sparse fur. "So... Cold..."

His breath frosted in the air. "Awww... let me warm you up, honey," said Sandy, and kissed him, softly. The heat of her mouth washed through him, a wave of relief as the freezing pain was banished. His skin tingled, and relaxation followed, his muscles untensing in the warmth. The mink broke off the kiss, and he smiled up at her, dreamily. "Did.. you don somfing to me?"

"Yeah." She ran a hand over his chest, not yet swollen. "Just made you warm up, so I don't need to wrap myself. And you won't sweat, so we're not gonna get sticky. And I made your fur softer, and there's more of it..."

Her hand caressed his massively swollen belly, no longer standing proud, but bulging out to the sides like rolls of fat. The fur on it had multiplied, and wasn't nearly as coarse as it normally was - this was beautifully soft, luxurious to touch, and perfect to sleep on. "Now there's the rest of you to fill out!"

She leaned on his stomach, and for a second, it warped like a balloon under pressure. Then something gave, and water rolled through his body like a wave. It shot down his legs, lifting skin and fur from taught muscle. His ball sack swelled and pulsed under the onslaught. The ripple lifted his nipples away from his chest, bulging out in a soft pillow that had only the slightest dent in the middle. His arms became pudgy mockeries of muscle, rounded but rippling when he twitched and groaned. But it was his face that affected him the most. His cheeks, normally sunken, filled out, puffing up around his eyes. it was more difficult to open his mouth, the water pushing it together in ways that had never happened before.

In seconds his body had transformed from a slim build to massively overweight. Rolls of skin, bloated with water, sagged off like fat, and he was continuing to grow. He moaned again, and felt the odd sensation of water forcing its way into his mouth from behind, not like vomit, but gently. He couldn't contain it, and water began to spill out. "Whoops," said Sandy. "Better take care of that."

Reaching into her bag again, the mink drew out a roll of duct tape. Chris made a muffled "Mmpfh!" as she taped his mouth shut, and he was sealed off. "There. And now..."

She moved to beneath his belly. He couldn't see over the swell of his stomach, and when he tried to move, it was like wading through treacle. The water in his limbs rolled and rippled, the weight of them dragging him back. With a shock the dog realised that the mass being pumped into his body had immobilised him. If he'd gained the weight over time, his muscles would have built up to shift it, but he was built to move skinny bone, not fat rolls, and he was trapped within his own body.

He wriggled and twisted, feeling what Sandy was doing. With another strip of tape, she reached between his bulging buttocks, and taped his arsehole shut. With a second, she wrapped his dick up, and bent it over, deforming it like a balloon and taping it between his legs. She jumped onto his belly, and peeked over it as he wobbled and juddered. "Sorry sweetie, I need a good sleep, and that'll be pretty hard with that popping up. I promise, I'll take care of it in the morning."

Chris didn't like the look of that grin.

But now Sandy was moving again. She grabbed the left side of his still growing belly, and dragged it out to the side of the bed. His skin stretched, more soft fur magically appearing to cover it, and she taped him to the side of the bed frame. With his flesh pulled tight, his arms and legs were trapped, although he couldn't shift his bloated limbs. As he started to bulge up in the middle, Sandy slid the clamp back onto the pipe, and yanked it out of his belly button. A spurt of water shot out, but she ran a finger over it, and the flow stopped.

His head had become wedged against the back board, staring up, with his eye peeking out between the swollen rolls of his cheeks. The mink, however, wanted him to watch over her during the night, so she grabbed his muzzle, and pulled it him out. It should have broken his neck, but that simply didn't happen, his head popping up to rest on the pillow-like bulge of his chest. She patted him gently on the top of his head, and disappeared from his view, giggling a little.

And the she leaped back into view, jumping high in the air and seeming to hang for a second, a slight smile on her lips, eyes closed, arms stretched out and hair flying freely in her slow plunge. When she impacted with Chris' warm, water filled body, he rippled around her, his skin soft and stretching like rubber to let her fall into him. Sandy gasped as the soft fur of her boyfriend closed around her, before elastically pushing her back up, bouncing her into the air. She landed amid the ripples of water that rushed through the wolfhound, rolling his soft fur beneath her. The mink flexed in time with the wave, enjoying the sensations of her boyfriends' water bloated flesh pushing back against her.

"Mmm," she moaned. "You feel really good when you move beneath me. Not that you've got much control over that."

She pulled herself over the bulge of his chest so she could plant a kiss on his cheek. "Well, night night. We'll have some fun in the morning, I promise."

Pushing her body further down his, she curled her sleek form up in the dip that formed around her. The heat of his body warmed her, and the continuous ripples soothed her tired mind. Within minutes, Chris could hear her breathing change in tone as she drifted off.


Not surprisingly, Chris had a hard time sleeping. He'd been revved up for a while, looking forward to a night of debauchery, only to be bound for her rest. The fact that her naked body was resting on top of his didn't help, and neither did the way heated water circulated through his bed-shaped body, tickling his internal organs in ways that were impossible. The only sound was the ticking of the clock in the next room, and the occasional rumble of a car passing in the street outside. Larger lorries made the whole building shake a little, something the wolfhound was used to, but with his skin stuffed with water, it jiggled unbearably, and the movement made Sandy shift and gasp in her sleep.

As the night wore on, she moved more, twitching in her sleep. The minks long, shapely legs kicked out a couple of times, something Chris had never noticed sleeping by her side. Either he was normally too deeply asleep when she began to do that, or this was new, brought on by the use of magic.

One of her toes caught on the edge of the duct tape holding his stretched skin to the bottom end of the bed frame. Stuck by her foot, Sandy made a few squeaking noises, worrying at the length until a strip of sticky tape pulled away, dangling from her leg. She turned, smiling in her dream, and set off another wave of ripples throughout her bed.

Though he couldn't see beyond her sleeping form, Chris could now feel something going on at the end of the bed. Each ripple sloshed his flesh up and down, and now that nothing was holding him to the frame he belly began to move up, every wave pushing another inch out of the frame and into the cool air.

The extra slack in his belly meant he gave more, and Sandy sunk further into his soft pelt. She sighed, and pulled on the walls of fur, trying to wrap the sheets she normally slept in around herself, but instead loosening her boyfriend's bloated form further from the bed frame. Now, his engorged penis was starting to rub against the edge of the wood, the mixture of pleasure and pain driving him to write within his watery prison, sending more and more ripples up and down under his skin.

That was finally enough to free his cock. It sprang out, the only hard thing on his body. The red length was much bigger than his normal, the water forced into it throbbing with every wave. He could see it now from his vantage point at the top of the bed, as his belly gave beneath the mink's mobile form, the deep dent in his body forcing it to first go level, and then aim down. Sandy was moving more now, kicking in her dreams, and when her foot kicked the tip of his penis, his muscle clenched involuntarily. His dick jerked up, and parted her legs, pushing up between her thighs.

Chris tried to force his erection down, not knowing how his girlfriend would react if she woke up to find him inside her. However, his member was bloated to an obscene size by the water within, and no longer in his control. His girlfriend made a little moaning sound, burying her head in the soft, giving mass of his chest as his tip brushed the her labia. Two feet long and six inches wide, it couldn't fit in her. But it was also impossible to turn a man into a waterbed, and he felt soft warm flesh slip over the head of his dick.

The stretched skin must have been made more sensitive as well, because her embrace was ecstasy. He made a sound through the gag, feeling her muscles clench around him. Small squeaks and moans escaped her mouth as she pushed back with rhythmic motions, more ripples running over his body. They gathered at the base of his dick, rolling his balls about in the wolfhound's swollen sack before pulsing up his length. His eyes closed as the sensation of something pouring out of the head of his cock overwhelmed him.

Chris was cumming without stopping. Though his body was unable to move, he was trying to buck up into her, to give one thrust that would let him end this pleasure. The orgasm was constant, stretching the limits of what he thought was possible, but Sandy just kept riding him, shoving herself further onto him.

When he opened his eyes, he could see that she looked... bigger. The mink's sleek and supple body was filling out as he watched, the constant flow from his orgasm like a fire hose in her depths. She was curvy now, large breasts rubbing on Chris' soft fur and widened hips wrapped around his dick. Bloating further, she became what would charitably be described as thick, her white fur covering a mass of fat that swelled and rounded in every way.

As her body became honestly fat, Chris saw his own was slipping away. Massively swollen, it wasn't enough for him to move, but her growing weight squeezed more of him to the sides, and as her body distorted more, she began to roll to his side.

His dick, still hardened by the water inside, kept the tip inside her, and she continued to swell. The displaced water made him more flexible, and he struggled to move and wake his lover. She hadn't planned this, that much was obvious, and he needed to get her to sort it out.

With a rip, the duct tape holding his sides down finally gave way as his skin shrank back. With his hand free, he pushed on Sandy's swollen cheek, trying to wake her. A trickle of water slipped between the mink's plumped up lips as her eyes fluttered, blinking sleepily with a glow of lust in them. But when she realized what she had done while she was sleeping, they shot open with shock. Sandy pushed at her boyfriends' swollen body, but that just gave like a water balloon. Caught by the lip of the bed, the inflated lovers rolled and struggled against each other.

Their efforts only buried Chris' still pulsing dick deeper into Sandy. She opened her mouth to say something to him, but a spurt of water flowed out the second she opened her lips, and she closed them quickly, shaking her head at him.

Then an idea struck her: she closed her eyes and concentrated. Chris felt a vast force build around him, and then his skin tightened. The flow from him into her doubled, and then tripled, as did the pleasure. His entire world became the end of his dick, the pressure driving the ultimate orgasm out of him. If he could have thought, he would have feared that the sensation would burn out his nerves, and been afraid that he would never feel anything like this again, but his mind could do nothing but experience.

Finally it faded. His mind came back to his body, and he tried to find out what had happened. He was trapped in a valley of white mounds that gave as he moved on them, trying to get free. He crawled and rolled to the edge and fell off the bed, his body jiggling as it hit the floor. He was still water filled, and fat to look at, his belly sagging so far that he couldn't even see his dick when he struggled to his feet.

The mass of water that had been in him had moved into Sandy. She lay in the bed frame as he had done, face up, her torso impossibly rounded, her breasts gigantic and sagging out to the sided. The areola were over a foot wide, and her distended nipples that capped them were the size of his fist. She looked at him lazily and somehow sated from eyes that were almost forced closed by the mass of flesh around them.

"What- What am I supposed to do?" he asked his immobile girlfriend.

She couldn't answer, of course, and just rolled here eyes.

The answer hit him as he saw her bag - the hose she'd filled him up with! She could empty herself the same way. Franticly, he searched through the bag, and when he couldn't see it in there, he dashed into the bathroom, his wobbling thighs rubbing together in a way the slim dog wasn't used to. The hose was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is it?"

The mink didn't answer. Instead she just looked at his groin.

"I dunno what you want me to do! How do I fix this?"

Sandy rolled her eyes again, then focused once more on his cock. "What, you want my dick?"

He reached round his swollen belly, and grabbed his dick, now shrunk back to the normal size. But as he held it, it seemed to lengthen, further than normal and then to ridiculous, joke like lengths.

Sandy smacked her lips together. "Oh, you want my dick! I get it now."

He touched the head of his long dick to her mouth. She never gave him blow jobs, only once on his birthday. All this magic must have made her more horny than usually, and he liked that as much as being a balloon.

She sucked in his glans and sealed her lips around it, a smile curving up at the corners. His head was overly sensitive from his orgasm, and he winced slightly. And then she blew.

A bulb of water a foot across appeared in the length of meat, exactly like a cartoon. Fascinated, he watched as it moved towards him, pausing at his crotch for a second. Then it was inside him. This was different from before. He didn't swell, rather the pressure inside of him grew immensely. Water welled up in the back of his throat, and he shook as he ran to double up over the sink. The splash flowed down the drain, and he felt another pulse press against the base of his dick.

It felt like an orgasm in reverse. Instead of the pleasure being a release, the desperation to cum grew each time water entered him only to splash out of his mouth. Glancing out of the door for the second between the mouthfuls, he saw more fat globes of water ready to enter him.

And it turned him on so much. He was just being used as a conduit for the water, a pipe that just happened to be alive and made of flesh. It was as if he was simply there to serve a purpose.

Thinking about that, along with the magic forcing its way into him was driving him insane. He clutched the sink, drooling a stream of water, and glanced up.

Sandy was walking into the bathroom, her body almost back to her lithe and lean shape. Only a round bulge on her stomach, and her two big breasts were out of place. She still had his dick clutched in her mouth, and she waited to make sure he was watching before squeezing her belly, sending the penultimate bulb of water flowing towards him. Her hands moved to her tits, and she pushed the last of the water out of her body.

Casually, she spat out Chris' dick. It shrank back, following the last loads of water back, and she spoke as he spat the water out. "I had figured on being, y'know, awake while I did that, but turns out that was fun, too. I had some really good dreams."

Chris hung from the sink, panting. His body was still swollen and fat, and his cock stuck up from beneath the rolls of his belly. "Fuck... I'm so fucking horny... And why am I still fat?"

"Because I think you're cuddly like that. Now come on and help me with the mattress, and I 'll show you why I like it when you're horny, too."