Lost in the Woods

Story by Galthroc on SoFurry

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_This was just quick, admitedly dumb story I shook up in an hour while I was horny. I'll try to work on something better, soon. For now, enjoy the super over-the-top smut. _

The forest was dangerous, but it was the only way to go.

Lance had been wondering around through the trees and grass for over three hours. He was afraid he was lost, but he didn't want to admit it. In fact, he might have been going in circles. Still, the fox wasn't going to admit being lost. He had to rely on his instincts - he couldn't give up now.

The sun was falling, beams of its light shining through the canopy of trees overhead. Various noises of life could be heard all around him. But suddenly, one noise stood out.

It was the rustling of leaves nearby. The fox jerked his head in the direction of the disturbance. There! A large bush was shaking just several yard away from him. Suspicious, Lance pulled out his dagger from its sheathe on his hip. He spread his legs and held it in front of him. "Who is it?" he called out, thinking he might be crazy - it was likely just some animals. Still, he was fleeing for his life, and he was paranoid.

The fox's eyes widened considerably when he saw what came out of the bush. Two massive arms shot out from the foliage, spreading the bush and making a doorway so that the creature could step out. Lance noticed some tribal markings on its arms, marking whose meaning he did not know. One was simply a ring going around the bicep, and the other was a long stripe going down the length of his right arm, with each knuckle sporting a large dot. It must be a native of the forest. Lance swirled his knife, letting whatever was about to step out know that he knew how to use a weapon.

A huge leg stomped forward, a hoof crunching the leaves underneath it. Cords of muscle flexed and bulged when the hoof touched the forest floor. Whatever this creature was, it was definitely a large one. It paused for a moment, as though waiting for a reaction from the fox, but when Lance made no move, it finally stepped completely out.

In front of Lance towered a gigantic, native equine. It's muscled body was adorned with markings and tattoos, but the real decoration was its eight pack abdominals and two large pectorals. The light brown fur coat was complimented with a long, dark brown mane, which partly hung in front of one of his eyes. Simply put, he was enormous. Over his crotch was a loose cloth, which hung all the way down to between his knees. He must have been eight feet tall, Lance estimated.

"Stay back," the fox said, trying to keep his voice strong. Not much was known about the native equestrian tribes of the forest, so Lance didn't want to take any chances. He kept his weapon held in front of him, ready to fend back the savage if need be.

The horse cocked his head and furrowed his eyebrows. He spoke, but the language was unlike anything Lance had ever heard. The fox shook his head and shrugged. The horse spoke again, this time talking with his hands, but that didn't help much. Instead, the horse stepped forward.

Lance darted back, sticking his dagger farther out. "Don't come any closer," he warned. The native stopped in his tracks and put his hands in front of him as if to say, "calm down." Then, he stretched his arms to either side of him, showing he was unarmed, and meant no harm.

Lance considered his options for a moment, but decided to slowly lower his weapon. The native smiled warmly, and very slowly stepped forward again, his arms still outstretched. They were huge appendages, cut with muscle and popping with veins. Lance couldn't help but admire the equine's body as he approached him.

Finally, they were merely a few feet from each other. Lance had sheathed his weapon, and was now looking up at the native. He couldn't help but notice a powerful, musky smell was emanating from him. The fox's eyes lowered their gaze from his face to his heaving chest, down to that flat, sexy stomach, and finally ended on the loincloth. He couldn't help but stare, entranced. He wasn't gay, and he couldn't even fathom what he was doing right now, but it felt...right. This was one sexy beast.

They stared at each other for some time. After a few minutes, though, Lance thought best to speak up, "Uh...what's your name, then?" he scratched the back of his head, not expecting a response. The horse tilted his head again and spoke strangely, then he smiled warmly. Lance smiled back in politeness. The horse spoke again, but then started to laugh. Lance shrugged and laughed, too. His eyes lingered on the horse's stomach as it laughed, those cut abs crunching as his body shook with laughter.

Suddenly, the beast grabbed one of Lance's wrists, but the fox didn't even resist, nor did he flinch. Instead, when the horse placed his hand on the beast's hot chest, he squeezed his fingers against the solid muscle, moaning softly at how hard and strong it was. The native snorted in pleasure, and spoke in a deep, sexy voice in that strange language.

Lance's hand had moved down to the horse's stomach. He was feeling each cobblestone ab, tracing the lines of muscle with his finger. He had a raging erection in his torn cloth pants, one that the horse obviously noticed, for he was eyeing it and smiling haughtily.

With a quick movement, the horse swiped up his loincloth and tore it away. Revealed now was a huge equine sheathe that was already spilling at least a foot of thick, hot horse cock. Lance's mouth dropped. The beast was so tall that his crotch was level with the fox's chest, and as more and more limp cock spilled out, it collided with and slid down the fox's body.

Lance was breathing heavily now, his erection throbbing and leaking in his trousers, a wet spot forming at the tip of his tent. The horse crossed his arms over his huge chest, as though waiting. Perhaps this is what outsiders did to pay respect, or maybe his tribe practiced this all the time. Maybe he was just horny as hell and came out here to masturbate, but found a helper instead. Lance didn't know what was going on, but he knew that he liked it. Carefully, he grabbed that huge cock with both hands and lifted it up. It was heavy and thick, like holding a dead anaconda in his hands. In no time, though, he began to feel it throb as blood pulsed into it, the massive organ slowly swelling and hardening.

Lance let go and stepped back, but tripped on a root and fell onto his butt. He looked up at the beast and watched. The horse had a smirk on his face, and he let his arms fall to his sides as his cock grew and grew, harder and harder, traveling up his body. He spread his legs, letting his two monstrous balls dangle between his muscled thighs, large as cantaloupes. The horse was the tallest thing Lance had seen, and his cock was proportionately huge. It fell away from his body as it grew, becoming too heavy, resting at a 45 degree angle. Finally, Lance knew it was finished growing when it lurched - a massive throb as though it were flexing. A titanic vein bulged down the side, and a huge wad of precum sputtered from the tip. The beast's whole body quivered, and he moaned softly before his cock stood at rest, at least three feet of enormous horse cock.

"Fuck..." Lance groaned. He couldn't believe what he was looking at. His cock was so hard that it hurt. His heart sped up even more when the horse stepped closer to him, huge cock waggling in front, a rope of pre dangling from the tip. His massive balls juggled and collided with his legs with every step he took. Lance was entranced.

The horse grabbed the fox and hoisted him up with one hand. Lance gulped when the beast grabbed his collar, and with a quick yank the fox was shirtless, his lithe body revealed. He let out a yip, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. The horse repeated this action, but this time with the fox's pants. Tatters of cloth fell to the ground, and Lance was left with only his cloth undergarments, bulging obscenely with a massive, throbbing and leaking tent. The fox had an impressive foot long endowment. He had spent a lot of time alone sucking himself off, but he couldn't imagine how much fun this native had with his own member.

The horse cocked an eyebrow, clearly impressed with what Lance was packing. That didn't keep the fox from shivering, though, standing there naked and helpless. Then he did something Lance was not at all expecting.

The beast dropped to his knees, placed an open palm on the fox's groin, and wrapped the other around Lance's cock. He started pumping and, much to Lance's pleasure, sucking at the tip. The fox smiled goofily and stuck his tongue out, sighing in pleasure. The native had no trouble in shoving all of Lance's cock in his long mouth. The horse's own member rested in between Lance's legs, ropes of pre continually leaking onto the ground.

Lance was horny, and decided to take his chances. He carefully ran his hands through the native's mane, and when the horse's ears flicked in response, he gripped his head and moved it up and down his cock. "Ohhh man...this is the best blowjob I've ever gotten," he sighed. He didn't even care if it was from a male, this was incredible! His butt clenched as he slowly thrust in and out of the horse's maw. The equine slapped his hands on the fox's ass, squeezing them roughly.

Lance knew it wouldn't last much longer with this extraordinary service. "Gonna cum..." he said under his breath. The horse knew the fox would explode soon, though, since Lance's member started to buck and throb in the horse's mouth, pounding against the native's cheeks and teeth. "Oh yes...yeah!" he cried out as he unloaded in the horse, who swallowed all that he was given, not even letting a drop spill.

Lance came for about half a minute, solid. When he finished, the native stood up and smiled at Lance. "That was amazing!" the fox yelled, excited. "Damn, I wish I could take you home," he smiled, but then that smile left his face when he realized he couldn't go home again. Still, this was a nice picker-upper.

They stared at each other for a while again. Lance searched for words, but couldn't find any other than, "right...thanks." He turned to go.

The native had other plans, though. He stepped forward and grabbed Lance's shoulder, whirling him around. "What?" the fox asked, getting annoyed.

The horse looked at Lance, and then down at his huge, leaking cock, which was thumping in need against the horse's muscled chest, splattering it with pre. There was already a drooling stain on his pecs.

"Oh no, no, no," Lance waved his hands. "I don't service guys, friend. I don't roll that way," he started to slowly step back.

The horse looked angry, and grabbed Lance's shoulders again. He pushed him down onto his knees and presented his cock. Lance blinked, face to face with a leaking, winking cockhead. A rope of pre fall right onto his nose.

"Eck!" he wiped it away in disgust. He tried to get up, but was knocked back again. "Let me go! I can't even fit that thing in my mouth if I..." he stared at the horse, and then back at his cock. "...If I wanted it." He shook his head. What the hell was he saying? He didn't want it!

But still. It was so beautiful. He'd never even imagined such an incredible creature.

No! He wouldn't do it. He crossed his arms and glared at the horse, who glared back at him. "No." he said firmly, turning his head away.

The horse growled. Lance's resistance was turning into fear. That was one menacing growl. He remained tenacious, though, in spite of his mounting terror. He hoped he wouldn't get hurt.

The horse lifted Lance again, and slung him over his shoulder. "HEY!" Lance yelled, pounding his fists on the horse's back, but it was like hitting concrete. He whimpered and held his bruised knuckles.

"Hey, uh, where are we going?" Lance asked with panic in his voice. The native had started to walk where he initially came from in slow, but long strides. Each step was a loud crash of hoof against grass and leaves. "Seriously, put me down! HELP!"

Lance continued to yell and struggle for the next few minutes, but suddenly a hard blow struck his head, and he was knocked unconscious.

~ ~ ~

Lance's eyes flicked open. There was a roof over his head, but it wasn't one of leaves and trees. It was thatch. He was in a hut of some sort. There was a pounding in his ear. Rubbing his head, the fox looked around, blinking heavily and trying to return his blurry vision to normal. He moaned in pain and slowly eased himself up, wobbling a bit. He was in a hut, all right. It was small and bare, except for a flickering torch on the wall. He grabbed it and whirled around to find the door out.

Stepping outside, he realized that throbbing in his ears was actually the rhythm of drums. It was night time, but the camp he was now in was illuminated by a roaring, titanic fire in the center. Plenty of other huts of similar size circled the fire. He must be in the native's camp! In fact, they were all there, around the fire! Lance blinked. Were they doing what it looked like they were doing?

The fox dropped his torch and his mouth fell open. It was an orgy, simply put. There must have been twenty or so of them, all horses, nearly all of them as massive as the one that had found him in the forest. Muscled, tall horses, all with enormous cocks. Some were even bigger than the beast's!

They were all servicing themselves or each other in some way. One was pounding away at another's ass, the owner of which was sucking his own member. Another group of three were all sucking each other. There was a train of four fucking each other, the one on the end sucking himself as he was hammered. One couple was in the throes of an orgasm, coating each other with the most cum Lance had seen come out of anyone. They were crying out in pleasure as they rubbed each other's bodies, stroked each other's cocks, sucked themselves, anything to keep cumming. When they stopped, they continued as though they hadn't even orgasmed!

Lance's mouth was slobbering. His erection was back in seconds, and he realized he was still naked. He continued to look around the fire, and then he saw who must have been the chief.

The horse stood in front of the fire, adorned head to hoof in markings, tattoos, and tribal ornaments. His hands were on his hips as he was serviced by four other tribehorses. He had to have had the biggest cock of all of them. The horse must have been nine feet tall, maybe even ten! He was a wall of muscle, and jutting out in front of him was five entire feet of cock. It was nearly as long as Lance was tall! The chief retained a stern look, his eyes only flickering every now and then and he succumbed to the pleasure as the four horses stroked and sucked him. One of those horses was being fucked by another.

"What the fuck..." Lance couldn't help but stutter. Where was he? Who WERE these people!? He felt a hand on his shoulder. The fox yelled and recoiled, looking in the direction of the intruder. Even more shocking than the scene before him was the fact that he was facing another fox, except this fox was also wearing tribal ornaments. Was he one of them?

"Who are you?" Lance asked, his eyes wide as saucers.

"Call me Dell," the fox said. "One of the tribehorses tell me he found you in the woods."

"Yeah!" Lance was relived just to speak with someone who he shared tongues with. "Why am I here? What is this place? What's going ON?" he shot out questions one after the other.

Dell made a dismissive gesture. "Be silent. I will explain as best as I can, but we don't have much time. The chief said to make you join the ceremony soon."

"Ceremony...?" Lance gulped, not wanting to be a part of what was going on.

"Yes. Every night, the tribe celebrates life and pleasure by pursuing it. Sometimes it lasts until morning, until everyone is too exhausted to move anymore. You arrived just a few minutes after it began."

"Why was I even brought here!?" Lance asked angrily.

Dell shrugged. "Same reason I was, I suppose. To join the tribe."

"JOIN!? I've gotta get out of here," Lance turned to go.

"I wouldn't recommend that," Dell warned. Lance stopped. "They may be in the throes of their pleasure, but they are still aware of your presence. Try to leave and you may not have legs to walk on anymore."

Lance looked despaired. "This can't be happening..." he grabbed his head.

"It is, young fox. And you better go with it. I was resistant at first as well, and I was punished, but in time I grew to enjoy it. This is my home now, as it will be yours."

"No!" Lance yelled. This gathered some attention. In fact, it gathered ALL attention. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Lance.

The chief waved the horses servicing him away and approached Lance, his massive member bobbing in front of him. Lance couldn't stop staring at it.

The chief spoke to Lance in that strange tongue, but Dell was quick to translate. "He welcomes you to their home. He says that he hopes you will enjoy yourself, for you are to become a representative of them."

"Tell him I don't want to!" Lance cried. Dell shook his head and spoke to the chief, who began to laugh. All of them started to laugh.

The chief spoke again. Dell translated: "he says you have no choice. He says you are to join in on the nightly ceremony until you are broken."


"Until you cease to be who are you now, and become on with them. One with pleasure," Dell smiled.

The chief nodded his head firmly and smiled. He raised his hands and spoke to everyone, and then returned to his original place. He pointed at two tribehorses and spoke, and then the ceremony began as normal.

The two tribehorses, one black, and one the brown one that had captured Lance, grabbed the fox was brought him to a clear space of grass in which they set him down. "Enjoy it, young fox," Dell called after him. "Fighting it will only lead to pain." The fox then joined in on the ceremony, going down on a much younger horse, one who looked to be a teenager just turned man. He was smaller at about six feet, and thinner than the others, but still had a titanic two foot horse cock he was sporting.

Lance gulped and looked up at the two horses. They grinned down at him, their two cocks throbbing alongside each other in front of the fox's mouth, precum leaking into his face and chest. The black one, a few inches smaller than the brown, thrust forward a little, smearing his cockhead against Lance's lips. The fox whimpered, but couldn't help but be turned on by the whole situation. Reluctantly, or so he convinced himself as to how he felt, he opened his mouth and darted his tongue out, lapping at the faucet of a horse cock. He blinked when he realized it actually tasted pretty good. Cautiously, he went deeper, wrapping his lips as best he could around the throbbing member.

The two horse put their hands on each other and started to kiss over Lance, while the black one got sucked and the brown one got stroked. Precum spilled and oozed all over Lance's face and body, and pretty soon he was drenched in the stuff, rivers of it pouring off of puddles in his fur. He was only a few inches down the black stallion's member, but he was already about to gag. He held it in, though, instead focusing on swallowing the massive amounts of spunk being leaked into his mouth, dripping down his chin and staining his cheeks.

The kissing got more intense. The horses turned any attention away from Lance and faced each other, pressing their bodies together, their massive cocks getting sandwiched between the hard walls of muscle. They touched and rubbed their muscled, cocks slipping and sliding, covering their abs and chests with precum, making their bodies shine.

"Fuck this is hot..." Lance moaned while watching them. Both hands went to his cock and he started to stroke himself quickly. "Oh, man...Shit..."

The black stallion noticed Lance and knocked his hand away, replacing it on the fox's cock with his own. The horse's biceps flexed as he pumped the fox, and in no time Lance was shooting all over himself. A few ropes reached his chin, the rest splattering onto his chest and stomach. "Yesss!" he hissed, cupping his pecs, arching his back into the air. His strong legs flexed as he stretched them, the pleasure intense and unrelenting.

He finished, though, and now it was the stallions' turn. They kneeled at the fox's feet, each one with his cock in the other's hand. They jerked each other roughly, grunting and moaning. The brown one was kissing and rubbing the black one's body, tweaking his nipples, sliding a hand down his abs. A constant, low moan came from his throat.

Lance saw the slit of the black stallion's cock opening wide, and before he could blink, a thick, heavy rope jettisoned out, splashing onto the fox's face. Brown one pumped the black native's cock up, and then down, keeping his hands there as that huge cock lurched and spewed another massive rope. The black stallion shuddered and fell onto his back, and the brown one wrapped both hands around that horse cock, growling as he pumped it quickly, his whole body flexing from the effort.

The black horse roared in pleasure - a roar so deep it shook Lance's body, which was being splattered with heavy, warm horse cum. The fox writhed on the ground as he was covered. The black stallion sat up and shoved his cockhead in his mouth, sucking on it like a vaccum as the brown one continued to pump his cock. Cum exploded from the sides of his mouth, oozing down his face and onto his body.

Lance got up from the stick mess he was laying in and knocked the brown horse back. He straddled him and started kissing his body, rubbing his ass against that huge three foot cock. The brown horse slapped Lance's firm butt and poked his cockhead against it, threatening to penetrate.

"Fuck...put it in me," Lance whispered, nipping at the horse's ear as his hands squeezed his strong pecs.

The black stallion had stopped cumming but was still going down on himself, laying on his back as he hugged his cock against his chest, slurping loudly.

The brown horse popped his thick cock into the fox, who howled loudly, but encouraged the horse by slowly lowering himself, taking more and more meat.

The rest of the tribe were still enjoying themselves. Horses fucked and sucked each other, massive cock flying in the air, thumping on hard bodies. Some were cumming like fire hoses, ropes of white seed splashing against other horses as they rubbed it into their muscles. Many of them were sucking themselves, cumming in their mouths, coating themselves. A cacophony of roars and moans were all that could be heard.

Lance was getting fucked hard by this horse, the massive cock slamming against his rear, a splash of cum escaping his ass with every pound. Those enormous balls were slapping against his rear end. Soon, the stallion stood up, picking Lance and holding him and he fucked him in the air. "FUUCK!" the fox howled again as cum surged from his cock, sailing through the air and landing on the black stallion, who once again fell backwards as his cock exploded with torrents of cum that shot into the air and splashed down onto himself.

Lance could feel the brown stallion getting close. He started snorting, and his cockhead was flaring inside him, the whole member throbbing greatly against his clenched ass. The horse slammed into Lance with a mighty roar, and cum filled the fox, who was full in seconds, cum surging out of him as the horse continued to fuck him.

Lance could feel the horse's hard body becoming even harder as it flexed during his orgasm. The fox reached behind him and squeezed those massive basketballs of biceps. The horse flexed an arm for Lance, and the fox went crazy when he felt it grow even bigger, triggering a dry orgasm for the fox.

The horse just wouldn't stop cumming, though. Lance felt his belly start to swell a little as the cum filled him. After a few hard thrusts, though, the horse became too sloppy, his cock flopping out. He dropped the fox and shoved him on his back, taking his cock in hands and aiming it at Lance.

The fox opened his mouth and rubbed his body as the cum coated him. He was blind with pleasure, already convinced he'd never leave this place.

The horse finished in time, cum dripping from his still-hard cock, ready for more. He picked up Lance and carried him to where some other horses were, two of them sixty-nineing, and another pair fucking doggy style. One was sitting on a stump sucking himself.

He put the fox down. The horses all looked up at him. Soon, things became quiet as they all surrounded the fox, including the chief. His huge five feet of horse cock lead the way in front of him, the titanic equine standing in front of Lance. He presented his cock to the fox, and Lance took it earnest.

Immediately he started to service the chief. He hugged that huge cock, rubbed it against his body, kissed it, licked it. He felt his ass go into the air as a horse took it and inserted his member into him. "Fuck me!" Lance said. "I want all of you to fuck me!" The tribe took turns on Lance. Some were bigger than others, some smaller. Still, the fox loved every one.

Lance felt the chief's cock start to grow and throb. Massive veins littered the surface of his cock. The horse grit his teeth and shut his eyes tight. A mighty roar burst forth from his as the longest, thickest rope of cum Lance had seen so far exploded out, reaching the opposite end of the circle and hitting a horse who was stroking himself. That horse started cumming on the spot, splashing his seed against another horse.

Soon, all of the horses were cumming, rivers of the stuff hitting someone else, including Lance. The fox opened his mouth again and he was literally showered with spunk, swallowing load after load, receiving some in his ass as well.

He could hear nothing but roars and moans, grunts and howls. Muscles were flexed, cocks were sucked, asses were filled, anything to receive more pleasure.

The storm of cum lasted at least six minutes, orgasm after orgasm being triggered until finally it seemed that all of the horses were spent. Plenty of floppies were seen dangling between legs, except for a few strays. Those who weren't done yet serviced themselves, mouths on their cocks.

The ground was white with spunk, and many huts were ruined. Dell appeared from the mess, covered as well. He held up his hands as if to say "well?"

Lance simply lay there, drooling. Dell took that as a "yes." He was part of them, now.