Exodus, July 26th 2011, 5:43 A.M.

Story by MrFox on SoFurry

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#2 of Exodus

Warning! This story is intended for mature audiences only! It contans some extreme...

Warning! This story is intended for mature audiences only! It contans some extreme subjects including Rape, Cock Vore, and Transformation. You have been warned!

Exodus, July 26th 2011, 5:43 A.M.

John awoke before Patrick instantly noting the unique sensation of the two new appendages on his back. He recognized their general shape and function from the two wings growing on Pat's back. John reached up towards the ceiling with his new appendages realizing that they were already much larger than Pat's wings. Thick chords of muscle bulged beneath the solid mass of black fur that obscured his skin. The hairs were the same as the ones on his cock, but they seemed denser, if that was even possible, and less receptive to touch. Each hair had a sort of tiny hook on the end of the shaft.

Curious as to what purpose the hairs might serve John reached towards column in the middle of the living room and latched his wing claws into its furry surface. To John's surprise the hairs on his wings seemed to latch onto the hairs on the column giving him a much greater grip with the large appendages. John slowly climbed the column with his wings and once he reached the ceiling he latched onto it like he had seen Patrick do the other day.

After only a few moments of hanging like this John realized why Pat did it so often. Not only were his wings effortlessly supporting his weight, but it just felt more natural than laying on his back or stomach. John pulled himself up into the warm embrace of his furry wings enjoying the sensation of his mate nuzzling his chest as he stirred from his slumber. "Are we... hanging?" Pat asked as he looked around the black interior created by John's wings and then down at the floor below them.

John growled as his cock started to push more cum into his now conscious mate. It was like he instinctively knew when to feed the smaller alien. "I didn't know I was supposed to grow wings" John said and noted that his voice seemed much lower than normal.

"I thought you would enjoy them as much as I have" Pat said and smiled, "Just like I think you'll enjoy what's happening to your ass"

John growled low in pain as he felt pain begin to build in the base of his spine. In the space of a few short moments John's spine began to elongate one painful vertebra at a time. As his new tail began to elongate thick black fur spread down its length. The tail stopped once it was about as long as John was tall, effectively bringing his whole body length to about fifteen feet tail to head.

As soon as the tail stopped growing in length a new pain started, causing John's growls to drop even lower. Pat felt John's pain through their mental link, but he willed the transformation forward regardless, using up the stored alien potential inside his mate. Each vertebra in John's body, from the ones in his tail up to his neck, began to change in shape allowing greater flexibility, but also growing outwards towards the surface of his skin. The sharp bony spines attached to the vertebra beneath them through a modified ball-in-socket joint that allowed the spines to move freely in any direction, but also to detach if needed.

As the spines grew to their full length, varying from two inches in some places to about four in others, the muscles in John's new anatomy began to shape and grow. A solid ridge of meat formed along John's back and neck giving him greater strength in his shoulders and wings, but also allowing him some control over his new spiny growths. Pat sensed that John could easily propel the spines short distances with a focused flex of his muscles. The spines in John's new tail though could be thrown even longer distances giving him something nobody else in the pack had right now. A weapon.

Last but not least Pat focused on the last vertebra at the end of John's tail. This vertebra evolved even further than the others turning into a long sharp blade that hung off the end of John's tail. The blade was bone white when it first formed, but as the hair on John's skin touched its surface a thin layer of toxic barbed hairs grew across the blade turning it black in color.

John grunted as he looked at Pat and then focused on his new tail. He instinctively knew it's various abilities and how to control them. Throwing and shooting the spines would take practice to master, but the burly Alpha knew this was a precious gift from his mate and leader. Through the link between them John could sense that Pat was exhausted from focusing so much on John's body.

As he dropped from the ceiling John woke Brian who looked at him with mixed fear and awe. John Pulled his cock out of Pat as Brian watched, and then peeled Pat off his chest. Using his wings, John placed Pat on his back and felt his mate snuggle comfortably into the space between John's wings. The wings, and the thick fur on John's back, naturally covered the exhausted leader of their small pack. As he slept Pat's cock once again found John's ass. As it slipped inside their strange mental link switched back on and John felt Pat slipping further and further from conscious thought. "What the hell happened to you?" Brian asked and looked up at John.

"Pat made some more adjustments" John said and noticed his voice was indeed much lower than it had been the day before. "He's tired from using up so much energy and I need to feed soon" John said as his cock pushed forward and towards Brian's engorged member.

John noticed that Brian had reached a solid four feet in length and that his cock seemed to have stopped growing. It was interesting to note that Brian was not as large as John, but their cocks were nearly identical in size. "You know" Brian said as his huge alien member began to steadily pump cum into his alpha, "I don't know if this will ever feel natural" Brian said and enjoyed the sensation of being milked by his alpha.

"I could eat something out of the fridge if you are uncomfortable still" John said politely.

"No, don't stop!" Brian said and frowned, "I like feeding my... pack" he said and smiled, "It's what I was meant for"

"What do you mean?" John asked.

"It's my job" Brian said as he stumbled for words, "I'm like the hunter. I eat to make food for you and the pack, but also I bring food back for my alpha... for you John" Brian explained.

"How do you know that's your job?" John asked.

"How do you know to take care of Pat?" Brian asked back.

"I just do... its..." John trailed off.

"... your job?"

John smiled at Brian as they fed in silence until John sensed that Brian would need to go feed his hungry cock if John wanted anything else to eat this morning. Instead of waiting on Brian though John joined his pack mate as they raided the fridge. Eggs and milk were a favorite, but cold meats were delicious as well. John found that he preferred protein while Brian could eat almost anything.

After eating John and Brian returned to the living room and checked on Mark who was still sleeping where they had left him last night. Through the night he had lost all his pretty brown hair and, just like John and Brian, was beginning to grow thicker black hairs in various places. His cock was changing faster than they would have expected. It was already a foot and a half in length and had developed a head and tusks. Fur was just sprouting on the first half of Mark's cock, but John knew it would spread rapidly across the rest of his length through the rest of the day. "Should we wake him?" Brian asked.

John kneeled over his former partner and placed a massive hand on his chest. He shook the man gently as he spoke, "Mark, wake up man" John said and watched as Mark's eyes fluttered open.

"John? Mr. Whelan?" Mark asked as his eyes focused on the two men above him, "What the hell is going on?"

John and Brian set Mark up on the couch trying to explain things as fast as possible. At first Mark had looked totally freaked out, but as more and more of the story unfolded he began to look less shocked. At the end of it all he sat in stunned silence for a moment as he took in the two huge fur clad muscle cocks on John and Brian. Next he looked at John's wings and tail and shook his head. "Damn John" he said and frowned, "Why are you changing so fast?"

"I'm not" John said and felt Pat stirring on his back, "I've just got further to go than you two" John said.

"So you're some sort of Alpha, and the kid, Patrick, he's your leader?" Mark asked.

"Yes, only he's sleeping right now" John said and crossed his arms over his bare chest, "and that makes me the leader in his stead"

Mark nodded and sighed as he looked down at his own cock. While they had been talking Brian had sat down beside him offering Mark's infant cock monster the opportunity to feed. Mark watched as his cock slowly sucked precious sustenance from Brian's huge furry member. It was like watching an child feed on its parent, only Mark was too freaked out to think of it as cute. It was, however, extremely pleasurable and no amount of rationalization could change that fact. "This is the most crazy ass shit I ever saw" Mark said and frowned at the display, "what the hell are we going to tell Garry now?" Mark asked John.

"We'll deal with him next" John said and smiled as thoughts began to fill his head through his link with Pat, "But not like we did with you"

"What do you mean?" Mark asked.

"We want Garry to alert the FBI of our location here. But instead of giving him the opportunity to strike we plan on going after another valuable addition to our pack" John explained.

"Rick" Brian said and grinned evilly.

"The sheriff?" Mark asked, "Why him?"

Before John could continue there was movement behind him as Pat stirred from his resting place. It only took a few moments for him to dislodge from his mate and climb up his wings. John tenderly placed Pat on the ground in front of him and smiled as his mate continued what he had been saying through John a moment ago. "Rick has weapons" Pat said as he looked at Mark and smiled at his handy work. "We're not strong enough to take on trained human soldiers or even armed humans at all"

Mark's eyes widened at the thought of people shooting at him, "I didn't think about guns" he said meekly, "We could get killed!"

"And you are all too precious to risk in a fight" Pat said and crossed his arms, "I won't let you die just because you're part of us now"

Mark stood and looked down at the smallest member of their pack, "Just tell me what to do Patrick"


Mid day found the four pseudo aliens standing beside a large unmarked utility van. "This was the best we could do" Brian said apologetically to Pat.

"It will have to work for now" Pat said and shook his head, "What about Garry?" he asked.

"He knows nothing yet" Mark said and smiled, "He's waiting for us back at the hotel"

John placed a hand on Pat's shoulder distracting him from his thoughts, "You need to feed" John said much to Pat's annoyance. Before he could stop his Alpha John was lifting Pat up and into his arms. It only took a moment for John's cock to find Pat's ass and push inside. Once their link was established John began to direct everyone while he fed Pat thick globs of nourishing cum.

The plan was simple. Since John and Pat were too far transformed to be out in public much it became Brian and Mark's job to bring Garry to the van where John and Pat would be waiting. Once Garry was inside they would briefly infect him and then let him go free. Since Mark and John both knew Garry would tell the FBI everything they were planning to be somewhere else when the government struck their former home.

That was where Rick came it. Brian had told his old friend to meet them at his country house with as much food as he could get on short notice. Thankfully Rick was a good man and he thought he would be helping Brian and Pat get away from the FBI. Little did he know what plans they really had in store for him.

Garry would start to transform in the first few days after infection. Pat and John were both banking on his being naturally drawn back to the rest of the pack. Pat already had an idea of what he wanted Garry and Rick to become. The more he thought about it the easier it became to see the needs and roles of his small pack. Garry would be a Guardian like Mark and Rick would make and excellent second hunter.

John crawled into the cramped inside of the back of the van causing the vehicle to shake violently. It was uncomfortably warm and cramped in here, but Pat would have to deal with it for now. "Try to stay still guys" Mark said from the back of the van, "It looks weird when the van moves like that"

The doors slammed shut and the first phase of their plan began.

Mark watched as the small town whizzed past his window as they drove towards the hotel. As strange as this all was he couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement! Not only was he turning into an alien, but according to John he would be a huge soldier alien! That was fucking hot! Thinking about having a mate to fuck like John and Pat fucked was making his two and a half feet of cock writhe in his sweat pants. It was only his first day as an alien and Mark was already having fantasies about more hot alien sex.

Before he knew it the hotel came into view. Brian parked the van in the back of the hotel where nobody was likely to notice it. "You ready for this?" Brian asked and looked over at Mark.

"Ready as ever" Mark said as he unbuckled his seat belt and hopped out of the car.

Brian waited with the van nervously hoping for the best. He hadn't wanted Mark to go alone to get Garry, but the former agent had insisted. Just when he thought he couldn't wait any longer Mark walked out of the hotel with a confused Garry beside him. Brian caught the end of their conversation, "... and we thought you would want to see this for yourself. This is exactly what we've been looking for" Mark said slyly and Brian could only wonder what he had told Garry was inside the van.

Brian nodded to Garry who looked like he didn't recognize him. "Mr. Whelan?" Garry said as he realized who it was. "Damn, have you been working out?"

"I've always worked out Mr. Cross" Brian said smoothly and focused on keeping his hungry cock from moving in his oversized sweats.

Garry shrugged and turned to the van. "Let's see what you found then" he said and made his way towards the back doors.

Brian and Mark were right behind him as he opened the door and peered into the stuffy darkness. Garry wasn't expecting the hard push he got from behind sending him tumbling into the van and into the arms of a very horny Alpha. "Hi boss" John said in a low growl as he pulled the gun out of Garry's side holster and tossed it to Mark outside the van.

"John? Mr. Johnson, you better have a good reason for...!" Garry was cut off as Pat moved in and silenced the man with his huge cock. As the fur clad muscle cock slid down the man's throat John ripped his pants off and pushed his own member into Garry's ass.

"It's time for you to listen to us" Pat said savagely as he surged into the poor human. "You're going to go tell your men about the aliens you found. You'll tell them that they ate the poor people living in our old house. Make sure we are dead on record before you leave them to come find us. We'll be staying in the woods north of town. Do not dare try and betray us or we will find and kill you" Pat said and looked at John who nodded at him.

John and Pat both exploded into the unfortunate human. His insides were quickly filled to bursting with potent alien cum. Pat didn't have time to do many changes to the man, but he made sure to adjust Garry's brain enough to keep him from wanting to betray them. Garry passed out as he was quickly filled with thick gray-brown alien cum.

As fun as it was to rape the poor man neither Pat or John got much time to enjoy it. In a few short minutes the infection was over and they quickly pulled out of him. He would change slowly at first, but he would still only have three days or so before the FBI noticed his changes. If he was smart he would abandon his former alliances and begin to search for his new pack.

Mark and Brian took Garry back up to his room as quickly as they could and then returned to the van. They had a long drive ahead of them and they both knew that this whole plan hinged around getting away from their former house. As Mark hopped into the passenger seat beside Brian he smiled at the man before he spoke. "How about a quick snack while we drive?"

"Just keep that monster of yours below the dash and we'll be fine" Brian replied as his cock pushed out of the waist band his sweats and towards Mark.

"Sounds like fun" Mark said as he leaned back and moved his own member towards the furry mass of meat extending towards him. This was going to be a long drive, but at least they could enjoy it a little bit.