Pain Series - Ep. 1: Pain For Pay

Story by Mitsozuka on SoFurry

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Pain for Pay

Danny Mason had only lived in Los Angeles for a few months now, trying his best to get his big break as a stuntman or Action Star, but so far, all he'd done was extra work, and a part-time gig as a Janitor at a second rate studio. He had made a few friends in the business, including a guy named Jack Tremaine who had taken Danny on at his talent agency. Jack thought Danny had huge potential, as he was young, only 19 years old, and already Hollywood leading-man material in his mind. Danny had grown up in Idaho, working on his family's farm, but had decided to move in with his Aunt when he graduated to see what the big city was like. His aunt was very generous and caring, and as long as Danny worked, she didn't charge him rent, and lent him her car to go wherever he needed. She didn't even mind when the young bull brought home some new 'friend' he'd met at a club on weekends, as her bedroom was on the other side of her flat from Danny's.

Oh yeah, Danny was also gay as the day was long.

Only recently had this become known to Jack, his agent, who was surprisingly pleased at the news. In fact, the two of them had even fooled around more than once now, the older fox still spry for his age, and he was also extremely fond of Danny's huge rod and full, heavy nuts. So, when Danny got a call from Jack, saying that the fox had good news for once, Danny couldn't get over to J&M Talent's office fast enough. He strolled through the door, and the middle-aged feline secretary waved him into Jack's office.

"Danny, you sexy side of beef, come in, sit down! You're just the boy I've been waiting to see all day." The fox smiled and motioned to his office chairs, setting his cigar aside for the moment. "Danny boy, you're gonna love it, I got you a Lead Role!" The fox was smiling proudly, like an expectant father.

"Whoa, did you really Jack?!" Danny almost missed the chair he was sitting down on in his surprise.

"Yup, it's not exactly A-list material, but everybody's got to start somewhere, kid." The fox picked up and puffed his stogie for a moment before continuing. "Now, before we go any further, I have to tell you honestly, it's not what you might be expecting."

"What do you mean, is it Shakespeare or something?" The young bull jokingly snorted.

"No. It's a porn movie." The fox said, nearly deadpan.

"Whuh... porn?" Danny was dumbfounded, and couldn't think of anything more to say.

"Look kid, I know how hard it's been for you since you got into town, and these guys aren't some amateur bullshit company, they're a division owned by the legendary ZZ Studios. The money they are offering is no joke, it'll set you for a while once you're done shooting, and they're even offering an advance after day 1 if you want to accept their offer."

"How much are we talking about?" Danny was suddenly intrigued by the prospect of real Hollywood money.

"Well, let's put it this way kid, the movie's got a $2 million dollar budget for 3 main actors and the other 2 are only being offered a 25% cut each." The old fox wiggled his eyebrows at the young bull, whose jaw was now on the desk.

"A MILLION DOLLARS?!" The boy jumped out of his chair, and was now mere inches from his friend's face. "I'm going to make a million dollars from this?!"

"Yes, in short, you will. Now, the shoot starts in a week, and if they like you, after shooting is done, they'll be willing to discuss a contract for multiple pictures." He pulled up some papers and a pen, and set them on the desk in front of him. "If you're interested, start signing."

A few minutes saw Danny out the door, and back to his Aunt's house to give her the good news.

The next week, after the HIV test and blood work to test for any other diseases came back negative, Danny found himself outside of Real to Reel Films, Inc.'s soundstage. He was introduced to the director, a 20-something skunk woman, and her fleet of personal assistants. Two of the assistants, young girls wearing nametags that denoted them simply as "Fluffer", whatever that meant, led him backstage and into a changing room, complete with makeup counter and mirror, and started getting him ready. They stripped him down to nothing but his black thong, and even lowered that for a bit to trim the fuzz around his package. He didn't mind, he was finally getting a taste of the star treatment. Then they got out his costume, they said. It was a Straightjacket... and nothing else. Danny didn't quite understand, but he went along anyway, and after they put a robe over him to walk to the set, he was a little more at ease. As they walked, the girls informed him that scripted scenes weren't going to be shot until later on in the week, and that he wouldn't have any dialogue in the scene they were shooting today. The room they led him into explained the costume; it was a replica padded room, with slits where cameras were pointed into it. After they led him in, one girl stayed outside the room, while the other took off his robe, and finished affixing him in the straightjacket. Then she sat him down, reached down, and slowly began rubbing his balls and sheath.

"Wait, wha-" Danny started, but was quickly shushed by the girl.

"Shh, shh, don't fuss; it's just my job to warm you up, as it were." The young rodent girl spoke very quietly. "Just imagine I'm a cute little twink you picked up at the clubs or something, and try to enjoy it." She was quite talented, as he started getting pretty hard very fast. As he did, she started questioning him. "So, big guy like you, you must be pretty tough, right?"

"Yeah, I'm a tough guy." Danny said quietly, lost in the expert hand job a bit.

"You can take it as well as give it, can't you, Danny?"

"Yeah, I like getting topped pretty well, as long as he's talented." Danny was throbbing in her hands, which sort of surprised him.

"Not gonna turn into a crybaby on us are you?" She added, seemingly teasing him.

"Nah, I'm -ooh- I'm fine, no big deal..." He trailed off, and as he did, he felt the soft, expert hands leave his junk, and he blinked his eyes open and watched her leave.

"Okay killer, you're on, and remember, no dialogue, so shh." She held a finger to her lips and winked at him as she shut the 'door' behind her. "Okay, Big D, he's good to go!" He heard her call as she walked away.

Danny saw something going on outside the door, people moving back and forth and talking, and apparently shooting part of the scene at the door to the room he was waiting in. After only a minute or two of this, the door opened, and Danny got his first look at his co-stars; one was a beefy-looking, white-furred American Bulldog with an obvious bulge in his shorts, and the other was a tall, lanky, brown-colored Stallion, who was wearing much looser pants, and both were dressed as guards at this 'asylum' or whatever they were supposed to be in. He said nothing, as he was told to, and as the horse closed the door, Danny heard the cameras around the room whirring to life in the walls.

"What do you think, Hoss?" The canine spoke up, a slight southern drawl evident in his voice. "You think Beef here has been good enough to deserve some alone time with us?" Danny thought it was a little insulting for them to call his character Beef, but he ignored it.

"I dunno Mutt, he certainly seems eager doesn't he?" The horse replied in a much more northern tone, almost no accent to speak of. He also reached a hoof out and poked Danny's twitching shaft with it, causing it to waver a little. "Boy's packing cannon, though, I'll say."

"I want a go at him, Hoss." The canine licked his lips lewdly, and looked down at Danny hungrily. "If you cooperate, Beef, this'll be over quick, see?" Danny nodded almost instinctively, and the canine smiled. "Then open up." Danny opened his mouth, expecting the canine to put his cock into it, but what he got was actually a combination between a ball gag and a jaw-block, holding his mouth open about as wide as it would go. 'So this is why I didn't get a script for this scene, I'm bottoming in silence.' He thought. "Alright Beef, up you go." The canine nearly yanked him up to his feet, he was amazingly strong, and he bent him over at the waist, exposing his backside to the camera behind them.

"Yeah, Mutt, give it to him." The horse muttered, watching the goings-on with a bemused smirk on his face. His pants now gave away the reason for their relaxed fit, too; there was a long, noticeable bulge running down his left pant leg, nearly reaching his knee. As Danny thought about this, a shiver ran over him, imagining that hot rod spearing his tail hole made his cock twitch below him and his whole body tense for a moment.

Speaking of, at that moment Danny felt what could only be a moistened finger push itself into his ass, and he flinched a little in surprise, but afterward just let it happen as it would. The finger left and came back several times, leaving the familiar feeling of lube behind each time. Danny half-smiled to himself, he couldn't believe he was getting paid so well for this. He heard the canine lubricating his shaft, and spread his legs a little better to balance himself out.

And then it happened.

Danny found out the hard way why he was being paid so well, and why he was bound and gagged, AND why he hadn't been given a script all in the same painful instant. The canine had driven his knee up into Danny's unprotected balls, leaving the young bull breathless and squirming in pain on the floor. The canine asserted himself over the bull, and within moments had pushed his thick, pulsing dick into Danny's lubed hole all the way to the top of the knot. He went at it for a good while, Danny unaware for how long mostly due to the dull, throbbing ache radiating from his abused nuts. Finally, the canine pulled himself out, and jerked his load out all over Danny's back and rear. At this point, Danny became aware that he had oddly not lost his erection, and it was throbbing the same as it had been earlier. Once again, Mutt pulled him to his feet, bending him over again.

"Alright Beef, you did good, now you get a little treat. Right, Hoss?" The ball was removed from Danny's gag, leaving only the jaw-block, and suddenly, Danny found himself face-to-face with Hoss's absolutely titanic prick; a good 15 inches long, flared tip, and balls that rivaled Danny's for size.

"That's right, Mutt. It's my turn now, Beef." Before Danny could even think to react, Hoss had already pushed his dick into his helpless mouth. As luck would have it, Danny was a master deep-throat, and even as Hoss's balls bumped against his chin, he didn't waver or gag. The horse above him gripped his horns tightly; leisurely face-fucking the young bull at a slow, steady pace. Amazingly, Danny discovered that Hoss's spicy, warm pre-cum tasted remarkably like Apples, a favor that Danny thanked the gods for, as some guys tasted downright awful. A couple more minutes of the face-fucking, and Hoss withdrew, replacing the ball gag. "Alright Mutt," he started again, "Hold him up, I'm gonna get my licks in."

"Gotcher, Hoss. C'mere, Beef." The canine picked Danny up, holding him under his shoulders, facing Hoss.

"Mmmm, yeah boy." Hoss came over, stroking his massive dong with one hand. "Might wanna hold yer breath." Even as he said this, his free hand swung up, in a fist, and clobbered Danny directly in the balls again. Danny nearly whited out as the low, dull ache in his battered jewels exploded back into searing, white-hot pain again, but instead of falling, Mutt held him up, open to more abuse. Again Hoss's fist flew, making hard contact with both of Danny's balls, and Danny moaned pathetically through the gag. Against all reason, Danny's cock refused to deflate in spite of the massive pain his testicles were in, and he became aware of a light trail of pre running out of his tip. This feeling was overshadowed by yet another hard knock to his nuts, and somewhere in Danny's mind he began to worry that the whole point of this thing was to pound his poor, aching plums into mush. This seemed to be confirmed by a new level of pain exploding from his crotch, in the form of a hoof crashing into his danglers from below. Danny wanted to scream, he wanted to howl, and he really wanted to throw up his entire anatomy, but as directed, he hadn't eaten since the night before. Still, amid all this, Danny was aware that his prick was still hard as hell, throbbing in time with his rapid heartbeat, and dribbling like a bad faucet. Somewhere, deep in the recesses of Danny's mind, a new survival instinct kicked in, and to keep him from passing out from the constant pain, his body released a massive rush of endorphins, and kept doing so somehow, until the hot, throbbing pain in the depths of his nards was being received instead as a hard, pulsing, new level of pleasure.

In short, Danny had just become a Masochist.

Hoss wandered a little closer, letting his massive cock hang down, hard, but so long it barely pointed 35 degrees in front of him. Danny's addled mind wondered briefly what the horse was up to, until with a rather unruly heave back and forth of his hips, the horse swung his cock up between Danny's legs, slapping it rather forcefully into his swollen, bruised nuts, and drawing yet another whorish moan of confused origin from the helpless bull. To make matters worse, he did it again, and again, and again, swinging his preposterous pecker back and forth in some kind of sick hula dance, back and forth like a pendulum for what could have been seconds, minutes, hours, or days, Danny was in no shape to tell. Finally, after he stopped, he took Danny's somewhat rag dolled form from Mutt, and laid him down on the floor. Danny didn't know what to expect by now, so when the pain came back again, he was neither surprised nor bothered. Hoss's hoof came down once, twice, three times onto Danny's swollen, throbbing sac, nearly causing Danny's eyes to roll back into his head. What snapped him back was the feeling of something at his tail hole again, and his eyes went wide at the feeling of Hoss's massive prick pushing into him, starting with the flared tip. Danny had taken some big dick before, but this Horse was easily the most enormous wang he had ever encountered. Yet, to his surprise and pleasure, when Hoss pushed further and further in, he met only light resistance, until he had rearranged Danny's bowels to the point of hilting himself in the young bull's ass fully. The pace Hoss set was a good bit slower than Mutt's, but it felt like it was ten times faster, as he withdrew nearly all the way out, before grinding his huge prick back fully into Danny's clenching insides. On and on this went, Hoss seeming to be insatiable in his appetite for such fantastic fucking. At the same time, the painful pleasure in Danny's scrotum having died down to a low roar, Danny was discovering that he apparently had a lot more longevity when his nuts were being abused so much, as they had been fucking him senseless for a long time now and he still hadn't cum. He wanted to, though, he wanted to cum like a goddamn geyser, but somehow his body refused to give in.

Suddenly, Hoss pulled himself out, and the two picked the semi-conscious bull up. Hoss then showed off just how strong he really was by lifting Danny up, by himself, by grabbing him under the knees, lifting him up, and setting him down onto his waiting cock, being held aloft by Mutt. Hoss then started up again, this time only withdrawing as much as his hips would allow before they hit the wall and then pushing back in. Mutt, however, was done with just watching, and he started helping out now. The canine started using his long, slick tongue to lick all the way up, down, and around Danny's throbbing prick, even pausing to suck a little on his tip a bit before moving back down. This wasn't all however, much to Danny's chagrin, he had set about doing. Leaving enough space beside him for the camera behind him to see what he was doing, Mutt had wrapped one of his strong, rough paws around either of Danny's swollen balls, and was now squeezing them roughly. Danny couldn't do anything but moan as his body was assaulted on all fronts by stimulus overload, and somewhere in the back of his mind, he thought once again that his captors were about to make him less of a man; his nuts squeezed out the tip of his aching dick by this sadistic canine while he was pounded up the ass by this gigantic horse. As this thought wormed its way into Danny's mind, he felt his insides tightening up in preparation for release, and felt his balls pulling hard against their captor's grip, causing the canine to squeeze a bit harder and tug them back down a bit. Danny was sure of it now, he was about to get nutted. He was going to wind up a steer before he was old enough to drink. Tighter and tighter Mutt's grip seemed to get on his abused testicles, and somewhere in his brain, panic set in. He wanted to cum; he wanted to get off one last time before his balls were crushed. He wiggled and squirmed, he fought harder and harder, trying to force his confused body to expel the hot, churning load boiling in his tortured testes before they were flattened before his very eyes.

Then, just as he thought his balls were going to either explode from waiting or get crushed in Mutt's grip, Mutt suddenly let go and sucked down quickly on Danny's dick, pumping at it rapidly with both hands. Danny, overcome with relief and joy, came almost instantly.

Danny's whole body quaked and shook violently, every muscle in his toned teenage body flexing like he was lifting 100 times his body weight, and his balls, beaten and swollen though they were, pulled up tight to his pelvis. A quick splash left his tip first, caught and swallowed by Mutt, who then pulled off and jerked the rest of Danny's orgasm out. Danny came for an amazing length of time, spurt after hot, sticky spurt of young Bull semen spewing from his tip at an alarming rate. Amid Danny making such a mess, Hoss made a mess of his own, deep inside of Danny's innards, only fueling Danny's massive orgasm further. By the time Danny had finished, both he and Mutt were nearly soaked in his seed, and Hoss's legs were about the same.

Mutt helped Hoss lift Danny off of his slowly fading erection, and they set him down on the sticky floor, lying sprawled out in a puddle of their combined cum, barely cognizant of anything. Then they set about finishing the scene.

"What d'ya think Hoss, you think he did good?"

"Heh." The horse nickered lightly in his throat, slowly stuffing his prick back into his pants as Mutt did the same. "I say he did fine, I haven't had a fuck that good in ages." After he said this, he opened the door behind him and left.

"Wow, didja hear that, Beef? The boss is happy with you!" The canine applauded a little, and then stepped over closer. "That means that you'll be treated to an evening at his place next time." He winked at Danny, and smiled impishly. "I hope he lets me knot you next time, boy, because you'll never forget it. Inna mean time, have a little something to remember me by." As he said this, he pulled his foot up and kicked Danny in his unprotected testicles one last time, not really hard, but hard enough that it caused Danny to reflexively curl up into a whimpering ball around his traumatized tender bits.

Danny had never even really had his nuts touched after he came, not even when he was jerking it himself, so before now he was ignorant to how tender they were after orgasm. Add on to that the fact that he had just spent however long getting them punched, kneed, kicked, stomped and squeezed until they were nearly popped, and Danny was in hell.

"Cut! Print it! That was BEAUTIFUL!"

A few hours later, Danny was back in his dressing room, waking up to find the fluffer girl who had helped him get hard earlier sitting in the chair opposite the foldout bed he was lying on. When he went to move, he stopped almost instantly when he felt something put a light pressure on his balls, causing him to moan piteously. When he reached down to cup his hands over his aching nuts, he found them, and his entire pelvic region, covered by ice packs.

"Oh, good, Danny boy, you're awake." The rodent girl rushed over next to him and laid him back down flat, petting his stomach lightly. "Don't move, you're gonna want to leave the ice on those baby-makers of yours for a few more hours at least. I gotta say, Danny, I'm impressed. I've never seen any guy make it all the way through that scene without passing out or losing a nut. You weren't lying; you really are a tough guy." She stood up and kissed him on the forehead, turning to leave. "You stay there; I have to go get the Director."

"You mean I..." Danny started, coughing a little and clearing his throat before finishing. "I wasn't the first guy to... to do this scene?"

"Oh heck no, sweetie. You're just the first guy to finish it intact." With a sweet smile that made Danny nervous, she stepped out the door.

Danny didn't feel intact. Every inch of him ached badly, and his balls felt like they had been put through a meat grinder or something. His tail hole felt like someone had driven a tank into it, and then done a three-point-turn inside him before leaving. He was also hungry as hell, and miraculously clean, it seemed. At that point, the director and the girl walked back in.

"There he is! Our newest star is born!" The director was kind of loud for Danny's taste, dressed in purple sweats and a tight-fitting white top that showed off her somewhat ridiculously huge tits. She came over and sat on the coffee table in front of Danny, and petted his head lightly. "So how are our newest leading man and his Balls of Steel feeling?"

"Like someone tried to castrate me with a diesel truck and failed." Danny said bitterly.

"Aw, come on sport; give us a little break willya?" The director readjusted her dark shades and shrugged a little. "If we had told you what you were in for, even for the kind of money we're offering, would you ever have said yes?"

"Well..." Danny had to think about that one. Sure, it was a dirty trick, but he was still in one piece by some miracle, and the money he was going to get for his part was still amazing. "I don't know, really. How many unlucky guys have you had those two monsters castrate trying to finish that scene?"

"Oh no, Danny boy, you misunderstand." She shook her head. "Every time we failed to finish that scene, we hired new actors. I can't tell you how annoying it has been trying to find so many horses with appropriately sized cocks. Also, for your information, none of the guys who failed to finish that scene were castrated. At worst, a couple of them had a nut burst and had to be hospitalized. Plus, they all signed the same contract you did, saying that if they tried to sue us or whatever for any accident on the job, they'd wind up not getting paid and have to cover medical expenses themselves. Believe me, a million dollars for a testicle beats just winding up with one ball. The rest just wound up getting paid for a day's work and walking funny for a week or so."

"So wait, I'd only get the million if I lost a ball?!" Danny was mortified at the prospect.

"Well, no, calm down kid. You'd have gotten the million if we'd popped one, sure, but since you finished the scene, we can finish shooting the flick as soon as you're back in 'fighting' shape, as it were. Your first day's pay and advance are coming to you shortly, to the tune of a hundred and fifty thousand bucks. You've made the big man upstairs extremely happy, and if you'll consent to finish the movie, you'll make us all extremely rich." She waggled her eyebrows at him suggestively.

"I'm not agreeing to anything anymore until I know what I'm in for. If I have to put up with any more poundings I might have to renegotiate..."

"Oh sure, sure, kid, we've got a script on the way for you for the rest of shooting. Listen, the doctors recommend that you stay off your feet for a couple days, so you'll be staying here, you might want to call your family or whatnot and let them know. Jemma here's going to be staying with you too, to help you out in any way you need her. We figured that it'd be best if it was someone you wouldn't likely be attracted to stayed with you, so you don't go popping any unneeded boners, champ." The director smiled, and stood up to leave. "Think it over, slick; I'll be back later with your contract and your paycheck." She winked at him playfully as she walked out the door, shutting it behind herself.

"Ugh..." Danny let his head hit the bed below him, sighing and looking over at the mouse girl sitting quietly opposite him. "So... Jemma right?"

"Y-yeah, Jemma Dodson. Pleased to meet you Danny...?"

"Mason. But for now you can call me Purple McNuts." Danny nodded and groaned a little.

"You know Danny," Jemma started hesitantly, "I have to admit, watching you work was probably the sexiest thing I've ever seen."

"Seriously? You got off on watching me get my spuds battered out there?" He was a little ticked, it seemed.

"Well, not that part, no, but watching that big, yummy-looking dick of yours bob and twitch all over the place, even while they were pounding on your balls, was really hot. That, and I've never seen anybody cum so much, and I've been doing this for years. How long have you been doing porn?"

"This was my first time. Ever." Danny said this almost embarrassedly.

"Wow, really?!" Jemma was shocked, visibly. "God, that's amazing! I've seen seasoned vets, even experts from the S&M biz, who couldn't take that scene in one go. You're like, Superman or something." As she said this, Jemma had let one had slip into her panties, jilling herself rapidly right there in front of him.

"Uh, do you want me to look away or something?" Danny didn't really care; it was just a little weird.

"Actually, this is why I'm in the business, I get off on people watching m-me." She stumbled a little, and Danny could see her panties were visibly soaked already. "Please, Danny... I know I can't get you to fuck me, but will you please watch me, at least?"

"Sure, um, I guess."

About 15 minutes later, the Director came back in with Jack and a lawyer in tow.

"Danny boy! Glad to see you made it out in one piece." Jack was the first to speak, and he sat down on the bed next to Danny, patting his shoulder proudly. "So, I looked over the contract extension they want you to sign, and it's a sweetheart deal, boyo. You can't miss. So, if you think you can handle shooting the rest of the flick, they're ready to sign you up right here and now."

"Where's the script? I wanted to review it a bit before I signed anything more."

"Right, right, no problem kid. Here ya go." The director handed him a fairly thick script, and the lot of them made small talk while Danny reviewed the whole thing. In it were detailed several other sex scenes, almost all of which involved his character, Beef, getting his nuts brutalized a little before getting to the good stuff, but thankfully, everything besides the scene they'd shot earlier only involved at most two nut shots per scene, and the sex was set to get even better. He even got a scene at the end with each of the other characters where he got payback on them for all the testicular trauma, which he thought was appropriate. "So, what do you think Danny? Or, should I maybe call you "Bruno 'The Balls' Beefcake"?"

"Well," Danny said, smiling up at them all and picking up the pen, "Just call me Bruno, I guess."


All characters, places, and entities are © their respective owners, and all likenesses are used for entertainment purposes only.