Dinner Guests

Story by Jean_N on SoFurry

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Dinner Guests

A string of Christmas lights slowly drag themselves into a box. Soon the whole string of lights entered the box and a small Jean climbed out of the box. He was wearing his winter jacket with small long jeans along with a scarf and small beanie. The boxes rested outside in the backyard, He and Jess had taken most of the decorations down and put them away but today it was just him as Jessica was at work. After putting the lid on the box he was exhausted and went inside to lie down and relax. The clock read 12:00PM. Jessica unlocked and opened the front door closing it behind her. She had noticed all the lights had been taken down and smiled as she saw Jean sleeping on the couch. She put her keys on the kitchen counter and got herself a drink. She then gently shook Jean awake and giggled. "Well good evening sleepyhead." Jean looked at the clock which now read 5:00PM and yawned. "Oh, hello darling. How was work?" Jean yawned sitting up. Jess sat near him and sighed. "Oh it was ok. But working as a bartender is harder then ya think and we were busy today." Jessica sighed. "Oh well just take a load off and I'll start dinner in an hour." Jean smiled getting up and climbing up Jessica's shirt. Jess watched him climb and when he was standing on her sholder she kissed him and he kissed her back. "Oh, that reminds me, We will be having dinner guests tonight. The Foxles are coming over and after dinner we can put in a movie or something." Jessica smiled. "Hehe or play twister." Jean blushed. "Oh you naughty Mouse. Maybe." Jessica smiled kissing him again. Jean smiled and jumped onto the couch before jumping onto the floor. "Well I will start cooking dinner then." Jean smiled walking into the kitchen. Jess smiled and laid down. "Wake me in about half an hour. Its been a long day." Jess told Jean. Jean smiled and nodded as he climbed onto the counter. In half and hour he had prepared almost the entire meal. While he waited for the main course to finish cooking he hoped off the counter and onto the couch where he proceeded to tickle and rub Jessica's belly. "Hehe, time to wake up angel." Jean smiled. Jessica slowly opened her eyes and smiled. "Awe, already time to get up?" She yawned. "Hehe yup. But dinner will be worth it." Jean smiled kissing her belly. Jessica giggled sitting up and picking Jean up placing him on the counter. "Hehe well while ya finish dinner I will go freshen up and put on my sexy dinner dress." Jessica smiled blowing a kiss to Jean. Jean blushed and returned to work. About twenty minutes later Jess exited her room wearing a low-cut black dress and her hair was fixed into a ponytail. Jean had all the food arranged and covered hiding what he had cooked and whistled at Jess as he saw her. "Phew that's a very sexy look for you." Jean smiled. "Why thank you. You go get ready and I will set the table." Jess smiled at him. Jean smiled back and jumped off the counter and went into his small mousehole. He soon returned dressed in a nice formal white shirt and black formal pants. ""Hehe this always feels weird..." He complained. "Aw you look handsome. Oh and the table has been set." Jessica smiled. The doorbell rang and Jean rushed to his seat. Jess laughed and opened the door. "Good Evening. Come on in." Jessica smiled stepping aside so they could come in. Jean got in his seat in time to see Mr. and Ms. Foxle step inside. Mr. Foxle was tall and wore a suit while Mrs. Foxle was wearing a beautiful silver dress over her very lithe body. Both smiled and greeted Jean as they sat down at the table. Jessica soon joined them and giggled. "Welcome to the neighborhood." Mr. and Mrs. Foxle smiled and nodded. "Thank you. It seems to be a nice neighborhood. I see you are the infamous couple of this neighborhood." Mr. Foxle smiled. "Yes we are. But I don't see the big deal." Jean smiled. "Oh but it is. In some societies its an atrocity. She is your natural predator and as such she should be eating you and digesting you." Mrs. Foxle told Jean. "Oh well... I don't feel that way tword Jean. I love him and he loves me. Now lets eat." Jessica said getting mildly upset about the topic. Jessica took the covers off the food to reveil a well cooked Chicken, Corn, Mashed poetatoes, gravy, bread rolls, and for dessert Jello. "Hmmm Fox's like chicken right?" Jean asked the Foxles. "Why of course, one of our favorites." Mrs Foxle smiled. "Ok, then dig in everybody." Jean cheered. Soon dinner was finished and all that was left was some bread rolls and some jello. Jessica stood up and took the dishes into the kitchen and started to put them in the dishwasher. Mr and Mrs Foxle pulled jean closer smiling. "Hey, you're a smart mouse right?" They asked whispering. "Um... I guess." Jean smiled back. "Then you would want to leave her before she eats you. What you two are doing is unnatural. Her kind eat yours. Its in her instincts and one day she will give in and eat you. Then you will be nothing more than kitty shit." Mrs. Foxle explained to Jean. Jean thought for a few minutes and giggled. "If she was to eat me I wouldn't care. I would be part of her and as long as I am with her then I am happy." Jean told the Foxles. "Hmmm... very nice to hear but when your melting away and are nothing more then shit we'll see what you say." Mr. Foxle said. Jess entered the room again and smiled. "Well the dishes are now being washed so shall we put on a movie?" Jessica asked. The Foxles looked to each other and nodded. "Sounds good. Do you have the movie Star Wars?" Mr. Foxle asked. ""Hehe of course. Jean is a HUGE fan. Right sweetie?" Jess asked Jean. "Oh definitely." Jean smiled. Jessica put the movie in and the Foxles sat on the couch. Jess sat at the end and Jean sat in her lap. During the movie the Foxles kept looking at Jean and Jean kept getting an odd feeling of being watched. About halfway during the movie Mr. and Mrs Foxle got up and walked by Jean and Jess. "Something wro-" Jess was asking as Mr. Foxle grabbed Jess and held her down and Mrs. Foxle grabbed Jean and held him firmly. "What are you doing?!" Jess cried as Mr. Foxle dragged her into the room and tied her to the bed. "What you two are doing is unnatural and sick. He is food and you are a predator." Mr. Foxle explained as Mrs. Foxle held Jean. "So your gonna.... Make me eat him?!" Jessica cried horrified. "Yes." Mrs. Foxle answered simply. "Before you do that may I please have a stick of gum?" Jean asked sighing. "I don't see why not. But you wont be able to eat it. Its too big little mousie." Mrs. Foxle smiled giving him a stick of gum. Jean held onto the stick as she placed him into Jessica's mouth. "Jess.... Please chew for me. I don't wanna die slowly." Jean told her tearfully. "No..." She cried back. "Please." Jean begged. "Awe that's cute. Now eat." Mr. Foxle commanded. Jean pulled the gum into her mouth with him and had taken the wrapper off. Jess refused to chew or move her mouth at all. Mr. Foxle sighed and grabbed Jessica's jaw moving it up and down. Inside her mouth her teeth were chewing on the gum and her saliva had already soaked Jean and the gum. Jean kept rolling to avoid the teeth. Jessica cried trying to stop her jaw but was powerless. Jean rolled too late and Jessica's tooth cut his arm. It wasn't a deep cut but it was deep enough to have Jessica freak out tasting blood. Soon the chewing stopped and Mrs. Foxle rubbed Jessica's throat. Jessica started swallowing and tears poured from her eyes. As he was being swallowed Jean grabbed onto the chewed gum. Jessica's tight throat muscles massaged Jean as he traveled down Jessica's throat. He wrapped himself in the gum and with the air he had when she inhaled he made a small bubble in which he could breath and the acids wouldn't touch him. Jean entered her stomach and saw what her acids were doing to the dinner. The chicken she ate was almost completely digested and everything else was just a mixed soup of nutrients. The gum landed in the acid with a splash and Jean worried his bubble wouldn't hold. After a few minutes the bubble still held Jean and he kept an eye on any and all parts of his bubble. After about an hour of watching and listening to Jessica's belly Mr. and Mrs. Foxle were convinced Jean was digested and untied Jessica. "Now you can go on with your life." Mr Foxle smiled as they left hand in hand. Jessica just laid in the bed and cried herself to sleep. Her dreams were filled with images of Jean digesting inside her and him chewed up. The next morning Jessica woke up and smiled. "Good Morning hon." Jessica turned to see that Jean wasn't next to her. Her belly gave off a low gurgle and she started to cry. "I am so sorry... I hope you didn't suffer..." She cried as she got up. Jessica walked over to the bathroom and took off her dress and undies. She sat on the toilet and grunted. Meanwhile inside her Jean woke up as everything around him moved. His bubble had popped and he appeared to be surrounded by poop. The gum still covered him and kept him from being completely messy. He started to move downward and smiled as his plan had apparently worked. Jess pushed and farted feeling all of the air in her bowels release. Soon after a large brown log emerged from her tailhole and made a big splash. Jean soon saw light as the second log exited Jessica's tailhole and he struggled to get free from the gum. He could hear Jessica cry as she wiped herself. He got free from the gum and jumped off the poop he was standing on and caught the edge of the toilet seat as Jessica stood up. He fell off due to being wet and slippery. Jess looked back at the turds in the toilet and cried not seeing Jean on the floor. "Goodbye my sweet prince... I love you so much and I'm sorry." Jessica wept. Jean cried feeling touched as she cried and walked out from behind the toilet. "Whats wrong baby?" jean smiled. Jessica looked at him and smiled, tears of joy rolling down her cheeks. "Your alive!" She said as she picked him up and kissed him. "Uh baby... I need a shower." Jean teased. "I don't care, I am just so happy your alive." Jess cried. Jean smiled and kissed her back. "So how did you survive?" Jess asked curiously. "Oh... I encased myself in the gum." Jean said simply. Jessica decided not to ask too many questions and jean showered off in the sink. Before they left the bathroom Jean climbed up to Jessica's sholder and kissed her. "Hmmm, that was one crazy dinner party." Jean smiled. Jessica smiled back and flushed the toilet. The remains of last nights dinner disappearing from sight.