Mara's Story

Story by Amil on SoFurry

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Mara's eyelids drooped with carefree ease as the sun emerged from behind the clouds, warming her pale grey fur where she lay curled on Master's bed. For the moment, she kept a cautious ear towards the door behind her. He would be home soon, and her worries would end. Until then, however, she had to be careful of Master's dam. The human woman had no patience for Mara, and the old tom who'd lived here when Master was young was the only reason any of them were here.

A soft patter of feet echoed in from the hall, and Mara turned to look. It was Revi, the tabby Master's tom had brought home the same time as Mara. She didn't have many memories of that time--she'd been too young--but she knew he was perhaps a month older than her.

Sensing her gaze, he turned towards her and then slipped through the half-open doorway into Master's room. She glared at him, but didn't hiss.

It wasn't that she didn't like him--she did. But this was Master's territory, and as irrational as she knew it to be, she liked to imagine that she alone was welcome here. It was half true; had any other cat curled up on his bed, he would have gently deposited them onto the floor. Not Mara, she alone he permitted. She was his favorite.

Still, it was too warm for her to get upset. She gave a soft purr, and rolled onto her side, back turned to Revi. She rubbed her head against the blanket, purring louder at the pleasure it brought her.

The bed gave a soft tremor, and she knew without looking that Revi had joined her on it. His scent wafted over towards her, and she inhaled deeply. As much as she adored Master, he still smelled like a human. Revi, with his earthy, masculine scent was welcome company. She had a brief irrational thought that if she was with him, maybe Master would be lenient and let them both stay on the bed.

As if reading her thoughts, Revi moved closer. He brushed provocatively against her flank, and she gasped inwardly. That was no accident. With a throaty purr, he nuzzled her ear and began to groom her neck. She purred back, arching her head to derive the most pleasure from his tongue.

She was in heaven. Shivering from the pleasing chills that shot down her spine to the tip of her tail--which flitted about wildly--she pressed against his side.

From outside came the familiar slamming noise that heralded Master's return. Despite her enjoyment, she quickly leapt to her paws, darting over towards the window curiously. Her nose pressed against the cool glass, but there was no sign of anyone. Had she been wrong? Revi's scent washed over her once again, and she hesitated for a brief moment.

She jumped as she felt Revi's nose prod her beneath the tail. She tried to spin, planning to swat at him with a defensive paw, but her legs trembled instead. A hot flame of desire seared through her belly, and her yowl of protest turned into one of desire midway through the utterance. She stumbled, confused and glaring at him. His eyes were glassy with single-mindedness, and a soft, growling purr was slipping from his throat.

Mara gave a few indecisive pants, and then glanced back towards the window. Master. He would be home any moment, and then all would be better. She peered down, desperately seeking his familiar snout.

She felt Revi's whisker's brush her tail a moment before he once again nosed her beneath it. She was prepared for the weakness in her limbs, and managed to take a half-step away. But no sooner had she lifted her other forepaw than Revi's bristled tongue lapped against her nether regions.

The scratching, rough pleasure of the sensation made her stumble, lightheaded as she gave another aroused yowl. Her tail rose involuntarily, and the second, more accurate lap that Revi gave filled her with a dawning sense of dread. Not here. Not when Master would be home any second.

She dragged herself away from the window, quickly leaping down from the bed. Her legs sagged slightly as she landed, but she had her eyes set on the doorway. She had to escape.

But there was no escape to be found. Revi pounced on her, his weight driving her to the carpet and his paws holding her tightly as she tried to squirm away from him. His jaws closed down painfully on her nape, and she yowled a third time. This time however, her body was aflame with so many conflicting sensations that she couldn't process what she was feeling. Her scruff was sending jolts of pain down her back and up the base of her skull, but the base of her tail was aching with need and felt as damp as the fur of a freshly bathed kitten. She tried one last time to throw Revi off, but her body disobeyed, raising her hips instead. Her attempts to lunge forward ended as she felt Revi's body connect with hers, and his hips slam home against her.

The moment he entered her, the feelings she'd endured previously became insignificant in the wake of those that replaced them. There was pain, but that discomfort was no greater than that of his fangs securing her nape. Beneath it however, an ocean of pleasure was swelling, threatening to blot out everything else. Revi pounded her from behind, and she began to yowl in unrestrained pleasure. Her insides were tightening about him, pulsing from the stimulation his member provided. And the more he thrust into her, the greater that pleasure grew, and the hotter and wetter she felt.

It was the footsteps that broke her from the reverie arousal provided. They were drawing nearer, and despite the pleasure that was now making her hips shake--and would have even without the aggressive thrusting of Revi--she began to squirm again. He bit down again, hard, and despite the new pain she began to move with him. Maybe, just maybe they could finish before Master saw.

She felt the pleasure increase again, and an unfamiliar tightness began to spread to her outlying limbs. She was close--so close--and as if sensing her nearness, Revi ceased to pull back after each thrust. Instead, his forepaws grip about her tightened further, and he drove himself forward without retreat, battering her insides. Mara gave another yowl as she felt herself slip across the threshold, and the first burning waves of pleasure began to emanate from her loins.

Revi's member spasmed violently, swelling and spurting within her, as her yowl grew into a keening wail of pleasure. She felt his burning seed coat her insides, and no sooner had it stopped than the footsteps ceased.

Mara opened her eyes without realizing she had closed them. They shot upwards towards the human who now stood watching them through the half-opened doorway. Master's dam gazed down with one of her unreadable human expressions.

"Damn horny things," she muttered, and resumed walking.

The moment she was out of sight, Revi released his grip on her scruff and hips, retreating quickly. His spines scraped her insides, and with that sudden rush of agony, Mara was dragged back to reality. She cried out in pain then whirled on him, hissing and swiping at him with her claws.

She would forgive him, as soon as the emotion and instincts of their mating had faded he'd be back and she'd probably give herself to him again.

Only next time, not in Master's room.