
Story by JhJ on SoFurry

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Hello all,

this is a funny and interesting commission I did for Kemonokun and Night Lord.

Story contains: Fox, Cat, Paradox vore, Psychedelic content, M/M, yiff and drug use ((Weed, and LSA - Lysergic Acid Amide))

English is not my native language so please excuse some errors.

Enjoy reading.

Nighty © by Night Lord Kemonokun © by Himself Pic done by me Edited by the great Ashton ((Thank you man : ) ))



"Gray... Gray buildings... Gray Sky... Gray streets... Sometimes living in a big city like this sucks." The red fox thinks to himself as he walks out of the towering skyscraper works in. It's raining again, but that is nothing unusual. The fox's name is Kemonokun and he doesn't like this city very much. Whenever he walks through the city's streets he cannot resist looking at all the soulless people running around here. They have nearly no expression in their faces anymore. Its almost like the city is sucking the life out of their bodies.All they do is sleep, go to work, eat something and then go back to sleep. Every day the same routine and the worst part about all this is that the fox can feel how he himself is slowly turning into one of them.

Not a day passes without him thinking about how he could escape this boring and gray world, but all that is not so easy. He has to earn money. He has to live somewhere... So the only thing the vulpine can do is try to break out of this cage made out of sadness and boredom. The one thing he does all the time is changing his clothing. He often earns strange looks when he is running around in some Goth clothes, mixing up the colors black and pink. His head fur is dyed black as well with some shiny and red highlights in them.

It seems like the "normal" people don't like that. They always look in disgust at him and also try to avoid getting in contact with strange people like him, but that is something the fox welcomes.

Actually it is a funny sight when Kemonokun is walking to his apartment. From far above it looks like a black and pink dot is pushing its way through a stream of casual and boring looking dots. Of course this fox is not the only being who thinks differently in this city. But for some strange reason there are less and less individual looking people to see.

After ten minutes and two underground stations the foxy reaches his home. It is still raining and the vulpine is completely soaked by now. Slowly he moves over to the door and walks into the building. He takes out his keys and opens the door to his apartment, and in the very moment he steps into it, a wide grin crosses his muzzle...

On the other side of the city a very similar scene is enfolding, but this time a black cat is coming out of a large and unfriendly looking building. "Great... Another rainy day that is exactly what I need now..." The cat thinks to himself as he lowers his head. Unlike the vulpine he doesn't like to look at the people roaming around here. He is not interested in seeing those people and also doesn't want to see how they look at him. The only thing he really wants is getting away from all this.

The cat's name is Nighty, or at least that is how everyone calls him. His fur is completely black except for a smattering of white spots here and there. He always tries to be cheerful but of course that is not easy living in a city like this.

So the black feline continues his walk towards his home. Luckily for him his home is not too far away from his work so it doesn't take long for him to reach the building. It is the same building the fox lives in and to be exact he also lives in the same apartment. Not long ago the cat moved into this city. He had to move in here because of his job and it is easy to tell the he didn't like that fact. Considering how hard it is to get a new job the feline didn't had much of a choice. So the only thing he could do was move to that sad place.

But at the same time he was lucky again, because this gave him the chance to meet with Kemonokun. For them it was like love at the first sight. They met in one of the underground clubs and after hanging out for a while both of them decided to move in together. So it didn't take long for them to fall fully in love with each other.

The black feline opens the door to the apartment and steps in. A grin crosses his muzzle as it had for Kemonokun... The cat and the fox always are searching for an escape from the life they live in the city. It is near impossible for them to leave, so they had to find other way to escape from all that.

So what they did, was making there living place special. Unlike other apartments the walls in here are not painted in one color. No, they are painted in different colors of all types. Surely any normal person would find it too overwhelming to live in such a place for long. From the first look it is totally chaotic. Nothing is where it normally should be. Even the lights are not on the ceiling, no, they are standing out right from the side of the walls and that leads to a totally different illumination of the whole room.

The apartment itself is not very big, it only has one room with a kitchen and a bed in it. There is one separate room with a shower and a toilet as well. As the black feline steps in further he looks at the nice painted walls. It took a long time for them to paint the walls in all those different colors. He and the vulpine used a lot of different techniques too and that definitely shows in the multitude of textures. Some parts of the walls are simply painted with a brush and then again there are spots to see where they painted some random stuff with there fingers on it. Over all it is very fun to look at, especially when some colors like violet and green are meeting at the wall. That surely was unusual, but that is exactly what they wanted.

The only problem is, they are sill not completely finished. A look at the back wall, where the bed is standing, shows a big white spot. They already started to paint the wall but just on the outer lines, so the middle of it is still pale white. Nighty and Kemonokun often talked about what to do with that white spot but so far they didn't have a plan for that quite yet.

Nighty puts down his stuff and takes a seat on the edge of the bed wondering where his vulpine mate could be. Normally he is already home at this time. In that very moment he hears a click and the door to the bathroom opens. The black feline's ears are twitch at the noise and his view shifts to the opening door. What he sees there makes his heart jump. It is his mate Kemonokun and it seems like he just had a shower. His fur is still dripping with a pink towel around his hips.

Nighty jumps up from the bed to walk over to his fox greeting him. "Hey foxy, how was your day at work?" He asks in a warm friendly tone.

"Hello kitty and best not to ask how my day was. As always terrible with the most idiotic customers you can imagine..." The fox replies to that.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. You know... maybe we just should eat them." The cat says and chuckles a bit as he takes his fox into a nice and tight hug.

Kemonokun begins to murr at that as well. "Hmm eat them huh? Well you know I'm not really into that whole 'vore' thing like you are, but sometimes when I think about it. Being in your belly still is better then getting out in the morning and going to work." The fox says jokingly to his beloved cat.

Nighty releases his foxy from the hug and laughs a bit at that. "Well maybe yes, but then I would be all alone wouldn't I?"

"That is true too. And that is why I can't eat you either. Because in this case I would be all alone." The vulpine says and places another kiss on the cat's nose.

"Well, in this case I think we have no other choice than voring each other." Nighty answers and has to laugh loudly at such a silly idea.

It is clearly to see that both of them enjoy some silly talking like this but after that both of them are moving over to the bed where the vulpine's gaze instantly goes over that white spot on the back wall.

"We definitely have to fix that soon" The black cat then says as he notices the look of his mate.

"Yes and maybe today we will be able to fix it because I got us some... 'Inspiration'" The red vulpine then says with a chuckle and grabs his bag. He opens it quickly and brings out a little plastic bag and lays it down on the small table on the side of the bed.

Nighty looks at the bag and has to grin. He can see some green stuff and something that looks like two pills in it. "Oh wow you got some weed? That is totally awesome, but what are these?" The cat asks curiously and points at the orange colored pills.

"These are high concentrated LSA pills my dear kitty. You know last week was very hard for both of us and so I was thinking that we need some extra fun. I am sure you'll love them." Kemonokun says as he gets a box out from under the bed. He opens it and puts out some papers, filters and tobacco.

"Oh wow that sounds amazing." Nighty says as he watches his mate building a perfectly rolled joint. "But how did you get your paws on that stuff..." The black feline asks.

"That was not easy, but does it really matter now?" Kemonokun says and with a grin he puts the joint in between his lips and after lighting it he takes a deep drag, inhaling the thick smoke. "Oh that is just awesome" He says as he lays back on the bed still only clothed in a towel around his waist.

"True enough. It really doesn't matter that much." Nighty says and lays back as he cuddles up against the side of his slightly bigger mate. It doesn't take very long for the air to fill with the scent of fine weed. After smoking a bit of the good stuff the red vulpine hands over the joint to the black feline.

"Oh my... that is... great" The cat says after inhaling one lung full of the drug. As he does so he has to giggle and looks up at the ceiling. "Uhm... how the hell did we paint the ceiling?" The cat asks as he sees all the colors painted across the ceiling.

Kemonokun can't help but giggle. "I really don't know man... but I am glad it looks that fine." He answers, laughing a bit. He sits back up and takes out the two pills from the plastic bag. He lays them down on the small table and stands up from the bed. "I'll get us something to drink" The fox says and lets his towel fall down on the floor as he walks off to get some water.

Nighty has to grin as he watches that sexy ass waving around as his mate walks away. In the meantime the black cat begins to take off his own clothes to make everything a bit more comfortable for him. He also inhales some more of the potent joint. Before long the vulpine returns with a glass of water in each paw and places them on the small table as well. He sits down on the bed again and it is clear to see that both, the cat and the fox are already buzzed from the weed as they look at each other with a wide grins on their muzzles.

"I really don't know what I would do without you. I mean you know... it is not easy to live out there..." Nighty then says and takes one of the pills and a glass of water.

"Yes I'm happy that I found you too, and that we where able to create our own little world in here. You know? Sometimes I wish we could just stay here forever. Kind of like... being a part of that place we created here." Kemonokun then answers.

"You are silly man... but... I know what you mean." The black feline says and in the very moment he puts the LSA pill into his mouth. He washes it down with some gulps from the water and returns the glass to the table. His eyes then turn to his foxy to see that he is doing the same.

Kemonokun stretches his body and lays down on the bed again, murring a bit. The black feline follows his mate and lays down on his side. The black cat's body is rubbing against the red furred fox's body and the room is quickly filled with the sounds of a cuddling fox and cat. Murrs and purrs rise from them and swiftly they both in a tight hug, kissing each other.

The fox is pressing his muzzle against the cat's muzzle and his tongue licks over his mate's lips. Very slowly the LSA pills are showing their effect now as both of them are notice some dizziness. It doesn't feel bad, just a bit strange and it takes them a bit time to get used to such a surreal feeling. Kemonokun opens his eyes and begins to look around in awe. All the different colored dots and strings on the wall are looking much more intense, almost glowing. The strange illumination from the light on the side of the wall seems to enhance the effects too.

Nighty in the meantime was licking at the fox's chest and slowly goes down licking right over his belly. Kemonokun let out a chuckle at the sensation of the tongue on his fur is breaking him out of his trance.

"Oh, seems like the cat is playful today huh?" The fox then says as one of his hands is moving over to the feline's head stroking over the soft silky fur.

Nighty looks up to Kemonokun and smiles wide as he finally notices the effects of the drug as well. For him it almost looks like the colors are moving on the wall, and circulating around his fox's head. "Hmm... I think the colours like you..." he says, then has to laugh about what he just said.

Soon both of the furs are fully in their trance like state. They completely forget what is outside of that room and don't care about the grayness and boredom of the rest of the city. For them it is like nothing else would exist out there and everything that matters is in this room. "I think it's time for some fun kitty." The red vulpine says as he puts one of his hands right on his sheath rubbing over it.

Nighty has to purr a bit and doesn't waits long to lower his muzzle again to nuzzle right into the sheath. "Hmm such a nice foxy" He says in trance and almost automatically his tongue goes right over the fox's sheath. The vulpine's cock tip slowly begins to emerge from its hidden place and after a few more licks from the black feline the cock of the fox is half hard and almost completely exposed.

One of Nighty's paws rubs and massages over the balls of the vulpine. Still with a wide grin on his muzzle the cat watches the throbbing cock growing even more. The multicolored dots are still dancing around in his vision. It is not the first time that this cat has done drugs but he never felt so surreal and ecstatic before.

Kemonokun shifts around a bit to get into a more comfortable position. He takes some of the pillows behind him and uses them to get into a sitting position right against the back wall with the still white spot on it. He moans out as he feels that Nighty still is nuzzling and licking at his sheath and growing cock. The vulpine looks around again at the walls now. The colors look like they are pulsing. With every pulse the colored dots seem to grow a bit until they are mixing up right on the wall.

Nighty is concentrating on his mate's cock licking at it for a bit longer before he takes it fully into his muzzle. His head begins to bob his head up and down while his lips stay tight to the fox's shaft. As the black cat does that he also notices the pulsing in the corner of his eyes. Somehow it seems like the pulsing is in rhythm with the bobbing of his head.

After good five minutes Nighty stops the blowjob and looks up at the face of Kemonokun. A goofy grin is wrapped around the fox's muzzle and it is clearly to see that the fox is caught in a state between pleasure and fascination. Nighty has to chuckle a bit as he sees that and crawls up on the vulpine's lap. "What are you looking at foxy?" Nighty asks and watches how the foxy slowly snaps back out of his trance.

"Oh... Sorry I think I got overwhelmed a bit." The fox says and blushes a bit as he notices his hard rock and drooling cock. But the cat on his lap doesn't waste much time and shifts around a bit. Kemonokun's shaft wedges directly between those dark and lovely rump cheeks. Nighty's own cock is rock hard and pulses softly as he feels the tip of the fox's shaft is poking at his tight hole. "I never want to leave this place again" The fox says with a moan, his hips bucking lightly so the tip slips into the cat's squeezing passage.

"I know what you mean." Nighty says as he lets out a low purr at the feeling of his mate entering slowly. The cat now has a perfect view on the back wall in his position and so instinctively he places his hands on it. Both of his black paws are touching the non colored and still white spot and then his eyes go wide as he takes away one of the paws. All of the sudden a tiny black spot sits where the feline touched the wall. For him it feels like some part of himself is now painted to the wall. "Uhm...what the..."

But before the feline can say more he feels Kemonokun's hard thrusts pushing his cock deep into the cat's tight hole. The thick shaft of the fox almost completely inside him and is rubbing right over the feline's prostate. It sends shivery waves of pleasure up his spine and that causes them both to moan loudly. "Are you ready for the ride?" The fox asks, but doesn't really wait for an answer. Instead of that he pulls his cock back a bit and pushes deeply in again, drawing out another deep moan from the cat.

Nighty joins the rhythm and begins to move his body up and down, to make the thrusting a bit easier for Kemonokun. The vulpine is in total bliss as he continues to hump into the tight hole of his beloved mate. The fox sees the glowing of the colors is getting more intense. It almost looks like the walls are disappearing, getting absorbed by the paintings.

This strange sensation plus the pleasure is driving the fox over the edge and so he growls out loud and cums hard into his lover. "Uhmrr.... Damn...." He pants out, trying to catch his breath.

The cat feels that warm burst of his lover coming inside of him and purrs very loudly. All it takes is a simple touch to his cock for him to cum as well, slicking Kemonokun's belly in seed. Both of the lovers collapse down on the bed, laying on their backs.

The different colored dots and strings are still moving around everywhere and the lovers get the feeling that they are coming nearer.

"I really feel good... how about you kitty?" The fox asks in a very calm voice as he looks at the ceiling.

"Yes me too. I mean, I kind of feel weird... but good. I wish we could stay here like this... I want to be close to you forever" Nighty then answers.

"Well... you are the vore fan aren't you? If you want me to be close forever you'll have to eat me silly" The fox says somewhat jokingly but also teasingly.

Nighty has to laugh loudly at that and shifts around, so his muzzle is up to the fox's feet. "If you want to, I can." He says grinning as he starts to lick over the vulpine's feet.

The ticklish licks make the foxy giggle as that raspy tongue goes over his sensitive feet. "Hmm I have to warn you, if you keep that up I may get hungry for a kitty too." The fox says and shifts around as well so he is facing the feline's feet too.

Nighty seems to get a bit carried away by the fox's words. He keeps licking at the fox's feet and it doesn't takes long until he begins to slurp them in right into his widely opening maw. Kemonokun himself makes a yip as he feels the suprisingly comfortable warmth of his lover's muzzle. He can feel the warmth of his mate slowly work it's way up his feet and then legs, surrounding them in slick softness. The red vulpine looks back at the black feet in front of him and then almost on instinct he begins to lick them too.

After a few more teasing licks the fox opens wide and begins to take in Nighty's feet completely too. His muzzle spreads open wide and slowly begins to work his way up. Another strange sensation overcomes both of them. On one side they are enjoying the warmth running up their bodies, on the other side they experience some kind of closeness they never had before.

For both of them the growing pulsing and moving off all the different colors is getting a lot faster as they continue to eat each other. Nighty is now reaching the fox's knees and Kemonokun is taking in the ankles. The further they go the more they have to stretch their bodies. It would look rather painful for every normal person that would watch this, but for some strange reason the couple still feels very comfortable and so they continue with that paradoxal act.

Soon the lover's each reach eachother's hips. The cat is licking around eagerly murring and purring while the fox remains still just enjoying that kind of closeness with his cat.

It should be impossible for them to go on but somehow the cat does not feel any pain. It is almost like his body is liquefying and It seems like the fox is having the same experience.

In the corner of his eyes nighty is now can see that the colors are coming nearer and nearer. It looks like the walls are coming down on them but not in the frighting way, it is more like a universal embrace that is slowly surrounding them.

The fox can see that as well but the embrace of the colors does not stops him sliding further up his lover's body. Though he does notice some kind of dizziness and tiredness as he works his way up and Nighty has the same tired look as well. But they don't want to stop. Something is driving them now. It is not possible to stop. They are not sure why but all that matters is what they are doing is good what they are doing... Then it happens. It is like the room is compressing with them in the middle. All the colors are mixing up... until everything goes white....

Three days later...

"Police here... please open the door." Two voices are to hear from the outside of the apartment. "Hmm I dont think there is anyone in there. It's way to quiett." One officer says to the other. The two dogs are not sure what they should do now. They have been looking for Kemonokun and Nighty for over 3 days but with absolutely no results.

"Ok I'm busting iit. I mean come on why are we actually searching for these punks. Just because their companies reported them as missing? That sucks man." The officer then says and lifts his leg to kick at the door. A loud crack rings out and the door opens.

"There we go. We just look in there and see if we can find something. Then we will simply close that case." The officer then says and steps in. Their eyes go wide seeing the chaotic designs in the room."Damn... what did those freaks do to this apartment? Look at the walls...." The brown furred dog comments.

"No I better not look too long at this. I don't want to get eye cancer man." The brown furred dog then answers. "But shit what the hell is this?" He then says and points at the back wall where the white spot used to be. But instead of the white spot a strange picture indeed. The picture shows some kind of spheres. To be exact there are two spheres, one black colored, the other red.

"That picture looks strange... it is like... the spheres are melting together or something like that and... dont ask me why but that creeps me out. I mean that doesn't looks like normal colors..."

"Yes I know what you mean... come on lets get back. Lets just close the case. No one important is going to miss them anyway. So who cares."

Both officers are nod now and so they write down all the information they need on a block of paper and then leave the apartment.

We escApeD...

I lOve YoU....



oUr WorlD...

ComE iN...

jOiN uS..


Ok that is it. O,o

I hope you enjoyed reading that. As always I am glad about comments, favs and all that other stuff. So if you think it is worth it do so.

