A Day Well Spent

Story by Exilo on SoFurry

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The train had been on schedule for most of the day, making Runt's ride fairly stable, if not pleasant. If there was one thing he hated, it was deviation from the schedule. So having all the spots setting in, Runt leaned back in his chair rather casually and closed his eyes, drifting easily between a sense of sleep and a sense of awake. It had been about four hours on the train. Runt got up and stretched his legs every few minutes. He switched seats often, and found different places to sit each time so he wouldn't get uncomfortable. When he noticed the next stop was his, he gave a sigh of relief.

And Amethyst was there at the train stop to meet him. It was surprising, since he hadn't told her what train he would be coming on. He had to wonder if she had been waiting there all day, and it still put a smile on Runt's face. He got up and stretched himself out, cracking a few kinks out of his back and his knuckles. Amethyst, standing on the train stop's rim, stretched a hand, as there was a bit of distance between the train and the platform. Runt took the hand and was pulled off balance, and came to rest in Amethyst's arms as she pulled him into a hug.

Runt's real name was Russell. Everyone called him Runt because of his stature of 5'2". Amethyst was a good six inches taller, at least, and now he was practically smothered in the boobs of the tall bat. She smelled of darkness, if that were a smell at all. Perhaps it should have been something that disturbed Runt, but he did not pull away. He only breathed deeper.

"It's good to see you again, hun," said Amethyst, releasing him from the strong grip.

"It's good to see you too, Amy. It's been a long time."

Runt turned his head to the side and put his cheek against Amethyst's tight belly, hugging around her frame. She was warm, and yet cold at the same time. When her wings wrapped around him to hug, he was smothered in darkness.

The apartment was a small, bachelor pad sort of place, something that Amethyst could afford while she also paid for college, which wasn't too far away. They ate a dinner of minced fruits, sitting on pillows on the floor like true college students. He told her about his life since he had last seen her. Several years ago, Runt's father had died. Although he had been an abusive alcoholic who beat Runt often, he still left Runt whatever money he had managed to scrape together over the years. Runt could have paid his way through community college with his inheritance, but instead he decided to open a small clothing shop, a specialty shop that tailored to the very small and very large. Now he was thinking about opening another store, in fact, in another city that lacked a store like his, so the market was there. If this town ever had a problem with obesity, he talked about opening a store here too. Amethyst listened with the utmost fascination, as she always did. She was hunched over slightly, nibbling on a kiwi, then a shiny red apple, then a green apple. She always ate a lot of fruit. She had also dressed down once they were in the safety of her apartment. She explained how she didn't have any A/C, so she was normally naked when indoors, away from leering eyes. Now all she wore was a bra and a pair of panties, both white, sharply contrasting against her black fur.

"Am I overdressed?" Runt chuckled. He wore jeans, and an overcoat, the travel clothes as he had come from someplace cold into someplace warm. The slender bat waved a hand, to which Runt stood, turned, and began to disrobe.

Runt could do nothing about his depressing height, but healthy eating and daily exercise had given him a slim, muscular physique. His fur was mostly black, save having four white paws and a white mark on his right eye, and white on his tail tip. All and all, he was distinctly house cat.

He padded over to the bat, smiling Cheshire. "Yes?" she asked.

Runt walked over and sat down beside the bat, snuggling close. A soft giggle escaped Amethyst. "I remember when you were afraid of everything. When reaching a hand out for you left you shaking. What happened to that frightened little pussy cat?"

Runt smiled and snuggled closer. Resting a bit closer, he brushed his lips over her mouth, earning another soft giggle. "I've really missed you," Runt said softly. "You'd be amazed at how unattractive the women are that come to my store."

Amethyst brought her arms up, and wrapped her wings around the house cat. They hugged. "I've missed you too, Russell. I wish you would come over more often."

He chuckled softly. "Every bird has to leave the nest sometime."

"And go sell dress coats to fatties?"

"And suspenders to midgets. Still, it's a good business. I get to meet lots of interesting people. Some of them tell me about stuff, too. Some of them have interesting stories."

Amethyst's brow lifted. "Oh? Such as?"

"You remember what we did last time?"

Amethyst giggled. "Yes, I remember. You want to do it again?"

"Something like it. If you don't mind staying still...it's important. That you stay still. That you keep still, and careful. Alright? Good!" Runt kissed her softly on the muzzle, before giving her a soft push and pushing her onto her back. Runt slithered down her shapely form. His paws came to rest on her supple breasts, and he gave them a soft squeeze, before using his tail and one leg to push her thighs apart. She obeyed, opening her legs to him, and watched as he slithered back still and came to rest between her shapely thighs. "Have I mentioned you're beautiful?" he asked softly.

"You could stand to say it again." Amethyst was now resting on her elbows, propped up so she could keep watch the little house cat as he reached forward and hooked his fingers in the thin wire of her panties. Amethyst rolled her eyes. Still propped up, she moved her hair aside with one of her claws. Runt moved slowly, slipping the panties down over the tight embrace of her buttocks against the ground. Once free of her rump, he was able to pull them easier down her legs, until they were at her ankles. The smell of darkness had grown stronger, the tingle of it tickled his nose. Such a strange smell. So impossible to explain. He scooted closer, and rested his paws on the furry black of her thighs. Carefully he dipped his head forward and gave her lips a careful kiss, making the body quiver.

"Are you lonely out here?" Runt said softly, looking to her.

Amethyst shrugged easily. "I...I suppose. College is boring, work is boring. I just come home and sleep usually."

Runt dipped his head again, this time running his bumpy tongue up the length of her fleshly lips, moving in a slow stroke as if he were grooming himself. Dipping his head, he moved again, and again, and on the fourth time he held his muzzle there and took a deep huff.

"You haven't changed a bit," Amethyst said. She thought of holding his head there, not minding the sensation of his rough tongue as it plunged in and deep, pulled out, plunged in. She sighed, setting her head down after grabbing the pillow Runt had been sitting on before, and spreading her legs a little wider apart. It wasn't that this was bad. Just...he had done this before. She was wet and tingling in the pit of her stomach, she felt pleasant sensations run through her. This wasn't bad at all. Somehow she had expected something different though. Instead of propping up on her elbows, she lay back slowly, wiggling side to side to get comfortable on the pillowed floor, and slowly, she closed her eyes. Yes, she had certainly missed this, even if it was familiar.

Runt lifted his head slowly and looked forward. He smiled to her, and leaning forward, gave her a kiss on the center of the belly. Then he leaned back, and rested on his legs. One finger ran down the center of her fleshly lips. Two fingers ran down the center of either thigh. Runt took a deep breath, and then brought his hands together. He very slowly pushed his fingers against the moist, furless flesh, and felt his hands slide in up to his wrist without much of a problem.

Amethyst lifted her head slowly, a perplexed look on her face, but Runt did not make eye contact with her. His white, furry paws pulled out, and he once more traced the flesh between her legs, as if tenderizing the area for what came next. Clapping his hands together again, he pressed them forward carefully, this time sliding wetly about halfway up his forearm. It was amazing how easy it was, at least for now. His eyes looked forward to the rim of her womanly parts, and watched with fascination as the skin stretched so easily to accommodate the growing bulk of muscular arms. And once more he pulled out.

"S-stop that," Amethyst said, sitting up, but a goo covered hand reached forward and caught her on the shoulder. Runt gently pushed her down so her back was flat once more, and then resumed his work. His hands sunk in with the familiar slurp, and Runt moved his rear paws over the ground, coming to rest on his belly with his head directly in front of her lips. Using the strength in his shoulders, he stretched her carefully, finding he was starting to take her to her limits. "Just try to relax," he said softly. His rear claws dug into the ground, and he pushed himself forward. The growing size of her lips was an awesome sight, as he let his arms relax, and then spread her once more.

Amethyst kept looking at him, panting softly, then falling back and wiggling, fidgeting. It felt odd, yet oh so good, what was going on. The powerful bulk of arms, the fur tickling her sensitive inside flesh in a way that nothing else could. Sometimes she giggled softly, finding the pleasure a tickle. Other times she moaned and gritted her teeth. Her legs stretched out, then curled in, out and in. She squeezed the house cat between her legs once or twice, when a strange twitch ran through her, before she relaxed and released him, and allowed him to resume.

Runt took a deep breath of the stale air as his muzzle passed the threshold of her insides. His arms closed slowly, and his head was embrace by the warmth of her insides, and the scent flooded his olfactory sense. Not to mention his ears (which were now pinned by the tight embrace of her inner muscles) could hear the many sounds inside her, or maybe that was the pounding of his own heart, blood rushing to his extremities. His mind felt dizzy and he couldn't breathe. There was a pressure on his throat and what air he could take in was stiff with the warmth of her dark scent. He braced his arms, and using his elbows stretched her wide, earning a loud scream from the bat as the thousands of nerve endings that lined her inside walls were pushed up against. Squirming like a worm, the little house cat stretched out his body and pushed his way inside.

By now, it was getting difficult. Amethyst's muscles actually clenched upon him, and his arms came to be pinned at his sides, leaving his tail and legs to kick rather comically out of her embrace. Amethyst's claws dug deep beneath her, digging holes into the ground. When Amethyst seemed to calm down, when her muscles grew accustomed to the warm, furry, breathing bulk inside her, Runt slowly stretched his arms apart to widen the cavern he found himself in. He wiggled those precious inches inside until his torso, perhaps the widest part, had passed through the threshold. Then she clenched so tight, she almost squeezed the breath out of his lungs, and Runt was forced to wait for her to loosen up once more.

By now, an impressive bulk was starting to show in Amethyst's body. Pressing out of her abdomen was a sizable lump, which shifted rather cutely every time Runt moved his head or pushed out with his hands. Amethyst was panting, teeth clenched so tight, body shaking, she could barely register what was happening. There was just a surge of intensity rushing through her.

The moisture that was inside of Amethyst, streaming quite heavily now, made his ascent much easier. With almost half of him inside, it was hard to get any leverage. His rear paws could not find a proper grip in the ground. His tail was wagging rather dumbly, flailing about, occasionally whacking Amethyst's clitoris, which made her see white.

Amethyst lifted her head, and through the hazy oblivion saw the little white paws of Runt kicking and squirming. The problem of leverage was solved when Amethyst reached forward, and placed a hand on his rump. She bit her lip so hard she tasted blood. Her chest heaved, and tears streamed down her face in the sense of sheer bliss. She spread her legs wide, wide as they could, though it didn't help the problem of the bulk of the full grown cat. But still, hand securely gripping his tail, she used her strength to stuff him in deeper.

Runt's slick body moved inside the ever widening threshold, now with the added pressure from bat. At some point, after one tight squeeze, Runt went limp, and she was forced to push his deadweight deeper through her own strength. Where she called upon it, she hadn't a clue, but all that mattered was the heavenly warmth inside her. Her stomach was twitching and pushing now, as Runt returned to life and began to squirm and fight, sending waves of pleasure through her, as he settled heavily in her womb. She sat up slowly, using one hand to keep balance, while her other kept pushing more and more of the bulk inside her. She screamed once or twice, and then leaned forward, now using both hands. Gripping his white feet tightly, she pushed him in, and then up, marveling at her body's ability to stretch and take this fullness inside her.

And when only his toes and tail tip were left, she collapsed back. Her muscles finished the job. They opened wide, and then clenched tight, a rhythm that brought him those extra inches, until her flesh lips sealed behind his rear paws, and he was left in the dark moisture of her womb. He squirmed and twitched inside her. He pressed his arms straight, making it look like he might burst forth, but then he recoiled tight and lay still. A warm, breathing, living thing inside her. Still laying down, she brought up one of her hands and stroked herself slowly. A final tear streamed down her face, and she took a careful breath, then exhaled a breath she had been holding for too long. "I...I...Runt..." She chuckled softly. "I really wish you came to see me more often."