An old love, Rekindled 2

Story by Vyktor on SoFurry

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I got quite a few PMs asking to make this into a series, including the one dude on my comments. So, here's part 2.

Part 1:

I awoke slowly, blinking sleep from my eyes as I craned my neck, a small crack as some knot worked itself out.

She was still in my arms, sleeping soundly. I lay there, watching her bare chest rise and fall in a steady rythm. My eyes trailed down her body, taking in every detail that I knew so well, right down to her most private of places. Her white furred stomach was ruffled from where our bellies had rubbed over and over again from the night before. I sat up slowly, pulling myself over her as I searched for my pants. I was in no hurry for anything, as it was Saturday. I had the weekend off, which meant 2 whole days to spend with her. I slid on my jeans and my tshirt as I began to stalk around the house in which she lived, searching for things, smelling the air and taking in as much as I could all at once. It was an apartment, that much was apparent by its size. a comparatively small 5 room. She had a living room, where we had spent the night previously, along with a bathroom, bedroom, walk in closet, and a kitchen. Enough for 2 people to live comfortably together.

My heart fluttered slightly at the thought of living with her, as I was too embarrassed to tell her I was still living with my parents. Truth be told, my job working at the warehouse didn't pay that well. I was due for a raise, so I figured I'd ask for it on Monday, or at the next quarterly meeting.

I entered the kitchen, and began poking around the pantry, and fridge for food, finding several ingredients for a wholesome breakfast as I went. It wasn't long before I had bacon and eggs sizzling in a pair of pans, and some toast heating up in her toaster. The eggs were looking nice and golden fluffy, and the bacon was just getting nice and crunchy, when I suddenly felt a hand slide up my back. I shivered as the fingers of that hand pushed and pulled my fur all over under my shirt, before another hand followed, sliding both around to my stomach where they gripped eachother. I smiled softly, knowing full well who that was.

"Morning Ashley, hungry?"

She kissed my back and hugged me close,

"Mmhm, what are you making?"

"Eggs and bacon with toast. Nothing flashy, but I figured it'd be better than the junk we had yesterday, neh?"

She just kissed my shoulder and patted my back, before heading off to the bathroom. I noticed, as she walked away, that she was still naked. My eyes ran up her naked form, running up her legs and across her thighs, before she turned the corner and was out of my view.

I set about serving the food on plates, along with a glass of orange juice for the both of us, as she came back from the bathroom. She was still naked, and I felt my own face growing warm just looking at her. I cleared my throat and sat in front of my own plate, digging into my eggs as she stared me down from her side of the table.

"I didn't know you could cook."

I smiled slightly, my ego inflating a bit.

"Yeah, I can also cook more complex meals too, just wait until dinner time. I noticed you have all the ingredients I'd need to make lasagna."

She blinked in surprise at me, and tucked into her own breakfast, which she ate quietly for the duration of her eating. What was there to say? Everything important had been said the day before, now it was time to enjoy eachother's company.

After she finished eating, she sat and stared at me quietly. It made me feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Why are you dressed...?"

I blinked, unsure how to answer that question. I couldn't see the motive behind asking, and I just replied with,

"Why not?"

This answer didn't seem to appeal to her, and she frowned sadly, giving me some alarm.

"Hey hey, I just got dressed because its my usual routine when I get up, that's all. I didn't mean anything by it, Ash..."

Ash...there it was. A nickname I had coined for her. Plenty of people called her it when we had last seen eachother, including her parents...but between us, it always had special meaning. It was my name for her.

Her eyes seemed to light up as I called her that, and she stood up quickly, sidestepping the table and throwing herself into my lap, before bringing her muzzle to mine in a heated kiss. I closed my eyes and brought my hands to her thighs as she slid her tongue into my mouth, winding it around my own.

Her mouth tasted of scrambled eggs and bacon, but I didn't care, it was heaven for me, to be the object of her attention. Unfortunately for me, though, I could feel my penis begin to stir in my sheath as she kissed me in one of the most passionately sensual ways I have ever felt from anyone I have ever kissed. It was unbeleivable how much emotion she was able to put into it, I could feel her heartbeat through her mouth somehow.

Sitting on my lap, she pulled back with a knowing smile as my cock finally pressed against my pants, creating a slight bulge. She reached down quietly and popped open the button of my pants before sliding them down to my ankles, leaving myself bare for her view. I blushed slightly as she ran a hand on the inside of my leg, up to my balls before she cupped them playfully with a squeeze.

I groaned out loud as she gently fondled and massaged me, rolling my head back and closing my eyes until I felt her other leg go around the other side of me. I looked down to see her straddling me, both legs on either side of me as she attempted to position her womanhood with me, before she sat straight down, sinking onto me and burying my shaft into warmth.

"S-should we be doing this so early, Ash...?"

She leaned forward and whispered into my ear, even as she began to rock her hips back and forth on me,

"I've waited a very long year of searching for a mate, when in my heart I knew all along that you were mine. I want to have you here and now, and whenever I just make me wild..."

she bit my ear gently as she rode on me, swirling her hips around as my manhood brushed up against the walls and bent slightly at angles that made me groan. Her flattery and compliments didn't help my situation, either, as I could feel myself already nearing my orgasm. She nibbled and tugged on my ear some more as she bounced gently, pulling my hips up slightly as her pussy gripped at me, trying to tug me up with her on every upward motion. I whimpered slightly as I felt myself begin to knot as she bounced on me. She lifted herself just above my knot as it swelled, not wanting to be locked to me so early in the morning, as she had work soon. It didn't stop her from swirling her hips more though, as she reached down between her legs and gripped my knot in her hand, giving it a firm squeeze and sending me completely over the edge.

My eyes rolled back in my head as I came, several powerful spurts of my hot seed shooting up into her as she gripped tighter, causing my orgasm to increase in pleasure as I bucked and twitched under her, completely at her mercy for the moment.

Finally, it died down, and as the last of my cum left my scrotum, she stood up of of me and kneeled between my legs, licking me up and down, cleaning me off as many felines do. Once she finished cleaning off my softening manhood, she gave it a quick kiss before standing up and heading back for the bathroom. Several seconds later, I heard the shower start up, and I knew that was the end of it, for now.

Feeling relaxed now, I stood up, leaving my pants on the floor and began setting around cleaning up the dishes that were still out. I let the water run to hot and filled the pans I had used for cooking and let them sit, to dislodge any grease that may have stuck to them, then I retreated to the living room and sat on the couch, completely naked from the waist down.

It wasn't even the sexual things we had done almost a year ago, even though she certainly seemed to have more experience in pleasuring men now...briefly the thought crossed my mind that she had been giving other men this pleasure, but I clamped down on those thoughts before they turned into bitter jealousy. What would be the point anyway? I was hers, and she was mine, now. I was the object of her affections, and really, did I expect anything different? For her to wait alone for who knows how long until she found me again? That would have been as stupid as it was arrogant.

She came out of the shower, drying off her fur as she kissed me on the neck.

"Work today, but tomorrow, we have all day to ourselves. Think you can keep yourself busy today without me, big boy?"

I blushed slightly at the comment, but nodded once.

"When will you get off work?"

"At eight. Will you be around?"

I blinked up at her for a moment before speaking,

"Of course I will, Ash."

She retreated to her room to get dressed, and within half an hour she was dresed in a blouse and work pants. She pulled me down into another deep kiss before leaving, locking the door behind her as she left.

I smiled, not knowing how our newly picked up relationship was going to play out, but looking forward to all the experiences we had yet to share, both good and bad.

"I love you", I called out to no-one in particular. But I knew already that she knew it. Just as I knew that she loved me. We had never stopped loving eachother, even though our lives had forced us apart.

And now fate brought us back together again. Our future together looked beautiful.