Charlotte's Visit: Part Three

Story by TheMishMash on SoFurry

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General Disclaimer: This story may contain scenes of a graphic and/or sexual nature. As such it is not suitable for view by persons under the age of eighteen. Please respect the law in your area, it's in place for your own good.

Mission Statement: This story was written and collaborated on by one or more members of TheMishMash. We are a team of like minded friends who strive to bring humor, drama, adventure, and sordid affairs to the masses. Comments and questions are always welcome and we can be contacted through our user page here on SoFurry. Please denote who you're asking for when leaving a message. Sincerely... Ghoti, Bones, and Scratch.

Charlotte's Visit: Part Three

Written by: Ghoti

Content: This story contains YIFF... lots and lots of Yiff... Read in shorthand; Masturbation, Anal, Vaginal, Oral.

Personal Notes: I don't have to tell you, this story took a LONG time to write... There's a LOT I could say here about the process and behind the scenes drama involved... ... ... But that's not what you're here for... You are here for Yiff, and I have delivered... Finaly. Special thanks for this story to two special furries who stood by me even when my real life friend would not... Read your names now and be proud if for no other reason than you are good people.

SPECIAL THANKS TO: Fiad Dinenanu and Timbe.

Charlotte was frozen in place, standing next to a counter in her cousin's kitchen, stark naked with a glass of blood in her paw.

Footsteps, accented with the minute clicking of the animal's toenails, were approaching the kitchen.

Having been concentrating on getting the drink, her normally superior hearing had failed her. She should have heard whichever roommate was on the way when he opened the door to his bedroom. Now, it was too late to run or hide. Whichever boy it was, possibly even her cousin, would be in the kitchen and upon her before she could so much as duck behind the center counter.

Left without any options, mortified by the possibility of being caught off guard, and NAKED, by either of the three boys, and essentially paralyzed, she dropped the glass of blood.

The glass, with its meticulously stenciled letter G on the side, fell in slow motion, it's chilled, scarlet contents ebbing toward the mouth of the container, certain to spill regardless of whether the glass itself shattered. Suddenly free of the physically binding trance that had held her, Charlotte dropped instantly to her knees and made to catch the glass.

Although it slipped between her outstretched paws as fluidly as if the blood were without container, the glass did strike her left thigh, which halted its destructive descent and changed it to a gradual roll. It clattered noisily, but intact to the floor, and in a less occupied corner of her mind, Charlotte heard the approaching footsteps halt, surely no farther away now than the last turn out of the hallway.

Spilling blood with every near silent, but far too audible revolution, the glass rolled to the center cabinets and clinked against them, coming to a halt.

Silence ruled the kitchen so completely that Charlotte's well tuned ears heard the mournful, plaintive query of an owl somewhere in the woods outside.

With the numbing shroud of fear at least temporarily broken, and with the unknown approaching animal at least temporarily halted, Charlotte found enough drive to scramble as silently as possible behind the center island and wrap herself protectively in her wings.

No sooner than she had completed her frenzied, poor attempt at concealment did she hear the soft, quiet voice of Bones.

"Ghoti?" She heard the skunk ask, and then heard him complete his tortuous trip to the kitchen...


Bones had awoken, as sometimes he did, with an insistent, but largely unimpressive hunger.

With a metabolism to rival that of a hummingbird, his body's desire for late night snacks was common. Typically, a snack cake or a few crackers, a box of which this bat roommate Ghoti always made sure they had, was enough to quiet his stomach for the remainder of the lunar hours. So, dressed in his boxers and t-shirt, he had gotten up and went to the kitchen.

He had left his room as quietly as possible, remembering that Ghoti's cousin, the younger, more colorful, and female, Charlotte, was sharing the boy's room. It had taken him less than a week living with Ghoti to learn that the bats could, if they were concentrating on it intently, hear you clear your throat in another room with the door closed. Although a sleeping bat tended to instinctively tune out most background noise, Bones was far too courteous to risk waking either Ghoti, surely roosting in his closet, or Charlotte, who was apparently using the boy's mostly aesthetic bed.

Upon nearing the kitchen however, he heard the unmistakable clatter of glassware rattling to the floor, and knowing his roommates as he did, knew that most likely one of the bats was already awake.

Scratch, their mutual bobcat friend who shared the rent with them, rarely awoke before noon and, with an unbecoming habit of drinking things straight from their container, was unlikely to be using a glass in the kitchen at any hour. That left either Ghoti or Charlotte. Whichever one it was had undoubtedly been in the process of getting a drink when they heard his footsteps and fumbled the glass. The sound startled him a bit nonetheless and he stopped at the end of the hall.

With a partially obstructed view of the kitchen floor, he easily saw a glass, bearing a letter G, roll languidly across the floor and come to a stop against the center island cabinets. Ghoti had marked his glasses with his initial because he didn't want either Scratch or himself to mistakenly drink after him. Not only did his saliva contain powerful anticoagulants that could possibly make them sick, but as a bat he had to periodically consume blood to survive. Indeed, the glass currently lying against the cupboards had spilled a generous amount of blood onto the floor.

Bones called the boy bat's name but didn't receive an answer. His curiosity getting the better of him, he entered the kitchen proper and assessed the situation. Ghoti's glass carafe of blood, containing only the barest amount of the ruby liquid in the bottom, sat on the counter next to, improbably enough, the blue plush rabbit that the white bat had purchased about a week ago. Blood marred the pristine white tile in some kind of Rorschach mockery. And the refrigerator door was ajar. As if seeing the rolling glass wasn't enough, there was plenty evidence here to suggest that, although no large eared mammals were in sight, one must surely be in hiding.

Assuming, he hoped correctly, that Ghoti wouldn't hide from him, that left only two options... Charlotte. Or some unknown, blood thirsty prowler. Trusting also that Either Ghoti or his cousin would have heard an intruder, Bones called now for the red furred female bat.

"Charlotte?" He called softly, figuring that if she was hiding from him she must be embarrassed about being caught drinking from Ghoti's stash. "It's okay Char... C'mon out."

Although his hearing would never rival that of his winged friends, he had little trouble hearing the soft, feminine whimper which emanated from behind the center cabinets.

He slowly approached the center island and called softly to her again. "I know it's you Char. And I know you probably need a drink. So c'mon out and finish off Ghoti's stash. He won't mind, I'm sure."

"Don't come any closer!" He heard the girl nearly screech in a whispery voice, and stopped cold.

His brow furrowed in concern. It was true he didn't know the girl that well. But they'd always seemed to get along. And who had ever heard of a bat being afraid of a skunk? Usually his people were right above the mice and squirrels on the timidity scale. And as hematophages, the bats were thought to be nigh fearless.

His good natured and well intended sense of friendship and desire to help bested his reservations and he boldly walked around the center cabinets.

And beheld the crouched, violently trembling, deeply blushing, wrapped securely in her unbound wings, but nonetheless obviously naked, Charlotte, who gave him a look of mingled fear, embarrassment, and bestial rage before she hissed, opened her wings in an elegant 7 foot spread, and tackled him to the floor.


Although Bones had lived many years as Ghoti's close friend, and a few more as his roommate, He still didn't know everything there was to know about the bat species.

Such as, what emotions trigger their impulses to bite and subsequently drink blood.

Desperation could do it. Their bodies need blood to keep working properly. If they go without for too long, they might experience the leakage of their own blood from their nose or ears or even their eyes. The "bleed out" as they call it, is almost always accompanied by a constant drive to bite something, anything, in effort to get blood other than their own.

Extreme sadness or depression can drive them to bite themselves. Such low points are often the direct result of depriving themselves through either guilt or remorse.

Nervousness has been known to variably affect their bite reflex to a measure of degrees dependent on how well each individual bat deals with stress on a personal level. Many a young bat on his first day of school is sent with a Ziploc bag of blood or a blood-soaked tennis ball to take into hiding and bite and drink from when the stress on his or her nerves becomes too much.

Anger too can lead a bat to lash out unexpectedly with his or her most formidable weapons. Even the shyest or most nerdy amongst them seldom endure teasing or ridicule for this very reason. Even though most animals believe their bloodlust to be but a rumor, most are unwilling to get in a fight with a bat. Even if they weren't biting for a drink, the dual sets of typically inch long fangs were good deterrents in their own right.

Perhaps the most obscure and dangerous trigger for a bat's bite however, is sexual arousal. Like nervousness, it varies in intensity dependent on when and how much the individual chiropteran drank last as compared to exactly how aroused they are. Upon reaching orgasm however, only the most regularly satiated bats can manage to ignore their bloodlust's call. Most simply bite anyway because whoever they're with expects it.

Due to Charlotte Finnegan's all too recent, blood denied, double orgasms... And the fact that she was fast approaching a true need for blood... Added to her full body embarrassment at being found naked by her cousin's roommate... Any student of chiropteran psychology wouldn't have bet against her attack on him to save their life.


In her defense, Charlotte had been so completely lost to her bestial nature in the few seconds she cowered from Bones that by no practical definition was she in her right mind.

When he ignored her warning not to approach, he sealed his fate. Once she locked eyes with him, his filled with concern and the barest flowering of belated fear, hers undoubtedly all but blazing with anger, her inner beast took over and she lunged at him. With her wings spread and her teeth bared, under less time constrained circumstances, the skunk might have screamed, tried to run, or at the very least stumbled and fell in sheer panic. Due to his proximity to her and her almost unnatural quickness, he had no such opportunities however. She tackled him head on.

In less than three seconds, she had wrapped her wings around him in a pseudo-embrace, brought him down to the floor, and sunk her fangs into his neck, simultaneously squeezing, knocking, and choking the breath out of him, rendering him a silent hostage.

What happened next could have stumped even the most studious of the previously mentioned chiropteran psychologists. Although she had very recently pleasured herself, and had this instant put herself in position to slake her bloodlust, as she straddled the wheezing skunk on the cold kitchen tile, she began to grind herself against him as soon as the first drop of his blood hit her tongue.

To his credit, although he now found himself trapped in the death shroud of a desperate teenager, Bones was as calm as he could be. Despite being no expert on the bats, he knew enough to be certain that this was a situation he couldn't get out of on his own. He'd heard Ghoti talk about feeding and knew that trying to get away only made it worse. Typically, although the act seemed geared toward killing, bats bit in a way that naturally avoided primary arteries. Struggling could cause them to tear something important by accident. His slight stature notwithstanding, he knew that Charlotte fed more frequently than Ghoti and was unlikely to drain him of more than his thin body could spare.

The more troubling aspect of the situation was double edged. She was naked... And he had only the thinnest of clothing between his body and hers.

As his breath slowly returned to him, he tried to speak to her. "Char... It's me... Bones..." He could feel his blood steadily oozing into her waiting mouth and the feeling made him a bit queasy. "You don't have to do this Char... You can let me go..."

The girl growled sternly and clenched her jaws, causing his blood to spurt into her throat and an undignified squeak to escape his mouth. She also continued to grind her hips on him.

At first, he had found the sensations below his waist easy to ignore in favor of what was happening above, but now, perhaps with her anticoagulant saliva easing the pain, he found his attention drawn to the feeling of her pressing against him.

After a few minutes spent getting progressively uncomfortable below the beltline, and despite the voiceless negation it had earned him earlier, he tried to reason with her again. "Charlotte... You need to let me go..." The loss of blood from his neck was doing nothing at all to stem the flow of blood to his nether regions, and as his focus faltered and he became hard against her, his voice gave away his worry. "You need to quit before we BOTH do something we'll regret..." His arms pinned to the side and securely bound by the girl's wings, he nevertheless began to struggle, his fevered mind conjuring up visions of Scratch or, Heaven help him, Ghoti walking around the corner and finding them like this.

His efforts only earned him another deep, and somewhat terrifying, growl from Charlotte, firmer, more wanton administrations where their bodies met, and another clenching of her jaws, which made his vision swim a moment.

Time spun out immeasurably... Then, with a whimper and a moan, Charlotte began to come back to herself.

Bones, having accepted his eventual fate of being found a hollow, dry, monochromatic throw rug with an erection by his roommates come daylight, felt the change in her, most notably a slight trembling where seconds ago her body had been a rigid, inescapable vice, and tried to communicate once more. "Cha-" His now dry mouth and throat failed him and after licking his lips, he tried again. "Charlotte..?"

"Oh, Ghaaa..." She mumbled around her mouthful of fur, then, "Hol' sti' Bohz..."

"What do y- Nyaaah..!" Bones hissed as she began to withdraw her fangs from his neck.

Charlotte, having been willingly bitten by members of her family, knew that the extraction could be more painful than the impalement and didn't stop until her fangs were free. She then hastened away from the skunk, scooting a few feet back and watching him rub his dribbling neck and work the residual stiffness from his joints.

Bones cast a leery look at the girl. She was shivering and trying desperately to keep her body hidden under her wings. Despite the pain she had caused him, he felt sad for her own situation. After ascertaining that his blood flow was diminishing appreciably, he lifted his shirt off over his head and held it out to her. "Here... Not much, but better than nothing..."

Charlotte reached for the shirt, and was glad when Bones prudently looked away so she could put it on. He was a bit taller than her and it hung well below her waist. So even though with unbound wings it was uncomfortable, it did the job it was meant to. She spoke to let him know she was finished. "I'm SO sorry B..."

He smiled wearily at her and rubbed his neck once again. It itched. He decided to ignore any direct line of conversation pertaining to her feeding. The tears brimming in her eyes were worrisome. "Couldn't sleep?" He asked instead.

She stared at him dumbfounded, then clasped a paw over her mouth to stifle her laughter. Then she gave him a sad smile. "No... I couldn't. Bad luck for you, I guess..."

With the tension broken off, Bones felt comfortable enough to ease her worries. "It's okay Char." The extraction of her fangs and the removal of her body from against his had done the job being drained of his blood failed and the unsightly bulge in his boxers was temporarily gone. "I mean... It could've been worse..."

Charlotte shook her head ruefully. "No, it's NOT okay..." She bit her lip in troubled thought and immediately brought blood with her fangs. She looked away, unable to face the skunk.

Seeing the girl like this, so deeply troubled by an action that in all honesty she was unable to control, brought memories of Ghoti's semi-private struggles with his bloodlust. Although Charlotte appeared less fearful of her body's desires than her cousin, biting an unwilling friend was too much. Bones tentatively reached out a black furred paw and wiped blood from her lower lip before lifting her chin to make her face him. "Don't beat yourself up over it... You literally can't help it..."

Charlotte hazarded a look into his green eyes and smiled wanly. Satisfied that, given time, she would put it all behind her, Bones made to get to his feet... and failed miserably. He fell back on his rump and pressed a paw to his temple.

"L-let me help you." Charlotte got to her feet easily and held out a slender paw.

Bones cast his bleary eyes upward and was greeted with a fleeting, but all too revealing glimpse up the hem of his nightshirt. Although, like his roommates, he was no stranger to the fairer sex, he had to admit to himself that it had been a while... and the reddish, downy, and somewhat moist fur between the girl's thighs looked inviting even to a lightheaded skunk. Fearing his gaze or the stirrings below his waist would give him away and make a tense situation worse still, he took the offered paw and she helped him to his feet.

"Thanks Char..." Bones took a moment to get his bearings then, in an effort to get his mind off the attractive hematophage, surveyed the blood-spattered kitchen floor. "I should clean this up before it stains it permanently..." With a new, safer focal point for his efforts, he quickly found a rag and began to soap it up in the sink.

Charlotte had seen him peek up the hem of the shirt he had given her, and her mind, not the most stable in her extended family, had seized on the almost innocent act and begun to scheme almost against her will. She knew that while she had been feeding from him, she had also been grinding herself against him. It was something she had been prone to doing while drinking blood since she became a teenager. But, since the only animals she ever fed from were family, the urge only made itself apparent when she drank blood that wasn't fresh. Had Bones not interrupted her, she may have masturbated while drinking the glass now spilled on the floor. Abruptly she realized that she was currently staring at Bones' tail and that her left paw had strayed under the hem of the shirt. She shook her head to clear her thoughts and went to help him.

At the sink, she spoke to him softly. "I uh... I'm sorry if I... Did anything, while I was f-feeding..." She stammered and blushed deeply.

His own blush swiftly rising in his ears, Bones tried to play it off cool. "You weren't you at the time, Char... it's okay."

Although the tension between them was palpable, they fell silent and set about mutually cleaning the kitchen floor. Even though on the surface they were able to pass as clear minded and willing to put the unfortunate encounter behind them, in the minds of both animals, some lower, some would say 'bestial' part of them was busy scheming.

Charlotte couldn't keep her mind off the barely remembered feel of his erection against her. As they cleaned the floor, her eyes were drawn again and again to his plush, striped tail. It looked so soft and inviting, many times while they quietly scrubbed she had to physically restrain herself from reaching out and grabbing it.

Similarly, Bones' eyes were drawn multiple times to Charlotte's backside. Clearly visible whenever she kneeled in front of him to sponge up blood or pinkish water, her short tail and firm buttocks, brought forth the related memory of his peek between her legs. He had to focus intently on the chore before them to keep from pitching yet another tent in his boxers.

Despite the distracted nature of the animals at work, they finished quickly enough, leaving them once again forced to talk about their situation.

Bones looked at the shapely cousin of his roommate and long time friend. She stood pulling the hem of his nightshirt dawn toward her knees and avoiding his gaze. About the time he felt he MUST speak if for no other reason than to excuse himself back to the safety of his bedroom, she raised her head and met his gaze with her deep brown eyes.

That look... Perhaps fueled by their already intimate encounter... Perhaps somehow destined or predetermined by a select group of individuals in an alternate universe... Was at any rate all it took... They simultaneously embraced, Charlotte once again wrapping her arms around the skunk, this time softly and tenderly, and Bones eagerly met her lips with his own. They kissed deeply, Charlotte delving her long, talented tongue into his warm mouth.

Bones wasted no time running his paws up under the shirt he lent her. As her ribbon-like tongue wrapped around his own seeming to squeeze it, he moved his paws through the soft fur covering her rump and tugged her short tail gently with one paw as the other snuck under and brushed lightly over her hot sex.

Charlotte moaned into his mouth and clamped her thighs together on his paw as she moved her own hands down to stroke the incredible fluffiness of his thick tail fur before undoing the tailsnap on his boxers, allowing them to easily slide of his slight frame.

Bones struggled to break their kiss, finally having to gather all of her tongue together and practically spit it back into her mouth, then used his free paw to push her back slightly.

A look of near physical pain shadowed the girl's face for a moment before Bones reached for the hem of his shirt and she realized he simply wanted her naked as she had made him. She readily complied then embraced him heavily once more, pressing her breasts against him and moving his paw back between her legs.

The skunk happily went where she willed him, delving his fingers into her sodden snatch. She moaned encouragement and he began to work his claws into her tunnel, rubbing his thumb pad over her clit for added stimulation as she went weak for a moment, then clenched his shoulders tightly with her sharp claws.

More than willing to not only wait his turn, but to make sure he EARNED it, Bones worked his claws faster, making erotic, wet noises echo softly in the room as her already soaked cunt flowed even more, quickly matting the fur on his paw and emboldening him. Gripping her back hard with his other paw, he fisted his hand and knuckled her pussy gently at first, then forcefully, making it stretch around his invading appendage.

Charlotte, no stranger to unnatural insertion thanks to her experiments fisting herself, babbled encouragement. "YespleaseBonesmakemecumforyoumakemecomesoHARDpleaseGod..."

Bones felt his cock twitch slightly against her at the sound of her dirty talk and did as she bade him, locking his wrist and pushing with his fist. A thin keening noise built softly in Charlotte's throat and tears brimmed in the corners of her tightly shut eyes as she instinctively spread her legs, helping Bones' fist stretch her wide and eventually slip inside her.

The mingled pain and intense pleasure sent her immediately over the edge and she brought a paw to her mouth, shoving it inside to stifle her moaning as her juices seeped out around his wrist. Her pussy tightened and spasmed around his fist and her body went weak again.

As she leaned against him, panting quietly, Bones eased his paw back out of her slowly, then brought it to his mouth and licked her girl flavor from his fur. Charlotte regained her strength enough to raise her head from his shoulder and extended her tongue to join his, lapping her juices from his paw, then drawing him into another kiss.

As she sent the talented blade of her tongue into his mouth again, Bones gently brought them down to the floor and laid her on her back. Never breaking away from her almost desperate kiss, he positioned himself against her warm center and eased his entire length into her in one slow thrust. Despite his recent invasion with his whole fist, her young body gripped him as tight as a virgin, engulfing him and seeming to squeeze with the last of her fading orgasm.

Charlotte mewed into his mouth and began to grind against him, consciously this time, and slowly to increase the feeling. As she worked her cunt on the stiff rod of his manhood, he began to fuck her slowly, sending his meat deep inside her on each thrust. His breath began to come in harsh pants as he picked up the pace, quiet slapping noises issuing from where their cum matted fur met.

Charlotte gripped his ass tightly with one paw and twined the fingers of the other deep into his thick tail fur as his body began to twitch. Feeling him approach his release, she clenched the muscles of her sex around him, earning a sharp gasp and an immediate flow of his warm spunk into her body.

They broke their lasting kiss and lay against each other, catching their breath a moment. Charlotte lay blissfully enjoying the feeling of being next to a male who had fucked her so well and caught sight of weak light falling in through the kitchen window. Not at all ready to abandon such a Godsend situation as this, she quickly changed position and went down on him, taking his relaxing member in her mouth before it could completely retreat into his sheath.

Bones hissed at the feeling of her mouth on his recovering cock, then let his body go limp as he grew hard in her mouth. She worked him almost expertly, twining her unique tongue around the entire length of him, then trailing it away slowly as she sucked him hard and deep, occasionally letting go to suckle his balls before going back to deep throat him.

Unwilling to lay back and receive without giving SOMETHING back, Bones scooted them back against the cabinets and sat up against them, then bent his body over hers, reaching back between her thighs from behind this time. Charlotte purred happily around his dick as he began to diddle her tender girl parts once more, gathering her sweet smelling fluid on his fingers before timidly moving up under her tail.

Charlotte saved him any unsure feelings by wriggling her rump against his cum slick fingers, giving him the go ahead. She moaned around his bone-hard prick as he slipped a claw into her tailhole carefully, then began to finger her ass slowly.

Memories of her cousin's porno springing immediately to mind, Charlotte spat his cock out and reached back to remove his paw. Bones was about to mutter some half-assed apology, but stopped short when she turned in front of him and bent over, raising her pert ass into the air and lifting her short tail. Words were unnecessary and Bones quickly mounted her, positioning his spit slick cock against her cum slimy ass hole.

Undaunted by the new experience and fully aware that their time together was ending as surely as the sun kept rising, The girl bat reached back, grabbed his hip with one paw, and forced him forward, impaling him in her back end in one overeager thrust.

The pain was great... And quickly overshadowed by pleasure, as instinct drove the Skunk to work himself in her tight tailhole. Charlotte moaned as quietly as she could and reached between her legs to diddle herself.

The tightness of her rear entry coupled with the mere knowledge of what he was doing, and to whom he was doing it to, brought Bones to a second climax quickly. He fought against it and began to hard fuck her fast and deep, seeking to bring her with him if at all possible.

The intense feelings in her recently virgin ass accomplished just that, bringing her to orgasm almost against her will. As she came, leaking only the barest amount of cum from her spent pussy onto the floor underneath them, she arched her back.

The change in her position put ungodly pressure on his cock and he shot another hot load of semen into her guts and fell upon her, whimpering like a kitt.

Charlotte whimpered as well, the departing pleasure leaving room only for pain. Soon though, his member retreated from her back into his sheath.


They spent only the barest few minutes recovering physically, then rapidly set out to cleaning the kitchen floor once again. After the girl cum, boy cum, drool, and small spots of fresh blood escaped from reopened and new wounds, were cleaned up, Bones redressed. Charlotte stood by, unashamedly naked now.

Daylight held a real threat now. Although Scratch and Ghoti were neither one known for getting an early start on the day, the time for risk taking was long past. Bones boldly embraced the bat once more. "We can never speak of this Char... Ghoti would probably kill us both..." He whispered.

"Believe me... I know..." She whispered back and kissed him, lightly and non-invasively this time... Tenderly, you might say.

Bones returned the kiss, nodded at her, smiled, and turned to go to his room without another word on the subject.

Once he was out of sight, Charlotte sighed dreamily, leaned back against the counter, and eased a paw between her thighs, spreading her incredibly tender pussy open and allowing his seed to seep out onto her fingers. She brought them then to her mouth and licked his cum up with her tongue, her eyes closing in ecstacy.

She came back to herself quickly and soon crept back to Ghoti's room, limping slightly. She planned to get dressed right away and wait for the rest of the house to wake up. If Ghoti found he was unable to wake her up, he might become suspicious.


On the center island in the middle of the kitchen... long forgotten by the girl that had brought him there... and then LEFT him... AFTER fucking his arch-nemesis The Skunk... Mr. Bun sat in a seething rage...

The Skunk would pay...

The Skunk would pay... With his life...

*Ending Time Stamp: * Wednesday, January 19, 2011, 6:47 am